No longer a baby: what a child should be able to do at five months. No longer a baby: what a child should be able to do at five months Lifting the body based on the hands of an adult

Five-month-old babies are very active and inquisitive. They explore the world around them with great pleasure, master and improve their speech skills, and also continue to develop physically at a rapid pace. At this age, children become real fidgets, and it can be quite difficult to keep track of them. Five months is such an age when a child can no longer be left unattended even “for a minute”.

The weight

The weight of most babies doubles by the age of five months, and growth increases by 14-15 cm from the moment of birth. Starting from this moment, the rate of weight gain slows down somewhat. This is due to the fact that the motor activity of the crumbs increases, and the baby is already spending much more energy to explore the environment. If a newborn baby gains about 1 kg in weight per month, now this figure is almost halved and is about 550-600 g.


The skin of a child at this age is still quite sensitive - this can lead to abrasions and red spots that appear as a result of rubbing against various surfaces. For example, if a child plays on the floor, there may be minor damage to his knees that result from the touch of the hard fibers of the carpet on the delicate skin of a child. In addition, the baby no longer spends so much time in the crib, so dirt and dust on the skin accumulates more often and in large quantities, which can also provoke skin irritations and prickly heat. The tendency to the appearance of diaper rash on the skin of the genital organs of the child increases. The baby grows, the amount of urine excreted increases, and this can cause significant discomfort if the baby spends a lot of time in a diaper.

To avoid all these problems, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carefully monitor the hygiene of the baby. Bathe a five-month-old child should be every other day, at least.
  2. Do not keep the baby in a diaper for longer than 3-3.5 hours.
  3. You can give your baby air baths several times a day. If the temperature in the room does not allow completely undressing the child, at least the skin of the genital organs should be ventilated. To do this, simply remove the diaper (you can put cotton sliders on top).
  4. Change children's clothes as they get dirty. Do not keep your child in dirty clothes all day - this will allow the skin to breathe better.


The hearing aid of a child at 5 months is already very well developed, and the baby distinguishes not only the voices of people, but can also determine the direction in which the sound source is located.

The baby reacts to the sounds he hears by smiling, laughing, crying, or even screaming if the sound source is loud or sharp enough. He may turn his head, wave his arms, or reach for the person who is currently talking to him. The child is already able to recognize the voices of his relatives, but the mother's naked remains the most familiar and familiar to him. During this period, you should talk with the baby as much as possible, sing songs to him or read fairy tales. At the same time, it is advisable to change the intonation of the voice - this will allow not only to develop the child's hearing, but also to train his future speech skills.

If you have any doubts about your baby's hearing, you can do a little test. To do this, turn off the radio, TV and any other sound sources. Next, you need to move behind the baby at a distance of about 4-5 m and clap your hands or quietly call the baby. Repeat on the other side. If the child does not show a reaction and does not turn his head towards the source of the sound, the doctor (otolaryngologist) should be informed - the baby may need treatment.


The visual skills of the five-month-old baby also continue to improve. Your baby's vision is fine if the baby:

  • focuses well on a toy or other object;
  • follows the rattles with his eyes, turns his head following the moving object;
  • stops looking at bright toys.

Some babies are born with mild strabismus. This phenomenon is considered physiological, and does not pose a danger. By the fifth month of a child's life, the signs of strabismus should be completely gone. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude possible pathologies in the development of vision.

emotional development

At the fifth month of life, the crumbs actively form speech. The kid is already able to pronounce some vowels and consonants, and even tries to put them into syllables (“walk”). This is a very important stage in the intellectual development of the future personality.

No less significant is the ability of the baby to recognize native people. When he sees mom or dad, as well as people who are well known to him, the child begins to “walk”, smile and pull his hands. If a person whom he has not seen before tries to approach the baby, the child begins to show anxiety, cries and screams. An example of such behavior can be a trip to the clinic. When a doctor tries to examine a five-month-old patient, the child begins to cry loudly, throws a tantrum, tries to push away the hands of a stranger.

Also, the baby behaves when it enters a room in which it has never been before. The baby begins to look around, trying to look for objects and things that would be known and familiar to him.

At the age of five months, the child begins to entertain himself during feeding: he can smile, play with the breast, try to pinch it. Do not be offended and angry at the baby: this behavior is an important stage in the formation of emotional skills, and means that your child develops in accordance with age.

What should a child be able to do

The doctor, determining the correspondence of the level of development of the child to his age, focuses on generally accepted norms. These are average values, and they may differ for each individual child, so do not worry too much if your child does not yet know what his peers are doing. Each child is unique and develops according to individual needs.

What can a child at the age of five months:

  1. He confidently holds his head and turns it to the sides, following moving objects.
  2. Reaches for toys and things that interest him.
  3. Lying on his stomach, raises his head to 60 degrees, and can hold this position for a minute.
  4. Rolls from belly to back and back.
  5. Holds objects well in hands.

Often, mothers begin to worry if their child develops differently than other children at his age. In some cases, a slight delay in the physical development of the baby is possible:

  • the child at birth had a low body weight (less than 3 kg):
  • the baby was born with pathologies and spent some time in the neonatal intensive care unit;
  • birth as a result of multiple pregnancy;
  • individual characteristics of the child's body;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

In all these cases, you should not panic ahead of time if the doctor thinks that everything is in order with the baby. As a rule, no serious health problems are observed in such children. The doctor may prescribe an additional intake of multivitamin complexes, as well as increase the dosage of vitamin D.

Video - baby development at 5 months


According to the recommendations of the All-Russian Health Organization, the nutrition of a five-month-old baby should not include anything other than breast milk. However, there are situations when the introduction of complementary foods has to be started a little earlier. Under what circumstances would this measure be justified?

Lack of milk in a womanIf the baby does not gain weight well, cries during feeding, requires a breast every 1-1.5 hours, this may mean that the mother does not produce enough milk to meet the needs of the crumbs. In this case, the introduction of complementary foods may be recommended even at the age of 4 months.
Development of anemiaBy the time the baby is 5-6 months old, the amount of iron in breast milk decreases, and it may not be enough to cover the needs of a growing body. Iron deficiency can cause serious complications, so it is recommended to introduce fruit purees (especially apple), juices and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) into the child’s diet
Low body weightPoor nutrition of the mother can lead to a lack of nutrients, which is fraught with a lag in the growth and development of the baby. Children who are underweight should start giving cereals, as well as vegetable and fruit purees.
Tendency to constipationSuch an unpleasant phenomenon can not only cause discomfort, but also cause pain to the little man. If constipation in a baby appears too often, it makes sense to introduce additional sources of fiber into the menu: fruits (prunes, apples), cereals (oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat), vegetables

Important! The ideal food for a baby is mother's milk. The question of introducing other foods into the baby's diet should be decided with a pediatrician, taking into account the characteristics of a particular child!

The table below shows the norms for the introduction of complementary foods for babies at 5 months:

A five-month-old baby is actively showing interest in the process of eating. Mom should encourage the baby and not interfere with him in such an important stage of development as the study of food. It is worth buying separate dishes for the baby, let it be a plate with funny animals or bright cars. When choosing children's tableware, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product - it should not contain harmful and dangerous substances.

Advice! Buy dishes for the child only in specialized children's stores. Be sure to ask the sellers for a quality certificate for the goods.

Most babies at this age are not yet able to sit up on their own. Mom can feed the baby, holding him on her lap. Also on sale now there are a large number of high chairs, with the ability to adjust the position of the back. Such models are suitable even for five-month-old children.

One of the common mistakes that young mothers make when introducing complementary foods is the use of bottles with special nipples that allow you to feed your baby with liquid cereals and mashed potatoes. This should absolutely not be done. This can lead to eating disorders in the child, as well as problems with appetite at an older age.

Daily regime

A properly organized children's regimen contributes to the harmonious development of the baby, strengthens the central nervous system and helps the child's body to recuperate.


Healthy sleep is simply necessary for the formation of the baby's immunity and the development of the brain and nervous system. Most babies still wake up for night feedings. This happens, as a rule, no more than once a night. If we talk about the physiological needs of the child, then we can say that at 5 months, children are quite ready to refuse meals at night. Now is the best time to teach your baby to sleep through the night without waking up. To do this, try not to give the baby milk if he wakes up. You can replace it with compote or slightly sweetened water. Soon, children get used to the lack of food at night, and begin to sleep until the morning, ceasing to wake the household at night.

The norm of sleep for a five-month-old baby is 14 hours a day. Of these, night sleep should be at least 8-9 hours, the rest of the time falls on rest in the daytime. Most babies sleep twice a day during the day, but there are those who need three daily naps for a good rest.


A child at 5 months is very inquisitive, and walks are not only a wellness procedure for him, but also a means of learning about the environment. The kid is happy to look at fallen leaves, puddles, flowers, running past animals. With a five-month-old child, it is best to go for a walk at a time when he is not sleeping. This will not only contribute to its development, but also free up a few free hours for mom, which she can devote to household chores or herself.

Walks should be at least 2 hours long. At 5 months, your baby's brain is still developing and it just needs a good supply of oxygen to function properly.

Advice! You need to walk with the baby in any weather (with the exception of strong squally winds, thunderstorms and snowstorms). This will help strengthen the protective forces of the child's body!

Massage and gymnastics

For the correct physical development of the baby, physical activity is of great importance. They are necessary to strengthen the muscular system, improve the musculoskeletal system, improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Massage for a five-month-old baby should include stroking, patting, rubbing. It is best to do it in the evening after swimming. However, massage has an invigorating effect on some children, so watch your child: if he cries for a long time after the massage and it is extremely difficult to calm him down, it would be best to transfer the procedure to the daytime.

Gymnastics with a five-month-old child should also be done daily. Exercises that can be performed specifically for your baby should be selected individually with the help of a healthcare professional. They can be obtained from the visiting nurse, who should examine the baby once a month.


Almost all children at this age like water procedures. When bathing a baby, you can use various devices that will make this process more convenient for mom and more interesting for the baby. It can be slides, mattresses, circles, swimming caps. If the baby is already sitting by himself, you can offer him a special bathing seat (this option is only suitable for those children who can sit without assistance). The water temperature should be around 36-37 degrees. If the baby is restless falling asleep, you can add various herbs to the bath, for example, lavender, chamomile or string. They have a calming effect, and will help the baby fall asleep faster.

Bathing a child at five months should be every other day. If the house is hot, or the baby sweats heavily and often, water procedures should be carried out every day.

In the first year, the development of the baby is very rapid. The baby constantly pleases with new skills and small achievements. A five-month-old baby is very different from a newborn toddler. What has the baby learned by the age of 5 months and how can parents stimulate the development of crumbs at 5 months?

Physiological changes

  • The physique of a baby at 5 months becomes more proportional, and the muscles are significantly strengthened.
  • The child's vision continues to develop. From the look of the baby, neither stationary nor rapidly moving objects escape. Also, the baby likes to look at the pictures.
  • In a 5-month-old child, saliva is quite abundant, which is not only associated with the upcoming teething, but also helps to clean the oral cavity, because the baby pulls almost all objects that have fallen into his hands into his mouth.
  • The stool of a child who is fed only breast milk can be both frequent (5-6 times a day) and rare (once every 2-5 days). Babies who are formula-fed or started to receive complementary foods usually defecate 1-2 times a day, and their feces are more dense and pungent.
  • Urination at 5 months of age is normal up to 15 times a day.

The hypertonicity inherent in newborns usually disappears completely by 5 months of age.

Physical development

During the fifth month of life, the child adds about 700 grams, and his height increases by an average of 2 centimeters. The girth of the chest begins to prevail over the indicator of the circumference of the head.

Each baby develops at its own pace, but experts have determined the average indicators that are characteristic of most children of a certain age. Having learned them, you will be able to find out whether the child is growing normally and whether additional medical advice is needed.

We have collected the limits of the norm and averages for 5-month-old babies in the following table:

You can use the calculator to calculate norms for your child. The calculator is based on height and weight guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Height and weight calculator

What can the baby do?

  • The baby has mastered rollovers on the back from the position on the tummy. Now the child himself chooses the position in which he will study the world around him. Some babies have also begun to learn to crawl. While they are trying to move on their stomach, actively moving their legs, and also roll.
  • The baby can already sit, but only with support (for example, in a high chair). At the same time, the back of the crumbs is bent, so doctors do not recommend leaving a 5-month-old baby in a sitting position for a long time. If you hold the baby under the armpits and put it on a solid surface, you will notice that the child will stand on straightened legs.
  • The baby freely controls his handles and is able to both grab and hold objects for a long time with both hands. Invite the child to take a toy and see how the baby grabs it with a handle. The baby will carefully study the subject and can get so carried away that he will spend up to 10-15 minutes with the toy.
  • The peanut already knows his mother and other people with whom he often communicates well. He animatedly responds to manifestations of attention from loved ones and distinguishes the tone with which they communicate with him. Strangers, on the other hand, cause a completely different reaction in the child, mostly wary.
  • The baby's speech is actively developing and is a long cooing. In the sounds uttered by the baby, one can already note a certain intonation that the child copies from his parents. Some babies already pronounce not individual sounds, but syllables.
  • The little one really likes songs and nursery rhymes from his mother's lips, which is manifested by stormy fun. Just as violently, the baby is able to express negative emotions, for example, when they took the toy away or put it in the crib, and the child still wanted to talk to his mother.
  • The kid began to be interested in adult food. He looks into the plates of mom and dad, and if parents like the idea of ​​​​pedagogical complementary foods, this behavior can be an occasion to start introducing the baby to the first portions of new food.

You can do the exercises shown in the following video, according to the method of O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

Activities for development

  • Spend about 10 minutes daily on gymnastics, because this will help the baby to strengthen the muscles (especially now it is important to strengthen the back of the baby) and learn how to control his own body. Spread the baby's arms to the sides and cross them on the chest, then pull the baby by the arms to give him a sitting position. After that, move the baby's legs, turn the baby over on his stomach and work out in this position.
  • Place a bright toy close to your baby to encourage crawling. so that the baby could not reach it with his hands, but was forced to try to crawl a little. Place a palm under the legs of the little one, from which the child can push off.
  • Massage by 5 months of age is a little more complicated. The baby's body can now not only be stroked and rubbed, but also pinched, kneaded and beaten.
  • Keep training on fitball, because it not only helps the development of the muscles and the vestibular apparatus of the child, but also improves the digestive function. Also, classes in the water - in the pool or in a large bathtub - are of great benefit for the development of the baby.
  • When buying new toys for your child, show your child how to handle them. Let the baby see that the ball can be rolled or thrown, the rings from the pyramid can be scattered or folded, and the plush hare can be stroked or hugged. Do not forget about the safety and cleanliness of all the toys that you give the baby, because the baby will definitely taste them.
  • While awake, constantly talk to the baby, so that the child hears new words and your intonation. Often call the little one by name, and when showing photos of relatives, be sure to pronounce their names as well.
  • When talking to the little one in a voice, lean towards the baby's ear and say a few words in a whisper.
  • When communicating with a baby, suddenly stop and make your face motionless. The baby will be surprised and then try to get you to talk to him again.
  • Play with the baby in a game that can be called "up and down." Raise the baby and say "up", then with a different intonation say "down" and lower the baby.
  • Come with the baby to the big mirror, so that the child sees not only his own, but also your reflection and can compare them. Even if the baby does not understand yet that this is only a reflection, he will like to see himself and his mother in the mirror.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to do sitting and crawling exercises while bathing, After all, it is much easier for a baby to move in the water. When wiping a baby after a bath, name the parts of the baby's body that you touch.
  • Play peek-a-boo with your little one using different variations of this game. You can cover your or your baby's eyes with your hands, hide your face under a towel or diaper, hide behind a closet, or even hide a toy under the covers. No less interesting for the baby are the games of "patties" or "magpie-crow".
  • Encourage your child to look at pictures of animals. and at the same time name the animals and imitate their voices.
  • If possible, make or buy a fabric book for your baby, on the pages of which there will be different applications, laces, buttons, Velcro. Such a little thing will help in the development of the child's senses.
  • You can introduce the little one to finger paints. Dip baby's hands into jars of bright colors and leave marks on the paper. This will certainly cause positive emotions for both the crumbs and you.
  • For a walk and during household chores, seat the baby in a sling. From it, the baby will be able to observe all your actions and the world around him, while feeling your warmth and protection.

When massaging, it is better to use nursery rhymes: both you and the child will be more interested.

For information on how to massage a 5-month-old baby, see the video of Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.


In the first period of wakefulness of a 5-month-old child, hygiene procedures familiar to the child are performed. The baby's face is washed, the eyes are wiped, and the nose and ears are cleaned as needed. In addition, the baby needs to cut their nails regularly, as they grow back quickly.

At the age of 5 months, the child continues to do daily gymnastic exercises and massage. You should also bathe the baby every day, especially since the baby really likes such evening procedures.

Daily regime

A baby of five months is awake for about 2 hours after each sleep, sleeps three times a day for a total duration of up to 5 hours and about 10 hours at night. Many 5-month-olds stop waking up at night for feeds.

Walking with a child of this age is still recommended twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon. Often, babies during such walks no longer sleep, but consider the world around them. The duration of walks is determined depending on the weather, for example, if it is rather cool or it is raining, you can only walk with a crumb for 1-2 hours, and in warm summer weather in the shade of trees you can spend up to 6 hours a day with a baby.

If a 5-month-old infant is exclusively breastfed, there is no strict feeding regimen. The baby sucks while going to bed, as well as after waking up. A feature of feeding at this age are frequent interruptions - the baby can be distracted by any rustle or noise. Complementary foods for children who receive only mother's milk are not yet introduced at the age of 5 months, provided that the baby is healthy and the mother has enough milk.

A bottle-fed child has a strict meal regimen, which provides for 5 feedings at the age of 5 months with pauses between them of 3.5-4 hours. The total amount of formula for crumbs is calculated based on the weight of the baby (it is divided by 7). Further, the daily amount of food is divided equally by the number of feedings. On average, a 5-month-old baby receives from 900 to 1000 ml of the mixture per day, eating approximately 160-200 ml of food at a time.

The number of complementary foods for formula-fed babies and infants who began to introduce complementary foods earlier according to indications is increasing. Babies begin to be given not only vegetables and porridge, but also fruit puree, as well as vegetable oil.

Calculate your feeding schedule

A five-month-old baby continues to develop intensively, successfully improving previously acquired skills and acquiring new ones. He is increasingly fascinated by the study of the world around him. The task of parents at this age is to actively help the physical and psychological development of the child.

Physiology of a child at 5 months - the height and weight of the baby

By the end of 5 months, the child should gain up to 700 grams and grow a couple of centimeters.
Baby averages:

the baby is improving every day, the task of parents is to carefully observe the child and, in case of deviations, consult a doctor.
Vision The kid for a long time focuses his eyes on the subject that interested him. If you drive them in different directions, the baby confidently follows him with his eyes.

How to develop: For the development of eye muscles, it is useful, holding a bright toy at a distance of 35-40 cm from the child’s eyes, slowly move it from side to side and up and down several times so that the baby follows her with his eyes.

Hearing baby The kid easily determines the source of the sound and reacts to it. He expresses dissatisfaction if he does not like the sound and smiles happily when he hears pleasant intonations.

Examination: To test your hearing, you need to stand at a distance of 5 meters from the baby, call him softly or clap your hands. A child with normal hearing will turn their head in your direction and greet you with a joyful smile.

Remember that the most favorite sound for the baby is the voice of the mother.

New sounds The baby quickly replenishes its sound reserve and constantly babbles something. He develops the ability to use speech as a means of communication.

Conclusion: That is, the sounds that he makes have an emotional connotation. The baby, through sounds, shows that he is good or bad, happy or sad.

Need for sleep The daily duration of sleep for a five-month-old baby is from 14 to 16 hours, at night it accounts for most of it - up to 10 hours.

At 5 months, the child sleeps 2-3 times during the day, depending on the physiological needs.

teething Many babies start teething by the end of 4 months. Children have a hard time with this process. The kid does not sleep well, is naughty, loses his appetite. Teething is accompanied by high fever.

Motor activity and skills of the baby at five months

At 5 months, the child's motor activity increases markedly, as the last manifestations of muscle hypertonicity disappear. The baby is no longer lying in the crib, calmly looking at the toys. He successfully turns on his stomach, raises and holds his head, leaning on the handles. Lying on his back, he tries to sit up, diligently lifting his back from the bed.

The mobility of the child helps to strengthen all the muscles of the baby. The movements of the crumbs become purposeful, coordination improves noticeably, arms, legs and neck move in concert, obeying one goal. If you spread toys around the crumbs, he, trying to get them, learns to crawl.

The child becomes quite flexible. Resting his head and legs against the surface of the crib, he arches, almost making a "bridge". The baby can easily put his toe in his mouth.

During this period, the child's favorite hobby is throwing objects. The baby diligently collects toys and throws them out of the crib. All children go through such classes, so do not scold them.

A normally developing child, approaching six months, should be able to:

  • Roll over on your own to the tummy and back.
  • Lying on your stomach stretch the legs and arms, making a “swallow”, bend and hold your head well.
  • Support mother's breasts while breastfeeding , and bottle-fed babies - hold the bottle on their own.
  • No problem stuffing into your mouth and sucking your toes .

Mental and emotional development of a child at 5 months

The child actively explores the world and is very pleased when this happens with his mother or other people close to him. For full development, you need to devote enough time to meet the cognitive needs of the baby.

Tactile sensations and fine motor skills

The baby should receive different sensations by touching different objects. He already knows all his toys, it's time to expand the circle of acquaintances.

What do you need:

  • Walk around the rooms with your child, letting him touch furniture, curtains, refrigerator and other items (soft and hard, rough and smooth, cold and warm). Name them along the way and explain their properties.
  • For the development of fine motor skills sew several bags, pour different cereals, beans and peas into them. The kid will touch them with handles with no less pleasure than toys.
  • Pay attention to how your baby grasps objects . At 5 months, the child should take the ball or ball with spread fingers, the stick or pencil with the whole palm, and the rope with the fingertips.
kid and music Music from an early age affects the spiritual world and the intellect of the child. It helps to relax, can cheer up the child and defuse emotional tension.

In addition to music, it is useful for the baby to listen to songs. that my mother sings. It can be not only lullabies, but songs for all occasions, for example, when the baby is babbling and muttering something, sing along to him:

The nightingale sings, the nightingale sings

Sings, sings young

young, pretty

Pretty, pretty!

It will not be difficult for any mother to find and memorize a few nursery rhymes, rhymes or songs.

Introduction to books A good book with bright illustrations perfectly satisfies the child's needs for learning new things. . Looking through books together with mom and her explanations for pictures contributes to speech development, expands the worldview and imaginative thinking, and has a beneficial effect on the baby's intellect.
Educational excursions During walks, the child is no longer satisfied with simply lying in a stroller. It is interesting for him to consider everything that is around him, to determine where certain sounds come from. . Give the opportunity to touch the objects of interest to the baby. During walks, talk more with the baby, telling him about everything that he sees around.

Further development of speech skills

At the age of 5 months, the formation of the child's speech occurs. He not only utters individual sounds, but also tries to imitate your intonation.

The most important thing in the formation of speech skills is that the child must learn to understand the speech of adults. , rather than perceive it as a simple set of sounds. You need to talk with the baby slowly and clearly, accompanying the words with actions.

For example, while rocking the baby in your arms or on a swing, comment on the child’s movement : "Up - down, up - down." So far, the baby is not able to understand the meaning of what was said, but he can learn that movements in opposite directions are indicated by different words.

Use more easy-to-understand words in your speech . For example, a doll is Lyalya, a cat is meow, a grandmother is a woman. Such sounds are easier for the baby to repeat.

Baby food at 5 months

The diet of children at the age of five months is not much different from the nutrition of a child at 4 months. Breast milk is still the best product for a baby. Since the baby's ventricle grows with him, he eats a larger amount of food at a time. In this regard, the number of feedings is reduced.

At the 6th month of life, the baby is enough to eat 5 times a day.

  • No matter what kind of feeding - the baby is breastfed or artificial, he needs an introduction.
  • If you haven't started doing this before , at 5 months, it is imperative to add new foods to the child's diet.
  • For one feeding the baby should be given only one product to try.
  • By the age of six months in the diet of the baby should be present vegetable and fruit mixtures, dairy products, cereals, juices and compotes.
  • start complementary foods you need half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume.

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child's allergic reactions to a particular product.

Exercises to help the physical development of a child at 5 months

Physical exercise and massage play an important role in the development of the child, helping the baby grow healthy and strong. In the morning and evening before bathing, you need to devote a few minutes to massage and gymnastics. In addition, daily you need to perform a number of physical exercises that strengthen muscles and help you learn new skills.

We strengthen the press The baby is pressed against his body , with one hand holding his legs above the knees, and with the other - just below the tummy.

In this position, the baby can bend and unbend your body, "shaking" the press and strengthening the muscles.

Learning to crawl Lower your baby to the floor more often laying out toys in a small distance. At 5 months, babies should learn to crawl.

At first, the baby's legs will slip , but gradually the baby will cope with the task.

Learning to stand on all fours The baby will really start to crawl when he gets on all fours. If he raises his ass while trying to crawl, you need to lift him by the tummy so that the arms straighten out and he can lean on his palms.

First time the baby will fall in a few seconds, but after training he will succeed.

Pull up

Take the baby by the arms when he lies on his back. Sip the baby on yourself first to, and then completely raise the baby. Such exercises should be part of the morning and evening exercises.

Later, the child is given a smooth stick or rings, for which they pull it up.

We develop the vestibular apparatus Get your baby up in the air , making "flights" around the room, swing it, putting it on your feet. Fitball exercises develop the vestibular apparatus well (swinging from side to side, circular turns, tilts).

Give your baby as much time as possible, because only the care and love of loved ones helps the versatile development of the child.


Time flies quickly and 4 months from the moment our baby was born is behind us. Many problems - such as intestinal rabbits, bloating due to accumulating gases, they are no longer as acute as in the first months of a baby's life. But parents face other equally relevant and important questions: how to teach baby to roll over and crawl what educational games are suitable for a five-month-old baby, how feed properly and make a daily menu, how to measure the temperature. These and other important questions will be discussed in this article.

Five-month-old babies lie on their tummy with pleasure and can hold the body on outstretched arms for a long time.

Many babies are very adept at rolling over from their tummy to their back at this age, so you need to be very careful when they are on a bed without sides. By the end of the fifth month, some crumbs can crawl fast and stand on your feet, holding on to the back of the chair or the bars of your crib.

Try to communicate with your child as often as possible - talk to him, tell stories and rhymes, sing lullabies , demonstrate finger games. Now in the development of the child, articulation and conversational skills are very actively laid. The baby coos with pleasure and demonstrates his emotions with facial expressions.

First teeth at 5 months?

Babies usually start teething at 6 months after birth. But recently the appearance of the first teeth at the age of five months is no longer uncommon.

The first signs of erupting teeth:

suddenly the baby starts a runny nose and the temperature rises;

saliva is very abundant during the daytime, and at night the child often wakes up and is very naughty;

the stool in the crumbs becomes very liquid;

if you run your finger along the gum, you can feel the seal or the edge of the incisor that has already erupted.


At this age, the baby confidently raises the head and body, leaning on the surface with handles;

Able to change position, turning from back to side and belly. If the baby still does not roll over on its own from the stomach to the back, then try to do exercises with it more often that strengthen the muscular system and do a massage;

The grasping reflex and the eye are already quite developed and the baby easily reaches for an interesting toy and grabs it with a pen;

If you show a five-month-old child bright pictures in a book, then for some time he focuses his eyes on colorful illustrations. In addition, the baby should be able to concentrate on the action that interests him and follow the event with his eyes;

A 5-month-old baby can coo and make sounds resembling syllables;

Should instantly be able to distinguish "us" from "strangers". When an unfamiliar or unfamiliar person appears before the eyes of the crumbs, he may burst into tears and calm down when the stranger disappears from his field of vision;

Must be able to confidently turn the head to a nearby sound.


By 4-5 months, the body of a small child is ready to assimilate a denser consistency than breast milk. It's time to gradually introduce complementary foods into your baby's diet. . Thanks to complementary foods, the developing child's body will additionally receive vitamins and minerals, and chewing abilities will also develop. But mother's milk is still included in the diet of an infant, if for one reason or another the baby is not breast-fed.


In order for the child not to experience problems when swallowing food, make complementary foods with the most homogeneous consistency. Only after 3-4 weeks, introduce more varied and dense foods into the diet;

Introduce complementary foods very gradually and offer each subsequent product only after the obvious adaptation of the child's body to the previous one;

Give juices and other drinks to your baby after breastfeeding , and complementary foods - before feeding. It is enough for a 5-month-old baby to give a little more than five grams of complementary foods, gradually increasing the volume to 130-140 grams over several weeks. If the consistency of the baby's stool does not worsen, then continue to increase the amount of food;

First, it is best to add mashed potatoes from one type of vegetable to the baby's diet with a gradual transition to a vegetable mixture (the least allergenic foods are zucchini, potatoes, beets). It is important to avoid increased gas formation in the intestines of the crumbs, which causes bloating;

Then you can add porridge to the diet. But choose gluten-free cereals for the preparation of complementary foods - cornmeal, rice, buckwheat;

Spoon-feed your baby warm food. The baby should be in a sitting position.

Sample menu for a 5 month old bottle-fed baby:

1) 6 am - 200 grams of kefir;

2) 10 am - 150 grams of buckwheat porridge in milk and 4 tbsp. spoons of fruit puree;

14.00 - 200 gr of kefir and 6 tablespoons of fruit juice;

18.00 - 150 gr vegetable puree and half a chicken yolk;

22.00 - 200 gr of the mixture.

Sample menu for a 5 month old baby:

6 am - breastfeeding;

2) 10 am - 150g vegetable puree, half yolk, a few tbsp. spoons of fruit puree;

3) 14.00 - breastfeeding, 5 spoons of juice;

18.00 - breast milk, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 5 tablespoons of juice;

22.00 - breastfeeding.

Why does the child spit up profusely and often?

A five-month-old baby should spit up from time to time.

If you think he is spitting up too much then pay attention to the following points:

The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly and swallows a lot of air with food;

Too long an interval between feedings forces a hungry baby to swallow food quickly and in large portions. The stomach is very overloaded and pushes everything back.


Below is an example of a daily routine for a baby:

How many hours does a 5 month old baby usually sleep?A five-month-old baby sleeps an average of about 16 hours a day. Sleep is divided into three short daytime (several hours) and one long - night. At night, the baby sleeps 9-10 hours, but may wake up periodically, for example, if he is hungry or feels unwell.

How to organize sleep time for a small child:

If the child does not sleep well and falls asleep for a long time, give him a relaxing massage 15 minutes before bedtime;

Baths with chamomile added to warm water have a calming effect on the child. If the baby sleeps badly and often wakes up, then make such a bath for him at night before going to bed;

Before going to bed, tell your child a story or sing a lullaby . After that, talk to him affectionately and with the same intonation. Always try to talk to the baby with the same intonation before going to bed - it will be psychologically easier for him to fall asleep;

It is not advisable for a 5 month old baby to give a toy to bed before going to bed . He will most likely play with her, and not fall asleep, hugging his beloved teddy bear or dog, as older children do;

The first walk is not desirable earlier than 2 hours after the crumbs wake up;

In the daytime, it is advisable to go for a walk with the baby so that he sleeps in the stroller in the fresh air;

Even if the baby will be naughty while laying down and will not fall asleep for a long time, do not take him in your arms;

Don't over wrap your baby before bed. You can even put him in a crib in stockings or panties, and cover him with a light blanket on top. The movements of the baby in the crib (or in the stroller) before falling asleep should not be constrained;

Usually a baby at 4-5 months sleeps until feeding time. Try to help the baby fall asleep if he woke up long before feeding - pat him on the head, open a little if he sweats a little. If the baby wakes up 15-20 minutes before feeding, give him a toy , play with it. Do not start feeding earlier than the time you set in the daily routine.


The rate of growth and weight gain at five months slows down somewhat when compared with the indicators of these parameters in babies up to 4 months. During the fourth month from the moment of birth, the baby gains an additional 740-830 grams, another 2-3 cm is added to the growth, the circumference of the chest increases by about 20 mm, and the circumference of the head increases by 15-18 mm. Below is a table with indicators of the norm of weight, height and head circumference of a five-month-old baby:

◘ Weight ◘

How much does a baby weigh at 5 months:
On average, a boy's weight ranges from 6.2 kg to 9.4 kg.
Girls weight at this age - from 5.6 kg to 8.7 kg

◘ Growth ◘

What is the average height of a child at this age:
The height of a five-month-old boy is from 62 cm to 70.3 cm
Girls growth ranges from 59.4 cm to 68.6 cm


How can you measure the temperature of a small child and how to use antipyretics?

It is advisable to use a children's electronic thermometer to measure temperature. It is best to measure the temperature in the armpit of the crumbs during sleep. For more, take measurements several times. Permissible fluctuation limits - from 36.3 °C to 37.1 °C

If the temperature increase is insignificant, then you can perform the following procedure to reduce it: completely undress the baby and rub with massage movements legs, tummy and back of the little one with vodka (since even weakly concentrated alcohol can cause burns on the baby's skin). You can rub the baby with table vinegar, if you dilute it in a one-to-one ratio with water. After rubbing, let the baby lie on the diaper without clothes for 3-4 minutes.

If the temperature increase in a child is significant, then first of all it is necessary to find out the cause and immediately begin to eliminate this cause after consulting a pediatrician.

Only after the examination, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for the disease and means to reduce the temperature. For a child at 5 months, it is preferable to use rectal suppositories with paracetamol - the drug is quickly absorbed by the rectal mucosa and quickly enters the bloodstream, providing an antipyretic effect. Rectal suppositories can be used even during a child's sleep. Suspensions with paracetamol can also be used (Panadol, Efferalgan), but a small child may spit out the drug or burp.

Causes and ways to eliminate cough in a child at 5 months:

Cough in a child is a protective reaction of the body and a way to get rid of excess sputum and germs. Do not use products that relieve the symptoms of a cough but do not address the cause.

Allergies can be attributed to the causes of a cough in a small child. To fix the problem, it is enough to identify the object with which the baby contacts and coughs after that.
Also, the cause of the cough of a five-month-old baby may be profuse salivation due to the cutting of the first teeth. . It is desirable that the baby is more often on the tummy while playing on the floor, so that a large amount of saliva does not get into the larynx.
If the cause of the cough is a cold or flu, be sure to consult a doctor - self-medication is dangerous for a small 5 month old baby!

What to do if the baby fell and hurt himself badly?

The reason for the deterioration of the well-being of a five-month-old baby may be a fall from a sofa or crib. If a child falls and gets hurt, be sure to take him to the hospital or call an ambulance. Do not try to independently determine the degree of bruising by symptoms. Brain bruises, concussion, fracture and other possible consequences of a bruise should be determined only by a specialist!


Try daily to improve the physical abilities of a 5-month-old baby and strengthen his musculoskeletal system. In this video lesson, you will clearly demonstrate how to perform massage and exercises that develop the muscles of the crumbs:

What can a child at 5 months?

Your baby is 5 months old. Right now, for the first time, you can hear from your beloved child something similar to the most important word: “Ma-ma”. Of course, while the baby says it randomly, mastering a new type of speech - babbling. And the sound combinations "ma", "ba", "pa", "yes" are the simplest. Therefore, the child will delight you and himself, stretching and singing them all day long.

The baby is all set to communicate with adults. The best game for him is the one where there is dialogic speech. No wonder the mass of nursery rhymes consists of questions and answers! If the baby's speech apparatus is actively developing, he will soon be able to repeat the answers after you. Although so far this is only an attempt to copy, and not a full-fledged speech.

We understand people

Strangers now elicit a wary reaction. This is normal and even wonderful. Explain to the kid who came to visit you. And guests should not take the crumbs in their arms before he “met” them: he examined, touched, made sure of the “safety” of a stranger, sitting in his mother’s arms.

When the mother is nearby, the baby is not afraid of strangers. But the appearance of a stranger at a time when mom is not around can cause a real tantrum. This reaction to strangers is a very important stage in the development of the child's psyche. He learns to divide the world into "us" and "them", to single out an individual from the general background. Support the baby, explain to him everything that happens. By the way, the "familiar" for the child is the one who plays and deals with him almost every day.

The kid himself seeks to call adults for contact. To do this, he often imitates the actions that he would like to receive from a loved one: he pulls his hands, smiles. He can start to walk and coo when he obviously doesn’t want to do it, smile when he doesn’t feel like smiling. Thus, the baby "provokes" adults to the desired reaction. And not having received it, he begins to cry bitterly and offendedly.

At 5 months, babies improve the skill of visual control of hand movements. At this age, “eye-hand” movements are almost always coordinated, and the child easily takes out the right toy after looking in its direction.

The kid becomes more independent. Now he can amuse himself with interesting toys or objects for about ten minutes without stopping. Moreover, he usually chooses the subject that interests him at the moment. This is another important step in development - the formation of the ability to choose and concentrate attention. In addition, it is necessary for the development of learning ability.

The kid also keeps in memory not only faces, but also hairstyles, color and style of your permanent clothes (for example, a home dress in which he sees you every day). Therefore, an immediate reaction follows a new hairstyle or an unusual outfit: the baby is alert and examines, feels, listens to his mother, who, for example, dressed in evening dress and did her hair or dyed her hair.

Grab age

Grasping is a purposeful action of the baby, one of the most important and vital for manipulating objects. It forms the basis of active-cognitive action. By the end of the 5th month, the child can grab, pull, hold, push, swing, twirl, lower the objects of interest to him.

First of all, he must feel everything, taste it, feel it again. He is already interested in such characteristics as temperature, surface features. Use it and satisfy your interest in games. For example, let the baby hold and feel a cold and hot bottle, a piece of ice. Let him dip his fingers into warm porridge or jelly. Nothing that is still far from acquaintance with adult food, as long as it is only a means of knowing the world around us.

The child learns to consciously unclench the handle, releasing the object that he was holding from his fingers. Therefore, do not scold the child for throwing toys out of the crib. On the contrary, keep practicing! In addition, this is the first experience of active interaction with an adult: the baby throws, and the mother brings. If you are tired, just switch the attention of your son or daughter to another game.

At 5 months, the child perfectly raises his shoulders, arms, legs. If you give him fingers to grasp, he will pull himself up on his hands and sit down. But still not really able to sit. And planting specially - in pillows - is not worth the crumbs. This can lead to curvature of the spine and problems in the development of the pelvis. But the baby can pull up as much as he wants. Hang small rings above his bed - grabbing them, he will train his arms and back muscles.

If you notice that the child pulls up on one arm more than on the other, be sure to massage the “weak” side so that the muscles develop evenly. The back muscles of the crumbs are already developed so much that, lying on his stomach, he can make an “airplane” - he raises his head, arms, legs and waves them. Do not be surprised if, lying on his back, the child quite consciously puts his toes or heel into his mouth.

Getting to know the body

At 5 months, the baby is actively getting to know his body. Many mothers are worried when they see that the child is feeling his genitals. In fact, such actions are quite natural. Only the situation should cause concern if the baby is constantly fixed in this lesson. This behavior indicates that the baby is experiencing constant bodily discomfort (for example, you rarely change his diapers or use them or baby cosmetics incorrectly, which caused irritation in the genital area).

This is also done by children who sorely lack affection and tactile contact with adults. If you notice that the child is pulling the handles to the genitals, calmly tell what “there” is (just like you explained where the nose, mouth, eyes are), and direct the pen to a further “tour” through the body.

Punishments, slaps on the hands, on the contrary, fix the baby's attention on the "forbidden" zone, and it is this reaction of adults that can lead to masturbation or deviations in sexual development in the future. In the meantime, there is no sexual background in the communication of the baby with his body and cannot be. He's just interested and happy.

Home game library

At this age, it is very important to ensure that congenital physiological hypertonicity gradually passes. Only then will the baby be able to deftly control his arms, legs, and whole body, learn to crawl, sit, stand up. Relaxation games and a sense of rhythm will help you with this.

  • Mesh-mesh dough (raise and lower, kneading, arms, legs, stroking the child's head)
  • There is room in the oven.
  • I bake-bake I loaf - (pat crumbs all over the body)
  • Head go-go, go-go! (shake head from side to side)
  • The motorboat is barely crawling.
  • Motorboat, motorboat, speed up!
  • Motorboat-motorboat, full speed ahead! (bring the legs bent at the knees to the stomach and back quickly and slowly).

Playing peek-a-boo not only amuses the baby, but is also very important for brain development. You can play it in different ways: closing your eyes with your hands; applying a towel, a diaper, a blanket to your face and looking out from behind them; hiding behind a door or closet, and then looking out from there; closing the baby's eyes with his own hands, and then removing his hands; hiding the toy under the covers. And then pulling it off; drawing a semblance of a face with a felt-tip pen on the thumb and hiding it in a fist.

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