When and how to instill a love of learning? Child and school: how to instill a desire to learn How not to discourage the desire to learn.

It is important to remember that every child is born to learn. Think about how many new skills a child learns in the first two years of life: seeking their own needs from adults, walking, talking, smiling, frowning, sleeping at night and playing during the day, eating on their own, exchanging toys with peers.

By the age of 4-5, most children know colors and numbers, can ride a tricycle, and handle complex toys and complex people. If two or more languages ​​are spoken in the parental home, a child under 10 years old is able to become a native speaker of all these languages.

For a child, every day of life is filled with a huge amount of new information and new opportunities to learn. Unless he is isolated and emotionally or physically abused, his every day is filled with learning. Every day he feels satisfaction from new victories.

It is enough to look at a small child, full of determination to succeed in the business he has begun, to learn not to give up. Parents do not need to instill in their child a love of learning, because it is inherent in him by nature. The main task of parents is to keep this love.

1. Learn for yourself

As is the case with many other things, children learn the love of learning at home from their parents. If a parent likes to learn new things, if he likes to solve complex problems, if he strives to hone his skills to the level of mastery, the child will follow this example. The desire to expand your own knowledge and the ability to get out of your comfort zone is contagious.

Keep your enthusiasm and love for learning. Share stories with your child about how you achieved something that wasn't easy at all. Show your child that this or that task requires a lot of strength and patience, however, having coped with it, you feel satisfaction from achieving the goal.

2. Share your curiosity with your child

By nature, children are very curious. Maintain this quality in your child with your own curiosity. Ask aloud a question about how this or that mechanism works. Take your children's questions seriously. Look for answers on the Internet or in books. Watch programs about science and nature together and discuss what you have learned from them. Do simple experiments at home.

There are tons of fun experiments on the internet that are easy to do at home, ranging from a mini volcano model to learning chemistry through cooking. An hour or two of research time on the weekends will keep the child's love of knowledge alive.

3. Read and read again

Academic success in school largely depends on how well a child develops reading skills and interest in reading. Read aloud to children. Have your child take turns reading one page for you and the other for him. Choose books that are "addictive" so the child will be interested to know what will happen in the next chapter. Go to the library and bookstores with your child. As soon as he learns to read for himself, a whole literary world full of knowledge and entertainment will open up to him. Children who love to read will not feel uncomfortable when they are given a voluminous reading task at school.

4. Write and write again

Interestingly, teachers and psychologists often advise reading as much as possible, but there are not so many tips to learn how to write. However, writing skills are key to success in school. Many parents are happy when their child learns to write his name, but you should not stop there for a long time, it is important to continue developing the writing skill. And it starts with collaboration.

Ask the child to describe the picture and write down his story. Together find letters familiar to the child. Keep a joint diary in which you will write down all the good things that happened to you during the day. So the child will learn to express his thoughts. As soon as he can write individual words, invite him not only to dictate to you, but also to write himself. Such a diary will not only develop a useful writing skill, but will also become a real family treasure years later.

5. Get interested in what's going on at school

Children can read the emotions of their parents. And if a parent is truly interested in the school life of his child, this interest will be transferred to him. Ask what your child has learned at school. Take an interest in his affairs, but do not criticize.

Look through the verification and control work together, analyze the result. Pay attention to how your child feels about doing homework. Ask him open questions that require a detailed answer, and not just yes / no. Keep up to date with your child's grades and ask teachers about their progress.

6. Create a study area

It doesn't matter if the child is doing homework at the kitchen table or at his own desk. It is important that the place and time should be allotted for study, and everything you need should be at hand. If a parent allocates space and sets a time for homework, he shows the child that his affairs are taken seriously.

Reduce distractions, like the TV on or the ringing phone. Periodically ask how the child copes with the task. There is no need to constantly sit with him and follow every letter, it will be enough for him to know that you will come to the rescue if necessary. Do not forget to rejoice in the success of the child, positive reinforcement from parents is very important for him.

Original: Marie Hartwell-Walker - 6 Ways to Keep Your Kids Excited about School

Translation: Eliseeva Margarita Igorevna

For the first time, all the children go to the first grade with pleasure, but after the very first holidays, the desire to learn from many simply disappears.

Hopes of knowing the world and gaining new fascinating knowledge can simply collapse in one moment. There may be several reasons, but there are ways to eliminate them. It is enough just to figure it out and not be lazy to devote enough time to this process.

There are schools where high school students tend to respond in class the same way they did in first grade. And this happens where talented teachers work. If your child's school is tense with such, you will have to try yourself.

Why does the desire to learn disappear?

From time immemorial, both at school and at home, "forced pedagogy" has been operating. Therefore, instead of the joy of gaining new knowledge, we hear from elementary school students that they are afraid of rabid dogs, earthquakes and .... This is how our kids perceive learning: like earthquakes in case of a wrong answer in the lesson!

The task of parents and teachers - not to instill fear of getting bad grades, but to develop the student's abilities, teach him to think and learn. But an earthquake or a mad dog cannot develop the ability, right?

Parenting Mistakes

We ourselves kill the child's desire to learn. Who wants to love math if one missed lesson means they have to sit at home doing their homework instead of playing hockey with their friends? So we only develop the student aversion to study .

Parents often put pressure on their offspring, saying that they themselves studied only “good” and “excellent”. Understand that now your child's load is many times greater than it was once with us! You can see for yourself with what a huge heavy backpack he goes to school and how much time he takes homework.

Adults have come up with value system : if a child studies well, then he is a good person, if he is in the ranks of the lagging behind, then he is bad. So you will not only not teach your baby to love learning, but also develop an inferiority complex in him, which will not allow him to become happy in adulthood.

: “Good schools are those that children want to go to, they strive to acquire new knowledge and stretch their hands in class even in high school. The secret of the success of such schools is the absence of forced pedagogy. If a child is not afraid to get a bad grade or arouse the resentment of teachers, this will make him a free, relaxed, confident person in his strengths and abilities. Such a child will grow up to be a full-fledged and serious adult.

How to instill a love of learning?

Parenting by Success . If earlier child did not understand something or did not know how, and then learned to do it, will help to realize the magnitude of one's own capabilities. Support this joy of learning in a small student - throw him new and new tasks, increasing their complexity as you progress. This ability to get involved, the thirst for mental work determine the level of development of the child.

positive example . It is important for your fidget to see that his parents are also constantly learning something, and they enjoy and benefit from acquiring new knowledge. Remember that children repeat everything after their moms and dads. Therefore, sign up for French courses, dance, design airplane models, collect them - such a pastime will benefit all family members.

Active . We understand that on a day off you want to lie on the couch and do nothing, but this will not help your child's development. Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions or concerts, then discuss everything you see. Such children's curiosity will gradually be transferred to study.

Presence effect . Self-fulfillment for elementary school students is a task, at times, almost supernatural. If you leave everything in the same mode, then you will have to sit with your child until the end of school. Try to create the appearance of your help in completing the lessons. Be there when the child is preparing, but at the same time go about your own business, just keeping a little eye on the student so that the student is not distracted.

Denis Filonenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: “Most often, the parents themselves are to blame for the lack of interest in learning in a child. He learns well only when he is interested in the subject. On the other hand, interest appears only if the child knows the subject well. We get a vicious circle. Therefore, the role of parents, their perseverance and desire to work with the child is so important here.

Overcoming difficulties . Teach your student to derive satisfaction from overcoming difficulties. Together with him, celebrate any, even the most insignificant victory, praise him and rejoice for him. Let him feel what it means to be a winner.

We develop attention

The ability to concentrate on a subject is the basis of good study. There are many ways to train attention, willpower.

Method number 1. The child stands with his back, and you lay out several objects on the table. Then he turns. Examines objects for 3-4 seconds, and then turns away again and lists those that he remembered. Then you can rearrange items, add until the student gets tired.

Method number 2. Hang colored circles on the wall in the nursery. In the same 3-4 seconds, the child must remember and say the name of the colors: red, blue, green, yellow and in reverse order. A month of training allows you to remember 7-8 circles, which is equivalent to memorizing 3-4 pages of a textbook after the first reading.

Knowledge of the world around is pleasant for a child. That is why children, as a rule, go to the first grade with interest. In addition, studying at school for a child is another step towards the long-awaited adulthood.It is from school that a different life of a child begins.

First grade at a British international school is a crucial moment. It is at the school desk that the baby grows older, increases knowledge and develops. To achieve academic success, it is important to instill a love of learning from childhood.

Psychologists recommend that the educational process be completely placed on the shoulders of the child. He must understand the full responsibility of what is happening. To prepare lessons, there must be discipline and a certain plan. A child can be obedient and do everything, but the task of parents is to instill a keen interest in learning.

How can you help your child love learning? We offer some actionable tips.

How to instill in your child a love of learning

1. interest through the game. An ingenious method is computer mini-games, as on the site http://igrofresh.ru/. Everyone knows that kids love to sit at the computer. Wise parents can combine business with pleasure. It is enough to choose the appropriate genre to interest the baby.

2. Own example. An excellent option would be the interest in learning from at least one parent. It is worth inviting the baby to go to the library, museum or science exhibition. Show by example how exciting and informative it is to gain knowledge and learn something new every time.

3. Support and care. Children are very inquisitive due to their age. And this is one aspect of learning. Toddlers learn to explore the world around them game form. And it is not advisable to interfere with them. You should not scold the child for dirty clothes if the baby decides to dig in the ground to find out how earthworms live.

4. Everything has its time. The problem of modern mothers is that they are already trying to teach the child all the wisdom from early childhood. They brag about how well the child reads, adds numbers, and can count to ten in English. Despite the fact that the baby is only two years old. A child at this age should still play.

5. Personal hobby. It's good when a child has a hobby. For example, a kid collects cars, you can arrange an excursion for him to a car dealership or a transport museum. Or just chat with an auto mechanic who will tell you about the design of the car.

4. promotion. Children should not be given money to do their homework. They must realize that they are learning solely for themselves. That study significantly affects their success in the future. And motivating education with money, parents deprive children of learning for pleasure.

Teachers and psychologists confirm that today's children are losing interest in learning earlier.If the child is correctly conveyed the benefits and importance of learning, he will constantly grow, comprehend new knowledge and improve.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Probably every parent knows how hard it is sometimes to convince a child to do homework, finish reading a book, or do something in which the child has no interest. Often this happens because studying becomes a routine and a duty that children cannot stand. Or they just don't understand why they need to learn. However, there are many ways to arouse children's interest in learning.

Please note that when I talk about interest in “learning”, I don’t mean only studying at school and college, I’m talking about the thirst for knowledge that a person will carry through his whole life.

1. Don't expect too much from kids.

Remember, all children are different, even within the same family, everyone has their own talents, strengths and weaknesses.

2. Don't compare your children to others

How do you feel when you are compared to someone? I want to send everyone away, right?! Comparing a child to someone else will achieve nothing but demotivation, a sense of learning rejection, and powerlessness.

3. Show that learning is cool by example

Share interesting facts about yourself. Talk about your hobbies, passions, books you read, interesting movies, and what you find interesting about them, whether it's sports, science, art, or cooking. Read books yourself to set an example for your children.

According to research, words convey only 7% of information, 38% convey tone of voice and 55% your body language (gestures, body position, head position, etc.). Therefore, talk less about the importance of learning, show more by example.

4. Read books together. Read interesting moments from your books

📌 See the list of some of the books I've read.

5. Use technology

Computers and gadgets, like any other tool, can be used for evil or for good! You can "get rid" of the child, allowing him to often play games and watch cartoons, or you can use computers and gadgets to teach the child to sing, draw, create, design, program, fantasize, memorize, study, read, etc.

For example, on YouTube, you can find "how to" videos on just about any topic or hobby.

6. Surround children with books

A Harvard University study showed that constant and easy access to books significantly increases children's motivation to learn and read.

7. Don't insist on a specific place to study.

8. Encourage creativity

Let the child draw, sing, make films, record audio, craft, sculpt, travel, dance, cook, collect puzzles and do everything that interests him. Doing something yourself is one of the better ways receive knowledge and instill love for it. You never know what a hobby will lead to.

From personal. In the 8th or 9th grade, I got really into programming. This hobby completely absorbed me, and soon, while still at school, I began to sell my programs (warehouse, accounting, personnel department, etc.). Further, this hobby fed me throughout my student days. I also owe a lot of my promotion at work to the skills I got from this hobby. And now, more than 20 years later, these skills come in handy for me on the MoneyPapa online project!)))) Here's a childhood hobby for you!

9. Throw away the TV or do not turn it on for more than 15-30 minutes a day

This is not the first time I am writing about this. Do not be lazy, read the research, TV, to put it mildly, does not “make” smart people out of us (and our children). Even educational programs are inferior in effectiveness to most of the developmental activities, games and books. In addition, the TV devours precious time. In many years, your children will thank you very much for this!

10. Use children's hobbies

For example, if your child is interested in the history of ancient Greek myths, take them to an appropriate exhibition, buy books on the topic, download related films on the Internet and watch them together.

A University of Chicago study conducted among successful athletes and artists revealed one common detail of upbringing - the parents of these successful people helped their children identify their talents from childhood, and then tried to support and encourage these talents in their children as best they could.

11. Find the right explanations

It is easier for children to do something when they understand why! (Adults, by the way, too!))). If a child says “Why should I learn this garbage that I will never need in my life ?!” you can say something like “Because studying this subject practices skills that will help you throughout your life: the ability to finish unloved and routine work as quickly and efficiently as possible; perseverance in overcoming difficulties; the ability to find, connect and remember information; the ability to perform not only favorite work, but also necessary; the ability to focus for a long time, etc.”

12. Play games together

There are a huge number, some of them for intellectual development, some for the physical, and some successfully combine brain development and movement.

From personal. Around 1990, 3-4 years before graduation, my parents bought me an analogue of the well-known. Bought because began to notice some financial abilities in me. I fell in love with the game and started winning even against adults))) Then I got bored, and I added my own elements to the game - goods, promotions, gold. As a result, this game allowed me to understand exactly what profession I want to do in life.

13. Find role models and outside support

Role models are not always just parents. For example, if a child sees that you have two educations, but at the same time you live in poverty, the explanations “everyone in the family has an education and you should have” will not work, because. the child will not understand what it is for! In this case, it is important to choose environments and examples that will inspire your child. As an example, the stories of entrepreneurs are always very inspiring.

14. Don't try to make your child do everything perfectly.

You should not control every step, every result, trying to do everything right. No need to say: "You did it wrong, let me show you how to fix it." Sometimes, a child needs to be allowed to make a mistake and find a way to correct it.

15. Ask questions that spark interest

“Where do birds fly away every year and how do they find their way back?”, “How long does it take to fly to Mars and how much would a car weigh on the Moon” - such questions will arouse your children’s interest in knowledge. There are now thousands of books, movies, articles, and apps where parents can get these questions (and answers).

16. Help explain and find answers

Children ask an infinite number questions. If you know the answer, always explain it and tell me how to get the answer yourself, where to find information, how to solve the problem, etc. If you don't know the answer - that's fine, find it together - thank God, it's very easy to do it now, having the Internet.

17. Don't reward good grades with money.

Many studies show that monetary (or other material) motivation works on a small percentage of children and works for a very short time. What will you do next?

18. Focus on the process, not the results

All parents want their child to do better than other children. The measure of success is grades, tests, exams, speed, etc. But all children are different, and not everyone succeeds quickly, so success often comes much later. Therefore, it is important not to kill the child's interest in the case by chasing grades in the short term.

19. Help develop skills that help you learn

Skills such as fast counting, developing logic and math problems, focusing for a long time, reading quickly, finding information and connecting different parts of it to solve complex problems, discipline and mode will help your children do better than others in more than just their favorite subjects. , but also in everyone else, and further in life.

20. Beat big tasks into small ones

Agree, the phrases “Have you read this book yet ?!” and “Great, you’ve read 11 chapters, only one is left, the last one!” can be about the same thing, but have a completely different effect on the child.

21. Ask your child's opinion on various issues (events, relationships, values, facts, life situations)

Don't judge him for his opinion. Let the child know that his opinion is interesting and respected, even if they do not agree with him.

Last but not least, don't forget about free time.

Children need more time than adults to learn. Don't overload your child's schedule, otherwise he may not have time to learn new knowledge and skills, and to get at least some pleasure from it.


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Every mother, without exception, faces the problem that her child does not want to study. Mothers begin to complain and say that only she could have a child who does not care about knowledge. In fact, such an opinion is fundamentally erroneous: the unwillingness to learn occurs in absolutely every child, only in everyone at the right time.

Why is this happening, experts in the field of child and developmental psychology answered us: it is difficult for a child to get used to the idea that he is a student, that he needs to study, and also that he is responsible for gaining knowledge. After all, studying is a kind of work, and it is not easy for a carefree child to set himself up for work. So children have nervous shocks, they are only expressed in the form of protest and refusal to study.

This problem is most acute in children who were not prepared for school, not only mentally, but also psychologically. Such children most acutely perceive a change of scenery and a complete change in the rhythm of life. And even if the child went to primary school with pleasure and without problems, he will not want to learn in high school, which will further exacerbate the situation.

As you know, it is easier to prevent a problem than to waste time, effort and nerves on solving it later. The same applies to the education of your child, even if your child has not yet rebelled against learning, he will definitely do it - such is the psychological nature of children. So you can start preparing for this problem today.

The first way to instill in your child a love of learning

The first thing you need to do is to turn learning into a habit, since habit in many ways shapes the character and interests of a person. Drawing, writing the first letters, learning colors, shapes and shapes should become a habit and be perceived as the same necessary thing as eating and watching cartoons.

Literally since kindergarten the child should get into the habit of devoting at least half an hour to studying. For him, classes should be an obligatory and unobtrusive pastime, and not hard and somewhat incomprehensible work that does not give any pleasure. If classes become a habit for a child, it will be much easier for him to adapt at school, and he will not deny studying, since he has been accustomed to it for a long time.

Second way

Another way that mom should not forget about is the game.

With the help of the game, you can instill in your child a love of learning once and for all.

When playing, children do not notice how they are learning, and time runs very quickly, therefore, they do not have time to get tired of reading or writing. In the game, kids learn a lot of new and interesting things, and this is not something difficult and tedious for them. In addition, the production of children's educational toys does not stand still, and today you can buy a talking alphabet, a children's computer, and everything that can help instill in a child a love of learning.

The main thing is not to force the child to study. By forcing a child to study, you will completely discourage him from learning anything.

On the contrary, your task is to stimulate in him the desire to learn for himself. He himself should want to take a piece of paper and a pen and write the word "mom", and not do it "under duress."

Third way

Motivate your child to study, and he will immediately understand that with good study and excellent grades, he can achieve much more than if he refuses to do homework.

For example, I got an excellent mark - I went to the theater, the circus, or took a long walk on the street. He did his homework on time - he got a new toy for it. Of course, you will worry that your child will study only because of some gifts and toys, however, do not worry about this: studying well will become a habit for him. And you, in turn, when things go better, and the child will not deny learning, should take his efforts and diligent behavior for granted, motivating this by the fact that every good child must study well in order to become a famous football player, for example, or a scientist , or the president.

Plus, if you want your treasure to really love learning, do not forget to praise him everywhere and always. Praise is a great learning stimulus. The kid will see that he is doing everything right, and what he is doing gives great pleasure to his parents.

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