What is a nibbler and how to use it. What is a nibbler: features of using a silicone nipple and mesh for feeding a baby

Manufacturers of children's goods regularly surprise with original novelties. One of the last ones is a nibbler: what is it, what are the features and tasks of the device, is it worth spending money on it? There are no recommendations and answers from pediatricians on these issues yet. But you can focus on the experience of mothers who already use this device.

It is not entirely correct to say that a nibbler, or as it is also called a feeder, is an invention of the new time. Decades ago, our mothers and grandmothers used its analogue. It was a piece of clean gauze, in which pieces of food for the first complementary foods were wrapped. An apple, a carrot, a cracker - all those foods that can be given to a baby after six months, but because of their brittle structure, there is always a risk that the child will bite off too large a piece and choke.

Marlechka ruled out such a possibility. The piece placed inside was in a protective shell. The kid could suck it, chew it, getting a tasty and healthy product in microportions. At the same time, the risk that a large piece would fall into his mouth was reduced to nothing.

Nibbler features

Nibbler is arranged in a similar way. It is a container where you can lay a small amount of product. The bag is equipped with a convenient handle, by which it can be held or tied to a high chair. It looks much more attractive than the gauze used by grandmothers.

The nozzle is tightly fixed with a protective ring, so the child cannot pull out the contents of the weaning mesh. All models are equipped with protective caps. Thanks to the lid, the nibbler can be safely placed on the table if you have filled it beforehand. Or take it with you for a walk, keeping both the nozzle and the contents clean.

Other advantages of the feeder are its versatility and ease of use.

The device is sold with one or more interchangeable nozzles. They must be changed as they become dirty or when the first damage appears.

Technique of use

Using the device is very simple. After purchase, the packaging with the contents must be opened and all parts washed in soapy water. Then rinse several times with running water. It is not necessary to treat with boiling water, as too hot water can break the integrity of the feeding net.

After that, unscrew the lid with the mesh container. Insert the product you want to give the baby into it and twist it again.

It is important to observe a child who chews on a nibbler. Despite the safety of the device, there is always a risk that a persistent baby will bite the container or put it too far into the mouth.

After use, food residues from the container should be removed, washed with soapy water. As you apply, the reservoir will begin to darken. This is due to the coloring of the material with natural food coloring, so you can continue to use the nibbler. Replacement is required if you notice microdamages in the mesh structure.


There are several types of devices on the market today. All of them are made according to the same principle. But different manufacturers have solved the question of what a nibbler is in their own way.


The famous American brand specializing in the production of goods for children. The company introduced a feeder that looks like a rattle. The handle is made of brightly colored rubberized plastic, thick enough to allow the child to comfortably hold the device. A nylon bag is used, where you can put products of different sizes and shapes.

Nuby is the first brand to introduce such products to our market. That is why the company's products are widely distributed in the pharmacy network. According to the reviews of mothers, you can determine the advantages and disadvantages of devices.


  • can be found in any city;
  • bright, interesting design that all kids like;
  • two colors - blue and pink, which allows you to choose a nibbler according to the gender of the child.


  • it costs more than other types of nets, the price starts from four hundred rubles;
  • the replaceable nozzles themselves are also more expensive, which will have to be changed periodically;
  • the handle is so beautiful and comfortable that it is more likely to interest the child than the contents of the mesh itself, and it will be pleasant for the baby to gnaw on it.

Such a nibbler can be a great gift for a baby whose diet is complementary foods.

"The world of childhood"

Russian analogue of American products. Equipped with a nylon bag, it goes on sale under the name "Food Mesh". It has a number of design features. The handle is rounded, which allows you to give it to the crumbs or tie it to a high chair. In this case, you do not have to bend over the net every time the baby drops it on the floor.


  • high-quality analogue at an affordable price, replaceable nozzles are also inexpensive;
  • convenient design that allows the baby to be interested in the contents of the container.


  • lower prevalence in the pharmacy network, more difficult to find and buy;
  • when chewing a nylon bag, its contents can flow not only into the child's mouth, but also to the sides.

The last drawback is noted by mothers when using all feeding nets of this type, regardless of the brand.


Products of an English company, which enters the Russian market under the name fruittaker. It differs from other types of devices by the material from which the container is made. It is silicone and holds its shape well. It has many small holes that allow the baby to "extract" the complementary foods. The rounded handle, similar to the model from Mir Detstva, is designed to be gripped by the child's arms and fixed on the highchair.


  • the container has a denser structure, when the baby eats, the contents are not splashed to the sides;
  • gum massage is carried out better;
  • the silicone container can be washed, it dries quickly;
  • The size of the mesh is small, it fits well in the baby's mouth.


  • the shape and small volume of the container do not allow large pieces to be placed there, the product will often have to be added in microportions;
  • the cost of the device is higher than that of Russian production;
  • replaceable nozzles are not provided, if the container is worn out, you will need to buy a new device.

The question of which nibbler, silicone or mesh, is more convenient requires an individual decision. There is no single opinion on this matter. You may need to try both models.

Do it yourself

You can get a rough idea of ​​​​the convenience of a model with a mesh if you make a nibbler with your own hands. According to many mothers, this is a good way to save money and offer baby food in a safe container.

You will need simple and inexpensive items.

  • Plastic jar with a wide mouth. Vitamin packs with a thread and a neck with a diameter of at least four centimeters are suitable.
  • Laundry bag. Choose a mesh for thin linen, it is distinguished by small and frequent holes. You can buy one at a hardware store. They are usually made of nylon, which will suit you perfectly.
  • Tape for a pen. Use tape about a centimeter wide and 15 centimeters long.
  • Hand tools. Threads for sewing bags, an awl, a centimeter tape, plain paper and a sewing machine.


  1. Cut off the top of the jar with a neck, stepping back ten millimeters from the edge of the thread. This edge will come in handy when you need to unscrew and twist the nibbler.
  2. Sand the edges with sandpaper. Sharp elements should not remain.
  3. Prepare a pattern for the bag. Measure the circumference of the neck by wrapping the tape around it. Divide the resulting number by two and add an extra centimeter for the seams. This will determine the width of the bag. For example, if the circumference of the neck was 12 centimeters, the width of the bag can be calculated as follows: 12: 2 + 1 \u003d 7 cm. 10 cm (length of the future container). Draw an arcuate line by connecting the dots. Cut out the pattern, unfold.
  4. Fold the laundry net in half, attach a pattern to it. Trace around, cut out.
  5. Stitch the blanks on the machine along the arcuate edge. Lay two or three seams so that the mesh does not unravel. Sewing several replacement pouches at once.
  6. Make holes in the lid using a thick needle or awl. Insert the braid into the holes, tie it with a knot from the inside.
  7. Pass the bag through the threaded ring, screw on the lid, fixing the mesh.

Prepared replacement bags will allow you to periodically change the mesh as it gets dirty and worn.

Convenient design, the most simple technique, how to use a nibbler, allows you to buy or make this device with your own hands at minimal cost. The container for feeding will become a lifesaver for mom when you need to keep your baby busy for a while. And at the same time make self-feeding completely safe. You don’t have to worry that the baby will bite off a large piece and choke. The mesh feeder just won't let that happen!


Manufacturers of goods for babies never cease to amaze young parents with original novelties. Many of them include nibbler as such, although this is not entirely correct. Despite the fact that today this device has acquired new forms, has become colorful and attractive, the principle of its operation was known to our great-grandmothers.

A long time ago they successfully used an analogue of a modern nibbler for children: they wrapped various products (vegetables, fruits) intended for the first feeding in a piece of clean gauze. Carrots, crackers, apples are foods that a baby is allowed to give after six months, but their brittle structure does not eliminate the risk that the baby will bite off too large a piece and choke on it.

This possibility was partially excluded by the same grandmother's gauze. The piece placed in it was not in a very strong, but in a protective shell. The kid sucked, chewed, rubbed his gums and at the same time received a healthy and tasty product in small portions.

What is a nibbler

History is silent about who decided to restore the old device, giving it an attractive appearance and making it more convenient for the baby and mother. Probably, many young parents already know that a nibbler is such a small device that looks like a pacifier. The rubber “pear” at its end was replaced by a nylon mesh bag with small holes or silicone, in which pieces of fruit and vegetables can be placed.

We add that a nibbler is such an accessory that is very convenient when introducing the first complementary foods to a baby. Its main advantage is safety for the child.

Types of Nibblers

Today, a huge assortment of nibblers for children is presented on the domestic market. Their design is identical, but different companies have beaten its design in their own way, using different materials. Devices differ in the shape of the holder and not only.

Naturally, every mother wants to buy the safest, most attractive, comfortable, best nibbler for her crumbs. How to do this, what to look for when buying, we will describe below.

A pen

The shape of the handle can be anything - it depends only on the imagination of the specialists of the company that developed the model. The most common classical form is the ring. It is convenient for a child to hold it, usually the ring has a relief or rubberized surface. At the same time, a straight handle (such models are also on the market) contributes to the development of a grasping reflex in a baby.

Why do you need a lid

When choosing a nibbler, pay attention to this detail. It is an indisputable advantage of a device that protects the mesh and, of course, the product in it from contamination.

Nibbler with mesh

The mesh container for these models is made of high quality nylon. Nets made of this material darken and wear out rather quickly, but they can be easily replaced: some models are equipped with spare containers, and they can also be purchased separately. The mesh is very strong, so the baby with his sharp teeth is unlikely to be able to bite through it. The handle and ring are made of impact-resistant plastic.

Description of silicone nibbler: reviews

Many parents prefer just such models. Why? Silicone is a hypoallergenic material that has no taste or smell, so it will not harm the baby in any way. Silicone nibbler retains its shape perfectly - it does not need to be supported. It is easy to clean and more hygienic. It can be thoroughly washed and even boiled, which cannot be said about nylon nets, which can simply “weld” and change shape.

Silicone nibbler, according to parents, is more pleasant for children, because it resembles their usual pacifier. Such devices do not change color under the influence of vegetable and fruit juices. At the same time, the silicone nibbler has one drawback - if the nozzle fails, it is almost impossible to buy a spare one. And yet, parents give the palm to these models.

I must say that both types of nibblers are completely safe for kids. But when buying, you should not forget that the baby should like the product. Otherwise, he simply will not take it in his hands.

When to Use Nibbler

This is a very important question, which, no doubt, is of interest to all parents. At what age will the nibbler not only interest the baby, but also be useful to him? As follows from all of the above, such an adaptation will be needed by the time of the first feeding, that is, by the age of six months. For the smallest, the size of the mesh (container) is smaller, and the holes in it are smaller. Accordingly, for older children, these parameters increase.

All characteristics are indicated on the packaging of the nibbler: at what age can it be given to a child, what material is used. If you can't find this information, please contact your sales assistant for help. It should show you the grid size. If it is small and oblong (regardless of the material), then the nibbler is intended for babies up to 8 months.

Selection rules

When choosing a nibbler, first of all, take care of the safety of your child. Inspect the clasp: it should not open too easily. There must be a protective cap on the feeder. In this case, you can close it and take the device for a walk or on the road. Nibbler has nozzles of various sizes, which should also be considered when buying. Small - for six-seven-month-old babies. Medium - for babies of seven to eight months or large babies. Large - for children over eight months. Some manufacturers advise not to abandon the use of nibblers even after a year, but most often the need for them disappears by that time.

Knowing that a nibbler is such a necessary device for a baby, be careful about his choice. Do not be tempted by the low price of products of unfamiliar firms: sometimes the health of the child may depend on this. And in order to make it easier for you to navigate in a large assortment, we will introduce you to some well-known brands.

Nuby (USA)

A world famous brand that specializes in the production of products for babies. It should be noted that this company was the first on the Russian market to introduce a nibbler, which looks like a rattle. The handle is made of rubberized plastic, painted in a bright color. In the brand's models, both mesh and silicone containers are used, where products of various shapes and volumes are easily placed.

The products of this company are widely represented in the pharmacy network. According to reviews, the nibbler of a well-known brand has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of such products for parents include:

  • the ability to purchase in any city;
  • original and bright design that kids like;
  • two color options - pink and blue, which allows you to choose a product that matches the gender of the child.
  • the cost is higher than other analogues (from 400 rubles);
  • the handle of the nibbler is so bright and comfortable that sometimes it attracts the attention of the child even more than the contents of the container.

And at the same time, parents believe that the company's products deserve attention.

World of Childhood (Russia)

Nimbler for children from Russian manufacturers is in no way inferior in quality to foreign counterparts, and its cost is much lower (from 220 rubles). Products are equipped with nylon bags.

In retail chains, they are called "feeding nets". These devices have some design features. The handle is rounded, comfortable for the baby. The advantages of nibblers "World of Childhood" mothers include:

  • low cost;
  • the presence of interchangeable nozzles;
  • convenient design, in which the baby is interested in the contents of the container.


  • it is problematic to buy in small towns;
  • the contents of the nylon mesh sometimes leak not only into the child's mouth, but also to the sides.

MamaSense (UK)

Products of an English brand entering the Russian market under the name Fruittaker. Available only in silicone version. The container keeps its shape perfectly, and numerous small holes allow the crumbs to "extract" complementary foods.

Rounded handle, reminiscent of models from TM "Mir detstva". In addition, the device can be fixed on a high chair so that it does not periodically end up on the floor.


  • a denser structure of the container does not allow the contents to splash around;
  • gums are massaged better;
  • the volume of the mesh is small: it is perfect for babies up to eight months.


  • the price of the device is higher than from Russian manufacturers (from 350 rubles);
  • replacement nozzles are not provided.

And again returning to the question "which nibbler is better", it should be said that only a child can give an answer to it. There is no consensus on this, so you will most likely have to try both mesh and silicone models.


The vast majority of mothers believe that a nibbler is such a device that is easy and convenient to handle. After purchasing the product, open the package, wash all parts in soapy water, rinse several times under running water. Nylon containers should not be boiled as they may warp. It remains to put the delicacy into the container and twist the device.

Do not leave your child alone with a nibbler, especially when it comes to products from a manufacturer little known on the Russian market. It should be borne in mind that a persistent baby can bite through the mesh or put the device too deep into the mouth. After use, food residues must be removed from the container and thoroughly washed with soapy water.

Over time, the nylon mesh tank begins to darken. Do not be afraid of this: the material is dyed with natural dyes, so you can continue to use it. Replacement is necessary only when you notice microdamages on the mesh.

Every baby in due time should switch to solid food. At first, any products are served to the child in ground or liquid form. The child's body readily perceives cold-pressed purees and juices due to the similarity of their consistency with mother's milk.

The first update of the diet is due to fruits and vegetables. Only then does the mother begin to cook meat, eggs and fish for complementary foods. Fortunately, even the toughest and roughest dish from the parents' table can be mashed to a puree state (for example, using). This is how most children experience their first introduction to wholesome foods.

But the most difficult thing is the transition of babies to solid foods. After mother's milk, purees and juices, the baby has not yet learned to chew slices of fruits and vegetables. It is not as easy to teach a baby to this as it may seem to inexperienced parents.

And here a special mesh for feeding babies will come to the rescue, which especially caring mothers have already managed to appreciate.

Mesh, nibbler, fruittaker, feeder - all these are different names for one device, which is quite simple to use.

It allows the child to eat gradually: to get his portion of food, the baby will have to squeeze it out of the mesh. In this case, the baby performs a kind of chewing action.

The child receives complementary foods through the net for some time and only then switches to full-fledged solid food.

The device is in many ways reminiscent of simple gauze, and it used to be exactly like this: mothers gave their children mashed potatoes through a piece of gauze.

But the undeniable advantage of a nibbler is that it is made of silicone. It is safer and more convenient: the silicone mesh is easy to wash, which means it can be used repeatedly. In addition, there is no danger that the threads will fall into the children's mouth, as happens when using gauze.

How does a baby learn to chew?

Many people think that as soon as the first teeth appear in a child, he is already able to switch to solid foods. It's a delusion! Until the baby is six months old, he is not able to consume non-homogenized (not brought to a homogeneous consistency) foods. This is due to the structure of the mouth and tongue of the baby.

Upon reaching six months, children acquire the ability to swallow small pieces of food, but only swallow - we are not talking about chewing yet. In this case, the child may choke.

That is why giving the baby a piece of an apple or a banana during this period of life is strongly discouraged. Even at the age of one year, children quite often swallow large pieces, and therefore it is advisable to use a mesh for feeding them from six months to one and a half years of age.

Our expert has already answered the question: ““. Be sure to read.


This item is functional and has a number of advantages.

  1. First of all, the fruittaker is safe for the baby - parents can be calm about this. The design of the nibbler will not allow you to choke on fruit seeds (although parents probably remove them, even when placed in a net) or bite off an overly large piece. The baby can only chew what is inside the mesh, and then suck out the contents through small holes.
  2. Nibbler also relieves pain during teething. A special nylon mesh gently massages the child's gums and relieves pain. To relieve inflammation and relieve pain, this technique will help: just put chilled fruits or vegetables in the device.
  3. For a walk, the mesh is a real find. After all, a child can get hungry, not having endured to the house, and start acting up. With the help of a fruittaker, you can quickly and completely safely feed your baby. Mom will not worry that her child may choke, and the baby will enjoy the game and delicious food.
  4. This is an amazing toy that kids love to hold in their tiny hands. All nibblers, as a rule, are painted in bright colors that kids really like.
  5. Using the device is quite simple: the kit includes replaceable nets that are easy to clean, and a special cap to protect against the penetration of microbes.

The selection of a nibbler should be approached carefully, because it is intended for a child. Modern stores surprise with a variety of assortment.

On sale you can find silicone and nylon modifications. Each type has both positive and negative sides.

  • Nylon feeder is popular with modern mothers. It is characterized by increased flexibility, ease of use, strong mesh structure. Among the disadvantages of such a product is the rapid loss of the original appearance, as well as the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membrane of the child.
  • Fruittaker made of silicone material is distinguished by lightness and good appearance. The product has no specific taste or smell. Therefore, it is safe for the baby. Fruittaker made of silicone is easy to disinfect, dries almost instantly, but, unfortunately, is not particularly wear-resistant. Spare meshes are not provided in silicone nibblers, so damage to one element requires replacing the entire device with a new one.

It is worth carefully inspecting the fruittaker before purchasing it. This is important for the timely detection of all possible product defects, as well as for checking the reliability of fasteners.

When choosing, give preference to nibblers from well-known manufacturers. For example, Nibbler feeders are in great demand (hence one of the names of the device).

You should not buy analogues from China that are tempting for their affordability. The meshes of such products will quickly tear. In the worst case, Chinese fruittakers can be made from toxic materials that are extremely dangerous for the health of the baby.

When buying nibblers for your own child, you should pay attention to the availability of quality certificates.

In addition, the nets must be selected according to the age of the child - oblong and tiny are often intended for infants (up to 1 year). For older children, manufacturers produce nibblers with larger round nets.

Instructions for use

To begin with, the product must be completely disassembled in order to properly disinfect all its components with a soap solution. After that, you can open the mesh part and put a slice of vegetable, cookie or fruit into it.

Before moving on to large portions of complementary foods, the child should be introduced to a new product - at first, you need to give it quite a bit. You can not leave the baby alone with the nibbler, because he can accidentally choke on saliva or juice.

To prevent the fruittaker from being on the floor (small children love to throw things), buy a product with round handles. This will make it possible to securely fasten it to the highchair.

The modern feeder provides significant advantages: with its help, the child will be able to appreciate the taste of biscuits or crackers for the first time. At the same time, the baby is not threatened by crumbs and pieces of food that are easy to choke on.

At its core, a nibbler is a kind of reusable children's dishes. However, its use requires special attention and scrupulousness in detail.

Terms of use:

  1. Remove the fixing ring.
  2. Lay the products inside the structure.
  3. Close the nibbler cap tightly.
  4. Give the child a hand.

Do not forget about the nuances that may arise during the operation of the fruittaker.

The new mesh is subject to disinfection, but it is forbidden to boil, since nylon threads are not resistant to high temperatures. It will be enough to rinse it with a detergent for washing children's dishes, then rinse thoroughly with boiled water and dry well. The mesh can be freed from food debris with a toothbrush. At the first signs of destruction, chafing or darkening on the mesh, replace it.

Sooner or later, any mother is faced with the problem of introducing solid non-homogenized food into the baby's diet. As a rule, at first this food is natural fruits and vegetables, then meat and other products can be added. But how to teach a baby to eat unground food and at the same time make sure that he does not choke and does not swallow too large a piece?

Many mothers solve this problem with the help of a special device - feeding nets.

What is another name for a feeding net?

A cunning device for introducing complementary foods is called the foreign word "nibbler" (in some cases, "nubbler"), but to many it is known under the common name "lure net".

An interesting fact: "Nibler" is the name of a company that produces nets for feeding. In fact, the device is called a "feeder", but this name is rarely used.

Another name for this mesh is fruittaker. It appeared due to the fact that most often it is fruits that are put in the nibbler.

But no matter what the newfangled name given to the feeding net, this invention appeared a very long time ago. Our grandmothers used a small piece of gauze to introduce complementary foods. Bread was usually wrapped in gauze and given to the baby. Thus, a “3 in 1” device was obtained: the baby learns to chew, does not cry and is always full. Such a device was called in a simple way - "chewing".

The modern nibbler is an improved model of an old time-tested invention. It is made of durable nylon thread, which is fixed on a comfortable plastic handle. The design is designed in such a way that it does not allow food placed inside to fall out.

From what age can you use

It is a great misconception to think that a baby can safely eat solid food when his first teeth erupted. This is not true. From the moment of birth and up to six months, the child is generally not able to eat something that is not homogenized, since the structure of the mouth and tongue does not allow him to do this. After six months, the child is physically able to swallow not crushed pieces, but only swallow. The probability of choking is very high, so giving a six-month-old child a piece of an apple or even a banana is very reckless.

Often, even one-year-old children accidentally swallow too large pieces of food, so the use of a nibbler is possible from six months to one and a half years.

Fixture Benefits

Despite the fact that the baby often does not need additional funds to learn how to chew on his own, the nibbler has a number of advantages.

  1. The weaning net provides safety for the baby and peace of mind for the parents. The nibbler is designed in such a way that the child will not choke on seeds and fruit pits, and will not swallow too large a piece. All he can do is chew the contents of the mesh, mashing it up and sucking it out through the holes.
  2. Fruittaker relieves the pain of teething. The nylon mesh gently massages your baby's gums and eases the discomfort of teething. If you place a piece of a chilled vegetable or fruit in a nibbler, it will provide not only a massage, but also a slight freezing and, as a result, the removal of inflammation from the gums.
  3. Mesh is comfortable for walking. It is not always possible to feed a child at home: either he is naughty, or the schedule goes astray and there is no time left. A fruittaker is a great way to safely feed him outside. Mommy may not worry that her child will swallow too large a piece, and the baby will just be pleased to ride in a stroller, look around the world and suck on a piece of delicious fruit.
  4. Great toy. It is convenient for the kid to hold the feeder with two handles, and the bright colors of the device delight the children's eyes and arouse interest.
  5. Ease of use. Usually, the fruittaker comes with several interchangeable nets and a protective cap. The nets are easy to clean (unlike the same gauze), and the cap protects against microbes during a walk or trip.

Choosing the best nibbler

Nibbler should be chosen especially carefully, as well as all children's things.

In modern stores you can find nylon and silicone models. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The nylon feeder is the most common and has more reviews among new mothers. It is strong, flexible, quite comfortable. But it quickly loses its original appearance and can irritate the baby's mucous membranes.

The silicone fruittaker is lighter and more beautiful. It has neither taste nor smell, therefore it is absolutely safe for the health of the child. It is easy to wash and dries quickly, but not as strong, so over time the baby will be able to chew through it. In addition, spare meshes in silicone nibblers, as a rule, are not provided, so you will have to change the entire device.

Tips for choosing the best feeder

  • Carefully inspect the fruittaker from all sides before buying. Make sure that the fastening holds well, and that there are no defects or cuts in the mesh.
  • Buy nibblers only from well-known companies (the most famous, of course, is Nibbler). Do not be seduced by the cheapness of Chinese counterparts. At best, cheap nets are not strong and will quickly tear, at worst, they are made of low-quality materials that can seriously affect the health of the crumbs.
  • Pay attention to product quality certificates.
  • Buy nets suitable for the age of the child. Small and oblong are usually intended for feeding babies up to a year. For older children, manufacturers make nibblers with round and large nets.

How to use the mesh correctly?

In appearance, there is nothing complicated in the feeding net. You just need to remove the fastening ring, put the fruit in the device, close it tightly and give it to the baby. But in fact, there are some nuances and subtleties in using the fruittaker.

Getting Started

A new, just bought mesh must be disinfected. At the same time, it cannot be boiled like ordinary gauze. Nylon will not withstand high temperatures. To disinfect the nibbler, it is enough to disassemble and rinse well with a special product designed to care for children's dishes. Strong and aggressive chemicals must not be used!

After that, you need to thoroughly rinse all the parts with boiled water and check if there is any detergent left on the grid.

What products can be put in a nibbler?

You can put absolutely any food in the feeding net! Most often, children are given fresh or frozen fruits (apple, pear, banana), berries, vegetables. Vegetables can also be boiled. Also, the baby will surely like to chew cookies, bread, crackers. Nibbler will protect the child from swallowing crumbs and small pieces.

How to care for a nibbler?

Like any cookware, the fruittaker should be washed thoroughly after each use. To do this, you need to use a means for children's dishes and running water. Large pieces can be removed from the mesh with a toothbrush. And after washing, it is necessary to rinse the feeder well with boiled water and leave to dry unassembled.

You also need to constantly monitor the state of the grid. As soon as it begins to darken or fray, it must be replaced.

Moms opinions

The opinions of mothers about the need to use a nibbler differ. Some consider it an irreplaceable thing, others, on the contrary, consider it a useless and unnecessary invention. Some women have never heard of such a means of accustoming a child to solid food.

On one well-known site dedicated to pregnancy and motherhood, a survey was conducted about the need for such a device as a feeding net. The majority of respondents (about 35%) agreed that this thing is convenient, but it is quite possible to do without it. About 30% of mothers admitted that they cannot imagine the introduction of complementary foods without a feeder. And only 27% said that they do not need aids to teach their baby to chew.

DIY Nibbler

If you can’t buy special nets for feeding, you can make them yourself. For this you will need:

  • A jar of vitamins or dietary supplements (it is important that the lid is rather big and has a thread);
  • Nylon net (you can use a clean laundry bag or a fishing net);
  • Thick needle;
  • Braid;
  • Threads;
  • measuring tape;
  • Paper.

First of all, you need to make the base of the nibbler. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the upper part from the jar (the lid and part of the jar a few centimeters). The uneven edge, which was formed at the same time, must be carefully sanded so that the baby does not cut himself.

That is, if the circumference is 10 cm, then the width of the mesh is 10/2 + 1 = 6 cm. The length of the mesh will then be 7-10 cm (you can choose it yourself).

On paper, draw a grid pattern (in this case, the sheet is folded in half and a pattern is drawn - 3 cm to the side, 7-10 cm down). Two details of the future mesh are cut out of the fabric. They are sewn with strong threads. It is better to do this on a sewing machine, and additionally sew a couple more spare nets.

The work is almost complete. It remains to insert the mesh into the ring, turn its edge outward and secure with a lid. Homemade feeder is ready!

In practice, it is no worse than purchased, so if you have the time and desire, you can try to make something similar for your baby.


Mesh for feeding (nibbler, feeder, fruittaker) is a necessary and useful invention. However, it doesn't suit everyone. Each mother must decide for herself whether to use a nibbler or teach her child to chew in other ways.

A few centuries ago, young mothers came up with a way to teach children to eat solid food that needs to be chewed - they wrapped bread soaked in milk or pieces of fruit in a clean cotton cloth and gave it to the child. Modern manufacturers of children's goods have developed a special device - a nibbler - that works on the same principle. Parents often have many questions related to the operation of the device. From what age can it be used? Is it reasonable to use it to start introducing complementary foods? What materials should a useful device be made of? How should the feeding process take place? Everything is quite simple - if you learn how to use a nibbler, then it will become an indispensable assistant in caring for your baby.

What is a nibbler and what are its benefits when feeding

Nibbler is a device consisting of a special container with a rim and a plastic holder. In fact, this design is called a feeder (translated from English - “feeding device”), and Nibbler is the company that was the first to produce this product.

The main function of the feeder is to prepare the baby's oral cavity for the basics of processing solid food and the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. A baby a few months old will not be able to swallow pieces of fruit, softened biscuits, vegetables or bread, but he will learn to “chew” them, begin to use his tongue, and be able to get acquainted with new tastes.

Today, a useful tool is used not only for accustoming children to solid food. Bright, colorful and absolutely safe products can replace toys, pacifiers or teethers. Some parents are worried about the environmental friendliness of the materials used. As practice and consumer reviews show, the components of the structures do not pose any risk to the health of babies who are only a few months old.

The main advantage of the device is the convenience and safety of the feeding process, starting from a rather tender age. The feeder will not allow the baby to choke or choke. At the same time, by the time the baby finally has teeth, he will be fully prepared for the processing of "adult" food.

Skeptics argue that the use of auxiliary tools can negatively affect the shape of a child's mouth. This is only partly true - the wrong container can really create problems for the normal development of the muscles of the mouth. On the other hand, an unsuccessfully selected or simply low-quality nibbler will cause inconvenience to the baby, so the baby will simply refuse it.

From how many months can a nibbler be used?

From birth to 5-6 months, the oral cavity of children has a unique ability - a thick tongue and dense cheeks pass only liquid food well. If a child aged 2-4 months is given even a small piece of solid food, he will spit it out. The baby still does not know how to chew (and there is nothing), the hard edges of food irritate the delicate mucous membrane, the tongue blocks the natural passage.

If foods intended for feeding are crushed, the baby may try to swallow the mixture, but there is a high risk that he will choke. That is why the child must be prepared for a new serious manipulation with the help of a feeder.

Many new parents believe that a child can chew if he has teeth, and he does not need any nibbler. In fact, the front teeth are designed for biting off food, and they will not help much in chewing.

The optimal time to start the operation of the feeder is the moment of introduction of complementary foods. This is often 6 months for breastfed newborns and 4 months for those who are used to formula.

Dates may vary depending on the individual needs of the child. Some children refuse the offered "toy" at first, simply because they don't like the new taste. In this case, you need to take a break or pick up another product. It is important to remember that you cannot force a child, otherwise, against the background of negative experience, he will not use the feeder at all.

How to choose the best feeder?

In the process of choosing the right product for feeding, you need to follow some recommendations.

  • The product must be made of a special plastic used only in the food industry. And this applies not only to the container, but also to the handle.
  • The mesh of the container for placing complementary foods must be strong enough, otherwise the baby will gradually gnaw it and choke. Nylon and silicone products are considered the best option. The former are distinguished by increased strength, the latter do not irritate the mucous membrane of the child's mouth.
  • Experts recommend purchasing spare replaceable containers at the same time as buying a feeder. Under the action of fruit acids, the mesh quickly loses its whiteness, which is not restored after washing.
  • Buying cheap products is strongly discouraged. In extreme cases, you can create a semblance of a nibbler yourself, but it’s not worth risking the health of a child by trying cheap uncertified plastics.

When choosing a nibbler, it is worth asking how well it tolerates exposure to cold temperatures. If a child has itching in the gums, their swelling and soreness, you can fill the mesh with frozen berries or pieces of fruit and give it to the child. Such a simple device relieves discomfort well and works even better than special balms or lotions.

How to use a nibbler correctly?

In order for the use of a nibbler to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules.

  • It is believed that a small child is not able to open a nibbler, but it is better not to risk and not leave the baby alone with the device.
  • The plastic used in the food industry does not have a specific smell. In any case, after purchasing the product, it is necessary to disassemble it and wash all parts with a mild soapy solution and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • Before each use, the device must be doused with boiling water and dried thoroughly.
  • As the first fillers, it is recommended to use soft and sweet fruits (peach, nectarine, banana). This will help to gain the child's trust in an unusual device. After getting used to, you can enter other products.
  • To carry out the feeding procedure, you just need to put a previously prepared piece of food into the container, carefully fix it on the handle and squeeze it into the baby's fist. He will do the rest himself.
  • After the crumbs squeeze all possible juices out of the container, the product is cleaned and thoroughly washed.

At first, it is necessary to exercise strict control over the actions of the child during the use of the nibbler. Out of habit, he can overdo it with juice and choke. Over time, the baby will fully get used to it and will already demand a tasty toy.

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