Gas tube 1. How to use the neonatal tube

After the birth of a baby, his parents often have to deal with. Due to the immaturity of the digestive system, the child is tormented by colic, gaziki, constipation, flatulence. The reason for this can also be an incorrect grip on the breast, bottle. Usually, more than 30% of babies suffer from these ailments. And for most of them, by the age of three months, the digestive system is getting better.

2) Gas outlet pipe "Alfaplastic" looks a lot easier. It is made of brown rubber. The tip is soft, with a small hole. The tube is inserted into the anus at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

3) Rectal probe Apexmed ("Apexmed") available in sizes #6, 8, 10. They are disposable like other tubes. Such a probe is made of thermoplastic material and becomes very soft when heated. The tip of the tube is closed, there are holes on the side. At the tip are pointers for parents to what level the tube can be inserted.

How to insert a gas tube for a baby

1) Wash the gas outlet tube with warm soapy water.

2) Boil it for 5 minutes.

3) Prepare the baby changing table for the procedure. Covering it with a diaper or oilcloth.

4) Wash your hands with soap.

5) Lay the child on his back. Massage his tummy with clockwise rotation movements to increase intestinal motility. You can also press the legs to the stomach and take them away.

6) Lubricate the baby's bottom and the tip of the tube with petroleum jelly, fat cream or vegetable oil.

7) Bend the baby's legs and gently rotate the device into the baby's anus to a depth of no more than 2 cm.

8) Continue stroking the baby's belly in a clockwise direction.

9) If the relief of the child does not occur, you can insert the tube a little deeper, but not more than 5 cm!

10) The use time of the gas outlet tube is 10 minutes.

11) After passing gases, and possibly feces, wash the baby.

How often can the gas tube be used

The gas tube is a very effective tool in the fight against colic and gas. However, it is not recommended to use it too often. It is believed that with frequent use of this device, the child will forget how to release accumulated gases himself, and the process of improving bowel functions will slow down.

Newborn babies are born with an immature digestive system. The maturation of the digestive system occurs gradually during the first year of life. The most difficult for babies and their parents are the first few months of life, during which many babies suffer from intestinal colic, bloating and stool disorder in the form of constipation or diarrhea.

To alleviate the suffering of the baby, parents try various ways to get rid of intestinal colic - this is frequent laying on the stomach, and massage, and monitoring the correct attachment to the chest, dieting, the use of special medications that reduce gas formation in the intestines, and some others.

But there are situations when intestinal colic is so strong and prolonged that conventional methods do not bring relief to the baby. In this case, some parents resort to the use of a vent tube.

Let's talk about how to use the gas tube correctly so as not to harm the child.

What are gas tubes for newborns

One of the most popular gas tubes for newborns is considered windi tube(rectal catheter). These vent tubes are sold in pharmacies. There are 10 pieces in the package, the tubes are intended for single use. This device has a special shape and is safe even for a newborn baby. Before using this device, you should read the instructions, as there are contraindications.

Apexmed gas outlet tube (rectal probe)

This gas outlet tube is also sold in a pharmacy, it is sterile, intended for single use. Made from transparent non-toxic material. The thermoplastic material softens under the influence of the temperature of the surrounding tissues. There are marks of 1 cm at a distance of 5 cm from the distal end. The edges of this tube are carefully processed and rounded for safe insertion and reduce the risk of injury.

Also in the pharmacy you can buy special gas venting tubes (rectal probes or catheters) of other brands, which may differ slightly from each other (color, design and some other details).

The diameter of the children's gas outlet tubes is about 2.5-3 mm, the length is 18-22 cm. The end that is inserted into the anus is rounded.

For newborns and children of the first months of life, tubes with the number 16 or 17 are suitable.

Each specific manufacturer may have nuances for use, method of administration, certain indications and contraindications. So before using this or that device, be sure to read the instructions.

How to use the gas tube?

Check before use quality gas outlet tube. For newborn babies, it is better to purchase a tube made of soft, elastic, hypoallergenic material. Please note that the size and diameter correspond to the age of the child. If this is a sterile gas outlet tube, then the package must be intact. Also, there should be no signs of damage on the tube itself.

If this device is intended for repeated use, then before use it must be washed and boiled for 10 minutes.

In order not to harm the child, follow the instructions in the instructions for use exactly.

The gas tube should be used only in exceptional cases and only after all other methods of dealing with intestinal colic have been tried, but have not brought results. Too much use of the gas tube can lead to bowel problems. Also, if there is no improvement in the condition of the baby, then you need to seek help from a specialist (district pediatrician). Since severe abdominal pain can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness, and not just a manifestation of infantile colic.

How to insert a gas tube for a newborn?

  • Before use, thoroughly boil the gas outlet tube for 10 minutes (if it is sterile, then it is not necessary to boil). Let cool.
  • On the changing table lay an oilcloth and a diaper. Be prepared for the fact that after the procedure, feces may come out along with gas.
  • Put the child on his back, bend his legs and press him to the tummy. Hold the legs with one hand and hold the rounded end of the gas tube in your other hand. Pre-lubricate the rounded end (which you will insert into the anus) with baby cream, oil or petroleum jelly. It is also necessary to lubricate the anus of the child.
  • Next, gently, slowly, with smooth movements, insert the narrow end of the tube into the anus of the child. At the same time, please note that the depth of insertion for newborn babies should be no more than 1-2 cm.
  • You should not insert the tube if you feel strong resistance, if the child is crying or agitated, as this can lead to intestinal injury.
  • A light massage of the tummy (gentle circular motions clockwise around the navel) will help speed up the discharge of gas.
  • You can gently turn the tube clockwise, this causes slight irritation of the intestinal walls, its contraction and, as a result, promotes the passage of gases and feces.
  • After the gaziki have moved away (this usually takes several minutes (5-10 min)), carefully remove the tip of the gas tube. After the procedure, wash the child with warm water.
  • If it is a reusable straw, rinse it thoroughly.

The next use of the gas outlet tube is possible no earlier than after 4 hours. But do not abuse this procedure. It is recommended to use the gas outlet tube only in emergency cases and not more than once a week.

If a child has diseases of the rectum (whether congenital or acquired), then the use of a gas outlet tube is strictly contraindicated.

Almost every mother is faced with the problem of gas formation, constipation and intestinal colic in a newborn baby. One of the best helpers in the fight against such problems is the gas tube, which is gentler than an enema and is not addictive.

The birth of a long-awaited baby is always a great happiness for parents. All 9 months, future mom and dad carefully study special literature, ask elders for advice and try to prepare as best as possible for such an important event. However, the first months of a baby's life are not always cloudless - there are a lot of difficulties to be faced.

One of the most common problems in infants is constipation, gas accumulation and colic. Every fifth newborn baby suffers from them. At the same time, the child does not sleep well at night, and it is difficult to fall asleep during the day. For modern parents, there are many tools designed to deal with this problem, and one of them is a gas outlet tube.

This mom helper is a small rectal tube which is made of non-toxic rubber material. There are small holes on each side, in some models there is an additional hole. The length of the gas outlet tube is 18-22 cm.

When choosing a fixture, you need to focus on its diameter. Tubes No. 15 and No. 16 are suitable for babies. For older children, you can buy the 17th and 18th sizes.

Whether you buy a reusable straw or a disposable one, there is no difference, both options have the same efficiency. The choice depends solely on your preferences.

Advantages of the gas tube

Despite the variety of means to relieve discomfort in the baby's tummy, most mothers prefer this particular device. This is explained by a number of its advantages:

  • acts softer than enemas;
  • not addictive;
  • helps to establish proper bowel function without the use of drugs.

However, despite these benefits, every mom should consider that everything is good in moderation. Too frequent use of the gas outlet tube is not welcomed by experts. This is explained by the fact that, despite the absence of direct contraindications, each use is a mechanical effect on the intestines of a newborn baby, which can lead to various problems in the future.

How to use a gas tube for newborns: instructions

If you don’t know how to install a gas outlet tube and do it for the first time, don’t worry, just carefully follow the algorithm of actions.

    1. Thoroughly boil the device. The disinfection time must be at least 10 minutes.
    2. Wait for the tube to cool down.
    3. While the device is being disinfected, prepare a changing table or other flat surface.
    4. Put on a clean disposable diaper.
    5. Lay the baby on the table with his back, lift his legs to the stomach and hold in this position.
    6. Lubricate the end of the tube liberally with baby cream or boiled butter. Do not forget to apply the same remedy to the anus of the child.
    7. Start very carefully inserting the gas tube into the anus. You do not need to do this if you feel strong resistance or the baby is crying, so you can harm the intestines. Newborns should not insert the tube more than 1.5 cm. 1 cm is usually sufficient to achieve the effect.
    8. Start gently massaging your baby's tummy by moving your palm in a clockwise direction. Thus, you will contribute to a faster discharge of gases and feces.
    9. Slowly and very carefully turn the tube clockwise. Such movements will irritate the intestinal walls and, as a result, the defecation process will accelerate.
    10. Wait until the gases and feces have passed, and just as carefully remove the tube.
      If after a few minutes the defecation process does not begin, you should not wait any longer. Gently remove the straw and calm the baby.
    11. Rinse your baby with warm water.
    12. Thoroughly clean the gas outlet tube if it is reusable. Otherwise, throw it away.

This is what the technique of setting a gas outlet tube looks like. Many are interested in whether special knowledge is needed for this. There is no such need, but you must follow the step-by-step instructions. Thanks to this, the process will be as painless as possible for your baby.

How often can a gas tube be placed on a baby

Despite the high efficiency of this device for constipation, intestinal colic and the accumulation of gas, you should not abuse it too much. Use the vent tube only when absolutely necessary.

The interval of use must be at least 4 hours. In this case, it is best not to resort to this device more than once a week.

Too frequent intervention in the work of the children's intestines can lead to its malfunction in the future.

Up to what age can a gas tube be used

There is no strict time limit on the use of this device. If the child is 2 months old, then the straw can be a real salvation for you. And if he is already six months old, the need for it, most likely, will disappear. However, it should be remembered that everything is individual, and each baby develops according to its own calendar. A child at 5 months old can also experience discomfort from improper bowel function, so you should not worry too much if you still put a rectal tube on him.

As a rule, the work of the children's intestines stabilizes during the first 3 months of life. However, this process may take a different amount of time for each child.

Windy gas tube

In addition to the usual rubber tubes, there is a special Windy gas tube developed by the Swedish company AstraTech. It is suitable for use by babies from the very first days of life. This type of rectal tubes is sold, as a rule, in packs of 10 pieces for single use.

The main difference between the Windy gas outlet tube and domestic analogues lies in its special form, which is safe even for the smallest children. In addition, the transverse notches located on the device prevent it from slipping during use. If you want to put just such a handset, the algorithm for using it does not differ from the usual one.

The main task of every mother is how to make the baby feel calm and comfortable. And gas pipes perfectly help to cope with this task.

Where to buy a gas tube for a newborn

You should purchase a gas outlet tube in pharmacies or in stores specializing in goods for children. You can buy a disposable device or reusable, the price in both cases is low. If you have chosen a straw for one use, you can use it immediately without disinfection, in the second case, you must boil the device thoroughly.

Proper nutrition of the mother is the key to the health of the baby

If a child is breastfed, his health is almost entirely dependent on what you eat. This is an extremely important aspect that every mother should consider.

Many devices, the existence of which you did not know before the baby appeared in your family, become incredibly relevant and necessary after his birth.

One of these necessary items is a gas tube - a simple and uncomplicated medical accessory that can cope with the most serious problem of the first months of a baby's life - colic, accompanied by bloating, pain and discomfort.

Nevertheless, as in any other case, the use of a gas outlet pipe has its opponents, who find negative sides in this device. Also among pediatricians, disputes regarding the many nuances of using an aid to relieve a child do not stop.

So, before you buy a vent tube for your newborn baby's first aid kit, you'd better figure out all the details and aspects on your own.

A newborn baby feeds on mother's milk for the first few months of life or receives its replacement in the form of artificial feeding with special milk mixtures.

It would seem that such a diet should not bring any problems, but it turns out just the opposite. It is from one or two months to six months that almost all babies suffer from various digestive disorders, severe constipation, excessive gas formation and very painful colic.

As a result, the joy and happiness of parents after the birth of a child is overshadowed by his constant loud crying and sleepless nights.

Colic can torment a baby for various reasons:

  • malnutrition of a mother who is breastfeeding - an unbalanced diet, prohibited foods such as smoked meats, spicy or salty, fried or fatty foods, legumes, cabbage, grapes, muffins and other foods that cause bloating and increased gas formation;
  • incorrectly selected milk formula, if the baby is bottle-fed - it is better to choose the milk formula with a pediatrician, taking into account all the physiological and individual characteristics of your child;
  • incorrect feeding technique - perhaps the baby incorrectly captures the nipple of the mother's breast or the nipple of the bottle with her mouth - as a result, too much air enters the stomach with food, which accumulates there with bubbles, which leads to colic, accumulation of gases and bloating.

In addition, the baby's digestive system is not yet perfect, and the microflora is underdeveloped, which means that his gastrointestinal tract simply cannot cope with the food that enters it.

In any case, the baby suffers and suffers from severe and cutting pains in the tummy, plus - often he still cannot cope with the release of gases and go to the toilet in a big way.

It is for such cases that the gas outlet tube exists. Both its appearance and the principle of operation are very simple, but this does not detract from the effectiveness of the use of this device.

The accessory is a long, in fact, a tube of not very long length - as a rule, about eighteen to twenty-two centimeters. The diameter of the tube for newborns should not be large. It will be rounded at one end.

By inserting this rounded tip into the baby's ass, you stimulate the intestines, make it actively contract and help the gasses come out, and the open ends of the tube make it easier for them to exit. After such a procedure, the baby will feel much better - he will be able to calmly eat and fall asleep, giving other family members the opportunity to rest.

Main indications for use

However, it is worth remembering that the use of a vapor tube is not a panacea or a treatment method, since it can only relieve symptoms, but not solve the problem as a whole. Therefore, your task is never to use this device just like that, but to resort to its help only in extreme cases as an auxiliary emergency measure.

Among the main symptoms that may serve as indications for the use of a vent tube, doctors distinguish the following:

  • the crumbs do not leave gas on their own;
  • to the touch, the baby's tummy resembles a solid drum;
  • he cannot go to the toilet for a long period of time;
  • the baby is tormented by severe pain and discomfort, which he tells you about with the help of continuous bitter crying, tightening his legs;
  • concomitant symptoms can be considered refusal of food, restless sleep, fever, nervousness and irritability of the child.

All of the above conditions are good reasons for using a gas tube, but only if other treatments or preventive measures, which we will talk about a little later, do not give any result.

Choosing the right tube for a newborn

In order for the procedure to really turn out to be useful and bring relief to your baby, you need to choose the right device, because, first of all, it must fit him in size.

Based on the gradation of the tubes by numbers, a newborn child will need a product of the smallest fifteenth or sixteenth size, and a baby in a pharmacy can offer a tube of the seventeenth or eighteenth size. The diameter of such devices usually does not exceed two and a half to three millimeters.

When buying a product, pay attention to what materials and how it is made:

  • the tube should be soft, made of hypoallergenic and non-toxic materials - special plastic or rubber, which becomes soft when exposed to body temperature;
  • it cannot have notches, irregularities or seams - the surface must be perfectly smooth, otherwise you risk injuring the walls of the rectum and the mucous membrane of the baby;
  • try to purchase only a hermetically sealed device, to which detailed instructions are attached.

If you have never dealt with a gas outlet tube before, then it is better to opt for products with a limiter so as not to worry about the safe procedure.

As for the allowable age threshold of the baby, the use of a vent tube can be recommended by a pediatrician literally from the second week of a baby's life, if there are appropriate indications.

After a few months, the baby’s stomach and digestive system will adapt to digesting food, and the baby will learn to get rid of the gas and strain the tummy to empty the intestines on its own, so the need for a vent tube will disappear on its own.

As a rule, this occurs in all children under the age of six to seven months. Although some colic can go away on its own in three to four months, while others are worried about the stomach for almost a year.

Be sure to consult a doctor about the further use and setting of a gas outlet tube to eliminate bloating and discomfort in the baby.

Comparative review of the main types of gas outlet tubes: their advantages and disadvantages

It is also worth considering in more detail the main types of devices in order to choose the product that is optimal for both you and the child.


This species is fully called a rectal probe and is just a long, thin tube.

On one side of it there will be a rounded tip with small holes - for insertion into the baby's anus and a better exit of gas, and on the other - a plastic nozzle for releasing gases or simply cut across the end.

Such tubes are very cheap in cost, and this is their main advantage over other types of products. However, there are no restrictions or marks on the plastic flexible hose, so there is a risk of inserting them too deep and injuring the child's organs.

Plastic and rubber probe with limiter

This is practically the same tube as the previous one, but it has an important difference - a limiter in the form of a nozzle at the end for insertion. With this device, you can carry out the procedure without fear of excessively deep penetration of the tube into the baby's anus.

Like a conventional probe, a rectal probe with a limiter can be either rubber or plastic. Plastic products are generally considered disposable, while rubber products are reusable. The latter are much more expensive, although pediatricians strongly recommend thinking about the advisability of reusable use.

Rectal catheter

And the last type of tubes - a rectal catheter - the shortest device with a limiter. The great advantage of such a product can be considered that it is made taking into account the anatomical structure of the intestines of the crumbs.

The rectal catheter, judging by the reviews of parents, is a very convenient device. It is chosen for comfort and safety in use, since the design of the catheter will not allow the product to penetrate into the anus of the child more than it is possible and necessary. Also among the advantages it is worth noting the compactness of the device and its convenient small size.

However, such catheters are usually disposable, and the rigid mouthpiece at the end of the tube requires that the child does not twitch during the procedure and lies as still as possible.

Disposable or reusable products?

If we talk about the choice between disposable and reusable products, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  • disposable straws are much cheaper than reusable ones, but you will need to thoroughly rinse and disinfect a reusable device after each use;
  • pediatricians insist that even reusable products should be used only once, and then thrown away, since at home you are unlikely to be able to completely remove the feces that fall into the tube during the procedure, as well as disinfect the tube with high quality so as not to harm baby's health.

How to use a gas outlet tube: basic principles of use

Having picked up and bought a gas outlet tube, you can finally do the procedure for your baby, but before you start, carefully study the instructions for the device and figure out exactly how to use it correctly.

Getting ready for the procedure

First you need to prepare a place for the procedure - it will be most convenient on the changing table. Cover it with oilcloth or a special absorbent diaper, and put a clean, dry diaper or sheet on top.

Then wash your hands and prepare all the necessary items for yourself:

  • wet and dry wipes;
  • clean diapers or spare sheets;
  • petroleum jelly or sterile boiled vegetable oil / children's fat cream;
  • prepared tube, previously boiled or washed and disinfected;
  • small container of water.

It is good if someone will help you, since it is not very convenient to do the procedure alone.

How to make an enema: Instruction

  • Undress the baby, take off the diaper or undress him and put him on the changing table / surface on which you will perform the procedure.
  • Apply a little warm vegetable oil or petroleum jelly to the rounded end of the tube and rotate the tube in your hand so that this oil is evenly distributed over it.
  • You can also lubricate the anus of the child.
  • Then, with one hand, for example, with the left hand, press the legs of the crumbs to the tummy, but not much, so that the baby does not hurt and he does not break out and does not jerk his legs. The correct position of the child is on the left side, but up to six months the procedure is carried out for babies lying on their backs.
  • Then take the tube with your right hand and carefully insert the rounded and smeared end into the child's rectum with slow rotational movements.
  • This should not be done deeply, especially for the first time. One and a half centimeters will be enough. If there is a limiter on the tube, then inserting the tube will become much easier.
  • If the baby has severe constipation, then the tube is recommended to be inserted a little deeper - two to three centimeters.
  • To control the waste of gaziks, you can lower the other tip of the device into a prepared container of water. If you see bubbles on the surface, this will indicate the success of the process.
  • Holding the tube with one hand, massage the baby's tummy with the other, making circular movements clockwise, stroking it and kneading it. This will help the accumulated gases to escape more quickly.
  • In general, the procedure can take up to ten to fifteen minutes.
  • If during the procedure the baby began to have feces, then the tube must be carefully removed from the child's priests.
  • Try pressing your baby's legs against your chest to help any remaining gas and stool pass out on its own.
  • When it's over, wash your baby thoroughly.
  • To avoid irritation, it is recommended to wipe the circumference of the baby's anus with a softening baby cream.
  • Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to throw away the disposable or thoroughly wash the reusable product inside and out with tar soap, which has antibacterial properties and hang to dry.
  • The already dried tube should be stored in a jar with a lid, which must also be sterilized beforehand.
  • Before each subsequent use, the product must be boiled and cooled.

This video shows the entire process of installing a gas tube for a newborn.

Precautions and how to hold the tube in the rectum

Despite the significant help that a procedure using a gas outlet tube can bring, it should not be abused.

Undoubtedly, it has an advantage over an enema in that you do not wash out the beneficial microflora of the intestine, but doctors argue all the time about the same addiction of a baby to tube procedures as with an enema.

Hypothetically, bowel habituation to artificial stimulation to relief can still occur if you abuse the procedure. As a result, there is a risk that the child will not learn to manage his own intestines and the body as a whole for a long time to remove gas and defecate naturally.

To prevent this from happening, try to follow simple rules:

  • do not do the procedure just like that without special need - only if there are relevant indications and if other therapeutic measures do not work;
  • do not keep the tube in the child's rectum for more than fifteen minutes - this can also cause certain complications;
  • do not repeat the procedure too often - the interval between uses of the straw should be at least four to six hours, and then only if absolutely necessary.

In addition, in no case do not leave the baby with a tube in the anus unattended - you must constantly hold both the child's legs and the tube, because if the baby inadvertently twitches or hits the device with his feet, the tube will twitch in the intestines, and this can lead to mucosal damage or even more dangerous injuries.

If during the procedure the baby is very worried, cries and twitches, so that you can’t even put the tube, then it’s better to stop the process or postpone it for a more comfortable time, because in such conditions you still won’t succeed.

After how many days can I repeat the enema?

As for the frequency of use, this question is very individual - you yourself must observe your baby and draw conclusions about how much he needs or does not need this procedure.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that for infants there is no specific variant of the norm regarding the frequency of stools - some children go to the toilet several times a day, while others - once every three to four days. Nevertheless, if the kids feel normal at the same time, eat well, sleep and play merrily, then it’s okay if there is no stool and how many times a day it happens or it doesn’t exist for several days, then it’s not necessary to put an enema .

Your task is to focus solely on the presence or absence of any alarming signs indicating the suffering, pain and discomfort of the baby. If there are none, then there is no problem either, which means that it is completely optional to grab the phone.

With severe colic and other indications, the procedure can be performed every day, but do not forget to consult a pediatrician and find out the possible reason for your child's condition - perhaps the cause of his constipation and bloating is eliminated much easier.

When is it forbidden to use the handset?

You should know that the use of a gas outlet tube is not suitable for all children, sometimes it can be harmful, and in some cases it is strictly forbidden to use it:

  • if the baby has intestinal infections;
  • with impaired integrity of the intestinal mucosa or bleeding;
  • with diseases in the rectum;
  • if the baby has certain congenital anomalies, defects or pathologies;
  • for children with inflamed intestines.

Do not forget about possible hypersensitivity, allergic reactions to the material from which the product is made, or individual intolerance of the child.

Preventive measures and alternative ways to deal with colic and constipation

As you remember, the use of a vent tube is only an extreme auxiliary measure. In order not to resort to it, you can try to alleviate the condition of the baby in less radical ways.

If the crumbs have a significant stool retention, he is tormented by gas and colic, then try the following steps:

  • do not forget to do gymnastics with the baby and put it on the tummy between feedings;
  • massage the baby's stomach with your palms - make soft and stroking movements with a little pressure in a clockwise direction;
  • do the “Bicycle” exercise with the child - first bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the tummy, and then the other, continue to alternately bend and unbend the baby’s legs, watching his reaction;
  • heat the water and fill the heating pad with it, put the warm heating pad on the baby's tummy;
  • the heating pad can be replaced with a warm diaper, which is easy to warm up with a battery or iron;
  • put the baby with a bare tummy on your bare stomach - such contact with the mother often relieves the baby of discomfort and helps him calm down and relax;
  • ask the doctor to prescribe medications that relieve intestinal spasms, help gases escape faster, improve intestinal motility, fight colic, like dill water or Plantex tea, Beybicalm, Espumizan, Subsimplex, Dufalac .

In addition, there are various folk remedies that are used to prevent and treat colic: these are herbal teas, and warm chamomile baths, etc.

Any problem is much easier to prevent than to treat, so try to take care of the prevention of such problems in your crumbs.

  • Learn how to properly attach the baby to the chest - he should not swallow excess air, which then accumulates in bubbles in the intestines and causes spasms.
  • Before feeding, always lay the crumbs on the tummy, and after feeding, wear it in a “column” in an upright position so that it burps the air.
  • Review your diet - very often the cause of colic is the wrong diet of a nursing mother. Remember not to eat foods that cause or increase gas formation, such as legumes, onions and garlic, grapes and cabbage, white flour products and fatty dairy products, as well as smoked, canned, salty and spicy foods, fried foods, convenience foods and allergens.
  • Properly select and prepare milk formula if your milk is not enough for natural feeding.
  • Try pumping a little before feeding so your baby doesn't get lactose-rich "forward" milk that causes flatulence and colic.
  • Check the baby for diseases such as enzyme or lactose deficiency, dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections.
  • Be less nervous and do not fuss, because your psychological state is immediately reflected in the baby.

Remember that colic simply needs to be experienced - they will not last forever, but now your baby needs special attention, frequent breastfeeding, warmth of mother's hands, warming and stroking.


A gas tube is not a panacea, but sometimes it is this device that can help a child get rid of pain and discomfort. Someone calmly uses the tube during the entire period of colic without any sad consequences, while others prefer not to take risks and use other methods of help.

Whether to resort to this measure or not is solely your decision, however, remember that you can use the tube only when it was not possible to help the baby with alternative methods: massage, warming, gymnastics, nutrition correction, etc.

Only if there is no result from these measures and if there is a real problem, you can solve it with the help of a gas outlet tube, without abusing and taking all precautions.

The tummy is still swollen, the gases do not go away, a gas tube for newborns will help. The likelihood of a bowel movement within 15-20 minutes.

The tummy delivers great concern to mother and baby during the first months after birth. An immature intestine, an underdeveloped microflora provoke intestinal colic, make defecation difficult, and lead to accumulation of feces.

The baby is worried, often cries or screams piercingly. If there is no congenital pathology, then the problem will be resolved over time: usually by the age of one year, the bowel function returns to normal.

Thematic material:

And until that time, you need to help the crumbs by performing simple manipulations. It alleviates the condition of a light massage of the tummy - it is correct to do it in a clockwise direction (the navel cannot be touched), gymnastics (bending the legs), laying it on the tummy. If all else fails, the tummy is still swollen, defecation has not occurred, gases do not leave, a gas outlet tube for newborns will help. This is the simplest and completely safe (if used correctly) device. It works almost instantly.

How to use

A gas outlet tube (tube) for newborns is sold in almost every pharmacy. When purchasing a rectal catheter, pay attention to the size of the device, which may be different. The pharmacist, upon purchase, will advise you on the appropriate diameter. For newborns, number 15-16 is suitable. From six months you can use No. 17-18. The instructions for use are simple, you just need to follow it carefully.

Photo of a conventional gas tube for newborns

We watch the video - how to use it correctly and how to insert the gas outlet tube.

The simplest rubber tubes do not have a limiter, therefore, in order to correctly place the probe, you will have to independently and with maximum accuracy determine the permissible insertion depth, measuring it with a centimeter tape or ruler. A more modern generation of devices is available with a limiter ring, which greatly facilitates use.

Photo of Windi vent pipe

Before using the gas outlet tube for newborns, according to the instructions and in order to protect the baby from getting a variety of infections, the rectal probe must be sterilized by boiling for ten minutes.

There should be no other manipulations: it is strictly forbidden to cut the tube, make additional holes in it. Home-made "modifications" - direct harm to the baby's intestines, you need to put it only in the form in which it is sold.

Thematic material:

It is not enough to buy a device. You need to know how to put a gas tube on a newborn. Otherwise, you can harm the baby, and quite seriously. It is good if the district pediatrician or an experienced woman performs the procedure for the young mother for the first time. If this is not possible, you should act according to the following rules.

  1. Before inserting the probe, you must first cover the changing table with oilcloth, and then with a soft, dense diaper so that the baby does not freeze. You can put a gauze diaper under the back, which is not a pity to get dirty.
  2. Prepare a deep bowl of water, pour boiled vegetable or pharmacy vaseline oil into a large glass or plastic cup.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  4. Lay the child on the back, gently press the legs to the chest.
  5. Treat the anus well, generously lubricating it with boiled vegetable oil, vaseline oil from a pharmacy or regular baby cream (it is better to do this with warm hands so as not to cause anxiety and discomfort in the child).
  6. Pour some of the oil into a separate container and dip the blind end of the tube into it.
  7. Now the most important part: the introduction of the device. With one hand, it is necessary to fix the baby's legs in the desired position (pressed to the chest), and with the other, carefully insert the end of the tube into the anus to a depth of two to three (for newborns) or three to four (after three months) centimeters. The movement should be not only translational, but also rotational: the device should be scrolled through the track. The maximum allowable depth of insertion of the probe after three months is five centimeters.
  8. If the tip of the device meets some kind of obstacle, you should immediately stop diving - no sudden movements in one direction or the other can not be done! You need to insert and remove the probe very smoothly.
  9. Lower the other end of the tube into the water to make it easier to control the process of escaping gases. It is better to place a vessel with water in such a way that the tube is not stretched, but easily (it can be slightly tilted) descend into the water.
  10. Continue the procedure for ten minutes or until the stool begins to pass. At the first signs of defecation, carefully remove the probe and put it in a special container or on a napkin.

Even if the goal of the procedure was to fight gassies, everything went well and without defecation, the likelihood of a bowel movement over the next fifteen to twenty minutes is very high.

After completing the procedure, the baby needs to be washed, the ass blotted dry, put on a diaper or sliders. Wash the straw thoroughly with soap (it is better to do this with laundry soap) and put it in a separate clean bag.

Diagram of the effectiveness of the Windi vent tube (rectal catheter) according to research from Swedish children's clinics

Some sources recommend using heat treatment (boiling) before using the vent tube, but this is not necessary - says Dr. Komarovsky, for example: "If the instrument is used individually, only for a specific child, then there is no point in boiling." Only hospital tubes are sterilized without fail, because they are used for different patients.

Extreme care must be taken when using the straw. Komarovsky emphasizes that incorrect insertion of the probe can cause formidable complications: intestinal perforation, bleeding and peritonitis. Even slight damage to the mucosa will cause very unpleasant consequences.

How often can you use

Another question that parents ask is how often to put the straw. Many are afraid of the possible addiction to this method of defecation. Will the intestines stop working due to frequent manipulation? There will be no addiction, so you can safely use the vent tube, helping the baby.

Pediatricians do not see anything wrong with alleviating the suffering of a child, albeit in an artificial way. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than four hours later. There are no specific recommendations regarding the number of applications per day, since the condition of the child is always individual. Dr. Komarovsky, for example, answering this question, says: often. The probe is not a hindrance, but an assistant, if you put it in accordance with all the rules (instructions and caution are the best assistant in this matter).

The baby's intestines are immature, so when a certain age is reached (usually after three to four months), the need for adaptation will disappear. In any case, it can be used occasionally. Many parents note that bowel function is normalized after the introduction of complementary foods. Solid food has a positive effect on the work of the intestines of the newborn, and gradually the gas tube becomes unnecessary.

Together with the tube, you need to use other means, for example, give the child dill water to drink, give a little clean boiled water, use pharmacy products like espumizan or plantex.

If something is alarming in the state of the newborn, the color and smell of the stool has changed, the child cannot empty the intestines on its own for a long time, vomiting has appeared after feeding, you do not need to put an additional probe, you should call an ambulance, examine the baby to identify possible congenital pathologies.

Windi straw prices

You can buy the Windi rectal catheter (probe), developed in Sweden, on the official website by making an online order. Or you can find on the same site the addresses of distributors of the company in your region and buy from them. And of course the easiest option is to purchase a rectal probe at the nearest pharmacy. A gas outlet tube for newborns of this manufacturer costs from 750 rubles.

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