How to take children in the period of adaptation. How to help your child during the adjustment period

Reading time: 2 min

Adaptation of the child to the garden is the adaptation or adaptation of the child's body to a new environment. For a toddler, kindergarten is like an unknown space, with frightening new relationships and environments. The baby needs time to adapt to a new life. Adaptation of the child to the garden requires an increased expenditure of mental energy, tension, as well as the physical strength of the body.

Features of the behavior of the baby in the adaptation period often frighten adults so much that they often think about whether the child will ever be able to adapt and when will this "horror" end? Those behaviors that worry parents are often typical for all kids who are in the process of adapting to the garden. It was during this period that most mothers believe that their child is "non-Sadovsky", but other kids feel much better and behave in the kindergarten. However, it is not. Usually, the child's adaptation to the garden is very difficult with negative changes in the child's body. These shifts are noted in all systems and at all levels.

It's not easy for kids of all ages to start attending preschool. Each of the kids goes through a period of adaptation to kindergarten. During this period, his whole life changes dramatically. Changes burst into the established, familiar life of a baby in a family: the absence of relatives and relatives, a clear daily routine, the constant presence of other children, the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults, and a decrease in the amount of personal attention.

A new environment for the baby appears as a neuropsychic stress, as well as stress that does not stop in the first days for a minute. The baby has changes during the period of adaptation to kindergarten. For the first time days, staying in kindergarten, each child has strongly pronounced negative emotions: whimpering, crying for company or constant paroxysmal crying.

The manifestations are clear. The kid is often afraid of meeting unfamiliar children, unknown environment, new educators, and the fact that his parents will forget about him after leaving the garden. The child thinks that he has been betrayed and they will not come for him in the evening, therefore, against the background of a stressful state, anger flares up in him, breaking out. Arriving in the garden in the morning, the baby does not allow himself to be undressed, rolls up, often beats an adult who is going to leave him.

Adaptation of a child 2-3 years old to kindergarten

Getting used to a preschool institution is marked by a decrease in social activity. Even optimistic, sociable children become restless, tense, withdrawn and uncommunicative. Parents need to remember that children 2-3 years old play next to each other, but not together. The plot game in such children is not yet developed, so you should not be nervous if the baby does not interact with other peers.

The fact that addiction is successful can be concluded from how the baby every day more and more willingly responds to the requests of the educator, interacts with him, follows regime moments.

Adaptation of a child of 2-3 years old to kindergarten is marked by a decrease in cognitive activity or its complete absence. It happens that the child is not interested in toys, does not dare to play with them. Many children prefer to sit on the sidelines in order to orient themselves.

In the course of successful adaptation, the baby gradually masters the space of the group, and forays to toys become the most frequent and bold. The child begins to ask questions to the teacher of the cognitive plan. For the first time in the days of adaptation, the child, under the influence of new conditions of stay, is able to lose self-service skills for a short time. Successful adaptation is determined by the fact that the baby not only uses all his home skills, but also learns something new in the kindergarten.

In some children, vocabulary is depleted or the baby uses simple words as well as suggestions. Parents don't have to worry. The speech of the crumbs will be enriched and restored when the adaptation is completed.

Some children turn into inhibited, while others become uncontrollably active. It directly depends on the temperament of the crumbs. The activities at home are also changing. A sign of successful adaptation is the restoration of the previous activity at home, and then in the garden.

Leaving the baby in the garden for an afternoon nap, you must be prepared that for the first time the dream will be bad. Children sometimes jump up during sleep, and, having fallen asleep, wake up crying. Also at home, restless sleep can be observed, which, by the time the adaptation is completed, will necessarily normalize.

At first, a 2-3-year-old baby has a reduced appetite. This is associated with unusual food (taste and appearance), and with stress reactions - the child simply does not want to eat. A good sign of adaptation will be the restoration of appetite, even if the child does not eat everything that is offered on the plate, but he already begins to eat on his own.

Adaptation of the child to the garden and illness often begin with the first visits. preschool. The reason for this is stress, which reduces the immunity and resistance of the child's body to infections. Some children start to get sick in the first week, others a month after visiting the kindergarten. It often happens that the cause of colds and chronic acute respiratory infections is a psychological factor. One of the well-known psychological defense mechanisms is the flight into illness. But this does not mean that the baby falls ill on purpose to stay at home, he does it unconsciously. The body easily obeys such a hidden tendency: demonstrating amazing weakness, refusing to resist a cold.

Often, having achieved emotional balance, tendencies to diseases are overcome. However, most moms expect negative behaviors and responses to disappear in the first few days, so they get frustrated and angry if they don't.

The adaptation of the child to the garden is carried out by the end of the 4th week, but it happens that it is delayed for 4 months.

During the period of adaptation to kindergarten, the baby is so vulnerable that everything is the reason for the nursery. There are frequent cases of manifestations of depressive reactions, inhibition of emotions. The first days in the garden pass without positive emotions, the baby is very upset by parting with her mother, as well as with her familiar environment. If the baby smiles, then often this is a reaction to a bright stimulus or novelty (an unusual game, a bright toy).

Being separated from a mother is a stressful situation for a child. The child perceives kindergarten as a terrible new environment with unfamiliar children who do not care about him. In order to survive in the new circumstances, he should behave differently and not like at home. However, not knowing new form behavior and suffering from that, the baby is afraid to do something wrong. Children's fear supports stress - separation from the mother.

Adaptation of 3-5-year-old boys to kindergarten is more difficult than that of girls. During this period, boys react painfully to separation from their mother, because they are very attached to her.

The crisis of three years, piling up on the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, often complicates its passage. One part of the children easily adapts to the garden, and their negative moments disappear on the 3rd week, while others are more difficult, and the adaptation is delayed up to 2 months. If the baby is not adapted after 3 months, then such adaptation is severe and needs the help of a specialist psychologist.

It is especially difficult for those kids who were not told about the upcoming visit to a preschool institution, and for them this is a surprise. Parents can help their little ones adapt to new environments faster. The complex of measures includes the creation of a gentle environment at home that spares the nervous system of the child.

In the presence of the baby, you should always speak positively about the teachers and the garden itself, even if you don’t like something. The child will have to go to this garden, and respecting the teachers makes it easier;

When talking about a garden with a baby, you need to tell someone else in his presence about what a wonderful garden the baby now goes to, and what good teachers work there;

On weekends, it is necessary to observe a clear regimen of the child's day. You can let him sleep a little longer, but you don’t need to let him sleep for a very long time. During the adaptation period, the baby should not be overloaded, because he has life changes, and he does not need tension in the nervous system.

During the adaptation period of the child to the garden, parents need to be patient. Negative emotions will certainly be replaced by positive ones, indicating the end of this period. Some babies will cry for a long time at parting, but this does not indicate poor adaptation. If the baby calms down after the mother leaves after a while, then the addiction is going well.

How to adapt a child to the garden

Parents need to prepare the crumbs in advance for visiting the garden: a few months before this event. Preparation includes reading fairy tales about visiting the garden, playing "in kindergarten", walking near the kindergarten, telling the baby about visiting this institution soon and making new friends for joint games.

If the parents had the opportunity to introduce the child to the caregivers in advance, then the baby will be psychologically easier. It is especially important that at this moment the mother is present, and the child walks around the group, talks with the teachers.

Adapting a child to kindergarten will be easier if he is physically healthy, without chronic diseases and without a predisposition to colds. Since the period of addiction is marked by tension, then all the forces of the body are directed to adaptation, and if the body does not spend energy on fighting diseases, then this will serve as a good start.

Adaptation will be successful if the baby will have the skills of independence in the following moments: partial dressing, using the potty, independent eating. If the kid knows all this, then he will not waste energy on urgent training in this and will use the existing skills.

It is easier to get used to those kids whose regime is close to the garden regime. A month before entering the garden, parents should bring the child's regime to the garden one. To do this, you should clarify in advance the schedule of the day of the preschool institution, and for an easy rise in the morning, you should put the baby to bed no later than 20:30.

It is difficult for those babies in the period of addiction who do not have several or one of these above conditions.

It is necessary that at home the crumbs are surrounded by a calm atmosphere. More often, the baby should be hugged, spoken kind words, patted on the head, noted his improvement in behavior, success, and also praise him more, because he needs the support of his parents. Parents should be tolerant of the whims that arise from the overload of the nervous system. Hugging a child can help him calm down and quickly switch to other activities.

Having agreed with the teacher, you should give the baby a small soft toy. Often, babies need a toy as a substitute for mom. The child will be much calmer when he presses something soft, which is a part of the house.

Having come up with his own fairy tale for his parents about a little bunny who first went to kindergarten, and how he was a little scared and uncomfortable, but then friends appeared, and it became fun, will allow the baby to step more confidently into a preschool. Psychologists advise to play this fairy tale with toys. The key moment in the fairy tale, as well as in the game, is the return of the mother for the baby, so until this moment comes, the story cannot be interrupted. All this is started so that the baby understands: mom will definitely return.

It has been noted that most of all, the child and the parent are upset together when parting. How to properly organize the morning so that both mom and baby have a successful day, and most importantly, calmly?

Advice of psychologists: a calm mother - a calm baby. The mother's insecurity is transmitted to the child, and he is even more upset. Both in the garden and at home, it is necessary to talk with the baby confidently and calmly. Benevolent perseverance should be shown in the morning when waking up, then when dressing, and in a preschool when undressing. It is necessary to talk with the baby not in a loud, but in a firm and confident voice. Often, when waking up, the very favorite toy that the baby takes with him to the garden is a good helper. Seeing that the bear "really wants to go to the garden", the child will be infected with a good mood and his confidence.

Psychologists advise taking the baby to the adult with whom it is easier for him to part. It has long been noticed that a child can part with one of the parents quite calmly, but with the other it is difficult, continuing to suffer after his departure. It is important to indicate and tell the child when he will be picked up: after dinner, after a walk, or how he will sleep.

It is easier for a baby to know that his mother will come for him after some regime moment than to wait for her every minute. Parents should not be late, but should keep their promises. You need to come up with your own farewell ritual: kiss, say "bye", wave your hand. After that, you should immediately leave: without turning around and confidently. The longer adults show indecision, the more worried the baby. Often adults make serious mistakes that make adaptation difficult.

Parents should not do the following during the adaptation period:

You can not get angry or punish the baby for crying at home or at parting after mentioning the need to go to preschool. The baby has the right to such a reaction, but a strict reminder of the child's promise not to cry is not effective. Toddlers of this age do not yet know how to “keep their word.” It is better to tell the baby about your love and that you will definitely take it;

Talking to other family members about the child's tears in his presence should be avoided. Children on a spiritually subtle level feel their mother's concern, and this further increases their anxiety;

One should not frighten with a garden, for this place will thus never be loved;

You can’t speak negatively about the garden and educators with crumbs;

You can not deceive, promising that you will pick it up soon, and the baby waits for half a day, losing confidence in a loved one.

Parents also need psychological help, since entering the kindergarten is a test not only for children, but also for parents who experience great excitement. Parents need to be confident in the need to visit kindergarten, then the baby, seeing the confidence of the mother, adapts faster. It should be believed that the child is in fact not a weak creature at all and his adaptive system will survive, and he will cope. It is much worse if the child does not cry at all and is squeezed by stress. Crying acts as an assistant to the nervous system, preventing it from being overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of baby crying and angry with the baby. In severe cases, you can take the help of a child psychologist who will tell the parents how the adaptation is going on and assure that really attentive people work in the garden.

Often, parents really need to know that their baby calms down quickly and easily after they leave, and this information is provided by a psychologist and educators who monitor children in the process of adaptation. Adults should also seek support from other parents whose toddlers are attending kindergarten. By supporting each other, it is important to celebrate and rejoice in the success of the kids, as well as ourselves.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Galina Maksimenko
"The first day is the hardest." Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten

Here are the latest documents. It's time to go to Kindergarten. For parents, this is a step in suspense: how will the child be accepted, will he like it in the garden, how long will it last adaptation? You, comrade parents, we perfectly understand. After all, you are giving your beloved child into the hands of strangers. But it is equally important for us that your children go with pleasure to Kindergarten. After all, yours, and now our children, spend more time in the garden than at home. It is very gratifying for us when children come to us with great pleasure, and sometimes they do not want to go home. This means only one thing - we are moving in the right direction.

Every child has their own adaptation period. For some, it goes unnoticed, for others, this period is long and painful.

Of course, the best time to enter children's kindergarten - warm season. In this period adaptation runs more smoothly. AT first week the child is in children's institution no more than 2-3 hours. In these first days of the children's stay in the garden, we give you the opportunity to be with them together, to play. Try to talk more with children, tune in to positive emotions from visiting children. garden. Children need to feel that they are needed. And in the future - do not delay the process of saying goodbye in the morning. Don't hurt your children!

It should be noted that each child is individual, therefore the process adaptation it goes differently for everyone.

Toddlers who stay at home and communicate little with other children live in a certain halo of the same microorganisms. Each toddler has its own specific bacteria, which he receives exclusively in his family. As soon as the child goes to the kindergarten, there is close communication between the children and, as a result, there is an exchange of microorganisms. Another baby has its own bacteria, others. The child's body perceives "alien" microorganisms as a potential threat and he develops a disease. The kid who was the source of these "strangers" microorganisms, the disease does not occur, since these microorganisms are his, and he is constantly in contact with them. So the crumbs in the kindergarten change with their microbes until they are ill with all of them.

This picture is especially typical for children who go to kindergarten during first few weeks. Babies have reduced immunity at this time. Finding a child without a mother is a stressful situation, and stress adversely affects the functioning of all systems, especially the immune system.

There are 3 degrees adaptation:

1. Light degree adaptation- At this degree, changes in the behavior of the child occur within 20-30 days. Appetite does not change, or slightly decreases, but gradually, within a week, returns to normal. At the same time, the amount of daily food intake corresponds to age. Home sleep is not disturbed, but in conditions garden is restored within a week. The speech activity of the child, his emotional state, and communication with children usually normalize within 15 to 20 days, but most often earlier. The relationship with adults is not broken, the baby is active and in constant motion. Diseases during this period rarely occur, and if they occur, they proceed in a mild degree, there is no protracted course, there are no relapses and complications. Light degree adaptation characteristic of healthy children. These are children who were born healthy, practically did not get sick first years of life All scheduled vaccinations were completed. Also such children parents constantly hardened, they eat almost everything.

2. Average degree adaptation- This degree of severity is typical for children who have any deviations in the state of health. For example, if there were complications in childbirth - asphyxia, or if the baby was born prematurely, or was often sick first years of life. With moderate severity adaptation disturbance processes are more pronounced and longer. Normalization of sleep and appetite in the garden and at home occurs no earlier than after 20 to 30 days. Toddlers cannot yet set up contact with other children right away, usually it takes time, about 20 days. During this time of the child's stay in the group, his emotional state is not stable. Also, this degree of severity is characterized by a delay in motor activity, and recovery occurs only a month after visiting a preschool institution. The incidence is most pronounced in first months, and complications are possible.

3. Severe degree adaptation- A severe degree is characterized by a duration of two months to six months, in some cases even more. In addition, all manifestations are pronounced, children get sick very quickly during first week, and the disease recurs 4-8 or more times during the year. A decrease in the intensity of diseases occurs only in the second year of stay in kindergarten. Only from the second year, children begin to visit regularly kindergarten. In other babies, inappropriate behavior persists for a longer time, and borders on neurotic states. The peanut lags behind in speech and game development by a couple of blocks. Most such adaptation is typical for children with malformations suffering from severe chronic diseases. Such adaptation possible for allergy sufferers. In addition to biological factors that affect the development of the baby, the social environment also has an impact.

AT first days of visiting a preschool institution we offer. dear parents, fill in the questionnaires. They are aimed at getting to know your child better, finding an approach to him faster and facilitate adaptation.

For a child first days of kindergarten, certainly, stress: around unfamiliar faces, strange environment, completely different from home - rules of conduct (requirements).To adaptation passed for the child is not so painful, we try to distract children to be interested in simple games. These games are mainly aimed at arousing children good mood and only then to teach them something.

We offer you, dear parents, a few simple games to facilitate adaptation. This is, of course, a small fraction of those adaptation games that we play with the guys. Today we offer you games that you can try out for yourself. Imagine that you are small children in an unfamiliar environment.

1. Hide and Seek

From infancy to early school age, children tend to play hide-and-seek. This technique promotes a sense of intimacy and emotional balance.

The game can start spontaneously. If the child hid behind a chair, the teacher can to tell: "Oh, I can't see you! Where are you?" these words will serve as a signal to start the game.

2. Paper tearing

The proposed technique gives children a lot of positive emotions, gives an outlet of energy, liberates.

For work, you must have old newspapers and magazines, or other unnecessary paper. First you need to explain the rules that you can only tear this paper, and then you need to clean everything up after yourself.

Then the teacher starts tearing newspapers and paper, showing the children how best to do it. The children join in and all together throw the paper into the center of the room. When the pile becomes large, everyone vigorously starts tossing the paper into the air, it scatters all over the room, and the children are indescribably delighted. This technique can be used in various stories: "Snowfall", "Leaf fall", "Festive fireworks" and etc.

3."Game with handles", finger games

Finger games help an adult to quickly and easily attract the attention of a child, find contact with him, arrange him for himself, arouse interest and a desire to play together. These games help to develop the emotional sphere of the child, develop fine motor skills, speech children.

You can also use: nursery rhymes for beginners and coaxing, self-knowledge games. These are the games how: "Magpie-white-sided", "A squirrel is sitting on a trolley...", Finger, finger, where have you been?, "Patty-Patty" and others.


Sparkling, iridescent soap bubbles are a favorite entertainment for children of any age. All kids love blowing bubbles! All you need to do is open a jar of soapy water and blow a bubble! And you will immediately see what happiness will sparkle in the eyes of your child!

5."Sun Bunnies"

For the game, we will only need a small mirror.

In bright sunshine day use a mirror to point a spot of light at the wall (sunny bunny). Slowly move the “bunny” so that the baby can reach it touch:

sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

You catch them with your finger -

Let them come to you!

The arrival of a child in kindergarten is an important stage in your and his life. How many interesting and necessary things the child will discover in him, how many difficulties he will overcome, how much joy he will experience! It is important to know about the features of the first days of the adaptation period.



Advice on the topic:

"Adaptation of the child in the first days of being in kindergarten"

Admission to kindergarten is a significant event, a new period in a child's life. And it is not always possible to predict how the child will enter this new life. Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, when health is strengthened, personal development is carried out. During this period, the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. The first days, weeks, and sometimes even months pass in excitement and great tension for all participants in the pedagogical process. With the arrival of a child in kindergarten, a new page of his life opens. The kid enters a new world where he learns to play, make friends and build relationships with his peers. The child acquires the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept immediately and without problems a new environment and strangers. Some of them cry, others silently worry. Some easily enter the group, but cry at home in the evening, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up. Pedagogical practice has shown that older child the faster he is able to adapt.

There are certain reasons that affect the behavior of children during the adaptation period:

1. Anxiety associated with a change in environment and regime. A child from a familiar, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any moment, finds herself in an unfamiliar room, where she meets friendly, but strangers. It can be difficult for him to adapt to the norms and rules of life in a preschool group. In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not always important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, which can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to kindergarten.

2. The first negative impression of visiting kindergarten.

It can be decisive for the child's future stay in preschool (someone took a toy from him, accidentally pushed him, did not take him into the game, did not share the toy, etc.).

3. Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten.

This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother.

4. Lack of self-care skills, which greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

5. Excess of impressions.

In kindergarten, the child experiences many new positive and negative experiences. He can overwork, be nervous, cry, be capricious.

6. Personal rejection of the educator or other employee.

This phenomenon is not necessary, but it is possible. We can give some advice to parents whose children will attend pre-school institutions in the near future, how to help their kids during the adaptation period.

To reduce anxiety and positively influence the child's adaptation to new living conditions, it is necessary to accustom him to kindergarten gradually. Create and observe a daily regimen in advance, that is, sleep, games and meals that correspond to the DOW regimen.

In order for the child to attend kindergarten with joy and interest, preschool teachers invite parents to come to the group and get acquainted with its routine, environment, didactic material which is used in and out of class.

The team of kindergarten teachers strives to show parents that the institution has created a safe, pedagogically competent and psychologically comfortable environment for the development of the child and strengthening his health.

Among other things, the task of typhlopedagogues and psychologists is to increase the psychological and pedagogical awareness of parents. To mitigate emotional stress when a child visits a kindergarten group, preschool teachers offer the mother to spend some time with the child (the time is set individually). In kindergarten, the child enters an environment that is different from home conditions. The baby significantly expands contacts with peers, with unfamiliar adults, but at the same time his mother is next to him. Namely MOTHER is the main figure for the child.

When meeting the parents of future pupils, the typhlopedagogue tries to establish trusting relationships, get to know the family better, their psychological and pedagogical culture. The purpose of the work in this period of time is to create the most favorable conditions for the adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

According to Russian legislation, the age of children at which it is already possible to stop being completely dependent on their mother and become pupils of a kindergarten is 1.5 years. It is up to this point that parents receive benefits for caring for their baby. Many psychologists of the old school also argue that this is the most optimal time for children to get used to kindergarten, citing the lack of awareness in a child of this age where he is better, so that the first days in kindergarten are less painful. But often the baby can hardly adapt to a new environment.

Why difficulties arise during the period of getting used to the kindergarten

However, it often happens that for the first time a child comes to kindergarten at 4 years old, or even at 5 years old. A long queue for a place in a municipal children's institution, the ability of a mother to be on parental leave until the baby is 3 years old, helper grandmothers - all this plays a role. And by this time, the baby is already forming the foundations, he asks questions: “Why am I being taken there? Why should I leave my mother? Why should I obey someone else's aunt?" This complicates his adaptation to life. However, you can always find a way to prepare the ground as carefully as possible so that children get used to a new life painlessly. When the decision to send the baby to kindergarten has already been made, at first it is not he who worries, but the parents. After all, they perfectly understand: if earlier child spent all his time with his mother, in a mode convenient for both of them, now he will have to get used to a completely new environment, new food, new requirements, which makes a huge difference in his life. No matter how parents prepare for this moment, accustoming the baby to a regime close to the kindergarten, changing the menu and conducting training sessions, it is impossible to recreate the conditions of a preschool institution in your home. What to do so that these changes do not become the strongest stress for the baby? After all, the hatred that arose in the first days in kindergarten will determine the child's attitude to staying in institutions for children for months, if not for years to come.

Psychological attitudes for the child

As evidenced by reviews of kindergartens from parents, a lot depends on the teacher who will replace them for the whole day five days a week. Therefore, if possible, it is better to get acquainted in advance with the teachers of the group in which the baby was enrolled. You should not leave the child in the kindergarten, like a thing, in a hurry to leave as soon as possible - this will cause him a shock and further protest, which will be difficult to overcome. It is important for the kid to feel safe and be sure that he was not abandoned there. It is necessary to mentally prepare him with stories about where he will go, what awaits him there. Usually children tend to communicate with their peers, so such a conversation can be an incentive for the desire to get there.

In the first days in kindergarten, it is better to leave the child only until lunch: he will be able to communicate with other children, play with new toys for him, but will not have time to miss mom and dad. In some kindergartens, it is allowed for parents to sit in the field of view of the baby for several days. So he will perceive such a trip to the kindergarten as an ordinary walk with his mother - this is also an alternative option for a more successful adaptation of the crumbs.

In kindergarten, the child is still captured by new opportunities, new friends, and if the parents correctly and calmly help him get comfortable, then every morning will not start with a spoiled mood for both him and adults.

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