Holidays in kindergarten: a calendar for the year. The scenario of the holiday for the Day of Russia in kindergarten Decoration in kindergarten for Independence Day

Perhaps not everyone was lucky with the kindergarten, but still most of us remember the “kindergarten” weekdays and holidays with a smile. Especially the holidays. There are a lot of them in the preschool calendar, from time to time new ones appear, gradually becoming traditional. What are they celebrating in kindergartens now and when and how does it happen?

Since we have already talked about the history of most holidays in the article, we will not repeat the already mentioned solemn days “where they came from”, but we will only tell in more detail about the history of holidays that were not previously covered.

Knowledge Day

When is celebrated

In kindergartens, they not only care for and look after children, but also teach them to read, count, draw, sculpt, etc. Therefore, preschoolers can rightfully consider the Day of Knowledge to be their holiday too.

It is on the first of September that those children who did not go to kindergarten in the summer return to their native walls. And employees of kindergartens are trying to make the Day of Knowledge a memorable event for their pupils. In good weather (and it is often not bad on the first day of autumn), holidays are held on the street with outdoor games, dances and songs. Children usually do not participate in the preparation, so everything that happens for them becomes a surprise and brings a lot of joy. And even more so for parents who have the opportunity to watch the fun of their beloved children.

What to gift

Like teachers, educators are usually given flowers on this day. If there is a desire and opportunity, then you can make a gift to a child who takes another important step. The kid will be pleased with a small toy that he, if he wants, can take with him to the kindergarten. But the “trainer” will be pleased to receive something that confirms his special status of “a schoolboy without five minutes”: a backpack with which he will go to preparatory classes, or a beautiful pencil case with useful filling.

Day of the educator and preschool worker

When is celebrated

The meaning and history of the holiday

Kindergarten employees have their own holiday quite recently, in 2004. Before taking the initiative to establish a new holiday, a survey was conducted. Most of the respondents who participated in it spoke in favor of the Teacher's Day appearing on the calendar.

The day for this holiday was not chosen by chance. It was on September 27, back in 1863, that the first kindergarten in our country was opened in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island.

As noted in kindergartens

As life shows, kindergarten employees for the most part are extremely modest people who work not for holidays or gifts, but by vocation. Apparently, that is why there are no special celebrations on these days. But parents, grateful to preschool workers for their work, care for children and love for their pupils, of course, try to congratulate the educators.

What to gift

Now there is a huge selection. Therefore, it is up to the parents to decide, of course. Perhaps you will purchase one common gift from the whole group or want to congratulate your beloved teacher only from your family. In any case, it is good if the child or the whole group participates in the preparation of the gift (they draw postcards or, as they can, sign the finished one).

Mothers Day

When is celebrated

Last Sunday in November

As noted in kindergartens

Perhaps, nowhere do they pay so much attention to this relatively new holiday as in kindergartens. Exactly at preschool institutions took root quickly and exists very organically, as if it appeared a long time ago.

Children, under the guidance of educators, prepare touching gifts for their mothers and real festive performances or concerts, learn poems and songs. It is the preschool workers who “promote” this holiday “to the people”. And, quite likely, thanks to them, a generation will soon grow up, for which Mother's Day will be no less familiar and beloved holiday than International Women's Day. And that's great. After all, mothers deserve to have their Day celebrated “not for show”, but from the heart.

What to gift

Of course, mothers are congratulated on this day. But do not forget about grandmothers (mothers of mothers and fathers) and kindergarten workers, most of whom are also someone's mothers. It is great if not only educators, but also dads participate in the preparation of gifts and concerts for mothers. After all, they know their loved ones better than others and together with their children they will be able to arrange an unforgettable holiday and make wonderful gifts with their own hands.

New Year's Eve in kindergarten in Soviet times

New Year

When is celebrated

As noted in kindergartens

One of the most beloved holidays is celebrated in kindergartens on a grand scale. Preparation begins long before: groups are decorated, future decor elements (snowflakes, snowmen, garlands, etc.) are made in the classroom, roles for the New Year's performance are learned, costumes are sewn.

The matinee itself becomes a whole event - with the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, gifts, a round dance around the Christmas tree, songs and dances.

What to gift

In kindergartens, children New Year usually give small gifts. But even the simplest of them, obtained from the hands of the “real” Santa Claus, after a long preparation, rehearsals, and awe before performing in public, becomes a miracle for children. Educators advise preparing gifts for children in such a way that they include both a toy and “goodies”. Indeed, for many modern children, sweets are not a gift, but also a “delicious” after all the worries holiday they want too.


When is celebrated

As noted in kindergartens

Separately, Christmas is celebrated in kindergartens extremely rarely, more often they are combined with the New Year or not celebrated at all. But still, in some kindergartens they arrange Christmas nativity scenes and learn poems and songs dedicated to this event.

What to gift

If the family celebrates Christmas, then a collection of Christmas or Christmastide stories, fairy tales and poems will be a good gift. The works dedicated to Christmas were created by the best poets and writers from different countries, so this book will surely bring a lot of pleasure to both the child and the parents. Read it with your children, and Christmas will definitely be painted with new bright colors.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

When is celebrated

As noted in kindergartens

A holiday with a long history is still popular in kindergartens. Although matinees are not arranged everywhere or they combine this holiday with International Women's Day, nevertheless, children begin to prepare for it ahead of time: they make gifts for dads and grandfathers, learn songs and poems. In some gardens for children there is even a "military" uniform, which they wear with pleasure and pride on this day.

What to gift

In our country, Defender of the Fatherland Day is perceived as a holiday for all men, including the smallest. Therefore, it is quite possible to congratulate the boys on him. They will certainly like devices for burning, designers (including electronic ones) or models of military equipment. But in kindergartens there are also male employees: security guards, workers, and sometimes psychologists or speech therapists. They will also be pleased to receive congratulations on a holiday.

International Women's Day

When is celebrated

As noted in kindergartens

As in Soviet times, International Women's Day is one of the most beloved "kindergarten" holidays. Children of all ages are happy to prepare gifts and performances for mothers and grandmothers. , dedicated to this day, has long become an obligatory and traditional element of congratulations in kindergartens.

What to gift

Why not give the girls in the group flowers, such as an orchid in a special box? Little beauties will also be pleased with sets of special children's cosmetics or jewelry.

For teachers, jewelry boxes, photo frames, sets of different types of honey, umbrellas, etc. are suitable.

Pancake week

When is celebrated

Mobile holiday. It usually falls in February - early March, since Lent begins at this time for Orthodox Christians, and Maslenitsa is the last week before it.

As noted in kindergartens

In kindergartens, Maslenitsa is loved and not forgotten. Often, festive festivities are held on the street with traditional mummers, horseback riding, an effigy of Shrovetide (which, however, for safety reasons is not burned in accordance with traditions), and sometimes pancakes (usually they are replaced by pancakes baked by kindergarten cooks). Children love a merry holiday and are happy to participate in competitions, dance and guess riddles, drive away winter and meet spring.

What to gift

The best gift for children these days will be a family outing to the Maslenitsa festivities, which are held with unfailing success in all corners of our country, or gatherings with pancakes and other traditional treats, visiting beloved grandmothers or, conversely, a visit to them. Sculpt snow sculptures, ride from the mountains, arrange a snowball fight. All this will definitely appeal to children and will give everyone a lot of fun.


When is celebrated

The date of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ changes every year. and is always between April 4 and May 8.

As noted in kindergartens

Easter is not celebrated in all kindergartens. However, there are also those in which children, together with teachers, make Easter cards and crafts, paint wooden eggs, arrange exhibitions or even holiday concerts. However, this is still the exception rather than the rule.

What to gift

Traditional Easter gifts: eggs, Easter cakes, figurines of chicks and rabbits, postcards - all this is appropriate today and will surely please those to whom the baby decides to present a gift.

Matinee in honor of Victory Day in kindergarten. Photo from the site

Victory Day

When is celebrated

As noted in kindergartens

Not all kindergartens celebrate Victory Day widely. However, he, fortunately, does not go unnoticed. Competitions of drawings and crafts are organized, educators select and read to children works about the Great Patriotic war teach them poems and songs. And in many respects the merit of the employees of kindergartens is that our children can still sing along if they hear “Katyusha” or “Smuglyanka”.

What to gift

Since it is customary to congratulate only veterans on this day, it would be right to prepare gifts together with the children for those in your environment who fought. Let it be, if not a great-grandfather, then at least a distant relative or neighbor. Buy an envelope from the post office and write a letter to the veteran, make a postcard and send them along with the child. Go to those places where you can still meet war veterans, buy flowers and give them to veterans together with your baby. This holiday, unlike any other, the child will not forget.

High school graduation

When is celebrated

There is no single date for this important holiday. In some kindergartens, pupils are “released” at the end of April, in others - in May.

The meaning and history of the holiday

Following the example of schools and institutes proms in kindergartens they began to organize events back in Soviet times (information about graduations in the pre-revolutionary years could not be found, but perhaps something similar happened then).

As noted in kindergartens

Perhaps not a single holiday in all the years of being in kindergarten is celebrated by preschool children on such a large scale. At the same time, literally everyone participates in the preparation: the children themselves, educators and parents. And we are talking not only about preparing a festive table, outfits, gifts and surprises. In recent years, a wonderful touching tradition has emerged: now, in many kindergartens, not only children, but also their parents and educators prepare performances for a concert. Such surprises delight the children and remain in their memory.

Other important attributes include a tea party or even a real feast, fabulous dresses for girls and elegant costumes for boys, ribbons, photo albums, photo collages, balloons with paper birds tied to them, clouds, etc., on which children's desires. In general, the holiday turns out to be very warm and sincere.

What to gift

Graduation in kindergartens usually has something that can be useful in school life: globes, encyclopedias, first-grader sets, wristwatches, table lamps, lunch boxes (lunch boxes), etc.

Children Protection Day

When is celebrated

The meaning and history of the holiday

The establishment of this holiday was agreed upon in 1949 at the Second Congress of the Women's International Democratic Federation, held in Paris. The first International Children's Day was celebrated in 1950. Since then it has become an annual event.

As noted in kindergartens

In the summer, our kindergartens become much less “densely populated”: many kids leave for the holidays. But nevertheless, preschool workers do not miss the opportunity to please the children on their "professional" holiday. Sports festivals have already become traditional, which, if the weather permits, are held outside. Relay races, outdoor games, fun competitions - all this allows children to feel that the day is really festive, not weekday.

What to gift

In our country, it is not yet customary to give gifts to the heroes of the occasion. But who is stopping us from becoming the founders of a new good tradition? As gifts on this day, kits for creativity and needlework (figures for painting, stained glass photo frames, etc.) are suitable.

I love you my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.

I love, I deeply understand
Steppe pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Russia!

Today, the Day of Russia is acquiring more and more patriotic features and is becoming a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The patriotic upbringing of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. Patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from an early age.

Patriotism is devotion and love for the Motherland, for its nature, culture, and people.

Kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of wide emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

The teaching staff of the kindergarten forms in pupils such important features for a Russian person as love for their native land, the Motherland, the Russian Army, history, respect for people of other nationalities. They introduce children to the symbols of the state, historical figures, develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

But love for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, with love for one's home, the street on which the child lives, kindergarten, school, city. All this we must teach the child from the very beginning. younger age.

Traditionally, events are held in our kindergarten on the eve of the Independence Day of Russia. Yes, atOn the morning of June 11, the pupils met with morning exercises to the music and the words of V. Ososhnik "We are your children, Russia!" finger gymnastics"We are residents of Russia."

Educators together with children decorated group room, organized exhibitions of folk arts and crafts, watched presentations, designed, played various games, guessed riddles about the nature of our region.

For younger children, teachers showed a puppet theater "Masha and the Bear". Masha invited the kids to play with her.

For pupils of middle, senior and preparatory groups in the music room, a screening of the cartoon "History of Russia for Children" (author M. Knyazeva) was organized. After watching, the guys took part in the quiz "Heraldry. Symbols of Russia" with pleasure.

On this day, already familiar guests arrived to congratulate the children on the holiday - police officers, with whom the kindergarten has been cooperating for more than a year. Inspector for PDN Khairullina O.E. reminded the children about how to behave with a stranger on the street and the rules of behavior on the water in the summer.

Traffic inspector Tyamanova N.V. reminded about the rules of safe behavior on the road and held fun competitions for children to know the rules of the road.

At the end of the event, happy and slightly tired children were given stickers "I always follow the rules of the road!", coloring books "Road and children" and reflective stickers "Russian Flag".

At the end of the day, teachers with children organized exhibitions of creative works “Russia is my Motherland!”.

Today's children are the future of the country.

Happy children are the happy future of our country!

Tatyana Orlova

12 June - Day of Russia - public holiday, one of the "youngest" in our country. AT Day of Russia in the Kremlin President of Russia awarding State Prizes Russian Federation. In Moscow, on Red Square, celebrations are held that end fireworks.

And, of course, we do not stand aside, in anticipation of this holiday pass in our garden holidays and themed activities. I present to you our decor for this holiday.

State symbols Russian Federation: The flag, coat of arms, a poster with the text of the anthem of the Russian Federation, the image of the Kremlin occupy the central wall.

Flags made by yourself: bought 1 meter of fabric in three colors, cut it out, got two large flags (at a cost it turned out several times cheaper than buying ready-made ones).

Small flags for children also made on one's own: bought a tape and attached to wooden sticks using double-sided tape.

Our children also took an active part in design: together with them we made nesting dolls.

And a mini-exhibition dedicated to Russian crafts and folk musical instruments.

Here are presented both real objects and dummies, for example, a balalaika (the real one was not found)

The music room was framed together with the musical director of the kindergarten Fink Natalya Vladimirovna.

Thank you for your attention! I hope someone will benefit from our experience.

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Good day, dear colleagues! We have a good tradition in our kindergarten. For every significant event, memorable date,.

We are waiting for the winter, the New Year, around the Christmas tree a round dance. We are waiting for gifts, congratulations, magic and surprise. And to please everyone with songs, dances, jokes,

Victory Day is, in my opinion, the most significant holiday. Unfortunately, now there are people who underestimate the importance of this holiday.

So all the preparations for February 23 ended. Holidays passed safely in kindergarten. Poems are told and songs are sung, gifts.

Hello dear guests! Before the onset New Year holidays little time left. All sorts of decorations are being prepared for them, and.

Both old and young know that May 9 is not just a holiday, it is one of the great days, revered not only in Russia, but also in many.

Scenario of the holiday for the Independence Day of Russia

Prepared by the educator MBDOU DS OV No. 41 Petrenko I N

Target: To instill love for the Motherland, instill feelings of patriotism, pride in one's country, to feel one's involvement in its life.

Decor: The hall is decorated with stands with a map of Russia, the emblem, there are flags of Russia, flowers and balloons are everywhere.

Attributes: hoops, balls, plates, two tables, cut cards with the image of the flag, the image of the coats of arms of other countries, handkerchiefs in white, blue, red, matryoshka costumes.

O. Gazmanov's song “Moscow! ".

Children solemnly enter the hall, holding Russian flags, each with a tricolor ribbon on their chest, sit down in the places prepared for them.

Leading: Each person has a land on which he lives, a mother who gave him life. Man needs bread, clothes, a house. It is simply impossible for him to live without all this. But among the most necessary for a person is the Motherland. What is the name of our Motherland, guys?

Children: Russia, Russian Federation.

Leading. Children, look at the map of Russia. See how big our country is. When night falls on one side, it is already morning on the other. If in the north the rivers are frozen and the land is covered with snow. Orchards bloom in the south, wheat and corn are sown in the fields. And to travel by train from the east of our country to the west, it will take 10 days, and if you go on foot, you will probably have to travel at least a year.

Guys, today we have gathered to talk about our Motherland. June 12 is a holiday - Independence Day of Russia. On this day we honor our Motherland.

Dance with tricolor handkerchiefs "My Motherland"

Leading: Russia Day is a holiday of freedom, peace and kindness. This holiday symbolizes the unity of our entire multinational people, reminds us that everyone is responsible for the present and future of our Motherland. And what do we call Motherland? The children will tell us.

1 Child:

Russia, Russia, our country!

She is very, very big.

Russia - Motherland, our home,

Where we live with you!

2 Child:

Spread out in the haze of blue

majestic edge,

It's you, my Russia

My light, my Motherland!

3 Child:

I see a wonderful freedom, I see fields and fields.

This is Russian expanse, this is Russian land.

I see giant mountains, I see rivers and seas,

These are Russian paintings, this is my Motherland!

4 Child:

Our country is called Russia,

Let the peaceful sky shine over her

May the sun be filled with joy, happiness,

Let millions of people sing songs!

5 Child:

Old yard, young birches,

Round dance of curly poplars,

This is all my country Russia,

Sweet image of my Motherland.

6 Child:

Russia! Russia!

Your holiday today:

Both adult and child

National holiday!

7 Child:

Here is the land of Russia, dear lands,

My bright, great Motherland!

Mountains and valleys, rivers and seas,

Arable lands and dams, peaceful fields.

There is no country more wonderful, there is no land dearer!

In the best songs we sing about her.

Leading: Yes guys, our country is very big. There are mountains and steppes, many rivers, seas, forests. Nature is very diverse. There are many cities in Russia, many minerals are mined. The guys said a lot of words about our Motherland. I suggest you play the game "Pass a heart and say a word." Please stand in a circle.

/ Children stand in a circle / the music “We are your children, Russia” sounds in the Spanish group “Fidgets” /

Leading: Now we will pass a heart around in a circle, and the one who has a heart when the music stops should say what is our homeland?

Game "Pass a heart and say a word"

/ Children pass a heart in a circle and call one adjective to the word Motherland: dear, beloved, beautiful, wonderful, dear, the only, strong, powerful, big, affectionate, wonderful, kind, immense /

Leading: You said such beautiful words about the Motherland. We are citizens of Russia, Russians love and are proud of our country. Russia is a state. There are a lot of cities in Russia, both large and small. And who will name the capital of our country.

Children: Moscow!


Moscow is Red Square.

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin.

Moscow is the heart of Russia

Who loves you.

Moscow is a very beautiful city. No wonder the proverb says: "He who has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty."

Like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols. Which?

Children: Coat of arms, flag, anthem - symbols of our Motherland, Russia

Leading: Quite right. Paying honor to these symbols, we thereby show love and respect for our Motherland.State flag- one of the most important attributes of the state. The Russian flag is a symbol of the valor and honor of the Russian people. Symbol of state and national independence. Who will tell me the colors of the Russian flag?

Children: White, blue, red are the colors of the Russian flag.

Leading: White color means peace, nobility, purity. The blue of the sky, rivers, seas and lakes is captured in a blue stripe. Blue color - the sky and fidelity. Red color - fire, courage, heroism.


And the flag of Russia is a tricolor.

Cloth in three colors.

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Leading: I propose the competition "Flag of Russia" (who will collect the flag faster)

The game "Who will collect the flag faster"

/two people participate/ you need to assemble the flag, which is cut into several pieces like a puzzle/

Leading: Guys, do you know where you can meet the national flag of Russia?

Children: The national flag of Russia is hoisted on the buildings of the authorities of our country. The flag of Russia is hung out in the days public holidays, on houses.

The national flag of Russia can be seen at parades. The Russian flag flutters on the masts of Russian ships. On airplanes and spaceships, a three-color image of the flag is drawn.

Leading: At all times, the attitude of citizens to the flag was very respectful. Warriors, giving an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, kissed the tip of the flag, risking their lives, taking the flag out of the battlefield so that it would not get to the enemy.

Leading: Russia has another important state symbol - coat of arms. Coat of arms - a distinctive sign, the official emblem of the state. Do you know what is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?


Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west and east

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is a free spirit of Russia. (V.Stepanov)

Children : The coat of arms of Russia depicts a double-headed eagle. The double-headed eagle has been a symbol of Russia for more than five hundred years. The wings of an eagle are like the rays of the sun. On the chest of the eagle is a rider with a silver spear. This is St. George the Victorious. The rider rides on a silver horse. A blue cloak flutters behind his shoulders. The black dragon is a symbol of evil. The faithful horse of the warrior tramples the dragon with its hooves. He defeated the dragon. The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

Leading: Each state has its own coat of arms. And many depict eagles. Can you find the Russian coat of arms among others?

The game "Find among the coats of arms of different countries the coat of arms of Russia"

/Two people participate /Children are offered cards with the emblems of Austria, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russia. They must choose a card with the coat of arms of Russia. The task is complicated by the fact that eagles are depicted on the coats of arms of these countries. /

Leading. George the Victorious is a very brave and brave warrior. Our boys and girls can also show how brave and brave they are.

Relay "The fastest"

The composition "Come on Russia!"

/ held with two teams /take the ball in hand, walk over the pebbles, walk along the bridge, run with a snake, return to the team/

Leading. Our guys can handle even the most difficult tasks.

Relay race "Overcome obstacles"

/ is carried out with two teams / run to the hoop, climb into it, run to the chip. Back to team/

Leading: Tell me, where can I find the image of the coat of arms?

Children: The image of the coat of arms can be seen on seals, on banknotes. On postage stamps, postcards, badges, there is also an image of the coat of arms. The image of the coat of arms can be found on government awards. When people from other countries come to our country, they see the state emblem on the border of our country, it is placed on the border posts. Seeing our flag and coat of arms, they immediately understand that they are in Russia.

Leading: Let's remember the proverbs about the Motherland and have a little rest.

* A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

* The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

* Where someone was born, there he came in handy.

* There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

* Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold

* A man has one mother - he has one motherland!

* Whoever has never been to Moscow has never seen beauty!

* Who is a mountain for the Motherland, that is a true hero!

Leading: well done, you know a lot of proverbs.

Do you guys know what else our country cannot be without? There is an amazing toy. And when people from other countries come to our country, they definitely buy this souvenir. You haven't guessed yet. What's this? Then listen to the riddle.

Growth different girlfriends

And they live next to each other.

And they look alike.

And only one toy (matryoshka)

The dance “Oh yes, we are matryoshkas” is performedchildren of the older group

Leading: Every country has a special, the most important song. Which?

Children: The anthem is the main song of our country.

Leading: The anthem of the country is also a state symbol. It is performed on special, solemn occasions. The anthem of Russia is very beautiful and majestic. And who knows how to listen to it?

Children : When the anthem sounds, everyone stands up, you can’t talk, the military salute or salute with weapons.

Leading: That's right, guys, in this way, citizens show respect for the anthem, for their country.

Today, friends, we must hear

The main music of our country.

It is called briefly - "Hymn",

We meet with him every morning!

Let's listen to the main song of our Motherland.

Sounds "National Anthem of the Russian Federation"

Muses. A. V. Aleksandrova, sl. S. V. Mikhalkova

Leading: A small homeland is a small piece of our big country. And we are all citizens of Russia, Russians. We are proud of our country, we experience grief and joy together with it, we try to make it strong and rich. While you are still small and cannot do anything for Russia. But you can make our country strong and powerful. If you love your friends and loved ones, you will not quarrel. Let's look at each other, smile and let's not forget that we are Russians.

8 Child:

Take care of Russia

We cannot live without her.

Take care of her

To be forever.

9 Child:

Our truth and strength.

All our destiny.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Appreciate and respect the independence of the country, be patriots, remember the exploits of our ancestors. To this end, a festive event was held in the kindergarten "Adiya" in the city of Shymkent dedicated to the Day Independence of Kazakhstan. Parents of kindergarten pupils and our film crew were invited to the festive concert.

In the kindergarten "Adiya" much attention is paid to the issues patriotic education the rising generation. A festive concert was held here on Independence Day. At the concert, children sang patriotic songs, danced, played the dombra and read poems. The audience was satisfied with the festive concert.


I have two grandchildren who go here. They even on Saturdays, On Sundays they dress early and ask to come here. It says that they like it here. … I wish the teachers health, our children need it and patience ...

The teachers, together with the children, prepared with great responsibility for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Feelings of pride for the Motherland, native country were conveyed in poems and artistic words. Today, about a hundred children study here in 4 groups. The institution works within the framework of a public-private partnership, according to an updated trilingual program.


We try to instill in children feelings of love and respect for the culture and art of the Kazakh people, because this is the cornerstone of patriotic education. We are working on an updated program of preschool education. Kindergarten "Adia" preschool education received by children of different nationalities. Therefore, much attention is paid to the implementation of the policy of trilingualism. Kids confidently recite poems in Kazakh, Russian and English. For creative development, there are developing circles and sections. Children are happy to combine gymnastics, karate, music, fine arts. It is safe to say that in the kindergarten "Adiya" educators 100% cope with their important mission - to educate a worthy, competent generation of patriots of their country.

DINAR Musayeva

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