Blog about China. New Year Chinese New Year Traditions and Signs

For children and their parents they write: “When it comes New Year? On the night of the first of January. Right? Not right. It's only on TV. But really, when? Let's figure it out. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree originated in the 16th century in Protestant Germany. And this was not done around Christmas, as most of us think.

Two to two and a half weeks before Christmas, on the penultimate Sunday before it, Christians honor the memory of Adam and Eve. For the Orthodox, this holiday is called "Memory of the Holy Forefathers." It was on this holiday that the tree was dressed up. Why?

The tree symbolized the tree of paradise. The very one from which the disobedient and impatient Eve plucked the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

The father of Protestantism, Martin Luther, was an edifying man, so he decided: let the Christmas presents hang in front of the children longer, instill patience in them. Remember how Vitya Maleev brought up the will in the book? Didn't eat cake.

Adoration of the Magi. Little "Adam and Eve" from M. Zoshchenko's story "Christmas Tree". Previously, not everyone got Christmas presents: see, here is a boy in a black hat crying.

By the way, initially gifts for Christmas were given only to children. And even then not for everyone, but only for those who behaved well, becoming like little Jesus. After all, it was the baby Jesus who was the first child to receive Christmas gifts - the gifts of the Magi: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Ordinary children from poor families received apples and nuts. Both are round - that's where Christmas balls. Well, why exactly a Christmas tree is also clear: what other green trees can be in Germany in December.

The real Santa Claus was swarthy and looked something like this.

So, gifts were given at Christmas, and the tree was put up two to two and a half weeks in advance: to commemorate Adam and Eve. And the New Year?

Wait a minute - we almost forgot one more obligatory Christmas attribute - Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

Almost simultaneously with the commemoration of Adam and Eve, on December 19, Nicholas the Pleasant is commemorated. was a bishop in Lycia, in what is now Turkey. Among other things, the following story is told about him. One poor man had three daughters. The time has come to marry them off, but no one took them without a dowry. Bishop Nikolai found out about this misfortune and for three nights in a row threw a bag of gold into the poor man's yard.

Saint Nicholas: in American, German and Russian.

This story was combined with the atmosphere of anticipation of the holiday, with the Christmas tree, with gifts. And St. Nicholas began to turn into Santa Claus.

The modern image of a good-natured old man dressed up as a gnome was given to him by the Americans. The character was invented in 1822 by the poet Clement Moore, and the appearance - a short jacket, a gnome cap and a belly - in 1862 by the artist Thomas Nast. In Europe, even in the twentieth century, St. Nicholas on Christmas cards was depicted in episcopal vestments.

In Russia, Saint Nicholas also gave gifts to children, only they dressed him warmer here. You are not in the Russian winter in the episcopal mitre. When the celebration of the New Year was introduced in Soviet Russia in 1935, this image was remembered, but was rethought. Instead of St. Nicholas, they borrowed an image from Alexander Ostrovsky's fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". This is how Santa Claus was born.

Well, now - to the New Year. It may seem that the date of the new year is a purely conditional thing. You can appoint it on the first of January, or you can - on the first of September, as it was in Russia before 1700, or on the first of March, as in ancient Rome. But it's not.

If a year is an astronomical concept (the duration of a complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun), then the change of one year to another is also astronomically conditioned.

Everything is simple here. Exactly five days, from December 19 (the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas, remember?) to December 23, the winter solstice occurs. The sun, as it were, freezes above the horizon at its lowest point. At the bottom of what? .

John Wallis and his infinity symbol.

If we take a camera and every day at exactly noon we photograph the sun above the horizon, and a year later we add all our photographs into one picture, we will see that the sun, as it were, draws an unusual figure in the sky, similar to an elongated number 8. This figure is called " analemma, which in Greek means "base".

By the way, it was the analemma that the English mathematician John Wallis proposed to use to denote infinity - however, putting it on its side so as not to be confused with the number eight. There is a figure eight in the sky. And at its lowest point, the sun fades from December 19 to 23.

December 24 (Catholic Christmas Eve) the winter solstice ends, the sun begins to move up the analemma. His path across the sky from this increases, we say: "The day is added." A new astronomical year begins. Another curious story is connected with the analemma - the symbol of infinity.

Shi-an-Vru outside and inside.

In Ireland, in County Meath, there is an unusual mound, which in Irish is called Shi-an-Vru, and in English - Newgrange. It is quite low, only 12 meters, but very ancient - 500 years older Egyptian pyramids. (The oldest pyramid was built in 2670 BC, and this mound was built around 3200 BC.)

According to Irish myths, this barrow was the home of the earth god Dagda. Dagda had seven children, and he presented six of them with their own mound - but the youngest, Angus, the god of youth and love, did not get the mound. Then he asked his father to give him the mound Shi-an-Vru "only for one day and one night", and Dagda agreed. But the cunning Angus chose for himself the day and night of the Samhain holiday, when, according to Irish beliefs, time stops, after which he said that now he became the owner of the barrow forever. Where there was nothing to do but give the mound to Angus.

Here's how it goes.

But let's get back from the legends to the real barrow. A long narrow passage lined with stone leads inside, at the end of which there is a burial chamber. The whole year it is dark, dark, but at the end of December of each year, something amazing and beautiful happens.

A hole into which the rays fall, and a corridor illuminated by the sun leading to the chamber.

At exactly noon, the rays of the sun pass through a small window above the entrance to the tunnel and illuminate the chamber inside the mound. This phenomenon can be observed for only 15 minutes, and only five days - on the sixth day at noon, the sun's rays no longer reach the central chamber. The spectacle, when the sun's rays pierce the dusty air of the corridor and the ancient tomb, as it were, lights up from the inside, is simply enchanting.

It is no coincidence that you can get into this cell only by winning a special lottery - every year only twenty out of thousands of applicants are chosen. Because the chamber is very small, and the phenomenon, despite all the beauty, ends very quickly. This is how the Irish already 5000 years ago knew how to determine the beginning of the new year by the sun.

And now we can do it too. And we can safely set off with this ability to celebrate the New Year in the old fashioned way, “on TV”.

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Every nation, every country has its own history, its own important events that started it all. Or natural phenomena, after which you can draw a line, draw conclusions, rejoice and count down the new year.

website He will tell you about several countries where the traditions of celebrating the New Year are so different.

China celebrates New Year in February

From about April 12 to April 17, the New Year comes in Burma (Myanmar). The holiday is called Tinjan. The more noise and fun - the better, because this way you can attract the attention of the gods of rain. A real flood is arranged on the streets, plentifully watering passers-by with hoses and buckets.

Young people pay respect to the older generation, washing old people
head with bark and bean shampoo. It is also customary to save a fish from a drying
reservoir and release it into a large lake, saying: “I release 1 time,
to let me go 10 times.”

In India, New Year is celebrated several times a year.

In India, they celebrate the New Year more often than in any other country in the world. The traditional Indian year, Gudi Padwa, is celebrated in March. In many states they celebrate the New Year according to the traditional calendars of the peoples living there.

One of the most colorful holidays is the Bengali New Year, Holi. Festival
colors passes in early spring. On the first evening they burn an effigy of the goddess Holika, drive the cattle through the fire and walk on the coals. And then fun festivities begin, showering each other with bright colors and pouring colored water.

Ethiopia celebrates New Year on September 11

On September 11, when the rainy season ends, the New Year is celebrated in Ethiopia
- Enkutatash. The Ethiopians build tall bonfires of eucalyptus and fir trees. In the main square of Addis Ababa, the assembled townspeople watch in which direction the charred top of the main fire will fall. On that side in the coming year there will be the most abundant harvest.

During the celebration, they wear traditional clothes, go to church and visit.
Children in colorful outfits distribute wreaths of flowers, go to neighbors and, for a monetary reward, girls sing, and boys draw pictures.

In Saudi Arabia, there is no fixed date for the New Year at all.

On New Year's Eve, Italians throw out unnecessary trash and old things from the windows. It is believed that the more junk you throw away, the happier you will be in the new year. Italy celebrates the beginning of the New Year on the night of January 1st. People come out onto the streets decorated with garlands, traffic is blocked, and performances and fireworks are arranged in the squares.

In Rome, there is a tradition on a festive night to jump from a bridge into the Tiber River for good luck. And in Venice there is a custom to kiss on New Year's Eve. St. Mark's Square is full of hundreds of kissing couples to the sound of the clock and the roar of fireworks.

Greece celebrates Saint Basil's Day

January 1 in Greece is not only the New Year, but also Saint Basil's Day,
patron of the poor. The main dish of the festive table is vasilopita, a pie
with patterns of dough, berries and nuts. A coin for happiness is baked inside -
whoever gets a piece of cake with a coin will be the happiest in the new
year. According to legend, this is how Saint Basil distributed his property to the poor.

Greek children are waiting for New Year's gifts from St. Basil, and not from Santa Claus or Father Frost. Children leave their shoes by the fireplace at night to find pleasant surprises in them the next morning.

The traditional and familiar Gregorian calendar, according to which the change of one year to another is carried out on the night of January 1, is radically different from the Chinese calendar.

This calendar is based not on the specifics of the Earth's cycle around the Sun, but on many years of astrological research, as well as on the features of the calculus itself.

Finding out when the New Year 2017 begins according to the Chinese calendar is not difficult, this date falls on the 28th day of January, it is much more difficult to deal with all the intricacies of the Asian chronology.

New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar

The beginning of the next year according to the Chinese calendar is associated with the change of season: the first month causes the awakening of nature and the beginning of agricultural work. And in order to clearly define the start date of the new year, astrologers use the zodiac circle.

The day when the first new moon occurs in the constellation Aquarius is considered the first day of the new year. This date varies, but always falls within a certain time period, ranging from January 21 to February 20.

Calculating, we get that the New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar falls on January 28, 2018 at 3.06

According to the Chinese calendar, the Fire Rooster will replace the Monkey.

The Chinese style celebration itself is also different. If Europeans celebrate the New Year on one night, then in Asian countries this process stretches immediately for ten days.

This is one of the most popular holidays not only in China, but also in many other Asian countries. Ending the year is also not traditional. The year of the Fire Rooster is changing not on December 31, 2017, and not even on January 28 of the next year. The Fire Rooster will finally cede its rights to the successor of the Yellow Dog only on February 15, 2018.

How to celebrate New Year according to the Chinese calendar

So, don't forget to celebrate the 2017 Chinese New Year on January 28, 2017! That's just the usual hospitable feast as a holiday will not work.

In China, the New Year is celebrated differently and the traditions of the celebration are directly related to the name of the celebrations, called Chun Tzu. It is believed that Chun is a mythical monster that seeks to destroy all life, and he is afraid of noise and bright flashes. Therefore, the Chinese meet the onset of the year with songs, dances, noisy fireworks. Be sure to have garlands and crackers. The noisier the celebration, the further away the evil spirits.

On February 8, 2016, the New Year will come according to the Eastern, or the so-called Chinese calendar, and this will be the year of the Monkey.
The Chinese calendar consists of a 60 year cycle. Each year symbolizes one of the 12 animals (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (Goat), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig) and one of the 5 elements (wood, metal, fire, land and water). 12 year cycles are repeated 5 times, therefore, each of the animals only once in 60 years has the opportunity to appear with the same of the elements. This means that only once in 60 years does a person have the same element with which he was born!

There are 12 animal signs - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (Goat), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
The legend says that the Buddha called all the animals and arranged for them to race, promising whoever wins the title of the ruler of the year. The Tiger and the Ox ran ahead, but the first place went to the Rat, as she, clinging to the horns of the Bull, managed to jump first at the finish line. The Rabbit and the Cat came running together, so they share the year. The Pig was the last to lazily approach, so it is considered the happiest.
The Chinese New Year comes after the traditional New Year, when the Sun is in the sky in the sign of Aquarius and the new moon enters the constellation of Aquarius. This is usually possible between January 20 and February 20. This is due to the fact that the Chinese time reference depends not only on the movement of the Sun in the sky, as in the West, but also on the movement of the Moon.

This year, the New Year's holiday (or seeing off the Old Year) should be held on February 7 in the evening. You can call friends, arrange a carnival and perform various rituals. Be sure to light candles, chandeliers, so that there is a lot of light and the lack of solar energy is compensated. Also, at midnight, you need to create more noise - beat the drums, clap your hands, sing to awaken the energies. Clothing can be carnival, bright orange, red, as this is the year of the Fire Monkey. Of course, you can also wear the costume of the monkey itself, especially if you were born this year.
In China, the New Year holidays are celebrated for 15 days, from new moon to full. The 15th day of the celebration is called the “Lantern Festival”, when a carnival campaign with torches is arranged.
But, everything is in order. How do you manage each of the 15 days?

First day- this is the day after the celebration of the Old Year (this year on February 8). On this day, we must thank the Heavenly and Earthly forces. It is recommended to refrain from eating meat, as the Chinese believe that it prolongs life.
Second day It should be carried out in the family circle, together with older family members. It is customary to arrange a joint lunch or dinner. This day is also considered the “birthday of dogs”, so they are especially pampered on this day.

Third and fourth th days of sons-in-law, when they can devote their attention to the wife's parents.
Fifth day calls Po Woo. The day should be spent at home and honor the God of Welfare. On this day, you can not go to visit and receive guests, because this brings misfortune to both parties.
From the sixth to the tenth day - you can and should go on a visit, you can meet with relatives and friends. Also, the Chinese go to the temple to pray for health and well-being in the New Year.

seventh day The New Year's Eve is considered to be the "birthday of a person", so long pasta is placed on the table, which symbolizes longevity, and fresh fish, as a sign of good luck. Also, a special drink is prepared from 7 vegetables.
eighth day again spend in the family circle and sit down at a common table.

tenth to twelfth days you can receive guests.
Thirteenth day for relax. It is recommended to eat rice.
On the fourteenth day everyone is getting ready for tomorrow's "Lantern Festival".
Fifteenth day- a solemn march, "lantern festival". Young, unmarried girls on this day, with an orange in their hands, head to the nearest reservoir and throw an orange there, at the same time thinking of a betrothed (who will think about character, who about appearance, this is a matter of taste). If the water “takes” the orange, then this year it is destined to get married, if the orange swims to the shore, then it is not destined and you have to wait another year.

Some signs of what to do and what not to do while waiting for the New Year:

one). The house must be cleaned the day before New Year's Eve (which means February 6 this year). All cleaning items must be removed from the eyes. Dusting or sweeping the floor on New Year's Day can replace your luck. Also, don't wash your hair.
2). AT old year(February 7) All doors and windows must be opened so that the old year can go.
3). Before the New Year, all debts must be repaid and on the first day of the New Year you cannot borrow.
4). You can not swear or scold children, mention death or those who left this year. It is necessary to refrain from the use of prickly, sharp objects. We need to talk about the future, not about the past.
five). If a person cries on the first day of the New Year, he will cry all year.

6). On the New Year's table, you can put those dishes that you like (at least 8), but there are also special ones that just need to be put on the table to attract well-being. A boiled egg, which symbolizes growth next year, the emergence of new ideas. Usually the head of the family or company eats the egg. Fish is money. The fish should be with a head and tail, and how it is cooked is not so important. Pies or dumplings in a shape resembling Chinese golden "boats" (ingots) - well-being. Rice or long pasta - longevity, health. Oranges are family happiness. Pomegranate apple - good luck. By the way, you can not only eat a pomegranate, but also throw it on the ground so that it explodes, this will bring good luck. Grapes - security.

7). You can perform various rituals, for example, create a vessel of happiness, which has already been described in one of the articles.
eight). We write our desires on red paper, then we put it in a red envelope and put it in a cherished place. After 6 months, you can see what happened.
nine). On balloons filled with helium, you can also write wishes and send them to the sky. You can make multi-colored flags, write wishes on them and hang them out the window, when the wind breaks them, then the wishes are heard. On one ball, as well as on one flag, one wish is written. If you have many wishes, you need a lot of balloons!
10). You can write a desire on a piece of paper, burn it, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink.

eleven). Ritual with grapes. A bunch of grapes is taken, the owner of the house holds it, and the guests pick one berry each, while making wishes for each month of the next year. Something like this - in March (since the year begins in mid-February, then March is the first month of the year, and February is the last) I want to go to the premiere of the show I), picked a berry, made a wish, ate it, then we take the next berry and think about April and etc.

If you do not know what you want to do in a particular month of the year, skip and think about the one you are sure of. The ritual is done 10 minutes before midnight, that is, the onset of the New Year, and during this time you need to have time to make your wishes. The owner of the house can also participate in this ritual. But in order for dreams to come true, you can’t prepare a wish list for every month in advance !!! This should happen spontaneously and naturally.


Of all the 12 animal signs, the monkey is the most controversial and complex. Sometimes people with a complex character and destiny are born under this sign. A little selfish, they do not take into account the opinions of others, because they consider themselves smarter than others. But they are cunning, they can create a good impression about themselves and, by and large, they know how to like it.
They have a phenomenal memory, make decisions quickly and can get out of any situation.
They can prove themselves in politics, business, secret services, organizations. It is difficult to find happiness in personal life, they fall in love quickly and easily, but just as quickly lose interest in a partner.

Chinese New Year is another holiday that comes right after our traditional festival. It is known that the Chinese New Year does not have a fixed date and is celebrated every year at different times - the year of the Fire Rooster begins on January 28, at exactly 4 hours and 8 minutes of the night Tbilisi time.

Date of celebration

The Chinese New Year has a fickle date because it is entirely dependent on the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21st. Every year this holiday can fall on one of the days in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

It is also a day marked by prayers for the environment, reminding us that we are good servants of the world around us. The Novels of Justinian decreed that all official documents of the Empire must include a reference to the definition. When you are trying to publish manuscripts from this era, it is helpful to know the year of showing, as exact dates or years are less common.

Harvest, Thanksgiving and Sowing

Anno Mundi served as the starting point for pre-modern calendars in many parts of the world and is still the liturgical reference point for modern Judaism and Christians alike. As the preparations for the winter have been made, so have the preparations for the coming year.

Chinese New Year 2017 begins on January 28th. More precisely, 2017 will be according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Chinese calendar we will meet the year 4715, which will come under the sign of the Fire Rooster and will last until February 15, 2018, when it will be replaced by the year of the Yellow Dog.

As noted

On New Year's holidays, people visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces made of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

For Christians, it was a time of thanksgiving, remembering the good weather and abundant rain that the Lord provided for this year's harvest, which we pray for at every Divine Liturgy. This brings closer the parallels with the Feast of Trumpets for God's pre-educated people.

Chinese New Year Traditions and Signs

And the Lord said to Moses: Speak to the children of Israel, saying: the seventh month, in the first month of the month, there will be your rest, a memorial of trumpets; This will be a holy gathering for you. You will not do slave labor and you will offer a burnt offering to the Lord. By celebrating the new year at harvest time, each year we are reminded of our dependence on hard work and the blessings of God. Going beyond material wealth and healthy cultures, this applies to imperial concerns, including prayers for protection from our enemies.

Throughout the celebration of the New Year in China, fun folk festivals, fairs, costumed dances and masquerade street processions are held. In anticipation of the New Year, the people of China change their old clothes for new ones, thoroughly clean their houses so that the favorable energy circulates freely in it and does not stagnate. During the cleaning, they throw away all the rubbish and unnecessary things accumulated over the year.

You who created everything in Your infinite wisdom and set the times by Your own power, grant your victories to the Christian people. And given increasing natural disasters, droughts, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, and famines, we should be more careful in this modern age of technology and abundance to pray for such things - no less.

We have not designed our way out of dependence on God. In any case, the more our abilities increase, the more we manifest the need for the grace and mercy of God. And that brings me to my final point: Church New Year is a day marked by prayers for environmental care.

Accordingly, festive treats are prepared. Dumplings are a favorite dish, their shape resembling an ingot of gold - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

Fire Rooster

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be a truly memorable event. The Chinese advise on the eve of the holiday not to buy new shoes, not to cut your hair, because, according to them, misfortune awaits those who violate these rules. Interestingly, on the night before the New Year, the Chinese do not sleep, because in this way they protect themselves from troubles, illnesses and troubles for the whole next year.

Bartholomew is affectionately known as the "Green Patriarch" and is a frequent speaker on the international stage regarding the defense of Creativity. And it all makes sense. The beginning of the New Year marked the beginning of peace for centuries. This is the day of God's grace for a bountiful harvest. It is a day that recognizes God's protection and providence for the world, along with our responsibility and direction towards the same.

This all goes back to the story of Creation itself, and a story in which humanity, represented by Adam and Eve, is given a huge responsibility to care for every living being. The restoration of peace between humanity and the created order is at the heart of redemption and deification, and this is ultimately what the New Spiritual New Year has in mind.

The rooster is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know the color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects how 2017 will be for each person.

Asian countries celebrate the New Year differently than we do, but something in common is present in both cultures. By observing the traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the eastern calendar, you can attract happiness, wealth and good luck into your life.

The Nativity of the Nativity of Mary is the first Great Feast of the year, while her Dormition or "falling asleep" is the last. In this cycle, we see the incarnation of the God-Man Jesus Christ at the core of our history as the people of God. And between these two landmarks, we have this holiday, which at first glance may seem like a peculiar or even out of place relic from the Roman Empire.

Rather, the Church New Year serves as the basis for our entire liturgical life every year. We give thanks for what the Lord has done and ask for his mercy and protection for the days ahead. We take a moment to consider our impact on the world around us, and whether our actions will come from hearts of selfishness or hearts of compassion. This is a holiday that points to the very essence of Christ's message of true Christian spirituality: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Prayers for blessings seen and unseen, starving for peace and our own mortification, and alms for the care of others.

Every year more and more people are wondering: when will the New Year come according to the Eastern calendar? The reason for the interest lies in the traditions, which are in many ways similar to ours, but at the same time have some extremely interesting differences. Knowing how it is customary to celebrate this holiday among the inhabitants of Asian countries, you will be able to better understand the roots of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.

Celebration in Russia

Self-sacrifice and promise, beauty and restraint. So crack open a bottle of champagne and give your petitions to the Lord. In many places the monthly lengths immediately after this change were not fixed, but were based instead on observation of the sky. The priest-astronomers were instructed to announce when the new month began? it was generally said to begin with the first appearance of the new moon. The length of a month at this time was simply the number of days elapsed from one new lunar crescent to the next.

In those years in Rome, for example, the Pontifex watched the sky and announced a new moon and therefore a new month to the king. For centuries, the Romans have referred to the first day of each new month as Kalends or Kalends from their word calare. The word calendar comes from this custom.

When is the New Year according to the Eastern calendar

In the eastern countries of Asia there is no fixed date for celebrating the New Year: the holiday is celebrated on the first New Moon after the winter Solstice. Vacation lasts an average of 15 days.

The general leitmotif of the New Year according to the eastern calendar is the obligatory presence of red, fireworks, crackers and loud laughter: it is believed that with their help you can drive out evil spirits that bring trouble in the coming year.

This practice of beginning the month at the first observation of the new moon was observed not only by the Romans, but also by the Celts and Germans in Europe, and by the Babylonians and Jews in Lavant. All these nations began their month when the young crescent first appeared in the sky. This is still done for the Islamic calendar, but the date of the new moon is calculated for the traditional lunar calendars currently used in China and India.

During the period when the length of the month was not fixed, new moons were usually observed after 29 or 30 days. If on the thirtieth day the clouds obscured the vision, a new month appeared. When monthly lengths were identical with lunations, only those that lasted 30 days were considered normal. This was probably due to the fact that for such long periods of time, all months earlier were 30 days.

Red is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so it is present not only in the decoration of streets and houses, but also in gift wrapping, clothes and interiors. Money is given everywhere in red envelopes: it is believed that the color of the package will increase the wealth of the recipient. But white and blue colors are strictly prohibited and can be perceived as extremely inappropriate, because these two colors are mourning in Asian countries.

When does Chinese New Year start and end?

During this period in Greece, for example, months that had 30 days were considered "full"; those that lasted only 29 days were considered "blank". Months containing 30 days were also called "full" in Babylon, but those containing 29 were considered "defective".

After the monthly lengths in the Celtic calendar became fixed, those that were given 30 days were called 'matos' and those that gave 29 days 'tomatoes'. This concept still exists today, the months of 30 days in the Jewish calendar are called "full", and those of them that are considered "imperfect".

New Year's Eve Traditions

Each of the 15 holidays has its own peculiar schedule, which allows you to cover all areas of life at the very beginning of the year and not spend this time mediocre. Residents of Asian countries treat this holiday in the same way as we do: it is considered a family holiday, and even distant relatives come to a common hearth to celebrate the New Year together.

When was the ancient new year?

In addition to their announcement of the beginning of each month based on the observation of the new moon, priest-astronomers were also tasked with determining the beginning of the year. Watching the movement of Sirius, the Egyptians found that the year was more than five days longer than their venerable 360-day calendar. This led to a change in their method of approximating the length of the year, which had been in use for almost a millennium. But it also made them wonder where the extra days came from.

Instead, they reverted to a fixed-length calendar that had 12 months of 30 days each, but with five days added at the end. 10. Usually on a date later than the middle of the eighth century, many other peoples who had previously considered a year of 360 days reluctantly returned to the calendar of twelve 30-day months, but added five days before the end of their year. These extra days were considered very unsuccessful or unacceptable.

Day 1: The New Year is celebrated with the family, symbolically burning bamboo chopsticks. After - a long family dinner filled with laughter and fun, fireworks, crackers and mass celebrations. On this day, it is customary to come to the cemetery and honor the memory of the deceased relatives.

The two eastern Mediterranean peoples who did not convert to Islam were the early Christians in upper Egypt, whom we now call the Copts and their neighbors to the south, the Ethiopians. Probably because they were surrounded by Islamic nations, the Coptic and Ethiopian churches never adopted the Western calendar. Instead, these two isolated pockets of Christianity continued to use the old 360-day calendar.

The two calendars are identical except for the year number. Both of them observe three 365-day years followed by one 366-day year. Their years are divided into 12 months of 30 days each, with an additional five or six days added after the twelfth month. B. with the birth of their founder, the prophet Zoroaster, use a calendar of 365 days. It consists of twelve 30-day months with five "gatha" days added at the end of the year. Each of the thirty days, as well as each of the days of the gatha, has its own name.

Day 2: On the morning of the second day, the whole family gets up for a common prayer, in which they ask for well-being for the whole year, prudence, wisdom and health. After that, a round of close people begins with the obligatory delivery of a cash gift in a red envelope. Also on this day, it is customary to welcome the poor and give alms.

Days 3 and 4: This period of the celebration of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar is dedicated to friends and acquaintances: communication among friends strengthens ties and contributes to the continuation of communication in the New Year. Not coming to visit someone, if invited, is considered a rejection of further friendship.

They are referred to by this name in the same way that we speak of a day by its number in a month. One of the generals of Alexander the Great, Seleuk Nicator, founded an empire that stretched from Asia Minor to India. He installed a new calendar which was essentially the same as the one that had been in use for some time in Syria. It contained twelve months of 30 days each and an additional five days at the end of the year. Every fourth year an extra day within six days was added at the end of the year.

In Persia under the Sassanids, as well as in Armenia and Cappadocia, the official time system was twelve months 30 days, followed by another five days at the end of the year. However, Arab astronomers said that the Sasanian year of twelve 30-day months was adjusted to the seasons, intercalating a month every 120 years.

Days 5 and 6: At this time, business organizations begin to resume their work, but the day always starts with fireworks. In terms of energy, the 5th and 6th days of the New Year are considered a time of wealth and material values, so many people perform traditional rituals for wealth and money.

Water solves water in great abundance from the river, although no one has seen it. The ancient Babylonians used a calendar with alternating 29- and 30-day months. This system required the addition of an extra month three times every eight years, and as a further adjustment, the king periodically ordered that an extra extra month be added to the calendar.

The Babylonians, who lived in what is now Iraq, added an extra month to their years at irregular intervals. Their calendar, consisting of alternate 29-day and 30-day months, was about right with the lunar year. To balance the calendar with the solar year, the early Babylonians calculated that they needed to add an extra month three times every eight years. But this system has still not exactly made up for the accumulated differences between the solar year and the lunar year.

Day 7: The morning of the seventh day also begins with prayer, but unlike the second day, it is often spent alone. Prayer for the well-being of relatives, the health of older relatives and the right path for children is considered an obligatory beginning. holiday: This time is dedicated to the soul.

Days 8, 9 and 10: As a rule, by this time all people have already returned to work, but they always spend three evenings at a family dinner with their family. This is the time of traditional New Year's cuisine, intimate conversations and plans for the coming year.

Day 11: This day is dedicated to family ties between father-in-law and son-in-law. Each father-in-law arranges a personal holiday for his son-in-law and spends time with his daughter's husband, paying tribute to him.

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