Fighting a double chin: how to achieve a clear oval face. How to emphasize the cheekbones with blush on an oval or round face Mix two different correctors

Today we will talk about sculpting the face, we will present the photo step by step below. How to emphasize the dignity with the help of cosmetics, professional makeup artists know.

Models on the covers of glossy magazines cause envy, because they are considered the standards of beauty. But in fact, not many people know that it is the face correction that makes them desirable.

How to choose cosmetics for face sculpting

Correction of the shape of the face is the correct basis for evening makeup. The play of light and shadows helps to make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin are softer. In daylight, sculpting is inappropriate. Thanks to cosmetics, fashionistas create the illusion of a perfectly oval face, emphasize the cheekbones and make the nose attractive.

Face sculpting is performed using tonal foundations. The main thing is that highlighters, bronzers or a palette of powders are of high quality and do not roll down after a short period of time.

The choice of cosmetics for face correction depends on the type of sculpting. They are distinguished by two:

  • Dry is used for daytime makeup. Blush, powder and shadows are shaded with a brush.
  • Fat involves the use of thick creams and tonal foundations, which are appropriate to use in the evening. The method requires attention to detail and focus, as feathering the lines incorrectly will lead to failure.

In order to emphasize the curves of the face as naturally as possible, the main thing is to choose the right shades. Cosmetics manufacturers offer users palettes with a choice of colors. With their help, you can independently complete the flawless makeup. The main difficulty remains in careful shading.

  • do not purchase palettes that contain red and orange shades. They give the skin artificiality;
  • matte products look better on the skin than correctors with a shimmery or pearly sheen;
  • the dark corrector in the palette should be 2-3 tones darker than the skin;
  • large reflective particles in the highlighter are inappropriate;
  • highlighter should give the skin radiance, so it should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin.

In professional cosmetic lines, you can find special contouring kits. They are expensive, but the quality is fully justified. These sets include 3-8 shades. Light ones eliminate excessive shine, and dark ones give a tan effect. To obtain the desired color shades can be mixed with each other. As part of the means for correcting the face, there may be nutritious vitamins and antioxidants (this is written on the package).

When choosing a blush for sculpting, it is important to remember that their application completes the makeup. You can overload the look if the texture of the blush is too dense. Matte products are the best choice for perfect makeup.

Advice! Carefully shade all lines so that the transitions are not visible. The main goal of sculpting is to create ideal natural contours of the face. Overloading with cosmetics leads to the effect of a puppet mask, which is not welcome.

Step-by-step correction instructions

Making the line of the cheekbones, you need to retract the cheeks as much as possible. Bronzer is applied below the most protruding line so that the area near the ear is the darkest. The cheek remains light. Highlighter highlights the area above the cheekbones.

The bronzer darkens the hairline, the contour of the face and the second chin (if any).

Eyebrows are treated with a highlighter on both sides. You can get rid of the impending eyelid if you highlight the area above the eyebrow with a thin strip.

The highlighter also brightens the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes (if there are bruises).

Day contouring begins with the processing of the forehead. A dark corrector highlights the temporal zones and the hairline. A light highlighter is applied with a vertical stroke to the center of the forehead. The key area of ​​the face is the cheekbones. A dark corrector is applied from the ear to the mouth with a brush (in the area of ​​the depression formed after the cheeks are retracted). The bone is treated with powder or light highlighter.

Evening sculpting is more intense than daytime and is performed step by step:

  • Eyebrow shaping and eye makeup.
  • A light concealer is applied to the areas under the eyes, above the cheekbones, upper lip and between the eyebrows.
  • The wings of the nose, temples, cheekbones and the line along the jaw are worked out with a layer of dark corrector.
  • Shade the contour lines with smooth movements, starting with light lines.
  • The contouring is fixed with a transparent matting powder and applying a thin layer of blush.

Advice!Mimic wrinkles are visually reduced with the help of a highlighter, which is applied to their depth and carefully shaded.

Color correction according to the shape of the face

It is possible to harmoniously correct the shape of the face only if it is correctly determined. In total, makeup artists distinguish seven types:

  • An oval face is considered the standard of beauty, so its adjustment should be minimal. To make bright accents, you can highlight the center of the face with a light one, and process the cheekbones with a dark corrector.
  • An elongated face, similar to a rectangle, needs to soften the corners and bring the shape as close to the oval as possible. A wide forehead and jaw lines are corrected with foundation. To expand a narrow face, you should highlight the cheekbones with blush.
  • The square shape is characterized by equal proportions of the length and width of the face. It is necessary to darken the lines under the lower jaw, and soften the contours with a dark corrector.
  • The round shape of the face is narrowed due to the dark tones along the contour. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • An inverted triangle or heart shape needs to soften the chin with a dark tone. The purpose of sculpting is to balance the upper zone with the lower one. The darkening of the chin in this case should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to narrow it more. The situation is saved by a light highlight of the highlighter.

  • The shape of the diamond should be corrected in the widest part of the face, going into the temporal zone. The forehead and chin are brightened. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • A trapezoidal or pear-shaped shape should be softened by narrowing the lower chin area. A dark corrector is distributed on the sides of the cheekbones and cheeks, a light accent is added on the forehead. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • For owners of a too thin and narrow face, makeup artists recommend applying highlighter with horizontal strokes. Then it will visually expand and look more attractive.

Advice! Before applying a bronzer or highlighter, shake off the brush so as not to overdo it with cosmetics.

Hide the flaws of a round face

Most often, chubby girls resort to sculpting. Not necessarily the owner is overweight, but a wide forehead and a weak chin suit few people. Therefore, when color grading, it is important to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks and lengthening the face.

Dark powder is applied to the lateral surface of the cheeks and cheekbones, the corners of the lower jaw. Blush should be applied in the form of an inverted triangle, with the apex pointing towards the mouth.

On a wide face, the highlighter is applied with vertical strokes. The center of the chin, bridge of the nose, forehead and areas around the eyebrows and eyes are brightened.

For the perfect sculpting of a round face, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Darken areas that need to be hidden with a dark corrector. It is applied to the cheekbones, nose and facial contour.
  • Pay attention to the neck. A face treated with cosmetics looks inharmonious in tandem with a natural neck. A dark corrector will save the situation.

Advice! Darken the wings of the nose and lighten the bridge of the nose to make the nose thin.

What to do with a full face?

The appearance of Slavic girls and Asian women is characterized by a wide face. Therefore, recommendations for visually reducing the width and emphasizing the relief are suitable not only for obese women. Also, with the help of sculpting, skin defects are masked.

To make up a full or wide face, you need to purchase a light and dark foundation, powder or cream blush, concealer, corrector, highlighter of a neutral shade, a bronzer without a “redhead”, transparent powder. Do not forget about eye makeup and lipstick.

When using cream textures for applying cosmetics, you will need sponges and brushes to decorate your face. To apply powder, you need a rounded beveled brush.

You can make facial contouring with cream textures yourself if you follow the instructions:

  • Moisturize face and prepare before treatment.
  • Moisten the sponge in water, wring it out well and apply a thin layer of a light base.
  • Hide defects with a corrector, and mask under-eye circles with a concealer.
  • Darken the contours of the face with a foundation, blend the lines.
  • For a visual narrowing of the cheeks, you need to draw an oblique strip in a dark tone along the cavity, which is formed due to the retraction of the cheeks. The line is shaded towards the temples with light movements of the brush or fingers.
  • Gently spread the blush on the apples of your cheeks. Do not apply them close to the wings of the nose, so as not to visually expand it more.
  • Narrow a large nose with a highlighter, darkening the wings with a dark shade.
  • Evenly distribute the cream highlighter on the upper part of the cheekbones.
  • Finish off with eye makeup.

Correction of a full face is a real salvation for full girls. Make-up preserves individual features and gives attractiveness without surgical intervention. In order not to overdo it with cosmetics, makeup artists recommend visiting the salon for the first time. This will allow you to see the features of sculpting a full face.

Advice! Avoid coarse dark eyeliner, vulgar bright shadows and unevenly applied lipstick so as not to visually age your face.

We work on each zone separately

  • For expressiveness of the cheekbones, they need to be darkened. The technique is not suitable for owners of a narrow face, but suitable for chubby girls. You need to draw a visual line that starts at the corners of the lips and ends near the top of the ear. Under it, from top to bottom, apply a dark foundation to visually make the cheekbones higher. The second line is drawn from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes from the outside. Foundation is applied between the lines.
  • Darkening the forehead and hairline is necessary if nature has endowed a high forehead and thinning hair in this area. A dark corrector is applied to the temples and along the hairline. Foundation should be selected to match the natural skin tone.
  • Darkening the areas around the eyes visually enlarges them. For the desired effect, shade the forehead first.
  • The chin line is corrected by darkening the neck and below the bridge of the nose.
  • Corrective agents are shaded from top to bottom.

Nose processing is a separate stage in face sculpting:

  • To narrow the nose, you need to apply a light tone on the back and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone on the wings.
  • To visually reduce the nose, the back and bridge of the nose are processed with a light tone, and the tip of the nose with a dark tone.
  • You can hide a large nose with foundation 0.5 shades darker.

If you learn how to treat each zone separately, you get the perfect face makeup.

Advice! When correcting the face with a bronzer or highlighter, treat the skin with powder and foundation before starting the procedure. To calculate the exact amount of sculpting product, practice on your arm.

How to correct the oval of the face with blush

Today we will talk about face correction with the help of correct application blush. Many girls forget about it, and almost all makeup artists consider a face that has not been treated with blush to be flat and shapeless. It will only take you a few minutes to work with blush, but the effect will be stunning. So, you have already applied the main tone to the entire face, masked all the imperfections and nervousness of the face, then blush enters the arena. Each face shape has its own rules and places for their application.

Consider the most basic and necessary points that even beginners in the makeup business can use.

There are several pronounced types of face shapes. This oval, round, square, rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal. Having decided on your type, proceed to its correct framing.

Makeup for an oval face

Owners of an oval face shape are more fortunate than others - they do not need to hide wide cheekbones or round cheeks. However, they can do completely featureless or strange makeup if they don’t know how best to apply blush, lipstick, eye shadow, and so on.

Blush with an oval face should be applied, starting from the cheekbones towards the temple. If you apply them on the middle of the cheek in a horizontal direction, the face will appear wider.

If it seems to you that the face is long, you can make it visually shorter - apply dark powder or cream to the lower part. You can also darken the upper part of the face if you apply the same powder on your forehead.

Draw eyebrows and eyes with horizontal lines, which should expand towards the end. It is better to make the bridge of the nose wider, and the tips of the eyebrows - slightly rounded. Thin eyebrows will not look beautiful on such a face, so they need to be skillfully highlighted. Tint your eyebrows, starting at the bridge of your nose, and round off towards the end.

Eyes with an oval face are best highlighted with rich shadows, black mascara and eyeliner. Make a "cat" cut - and your makeup for an oval face will be irresistible.

Makeup for a round face

How to understand that you are the owner of a round face? In a round face, the middle part is wider than in an oval one, the cheekbones are relatively wide, and the chin is soft. Often, the owners of a round face have an upturned nose and a second chin is outlined.

How to make face makeup so that its shape seems more oval? First of all, avoid drawing horizontal lines that visually make the face even wider. Use dark matte powder or dark foundation, apply them on the sides of the face, which will make it visually narrower. Then apply the same cream on the sides of the nose - this will visually narrow it.

As a blush, use soft shades that will not emphasize the cheeks, but only slightly freshen the face. Apply them in the form of triangles, the sharp corners of which should be directed below the lip line.

Now for the eye makeup. Apply shadows only on the eyelids, try to blend them vertically - this way you emphasize the shape of the eyes. Avoid long arrows or draw short ones with an upturned tail. Color only the upper eyelashes.

When making up lips, avoid emphasizing the corners of the lips with a pencil. Neat plump lips, decorated with gloss, look harmoniously on a round face.

Eyebrows on a round face should not be horizontal or with an indistinct bend. Rising eyebrows look best, rounded or ascending with a gull-wing bend.

Makeup for a square face

Owners of a square face have the hardest time - they need to somehow mask heavy cheekbones, a wide forehead. In this case, face correction with the help of makeup is needed only competent, softening sharp corners, heavy chin, distracting from the angular shape.

The oval of the face can be corrected with dark powder or foundation. Apply them on the sides of the face vertically, which visually “cuts” it. A wide nose (namely, it is most often present on such a face) is best masked with a dark tone applied to its sides.

Blush should be applied to the cheekbones in wide diagonal stripes. If there are forehead bumps (it happens if the forehead is wide), they should also be applied blush in the shape of a triangle, with an acute angle to the bend of the eyebrows.

It is better to make eyebrows a little shortened, ascending with a bend, not very thick.

Makeup for a square face must be created with an emphasis on the eyes. For example, you can use long ascending (required!) Arrows, you can apply saturated in color shadows or increase eyelashes. In general, anything that makes your eyes expressive is allowed.

As for the shape of the lips, it should not be elongated - otherwise it will only emphasize the wide cheekbones. It is better not to use a lip pencil, and if you really want to, shade it a lot. It is advisable to use gloss instead of lipstick (just do not overdo it so that it does not spread).

Rectangular face it looks like a square, but more elongated, the lower jaw is clearly defined. Characterized by a high forehead and an elongated chin.

It is necessary to visually expand the face, highlighting the side surfaces with a light tinting agent, apply blush in the form of shaded ovals to the middle part of the cheeks. Too high a forehead or a long chin is darkened with a blush of a natural shade.

triangular face resembles a heart, the upper part of the face is wider compared to the narrow lower part. A pronounced sharp chin is characteristic.

To balance the proportions, it is necessary to darken the temporal region of the forehead and frontal tubercles, also darken the chin, while highlighting the lines of the lower jaw. The main blush is applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones in the shape of a diamond.

Trapezoidal face - has a narrowed upper face and a heavy lower jaw.

It is necessary to reduce the volume of the lower jaw (darken with a blush of a natural shade) and expand the face in the temporal region (brighten). The main blush is applied to the cheekbones in the form of a rectangle, shaded to the temples.

diamond face has wide cheekbones and narrow upper and lower parts of the face.

It is necessary to soften the angular outlines of the face. The lateral surfaces of the cheekbones are darkened, the main blush is applied as follows: dark - on the protruding part of the cheekbones, light - on the hollow under the cheekbone. In this way, the cheekbones are softened. If you want to highlight them, do the opposite - darken the subzygomatic cavity.

If your problem is that the cheeks are slightly wider than the temples, then apply blush exactly on the convex part of the cheeks. The forehead, temporal cavities and the middle of the face are covered with light powder, and the cheeks below the temples are covered with dark powder.

Do you have wide cheekbones and a narrow chin? You can correct disproportion with the following tip.
The upper part of the face and the tip of the chin are powdered with dark powder, and the lower part of the face is covered with light powder. Blush is applied wedge-shaped on the top of the prominent cheekbones, touching the cheek.

If your problem is that you have a long chin, then darken its convex part with dark powder.
Such an annoying problem as a second chin is corrected like this. Dark powder is applied to the second chin itself, and lighter powder is applied to the very tip of the chin and its rounding.

The shape of the nose can also be corrected without surgery - just darken the protruding parts with dark powder, and shade the back with light, and vice versa if it seems to you that your nose is too small.

After applying the foundation, powder your face. If you are doing makeup at home, it is better to use loose powder or powder balls. Use a soft thick brush to wrap your face in a powder veil - and you will see that even with unpainted eyes you already feel different. By the way, if you lightly powder your eyelashes and then apply mascara, it will make them more voluminous.

How to apply blush?

The easiest way to do this is to pull in your cheeks (the lips should resemble a chicken tail) and blush is applied to those areas that remain convex. Strictly speaking, the blush application line starts near the ears and ends in the hollow between the cheekbone and jaw.

Smile - those areas that came out can also be browned.
The main rule - do not be zealous with blush, even if you are not a "princess, but a princess", as in the old movie. The main thing is naturalness. And with regard to blush, this is most true.

A new fever has swept the world - thousands of women complain of the so-called "temporomandibular joint syndrome" (TMJ), and most of them do this in order to be prescribed Botox injections in the jaw area. Obviously, relaxing tense jaw muscles reduces stress on the teeth and prevents their abrasion, and also gives the face a clearer outline. But to achieve the perfect jaw line, Botox is just the beginning. Among the most effective methods, doctors also name threads, liposuction and... professional manual massage.

Lifting with threads

Georgy Chemyanov (www., a plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, an expert in aesthetic rejuvenation, is sure that for women aged 30 years and older, with moderate age-related changes, an effective solution to the “double chin” problem can be lifting with Aptos threads. “At this age, a certain decrease in skin turgor is already outlined, so it is important to gently tighten the tissues. And you know, this will not only "sculpt" the perfect oval, but also prolong youth, preventing further stretching and worsening of the situation. The procedure itself is performed without a single incision, under local anesthesia, and allows you to "return to duty" almost immediately. Inflammation, hematoma and bruising are excluded with this technique. The doctor, using four long threads (the total length is about a meter), creates a so-called "hammock" in the tissues, which is fixed with absorbable cones that act as "anchors". This design fixes the shape of the chin well and keeps it for three to five years without any correction. In the future, if necessary, you can "correct" the situation with the help of the same threads. In this case, I'm talking about polypropylene non-absorbable material. If the patient plans to undergo this or that plastic surgery, then absorbable threads can be placed, from which there will be no trace in about two years.

Combination of lifting and liposuction

“For those who have problems in the chin area are quite obvious and are associated not only with age-related changes, but also with the accumulation of excess fat, a combination of liposuction and thread lifting can be recommended,” says Olga Danishchuk, a surgeon at the Danishchuk Clinic. – This kind of liposuction (removal of excess fat) does not require general anesthesia. As a rule, the patient can go home on the same day. The recovery period is quite easy: a special supporting bandage is applied for two or three days. However, “dramatic weight loss” leads to sagging skin and requires a mandatory tightening. In this case, we perform lifting with Happy Lift surgical absorbable threads, which fix the soft facial tissues in a new position. But that's not all. In some cases, a "super lift" is required, especially if the patient had significant excess fat in the chin area. Then you can bring the situation to perfection with the help of 3D mesothreads made from polylactic acid. This invention of Korean doctors is now very popular all over the world. After the procedure, no traces of intervention are noticeable, the threads dissolve after 7-8 months, and during this period young collagen is actively formed in the skin, the result looks very organic and natural.

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Hardware facial lifting

If the situation is not critical, but minor changes in facial features are already noticeable, then doctors often recommend hardware ultrasonic lifting. Under the influence of ultrasound, new collagen begins to form in the deep layers of the skin, which, reacting to an external stimulus, gradually thickens. Among the latest generation of devices aimed at solving such problems, we can name the Ulthera System. This machine launches rejuvenation processes for three to four months in advance and works at the level of subcutaneous structures.

Another interesting combination of procedures, promising a graceful oval and flawless lines, is the combination of radiotherapy with magnetic impulses. This is exactly the scheme prescribed by dermatologist Sonya Dakar to her star client, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who is famous for many things, including her perfect profile. Gwyneth does this “beauty therapy” regularly: the initial course always includes eight treatments once a week and then a mandatory support once a month.

Injection of fillers (hyaluronic acid-based preparations) such as Juvederm or Juvederm Voluma XC into the cheeks and chin can also help in the early stages. This also helps prevent premature sagging of tissues. In addition, Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable, has recently entered the beauty market to specifically dissolve fat deposits in the chin area. Well, since we are talking about needles, we cannot but recall such a “prickly” device for microneedle therapy as Dermapen, which mechanically affects the skin, thus stimulating the active production of all the same collagen and elastin.

Massage techniques

Despite a sufficient number of hardware and injection methods to combat the "second chin", there is a powerful wave of interest in massage techniques all over the world. “Those who do not believe in massage simply have not met good hands, - says the star French cosmetologist, international expert L'Oreal Paris Joel Siocco. - Believe me, a good master can keep a face in good shape indefinitely. The skin is a very grateful organ, it loves to be touched. That is why for each new L’Oreal Paris cream or serum (especially when it comes to lifting) I develop special movements that, on the one hand, activate internal processes in the tissues, and on the other hand, help improve the results of high-tech formulas. For example, to maintain muscle tone, you can do simple exercises that take very little time. Grit your teeth, take in as much air as possible into your mouth and move it from one cheek to the other for 30 seconds. This gymnastics works great for a clear oval of the face and improves tone. However, this is just homework. For a significant improvement in the contour of the face, a full course (and this is a must!) Of deep active massage, aimed at working out the muscles, improving blood circulation and removing excess fluid, is required.

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The best procedures for modeling a clear oval face

1. "Sculptural and buccal facial massage according to the method of Joel Siocco"

Where: Le Colon Beauty Institute; Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr-t, 14

The whole procedure lasts about an hour and consists, in fact, of the most legendary massage, which is done with massage wax or argan oil. Cosmetologist Kristina Zyryanova from the Le Colon Beauty Institute studied with Madame Siocco herself in Paris and remembered not only the unique combination of movements, but also one of the main rules of work - be sure to warn the client not to be shy to raise his hand as soon as it hurts (or rather, very hurt). Such a precaution is very appropriate, since this massage is definitely for those who like it "hot". It all starts with lymphatic drainage - before starting active actions, it is necessary to remove excess fluid. After a short and pleasant warm-up, the actual sculpting begins, in which not only the force of impact and the alternation of techniques are important, but also the speed of hand movement. Together, this sets an extremely dynamic rhythm and creates a feeling of hard work together. The collar zone is well worked out and the neck is stretched, which is directly connected with the face and needs to activate all processes. Gradually moving from the bottom up, the master works especially carefully with the lower part of the face. Having finished the "facade" work, he puts on medical disposable gloves and ... proceeds to influence the muscles from the inside. To allow him to do this, you just need to relax and open your mouth (and, of course, remember to raise your hand ...). Buccal massage not only trains the muscles of the cheeks and jaw, but also perfectly works out the lips, maintaining their natural relief. Not exactly aesthetic, but very useful! By the way, it has been noticed that after the procedure, not only the “second chin” disappears and the face looks much younger, but a lot of clamps are removed along the way: facial expressions change, muscles relax and even sleep improves.

2. Magic Lift program with Medical S.E.E.V.

Where: Beauty Salon Aldo Coppola; Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 19, building 1, Trade House "Vesna"

In this program, the lifting effect is achieved through the collaboration of highly active cosmetics and massage techniques developed specifically for the Aldo Coppola salon chain. This technique allows you to literally sculpt the contours of the face through painstaking work with mimic muscles and tissues. The first stage is lymphatic drainage, the second is a series of movements that make the skin more "compact" and make it gather and tighten. Despite the clear structure, the procedure is extremely comfortable and pleasant. Nothing sharp, pressing, pulling, what so scares those who are afraid of excessive stretching of the skin. In this case, the secret of success lies precisely in the depth of the study, which insures against unwanted movement of the upper layers of the fabric. The means by which the master works also plays a significant role. It is a cream blended with an oily serum that ensures a perfect grip between skin and hands: it allows free glide and excludes any sticking.

This program uses highly active cosmetical tools Medical S.E.E.V: almond peeling, three different serums, plasticizing mask. By the way, even with a plasticizing mask a special massage is done. So you will definitely not be deprived of attention. The result from just one procedure is very, very impressive. The face looks young, very fresh - and no "second chin". The course of procedures promises a complete transformation, but you only need to come to the salon once a week - this care is considered so effective.

3. New massage Beauty Lift, Guerlain

Where: Boutique Rivoli Perfumery, St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky pr-t, 2a

The famous "signature" Guerlain massage has never changed since its inception - since 1939. It was the "highest mathematics" in the world of cosmetology: no pinching and rubbing - only soft pressure and smooth strokes strictly along the massage lines. But each is right on target. And the goal is always the most noble - relaxation, lymphatic drainage, pleasure. And suddenly - a completely new technique: strong, dynamic, long-lasting. It is clear that the tasks of Beauty Lift are completely different - to tighten and tone the tissues, emphasize the line of the cheekbones and chin. To do this, the master works extremely actively with his hands, providing the muscles of the face with a real workout. In addition, during the procedure, capillaries are cleaned, which means that blood circulation improves and metabolic processes normalize. Maximum attention goes to the area around the eyes, chin and neck. It is especially pleasant that the procedure is carried out using the products of the most luxurious line of the brand - Orchidee Imperiale - and ends with the same "historical" massage, which allows the muscles to "breathe" after hard work, the mind to calm down, and the face to finally get prettier. Guerlain training manager Elena Lepilina recommends a course of 10-12 procedures twice a week in order to get rid of everything superfluous (including the “double chin”) and look five years younger.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

Chubby cheeks are not in fashion today, and women with beautiful and expressive cheekbones look elegant, sophisticated and sexy. While stars can use all the secrets of the beauty industry - plastic surgery, adhere to proper nutrition, exercise and fitness with the best specialists, you yourself can visually correct your face, for this you just need to master certain skills. Learn how to emphasize the cheekbones, making the oval of the face more expressive.

Emphasize cheekbones with bronzers and blush

The easiest way to highlight the cheekbones is to use blush and bronzers. If used correctly, you will easily achieve the desired result - in this case, the face will appear thinner, and your image will become refined.

To start, choose a bronzer one to one and a half shades darker than your skin. To determine where to apply it, open your mouth. Apply under the cheekbones to the cheeks using a soft brush, then blend thoroughly. Bronzates come in the form of cream, powder, balls. Cream products are easy to apply with your fingers, and to use bronzer in the form of a compact or loose powder, use a brush.

Then choose blush. They should be as close in tone as possible to the skin tone when you blush. Pinch yourself or do a few bends to redden your skin and choose the desired tone. Blush should be applied to the convex part of the cheeks - to determine the desired area, smile broadly. The tool must be well distributed over the cheekbones to the hairline.

At the end, blend all applied cosmetics with a clean brush, making large circular motions up and out.

If you have just begun to be interested in how to correctly and skillfully emphasize the cheekbones, it is not a fact that you will get the desired effect the first time. Better experiment with it in your free time.

Do not use bronzers and blush, the tone of which is very different from your skin tone. If you want to highlight the cheekbones just for the photo, you can use a darker bronze. And in order not to look like a clown, the applied cosmetics must be well shaded.

Using powder and blush

The powder should be chosen a few tones darker than the one you usually use. If dark powder is not available, you can use a blush that is close to your skin tone.

Before applying makeup, cleanse and moisturize the skin of the face, apply regular powder.

Using a brush with a bevelled end, apply dark powder in a thin strip under the cheekbones in the direction from the ear. Do not apply powder on the cheekbones themselves. To hide the transition of color, blend the dark line from the powder. Thanks to this tool, the cheekbones will become more visible, the face will look embossed.

If you are wondering how best to emphasize the cheekbones with blush for evening makeup, we recommend that you use a shimmer. This is a product that gives the skin a glossy look and a slight shimmer. Repeat the line of the cheekbones with a shimmer, and the result will exceed your expectations.

Correcting a round face

If you are haunted by the question of how to emphasize the cheekbones on a round face, then for this, in addition to blush, you will also need a bronzer and brightener.

With the help of foundation and concealer, create the effect of smooth skin - these products perfectly mask all minor imperfections and irregularities on the face. For owners of a round face, experts advise applying blush from the bottom up, blending them with a soft cosmetic brush.

How to apply blush on an oval face

Thanks to natural data, the owners of an oval-shaped face have much less problems with make-up, since they do not need to hide wide cheekbones or puffy cheeks. But still, the question of how to emphasize expressive cheekbones on an oval face is of interest to many.

By emphasizing the middle of the cheeks with horizontal strokes, the face can be made wider. A face that is too long can be visually made shorter by using dark-tone powder on its lower part, since it is not enough just to highlight the cheekbones. In addition, you can darken its upper part, emphasizing the forehead with the same powder.

How to choose the right blush

In order to create the most natural make-up, you should choose the right blush according to your own skin tone. Light-skinned girls will suit pale pale pink shades, and dark-skinned girls - beige-pink or raspberry.

If your face always plays a natural blush, give preference to peach or amber shades that look equally impressive on any skin tone.

Today you can buy a variety of blushes: liquid, cream, in the form of powder, gel, foam, etc. A universal option is powder blush, as they are suitable for all skin types, especially for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Creamy blush is best for dry skin as it contains moisturizing ingredients and oils. Liquid blush, as well as products in the form of a gel, should be applied only on a tonal foundation, but it is best to apply them simply to clean skin.

For evening make-up, you can use blush with glitter. With their help, you can give the skin a soft glow and model the oval of the face. Such blush should be applied not only on the cheeks, but also on the inner corners of the eyes and on the forehead.

With the help of bronzates, you can hide small skin imperfections, but they are suitable only for owners of dark skin.

Liquid and cream blush is most conveniently applied with fingertips, with light tapping movements. Compact powder products should be applied with a large brush towards the ears and temples and blended thoroughly. It should be noted that they last longer than cream ones.


With those that exist, we sort of figured it out. Now you can find out more about what hairstyles fit for round and oval face. Knowing your face type, choosing the right haircut and hairstyle is already much easier. Properly selected styling will hide most of the flaws and decorate your image. But even the most fashionable hairstyle, chosen thoughtlessly and without taking into account individual facial features, can greatly spoil the appearance.

Oval face shape (oval face type)

Considered universal. Almost everything suits him and it has no restrictions, if only the oval is of an ideal shape, but there are also some errors (narrow forehead or large facial features), then they will have to be corrected.

The shape resembles an inverted egg - it narrows a little towards the bottom and lengthens a little. Facial features are average - neither large nor small.

Most styling works well with this shape and emphasizes its beautiful features and proportional silhouette. Owners of other types of faces, choosing a hairstyle suitable for themselves, try to bring the outlines of the face closer to the oval.

Since this form is considered very versatile and optimal, naturally a fairly large number of hairstyles and styling suits it. But even here you can find some tips and recommendations in terms of choosing the styling of the hair.

  • no matter how perfect your oval is, it may still have some flaws, so do not copy everything from fashion magazines or from the TV screen - everything is very individual;
  • even if the oval does not have any disproportions, then the hair itself can be different: so short haircuts to the chin and without a straight cut are more suitable for thin strands;
  • any bangs are suitable for an elongated oval, but not straight bangs for a rounded one: oblique, asymmetrical;
  • a large volume at the crown does not look very good - the face is drawn out;
  • as for the length, in most cases, it is any (only if there are no glasses, and the nose is small and neat);

The oval type of face goes well with both short haircuts and medium and long haircuts. You can choose from multilayer options, and strict, clear, geometric shapes. Cheekbones will emphasize short haircut, and the eyes and eyebrows are asymmetrical.

Haircuts such as garcon, bob, bob look very elegant with an oval face. You can complement the caret with both straight and extravagant asymmetric bangs.

For medium length, you can offer curls, and waves, and high styling. You can safely open your face by combing your hair back. Even a bouffant will absolutely not spoil the image, but, on the contrary, will add playfulness and lightness.

With an oval face shape, you can safely experiment with silhouettes and embody any creative on your head: shaved temples, incredibly long or ultra-short bangs, coloring in bright colors.

Long hair won't be a problem either. You can also curl into curls (the oval will round out a little), or you can leave smooth, loose strands (the oval will stretch). Cascade, debut, ladder well emphasize the correct features of an oval face, and the classic bob creates seriousness and conciseness.

Round face shape (round face type)

This type is similar to the oval shape, but the width of the face is wider, the cheeks are full, and the height is shorter. The height and width of the face are almost the same. The chin and cheekbones are not large and do not stand out. The forehead is low. Everything is quite streamlined, rounded and there are no corners. When viewed from the side, the face looks flat.

The main difference between a round face and other types is smooth transitions from one part of the face to another. Also, the owners of this form are somewhat lucky, as it allows you to look young longer - plump outlines hide signs of aging and thus can completely remove 10 years.

  • most bangs are not suitable for this type of face at all;
  • ball-shaped styling further rounds the face;
  • the main thing that needs to be corrected in this form is to remove excess roundness and stretch the face;
  • also styling should not weigh down the face;
  • hairstyles should not be symmetrical and even - length variation, some negligence is desirable;
  • asymmetrical haircuts look good;
  • bad - smooth and even;
  • very voluminous hairstyles will not work, but high ones are quite good - they perfectly stretch the face;
  • it is better to refuse a direct parting, but an oblique one will do;
  • small curls add extra puffiness, as well as large curls.

Short haircuts do not look very good with a round type of face, but if you make the shape multi-layered, and the length of the strands is different, then the short length will be more effective in correcting the oval. Pixie haircut with oblique bangs can be considered as one of the options. Bob-bobs and squares also look good, but choose oblique and torn bangs, and the cut should be milled. Elongated strands in front will help to stretch the face and highlight the cheekbones better. But the garcon will be out of place on short hair - it focuses too much on plump cheeks.

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