Competitions on February 14 for children. How to have fun on Valentine's Day at school? Games, contests, entertainment

Valentine's Day is one of the most anticipated events in the life of every teenager. On the eve of this holiday, teachers organize solemn events for high school students: they think over musical accompaniment, compose entertainment programs and select the necessary attributes for competitions and games. The competition program is an integral part of the festive evening for children of all ages. Funny and outstanding contests for February 14 at school from our selection will help you create a holiday for teenagers that will evoke pleasant emotions and memories for a long time to come.

Contests for February 14 at school: a creative photo contest for girls

Among the students who want to participate in an unusual photo contest, you can hold a battle for the best romantic image. Previously, 2-3 days before the holiday, write the names of literary heroines on multi-colored paper sheets, and place them in a small bag. Draw lots and let each girl draw one of the leaves.

Announce the task to high school students. They need to take a picture as a literary character and bring the photo to school on the eve of February 14th.

Post photos of young ladies in a conspicuous place, and on Valentine's Day, hold a secret ballot among young men. To make the jury's choice fair, invite the judges and teachers of literature - it will help determine the girl who most accurately conveyed the image and mood of the book heroine. For the best impersonation, the winner of the competition can be awarded a small prize.

Dance competitions on February 14 for teenagers

The younger generation likes to show character and violently express their emotions. To direct the energy of students in a peaceful direction, invite them to the dance floor. In between dances, play fun games with the guys: funny dance competitions for February 14 at school are a guarantee of a positive atmosphere and contagious laughter.

For high school students, it is appropriate to hold a competition with an orange. All participants in the competition must split into pairs, each of which must be clamped on a citrus between their foreheads. Boys and girls need to dance to the music so that the oranges do not fall on the floor. For interest, you can alternate slow compositions with fast energetic hits.

A fun competition at the school "Dance like us" will make children laugh and cheer up. Announce that the guys need to dance the appropriate dance to the music. Find the entries "Gypsy", "Lambada", "Valenki" and "Tango" in advance. At the end of the competition, all those who did not lose their heads and continued to fulfill the conditions of the competition will be awarded a prize.

Funny competition on February 14 for teenagers at school

"Let's wrap the present." 3-5 pairs of high school students should temporarily pack a present in gift paper and tie it with a solemn ribbon. The main condition of the competition is not to open hands.

Contests on February 14 during the tea party

Competitions on February 14 at school can also be held during friendly gatherings at the festive table. Board games are a great entertainment option for bored high school students.

Invite the children to play association. Say: "Love is ...", and let each of them give their own definition of this bright feeling. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds is out of the game. Be sure to reward the romantic winner with a small themed souvenir.

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Spice up the party? Easy! And for this you don’t even need to hire a presenter, animators and other professionals in their field. You are your own professional and will be able to help your friends arrange a great evening on the occasion of Valentine's Day. There is nothing complicated here, especially since the new funny competitions for February 14 for young people are very interesting and will help you organize and hold the holiday. Dancing, moving and comic - each competition is a small game with an unexpected ending. And so, let's study what is.

Invite a lady...

Living in a big city, you face noise every day. And it so happened that you are standing on one side of the road, and your girlfriend is on the other. You see each other, but you don't hear. How do you explain to your lady that you bought a ticket to ...
And so, the first competition is called - invite a lady. The couples come out. Guys stand on one side, girls on the other. The distance between them is 3-5 meters. The guys take turns receiving the task, and must show with gestures and movements where they invite the girls. And the girls have to guess and answer this question aloud. We mark the time for each pair.
Task examples:
- invite a girl to the cinema for a horror movie.
- invite a girl to the central square to the monument to Lenin.
- Invite a girl to cross over to your side of the road using the subway crossing.
- invite a girl to the play Romeo and Juliet.

If the task is too difficult, then you can use sounds. The main thing is that it was fun, and everyone did it.

Compliment for…

On such a festive day, you can not do without compliments. But speaking banal words and phrases is boring. Let's see which guys are the originals.
For the competition, you will need skating rinks with different patterns. For example, with a snail pattern, with a rocket pattern, and so on. Each guy in turn takes out one card, sees the drawing and comes up with a compliment to his girlfriend using this drawing.
For example, the guy took out a drawing with a rocket. He can tell - my heart beats as fast as a rocket flies when you're around. Or like this: when you are around, time flies by quickly, like a rocket.
If you took out a picture with a snail, then you can come up with the following: our love will be eternal, like the path of a snail from Vladivostok to Moscow!
Whoever can come up with a more original compliment gets a prize for himself and his girlfriend.

For attentiveness.

Three couples take the stage. Each couple stands with their backs to each other. It turns out that the participants in pairs do not see each other. That's great, because that's the whole point of the game.
When the couples turn their backs to each other, the host starts the competition. He approaches each couple in turn, and asks them to name the details of clothing, makeup, and so on for their loved one.
For example, he asks a guy from the first pair - what shape of earrings does his companion have? And then he asks a girl from the same couple - how many buttons does your young man have on his shirts? And so on, different questions for each pair. Questions are asked only on the details of clothing that the participants actually wear. For each correct answer, the couple gets a point. Whoever gets the most points wins.

Music of love.

Everyone knows that France and Italy are the most romantic countries. They are known for their music that disturbs the hearts of lovers. But not only in these countries, beautiful love music, the Czech Republic, Russia and other countries can also boast of their masterpieces.
In this competition, couples will guess the music, or rather, the country in which this melody was “born”.
Give each pair a whistle or something else to give a signal. A melody plays and if someone guesses, he gives a signal. It is necessary to answer to which country this romantic melody belongs. If the answer is correct, it's a ball. If it is not correct, then the couple skips the next melody.

Kiss for a selfie.

Either boys or girls participate in this competition. They must have a phone with a camera. At the command of the leader, the participants run to the hall or to another place and take a selfie. But not just a selfie, but with a kiss! That is, the guys run up to the girls, ask them to kiss them on the cheek and take a selfie. And the girls, on the contrary, ask the guys to kiss them on the cheek. Whoever takes 7 selfies with a kiss first returns to the host and shows the photo.

MKOU Poddubenskaya school

Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. Game program script

Ved.2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart, whether it be a sofa cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved.2. So, we start our holiday and introduce the participants and their fans. (Team View)

Ved.1. For all stages of the competition, each team scores a certain number of points. The team with the most points for the entire game is declared the winner. (Competitions are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved.1. We start our competitive program with a romantic-funny song "Love-carrot". (girls of 6.7 classes)

Love for all ages! (game program)

Ved.2. And now about the main thing. Participants of the game will have to pass the test of four rounds. Between the tours we are waiting for pleasant musical breaks, all kinds of surprises and other events.

Ved.1 .First tour: "Who loved whom?" Participants are invited to answer the question “Who loved whom?

Whom did Tiny-Khavroshechka love? (A cow.)

Who did Gray love? (Assol.)

Who did Gerasim love? (Mu Mu.)

Who did Gerda love? (Kaya.)

Who did the steadfast tin soldier love? (Dancer.)

Who did the Dunno love? (Sineglazka.)

Who did the mosquito love? (Fly-Tsokotuhu.)

Who did Pierrot love? (to Malvin.)

Who did the Russian clergyman love? (Dog.)

Who did Lunatic love? (Ruth.)

Who did the Prince love? (Cinderella.)

Who did Chatsky love? (Sophia.)

Ved.2. – We appeal to you, dear Referee. Please announce the results of the 1st round of our competition program.

Ved.1. Number from 5 class. Flashmob

Ved.2. Second round:"Do you believe?"

Teams, you are dealt two cards: “Yes” and “No”. When answering questions that begin with the words "Do you believe that...", you must hold up one of the two "yes or no" cards. Time to think about each question is 1 minute. Correct answers are encouraged.

The birthplace of the holiday "Valentine's Day" is Ancient Greece? (No. Ancient Rome.)

Cupid - a mischievous angel with a bow and arrow - the son of Venus and the symbol of Valentine's Day? (Yes.)

In Wales, on February 14, loved ones were given wooden "spoons of love" decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant: "You have found the way to my heart." (Yes.)

Is the rose a symbol of beauty and love? (Yes.)

Red chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations mean love? (Yes.)

In Germany, on Valentine's Day, women present chocolate to all their beloved and just familiar men? (No. This is a Japanese tradition.)

These lines about love were written by M. Yu. Lermontov:

Everything starts with love.

With love! I know it for sure.

Everything, even hatred - dear

And the eternal sister of love.

(No. Robert Rozhdestvensky.)

Ved.1. We are waiting for summing up the results for the previous 2 rounds from our fair and wise jury.

Ved.2. Number from 8 class

Ved.1. Third round: "Let's compliment each other."

Teams come up with compliments. Then the boys of the red table team compliment the girls of the blue table team, etc. Then the girls compliment the boys. The compliment goes two rounds. And compliments should not be repeated.

Contests for fans

Ved.2. Fourth round: "Smart Questions"

Ved.1. 1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

Ved.1. 3. Carrot extract is added to some types of colored pencils for greater lead strength? (No)

Ved.2. 4. Did the Romans wear pants? (No)

Ved.1. 5. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Ved.2. 6. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

Ved.1. 7. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)

Ved.2. 8. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No)

Ved.1. 9. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered one. (Yes)

Ved.2. 10. Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Ved.1. 11. Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Ved.2. 12. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Ved.1. 13. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Ved.2. 14. Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

Ved.1. 15. Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Ved.2. 16. Is the elk a kind of deer? (Yes)

Ved.1. 17. Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (No)

Ved.2. 18. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

Ved.1. 19. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Ved.2. 20. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Ved.1. 21. Can a rainbow be seen at midnight? (Yes)

Ved.2. 22. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

Ved.1. 23. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Ved.2. 24. What knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Ved.1. 25. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

Ved.2. 26. What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh).

Ved.1. 27. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

Ved.2. 28. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

Ved.1. 29. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

Ved.2. 30. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).

Ved.1. 31. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).

Ved.2. 32. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Ved.1. 33. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

Ved.2. 34. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).

Ved.1. 35. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

Ved.2. 36. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

Ved1. In the meantime, the distinguished jury will sum up the results, we will listen to the song "Half" performed by Inna Udovenko and Eli Muravyova.

At the end of the program, the presenters present prizes.

"Funny face"

On a sheet of drawing paper, you need to draw a funny face that could relate to Valentine's Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, draw one face.

"Hundred to One"

Which celebrity has a last name starting with "P"?





Peter the First


The most common to the letter "A"






Which pet is the most common?







The student in the lesson sat on a chair and shouted loudly. Why?

Sat on the buttons

Forgot backpack at home

Saw a ghost

It's a music lesson. sings

Due to control


"Two Pianos"

The game requires 2 teams of 2 people. A line from a famous song is guessed. In each row, closed from the eyes of the participants, there are several transitions. You can name any hidden word and sing a song in which this word occurs. Sample lines:

I won't tell anyone (gr. "Girls")

He sings like a nightingale and they knew about it ("Cool you got on TV")

The boys fly towards life ("Other Rules" "Fly! Run!"

Well, what are you so terrible ("Andryukha"

"Smart Questions"

Answer only "yes" - "no"

In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

Does Australia use disposable blackboards? (No)

The ballpoint pen was originally used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz. (No)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered one. (Yes)

Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before the battle. (Yes, that's the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

Do people still wash with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Is the elk a type of deer? (Yes)

Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (No)

Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)

Does the rhino horn have magical powers? (No)

In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

Is a monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

Was Scrooge's lucky coin a 10 cent denomination? (Yes)

Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Can you see a rainbow even at midnight? (Yes)

Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - does he put his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat).

What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole).

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh).

How many peas can go into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

How can you put two liters of milk in a one-liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).

How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).

What can travel the world and stay in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Can you light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

What could be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant).

What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Get older).

What gets bigger when put upside down (Number 6).

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

When can the net pull out the water? (When the water freezes).

What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).

Outcome. As a result, it may turn out that some boy and girl often match in a pair and they are awarded a "Diploma" for being the perfect couple.

Entertainment scenario "Valentine's Day"

Actors: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by the number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by the number of children), straws for a cocktail, plates with flour, paper napkins, bandage for eye.

(Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit down)

Ved.1. Spring is 14 days away. And tomorrow, February 14th, is Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Ved.2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, homely, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because it is non-Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

Ved.1. Well, yes, it is customary for us to believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle and tease over a child: “Tili-tili dough, bride and groom!” It's just stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

Ved.2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart, whether it be a sofa cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved.1. In addition, on this day it is customary to give each other postcards - "valentines" - with the image of hearts.

Ved.2. So, we start our holiday and introduce you to the participants.

(Pairs selected in advance in groups - participants of the competitive program enter the hall to the music).

Ved.1. For all stages of the competition, each pair gains a certain number of points. The pair with the highest score for the entire game is declared Valentine and Valentina. (Competitions are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved.2. And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the members of the jury)

Ved.1. So, we begin our competitive program.

1 contest “My other half”

(Each couple is given half a paper heart, at the command of the host, each pair must find their half of the heart. The couple that completes the task faster wins).

Everyone has known for a long time about the seven wonders in the world,
But there is another big miracle.
And I have now opened the eighth wonder. This
More wonderful and better than all miracles.
That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,
It excites us and there is blood in our veins.
Immortal like life - the eighth wonder of the world
Beautiful magic love!

2 contest “Arrow of Cupid”

(Blindfolded girls draw a heart on a piece of drawing paper attached to an easel, and boys - “Cupid's arrow”. “Cupid's arrow” should hit the heart).

Ved.1. While the jury is evaluating the results of two competitions, listen to a comic song

This is for you”, words and music by I. Ponomareva. The word of the jury (The jury announces the number of points for two competitions)

Ved.2. Love for all ages. But love is different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited.

3 contest “Broken heart”

Ved.1. Pay attention, halves of hearts are hung on the central wall - these are “broken hearts”. You need to choose one half, on which the question number will be indicated. By answering the question correctly, you will repair the “broken heart”.


Faithful friend of the crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

What is the name of the hare in the program "Good night, kids"? (Stepashka)

Have teeth but no mouth? (Saw)

What was the name of the calf cat Matroskin? (Gavryusha)

What bird brings happiness? (Stork)

It is carved in the forest, smoothly hewn, sings, floods, what is it called? (Svirel)

The word of the jury (the jury announces the results of the 3rd competition)

The song “From what, from what ..” is performed, music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Y. Khaletsky

Ved.2. All of you, probably, well know Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella" and remember how the prince found his beloved by a glass slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella.

4 competition "Cinderella"

(The participating boys stand with their backs to the girls; each participating girl takes off one shoe, on command the boy must find and put on the girl’s shoe as quickly as possible).

5th competition “Happy Valentine's face”

(Each pair cuts out a big heart from paper and draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth with the help of small hearts. Those who get the most interesting and funny face win this competition).

Pair dance “Find your mate”, music. Spadevacchia

Jury word. (the jury sums up the results of the previous 2 competitions)

Ved.1. Guys, do you like sweets? Do you know that sometimes a couple in love is called a “sweet couple”?

6 contest “Sweet couple”

(Each couple should drink a glass of juice through the cocktail straws as quickly as possible)

Ved.2. Drinking juice is not that difficult, but do you boys have the courage to get a candy for your girl from a plate of flour without helping with your hands?

7 contest “The most courageous”

(Boys without the help of hands should get a candy from a plate of flour)

Ved.1. And now we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the last two competitions and announce the results of the whole game.

The word of the jury (when summing up the results, each participating couple is awarded its own nomination “The most charming couple”, “The most cheerful couple”, “The most quick-witted couple”, etc. according to the number of couples. The winners are announced “Valentin and Valentina”)

Ved.2. Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, the fans for their support.

We wish you all good luck, happiness and love.

Although February 14 is not a very popular Russian holiday, but in the middle of winter it is very nice to give gifts to each other, add a little romance everywhere, congratulate colleagues, go on dates and just get together with a big company. For gifts and entertainment at parties, board games are great (you give them as if on Valentine's Day, but in fact, you play all year). We have compiled a list of games for all these occasions, which you can give to friends and partners on Valentine's Day.

Games for February 14 for the company


Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2 to 6
The most familiar option for the company to become a little closer to each other. It is necessary to interlace the legs and arms at the behest of a small tape measure on a large colored field. You can also give to families with children.

Tower for adults

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2 to 16
An unusual game for companies. On February 14, you can bring it to the office (if you have a confidential environment there), to a party with your best friends or home. It's a tower-building game, only each block has tasks written on it, ranging from the simple to the somewhat intimate.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 4 to 9
If the party is more alcoholic, Ruff will do. You can cool off, forgetting all decorum. In Ruff itself, there are no tasks that are too intimate. Simply, if you do not complete one of the cards, you will have to drink a penalty.

Battle of the sexes

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2 to 20
For those who keep their sanity, there is an excellent quiz Battle of the Sexes. Great for the office, and for corporate parties, and for a large heterosexual party. How well do you know male psychology? What about women's logic?

Games for two on Valentine's Day

For you

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
An unusual game for two, which is played in pairs only once, but lasts for several weeks - just perfect for a winter holiday. Every day you make each other some kind of surprise that strengthens and invigorates your relationship. Such a thing can be given both to a new partner and to someone with whom you have been living for many years.


Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
Surely you are familiar. There are many of them, and you don’t need to invent anything - they are already packed in tempting boxes by subject. Made for two lovers. There are many interesting tasks of different levels of complexity and frankness.

Party in bed

Age: from 18 years old
Number of players: 2
It continues the theme of forfeits, in fact, only the tasks are even more diverse, and the mechanics are simply created for unusual entertainment for two: after all, it’s not enough just to give your loved one a night in a hotel, for example, you need to decorate it with something.

in love

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2
It looks like Pati, but it starts from the age of 16, that is, the tasks there are easier in terms of intimacy. Good for dating, for the first period of a relationship. Although this is such a cool game that you can buy it, even if you already have grandchildren.

For romantic gifts and big companies

  • If you are looking for a romantic gift for your loved one (or loved ones) on Valentine's Day, take a look at the category. There is a lot that is not included in this small list. By the way, in Mosigra's stores you can always suddenly buy a postcard or other small surprise for your lover - you can do it without a reason.
  • And if you are thinking about what games to play with friends on February 14 with a large company, then you are in the section: there is a lot of everything, and it is not necessary that it be with a touch of romance.

Difficult to choose or looking for something special? Just call our operators, they will pick up something suitable for you.

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