Can pregnant women sleep on their backs? Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs Can pregnant women sleep on their backs

The onset of pregnancy imposes a lot of serious restrictions on the expectant mother. They apply to nutrition, and to habitual activities, and to the general mode of life, and even to sleep. It is wrong to think that the best sleeping position for a pregnant woman is lying on her back, although there are enough reasons for such an assumption: the stomach is not squeezed, the chest and heart are also more or less free, and besides, you can breathe easily! And this is so important for the future baby. But is it really so? This issue will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

First half of pregnancy

At the very beginning of the development of a fertilized egg, many expectant mothers often do not yet realize their interesting situation and continue to lead their usual lifestyle. The same applies to sleeping positions that a woman prefers. At these times, even such a position that is contrary to pregnancy, like sleeping on the stomach, is not capable of causing serious harm to the baby - its size is so small that the uterus is hardly enlarged. However, starting from the 3rd month, the woman already feels a weight in the lower abdomen. At this time, the uterus increases three times compared to its original size and outwardly corresponds to the size of a large goose egg. The shell of the fetal egg is actively developing and, in addition to the weight of the embryo, the weight of the amniotic fluid begins to be felt.

When lying on her back, a woman already feels slight discomfort. This is explained by a simple physical law of gravity, according to which any weighted object rushes down, with a level of pressure on the surrounding tissues that is directly proportional to the weight. In other words, in a pregnant woman, the uterus falls in a lump on the internal organs located outside it, which means:

  1. The intestines are compressed: a woman may feel a slight tingling, accumulation of gases, seething, colic. Subsequently, this can provoke intestinal disorders, such as constipation or diarrhea, due to the retention of contents at a certain level.
  2. The liver, as well as the spleen and pancreas, may shift slightly, and this will cause tingling in the muscles.
  3. The internal vessels at this stage do not suffer much, but, nevertheless, if they are weak or prone to a certain disease, when lifting, a woman may feel a slight dizziness or darkening in her eyes.
  4. From the side of the kidneys, there is no significant discomfort at this stage, but, nevertheless, if there is an active phase of urine separation, a feeling of fullness from the sides can be felt.

How does this affect the baby? Basically, there is mild hypoxia caused by clamping of regional blood vessels located behind the uterus. This should not be overlooked, since a child’s regular lack of oxygen will lead to a slowdown in the development of his nervous system, and this, in turn, will negatively affect such processes as the timeliness of speech skills, the formation of the psyche, intellectual ability etc.

second half of pregnancy

The second period of pregnancy is considered the most calm. This is a period of active growth of the internal organs and systems of the fetus, as well as an increase in its size. The volume of amniotic fluid also increases significantly. By the end of it, the stomach increases significantly in size, the level of the uterus reaches just above the navel. Her body is rounded, and the body becomes like a chicken egg. At week 28, separate parts of the fetal body begin to be felt (head, sometimes limbs - with active movement).

It is already difficult for a woman to choose her previously familiar sleeping positions, and obstetrician-gynecologists actively advise the position, lying on her left side. This is explained by the fact that when positioned on the right side, the hepatic ducts are clamped, which creates serious obstacles to the outflow of bile, and, in addition, in most cases, the placenta is attached along the right edge and there is a risk of clamping its vessels, and this can already end fatally for the fetus .

How are you sleeping on your back? The pressure factor increases significantly from day to day and serious problems with the vascular system passing posterior to the uterus are added to the troubles in the intestines:
  1. Clamping of the inferior vena cava: impedes blood flow to both the placenta and the mother's lower limbs.
  2. Cross-clamping of the aorta: makes it difficult to complex nutrition of the internal organs of the mother.

In addition, do not forget about the nerve fibers, the clamping of which will lead to a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses from the spine to the nerve leads of the lower extremities, and this: a sharp decrease in the temperature of internal muscle structures, a slowdown in blood flow due to narrowing of blood vessels, loss of sensitivity in lower limbs. Also, lying on your back for a long time can cause cramps in the calf muscles at night.

Sleep or long lying on the back also causes considerable problems to the excretory system. Displaced by the stomach in the normal state, the kidneys can hardly cope with the increased load placed on them. While a woman lies on her back, her kidneys are additionally clamped, which creates additional prerequisites for stagnation of urine and the development of infectious processes inside the organs.

Most of all, the spine suffers from such a dream, which is pressed by both the mass of the fetus and the weight of the internal organs adjacent to it.

As we can see, there is nothing useful for a pregnant woman in sleeping on her back, and moreover, it causes irreparable harm to the baby, creating, first of all, a lack of oxygen inflow, which can further disrupt the overall development of the fetus.

How to choose the right sleeping positions

As mentioned earlier, the optimal sleeping position for a pregnant woman is considered to be lying on her left side. However, there are times when the child does not take this position for some reason. Each expectant mother is quite able to feel this: the baby begins to either suddenly freeze, or vice versa, to push more actively than usual, expressing her displeasure.

In this case, you should periodically change positions and listen to the life of the child, as well as to your personal feelings. Every day the fetus changes its position, and an uncomfortable posture yesterday today may well allow expectant mother get enough sleep and, thereby, restore the forces she and the child need.

Sometimes there are reasons why it is not possible to change the position. This may be when:

  1. Fractures of bones obtained during pregnancy.
  2. The threat of placental abruption - in this case, the position is prescribed by a doctor and is maintained until the end of pregnancy.

In this case, the attending physician should control the condition of the pregnant mother and it is desirable to carry out any movements in his presence, and it is imperative to control the condition and reaction of the baby to these movements.

The sleep of a pregnant woman is a necessary event for recuperation. However, you should be attentive to the positions of the body and always listen to your feelings and the wishes of your baby.

Video: is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Quality sleep is the key to health. When pregnancy occurs, this phrase is especially relevant. At this time, there is a complete restructuring of the body, rapid fatigue, so creating favorable conditions for sleep is the task of every woman. During pregnancy, the expectant mother feels anxiety and responsibility for the life of the crumbs, many points that were understood before begin to raise questions. This also applies to the choice of sleeping position, because the position of the body of a pregnant woman affects the condition of the fetus. And if many pregnant women do not sleep on their stomachs, instinctively realizing that this is not too good for the child, then many are tormented by the question: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs?

How to sleep as a pregnant woman

Since the beginning of pregnancy, women have been trying to be more careful about their health, their lifestyle has changed dramatically, the expectant mother will have to give up many recently acceptable things.

In the early stages, while the uterus is protected by the small pelvis, the pregnant woman is allowed to lie in any position without fear of harming the child. But such a luxury can only be afforded up to 12 weeks.

Important! Get used to a less comfortable, but the most useful sleeping position should be earlier: the body must have time to adapt.

If a woman, starting from an early date, sleeps on her left side, there will be no inconvenience in the later stages. Posture on the left side:

  • normalizes cardiac activity;
  • reduces the load on the back;
  • provides sufficient oxygen supply.

From the third month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to grow actively, the woman's stomach is rounded, the uterus increases in size and, in the supine position, presses on the internal organs and the vena cava. This leads to a deterioration in the well-being of the mother and fetus.

The vena cava is the largest vein in the body and carries blood from the heart to the extremities. When it is squeezed, a pregnant woman feels a lack of air, a rapid heartbeat, and a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients ceases to flow to the fetus.

Conclusion: sleeping on the back of a pregnant woman is undesirable starting from the second trimester.

From week 28, the question of whether it is possible to sleep on your back is irrelevant, because the answer is obvious.

The period of pregnancy is a real test for women. For nine months, you have to reconsider your usual lifestyle and give up many habits. For example, women in position are forced to sleep in uncomfortable positions, and this is due not only to a growing tummy, but also to an increasing load on the spine, and with it on large blood vessels.

Why is sleeping on your back dangerous during pregnancy? How to make the dream period for expectant mothers as comfortable as possible? Let's figure it out together.

Full and healthy sleep is the key to successful well-being during pregnancy!

For a woman, pregnancy is a responsible and at the same time an amazing period in life. She is preparing for future motherhood, experiencing a range of a wide variety of emotions, with dignity going through all the physiological changes that occur in her body.

During this period, relatives and friends, and especially soul mates, are obliged to create a favorable atmosphere for the expectant mother, provide her with support and attention, and are more attentive to her “whims”. After all, from the very first days of pregnancy, the female body is experiencing global changes and is preparing for an increasing increase in stress. During this period, almost all pregnant women become more whiny, sentimental, prone to sudden mood swings and unpredictable decisions.

Scientists have proven that women from the first days of conception begin to perceive the world around them differently. They have concern for the unborn child and fears about his health, as well as their own capabilities. Do not forget about superstitions and popular beliefs that often haunt expectant mothers and negatively affect their psycho-emotional state. Increased anxiety, excitement for the baby under the heart and the upcoming birth - all these experiences do not reflect in the best way on the well-being of a woman. That is why sound and healthy sleep is so important for them. During dreams, they have the opportunity to relax, rest and replenish their energy reserves.

Doctors advise to pay special attention to the organization of sleep during pregnancy. Firstly, the woman's bed in position should be comfortable and comfortable. The best solution in this situation would be to buy an orthopedic mattress. Also, experts recommend putting a pillow under your head so that the cervical region and spine are even.

According to doctors, up to 3-4 months, future mothers can sleep in any position convenient for them. But after this period, when the baby begins to grow actively, and with it the tummy, you will have to reconsider your habits. Of course, women in position in the 2nd and especially in the 3rd trimester have difficulty choosing a position for dreams. After all, they need to focus not only on their comfort, but also on the comfort of the crumbs.

Why is the classic sleeping position "on the back" banned?

This prohibition is in no way connected with the superstitions and beliefs of the older generation. No, the taboo is due to physiological reasons, namely:

  1. Increasing pressure on the inferior vena cava. It is no secret that during the nine months of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases significantly. Along with its growth, the pressure on the largest vein in the human body also increases, as a result of which the blood outflow from the lower extremities to the heart is disturbed. That is why many pregnant women feel dizzy and experience respiratory failure even in a calm state, that is, without making unnecessary movements. In addition, during pregnancy, blood pressure in the lower extremities and hemorrhoidal veins increases. This condition negatively affects the development of the child, because he begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients, and his heart rhythm is also disturbed.
  2. Pressure on internal organs: bladder, intestines, kidneys. This is due to the shift in the center of gravity and the relaxation of all muscles caused by the active growth of the child in the mother's womb and the preparation of the female body for future childbirth. During sleep on the back, the pressure increases significantly, and the expectant mother is forced to interrupt her sleep more than once in order to go to the toilet. But the most dangerous consequence of such pressure can be stagnation of urine, which can subsequently result in inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.
  3. This is especially felt after 4 months of pregnancy, when the tummy begins to grow actively. A woman begins to feel pain in her back and lower back, especially after sleeping on her back.

How to sleep better during pregnancy?

Of course, it is uncomfortable for expectant mothers to lie on a rounded tummy, and the child is unlikely to like this position. Therefore, the position on the stomach is unconditionally excluded from the life of a pregnant woman, starting from the second trimester. Usually the female body itself tells in which position it is better for him to sleep. If a pregnant woman in the morning feels pain in her back and lower back, heaviness in her legs, weakness, then you need to take care of improving the quality of sleep.

The position on the back helps many mothers tune in to sleep, and there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is not to be in this position for a long time. Experts advise those who like to fall asleep in this position to put a special oblong-shaped pillow under their backs. This will help shift the center of gravity and, accordingly, reduce pressure on the spine, as well as internal organs.

In addition, during pregnancy, you can sleep in a reclining position. Just tilt your back 30-40 degrees to prevent pressure on the vena cava and the core of the body, that is, the spine.

If we talk about the most ideal position for sleeping during pregnancy, then this is the position on the left side. Thus, the growing baby will squeeze the organs of his mother less, she will be able to sleep well and feel cheerful and active in the morning. For comfort, you can put the same oblong-shaped pillow under the rounded tummy or between the knees, which in the future can be used when feeding crumbs.

In conclusion

When a mother gets enough sleep, she is happy and healthy, which means that the baby in her womb feels great. And vice versa, if a woman in a position does not sleep well, feels overwhelmed and tired, then the child is also not in the best condition. According to statistics, pregnant women with disturbed sleep are more likely to have protracted labor, and delivery is by caesarean section. That is why it is so important to get more rest and pay special attention to the organization of sleep.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

How often do women have to change their habits during pregnancy. This is not due to prejudice or artificial restrictions. A child developing inside requires more and more attention. A pregnant girl is two people, one of which is completely dependent on the other.

But the life of the mother is subordinated to this very dependent. She must give up bad habits, reduce physical and psychological stress. Most often, you have to change your diet and sleep more. All these restrictions have one goal - to ensure the health of the baby. But mommy must watch her own health very strictly.

How to sleep while pregnant

The first three months of pregnancy do not make any special adjustments to a woman's life. At least by the fact that the fruit is not yet so large. Although, you need to take care of yourself and the baby from the first minute, as soon as the girl finds out about her situation.

But, starting from the fourth month, when the uterus is already so enlarged that pregnancy becomes visible to the naked eye, it is worth reconsidering some seemingly harmless habits. The habit of sleeping on your back can play a bad joke on your mother.

Women who slept on their backs while pregnant were more likely to report feeling unwell. Their legs were numb and numb, signs of tachycardia appeared, and their heads were spinning. This is due to the fact that already a fairly large fetus compresses the blood vessels passing near the spine. The vena cava is especially affected by this. This means that the venous circulation is disturbed.

Experts consider the position on the left side to be the ideal sleeping position for a pregnant woman. True, sleeping all night on one side is akin to a feat. But what to do, because pregnancy does not last forever. You can also be patient.

Which side should pregnant women sleep on?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to establish absolute control over the position in a dream. Any person involuntarily turns in a dream. But our body is made so well that it can remind you what to do. If a woman rolls over on her back, the discomfort wakes her up. It remains only to understand what was the reason for the awakening.

You rolled over on your back, after a certain time it became difficult for you to breathe, you wake up. Try to accustom yourself to the idea that any inconvenience in a dream is a reason to turn on your side. You can even do workouts. Ask your husband or mother to sit with you when you sleep. As soon as you wake up, let them tell you: "Turn on your side." A few days will be enough and the habit will be fixed.

Your baby is also not comfortable when you lie on your back. You share a common circulatory system with him. You have vein problems, he suffers from it too. Do not panic, the little one will let you know when he does not like something. If during sleep the child begins to push hard, turn on his side. He will most likely calm down.

How can you sleep while pregnant

The developed habit of turning on its side will help a pregnant woman avoid such troubles as varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, thrombophlebitis. and your back will hurt much less. And most importantly, optimal conditions for the child will be created.

Some people think that you should not pay attention to such things. others, on the contrary, panic at the mere thought that they will not be able to wake up by turning on their backs. Both of these are not correct. First, you need to pay attention to everything.

If the position on the back does not bring the slightest discomfort, then you should consult your doctor. If he does not find any deviations in the development of the fetus and the condition of the mother, then you can not change your habits. But, only as long as everything is in order.

Secondly, any woman will wake up when she is hurt, uncomfortable or unpleasant. Yes, and the baby will try to wake up his mother when he feels bad. But, if your sleep is so strong that even such things will not make you open your eyes, then be smart. For example, roll a bolster out of a blanket and place it under your back. It just won't let you roll over in your sleep.

Sleep positions for pregnant women

Basically, do whatever you feel comfortable with. Listen to your own feelings, choose comfortable positions. Do not be afraid of non-standard solutions. If in the later stages it is convenient for you to sleep reclining, then do just that. If you want to put a pillow under your feet, put it. Everything is possible for a pregnant woman.

In addition to physical comfort, a woman should experience complete psychological comfort. Do not be afraid, do not invent difficulties for yourself. There are strict guidelines and guidelines. Read them all carefully and try to follow them. But even if you break something, do not rush to fall into despair.

Sleeping on your back while pregnant

You don't have to sleep on your back all night. But if you slept a few hours, then it's not so scary. If you inexpressibly want what is impossible, then at least smell the forbidden product. Perhaps this will be enough to dull the desire. But remember, the health and happiness of your baby depends on your behavior during pregnancy.

After the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother has to change a lot in her lifestyle. Under the ban are some foods, alcohol, intense physical activity, stressful situations. Restrictions apply even to sleeping positions. Now the position of a woman's body affects not only her own well-being, but also the condition of the fetus. The fact that you need to avoid pressure on a growing belly is clear to everyone, but is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

In the first weeks of bearing a child, the pelvic bones reliably protect the small uterus, so any position will not be harmful. But from a certain time, sleeping, lying on your back, leads to squeezing of large vessels.

A good sound sleep during pregnancy is the key to a woman's well-being. It helps to restore strength, emotional balance, provides rest for organs and systems.

How to sleep in early pregnancy?

The beginning of pregnancy in most women is accompanied by increased drowsiness: you want to lie down at any time of the day. This condition is considered normal and is associated with hormonal changes. Do not resist the desire to sleep, sleep favorably affects the course of pregnancy. In the 1st trimester, the position of the body can be any: on the back, on the stomach, on the side. This will not affect the condition of the future mother and child in any way. The uterus and fetus are still very small in size and therefore are covered on all sides by the bones of the small pelvis.

Many women cannot sleep on their stomach due to the increased sensitivity of the breasts, a companion of the 1st trimester. The desire to lie on your back may not occur, because the symptoms of toxicosis in these positions increase.

How to sleep in late pregnancy?

By the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the habit of sleeping on your side should already be developed. The position on the stomach is dangerous for the unborn child. Despite the fact that it is reliably protected by muscles and the fetal bladder, there is a risk of injury. In addition, in this position, pressure is created on the uterus, which can provoke. In the 3rd trimester, sleeping on your stomach is, for obvious reasons, impossible.

In the 2nd trimester, it is not recommended to sleep on your back. The size of the fetus and uterus is constantly increasing and begin to compress the organs and blood vessels. There may be back pain, intestinal disorders. But the most dangerous is squeezing the vena cava. This blood vessel is one of the largest in the body and is responsible for the blood supply to the entire lower body. In the 3rd trimester, sleeping on your back is strictly prohibited.

The most correct and beneficial for health is the pose on the side. Sleeping in this position favorably affects the condition of the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Some doctors believe that the best option is to sleep on the left side, then the fetus does not put pressure on the liver, and normal blood circulation is maintained. But it is very difficult to stay in one position all night long, numbness of the limbs often develops, so it is best to roll over from one side to the other.

If a transverse presentation of the fetus is detected, then it is worth sleeping most of the time on the side to which the head is facing. This will help the child quickly get into the correct position.

In late pregnancy, pillows are very helpful in choosing a comfortable position. They can be several different in size or one special for pregnant women. These devices help to compensate for the inconvenience caused by a large belly.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects the condition of the child from the 12th week of pregnancy. When a woman lies on her stomach, it causes discomfort, first of all, to herself.

The baby is protected by a layer of abdominal muscles, uterine walls and amniotic fluid. According to some doctors, this situation can provoke uterine hypertonicity.

When a pregnant woman lies on her back, changes occur in the functioning of her organs. They are caused by the pressure of the growing uterus, and therefore the longer the period, the stronger the influence of body position on the condition of the child and mother.

Compression of the intestine provokes the development, accumulation of gases. The load on the lumbar spine leads to pain in the back and in the pelvic area. The nature of sensations can be different: from aching to sharp. Violation of the kidneys manifests itself through, especially noticeable on the arms and legs.

In the supine position, the most dangerous thing is pressure on the inferior vena cava. This large blood vessel provides blood flow from the lower torso to the heart. When it is violated, a pregnant woman feels a lack of air, breathing is disturbed, it becomes intermittent. After a while, dizziness develops, it darkens in the eyes, the pulse quickens and sweat comes out.

All these symptoms indicate violations in several systems at once: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine.

Sleeping on your back affects not only the well-being of the pregnant woman, but also the condition of the child. Due to impaired blood flow, he receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and some nutrients.

An intrauterine state develops, which can lead to pathologies in the formation and development of organs, lesions of the central nervous system. After birth, growth retardation, poor appetite, sleep disturbances, and anxiety are observed.

When a pregnant woman sleeps on her side, all these problems do not arise. The blood in sufficient quantities is supplied to the child, which means that he is fully provided with oxygen and nutrients necessary for proper development.

The internal organs work without additional load, swelling, nausea, and back pain appear less often.

Full recovery of strength during pregnancy is very important. The state of the child depends on how rested and slept the woman will be.

To improve your sleep, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • change bed linen regularly;
  • avoid taking sleeping pills, especially pharmaceuticals (they can only be used as directed by a doctor, in extreme cases);
  • avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, strong tea);
  • 2 hours before bedtime do not eat, so as not to cause digestive problems;
  • 3 hours before bedtime, reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • it is useful to take a short walk before going to bed, however, more intense physical exertion should be avoided;
  • keep a sleep schedule, wake up and go to bed at the same time every day;
  • if the cause of night awakenings is convulsions, then it is worth informing the doctor about this (he will prescribe drugs to eliminate them);
  • in case of sleep disorders caused by emotional experiences, you need to seek the advice of a psychologist, help can be provided by close women (mother, sister, girlfriend) who have already given birth to a child.

Choosing a comfortable and correct posture is an important component of healthy sleep. The position on the back during pregnancy is the more dangerous, the longer the term. If you have a habit of sleeping this way, then you should start changing it from the first weeks. The best option when carrying a child is sleeping on your side. Pillows and rollers will be a good help, they will help to gently fix the correct position and make it more comfortable.

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