Nibbler silicone or mesh. Nibbler: a helper for the modern mom

Manufacturers of children's goods do not stop working on the creation of various devices that, supposedly, could make life easier for young mothers.

One of these developments was a nibbler for children. What it is? How to use a nibbler for feeding? And is it needed at all? Let's consider all the questions in order.

What is a nibbler

  1. This is a special device that you can use during the introduction of the first complementary foods to the baby;
  2. In addition, it helps to simplify and speed up teething;
  3. The main task, according to the manufacturers, is to prepare the child's mouth for solid food. Allegedly, this is how the baby learns to chew and get acquainted with new tastes for him;
  • The nibbler for feeding consists of a mesh or silicone bag in which a piece of fruit or other product is placed and a handle for which the baby can hold the device;
  • When chewing, the product placed in the net acquires a puree-like state and the child can easily suck it out through the holes;
  • So he gradually learns to chew solid foods.
  1. This device is also used during teething. The child, making chewing movements, will massage the gums, reducing the feeling of discomfort in them.

At the same time, a chilled product can be placed in the net, which can also alleviate the baby's condition.

Types of Nibblers

There are several types of nibblers that differ in the material from which the mesh is made. They can be made of silicone or nylon. The advantages of nylon models include:

  1. flexibility;
  2. strength;
  3. convenience in operation.

The disadvantages of this type of device can be considered:

  • rapid loss of the original appearance;
  • the ability to cause irritation in the baby on the oral mucosa.

The advantages of silicone models are:

  1. attractive appearance;
  2. the absence of extraneous taste and smell in the new nibbler;
  3. when exposed to fruit juices and purees, they do not change their color;
  4. light weight;
  5. ease of care (it is easier to wash and it dries faster);
  6. pieces of fruit will not be hammered into their holes;
  7. it is possible to boil.

The disadvantages of silicone models are:

  • short service life;
  • the absence of a spare mesh in the kit, therefore, if it is damaged, you will have to buy a new nibbler.

At what age can you give a nibbler to a child?

For breastfed babies, this is 6-7 months (read on the topic: What should a child be able to do at 7 months?>>>).

Know! Sometimes children may refuse such a “toy”, as they may simply not like the taste of what is in it.

In such a situation, simply postpone the use of the nibbler for a while or put some other product in it.

At the same time, you can’t insist, otherwise it may cause the baby to refuse to ever use this device at all.

How to use a nibbler

There are a few simple rules you should follow:

  1. Despite the fact that manufacturers are trying to make the device in such a way that the child cannot open it on his own, you should not leave the baby alone with the nibbler;
  2. Although all the materials from which nibblers are made do not have foreign odors, before using it for the first time, the container should be disassembled and all its constituent parts should be washed well;
  3. After each use, all parts of the device must be washed well, treated with boiling water and dried well;
  4. Nibbler is easy to use. You just need to put a piece of a suitable fruit or other food into the container, fixing it on the handle. After that, the nibbler can be put into the baby's pen and he will figure out how to use it;
  5. Every time after use, the container should be washed thoroughly to remove even the smallest pieces of food from its surface.

It is important at the initial stage of using the nibbler not to leave the baby alone with him. After all, out of habit, the baby can overdo it and choke on juice. But gradually he will get used to the new toy.

What to put in a nibbler

Those who first encountered such a device may be confused, not knowing what to put in a nibbler.

  • According to the instructions, any food that you want to introduce the child to can be placed in the container;
  • As a rule, children taste fruits best (banana (read the article Banana in complementary foods >>>), apple, pear, etc.);
  • Later, pieces of vegetables or berries can be put here. At the same time, you should start giving a new product with a minimum amount to make sure that the crumbs do not have an allergic reaction to it.

Nibbler danger

Regardless of which nibbler you choose, silicone or mesh, both options are safe for the child.

  1. However, it is still worth looking after the baby while he is playing with this device. This is due to the fact that some children who have just begun to master this toy can squeeze out too much juice with their gums and simply choke on it;
  2. In addition, you need to check the container every time for damage;

If you notice that the integrity of the mesh or silicone container is broken, you must immediately replace them! Otherwise, through such a hole, even if it is very small at first glance, too much food may get to the baby and he will choke.

  1. And do not forget that you need to select a suitable mesh based on the age of the child:
  • For babies up to 8-9 months, a small nozzle with holes of a minimum diameter is suitable;
  • After that, it can be replaced with a longer and wider one.

Nibbler is a good toy for a child and a way to distract the baby when you need to do something without the child in your arms.

However, the skill of chewing, due to sucking on the mesh of the nibbler, will not appear and will not be fixed.

The child has an age when he is ready to chew and get acquainted with solid pieces of food, not mashed potatoes. If you skip this age, then the child will be given dense food, require only mashed potatoes, and all this can last up to 2-3 years.

Therefore, it is important not to be afraid to introduce the baby to pieces of food and introduce complementary foods correctly, while maintaining his desire to eat. How to do this, see the online course

The modern market for children's goods is trying in every possible way to make life easier for mothers and creates more and more new useful things. One of these devices is a nibbler. Many may not know what it is, however, the thing is very simple, designed to feed babies up to a year old, to introduce complementary foods and teach chewing skills to the crumbs. Reviews about this accessory are very positive.

Nibbler - an accessory for feeding a baby

So, this useful accessory, nibbler, consists of nets, in which you can put fruits or vegetables, as well as a handle, which is specially designed for the size of a small handle, so that it is convenient for the baby to take it. It also has a ring that securely fixes the mesh on the handle. In addition, there are nibblers that use a silicone container with holes instead of a mesh.

With this device, the child can learn to chew food, and the mother will not have to worry that the baby may choke on a small piece of food. Nibbler is often used when it is planned transition from breastfeeding to the common table and solid food.

Among other things, it is excellent assistant at eruption teeth. If you put a hard fruit or vegetable there, the baby will be able to scratch the gums with a nibbler. This can be done especially well with a silicone accessory.

The Nibbler is made specifically for young children, following all safety precautions and using tested and approved materials. Therefore, when used, it meets all the stated requirements and is a safe accessory:

  • the mesh for the device is made of durable nylon, which is almost impossible to tear and gnaw;
  • nets and silicone containers are replaceable and can be easily changed to new ones;
  • they are also easy to wash and clean, and this must be done after each use;
  • the ring that fixes the mesh fits snugly enough and holds it well in its place.

In the manufacture of such useful accessories, impact-resistant plastic is used, so it will not break from impact if the baby throws the nibbler on the floor. The nets are easy to clean. They can even be washed not only by hand, but also in a washing machine or dishwasher, which makes the appliance even easier to use.

Usually, they begin to use a nibbler when a child is introduced to adult food, that is, during the start of complementary foods - at five or six months. You can even put bread in it and let your child try it. The mesh will not allow the baby to choke on his little crumb.

It is better to give the food that the baby has already tried or start very little by little. Suitable apples, pears, bananas, carrots and other products. When the baby is teething, you can offer chilled fruits or vegetables and thereby help the child relieve pain and discomfort.

Similar devices existed in the distant past. Of course, they didn’t know the name yet, but fruits and vegetables were wrapped in gauze or a rolled bandage and given to the child for testing. Over time, there have been some changes and now this accessory is called a nibbler, its shape has become more modern and more convenient.

So what is the best device to choose for a baby who is starting to get acquainted with new food? First, you should familiarize yourself with models that have a classic handle, which will be easy and simple for a child to hold in a small palm. These models are different:

  • simple and comfortable handle;
  • it has an anti-slip rubberized surface;
  • there may also be a knurled handle that is comfortable to hold with a small hand.

There are models of nibblers with a ring handle. It promotes the development of the grasping reflex and can be easily attached to a baby's crib or stroller. It is very convenient to choose a nibbler model that has a protective cap. Such an accessory is convenient to store and use on the street, as the mesh will be protected from dirt.

It is worth noting that in addition to mesh nibblers, you can find a silicone nibbler on children's shelves. The advantages of this material are that it is convenient to wash, this material is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies, it has no taste and smell. These properties have made the silicone nibbler a very popular product, and these types of nibblers are often preferred.

In addition, the mesh part of the nibbler darkens over time from the products used and it is difficult to return to its original appearance. If the mesh has darkened, it is better to replace it. The silicone nibbler does not have such qualities, and you will have to look for a replacement, since they are not available everywhere.

It is necessary to change the mesh for the nibbler approximately every three months, if it has not lost its appearance and functionality before. They can be purchased at any children's goods store, and sometimes they are sold several at once, complete with a nibbler. But, when choosing, it is worth considering that they are both universal and suitable for only one model.

It is also worth noting that when a child has teeth, the silicone nibbler must be checked very carefully every time, because a diligently chewing baby is quite capable of chewing through this device.

Nibbler - very useful device. However, before using it, you should follow a few simple steps:

  • having bought a nibbler, at home it must be disassembled and thoroughly rinsed with warm water using baby dishwashing detergent;
  • then rinse the feeding net with boiled water. So, by the way, should be done after each use;
  • now you can put an apple or other fruit and give the baby a test. It is worth making sure that the baby does not inadvertently choke on saliva;
  • after use, the parts must be washed and dried.

Over time, from fruits and berries, you can notice the darkening of the mesh container. In this case, you just need to replace the old mesh with a new one. Also comes with a silicone container.

Nibbler at what age may be needed?

Many mothers ask themselves: at what age can you start using a nibbler? Usually this is the age of introduction of complementary foods, that is, five or six months, however, there are subtleties here:

  • firstly, it is worth carefully studying the packaging (usually the age recommended for use is written on it);
  • you should also pay attention to the size of the holes and the shape of the device itself (small holes and an oblong shape indicate that the nibbler is intended for young children - 5-6 months, larger holes are intended for children from nine months.

In a word, when choosing a nibbler, you need to study the packaging better. If it does not have identification characteristics for age groups, then you should seek help from a consultant.

Nibbler, reviews:

The little girl just turned six months old. We have already tried applesauce and saw a nibbler device in the store. We decided to try a silicone nibbler. Daughter is delighted. He loves to chew apples in it. We plan to introduce new flavors soon.


A very good and useful net for feeding, you can not worry that the child will choke after biting off a large piece.

After reading positive reviews about the Nibbler nipple, we decided to try it for feeding. Satisfied with the result of use. Son likes it very much.

When it's time to introduce complementary foods, the child curiously looks into the parents' plates in the hope of receiving a treat. A happy baby clumsily bites off food with his gums and a few teeth, but the pieces can get into his throat, causing a cough in the crumbs and fright in the parents.

What to do so that the child does not choke and can try so many delicious fruits and vegetables on their own? Our grandmothers found a way out: they wrapped bread or cookies in gauze and let us chew. Now manufacturers of children's goods have come up with a modern replacement for such gauze - nibbler.

What is a nibbler?

Nibbler is a mesh with a holder. The child will grind the food in the nozzle with his gums, and then swallow in small portions through the holes. It is convenient for a toddler to hold a treat with small hands. With this funny device, the child will learn to chew.

In addition, with the help of a nibbler, the baby trains his gums, which contributes to the development of a healthy dental system. You can also replace the teether with a nibbler.

The optimal age for buying a nibbler is the time of introducing complementary foods, that is, 6 months for breastfed babies and 5.5 for formula-fed babies.

What can be chewed through a nibbler? You can put boiled meat, banana, apple, carrot, biscuits, bread, egg yolk in the net. First of all, offer the crumbs those products with which he is already familiar.

Be careful when giving red fruits like raspberries and strawberries to your baby as they can cause allergies. During teething, you can put chilled pieces of food in the device, which will help to anesthetize reddened gums.

Important: do not leave the child unattended by putting the berries in a nibbler so that the baby does not choke on small bones.

How to choose a nibbler?

It is best to go to a specialized children's store or pharmacy to buy a nibbler. First of all, pay attention to the manufacturer of the product and the materials from which it is made. Be sure to check the age category indicated on the package. There are several factors to consider when choosing a device.

First, decide on the nozzle: they are nylon and silicone. Each network has its own advantages. The nylon thread is strong and flexible, allowing the baby to come into closer contact with food. The silicone nozzle is easier to clean, has no smell, and the holes in it are not clogged with pieces of food.
Secondly, look at the material of the handle so that it is convenient for the baby to hold the device himself.

It is better to choose an ergonomic holder made of anti-slip material that will fit the size of the child's palm. For younger children, it is better to take a nibbler with a ring-shaped holder, and for older children - with a straight handle.

And also pay attention to additional trifles:

The presence of a cover so that you can take the nibbler with you;

Is there a set of interchangeable nets;

Is it possible to use nozzles of different sizes.

How to use a nibbler correctly?

The device is very easy to operate, but do not forget the basic safety and hygiene rules:

1. When using the nibbler for the first time and after, be sure to wash each part in warm water with baby soap or special cleaners.

2. Cut your baby's favorite treats into pieces, put in a net and secure tightly with a ring.

3. Do not leave a child unattended with a nibbler. The baby may choke on fruit juice or saliva.

4. When the child has eaten everything, rinse the appliance and dry all parts.

5. Be sure to monitor the wear of the meshes, change them as needed.

Nibbler has firmly entered the everyday life of modern mothers. It is easier for mom to introduce complementary foods, and it is interesting for a child to learn new food even without teeth. But some parents find the device completely useless. When deciding whether to use a nibbler, be sure to take into account all the properties of this newfangled invention.

A real discovery has already become a nibbler (nubler) device that has recently appeared on the children's goods market - a net for feeding.

This, on the one hand, is a convenient device so that the baby can try to chew more solid food after the start of feeding, and on the other hand, it is an excellent gum massager when teeth are just being cut.

So, what is a nibbler? This is a mesh container with a rim that is securely attached (screwed) to a plastic handle.

What can put in a nibbler? Products that are allowed for the baby by age, and which you can give him (already give) only in a wiped form. It can be pieces of an apple, carrot, banana. In addition, you can put a piece of bread in the mesh, and not be afraid that the baby will choke on crumbs - the mesh simply will not let them through.

Remember, you probably heard from grandmothers how in their youth the kids were given the so-called "chewing" in gauze. Here is a nibbler feeding net, it is practically the same device for chewing, only of a new generation. Modern and safe.

How use nibbler? Nibbler is not easy to use, but very simple. After purchase, after opening the package, you do the following:

1. Divide the fixture into its component parts. Thoroughly wash the mesh itself and all plastic parts with a solution of baby soap. Other cleaning products for children's dishes are not recommended!

2. Rinse the nibbler thoroughly with running water. Next - rinse the washed parts with boiled water. The device is ready for use.

3. Put a piece of the fruit of your choice into the mesh, carefully twist the mesh so that it is securely fixed in the handle.

4. Give the nibbler to the baby's hand and ( Attention, safety rule!) inseparably watch how he eats. Remember, despite the safety of the device, adult supervision is necessary - the baby may choke on juice or saliva.

5. After the baby has chewed enough, again disassemble the nibbler into its component parts and rinse it thoroughly. Wash, dry and store feeding nets in the same way as other baby utensils.

Over time, the mesh may darken. This is a completely natural process, because. the juice of fruits and berries leaves a hard-to-remove pigment on the fabric. You should not try to wash the mesh - you still won’t wash it completely to the original whiteness. It is better to use interchangeable nets, which are sold separately.

A few words about which nibbler to choose . In general, as far as we know, the original nibblers are produced under the Nuby brand. They are sold in children's departments and stores and are (as it may seem) quite expensive. And yet, original nibblers from Nuby are reliable and popular all over the world.

Quite inexpensive analogues of nibblers (they are only called without pretension to the brand - just feeding nets) are offered by the Mir Detstva company. Everything is simple and affordable here - the price is 4-5 times lower than the original nibbler, and the set of functions and operation of the device are practically the same.

Some details of the analogue, one might say, are even more convenient - the handle is not solid, but figured, which allows you to tie it, for example, to the edge of a highchair. You may ask - why? Find out when you will feed a grown baby. At some point, kids will definitely start playing an "interesting" game with their parents - " I drop - you pick up".

Mesh nets from "Mir detstva" are also sold with replaceable filter nets. They are also quite affordable.

Of course, the choice is yours - to buy a nibbler more expensive or cheaper. The main thing is that this device is convenient, useful and very popular with mothers and babies.

A few words about how to make a net for feeding yourself, so to speak with your own hands. On the Internet, you can find several ways to make an analogue of a nibbler at home. There appear plastic bottles, gauze and other items that are not difficult to find in the household. We will not give here a recipe for making a nibbler at home.

If you do not want to spend money on buying a ready-made one, you yourself can find a way that suits you. But, it strongly recommends that you manufacture and operate a self-made feeding net with increased safety requirements. In this case, we can say that a mesh with an industrial handle will be more reliable than a homemade one. Be extremely careful - do not let the gauze tear or get out of the handle, the baby may choke.

And, of course, you should once again draw the attention of respected parents - even when your child is chewing on his favorite fruit using a safe device - do not leave him without close attention.

Let him be comfortable, pleasant and safe with a wonderful invention - a nibbler, feeding nets.

And a small addition to the information about nibblers. Partners of our site, LLC "Children's project", representatives of TM "MamaSense" (England) offer you a novelty - fruittaker . This is a silicone mesh nibbler. You can learn more about the new product on the website

We wish your babies bon appetit and safe feeding!

Manufacturers of children's goods delight young parents with the appearance of new accessories that greatly facilitate the care of a child. One of these inventions was the nibbler - a silicone or nylon mesh used to feed the baby with pieces of solid food.

What is a nibbler for feeding and why is it needed

Nibbler is a special device designed to introduce the first solid food into the baby's diet. It allows the child to develop chewing skills. The device is known under different names: nubler, feeder, feeding net, fruittaker. The predecessor of the nibler was ordinary gauze, in which small pieces of fruits, vegetables, bread were wrapped and given to the baby. Our grandmothers called such a “pouch” a chewing gum.

In addition to developing chewing skills, the nibbler is a gum massager and relieves itching from cutting teeth.

Types of nets for feeding

The device is a small container made of silicone or nylon mesh, which is attached to the body with a handle using a twisting ring or latch.

Nibbler varieties - photo gallery

The niber complete with a cap protects products from contamination The nibbler with a round handle can not only be given to the baby’s hand, but also hung in the stroller
The Happy Baby fruittaker differs from other models with a rotating piston design that pushes the product closer to the edge of the mesh
The silicone fruittaker looks like a pacifier, so a child accustomed to a nipple takes it in his mouth with pleasure

From what age and for how long can you use

You can use the nibbler from the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. In most cases, this happens at the age of 6 months - up to six months the child is not able to chew and swallow unpasted food (this is due to the structure of the tongue and mouth of the baby). If the pediatrician recommends starting solid foods at 4-5 months (depending on individual characteristics and the rate of weight gain), giving the baby a nibbler can be done earlier.

By the age of one, when the child already has several teeth, he tends to chew mixed with swallowing and sucking movements. The baby is still unable to grind food normally in the mouth and often swallows large pieces, so the feeding net can be used from 6 months to 1.5 years.

Parents should know that after 6 months, the chewing reflex in the baby begins to form naturally. If this does not happen before the appearance of the first teeth, then the situation can develop into a problem.

The opinions of doctors about the use of the feeder were divided. Some experts believe that this is not only useless, but also a dangerous thing. The fact is that it is difficult to wash the fine mesh from the remnants of fibrous food (banana, berries, boiled vegetables). In the hot season, this can lead to the growth of bacteria and serious diseases. Another part of the doctors believes that the nibbler introduces the baby to “adult” food, and with it the child quickly learns chewing skills.

Features of different models

Nibblers differ in the shape of the handle, the material of the mesh and the type of fastening.

Handle shape and material

The handle can be straight, slightly curved, made in the form of a ring or with two handles. In any case, it should have a rubberized part or a relief surface so that it is comfortable for the baby to hold. The latch (handle together with the ring) is made of food-grade plastic, which is resistant to shock. The container is washed by hand or in a dishwasher.


The silicone or nylon nozzle is fixed on the handle with a twisting ring or latch.

Both types of fastening are reliable and do not allow the baby to get pieces of food from the container.

Mesh and container shape

On sale there are feeders with silicone and nylon mesh. These materials do not cause allergies, have no smell and taste.

The silicone container is more durable, easy to clean and dries quickly, does not darken and does not lose its appearance during prolonged use. When teeth appear, it can act as a teether.

It should be borne in mind that the baby can gnaw through the silicone part. Some manufacturers produce fruittakers without the possibility of replacing the mesh, so you have to buy a new device.

Nylon has a strong structure and increased flexibility, has a greater throughput of fibrous ingredients, such as banana. But such a mesh quickly loses its appearance (darkens), and with prolonged use (more than three months) it can damage the oral mucosa, so it needs to be replaced.

When buying a device, you must take into account the age of the child. For babies up to a year, manufacturers produce oblong nets with small holes.

For older children, a round container with larger holes.


Included with the feeder are often attached:

  • a protective cap that prevents mesh contamination;
  • built-in water container to keep food fresh longer;
  • spare nylon and silicone nets.

On the packaging of a quality nibbler, you can find the release date, information about the material, age recommendations.

How to choose a nibbler for feeding

Before buying, you need to carefully examine the nibbler for possible defects, as well as check the reliability of the cap. It is advisable to purchase products only from well-known companies that are trusted in the children's goods market. The most popular of them:

  • Canpol;
  • The world of childhood;
  • Nuby;
  • MamaSense;
  • happy baby.

A sign of quality and safety will be the presence of an appropriate certificate and a medical report.

Cheap analogues from little-known manufacturers should be avoided so as not to endanger the health of the child.

School of Dr. Komarovsky: how to choose a nibbler - video

How to use

Before using the nibbler, you need to prepare:

  1. Take it out of the package and take it apart.
  2. Wash all parts with baby soap and rinse with warm boiled water. Aggressive detergents are strictly prohibited!
  3. Put chopped pieces of fruit, vegetables, bread or cookies into the net and fix it on the handle with a ring.

Despite the fact that the nibbler is absolutely safe, you should not leave the baby alone while using it. The baby may choke on its own saliva or fruit juice. In addition, small children often use the feeder as a toy, so it should be given when a snack is needed.

Device Care

After each use, the nibbler is disassembled and thoroughly cleaned from food debris. Particular attention should be paid to the mesh, since it is in the holes that small pieces and fibers of products get stuck. You can use a new toothbrush to clean it. The washed feeder is dried in a disassembled state and stored in the same way as other children's dishes.

The nylon nibbler can be washed in a typewriter, and then washed with baby soap from the remnants of the powder, and the silicone mesh can be boiled.

What fruits and vegetables can be put in the feeder

You can put any products that correspond to the age in the grid. Pediatricians believe that it is better to start introducing your baby to adult food with vegetables. If some products are used for complementary foods for the first time, you should not immediately give them in large portions, it is better to introduce them gradually.

For the first time, the baby tries a new dish in the form of mashed potatoes, so the nibbler is not suitable for this purpose.

Products that are suitable for nibbler with nylon and silicone mesh - table

Mesh material Products
  • apples;
  • cookie;
  • crackers;
  • bread;
  • fresh vegetables (zucchini, cucumber);
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, potatoes);
  • Positive and negative sides

    • formation of chewing skills;
    • relief of pain during teething;
    • turning feeding into an interesting and educational process;
    • safety of use (the baby will not choke on a large piece).
    • the nylon mesh quickly loses its appearance from fruit and vegetable juice and does not look very attractive (although this does not affect the health of the baby in any way);
    • after use, it is problematic to clean the fine-mesh mesh from the remnants of fibrous food, such as banana or peach.
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