How to improve memory and attention in a teenager. A set of exercises for the development of memory in adolescents

Poor school performance and unwillingness to attend classes is a common problem in many families. The reason for this may be the heavy load of school programs and the inability of teachers to present information in an interesting way. You can increase concentration, memory and perseverance using various methods.

Eidetic is the science of memory development. It helps a person to perceive information more effectively. The basic principle of eidetics is as follows: any information can be presented in the form of pictures-images. This method of learning is not just used for, it makes the learning process a game. At the same time, children will strive to gain new knowledge and will not want to shy away from doing homework. Eidetics for children is a technique suitable for schoolchildren of any age.

Tablets for memory

Poor school performance may well be due to distracted attention. Nootropic drugs to improve memory will help solve the problem, they can increase blood circulation in the brain and concentration. Nootropics have a positive effect not only on the intellectual abilities of children and adults, they also normalize the general condition of the nervous system. These memory enhancing drugs contain neurotransmitters, vitamins and amino acids. Another active ingredient in this product is glycine. This substance reduces psycho-emotional stress and has a positive effect on mental abilities. You can buy a nootropic drug after consulting a doctor.

Substances that are directly related to memory: calcium, iodine, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, niacin, folate, choline, lecithin, vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C. These substances are contained in dietary supplements (BAA) , which are not drugs, as well as in natural products.

  • The brain needs glucose for energy. To make up for its lack, it is necessary to eat foods that improve memory - bananas, potatoes and grapes.
  • Natural stimulants of brain activity are B vitamins. They are found in cereals, milk, liver and yeast.
  • Lean meats, sesame seeds and apples contain iron, which is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Zinc and copper activate thinking. They are found in cauliflower, sunflower seeds and oatmeal.
  • Lecithin is responsible for the normal growth and development of the body, it is also needed to ensure concentration and favorable brain function. Its main sources are: nuts, herring, eggs, butter.
  • Magnesium and calcium are found in cheese, avocado, sesame and mango.

The brain is 85% water. Deficiency of even 2-3% of water can significantly reduce brain activity. To be able to quickly solve problems and remember the rules, a teenager needs to drink at least two liters of water a day.

The brain, like the body, needs constant training, otherwise it simply loses its tone.

Memory development in children: exercises for the brain

  1. Make both the right and left hemispheres of the brain work. To do this, take two pencils, in the right and in the left hand, and then draw two figures at the same time.
  2. For a minute, stroke your head with your left hand, and beat the fraction on the table with your right hand. After a minute, change the actions for each of the hands - beat the fraction with the left, and stroke the head with the right.
  3. Do familiar things in a new way. Any non-standard behavior forms new neural connections, which means it improves brain function.
  4. Use non-standard approaches to learning. For example, a child learns the rule: "not written with verbs separately." Invite him to imagine that the verb is a football player, and the particle "not" is a ball that needs to be thrown away.
  5. Teach your child poems and songs. The keywords of the sentences can be drawn in the form of vivid images.
  6. When memorizing a sequence of words, ask your child to come up with a story in which the memorized words will be in the correct order. This method perfectly trains memory and develops imagination.
  7. Psychologists confirm that emotionally colored events are remembered faster. To capture something in your memory, draw analogies and create associations. The more vivid images, the better.
  8. Write new English words and mathematical formulas on stickers and hang them where you will surely stumble upon them.
  9. What you especially need to remember well, repeat before going to bed.

There are various games for the development of memory, logic with interesting tasks and puzzles. Good sleep, good physical activity, proper nutrition - all these are important conditions for improving memory and brain function.

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The problem of the development of memory, attention and the ability to concentrate on tasks in the case of the developing brain of a schoolchild may arise as a result of the action of several factors: psychological, physiological, behavioral, etc.

  • In some cases, for the development of memory and brain function, schoolchildren are offered to change their lifestyle and activities, enrich their diet (including with the help of dietary supplements).
  • In others, for medical reasons, complex treatment with stimulant drugs and nootropics is used.
  • Thirdly, a solution is sought in an individual approach that takes into account the peculiarities of perception and memorization of a particular student, as a result of which parents adjust the school curriculum for their child.

Factors to be taken into account in the work to improve the work of the student's brain

medical factor

Most often, in the context of considering the action of this factor, they talk about attention deficit hyperreactivity syndrome (ADHD). Not all doctors, teachers and parents recognize the existence of this neurological-behavioral disorder, but for most ADHD - a medical fact, a complete way to get rid of which has not yet been found.

The syndrome is believed to be more common in boys than in girls. But the variety of diagnostic criteria, research methods and methods of group localization make it impossible to establish not only the exact proportion, but even the prevalence of ADHD. Numbers from 3:1 to 9:1 ratio of boys and girls with this syndrome are called. The general estimate of the prevalence of the disorder ranges from 1 to 30% of the total population. It is also believed that a third of the children who have ADHD, outgrow the syndrome or adapt to it. The complexity of classification also arises from the fact that some of the signs of ADHD appear episodically and from time to time.

The phenomenological characteristic includes such diagnostic criteria as:

  • inability to pay attention to details, as well as to concentrate on completing tasks and goals set during games,
  • forgetfulness and distraction in everyday situations, which is also accompanied by frequent loss of things,
  • avoidance of involvement in processes that require maintaining prolonged mental stress, etc.

Recognition of ADHD in a child allows correct corrections to be made to stimulate the brain activity of the student, which in the future gives him the opportunity to count on success in the professional field, eliminates problems with adaptation in a team, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

Despite the fact that approaches to working with the disorder vary in different countries, a comprehensive approach is generally accepted, which includes non-drug psychotherapy and individual behavior modification with the help of psychostimulants and nootropics (if pedagogical and neuropsychological correction does not help).

The danger of prescribing stimulants to children is due to the fact that excessive doses of drugs can be addictive, as a result of which cases are recorded when a teenager uses high doses to achieve narcotic effects. Part of the addiction is also due to the short-term effect of the drug, which, because of this, must be taken several times a day. So the action of most of them lasts no more than 4 hours, but methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine with a duration of action of up to 12 hours retain the danger of addiction.

An alternative to such drugs are herbal remedies such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis, which affect the improvement of brain nutrition, blood circulation, energy metabolism and cortical tone not immediately, but gradually, as the state of tissues and communication functions in neural networks improve. Due to their "soft" action, these same drugs are most often used in the correction of a physiological nature.

Physiological factor

The most common physiological reason that prevents the student's brain from reaching its full potential is considered to be a violation of the blood circulation of the brain, as well as a lack of nutrients and oxygen. This situation may arise due to:

  • genetic factors
  • birth and postpartum injuries associated with injuries of the cervical spine, asphyxia, hemorrhages,
  • diseases suffered by a child or mother during pregnancy,
  • unbalanced diet and difficult environmental conditions,
  • habits due to which the student systematically violates the rules of a healthy lifestyle and behavior.

The last two points are among those that can and should be influenced in order to improve the functioning of the brain of your child.

Socio-psychological factor

The success or failure of a child in acquiring new knowledge may directly depend on the degree of psychological comfort of the learning environment and teaching methods that correspond to individual characteristics of perception. So, a child studying in a hostile group, in principle, cannot be focused on the assimilation of knowledge, since he is busy with his own “survival”. With all the quick wit of the student and the activity of the brain, his formal performance will remain at a low level.

A “visual” child, who tends to more easily perceive information in the form of images, diagrams, visual images, printed texts, will be worse at remembering oral speech and trying to convey information in a verbal dialogue. And vice versa - it is easier for an “auditory” child to see information than to hear it, which also needs to be taken into account when assessing the student’s individual abilities and stimulating the work of his brain.

Finally, the child simply needs to be taught some memorization techniques in order for his efficiency and learning ability to increase dramatically. Most of these techniques involve associations, emotions, rhythms as learning aids. So a bright emotional image, associatively associated with the object of memorization and built into the space of a consistent story, will be remembered much better.

Means to improve the functioning of the child's brain

Drugs and dietary supplements that affect the state of memory, the ability to concentrate and the quality of sleep do this indirectly - through improved microcirculation and brain supply, as well as through the "turning on" of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances of different groups (peptides, amino acids, monoamines) that act as mediators in the transmission of an electrochemical impulse from a neuron. Most of the drugs created to enhance brain activity have such an “intermediary” in their composition.

« Glycine". A drug called a neurotransmitter amino acid that reduces the release of excitatory amino acids and causes an inhibitory effect. The drug helps to normalize sleep and increase mental performance. To improve sleep, it is used 20 minutes before falling asleep, 0.5 tablets for children under 3 years old and 1 tablet after the age of three. In similar doses - 0.5 and 1 tablet, respectively, for age, but 2-3 times a day - is used to relieve psycho-emotional stress, increase memory and mental performance of the child. Duration of admission - 14 days. If necessary, and in agreement with the doctor, the duration of admission can be increased up to 30 days. At the same time, with prolonged intake, children under 3 years of age reduce the dose (up to once a day) and the period (up to 7-10 days).

« Pantogam". Here, gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is one of the most important neurotransmitters of the central nervous system, is used as an active substance. The remedy is prescribed for violations of attention, speech, weakening of memory and a decrease in mental performance. For young children, "Pantogam" is prescribed in the form of a syrup with a gradual increase in dosage. With prolonged use of the drug, the drugs of this group are stopped in order to avoid excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. "Glycine", mentioned above, enhances the therapeutic effect of "Pantogam".

« Biotredin". In combination with "Glycine", it is recommended to take another nootropic - "Biotredin", which is drunk in courses of 7-10 days in the "three times a day, 1 tablet" mode. The product contains vitamin B6, activating the cognitive functions of the brain, improving the attention and memory of schoolchildren. However, the vitamin complex of group B is more widely and fully represented in the herbal preparation "Optimentis".

« Optimentis". A natural herbal remedy, which, in addition to pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism and increases the efficiency of the brain, and biotin (B7), which normalizes metabolism, also contains other vitamins of this group. Tocopherol is responsible for improving oxygen supply, and the plant base, consisting of a composition of Ginkgo Biloba extract and ginseng, is responsible for the energy level and blood circulation.

Go to official site.

". The main competitor of "Optimentis" in the group of natural herbal nootropics is called "HeadBooster", which, due to its composition, compensates for the lack of both vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, it also contains extracts of ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, which are responsible for the microcirculation of brain tissues. Children from 12 years of age can take this dietary supplement on an equal basis with adults half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

Go to Headbooster official website.

At this stage of a child's life, important processes related to the restructuring of memory take place. First of all, logical memory begins to develop actively (the use of logical operations in the process of memorization). As a reaction to its frequent use, the development of the mechanical one slows down. Simultaneously with the expansion of the number of subjects, the amount of information that a teenager must remember mechanically increases significantly. These processes occur together with the development of arbitrary mediated memory. However, they are not a problem for teenagers, who sometimes complain of poor memory.

As studies show, the memory processes in adolescents are not yet sufficiently formed. However, they begin to show a conscious interest in ways to improve the memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. memorization is to store information in memory. In adolescence, mediated memorization through the word plays an increasingly important role, which contributes to the fixation in memory of more abstract material. Retention is the content of perceived information. The essence of playback is to restore the saved information.

The development of memory in adolescence occurs in the direction of its intellectualization. A comparative analysis of the mental activity of younger schoolchildren and adolescents showed a wide choice of mediated memorization techniques in adolescents and their use more often. They use mnemonic techniques more consciously and purposefully. And as you know, there is a direct relationship between the use of memorization techniques, the level of possession of them and the performance of memorization and reproduction.

With age, the relationship between memory and thinking changes. If before the child's thinking depended on memory, then in adolescence, memory is conditioned by thinking. The process of memorization comes down to thinking, establishing logical connections between the elements of information that needs to be remembered, and recall consists in reproducing material with these connections. For teenagers, remembering means thinking.

The main task of the teacher in working with adolescents is the purposeful development of memory processes: memorization, preservation, reproduction, as well as logical memory, which determines the impact on the development of their intellect and abilities.

Adolescent attention development. Education in the middle classes requires a high concentration of attention, the ability to focus on the content of educational activities and at the same time be distracted from extraneous stimuli, it requires strong-willed efforts. For example, the material on the subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle has a conceptual, generalized and logically organized character, a teenager must show great intellectual activity during his initial assimilation (the explanation of new material by the teacher). So, to prove a theorem, it is not enough just to listen, as happens during a story about great geographical discoveries. The slightest inattention for a short time can cause a misunderstanding of the entire further explanation, since the assimilation of certain parts of such material is possible only on the basis of understanding and awareness of previous judgments.

The educational activity of adolescents, requiring involuntary and voluntary attention, at the same time contributes to their development. At this age develops attention span - the ability to focus on abstract, logically organized material for a long time. This development occurs gradually, unevenly, for each child in his own way, being associated with the formation of skills to study and work.

At the age of 12-14, students have a growing amount of attention, that is, an increase in the number of objects on which they can focus at the same time. Adolescents are already able to force themselves to be attentive even when performing uninteresting tasks; their attention is attracted by objects set both visually and mentally, mentally. However, when performing monotonous tasks, possible distractions to other objects, affairs, their attention decreases. Every year, teenagers show the ability to distribute and switch attention better and better. Distribution of attention consists in the simultaneous performance of several types of activity, switching it - in the transition from one object to another.

In connection with the complication of educational activities, adolescents have a desire to develop attentiveness, the main properties of their attention, which becomes more controlled. They can already regulate the external expression of attention, for example, make themselves attentive, thinking about something else in the lesson. Unlike younger students, teenagers are attentive to other people, their actions, behavior.

The teacher can control the attention of adolescents by laying out new material in various ways, including them in independent activities, making them interested in its content. Supports children's attention by successfully overcoming difficulties.

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where their child, for a painfully long time, cannot remember a simple, it would seem, rhyme given at school, and remembers instantly some awkward song heard once. How to explain such "selective" memorization, is it possible to improve and develop memory? How to do it? These and many other questions concern parents, and interest in the topic mentioned is by no means idle: a good memory is the key to successful study. Fortunately, this human resource is trainable. According to psychologists, the main thing is to choose the right technique.

What are the types of memory

To choose the right exercises for the development of memory, it is worth understanding how the memorization process occurs. To do this, we turn to the generally accepted classification of memory.

  1. By duration:
  • short-term (information is easy to remember, but also easy to forget);
  • long-term (data is stored in memory for a long time);
  • operational (information is retained for some time).
  1. Type:
  • auditory (better remembered heard);
  • visual (visual images are easier to remember);
  • motor (everything related to movement - remembers the body);
  • figurative (emotional, associative);
  1. According to the degree of application of effort:
  • involuntary (no effort is required to memorize anything);
  • arbitrary (you need to try to remember an event or object);
  • direct (remembered mechanically, thinking is not “turned on”);
  • indirect (requires the construction of a logical chain, understanding the data).

By the way, children have a well-developed mechanical memory, so experts recommend starting to study foreign languages ​​even before school.

How does human memory work? There are three stages here:

  • memorization;
  • data storage;
  • extraction (reproduction) of data.

Three "whales" of good memory

When starting classes with a child, pay attention to the three “whales” or three “laws” on which memorization is built:

  • The first- try to get a vivid impression of what is remembered (for this - concentrate and be attentive).
  • Second- repetition.
  • Third- association.

How to develop long-term memory?

Human memory is quite subjective, because after each subsequent reproduction of information, memories are distorted.

The task of parents is to develop and train the long-term memory of the child. For this you need:

  • Practice the child's retelling of any information he received - a cartoon he watched, a story he read, an experience he experienced (trains memory, develops speech, allows you to correctly compose sentences);
  • Memorize poems, tongue twisters, solve crossword puzzles;
  • Gradually move on to memorizing prose (one interesting exercise can be suggested here). For example, in a magazine, read a small passage of text, cut out this fragment. Then cut it into pieces, give the child one part and offer to restore the entire plot from it.

We train auditory memory

The more we train our memory, the more we can remember. So, let's get down to the exercises on the development of auditory memory in younger students. Lessons can be done in groups or individually.

  • Add your

This exercise is good to practice with a group. Here is the principle. An adult suggests a simple plot, for example, a trip or a trip to the store. It starts like this: "I put a book in a suitcase (bag)." The child must repeat this sentence from the beginning and add something from himself. For example: "I put a book and pencils in a suitcase (bag)." The second participant in the class repeats everything from the beginning again (the phrase is already longer) and adds his own.

  • Remember the rhythm

With a pencil or stick, you tap on the table in a certain rhythm and invite the child to repeat it. You need to start with simple sounds, as the student copes, the rhythm can be complicated.

  • Let's sing songs

For the development of auditory memory, such a simple technique as singing songs in the voices of familiar cartoon characters, for example, effectively helps. In order to portray someone else's voice, the child will have to remember its timbre, volume, intonation and rhythm.

  • Looking for a couple

The training consists of two stages. In the first stage, you read pairs of words. For example: a flower - a vase, a school - a student, a hare - a forest, a river - a bank. At the second stage, you name one word from the read pair and invite the baby to name the second. If your student copes, then everything is in order with his memory and logic.

  • We play associations

This is a more difficult exercise, although your child will definitely like it. Prepare several cards on which depict objects, animals. For example, fox, sweater, sun, bus. Lay out the cards in front of the child. Set a task: you name the words, and the child selects a picture for them. Words can be: forest, clothes, weather, garage.

Visual memory

To develop this type of memory, you can apply the following exercises:

  • color pictures

It will take from three to five pictures of different colors. Show them to the child in a certain sequence and ask them to repeat. Check for correctness.

  • Geometric figures

This exercise trains photographic memory well. Draw a cartoon character in the form of geometric shapes on a piece of paper. As usual, this is either a robot or an astronaut / alien. Geometric figures should be no more than four. Show the child the drawing for 30 seconds so that he studies it in all details. Then ask them to draw what they remember. You can prepare three drawings in advance. On each subsequent one, slightly change some detail. When checking a task, pay attention to how accurately it is done.

  • Describe the picture

It is necessary to prepare up to five variants of drawings, which depict several objects. Shape and color are different. Let the child study the image for 10 seconds, then let him close his eyes and describe in detail what he remembered. Gradually, the task can be complicated by increasing the number of objects in the picture.

Developing associative memory

The development of associative memory in primary school students is a very effective method. To train the formation of associations, there is a whole science - mnemonics. Association development exercises include diagrams, tables, pairs of words that are not related in meaning. Regarding the latter, name a couple of words that are different in meaning and give the task to the child to come up with a story using these words. And diagrams, tables with pictures will teach children to compose stories; perform some manipulations in a certain sequence, for example, dress. Mnemonic schemes help to increase vocabulary, quickly memorize text. It is said that a poem is best remembered if it is "seen".

How to improve a student's memory?

If you see that your student is inattentive, does not remember well what they are told at school and at home, cannot concentrate, of course, you should not put up with this state of affairs. It takes effort, and your child will learn better, become more collected and generally more successful. And for this there are several simple ways.

  • Read good literature

Of course, it is difficult to tear a modern child away from correspondence on social networks, watching cartoons, and playing computer games. But for loving parents, nothing is impossible. Convince your child, moreover, by personal example, that reading is not only useful, but also fashionable. Give him an e-book so he can read whenever he gets the chance. Pick up good literature for him.

  • Learn new things

Mastering new skills trains memory very well. If your kid does not go in for sports and does not attend hobby groups, tell him that all this exists and is available. If he is already doing something, offer to learn a new sport or attend a music school, at the same time find out what your child has a soul for.

  • Develop vocabulary

This is not just about reading books. You can organize such a game at home: every day is a new word. Introduce your child to difficult words, the Internet will help to interpret them. It will be interesting and useful for parents as well.

  • Learn by memory

Teach the poems given at school with your child. Tell him about your poetic preferences, about how you memorized poetry as a child.

  • memorize numbers

Perfectly affects the development of memory memorization of numbers. These can be the dates of birth of relatives and friends, mobile phone numbers. Tell your child how best to remember them. If there are other children in your family, organize competitions between them “Who will remember more”.

  • Rest properly

Healthy sleep, sufficient in time for a child of primary school age (at least 10 hours in a well-ventilated room), as well as walks in the fresh air (up to two hours daily) perfectly stimulate the brain and, accordingly, have a positive effect on memory. Do not neglect these simple rules.

10 products for a child prodigy

To improve memory, you need to eat right. Your student's diet must contain foods that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Here are ten foods that will help your child learn school material perfectly:

  1. Fish (preferably sea, contains iodine, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on the brain).
  2. Eggs (contain protein and choline, which helps focus).
  3. Garlic (will speed up blood circulation, add to meat dishes).
  4. Red grapes (antioxidant, protects body cells from aging and damage).
  5. Broccoli (just a storehouse of vitamin K, which improves brain function).
  6. Legumes (contain vitamins B6, B12, folic acid. Improve short-term and long-term memory).
  7. Tomatoes (also a powerful antioxidant).
  8. Lemon (vitamin C improves memory).
  9. Walnuts (contain Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, lecithin. 5 nuts a day - and the child's memory will be in excellent condition).
  10. Honey (glucose positively affects the functioning of the brain and memory).

Remember to give your child plenty of water to drink, not soda!

Educational games to improve memory - on the site IQClub

For the development of memory, not only exercises are used, but also games. IQClub is an online service that offers educational games to train a child's memory, attention, reading skills, and thinking. To use the services of this Internet portal, you need:

  • register in the system;
  • child - to pass a test that interests him.

After that, IQClub specialists will select an individual training program for your child, based on an analysis of his strengths and weaknesses.

A team of professionals is engaged in the development of games - the best psychologists, teachers, designers.

Parents can track learning outcomes online. Useful games on the IQClub website are a great simulator for developing a child's intelligence.

Memory is given to each of us at birth, but not everyone can use it correctly. The task of parents and teachers is to teach the student the techniques of memorization, so that he later uses them unconsciously. The child must himself understand how it is easier for him to remember information. However, any science will not go for the future if the student has no motivation to study. In such a situation, it is the sacred duty of the parents to interest the child, and for a good result - to conduct classes systematically. During these sessions, educational psychologists recommend that parents pay attention to the following:

  • make sure that the child understands the material that he remembers;
  • let the child repeat the learned text the next day;
  • when working on memorizing the text, break it into small passages, but not very small ones, so that your student does not forget what happened at the very beginning;
  • while memorizing the text, ask the baby to speak it out loud;
  • motivate the child to memorize classes, show imagination: offer for study only those texts that are really interesting to him;
  • study with the child for no more than half an hour, and at first for 15 minutes. If you see that the baby is tired - take a break;
  • always praise the child for even the smallest successes, encourage him to study.

When studying with a child, help him complete tasks, tell me what memorization tactics are best to use. Thus, your baby will not just learn to memorize, he will perceive information consciously and then it will remain in his memory for a long time.

Memory is one of the mental processes that can be developed with the greatest efficiency. The following are games, tasks, exercises that develop the memory of adolescents.

Procedure 1

Words are being read. The subjects should try to remember them in pairs. Then only the first words of each pair are read, and the subjects write down the second.


1. chicken- egg, scissors- cut, horse- hay, book- learn, butterfly- fly, brush- teeth, drum- pioneer, snow- winter, rooster- scream, ink- notebook, cow- milk, locomotive- drive, pear- compote, lamp- evening.

2. beetle- armchair, feather- water, glasses- error, bell- memory, pigeon- father, watering can- tram, comb- wind, boots- boiler, lock- mother, match- sheep, grater- sea, sled- factory, fish- fire, axe- kissel.

Procedure 2

"Close your eyes and imagine the corresponding pictures, the names of which will be pronounced..."

1 Lion Attacking Antelope

2. Tail wagging dog

3. Fly in your soup

4. Macaroons in a box

5. Lightning in the dark

6. A stain on your favorite clothes

7. A diamond sparkling in the sun

8. Scream of terror in the night

9. Joy of motherhood

10. A friend stealing money from your wallet

"Now remember and write down the names of the visualized pictures. If you remember more than 8 images, the exercise was completed successfully."

Procedure 3

"In 40 seconds, try to remember the 20 suggested words and their serial numbers. Close the text, write the words with their serial numbers on a piece of paper."

1. Ukrainian 11. Oil

2. Economy 12. Paper

3. Porridge 13. Cake

4. Tattoo 14. Logic

5. Neutron 15. Standard

6. Love 16. Verb

7. Scissors 17. Breakthrough

8. Conscience 18. Deserter

9. Clay 19. Candle

10. Dictionary 20. Cherry

Procedure 4

Repeat Procedure 3, but with numbers.

1. 43 6. 72 11. 37 16. 6

2. 57 7. 15 12. 18 17. 78

3. 12 8. 44 13. 87 18. 61

4. 33 9. 96 14. 56 19. 83

5. 81 10. 7 15. 47 20. 73

Procedure 5

Read 10 words. You need to remember the words in the same order as they were presented. The words: morning, silver, child, river, north, up, cabbage, glass, school, shoe.

Procedure 6

Rows of numbers are read. You need to write down the numbers you remember. After that, the rows of numbers are read again and the numbers incorrectly reproduced in order and size are crossed out. Missing a number in a row is not considered an error. Number rows:

53 27 87 91 23 47

16 51 38 43 87 14 92

72 84 11 85 41 68 27 58

47 32 61 18 92 34 52 76 84

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