If the pregnant woman is nervous what to do. Why should pregnant women not be nervous? How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy

The calmness of the expectant mother is the key to a successful pregnancy and easy childbirth. Therefore, a woman in a position should take care of her emotional state. However, not every girl understands why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry. Today we will try to answer this question and talk about how stress affects the baby, why pregnant women experience nervous breakdowns and how to avoid it.

Causes of nervous breakdowns

Many do not understand why pregnant women are nervous, because they are on the eve of a wonderful event - the birth of a baby. And instead of enjoying their position, women turn any small problem into the collapse of the universe and accompany this process with violent emotions and tears. Even leaking mascara or the absence of something tasty in the refrigerator can cause a real hysteria in them.

The answer to this question can be completely unambiguous - hormones are to blame for everything. At the time of the development of pregnancy in the body of a woman there is a hormonal surge, which is due to the acceleration and increase in the production of hormones. They, in turn, are essential for the development of the fetus. And it is they who are responsible for the fact that the mood of a pregnant woman can change several times an hour.

Danger of nervous breakdowns

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the hysteria and crying of a woman in position is not a consequence of her capriciousness or spoiled character. But why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what consequences nervous breakdowns can have, not everyone knows. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Modern research suggests that if you are nervous during pregnancy, you can increase the risk of complications during gestation. The stressful state in which the expectant mother is located negatively affects her weakened immunity. Therefore, the female body ceases to resist viruses and bacteria, which inevitably leads to an increased risk of morbidity. In addition, nervous imbalance begins to manifest itself in the form of headaches, tremors of the limbs, tachycardia, dizziness, skin rashes and even hair loss. You can also note the increased toxicosis, especially in the early stages. In addition to the state of health of the pregnant woman herself, the stressful state also negatively affects the health of the unborn baby. The increased nervousness of the mother can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and this is already dangerous not only for the health of the crumbs, but also for his life.

During a change in the hormonal background against the background of hysteria and crying, the tone of the uterus involuntarily increases. At the very beginning of pregnancy, this can lead to spontaneous abortion. But for a period after 30 weeks, this can also provoke premature birth.

If you do not stop worrying a lot in the second and third trimester, this will lead to the fact that your baby will suffer from a lack of oxygen. And hypoxia does not have the best effect on the physical and mental development of the child.

In the third trimester, nervousness can provoke the birth of an underweight baby. Such children do not gain weight well after birth, they often get sick. The respiratory and nervous systems are especially affected. Therefore, the increased emotional stress of the mother can cause many chronic diseases of the unborn baby.

Nervous breakdown during pregnancy: methods of elimination

You can’t be nervous during pregnancy - it would seem that it’s difficult. But hardly anyone knows how to avoid nervous breakdowns and keep calm when you are simply bursting from the inside with the desire to scream and cry. In fact, there is more than one way out of this situation.

Many women during pregnancy try to find a safe remedy for nerves. And after a long search, some of them make the wrong conclusion - a sedative is better for the baby than his nervous mother. In fact, any medication, even the most harmless at first glance, has a number of side effects. Therefore, you can resort to drugs only in extreme cases and only after consulting your doctor.

Some experts advise mothers to take drugs such as Glycine, Persen, Valerian tablets, motherwort, etc. But it is better to leave all this until the moment when the baby is born.

If the above methods of self-soothing do not help, then you can start visiting a psychologist or use folk remedies.

Folk recipes for strong nerves

We all know that not only sedatives, which are highly undesirable during pregnancy, help to calm down. There are a number of products that do not require oral administration.

  1. Warm bath with chamomile decoction and sea salt (if there are no contraindications).
  2. Aromatic oils with a calming effect. In this case, you need to choose individually, because each pregnant woman has her own favorite smells. Usually lavender and lemon balm oil helps well.
  3. Warm milk with honey, if there is no allergy.
  4. Pleasant music or reading books to help you relax.
  5. Walking in the fresh air is especially useful for those women who cannot sleep.

If the expectant mother thinks about how dangerous her nervous breakdowns are for her beloved crumbs, she will definitely find the strength to stop being nervous. But this is not always entirely dependent on the woman herself. Others should also make efforts and create all conditions for the favorable bearing of a child.

With the onset of pregnancy, there are many more reasons for concern and worries. However, from the side of relatives, one hears every now and then: don’t worry, calm down, you can’t, and so on. Why pregnant women should not be nervous, and is it possible to somehow control their condition? After all, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from stress for 9 months.

Reasons why pregnant women should not be nervous

Nervous experiences can harm not only the mother, but also the child.

  • Excessive emotionality contributes to the release of a large amount of adrenaline into the bloodstream. It leads to vasoconstriction, which prevents the supply of nutrients to the fetus. If the situation repeats often, then due to nutritional deficiency, the child begins to lag behind in development. A sharp and prolonged narrowing of blood vessels can lead to miscarriage or premature birth due to lack of oxygen in the tissues.
  • The nervous tension experienced by a woman at the beginning of pregnancy can later result in an incorrect location of the fetus, cord entanglement, hypoxia and other pathologies.
  • In restless mothers during childbearing, children with an unbalanced psyche are more often born. Such a baby often cries and is naughty, he is worried about constipation, he has a weak immune system, and so on.
  • When a person experiences nervous tension, the body produces large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. A significant and prolonged excess of its level destroys protein structures, the formation of organs is disrupted in a child, which leads to developmental abnormalities.
  • The increased nervousness of the mother during pregnancy increases the likelihood of the baby developing asthma, cardiovascular pathologies, dementia, and diseases of the digestive tract.

Hot temper, aggressiveness, irritability of the expectant mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy can provoke an asymmetric development of the paired parts of the baby's body, for example, ears, fingers.

The most important period is the first three months, when the laying of organs occurs. Any negative impact can cause the development of deformities and anomalies.

But even knowing why pregnant women should not be nervous, in some situations it is very difficult to resist emotions. Such "failures" along the chain "cling" to each other, and it becomes difficult to stop them. In such cases, you need to act decisively and purposefully.

How can pregnant women stop being nervous?

To prevent nervous breakdowns during pregnancy (and not only), it is recommended to combine several methods at the same time. Among them are both single actions (according to the situation) and daily ones aimed at strengthening the nervous system as a whole.

  • Acceptance of safe sedatives in consultation with the doctor.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Swimming pool visit.
  • Daily douche with cool water.
  • Deep slow inhalations and exhalations during irritation and nervousness.
  • Meditation.
  • Soothing massage of biologically active points (for example, in the center of the chin).

Be sure to set yourself up for positive, and find positive and / or funny sides in any situation.

It is important that the diet of a woman who is carrying a child contains foods rich in B vitamins, magnesium, and omega acids.

Having found out why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what it threatens, many women in a position may begin to worry about previously experienced stresses. Do not be afraid for the health of the baby in advance. At any time, you can do an ultrasound, talk to a doctor. It must be remembered that only a positive attitude towards life works wonders in any, even seemingly hopeless, case.

Almost all women during pregnancy begin to get nervous and worry over trifles.

Sometimes the condition of a pregnant woman even reaches panic attacks.

The thing is that hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, affecting her emotional and physical state.

What consequences can these changes entail and how not to be nervous during pregnancy? Experienced psychologists answer this.

The influence of nerves on the condition of mother and baby

Excessive nervousness during pregnancy can provoke unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to be nervous after 20 weeks.

  • Constant stress can provoke fetal hypoxia, which is life-threatening for the baby.
  • Also, according to the doctor, if the expectant mother is nervous all the time, then she risks giving birth to a child with insufficient weight or lung disease.
  • In addition, an unstable emotional state can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in her child. These children often suffer from disturbed sleep and wakefulness.

This is what constant stress and anxiety can lead to and why pregnant women should not be nervous.

How to deal with nerves?

So, the emotional state strongly influences the formation of the unborn child. And when a woman understands why she should not be nervous during pregnancy, it becomes easier for her to monitor her emotional health.

Outbursts of anger and sudden mood swings are a thing of the past. And they are replaced by peace of mind and self-confidence.

To make it easier for pregnant women to endure hormonal changes, psychologists give some advice that should not be neglected.

1. Learn to plan.

It seems that there is less and less time left before the birth of the baby, and things are only increasing and there is nothing to do? Pregnant women who carefully plan their time are more likely to remain calm.

To do this, you need to focus and think about what you need to do before the baby is born. By making a to-do list, it will be easy for you to follow the plan without fear that you will forget something.

2. Learn more about pregnancy.

In order not to be nervous during pregnancy, be interested in all its nuances. Especially if you are pregnant for the first time.

It is very useful to communicate on forums for young mothers. There you can get answers to many questions that are relevant to you.

The experience of other women will help you understand why you are currently experiencing certain sensations, why they occur, and whether it is worth spending time and going to the doctor because of them.

However, in no case do not use any folk remedies and medicines that have helped others without consulting a doctor!

3. Find support.

According to psychologists, this is the best way not to be nervous during pregnancy. Reliable support in the person of a loved one is the strongest shield that protects you from unnecessary fears and worries.

Knowing that pregnant women should not be upset, a loved one will constantly guard your peace of mind. Tell your loved one what is important to you now - it will be easier for him to support you.

4. Talk to the future child.

Communication with the baby will help relieve stress during pregnancy. Stroking the abdomen and talking with your child will provide an opportunity to relax both you and him.

In addition, by communicating with him, you establish a strong emotional connection between the child and the world around him. It has been proven that after birth, a child recognizes lullabies that he heard while still in his stomach.

5. Pamper yourself.

When, if not now, to treat yourself to your beloved? You can not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a relaxing massage course, getting a beautiful manicure or a new hairstyle.

Positive emotions from these procedures will favorably affect your psycho-emotional state. And they will give you a boost of energy.

6. Don't take on everything at once.

If during pregnancy you continue to live in the same rhythm, without giving yourself a break, naturally, you will have to be nervous.

Do only what you currently have the strength to do. Pay more attention to your favorite activities, reading and communicating with loved ones.

7. Eat Right

One of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is malnutrition. It will also help control your weight.

To maintain a stable emotional state, you need to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products daily. Also, pregnant women are very useful food rich in proteins.

8. Rest.

Carrying a child is hard work for a mother's body. Therefore, she definitely needs a good rest.

If you have a free minute, why not take a nap, or just lie on the couch? Even a short rest brings noticeable benefits to both pregnant women and their children.

9. Positive environment.

Your emotional state can be disturbed by negative emotions and bad attitudes of people. The consequences of communicating with them cannot be called pleasant.

The hurtful words they say and the heightened sensitivity during pregnancy can lead to deep stress. So be very selective about your surroundings and limit your interactions with people you don't like.

10. Think about the future.

Imagine your baby more often. Draw pictures in your head of how you walk with him, swim in the sea, relax in nature, etc.

Such thoughts during pregnancy are inspiring and uplifting. Explain your dreams aloud to your child, this will have a good effect on his development.

By following these tips and understanding why pregnant women should not be nervous, you can easily manage your psycho-emotional state.

The main thing to remember is that your child's health is in your hands. Paying enough attention to him, you calmly endure and give birth to your little one.

In our minds, there is a certain collective image of a pregnant woman: a sweet, plump lady with a good appetite and a changeable mood. And if the first three signs seem obvious in this state, then explaining mood swings is sometimes quite difficult. But this phenomenon has a fairly simple explanation.

Why does the nervous system become less stable in pregnant women?

The very fact of pregnancy can excite anyone. In addition, during this period, the hormonal background of a woman changes greatly, which causes sudden changes in mood. Excessive emotionality is even one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is especially noticeable in the early stages, when the body is just rebuilding and getting used to its new state. Who are the main culprits of the tears of expectant mothers?

  • The pituitary gland, the gland responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system, increases two to three times with the onset of pregnancy.
  • In the first three months after conception, the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, increases 5-10 times.
  • The level of oxytocin rises, the so-called hormone of love and affection, which is responsible for the production of breast milk and starts the process of childbirth.
  • And for the implantation of the fetus and its further development, the production of sex hormones - prolactin and estrogens - increases.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

The already unstable nervous system is further shattered by experiences that do not leave a woman from the moment two stripes appear on the test until the very birth. Awareness of her new position, a change in the usual routine of life, an increasing responsibility for the life and health of the crumbs, complications during pregnancy, and even the result of each analysis make a woman nervous to one degree or another. Fear of childbirth and the changes that will occur in life with the advent of a new family member can also deprive even the most balanced person of peace. Future mothers who are expecting their first child are especially susceptible to these experiences.

The lifestyle that a woman led before pregnancy also affects the state of her nervous system.

Negatively affect the health of the nervous system:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • insufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • lack of sleep;
  • systematic overwork;
  • abuse of antibiotics during illness;
  • radiation from the computer.

These factors can cause hormonal disruption in a woman's body, and during pregnancy they will remind you of increased nervousness. Also, a sharp change in habits before conception or with the onset of pregnancy will also be stressful for the body. Therefore, preparation for pregnancy should begin long, preferably six months, before the intended conception. This will allow not only to pass all the necessary studies, but also to gradually normalize your lifestyle and eliminate moments that can harm the nervous system.

The influence of emotional experiences:

- per child

At the beginning of pregnancy, excessive worries of a woman can cause a miscarriage.

  • Strong emotional experiences contribute to the production of a large amount of adrenaline. Once in the blood, it leads to vasoconstriction, and because of this, the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. This is very dangerous for his health, especially in the first trimester, during the formation of organs and systems of the crumbs.
  • Fear or other negative emotions experienced by the expectant mother lead to an increase in the level of cortisol (“stress hormone”) in the blood. It can cause diseases of the baby's cardiovascular system. In addition, this hormone promotes the entry of excess glucose into the blood, which causes oxygen starvation. Children whose mothers experienced a fright during pregnancy are more excitable and shy, they are characterized by weak self-control, inattention and passivity. They suffer from depression more often and cry more.
  • Frequent stress and anxiety during pregnancy doubles the risk of developmental delays in the child in the future.
  • The increased anxiety of the expectant mother may affect the quality of sleep of her son or daughter: it is highly likely that after birth the baby will have difficulty falling asleep, waking up often and crying.
  • It has been scientifically proven that the nervous shocks experienced by the mother in the last trimester of pregnancy can lead to the asymmetry of the baby's legs and arms.
  • Excessive experiences can even affect the presentation of the fetus, and, accordingly, the course of childbirth, and stress in the second half of pregnancy can provoke premature birth.

- for women's health

From constant experiences, the health of the woman herself can also suffer. After all, a person experiences negative emotions with his whole body: the heartbeat quickens, the posture, gestures and facial expressions change, the skin turns red or, conversely, turns pale, there is tension in the muscles. Someone in a stressful situation begins to cry, someone screams or stutters. Many of us have heard stories about how people suffer from insomnia before an important exam or interview or cannot get out of the closet.

If stressful situations enter the system, such reactions of the body begin to undermine human health. Particularly affected by constant nervous shocks are the cardiovascular system and the liver. Over time, the risk of developing hypertension increases, pain in the heart and colic in the abdomen may appear.

The body of a pregnant woman, already weakened by the difficult work of bearing a new person, is especially susceptible to the destructive effects of stress.

- for future births

Overly impressionable mothers can be recognized even in the delivery room. Increased nervousness can cause weak labor activity - a pathology in which contractions do not intensify. Because of this, the duration of childbirth increases, which takes away the strength of the woman in labor and puts the life of the baby at risk. In such cases, doctors use medication to increase contractions or resort to surgery.

One of the reasons for the absence of a newborn's postpartum cry is also considered to be the stress experienced by the mother during pregnancy, or to be more precise, hypoxia caused by an excess of adrenaline and cortisol hormones in her blood.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

It is quite difficult to stop being nervous during such a difficult period of life as pregnancy. But for the sake of the health of your unborn child, you should try to follow a few tips.

  • Manage your time wisely and don't plan too many things. This will allow you to be in time everywhere, not to fuss and not worry about being late.
  • Find out as much as possible about your condition, because the unknown is always scary. Read non-fiction on the topic, watch documentaries, ask your doctor questions, sign up for courses for expectant mothers.

REFERENCE! But at the same time, you should NOT register on pregnancy forums and search the Internet for a transcript of each planned analysis and study. The Internet is full of stories and articles with unverified data. Such reading will certainly throw a lot of reasons for unnecessary, absolutely groundless experiences.

  • Surround yourself with people who listen, support and give good advice. And do not be shy to tell these people about your experiences and fears.
  • Communicate with the closest person - the future baby. Share news and plans with him. This will strengthen the emotional connection with him and help you find another pleasant and reliable “interlocutor”.
  • Pamper yourself. Fulfill at least part of your desires - from your favorite treats and a new haircut to major purchases and travel (in the absence of contraindications).
  • Eat properly, so that the body does not give unnecessary reasons for concern, such as poisoning or allergies, but rather receives energy and benefits. At the same time, infrequent dietary violations can also be useful if they are enjoyable.
  • Get more sleep and rest. Healthy sleep is the best way to deal with stress.

The human body is a very complex and vulnerable mechanism. The body of a pregnant woman needs special conditions more than others. To create these conditions is the main task of the future mother and her relatives, because the health of the unborn baby depends on it.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

It is not a secret for any pregnant woman that being in an interesting position, you need to constantly monitor your emotional state, because everything affects the health of the child inside the womb. This is due to the fact that there is a very close physiological connection between the fetus and the mother. In a child, against the background of severe stress or any other emotional overexcitation, the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, hormonal balance may be disturbed.

It’s just impossible not to worry during the period of bearing a child. This is one of the most difficult emotional periods in a woman's life - anxiety arises by itself, because there is responsibility for the life of a new little man. You need to be able to cope with it, because you can’t be nervous during pregnancy. In this article, we will explain why and explain in detail what to do in order not to experience stress.

Why are you nervous during pregnancy?

There are more than enough reasons for concern in a pregnant woman. Involuntarily, you constantly worry about your well-being, about how the baby feels, what the test results will be. At first, the expectant mother’s anxiety is more related to calmly enduring the baby, and by the end of pregnancy, emotions are overwhelmed, because there is a fear of childbirth. Against the background of changing hormones, a woman often cries, gets irritated, takes everything to heart and worries about every occasion.

Next, we will consider in detail the consequences of a woman's emotional overexcitation during the period of bearing a child. They will clearly let you understand why you should not be nervous during pregnancy, what it threatens you and your baby personally.

Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy?

  • High blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm. Such phenomena are dangerous, because placental vessels change against their background, which leads to its insufficiency and leads to the death of the fetus, because because of this pathology, the child cannot fully breathe and receive the necessary nutrients for his development.
  • Toxicosis will be so strong that a woman will not be able to endure it without medical help.
  • The expectant mother will suffer from sleep problems. Most often, she cannot sleep because depression or some other psycho-emotional disorder oppresses her.

Nervous during pregnancy: consequences for the child

If the expectant mother is not nervous during pregnancy, then it can be guaranteed that bearing a child will be easy and simple. It must always be remembered that all diseases that a person has are provoked by nervous breakdowns. If you want your baby to be born healthy, then the question of whether it is possible to be nervous during pregnancy will never even arise.

We offer to understand in detail what the mother's nervous overstrain is fraught with for the fetus. To begin with, we note that experts in the field of neuro-linguistic programming are convinced that all the problems that a mother experiences during the period of bearing a child are reflected in his personality, character, and the way he adapts to the world around him after birth. If you are constantly in a state of stress, then it is unlikely that the baby, having been born, will often rejoice and experience happiness.

Now let's take a closer look at the most dangerous consequences for a child if his mother is often nervous during pregnancy:

  1. The chorion can form incorrectly in early pregnancy if you are nervous. This means that numerous pathologies will arise with the fetal bladder, or it simply will not attach to the walls of the uterus, and this will happen outside of it, which will lead to an abortion. Even if the chorion is formed correctly at first, against the background of nervous tension, already at later stages of pregnancy, changes will occur with it under the influence of biologically active substances that are secreted by the adrenal glands. As a result, the vascular walls will begin to contract incorrectly, and placental insufficiency will occur, which can ruin the life of the child - hypoxia will overcome him.
  2. The nervous system of the fetus will be incorrectly formed. Being in the womb, the child completely remembers all the negative things that happen in the life of the mother. This happens on a subconscious level, so the baby will never remember this, having matured. However, all this will affect his character.

Nervous during pregnancy: consequences before childbirth for a woman

Nervous stresses and tensions unequivocally negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy:

  1. A miscarriage may occur. This is especially true for women who experience stress in the very early stages of pregnancy, when you need to avoid any factors that can provoke stress by any means.
  2. In the later stages, due to the nerves, the water may break prematurely, because of this the child will be born prematurely, and as a result, unhealthy not only physiologically, but also mentally. Even if the water does not break, the integrity of the amniotic sac can be broken, and the fetus is infected because of this.
  3. Pregnancy can simply freeze, because on a nervous basis the child can stop its development, or it will become abnormal, incompatible with life.

How not to be nervous during pregnancy?

If you become pregnant, then you need to clearly learn the rules of how not to be nervous during pregnancy in order to keep yourself and your baby healthy:

  • As soon as a stressful situation arises, try to breathe deeply and evenly. You yourself will not notice how quickly you calm down.
  • Drink valerian or motherwort tea immediately. If you like mint with lemon balm, you can use these herbs.
  • Breathe in the aromas of essential oils. Pine, sandalwood and citrus oils have an excellent soothing effect.
  • Just take a walk in the park, go to the forest, where you can completely relax and forget about everyday problems.
  • Start attending classes for expectant mothers that teach the practice of meditation.
  • Do yourself a massage of the point located on the chin. This is an anti-stress point, which, in order to calm down, must be massaged in circular motions, first in one direction and then in the other, about 9 times.
  • To make yourself less worried about everything around you, make a plan of action for yourself for a certain period of time so that you know what you need to do every day. If you are busy, then bad thoughts will not visit your head. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Register on some forum for expectant mothers and communicate with them, discuss what worries you. So you will find like-minded people and be calm for yourself and your child. If such communication does not appeal to you, then just read useful books about pregnancy.
  • Accept help from loved ones. This is very important at a time when you can not be alone. Meet more often with friends, mom, sister. This is especially helpful if they already have children. Then they will help you calm down and tune in correctly.
  • Constantly interact with your baby, communicate, stroke him, sing songs to him, tell fairy tales. Emotional contact between you will then be established even before childbirth.
  • Charge yourself with positive emotions - go to the movies, eat the food that brings you pleasure, relax, have fun. All this will help ensure that you always have only positive emotions.
  • Follow the daily routine. Be sure to sleep well, eat regularly, walk in the evenings. Go in for some light sports, because the hormone of happiness increases from physical activity.

How to stop being nervous during pregnancy?

If a woman is nervous during pregnancy, she needs to be able to pull herself together in time. Below are some helpful tips:

  • Develop some kind of defense mechanism for yourself. This is especially true for expectant mothers who continue to work during the period of bearing a child. You should focus your attention on the functional side of your duties, and not on the emotional side. If you are surrounded by decent and good people, then they, knowing your position, will treat you gently and loyally.
  • Don't interact with people who annoy you. They are energy vampires not only for you personally, but also for your child. You should not show your integrity, because pregnancy is not the right time to experiment on yourself and your psycho-emotional system.
  • Talk to your doctor about which sedatives you can take for prevention. The doctor will definitely prescribe you harmless medicines that will support your nervous system while you are carrying your baby.

Treat yourself carefully, drive away from you everything that can upset you or make you nervous. Your main task is to bear a child, to give him a healthy and happy life. Focus on this, everything else is vanity that does not matter.

Video: "Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy?"

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