Immature cervix: is natural childbirth possible? What kind of childbirth can be.

In the ideal scenario, at 41 weeks pregnant, you should have given birth by now. But, it is quite possible that the date of the expected birth is not calculated correctly, or the baby is simply in no hurry to leave your tummy.

The absence of labor activity at 40 weeks is possible if your normal menstrual cycle was more than 28 days, in which case, a week or two delays could well run up in 9 months.

Baby development at 41 weeks

It will not be difficult for you to imagine what a baby looks like at 41 weeks pregnant.

  1. Outwardly, he is fully formed, his hair, nails on his hands and feet have grown significantly. By the way, with such a manicure, he can even get scratched;
  2. Every day he is gaining weight, so try not to lean on high-calorie foods;
  3. His skin was smooth and rosy;
  4. The internal organs of the baby are also in full combat readiness. The main organs are already working, the lungs are ready for the first breath that the child will take in the first extrauterine minutes of life.

There are several problematic moments in the development beyond the allotted time:

  • Since every day the baby's skeletal system is strengthened, there is a possibility of gradual hardening of the cranial plates, which can cause ruptures of your genitals during childbirth;
  • In addition, meconium, which accumulates in the intestines of the child and should be released in the first days after birth, can be released during the prenatal stage of development.

In this case, the amniotic fluid becomes contaminated and the baby swallows it all, there is a risk of infection.

  • You may have heard the term "fetal suffering" at 41 weeks pregnant. The reason for this may be oxygen starvation.

The placenta at this time is in the third stage of aging and performs its transport mission at half strength, therefore, the child may receive less nutrients and oxygen.

  1. If we talk about the size of the baby, then these parameters are strictly individual. This factor is influenced by both genetic predisposition and the nature of your diet throughout pregnancy;
  2. During the last ultrasound, you were told the estimated weight of the child, but the main parameter that you should worry about, and which is important during childbirth, is the ratio of the volume of the head and your pelvis:
  • If the fetus is large, and you have a definitely narrow pelvis, there is a possibility of obstruction, in such cases you may be offered a caesarean section.

Another important point is the presentation of the fetus. At 41 weeks of gestation, the baby should take a position upside down, other positions are pathological.

Mom's well-being

The last weeks of pregnancy are not easy. Firstly, you are terribly worried about the upcoming birth, which for some reason is late. And secondly, the physical condition leaves much to be desired.

The main thing: remember that 41 weeks of pregnancy may be the last and everything that happens to your mother is felt by your baby.

Uterine size

The uterus reaches its maximum size at 41 weeks of gestation.

  1. On the one hand, thanks to the lowering of the abdomen, it became easier to breathe, but at the same time, the uterus presses on the pubic bone, compresses the intestines, making it difficult to remove feces, presses on the bladder, forcing you to run to the toilet every five minutes;
  2. It remains to add training contractions to these charms, at 41 weeks of pregnancy they become more pronounced and stronger.

Important! At a period of 41 weeks of pregnancy, contractions can at any time go from training to generic.

  • During real contractions, the uterus opens, they differ in periodicity, a gradual reduction in the time interval between them, an increase in intensity;
  • Training ones are unsystematic and disappear during walking.

Please note that before childbirth there is a shortening of the cervix, this process is accompanied by the release of the mucous plug. It can come out immediately, you will notice clots of mucus with blood on the linen, sometimes the cork leaves gradually, over several days.

The cervix itself at 41 weeks of gestation should be soft, about 1-1.5 centimeters long. A dense structure, without a hint of shortening, indicates a pathology, medical intervention is necessary.

For an easy birth while there's still time, listen to Painless Birth: 10 Ways to Naturally Relieve Labor Pain >>>

Pain at 41 weeks

Any sharp pain, especially growing pain during pregnancy, is a dangerous signal. If your stomach is pulling at 41 weeks of pregnancy, while there is spotting, there is a danger of placental abruption or even fetal death.

  1. Feelings are normal when the stomach temporarily stiffens;
  2. At 41 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions are more pronounced, the head may hurt, partly from experiences;
  3. Also, due to the load on the circulatory system, the back, lower abdomen, pelvic bones and pubic part hurt.

All of these pains are temporary and will pass after childbirth.

Bleeding. Allocations

Bleeding before childbirth is out of the question.

  • Small bloody clots in the discharge may be, they occur when the mucous plug is discharged;
  • Brown discharge at 41 weeks of gestation may appear after a gynecological examination, especially if you have previously been diagnosed with cervical erosion. When the uterus opens, erosion can bleed;
  • Normal for this period are transparent or whitish discharge, odorless;

Note! A significant increase in the amount of discharge is a signal of amniotic fluid leakage (see the article: What does amniotic fluid look like?>>>). If at the same time, labor activity does not begin, there is a threat to the life of the baby.

  • The discharge should not be yellow or greenish, this is a symptom of a purulent process in your organs, which must be urgently identified and eliminated.

In the last months of pregnancy, your body is worn out, and your immune system is faltering.

Even the slightest infection can cause disease, the same applies to bacteria or fungi. Thrush in the prenatal period is a frequent and dangerous guest, you need to treat it immediately, using suppositories allowed for pregnant women.

Harbingers of childbirth

Listen carefully to the changes in your body so as not to miss the harbingers of childbirth. At 41 weeks pregnant, labor can begin at any time.

  1. Pain in the lower back. Increasing pain in the lower back can be one of the signs of childbirth. But the indicated place can hurt you for the entire third trimester;
  2. Departure of the cork and shortening of the cervix at 41 weeks of gestation. The passage of the cork is direct evidence of a shortening of the cervix, but this process can occur both a week before childbirth and immediately before them;
  3. Dropping of the abdomen. Such a harbinger also has no time limits, sometimes the stomach drops immediately before childbirth;
  4. Change in body weight. Before childbirth, your body itself gets rid of excess ballast, partly through a lack of appetite. Also, due to the removal of fluid from the body and even indigestion. Weight may also change due to the outflow of amniotic fluid;
  5. contractions. A 100% harbinger of childbirth is an increase in contractions, a reduction in the gap between them, an increase in pain.

Important! If you have poured out water and the cork has come off at 41 weeks of pregnancy, while the contractions do not start, and the baby has calmed down, you need to immediately go to the hospital, there is a threat to your health and the life of the baby.

How to speed up childbirth

There are several natural ways, at a period of 41 weeks of pregnancy, how to induce labor:

  • Sex. During orgasm, your uterus begins to contract and this stage can trigger the onset of labor. By the way, male sperm helps soften the walls of the uterus, which minimizes the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth;
  • Breast massage. If you're 41 weeks pregnant and still haven't started giving birth, it's time to massage your nipples. During such a simple manipulation, the uterus at 41 weeks of pregnancy becomes stony, comes in tone;
  • Weight lifting. This method, widely used by our grandmothers, is strictly prohibited. In addition to bleeding or placental abruption, this method will not bring anything!
  • Cleansing enema. This method is also not welcome now, your body itself gets rid of excess ballast. You only need to adjust your diet by eating high-calorie, but quickly digestible food.

Know! In addition to natural methods, how to give birth at 41 weeks of pregnancy, there are medications. It is undesirable to use them, since they greatly affect the well-being of the child and your hormonal levels.

After childbirth, it is important that the body systems work smoothly and the breastfeeding process starts correctly in order to feed the baby with mother's milk.

If the birth did not start at the indicated time, it is important to follow, at the 41st week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby.

  1. You may be sent for an additional ultrasound, the purpose of which is to measure the amount of amniotic fluid and assess their quality, listen to the baby's heartbeat, check if he is well in the tummy;
  2. If the indicators are normal, then you can wait another week, since 38-42 weeks of pregnancy is the acceptable range for normal delivery;
  3. Do not forget that childbirth can begin at any time, so you should always have documents and an exchange card with you;
  4. A bag for the maternity hospital with the necessary medicines and things for the baby should already be collected.

At what time did you give birth?

Have you ever waited until 41 weeks pregnant and what helped you stay calm? Share in the comments.

There are currently a lot of methods on how to prepare the cervix for childbirth, and folk methods can help, and, of course, doctor's prescriptions. To begin with, let's figure out why this is necessary and whether it is necessary at all.

uterus before childbirth

The uterus before childbirth undergoes changes necessary for a successful birth. The shape of the uterus resembles a large egg, with a sharp end pointing down. Before childbirth, the excitability of the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus, increases, precursors appear, episodes of uterine tension.

This tone of the uterus before childbirth leads to softening and thinning of its lower segment, the myometrium in the upper part of the uterus, on the contrary, thickens, the child moves lower and its head or other presenting part descends into the small pelvis. There is a prolapse of the abdomen before childbirth, the abdomen becomes as if smaller in size and does not press on the diaphragm of the mother as much as before. The height of the fundus of the uterus before childbirth decreases, by the end of pregnancy it drops by about 5 cm and reaches a height of 35 cm above the womb.

The thinning of the lower segment of the uterus occurs simultaneously with the maturation of the cervix. This is called softening of the uterus before childbirth.

Preparing the uterus for childbirth

Not always the body of a woman prepares for childbirth quite effectively on its own, and then there is a tendency to prolong the pregnancy. It happens that childbirth begins, despite the fact that the birth canal and the uterus of the pregnant woman are not ready for them, which leads to the fact that they proceed for a long time, are accompanied by injuries and ruptures of the cervix, and sometimes even, they have to end with a caesarean section.

If the gynecologist at the 39-40th week of pregnancy does not see any symptoms in you that the necessary processes of preparation for the birth of the baby are going on in the body, there are no signs of the uterus opening before childbirth, you will be specially prepared for childbirth.

Fortunately, there are now enough ways to soften the uterus before childbirth, but it’s more correct to talk about preparing the cervix, and not the uterus itself.

Cervix before childbirth

Inspection of the cervix before childbirth is carried out in the last weeks at each visit to the consultation. During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​hard and long, the cervical canal is tightly closed, it is additionally blocked by a mucous plug. Such an immature cervix before childbirth in recent weeks is not the norm, its changes should begin at least 2 weeks before the due date.

What's going on with the neck?

It becomes softer and more elastic, the length of the cervix before childbirth is reduced by at least half. Softening of the cervix and its opening is accompanied by the passage of a mucous plug, mucous secretions from the genital tract and contractions - precursors. The cervix turns anteriorly due to the softening of the lower segment of the uterus, becomes short and elastic, and now nothing prevents the birth of the baby, with the onset of childbirth, the mature cervix will open easily, its edges will be elastic enough for the baby to be born successfully.

Immature cervix

The term immature cervix before childbirth is used in cases where the term of childbirth has already come up, and the cervix is ​​still hard, long, its cervical canal is closed, and it itself has not turned along the wire axis of the pelvis and is wrapped slightly backwards.

An immature cervix is ​​a diagnosis.

She will interfere with childbirth. It is useless to stimulate childbirth with an immature cervix, there will not be enough effective contractions, the woman will only be exhausted, and childbirth will drag on for a day or more, and it is unlikely that the baby will be born without the help of doctors.

Of course, for the fetus, long painful, difficult births are also not good, but harmful, very often babies suffer from a lack of oxygen during such births, get injured, just like their mothers - because the immature cervix before childbirth is a common cause of its ruptures during childbirth. This is how a woman's body works, even if the cervix does not open normally, the uterus will contract until either the cervix or the wall of the uterus ruptures, and the baby will climb forward, once the birth has begun - they must end, and no one has remained forever pregnant.

Preparing the cervix for childbirth

Preparing the cervix for childbirth becomes an urgent need if a woman walks. There are also situations when it is necessary to bring the term of delivery closer for medical reasons, for example, if the continuation of pregnancy threatens the health of the mother due to preeclampsia, heart disease, or the baby is experiencing hypoxia and it is better for him to be born early.

How to prepare the cervix for childbirth?

Methods to prepare the cervix for childbirth can be divided into medical and folk. Although there are many well-known folk methods that describe how to prepare the cervix for childbirth at home and without drugs, we do not recommend using any of them without consulting a doctor, because many are simply dangerous and can harm you and your baby.

Medical Ways:

Softening of the cervix before childbirth occurs under the influence of prostaglandins. They can be obtained naturally or introduced from outside.

Physical irritation of the cervix by pressure on the walls of the cervical canal, massage, stimulates the production of its own prostaglandins.

Examples of methods to stimulate the maturation of the cervix:

In order to help ripen the neck, kelp is introduced into its canal. These are thin sticks, no thicker than a match, which can increase tenfold under the influence of moisture. Laminaria are made from seaweed. They are introduced to a woman into the cervical canal on a gynecological chair. The procedure is unpleasant and painful, but the next day or two will be even more fun. Growing rapidly, kelp exert a constant, ever-increasing pressure on the neck, swelling in its canal. The neck quickly matures and softens, which is accompanied by training contractions, pain in the lower abdomen, and mucous secretions.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth is accelerated ... during examinations by a gynecologist on a chair. You can hear from many accomplished mothers that after an examination with a check of the patency of the cervical canal, the mucous plug came off, and the process of preparing for childbirth accelerated.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth occurs quickly, although rather painfully, when using a gel containing prostaglandins. It is injected directly into the cervical canal, and it quickly softens, while there is an increase in training contractions and precursors, which tires the pregnant woman.

The hard cervix before childbirth also softens with the use of antispasmodics and beta-blockers, these are already pills and injections, such treatment is used less frequently.

Folk ways:

Sex before childbirth contributes to the opening of the cervix, both due to mechanical stimulation, and due to the fact that the man's sperm is rich in prostaglandins. Orgasm itself, when a woman is ready, can provoke childbirth. Sex is contraindicated in the presence of placenta previa, as well as if the cork has come off or the water is breaking.

Some herbs can also help ripen the cervix, these are evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, rosehip. Any folk methods are fraught with pitfalls, there may be an allergy or intolerance to herbs, unusual reactions, so you should always consult a gynecologist if you need this or that treatment.

Increasing physical activity, climbing stairs, squatting and other similar recommendations require no less careful approach than taking medications or herbs. With the pathology of pregnancy, they can cause complications, for example, placental abruption.

And most importantly, remember that an immature cervix is ​​a diagnosis, that is, if you are told that everything is going well for you, you definitely don’t need to do anything. The body itself knows when to prepare for childbirth and how, everything happens naturally. And no matter how tired you are of pregnancy, no matter how tired your stomach is, there is no need to stimulate the onset of labor without clear indications, rely on the opinion of your doctor when making decisions.

If the documented date of delivery has passed safely, and you still have not given birth, then most often this is not a deviation from the norm and there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps the baby is well and comfortable in his mother's tummy, and he is in no hurry to leave him. However, it is necessary to listen more carefully to his movements and in case of a sudden change in their number, immediately seek medical help. It is also worth monitoring the discharge in time to notice the outflow or leakage of amniotic fluid, as well as premature placental abruption.

What does a baby look like at 41 weeks pregnant?

The 41st week of pregnancy comes, and the baby may still be in the womb. If the placental blood flow is not disturbed, then there is nothing dangerous in this. The height of the baby is about 50-55 cm, and the weight is 3400-4300 g. If the fetus is too large, the doctor may decide to perform a caesarean section, since complications may occur during natural childbirth.

There are several reasons for the birth of large children, the percentage of which has recently increased. These include:

  • Irrational nutrition of a pregnant woman. The use of high-calorie and fatty foods, as well as the use of semi-finished products, leads to the fact that an excess amount of fat reserves is deposited in the subcutaneous tissue of the baby. In addition, the mother's body also suffers. It is known that too much weight gain during pregnancy threatens the development of endocrine disorders in the baby in the future.
  • The hereditary factor explains the appearance of a large child in tall parents. In this case, this process can be considered physiological. It is important that the ratio of the length of the femur to the circumference of the abdomen does not deviate from the norm.
  • The presence of metabolic disorders in a woman (obesity, sugar), which are independent risk factors for the birth of a large fetus.
  • Anatomical features of the placenta and postmaturity. With a large placenta and intact blood flow through the arteries, the baby can mature faster and significantly increase in size by this time.

41 weeks pregnant: mother's condition

A woman in the forty-first week of pregnancy experiences anxiety and fear, as she worries about a baby who does not want to be born. However, in most cases this is the norm, especially when it comes to prolonged pregnancy, and not to a truly post-term one.

There are several signs that doctors use to distinguish between these conditions. Prolonged pregnancy is characterized by:

  • the woman's age is less than 30 years;
  • irregular cycle due to ovarian dysfunction or other endocrine disorders;
  • discrepancy between the calculated period and that determined by ultrasound.

Post-term pregnancy often develops:

  • when a woman is over 30 years old;
  • in the presence of concomitant infections of the urogenital tract;
  • in women with a history of late delivery;
  • with immaturity of the cervix at the fortieth week of pregnancy.

By 41 weeks, the fetus may stop actively moving, which should not be a cause for concern. The fact is that the child becomes very crowded in the uterus, and it is not very convenient for him to move with his head pressed down.

What is the danger?

If childbirth is delayed, constant monitoring of the condition of the fetus and placenta is required. This allows you to fix the transition of a prolonged pregnancy to a post-term one.

A possible risk associated with prolonged pregnancy is a significant increase in the size of the baby, which will prevent it from moving normally through the birth canal and out.

If the fetus experiences a lack of air, spasms of its body, movements become more intense. As a result, premature bowel cleansing may occur. In this case, the first feces (meconium) enter the amniotic fluid, and from there they can enter the child's airways, which leads to their blockage. The result is the development of the so-called meconium aspiration syndrome. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately aspirate the fluid with meconium from the nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, trachea of ​​the newborn. You may also need artificial ventilation.

With a post-term pregnancy, the process of hardening of the bones of the fetus continues. This also applies to cranial bones. The head loses its ability to flatten slightly as it passes through the birth canal, which can cause birth trauma or even make it impossible for the fetus to move through the birth canal.

For these reasons, at gestational ages exceeding 40 weeks, constant monitoring is essential.

If the birth did not occur even at the forty-first week, then experts recommend not to panic. However, it is advisable to go to the pregnancy pathology department, where doctors can monitor the condition of the mother and baby around the clock.

What tests and medical examinations are performed at 41 weeks?

If a woman decides to wait for childbirth at home, she needs regular consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist to determine the condition of the fetus and assess the readiness of the body for childbirth.

During the examination, measure:

  • abdominal circumference;
  • arterial pressure;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • fetal heartbeat.

If necessary, an additional ultrasound is prescribed to determine the amount of amniotic fluid, the size and correct location of the fetus, and the possible overlap of the exit from the uterus by the placenta.

To assess the effectiveness of placental blood flow, a Doppler study is prescribed. This is necessary to determine whether the placenta leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. If the results of the study show that the baby does not have enough oxygen, a caesarean section or induction of labor may be prescribed.

How to determine the approach of childbirth

In most cases, some time before the onset of labor, the mucous plug comes out. It comes out in parts or at once. The woman finds a yellowish-white or brownish mucous mass on the linen. Its appearance indicates the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. In a certain percentage of women, the cork leaves before the birth itself or even with amniotic fluid. Sometimes expectant mothers mistake the mucus plug for amniotic fluid. To understand what actually stands out, you can use a sanitary pad. If after 20-35 minutes it gets wet, this indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid. So it's time to go to the hospital.

Almost every woman by this time is tired of the long process of bearing, so she begins to carefully monitor her body in order to recognize the onset of childbirth in time. There are several physiological harbingers of labor that you should pay attention to.

If at 41 weeks pregnant the baby is still not born, you should not worry. Perhaps an error was made in the calculation of the expected date of birth. In addition, up to 42 weeks of gestation is not considered overbearing.

One of the surest signs of an approaching birth at 41 weeks of gestation is the prolapse of the abdomen. A similar phenomenon is due to the fact that the child in the uterus begins to descend to the pelvic bones of the mother and remains in this position until the onset of contractions.

Another harbinger of childbirth at 41 weeks of gestation is the passage of a cork. In this case, the woman has abundant mucous discharge from the vagina. Throughout pregnancy, the cork protected the cervix from the penetration of pathogens. To free the child's genital tract on the eve of childbirth, she begins to move away.

All systems of the female body are preparing for the upcoming birth. Against the background of hormonal changes in a pregnant woman, 7-10 days before delivery, a disorder of the stool can be observed. Thus, the body cleanses itself and removes excess fluid. A day or a few hours before labor, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach and nausea may occur.

The outpouring of amniotic fluid is one of the important and fundamental signs of the approaching birth process. A similar phenomenon is accompanied by the release of a volumetric amount of fluid from the genital tract. Normally, the amniotic fluid is clear with blood impurities. Any changes in the color of the amniotic fluid should be reported to the doctor. A yellow or green fluid may indicate infection, hypoxia, or overbearing of the fetus. When pathological waters are poured out before the onset of the birth process, a woman, as a rule, undergoes an artificial delivery (caesarean section). The fetus could swallow toxic amniotic fluid, which adversely affects its health.

Fetal development at 41 weeks gestation

The child at this time is completely ready for birth and independent life outside the mother's womb: the systems and internal organs are formed. Also accumulated enough subcutaneous adipose tissue, which will maintain the optimal temperature of the fetus after delivery. The weight of the baby at this time may exceed the standard figure of 3.5 kg, which is due to individual developmental characteristics.

Every day the child is getting closer and closer in the mother's womb, so his movements and motor activity at 41 weeks of pregnancy are quite limited. Movements become more tangible and strong. Sometimes the tremors are so painful that they prevent the expectant mother from getting enough sleep and rest.

At this time, it is important to monitor the state of the placenta, which gradually ages, becomes thinner and loses the function of conducting micronutrients. As a result, the fetus receives less oxygen, which leads to problems with the activity of internal organs and brain structures.

How pregnancy manifests itself at 41 weeks

The sensations of most future women in labor at this time are practically the same. Due to the lowering of the abdomen, the manifestations of heartburn are reduced, appetite improves and breathing becomes easier. The uterus begins to put more pressure on the bladder, which provokes frequent urination and increased pain in the lower back. In addition, an enlarged uterus compresses and displaces the intestines, leading to constipation, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort.

Braxton-Hicks training contractions may still occur, which prepare the body for the upcoming birth. The cervix continues to soften and shorten. The opening of the cervix at 41 weeks of gestation, which is determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist during the examination, indicates an approaching birth.

The breast of the expectant mother has increased in size, with pressure on the nipples, colostrum can be released. Those women who have not been preparing the mammary glands for breastfeeding can start doing it now. A contrast shower, breast massage and rubbing the nipples with a towel can help.

As a result of sprain, 41 weeks of gestation may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, which increase with palpation or walking. The skin on the abdomen is strongly stretched, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks and itching of the skin.

Medical examination at 41 weeks of gestation

If the future woman in labor at 41 weeks of pregnancy is under observation in the inpatient department of the maternity hospital, she may be prescribed an ultrasound scan. During the study, the doctor determines the transparency of the amniotic fluid, the maturity of the placenta and the weight of the fetus.

According to the indications, a Doppler examination is prescribed, which allows you to assess the nature of the blood flow in the veins of the placenta and the vessels under study. Cardiotocography is also performed - the study of the fetal heart rate.

If, during the examinations carried out at 41 weeks of gestation, overcarriage of the fetus is diagnosed, the future woman in labor can be stimulated by labor or a caesarean section.

Possible gestation problems at 41 weeks

This week, the risk of placental abruption remains. To prevent this, the expectant mother needs to avoid falls and sudden jumps. It is also possible to develop eclampsia - late toxicosis, which is accompanied by convulsive seizures and a coma. Late preeclampsia can also occur during childbirth, so it is important for a future woman in labor to control blood pressure and the presence of edema.

Many women, in order to speed up the onset of childbirth, begin to perform active physical exercises, ride over bumps and engage in acupuncture. It is not recommended to do this, since such actions can affect the health of the fetus and the expectant mother, as well as lead to disruption of the delivery process.

You should contact a gynecologist at 41 weeks of gestation if you find the following disorders and abnormalities:

  • An increase in the tone of the uterus, which is accompanied by pulling continuous pains in the lower abdomen;
  • A sharp increase or complete absence of fetal movements;
  • Increased edema;
  • The appearance of brown, pink, bloody vaginal discharge;
  • Increase in pressure, temperature;
  • Discharge of blood from the vagina.

Endurance and balance are the main recommendations for future women in labor during this period. Every day it is more difficult for a woman to walk and perform various actions. The main thing is to try not to worry, gain strength and enjoy the last days of unity with the baby.

Nutrition Features

In the last weeks of gestation, the expectant mother should adhere to moderate and fractional nutrition. It is not recommended to completely exclude various cereals, sweets, fish, meat and dairy products from the diet. Childbirth is a complex and lengthy process that requires serious effort and energy from a woman.

Taking vitamins

If during the period of gestation, the doctor prescribed calcium, vitamin D or any multivitamin preparations for the pregnant woman, they should be continued until the onset of childbirth and during the postpartum recovery period. If necessary, vitamin complexes for nursing are selected.

Sex at 41 weeks pregnant

Sexual intercourse is a safe and natural way to speed up the onset of the birth process. The male seminal fluid contains substances that soften and open the uterus, and the contractions of the uterus during orgasm help prepare it for work during childbirth.

After the mucosal plug has passed, the risk of penetration of pathogens and infection of the membranes increases significantly, so it is better to use a condom or refrain from sexual intercourse.

Physical activity

Any physical activity during this period is recommended to be limited. Even special exercises for pregnant women should be abandoned. Hiking in the air is allowed (long and distant hikes are not recommended). You can also do breathing exercises and perform Kegel exercises, which will prepare the pelvic muscles for childbirth and help you recover quickly after them.

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