Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs and how not to sleep on them. From what week and why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs Why pregnant women should sleep on their backs

How often do women have to change their habits during pregnancy. This is not due to prejudice or artificial restrictions. A child developing inside requires more and more attention. A pregnant girl is two people, one of which is completely dependent on the other.

But the life of the mother is subordinated to this very dependent. She must give up bad habits, reduce physical and psychological stress. Most often, you have to change your diet and sleep more. All these restrictions have one goal - to ensure the health of the baby. But mommy must watch her own health very strictly.

How to sleep while pregnant

The first three months of pregnancy do not make any special adjustments to a woman's life. At least by the fact that the fruit is not yet so large. Although, you need to take care of yourself and the baby from the first minute, as soon as the girl finds out about her situation.

But, starting from the fourth month, when the uterus is already so enlarged that pregnancy becomes visible to the naked eye, it is worth reconsidering some seemingly harmless habits. The habit of sleeping on your back can play a bad joke on your mother.

Women who slept on their backs while pregnant were more likely to report feeling unwell. Their legs were numb and numb, signs of tachycardia appeared, and their heads were spinning. This is due to the fact that already a fairly large fetus compresses the blood vessels passing near the spine. The vena cava is especially affected by this. This means that the venous circulation is disturbed.

Experts consider the position on the left side to be the ideal sleeping position for a pregnant woman. True, sleeping all night on one side is akin to a feat. But what to do, because pregnancy does not last forever. You can also be patient.

Which side should pregnant women sleep on?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to establish absolute control over the position in a dream. Any person involuntarily turns in a dream. But our body is made so well that it can remind you what to do. If a woman rolls over on her back, the discomfort wakes her up. It remains only to understand what was the reason for the awakening.

You rolled over on your back, after a certain time it became difficult for you to breathe, you wake up. Try to accustom yourself to the idea that any inconvenience in a dream is a reason to turn on your side. You can even do workouts. Ask your husband or mother to sit with you when you sleep. As soon as you wake up, let them tell you: "Turn on your side." A few days will be enough and the habit will be fixed.

Your baby is also not comfortable when you lie on your back. You share a common circulatory system with him. You have vein problems, he suffers from it too. Do not panic, the little one will let you know when he does not like something. If during sleep the child begins to push hard, turn on his side. He will most likely calm down.

How can you sleep while pregnant

The developed habit of turning on its side will help a pregnant woman avoid such troubles as varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, thrombophlebitis. and your back will hurt much less. And most importantly, optimal conditions for the child will be created.

Some people think that you should not pay attention to such things. others, on the contrary, panic at the mere thought that they will not be able to wake up by turning on their backs. Both of these are not correct. First, you need to pay attention to everything.

If the position on the back does not bring the slightest discomfort, then you should consult your doctor. If he does not find any deviations in the development of the fetus and the condition of the mother, then you can not change your habits. But, only as long as everything is in order.

Secondly, any woman will wake up when she is hurt, uncomfortable or unpleasant. Yes, and the baby will try to wake up his mother when he feels bad. But, if your sleep is so strong that even such things will not make you open your eyes, then be smart. For example, roll a bolster out of a blanket and place it under your back. It just won't let you roll over in your sleep.

Sleep positions for pregnant women

Basically, do whatever you feel comfortable with. Listen to your own feelings, choose comfortable positions. Do not be afraid of non-standard solutions. If in the later stages it is convenient for you to sleep reclining, then do just that. If you want to put a pillow under your feet, put it. Everything is possible for a pregnant woman.

In addition to physical comfort, a woman should experience complete psychological comfort. Do not be afraid, do not invent difficulties for yourself. There are strict guidelines and guidelines. Read them all carefully and try to follow them. But even if you break something, do not rush to fall into despair.

Sleeping on your back while pregnant

You don't have to sleep on your back all night. But if you slept a few hours, then it's not so scary. If you inexpressibly want what is impossible, then at least smell the forbidden product. Perhaps this will be enough to dull the desire. But remember, the health and happiness of your baby depends on your behavior during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman has many questions related to the correct behavior during this period. What can be done and what cannot be done? Quite important for expectant mothers may be the issue of sleeping on your back. Is it really dangerous?

Sleeping on your back in the first trimester

In the first time after conception, there are no restrictions associated with the sleeping position. During this period, your baby is still very small, the uterus has not yet begun to put pressure on the internal organs, so you can sleep as you please. You will not harm the baby, even if you toss and turn a lot.

At the same time, it is recommended that the lover of resting on her back find another position in the first weeks of the delicate position. The fact is that later (starting from the second trimester) it is already forbidden to sleep on your back. But if you have been taking this position at night all your life, then it will be very difficult to abandon it in favor of sleeping on your side. If you immediately begin to accustom yourself, then by 12-13 weeks you will not have any problems and inconveniences.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the choice of sleeping position is not limited

Sleeping on your back in the second and third trimester

Sleeping on your back is prohibited from 12 weeks, that is, a little earlier than the beginning of the second trimester. What is the reason for such a ban? The fact is that during this period the uterus is already greatly increasing in size, and the fetus becomes quite heavy. With prolonged lying on the back, the entire weight of the child is transferred to the spine and internal organs: intestines, liver, kidneys.

During pregnancy, the fetus exerts pressure on the woman's internal organs.

In the third trimester, the pressure increases, so it is forbidden not only to sleep on your back, but simply to lie in this position.

The most common myth associated with sleeping in the delicate position is that if you sleep on your back, your baby will suffocate. I must say that it has a basis, because sleeping on your back can really cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen). But to say that the child will “suffocate” in the womb is not entirely true, because, in fact, he does not breathe like we do, with lungs.

Influence on mother

Sleeping on your back has several negative effects on the female body at once:

  • bloating, constipation and abdominal pain. Such phenomena occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines;
  • back pain caused by pressure on the spine;
  • edema. If the weight of the fetus falls on the kidneys, they cannot function normally, which is why this problem occurs.

But all these problems are rather secondary. The main reason why sleeping on your back is prohibited is pressure on the inferior vena cava and its clamping. This vein is a fairly large vessel and delivers blood from the lower body to the heart.

Compression of the inferior vena cava is dangerous, as it is a fairly large vessel and delivers blood from the lower body to the heart

If it is pinched, failures in the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems begin. A woman can be almost in a faint, and in a prone position. Clamping of the inferior vena cava can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • acute lack of oxygen;
  • respiratory failure;
  • dizziness;
  • cold sweat;
  • increased heart rate.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, sleeping on your back is dangerous.

Impact on the child

Sleeping on your back has a negative effect on the baby himself. Due to the pressure of the uterus, blood flow is disturbed, which means that the child does not receive enough oxygen and various nutrients. How dangerous is it? If blood flow is disturbed, fetal hypoxia may occur and, as a result, pathologies in the development of internal organs and especially the nervous system.

After the birth of such a child, there are lags in growth and development. In addition, severe hypoxia can have other consequences, such as spontaneous miscarriage or placental abruption.

How to sleep, not on your back?

But how can you sleep better then? For a night's rest, doctors advise choosing a position on the left side.. It is in this position that the enlarged uterus does not exert any pressure on the vessels and internal organs.

First of all, I would like to please all women who are worried about the health of the baby: from the second trimester, the body of the expectant mother already has such a shape that many women admit that sleeping on their backs is simply not convenient for them.

I can't sleep on my back I'm suffocating and my head is spinning...


Some future mothers calmly fall asleep on their side, but in a dream they still roll over onto their back.

I automatically turn on my back in my sleep and there's nothing you can do about it



If you are comfortable sleeping only on your back or you roll over in your sleep, it is important to set yourself up to preserve the health of you and your baby - and do everything to make sleeping on your side more comfortable. Today, large pregnancy pillows are used as a great help for this, it is only important to choose the right shape and choose a not too soft option. The pillow should provide elastic support for the spine and at the same time not move to the side.

set yourself up that this is harmful for the baby, he receives less oxygen until you set a goal for yourself, no ropes will help you


Photo gallery: forms of pillows for pregnant women that will not let you roll over on your back

If you choose a horseshoe pillow, make sure that the lower ends can be firmly connected Such a large pillow in the form of a closed ring or rectangle is ideal for sleeping on your side and will not part to the sides.
a compact bagel pillow should have good rounded edges to fix the back support, otherwise it will simply move away during sleep and the woman will roll over on her back

Video: is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy

You can sleep on your back during pregnancy, but only in the first trimester. If you do not want problems for yourself or your baby, then in the remaining periods of the delicate position, give up the night rest on your back in favor of the pose on the left side. And to sleep on your side comfortably, provide your back with good support-support.

The question of why pregnant women should not lie on their backs is of interest to many pregnant women. The thing is that starting literally from the 3rd month of pregnancy, there is a strong increase in the volume of the uterus. Therefore, in the supine position, this organ partially exerts pressure on the spine and the large blood vessels passing next to it.

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman when she lies on her back?

In order to understand why it is impossible to lie on your back during pregnancy, you need to turn to the features of human anatomy. Near the spine passes such a large blood vessel as the inferior vena cava. It is through it that blood from the lower part of the body rises to the heart.

As a result of its compression, the blood flow decreases sharply. As a result - future mom may complain of feeling short of breath. At the same time, breathing becomes more frequent, and its character becomes intermittent. Often, pregnant women notice the appearance of flies before their eyes, dizziness, increased heart rate and increased sweating. When these signs appear, the woman needs to roll over on her side.

What is the relationship between the position of the mother's body and the condition of the fetus?

Pregnant women should not lie on their backs also because this can adversely affect the well-being of the fetus.

As a result of squeezing the vein, blood flow is disturbed. As a result, baby necessary for normal life and development.

What is the safest body position during pregnancy?

Having talked about why you can’t lie on your back during pregnancy, let’s find out what body position is safe for the expectant mother and her baby.

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in the life of every woman. Future mothers begin to look for answers to a variety of questions, with the goal of carrying their baby as safely as possible.

Many are tormented by the question of whether it is possible to sleep on your back during an interesting period. This will be discussed in this article.

There are several unpleasant consequences of sleeping on your back:

  • increased pressure on important blood vessels. In the supine position, the uterus begins to compress the inferior vena cava - one of the largest veins in the entire body. It is she who rapidly delivers the flow of blood to the left ventricle of the heart, and then to the lungs. If the vena cava is clamped for a long time, then with a high degree of probability the woman will have impaired blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart, dizziness will begin, and breathing problems will also occur. In addition, in such a situation, the pulse drops by almost half, which can lead to hypoxia. The fetus will receive insufficient nourishment, and oxygen starvation may begin;

Important! With regular squeezing of the inferior vena cava, the expectant mother may develop varicose veins in the legs.

. The uterus will constantly put pressure on the spine, as a result of which important arteries and nerve endings will begin to be squeezed in it. This is fraught with a violation of the level of blood pressure, dizziness, pain in the back and lower back. And since the spinal cord controls many vital functions, harm to the fetus and its proper development is possible;
  • the uterus creates increased pressure on the bladder and intestines. The fetus is constantly growing, and the center of gravity is constantly changing. When the expectant mother sleeps on her back, the uterus will put pressure on the bladder and intestines, as a result of which there will be a need for constant visits to the toilet. In addition, frequent pressure on the intestines can lead to indigestion, constipation or diarrhea.

  • In addition, sleeping on your back in the second half of pregnancy can lead to tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, and the development of hemorrhoids.

    Until what week can you sleep on your back

    Many experts say that until the start of the 28th week of pregnancy, sleep and rest on the back are allowed.. From the second half of pregnancy, the fetus becomes large enough and is already able to exert increased pressure on the veins, bladder and spine.

    Western scientists have concluded that sleeping on the left side strengthens the lymphatic system. In addition, this position stimulates the rapid processing of waste products from the brain. While sleeping on the right side, stomach or back significantly disrupts some vital processes in the body.

    Did you know? Parents of newborn babies lose 400-750 hours of sleep in their first year of life.

    It should be noted that for women who already have pathologies of the cardiovascular system, bladder, etc., it is better not to sleep with your stomach up from the second month.

    At the same time, you should visit an experienced specialist and draw up a program of moderate training that will keep the muscles of the back and internal organs in optimal tone.

    In some cases, you can lie on your back a little, but you must use a special pillow for pregnant women.
    Special pillow for pregnant women Such a pillow reduces the load on all internal organs and on the spine.

    It is important to understand that lying on your back should be controlled, that is, a woman should not fall asleep, because during sleep, blood pressure already drops, and when arteries and veins are squeezed, extensive hypoxia can begin.

    In any case, it is best to consult a doctor. He will tell you about how long you can lie in this position and how to do it correctly.

    Video: is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy

    How to Change the Habit: Forgetting Back Rest

    1. To learn how to sleep on your side, try placing 3-4 pillows next to you for support.. They will help fix the position of the body and will become an obstacle to turning over on your back during sleep.
    2. Place a pillow between your legs and lie on your side before bed. A pillow will help relieve pressure from your spine, pelvis, and lower back.
    3. Place a few thin, soft pillows under your head so that your head is in line with your spine.. In this position, nerves and arteries will not be pinched.
    4. When sleeping on your side, try hugging a pillow with your free hand.. In this case, it is better not to raise your arm above your shoulders, as blood circulation may be disturbed.

    Important! For good sleep and falling asleep, it is best not to watch TV or read books after 7 pm.

    Try to consult with your doctor and find the most comfortable position for sleeping and relaxing.

    If you are accustomed to constantly sleeping on your back and it is very difficult for you to relearn how to rest in a different position, then you can try putting a pillow under your back so that the center of gravity shifts to the side.

    Such a posture will be more or less optimal, since in this case the circulatory processes will function normally. You can also try to fall asleep in a reclining position: tilt your back 30-40 degrees from a horizontal position. To do this, you can use several pillows at once or fall asleep on a comfortable easy chair.

    Doctors believe that the ideal option for rest during pregnancy is to sleep on your side (best on the left). In this position, the fetus will not put pressure on the internal organs of the woman, in addition, the spine will remain in an acceptable position.
    It is important to understand that sleeping on your stomach, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, is prohibited., since squeezing the fetus will not benefit either the mother or the child.

    Each woman should choose the optimal sleeping position for herself, relying on her inner feelings and the general recommendations of the doctor. But for good sleep, it is also important to follow some recommendations:

    • do not eat food 3 hours before going to bed;
    • minimize the number of stressful situations, do not overwork emotionally;
    • before going to bed, you can drink a glass of unpasteurized milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey;
    • use special orthopedic pillows;
    • walk more in the fresh air, do light physical education (discuss the details with your doctor).

    And remember that for better sleep during pregnancy, you should not use sleeping pills and sedatives. They can adversely affect the general condition of the fetus.

    Did you know? Scientists and doctors agree that sleeping on the left side during pregnancy improves blood circulation and relaxes the heart muscle. But in the journal "The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology" an article was published in which scientists confirmed the data that sleeping on the left side relieves heartburn.

    So, we have listed the reasons why you should not sleep on your back in the second half of an interesting period, and indicated how to unlearn this habit.

    Try to lead an active lifestyle and listen to the doctor's recommendations, and then problems with the spine, bladder and intestines will not bother you.

    Pregnant women are forced to comply with many restrictions: this applies to medications, and physical activity, and nutrition. Even expectant mothers should sleep according to the rules. The correct sleeping position affects both the baby and the mother's well-being, because at night the body, especially which has become much heavier in a few months, must rest. It seems that the most optimal position is on the back, but is it really so?

    How to sleep during pregnancy

    - at an early stage

    Despite the fact that the first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, it is at this time that the mother has no restrictions on sleep. You can sleep in any position, because the fetus is still too small and does not put pressure on the uterus and neighboring organs.

    The main thing is to be comfortable and have enough time for a good rest.

    However, it is still better to accustom yourself to sleep on your side from the first weeks of pregnancy, abandoning the position on your back and on your stomach. So the expectant mother will be easier in the later stages.

    - at a later date

    From about the middle of the second trimester, the belly of a pregnant woman becomes noticeable, but even earlier, from the 13th week, the size of the fetus causes the uterus to increase, oppressing neighboring organs.

    From now on, you can’t sleep on your back: there is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which runs through the spine.

    Of course, when the stomach begins to grow, you can no longer sleep on your stomach. In this position, there is strong pressure on the fetus. The most optimal position in the third trimester is on the left side, because. on the right kidney is compressed. Feet should be placed one on one or clamped between them a pillow or cushion.

    In general, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. If after sleep she feels relaxed and full of energy, it means that the child was comfortable "sleeping" in this position. Sometimes the baby starts kicking and pushing while the mother is sleeping, which can mean that he is uncomfortable. Thus, he tries to inform his mother that it would not hurt to lie down differently.

    In the last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping half-sitting.

    Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back at a later date?

    The main reason why it is forbidden to sleep on your back from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the pressure of the fetus on the blood vessels and spine. In the place where the uterus is located, the spine just bends, i.e. he seems to be in contact with her if the woman lies on her back. There are pronounced pains and heaviness in the back, pressure rises, swelling and stiffness in the muscles appear.

    Compressed blood vessels affect blood circulation: the baby does not receive enough nutrients, and the mother does not supply the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen. If you lie on your back for a long time, the lack of oxygen to the brain can even lead to loss of consciousness.

    The closer to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to lie on your back. The inferior vena cava, which transports blood from the lower body to the heart, is clamped. As a result, the mother may feel weak, dizzy, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes and shortness of breath. In this case, you must immediately roll over on your side and lie down like this for several minutes. Feeling better instantly.

    Compression of the vena cava is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Also, sleeping on the back provokes an excessive load on the bladder, so the woman will often have to run to the toilet, which also negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother. Suffering from the liver, kidneys, intestines.

    When sleeping and lying on his back, the child also experiences an acute lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous.

    What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back?

    Firstly, in order to get rid of this habit, which will become harmful during pregnancy, you need to prepare for proper sleep in advance. It is advisable to try to go to bed on your side already at the stage of pregnancy planning.

    Secondly, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which involves exactly sleeping on your side. The pillow is very soft and comfortable: it acts as a support and support for the legs at the same time, and reminds mom that it is better not to roll over on her back.

    Finally, you can simply ask your husband to pay attention to the position during sleep, if he wakes up, and remind him to roll over.

    What influences the position of the mother's body?

    The position of the mother's body affects, first of all, her well-being. A pregnant woman experiences a tremendous load when walking, so it is very important to have a good rest during sleep. During the day, the legs and spine are subject to the greatest trials, and if the body is incorrectly positioned at night, the spine will hurt even more.

    If the position of the woman’s body does not suit the baby, he will feel discomfort and try to change his own position. As a result of such manipulations, the baby may take a position that is not suitable for the birth process. This is called a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus.

    When the expectant mother lies on her left side, her organs and vessels are not squeezed. The child receives all the necessary nutrients, and the spine rests.

    It is also very important to rise correctly. This should be done slowly, gradually, without jerks and sudden movements. First you need to lie down for a few minutes after waking up, then turn on the side that is closer to the descent from the bed, lower your legs to the floor and then get up.

    Expectant mothers need to always take care of themselves and their baby, even during sleep. It is very important to choose the right pajamas, natural bedding, ventilate the room well, but do not forget about a comfortable position. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to sleep on the stomach, and from the 13th week - on the back. In this position, there is a huge pressure on the internal organs of the mother, and the baby does not receive the right amount of oxygen.

    This position will not allow a woman to sleep and rest normally, because the load on the spine when sleeping on her back is colossal. It is best to sleep on your left side with a soft pillow between your legs.

    Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK

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