How to do a newspaper manicure at home? Newspaper manicure at home: the secrets of the application technique. Drawing on nails using a newspaper.

Recently, newspaper manicure has become increasingly popular. It is prints of newspaper type on the nails. We especially love this design by fans of the grunge style. It is quite easy to perform it both in the salon and on your own at home.

The most popular execution technology

If you are thinking about how to do a manicure at home with a newspaper, then the following instruction is just for you. Prepare your nails for design. Make a hand bath, remove or push back the cuticle, file the tip. It will not be superfluous to carefully polish the plate, since in this case the pattern will turn out clearer. Now we go directly to how to make a manicure and drawings on nails using a newspaper, the instruction is duplicated in the video below.
As the video shows, before you do a manicure - a print from a newspaper on your nails, make sure that you have all the necessary tools and items at hand:

  1. Newspaper;
  2. Alcohol;
  3. Varnish - base;
  4. Lacquer - fixative;
  5. Colored light coating, dense enough to serve as a background;
  6. Standard set of manicure accessories.

Nail polish

Manicure set

If all this is available, then you can go directly to how to make nails with a newspaper.

Gray lacquer

Printing a newspaper

We admire the result

Here is the answer to the question of how to make a manicure with letters, drawing on nails using a newspaper. Everything seems quite simple, however, not every newspaper can be beautifully and clearly printed on nails. You need to try with different types of paper and paint, alcohol concentration, etc.

Other technology

For those who really love manicure from the newspaper, you can advise another way how to do it. This technology is quite complex and requires skills. But the drawing usually looks clearer, although the durability of such a manicure is lower. For its implementation, you will need a varnish - a base, a newspaper, a top coat and water.

  • Prepare your nails in the traditional way. Perform a manicure, polish the plate, remove the cuticle;
  • Cut out fragments from the newspaper, the width of the nail plate. You need 10 such fragments, for each nail;
  • Pour some water into the container;
  • Everything is ready to start doing a manicure at home “newspaper on nails”, now about how to do it directly;
  • Cover the nails with a base and dry quite a bit;
  • Dip a suitable newspaper mold into the water for a few seconds. The time may vary depending on the type of paper. But your goal is to make them soft;
  • Shake off excess water from the paper, if necessary, you can even get wet with a napkin;
  • Press the paper to the nail, gluing it to the still wet base;
  • After carefully gluing and drying with water, apply a layer of top coat.

Burnt newspaper

newspaper on nails

Using this technology, a newspaper manicure, instructions on how to do which is located above, usually lasts 2 to 3 days. However, with high-quality performance, it looks better than the previous version. The complexity of its manufacture also lies in the fact that it is necessary to choose the right newspaper, since the letters can blur, the paper does not get wet enough or, on the contrary, get too wet. And the newspaper itself may darken or turn yellow when applying the top.

Newspaper Manicure Secrets

For those who love newspaper manicures, the video shows in detail how to do it. However, there are several secrets that will help you diversify your manicure even more, and bring the prints of letters to perfection. These details are listed below.

  • With some types of paper, instead of alcohol, you can use antiseptic hand gel;
  • In order for the letters not to be smeared and blurred, it is necessary to lift the newspaper from the surface of the nail strictly perpendicularly, and not to “pull” it;
  • As a basis for a print, you can use not only a newspaper, but also a sheet of music, as well as any drawings printed on suitable paper;
  • Any drawing or text printed with an inkjet printer is perfectly translated onto nails. Thus, you can decide for yourself which design to create.

Many ideas for nail design can only be realized by experienced craftsmen with experience. However, you can do without the participation of specialists if you adopt a newfangled method using newspapers, which does not require special skills and expensive manicure products. Using the print of the printed edition, you can achieve an extremely attractive result.

In this case, there is no need for stencils and varnish paints. The necessary funds are at hand:

  • liquid containing alcohol;
  • transparent fixing varnish;
  • newspaper;
  • light monochromatic varnish as a base.

When choosing a color scheme of the latter, there are no restrictions. A common option is white. Peach or beige is also suitable. Yellow - for those who like bright solutions. The main thing is that dark characters do not get lost in the background.

A fixing liquid will serve as a replacement for a colorless varnish, which will protect the drawing from damage.

The first element of the list carries no less value. Some people use nail polish remover. In this case, keep in mind: the presence of acetone leads to the fact that paper fragments stick to the nails and leave irregularities. However, alcohol makes the outline of the translated letters slightly pale.

Newspaper manicure: step by step instructions

1. First, cut out a small piece of waste paper for each finger. Calculate the size so that the papers hide the nail, but are not too sweeping: this will interfere with the work on adjacent fingers. Choose thick paper, otherwise the material will lose its integrity and stick to the varnish.

Keep in mind! With sheets from glossy magazines, you will waste your efforts in vain: the print simply will not be translated.

To find the appropriate newspaper, rub the page against clean paper. If a dark trace remains, then stop at this material.

2. Prepare your nails. It doesn't matter what form they are. "Newspaper" decoration looks good in any case. Forget about extensions and other manipulations. The only condition is to get rid of the cuticle and small burrs. If this is not done, after applying the main varnish, the nails will become unsightly. To guarantee the impeccability of the coating, it is polished or ground.

3. We endow the nail with color. After completing the first layer and waiting for drying, proceed to the second. This achieves color uniformity.

Keep in mind! Make sure that the varnish has completely set and only then proceed, otherwise deformation or partial slipping cannot be avoided.

4. Fill an impromptu bath with an alcohol-based liquid and lower the nail there for a few seconds (up to 10).

Keep in mind! Delay will lead to the fact that the varnish will completely peel off.
Attach a piece of newspaper with the outer side down. If it seems to you that the paper is not wet enough, then add a drop of alcohol. Drying time depends on the density of the material and varies between 30 seconds - 2 minutes. Gently press down on the newspaper. If it moves, it will blur the texture. The pieces should overlap so that the text runs in the same direction.

5. Remove the original tracing paper. Make it better with a swift movement from the nail.

6. Fix the result with a colorless varnish. For greater reliability, it is not forbidden to apply several layers.

Express Method

If there is not enough time or unwillingness to wait, you can trust the simple instructions:

  1. Treat your nails and grind the newspaper as in the previous method.
  2. After covering the nail with the main varnish, wait for a slight drying.
  3. Soak a piece of newspaper in alcohol and press down on the nail plate. It's okay if the fragment is crumpled. Align it with your finger or cotton wool with quick but neat strokes.
  4. Controlling the force, gently pull the paper away. This is a crucial stage, so you need to try.
  5. Finish with a couple coats of fixative or varnish.

Video - Newspaper print on nails

Different Design Approaches

It is absolutely not necessary to dwell on the previously described. "Newspaper" manicure is a whole trend that goes well with other design ideas.

  1. A combination of French and newspaper methods will help to emphasize the femininity of your image. To do this, fragments of paper with a smooth edge are applied to the upper edge, without going to the pink part of the nail.

  2. If you want to follow the latest fashion trends, then you will definitely be interested in the "break" print. For production, the newspaper is torn into small and careless pieces, which are printed in a chaotic manner. It would seem that a chaotic approach cannot give a decent result. However, this technique forms an extremely original drawing, and the scuffs and incompletely developed fragments endow the composition with a certain charm of antiquity.
    In terms of execution, this is no more difficult than the usual way. Therefore, it would be foolish not to try.

  3. In terms of originality, the “money” manicure does not lag behind. Capturing a portrait of Franklin, another historical figure or landmark on your nails is not a cheap pleasure. After all, a bill after such processing will lose its value.
    You can avoid material losses if you sacrifice a geographical map for beauty or try to repeat the relief of a snake skin by choosing a suitable paper image.

  4. Feel free to get creative: try using a variety of symbols, such as musical notation.
  5. Font imprinting is not the only way. Among other things, you can put pieces of newspaper soaked in water on varnished nails, wait for them to dry and fix them with clear varnish.

A great way to realize your creative "I"

Performing such a manicure does not imply outstanding skill. However, some skill is still required if you want to realize the idea on the first try. It is easy to make a mistake in the selection of material or to allow blurring of inscriptions. But this disadvantage is compensated by the simplicity and efficiency of the work.

Despite the fact that the working space is limited to a small area of ​​​​nails, there are more options for metamorphosis and opportunities for self-expression than it might seem at first glance. Since the carriers of creation will not be canvas or paper, you will be able to see a unique manicure wherever you are.

A few ideas for newspaper manicure

Newspaper manicure is called a nail design made using a newspaper. Printing ink is imprinted on the nail plate, and the fingers decorate fragments of the text.

Such a manicure is easy to perform, you can do it yourself.

Why newspaper manicure is popular

Manicure with letters from newspapers looks unusual, but is done quickly. Accessibility is the main plus of such nail art. A manicure with a newspaper print is unique, because it is impossible to pick up the same fragments of text and translate it perfectly evenly onto nails.

Most of all, fans of the grunge style love newspaper manicure. But romantic natures are not averse to decorating fingers with an elegant font.

For a business lady, such a manicure will not work, but for a student it will be a great way to spice up a casual outfit.

Manicure with text and denim in blue and blue colors harmonize well. Bright options for newspaper manicure will help you stand out from the crowd at a party and look good in a country style.

To make a neat newspaper manicure at home, you need to practice. Print quality and paper thickness play a role. The time of the procedure and the technology of manicure itself depend on them.

Before you do a newspaper manicure, put your nails in order. Trim your cuticles or use an orange stick to push them back. With a nail file, shape the edges of the nails. Degrease your nails with nail polish remover.

For work you will need:

  • base coat,
  • varnish of the chosen color,
  • transparent fixer,
  • newspaper and scissors
  • alcohol and a container for alcohol,
  • tweezers,
  • paper towel.

The main components of a newspaper manicure are newspaper and alcohol.

If you want to use as a background for newspaper text, find two or three colored varnishes.

Step by step:

  1. Cover your work area with paper towels.
  2. Pour the alcohol into a wide, shallow container, such as a shot glass or saucer.
  3. Cover your nails with base.
  4. Apply colored polish. Wait until it is completely dry, otherwise the surface of the nail will appear dirty and rough.
  5. Cut the newspaper into small pieces - about 2x3 cm.
  6. Using tweezers, dip one piece of newspaper into a container of alcohol and hold for 5-10 seconds, depending on the weight of the paper.
  7. Place the newspaper on your nail and gently press it with your fingertips, being careful not to move it to the side.
  8. After 10-40 seconds, remove the newspaper from the nail using tweezers.
  9. Cover the nail with a fixer.
  10. Do a newspaper manicure on all nails, or decorate one or two fingers on each hand.

You can use matte or glossy coatings, mother-of-pearl varnishes.

Newspaper Manicure Secrets

To learn how to do high-quality manicure with the help of a newspaper, you need to remember a few tips.

Secrets of a beautiful newspaper manicure:

  • Try to use freshly printed newspaper.
  • Instead of alcohol, you can take vodka or nail polish remover.
  • The exposure time of a newspaper fragment on a nail varies from 10 to 40 seconds, depending on the quality of printing and paper. You can calculate the time by experimenting.
  • An alternative technique for performing such a manicure is that not a newspaper is dipped into alcohol, but nails (for 5 seconds), and then a fragment of a dry newspaper is applied to them.
  • You can perform a newspaper manicure without alcohol. To do this, prepare a piece of newspaper in the form of a nail plate. Cover the nail with the base and, without waiting for drying, apply a newspaper soaked in water. When the water dries, cover the nail with a fixative without removing the newspaper fragment.

For a more original finish, use a local map, music sheet, or any printed image instead of text.

Newspaper manicure is a solution for those who love a non-standard approach to creating an image.

In the past few years, an increasing number of fans have been acquiring a surprisingly simple and stylish nail design technique - a manicure with a newspaper print.

Legend has it that the idea was first conceived by an inventive and ambitious French beautician who gave several clients manicures imprinted with the local newspaper's eulogy of her work. In this unusual way, she wanted to make an article about herself more popular.

It is not known whether this story is true or not, but one thing is certain - this version of the nail design creates a very bright image that will help you stand out from the crowd.

How to do a manicure with a newspaper: materials

For him, unlike many other types of manicure, you do not have to buy any stencils or varnish paints - no special tools. Manicure with the help of a newspaper is done, one might say, from improvised materials.

What you need for a manicure with a newspaper:

  • newspaper
  • light-colored plain varnish for the base
  • clear varnish or fixative
  • alcoholic liquid

It doesn't matter what color of the main varnish you choose. White is considered the classic option, but beige or peach can be used. If you prefer bright colors, try yellow for example. The main thing is that the varnish is light enough so that the black letters on it are clearly visible.

Instead of clear varnish, you can use a fixative coating to keep the manicure for a long time and not damage it, for example, when washing dishes.

For the last point, nail polish remover with acetone, rubbing alcohol, cologne, or alcohol-based cleaning fluids (for example, isopropyl, which is used to clean tools) are suitable. You can also use regular vodka with success.

The font translated with alcohol will turn out a little pale. Nail polish remover will make the picture brighter, but it can ruin the look of the manicure: under the influence of acetone, paper particles often stick to the nail and the varnish becomes uneven.

How to make a manicure from a newspaper: manufacturing methods

First way

  • Step 1.
    Cut out 10 small pieces of newspaper in advance. It is necessary that they not only completely cover the nail plate, but also be slightly larger so that they can be easily removed (but do not make them too large, otherwise the hanging edges will interfere when working with neighboring nails). The paper must be thick enough, otherwise it may get wet and partially stick to the varnish. It is important to remember that it is newsprint with printing ink that is suitable for this manicure, and not a magazine, since the print will not be transferred to the nail from glossy surfaces.
    To determine if the paint is suitable for transferring to nails, rub a newspaper page with a sheet of white paper. If black marks remain on it, then the newspaper can be safely used.
  • Step 2
    Get your nails done. One of the advantages of a "newspaper" manicure is that it looks good on nails of any shape, and for him it is not at all necessary to grow or build long nails. The main thing is that the edges of the nails are even. Gently remove the cuticle and small burrs, otherwise, after you apply the base polish, the nail will take on a sloppy look. To make the varnish lay more evenly, you can sand and polish the surface.
  • Step 3
    Cover the nail with varnish, preferably in two layers, so that the color looks uniform. First apply one layer, let it dry a little, and then apply the second. After that, you must wait for the varnish to dry completely, otherwise the coating will then deform or partially slip off. Some masters recommend proceeding to the next steps a day after applying the base, since during this time the varnish will dry completely, and damage when working with an alcohol solution will be minimal. But this is not required.
  • Step 4
    Pour alcohol (vodka, acetone, etc.) into a container of a suitable size and dip your nail into it for 5-10 seconds (you can’t hold it for too long, otherwise the varnish will come off). Then place a piece of newspaper face down on your nail. If you feel that the paper is too dry, you can put a little alcohol on top. Wait for the paper to dry. This may take from 20 seconds to two minutes, depending on the weight of the paper. Press down on the newspaper carefully so that it does not move out, otherwise the print will be smeared. Be careful: attach all pieces of paper so that the text is located in the same direction. If some inscription is printed upside down, then such a trifle, of course, can be seen only upon close examination, but since our hands are almost always in sight, it will not look very nice.
  • Step 5
    After that, remove the paper; be careful not to break it. It's best to do this in one quick motion.
  • Step 6
    Cover the nail with a colorless varnish or a special fixative, otherwise the printing ink will immediately be erased. You can apply several layers to make the result longer pleasing to the eye.

Second way

There is another option for manicure using a newspaper. It can be called "express way" because it will take less time. Its main difference from the previous one is that the font will be transferred to not completely dried varnish.

  • Step 1.
    Carefully process nails and cut pieces of the newspaper by analogy with the method described above.
  • Step 2
    Apply the main varnish and let it dry only slightly (you should not transfer the drawing to a too fresh varnish, as the newspaper will simply stick to it).
  • Step 3
    Dampen a piece of newspaper with acetone or alcohol, place it on your nail and press down. If the paper lay unevenly, it can be gently smoothed out with a finger or a cotton pad, but this must be done very carefully and quickly so that the pattern does not turn out blurry.
  • Step 4
    Gently separate the newspaper from the nail (be careful not to let small fragments of the newspaper stick to the nail).
  • Step 5
    Apply several coats of clear varnish or top coat.

Manicure with a newspaper: possible design options

Before that, it was about the methods of "newspaper" manicure, which are the main ones. But if you want to give your nails an even more original look, you can diversify these basic options a little.

  • A newspaper print combined with a French manicure will look very feminine. To do this, cut out pieces of newspaper with a very even, straight edge and apply them to the part of the nail that is covered with pink varnish, and leave the white strip on top intact.
  • You can also come up with a variety of combinations of patterns: for example, make a composition from numbers or musical signs
  • It is not necessary to transfer the font to the nail. You can simply prepare neat pieces of newspaper according to the shape of the nail, cover it with base polish, and, when the polish is completely dry, put newspaper previously moistened with water on the nail. When the paper is dry, it must be fixed on the nail with several layers of clear varnish.
  • Although every woman can easily make such a manicure, it does not always work out perfectly the first time. The reason may be the wrong choice of paper or a blurry font due to negligence. Don't worry - the next attempt will definitely be successful!

Whichever version of the manicure from the newspaper you choose, the result will be impressive. So do not rush to get rid of old newspapers - they may still be useful to you.

Detailed process of creating a newspaper manicure.

Recently, a newspaper manicure has come into fashion, which immediately fell in love with millions of girls for its originality. It involves the creation of a newspaper print on a white (or color) basis. At the same time, nail images can turn out different depending on the decor, inscriptions on the nails and drawings. How to make a newspaper manicure at home, read below.

Technique for decorating nails in newspaper style No. 1

Such an original design on the nails is easy to implement. To make a manicure with a newspaper, you will need the following materials:

  • alcohol and a container for it (a small glass or a lid from a jar);
  • clear and white varnish;
  • holographic varnish - you can do without it, but with it the nails will look more interesting
  • varnish fixative;
  • tweezers;
  • 10 pieces, cut from a newspaper, magazine, etc.

Step-by-step process of creating a newspaper manicure:

  1. Prepare nails: steam, remove the cuticle, give the nails the same shape.
  2. Coat the plate with clear varnish. When it dries, apply white varnish on top, you can do several layers if the varnish is too liquid.
  3. If a holographic varnish is used, then it must be applied over the white coating and not after the print of the newspaper.
  4. Put a piece of newspaper in a small container, wait 10 seconds. Then take it out with tweezers and apply to a dry coating.
  5. Press the newspaper firmly with your finger. Do not allow the paper to budge, otherwise the letters will “float”, smear.
  6. Wait 10 seconds, remove the piece of newspaper with tweezers.
  7. Repeat the same steps with other nails.
  8. When all the nails are covered with letters, you can apply a layer of fixer. Manicure with the help of a newspaper is ready.

How to create a newspaper print manicure No. 2

This method is suitable for those girls who did not have alcohol or vodka on hand. Instead, you need acetone. How to do a manicure with nail polish remover, read below:

  • Apply a white or other color coating on prepared nails, colorless varnish on top.
  • Without waiting for the colorless varnish to dry completely, you need to attach a piece of newspaper slightly moistened with acetone.
  • Attach paper to the plate, wait for it to dry.
  • Slowly remove the shred with tweezers.
  • Apply fixative to the nail.

To make the manicure last longer, it is better to do it on gel polish. Normal lacquer will start to crack after 3 days.

Interesting newspaper style nail design ideas

Many girls opt for the classic version of the nail design. A standard manicure with a newspaper involves applying a white base that resembles a sheet of paper. Letters on a white background look as if the girl really stuck newspaper or book clippings on her nails.

However, even such an original newspaper nail art can be diversified and made boring. For example, for French lovers, a combination of newspaper style and a “smile” on the tips of the nails will be an excellent solution. The manicure looks original.

You can try to give the claws an original pattern by decorating them in the old style. To do this, you need to make scuffs with paint, black edging on the sides.

The black edging around the perimeter of the nails gives the manicure a slightly gothic style.

You can make letters in a chaotic manner, no one will definitely call your manicure boring.

Manicure with the effect of "paint drips"

In the absence of white varnish, you can paint the background with colored varnish. It does not look quite natural, but it is original.

Romantic girls will love the newspaper nail design with a twist in the form of flowers, made on a printed basis of a delicate pastel coating.

For girls who want to surprise their soulmate on Valentine's Day, we recommend making a flirty design with kisses and hearts. You can also confess your love to a guy on your nails: print his name on a computer, write "I love you", print it, cut out the letters and stick it on your nails. It is possible for each nail a separate letter. Here is such an original way to express your feelings to a dear person.

Newspaper nail design can also be made more personal, for example, you can type any text on a computer (your date of birth or a loved one, a prayer, etc.) and print it out.

And for those girls who, it would seem, cannot be surprised at all, we suggest making nails in the style of “travel map” or “burnt paper”.

Creative manicure "burnt paper"

- Newspaper manicure will suit almost any outfit, the only exception is the business style of clothing. But with jeans, shorts, t-shirts, newspaper nail design looks organic.
- It is better to choose newspaper clippings in small print with a small spacing between letters.
– You can freely experiment with newspaper manicure, nail design in any case will turn out to be unique, individual, creative and appropriate.

The newspaper print on the nails looks interesting, non-standard, bold, and is done very simply. And if you add your imagination or take ideas from our selection as a basis, you will get a completely unexpected, individual, unique image.

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