Henna and coffee for hair: proportions, before and after photos. how to dye your hair with henna coffee how to dye your hair with henna coffee proportions

Beauty and originality. This is the dream of every woman. There are a lot of opportunities to change the image, but hair coloring remains the simplest and most affordable. Unfortunately, the presence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in chemical dyes cause serious harm to curls. Henna and coffee are natural dyes that will strengthen hair.

Henna and coffee are an excellent tandem of natural ingredients that give a wonderful result. Natural henna without additives makes hair fiery red. Of course, it strengthens and has a positive effect on growth, but not every woman likes such a bright color.

The addition of coffee allows for a chic palette of colors from noble copper to dark chestnut and almost black. And it keeps your hair dry. And now a little more about dyes.


A permanent dye obtained from the leaves of the Lavsonia plant. Henna, obtained from the leaves of the plant, dyes the hair red and is also used for mehendi, Arabic body painting. Colorless henna is made from the stems, which is used as face and hair masks.


Saturates the hair with vitamins, microelements, organic acids. Contains coffee oil. It is used for toning hair along with other natural dyes.


Indigo leaf powder. Natural paint used for centuries in the East. It must be remembered that using only basma for dyeing gives the hair a greenish tint. Basma is used only in combination with henna.

The benefits of natural dyes

In addition to the absence of chemical components that damage the hair structure, natural dyes such as coffee, henna and basma contain vitamins and trace elements that restore damage, enhance hair growth, and prevent the formation of dandruff. Essential oils in coffee make strands more manageable and smooth.

When is it better to use natural dyes?

Natural dyes allow you to achieve the desired result without harming the hair and scalp. This is especially true if: Natural dyes allow you to achieve the desired result without harming the hair and scalp.

This is especially true if:

  • There is a risk of allergic reactions during chemical staining;
  • The hair has already been exposed to dyeing or curling, has suffered and needs to be restored;
  • By nature, the hair is not thick enough, there is a desire to strengthen it and improve the structure;
  • Hair is greasy without airiness and shine;
  • I want to add shine and refresh the color, combining this with care and treatment.

Each of these reasons, and even more so the presence of several of them, is a serious reason to pay attention to the amazing tandem of henna with coffee.

What to look for when choosingingredients

Before staining, it is necessary to decide on the choice of starting products. For coloring, it is better to use henna pressed into tiles and finely ground coffee. It is better to grind coffee beans just before coloring. The more intense the roasting of coffee beans and the richer the broth, the darker the resulting shade.

When buying henna, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. An expired dye should not be used, as the staining result may be unpredictable.

When dyeing gray hair, you can first apply the mixture to several hairs from the comb. This will allow you to evaluate the result that will be obtained.

Preparation of the coloring composition

From 2 to 6 tbsp. spoons of coffee brew 0.5 cups of boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Henna is added to the coffee that has cooled down to 70-60 ° C and the mixture is well mixed. It is better to prepare the composition in glassware.

A deep bowl made of glass or ceramic is perfect. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The consistency of the coloring composition should resemble sour cream. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water.

Important: you should cover your shoulders with an old towel, and avoid getting the mixture on your face. Staining must be done with protective gloves. Henna stains the skin and nails very firmly.


Do not wash your hair before dyeing. On dry hair, carefully combed and divided into strands, a warm composition is applied with a brush. Evenly distribute it with a comb with rare teeth. The paint is left for 1-2 hours.

To avoid the appearance of an oily film on the hair, which is provided by the essential oils that are part of coffee, it is worth adding a few drops of hair conditioner to the mixture of henna and coffee. The head should be covered with a film, to enhance the effect, you can additionally wrap it with a towel.

Hair after dyeing should be washed with shampoo and rinsed thoroughly. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the final rinse water. Then it should be dried without using a hair dryer and combed thoroughly.

Useful information

To enjoy the effect that henna and coffee will give your hair, it is worth considering a few points:

  1. Coffee henna is more suitable for women with dark hair. Blondes when stained can get a non-uniform color.
  2. To understand what color you get, you can paint a small strand at the back of the head.
  3. Coloring with natural dyes is less durable. It is necessary to update the color every 1-2 weeks.
  4. Before dyeing your hair with a chemical dye after henna, you must wait until it is completely washed off. Chemical paints do not fit well on henna or basma.
  5. Do not dye your hair with henna before a perm.
  6. To evaluate the healing effect of natural dyes, their course application is necessary. 2-3 months of using henna with coffee for hair coloring will allow you to see the curls in all their glory.


Natural dyes have been used by women on their hair for centuries. More recently, they were forced out of use by more persistent and expensive ones, but time puts everything in its place.

Unfortunately, the systematic use of chemistry leads to big problems with charming female curls. Increasingly, women and very young girls are adopting the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

And they do not fail, striking in their simplicity and efficiency. Let them add charm and beauty to you too. Be happy!

Video: henna and coffee - a beautiful color for healthy hair

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Henna combined with coffee has an amazing effect on the hair: the hair acquires a luxurious chestnut color, shines with health, becomes stronger and thicker. And after dyeing with such a “paint”, the hair emits an excellent aroma.

How to dye your hair with henna and coffee at home

According to reviews, it is better not to use loose henna in bags to create a coloring mixture. The ideal option is henna pressed into tiles (it comes in four shades: red, black, chestnut and brown). For this coloring mixture, take brown or chestnut henna. In addition to the dye, each such tile contains healing oils, for example, cocoa butter and clove bud oil. As for coffee, it is preferable to choose roasted and finely ground Arabica beans.

The recipe for natural hair dye is as follows:

  • henna tile
  • 50–100 g coffee
  • some water

The required amount of pressed henna is rubbed on a fine grater, coffee is added and this mixture is poured with freshly boiled water, after which it is thoroughly stirred. The result should be a mass of consistency slightly thinner than sour cream. If the prepared mixture turned out to be thick, it is diluted with hot water. Then the paint container is placed in a water bath and heated. The saturation of the color depends on the temperature of the coloring mixture, that is, the higher the temperature of the mass, the richer the color, and vice versa.

It is not allowed to use a microwave oven to heat the dye mixture.

The coloring mass is applied to clean, dry strands, evenly distributing the mixture along their entire length and onto the root system. Next, the head is covered with cling film and insulated with a terry towel. To get a beautiful brown color, the paint is kept for at least 6 hours. If you want to dye your hair red, wash off the mask after 2-3 hours.

And for dyeing gray hair, a cosmetic mixture is prepared from:

  • 1 part henna
  • 1 part ground coffee
  • 1 part basma
  • small amount of water

The mixture is poured with boiling water and mixed thoroughly (the coloring mass should resemble thick sour cream in consistency). "Paint" is applied to clean hair, put on top of rubber and woolen hats. After 2–2.5 hours, the head is washed with warm water. To consolidate the effect, it is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo for the first 3 days after dyeing.

Hair coloring with coffee blends

Unlike store-bought dyes that contain chemicals that are unsafe for hair, coffee is a natural product. It will help saturate the strands with nutrients and color them in red and brown shades. In addition, coffee perfectly paints over gray hair.

To prepare the coloring mixture, take the following components:

  • 5–6 tbsp ground coffee
  • 1.5 cups of water

Pour coffee with hot water and put the container with the coloring mixture on a small fire for 13-15 minutes. After the paint is cooled to a comfortable temperature. The hair is washed with shampoo, a conditioner is applied to them, then the hair is lowered into a basin with a coffee solution and poured abundantly with paint (do this 13–15 times). The head is covered with a plastic bag and insulated with a terry towel. After 27–30 minutes, the paint is washed off and the hair is dried naturally.

It is better for blondes not to dye their hair with a coffee mixture, since the effect of coffee on light hair can be the most unpredictable

To prepare coffee paint according to a different recipe, use the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup conditioner
  • 1–1.5 tbsp coffee
  • ¼ glass of water

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pour into a porcelain container, add hot water (recommended water temperature - 70 ° C) and mix the components. You should pay attention to the consistency of the resulting mixture: if it is too liquid, the paint will simply spread, and if it is very thick, the hair will turn into a light tone, that is, the desired effect will not be achieved. When the dye mixture has cooled to 40 ° C, it is enriched with a few drops of ylang-ylang or lavender aromatic oil and applied to the strands with a cosmetic brush. When dyeing, the hair is distributed into strands and evenly covered with the prepared mixture, and the paint is also applied to the root system. From above, the head is covered with a plastic bag and put on a warm hat. If blond hair is dyed, hold the coloring mixture for 7-10 minutes, brown - 38-40 minutes, and black - from 1.5 to 2 hours. Next, the mask is washed off with warm water.

One of the secrets of female beauty is the health of hair, the condition of which depends on many factors. Including from the methods of dyeing, the composition of coloring agents, the chemical elements of which negatively affect the hair. In this case, natural remedies come to the rescue - coffee and henna, which can be successfully used at home.


Both of these natural remedies are gifts from warm countries, where people have long discovered their miraculous properties. For centuries women have used henna not only for dyeing hair, wool, nails, or decorating the body for aesthetic and religious purposes, but also for the treatment of skin diseases, bone diseases, and the treatment of wounds.

His Majesty coffee perfectly fights baldness, as it reduces the production of dihydrotestosterone, which causes the destruction of the hair follicle. Its main components (antioxidants) protect the hair from external negative influences, and the mineral complex moisturizes and saturates them with nutrients.

Each of these herbal products does a great job individually, but together they can achieve truly unsurpassed results: give curls an enchanting shine, strengthen hair follicles, get rid of dandruff and achieve natural chocolate colors. The main thing is to arm yourself with desire, time and the tools necessary for the staining procedure.


To start the painting process, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools for this: plastic or rubber gloves, a wooden or plastic comb, an ordinary sponge or a wide brush, a bowl with a deep bottom. Owners of long curls will need fixing hairpins.

The coloring mixture is prepared according to the basic recipe, which can be supplemented or changed (depending on the desired shade).

To do this, you need to combine a twenty-five-gram bag of henna with 50-100 g of coffee and pour them with freshly boiled water, then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry. So that it does not cool down, the container must be placed in a water bath. The brightness of the color depends on the temperature of the resulting paint.

Then evenly apply the resulting mass on clean, dry strands and wrap your head with a film, putting something warm on top. After some time (from half an hour to six hours), you will need to wash off the dye with warm water without shampoo.

For gray hair:

Add basma to the mixture of henna, liquid and coffee (in a ratio of 1: 1: 1). It will avoid redness and give the hair a darker color. For a better result, it is better to increase the exposure time.

For a chestnut color:

Pour half a glass of dry onion peel with hot water to cover it completely. Boil everything together and let stand for about half an hour. Then heat the mixture again and bring to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of black tea and again let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then you need to repeat the procedure again with boiling, and after half an hour of exposure, add 1 tablespoon of coffee and henna. So that the mixture does not cool down, you need to periodically heat the bowl with the mass in a water bath. The resulting gruel should be applied to the hair and kept for 40 minutes under a film and a thick towel. The longer the exposure time, the more intense the color will be.

Owners of dry hair should:

Add a conditioner (¼ cup) to the main recipe, which will soften and moisturize the damaged tips.

The resulting hair color depends not only on the composition and temperature of the dye mixture, but also on the duration of exposure. Many women cover their heads with a film, and warm them with a terry towel or scarf on top.

How to get a beautiful chestnut shade using henna and coffee for hair coloring, see the following video.

Benefit and harm

The combination of henna and coffee has a number of positive qualities that allow:

  • dye your hair at home
  • carry out the procedure an unlimited number of times;
  • vary the intensity of shades;
  • strengthen and accelerate hair growth;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • saturate the scalp with nutrients;
  • give the strands a charming glow.

Of the shortcomings:

  • with the wrong ratio of substances, you can make a mistake with the color;
  • long duration and complexity of the procedure;
  • it is difficult to repeat the desired color.

What do you need to know?

In order to properly prepare the coloring mixture, you should know that henna is available in bags in powder form, in vials in diluted form and in pressed form in tiles. Dry and liquid dyes are more convenient to use, since they do not need to be rubbed into small chips. But in the tiles there is cocoa butter and clove buds.

Henna comes in dark shades and even red. It is also colorless. This option is used to treat damaged hair.

It is better to take roasted coffee or crushed Arabica beans. An old stale or drunk drink will not give positive results. The essential oils and antioxidants of good fresh coffee will not only give you a pleasant aroma, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Some tips to remember:

  • the hotter the henna, the more saturated the color, but in no case should the agent be heated in a microwave oven;
  • the lighter the hair, the more intense the shade;
  • in order not to paint the skin on the head, it is better to lubricate prominent areas with a greasy cream before the procedure;
  • the first three days after dyeing, it is advisable not to wash your hair to allow the dye to fix;
  • to avoid an allergic reaction, it is advisable to check the effect of a mixture of henna and coffee on the body, after applying a little paint to the inner bend of the elbow.

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Henna and coffee are often used to refresh hair color. The combination of these components is one of the natural dyes that can change color and strengthen curls. You can dye your hair with natural ingredients at home, you just need to follow the simple rules for using henna. In this case, any recipe will bring the desired result.

Staining features

If you do not want to completely change the color of the curls, then you can paint them with henna and coffee. This coloring will give an attractive sheen. The recipe for making cosmetics is very simple, you only need a little time and purchase everything you need. After the procedure, the strands will receive an original shade and gain strength.

To get the desired shade, you need to test the product with henna and coffee. With this, you can compare the results of dyeing and color your hair correctly. This coloring is suitable only for dark strands. Before this, do not use chemical dyes. An excellent result will be obtained with chestnut, coffee, brown hair.

Staining procedure

This recipe involves the use of natural coffee in combination with tea. Products are able to color in chocolate that chestnut color. You don't have to visit the salon, because all the work can be done at home.

  • You will need onion peel (0.5 cups), which is poured with hot water. Products must be covered with water completely.
  • The composition must be boiled, and let it cool for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to bring it to a boil again, then mix the composition with black tea (1 tsp), and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  • It is necessary to strain the broth and heat to a boil. After that, you can add coffee (1 tablespoon).
  • The composition must be infused, and then henna is added to it. Before staining is carried out, it is necessary to heat the solution with a water bath. Only after that you can use the composition to update the hair color. The composition must be applied evenly over all the curls, and then wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure should be about 40 minutes. If you want to get a dark hair color, then it will take a longer time. The recipe effectively helps to improve the appearance of curls. With it, you can perform procedures at night, and in the morning you need to wash it off without shampoo. For 3 days, do not wash your hair so that the shade becomes stable.

What is the best product to use?

According to cosmetologists, henna and coffee have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. In addition to giving the hair an original shade, natural dyes will leave a pleasant aroma. The recipe is simple, so the procedure can be carried out at home.

Any recipe with henna and coffee is harmless to health. Compared to artificial dyes, this component restores the structure of curls and makes them strong. You can choose a recipe with henna and coffee to get a specific shade. Such procedures will help to update the hair for every taste. The palette includes colors ranging from honey shades to black. Henna and coffee produce an attractive chestnut color.

It is best to purchase henna in sachets, as a loose product can bring unknown results. Even better would be to buy pressed tiles. In this case, the product is created on the basis of 4 shades: brown, chestnut, black, red. For coloring, it is desirable to choose the first 2 shades. In addition to henna, the tile includes clove bud oil and cocoa butter. These ingredients allow the color to hold better on the hair. Henna and a combination of ingredients will create a beautiful shade.

For the procedure, you must take natural coffee. Various varieties are suitable for this, but it is recommended to choose Arabica. The product must be finely ground and fried. The procedure will require 50-100 g of powder - the exact amount of curls of the desired color and length of curls. In order for the color to be intense, it is necessary to take a fresh product. The esters and antioxidants it contains have a positive effect on the skin. It is enough to choose a recipe and follow the procedure correctly.

home procedure

In order for the staining to be correct, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • it is necessary to follow the proportions and rules of the recipe;
  • do not add another ingredient, as the result may be unexpected;
  • together it is impossible to carry out dyeing and curling, since this way the strands are damaged;
  • no need to lengthen the procedure. For each recipe there is a recommended time for staining with the expected result;
  • after that, it is recommended to make a therapeutic mask. It is also useful for permanent care. Masks are created from simple products;
  • curls can only be processed with a fresh composition. If cosmetics is stored for several days, it will not work;
  • after coloring, it is useful to dry the strands in a natural way. Hairdryer is undesirable because it damages the structure of the strands. Also, do not often use curling irons, stylers, tongs. In creating styling with such devices, styling products should be used to help protect curls from damage;
  • you need to comb only dry curls both before washing and after it. It is advisable to choose a wooden comb for this;
  • for care, you need to purchase special shampoos, masks, balms. For permanent care, it is recommended to choose treated products;
  • to fix the shade, it is necessary not to wash your hair for several days;
  • coloring procedures are prohibited in case of damage to the scalp or hair.

It is recommended to update the color of the curls with ordinary paint only after a month, and with natural dyes it is possible to perform the procedure earlier. Therefore, usually the hair is re-dyed after the color disappears. Both full staining and partial staining are performed, for example, regrown roots are “eliminated”.

Natural paints are not as harmful as chemical ones. On the contrary, henna makes curls stronger and shinier, and basma prevents dandruff. Although with frequent use, they can make hair dry and brittle.

Coloring with natural paints is always a bit of an experiment. The result depends on many factors: the quality of henna or basma, the exposure time, the original color and even the structure of the hair.

It is difficult to predict how this or that composition will behave exactly on your head. Indeed, unlike chemical ones, such paints are prepared at home and do not pass laboratory tests. But if you are ready to experiment, read carefully and to the end.

Required Tools

  1. Comb.
  2. Hair clips.
  3. Brush. It is more convenient for many people to distribute natural paint with their hands, but it is still better to work with a special brush.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Shower cap or plastic bag. This is necessary to create a thermal effect.
  6. Old towel and clothes. If henna or basma gets on the fabric, it will be very difficult to remove the stains. It is better to use unnecessary things.
  7. Non-metallic utensils.

The amount of powder depends on the density and length of the hair. Usually 30–50 g is enough for short hair, 100–150 g for medium hair, and 200–250 g for long hair.

Henna is a green powder made from the dried leaves of Lavsonia. This shrub grows in the hot countries of Asia and Africa.


By origin, henna is divided into Indian, Iranian, Sudanese, Pakistani and so on. The first two are the most common. Indian henna gives a reddish henna, and Iranian henna gives a copper tint.

The main coloring matter of henna is henno-tannic acid. The more it is, the brighter the color when stained. Henna also contains chlorophyll, pectins, polysaccharides, essential oils and vitamins.

When stained, henna gives a rich color that lasts a very long time.

Do not confuse henna with paints based on it or with its addition. So, the white henna offered in stores does not exist in nature.

When buying, pay attention to the color of the powder. It can be from light green to marsh. A brown tint indicates the expiration date of henna.

If you decide to switch to natural paints after chemical ones, wait until the pigment of the latter is thoroughly washed off. After perming, at least 2 weeks should pass.

Henna is bred in non-metallic dishes. The powder is poured into hot, but not boiling water (75-90 ° C) and stirred well. The result should be a homogeneous mass without lumps, resembling thick sour cream in consistency.

Sometimes, to enhance the therapeutic effect, honey, olive or essential oils are added to henna, and to create more interesting shades, decoctions of various herbs are added. But more on that later.

Henna is applied to clean, dry hair. After that, a shower cap or a plastic bag is put on the head and wrapped with a towel.

The exposure time depends on the original hair color and the desired shade. The longer you hold the henna, the brighter the color becomes. It takes at least three hours to become a burning red beast.

Washing off henna is difficult, but it is important to rinse out all the herbal powder. After dyeing for 2-3 days, you should not wash your hair with shampoo and use balm.

Basma is a light green powder made from dried indigo leaves.


Since ancient times, Eastern women have dyed their hair and eyebrows with basma. It contains tannins, minerals and vitamins. They nourish the scalp and add shine to the hair.

Basma is rarely used on its own, only if they want to get a black-green tint. Usually basma is mixed with henna. The result of dyeing in this case depends on the proportion, the original color and the thickness of the hair.

Basma is bred in the same way as henna, only they use less water. Sometimes glycerin or vegetable oil is added so that the mass is more viscous and does not drip from the hair.

The dyeing procedure is no different: apply to the hair, wrap the head with polyethylene, hold for a couple of hours and rinse with plenty of water.

Creating Shades

In addition to henna and basma, other natural substances are also used for hair coloring. As a rule, in the form of decoctions. But it is important to understand that these are more natural tint shampoos than paints.

Decoctions can be used as independent means or added to henna and basma to create unusual shades. For example, if the owner of blond hair wants to muffle the redness of henna, she should dilute the powder with a decoction of chamomile or rhubarb. In this case, the hair will not be orange, but with a golden tint.

If you are a brown-haired woman and you are afraid of the red shade of henna, mix it with coffee. It will extinguish the redness, the color will be calmer. In a word, do not be afraid to experiment once you have decided on natural coloring.

For blondes and blonds

To give curls a golden hue will help:

  1. Chamomile. Pour 2 tablespoons of flowers in 1 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes, cool and apply to hair. Don't rinse.
  2. lindens. 6 tablespoons of linden flowers pour 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil over low heat, let cool to room temperature, apply to hair and hold for 40 minutes. Then rinse without shampoo.
  3. Rhubarb. 500 g of chopped rhubarb pour 1 liter of cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer until the amount of water is reduced by half. Cool and apply to hair. Don't rinse.

For brown-haired women and brunettes

  1. Oak bark. Makes hair 2-4 shades darker. Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped oak bark with a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for a couple of hours, strain and wash your hair with a solution.
  2. onion peel. Gives a cherry tint. 100 g of onion peel pour 500 ml of water. Boil for 30 minutes, cool and apply to hair.
  3. Coffee or strong black tea. These substances give the hair a chocolate shade. Brew strong ground or tea. Then dilute it with water: 3 tablespoons of coffee or tea for every glass of water. Apply to hair and do not rinse.

Write in the comments about your experience of staining with henna and basma. What natural ingredients did you add to them or use separately?

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