Types of strollers for newborns. How to choose a baby stroller: main parameters, features and manufacturer reviews

Choosing a stroller occupies a special place among the hassle and various purchases for a newborn. Young parents are interested in how to choose the right baby stroller. Firstly, it must meet all the requirements of safety and comfort. Secondly, be light and maneuverable. So that when organizing daily walks not to bother mom. But it is much more important that the first transport of the child becomes an indispensable assistant. The stroller should not only provide a soft ride, restful sleep, but also contribute to the knowledge of the world around.

In the matter of buying and choosing a baby stroller, everyone goes their own way. Even during pregnancy, you can look at the little ones passing along the road. Collect information on special thematic sites on the Internet or ask girlfriends. But, judging by the surveys of young mothers, there is nothing better than personal participation in the "live" choice of a baby stroller. When the product can be touched, compared on the spot with other models, get expert advice, evaluate new products.

What to look for when choosing a baby stroller

1. Do not complicate the task. If there is no time to determine in detail the type and approximate model of the stroller in advance, then this can be done at the market, store or exhibition selling goods for children. Sellers of large retail outlets have been giving advice to young parents about choosing a stroller for several years. In fact, it is enough to name the approximate date of birth of the child, find out the preferences of the mother, take into account the living conditions and the nature of the planned movements. So the strollers of the spring-summer season will be much lighter and without special heaters.

With the onset of cold weather, it is preferable to choose transforming strollers. They are equipped with special covers from wind, snow or cold rain. Available with insulated walls and windproof roof. If parents are accustomed to frequent trips in their lifestyle, then it is better to consider models with a car seat and a carry cot. The width of the elevator must be taken into account so that the stroller passes in size and does not cause inconvenience. But the weight and versatility of the product will largely depend on the presence of an elevator in the house, the physique of the woman and how long you expect to use children's transport. If the elevator comes to the second floor, a fragile and short woman, along with a stroller, will actively use a sling and a car seat, then she definitely does not need massive jeep strollers. Remember that everyone is individual and your model will definitely be found.

2. Stroller manufacturers every year delight sellers with new products and at the same time complicate the task for buyers. From the abundance of brands, models, firms and colors, the head is literally spinning. But any product has its own prototypes and standards. They depend on the specific age of the child and are designed for their main needs.

From birth to six months. For children of this age, a model with a cradle is perfect, the bottom of which should be flat, hard and not sag. In this case, the headboard can be adjusted and the frame will eventually be able to take a vertical position. This is necessary so that the grown-up baby sits without harm to the spine. The cradle itself is removed, transferred with the help of special handles or belts. And even fastened in the car according to all safety requirements. Any stroller for very young children must be insulated, protect the frame from blowing, be resistant to shock and not interfere with good air circulation. As a rule, strollers with fixed cradles have a noticeable weight. They don't always go into a standard elevator. They will quickly become cramped for a grown baby. Then you need to replace a different plan.

From birth to three years. The most popular model of a baby stroller for many years is a transforming jeep. Or a lightweight version of a three-wheeled transformer. Most of these models have a carry cot and a car seat for going to a clinic, a store, or traveling in a car. As soon as the child learns to sit, the cradle is removed, and the bottom of the stroller is placed at the desired level. It is good if such a mechanism is smoothly regulated with the help of a special cord-lace, which is strong enough and allows you to choose the most comfortable position. Such transformers are folded, have removable and replaceable wheels. Their analogues - universal modular strollers - will serve a child from birth to 3 years or more. It's all about removable blocks for each period. Carrycot, seat and car seat can be attached to the chassis. The table, leg limiter, handle-holder and a number of other parameters also change. The biggest disadvantage of such strollers is their heavy weight and bulkiness. Here you have to adapt. Or on the stairs to spring on wheels. Or going for a walk in stages: first take out the entire stroller, then take out the cradle with the child. Or resort to the help of neighbors, relatives, friends.

Walking stroller. The lightest and most versatile stroller model. If earlier walking models were designed for children who can sit and were not suitable for sleeping, today there are models from 3 months. They have a floating seat adjustment mechanism, removable warm covers and a rain cover. As well as interchangeable footrests and tables, five-point seat belts so that the fidget does not accidentally fall out of his transport. There are a number of manufacturers who insulate the sides and top of walking options. And also seal the wheels for patency on snow-covered paths. But, nevertheless, these are options for the warm season. If you need to pick up a stroller for relaxation, then they certainly advise the option of a cane. Cane strollers have a weight of 3 kilograms, fold with one keystroke, pulling up a special belt or a set of handles.

Strollers for twins, triplets and older. Multi-seat strollers have the same assortment and set of functions as strollers for one child. The only thing is that in such models it is not necessary to take into account the size of the elevator. They still won't fit in length and width. It is better to pay attention to the strength of the frame so that it can withstand the weight of all children. The most popular models in this category are carriages-trains and three-wheeled models.

3. The presence of additional accessories is not always confirmed by their necessity in practice. The same is true with models of handles: complete, separate, variable. The main thing is that the overall set of functions is simple, understandable and accessible in any situation.

It is interesting that modern young mothers are no longer so pretentious about the presence of a bag for a walk, change tables, patch pockets in the set. Many of them prefer their own backpacks, handbags or special thermal bags. Much more important is the presence of a raincoat, a cover for legs, special mounts for developing rattle toys, a mosquito net and even an umbrella from the hot sun. The model of the handle has not become fundamental either. In any case, these nuances can be tested on the spot and understand whether it will be comfortable to drive such a stroller.

4. Wheels are the most controversial and sometimes problematic part of the whole stroller. First, each option is known only in practice. Secondly, there is wear and tear, from which no one is insured.

Today there are models even with eight wheels, but they are by no means considered stable. Their diameter is usually smaller than conventional wheels. Yes, and they do not go through difficult places, but skid. As for the three-wheeled novelties, they are the best in terms of maneuverability - which cannot be said about stability. You can also encounter difficulties on ramps designed for standard wheelchair models. The most reliable are large wheels with wide treads, which will pass everywhere in winter and slushy autumn. Baby strollers with small and double wheels are not designed for winter walks. They are less maneuverable and not suitable for ramps.

In addition to the wheel model itself, when buying, check whether they move straight on a flat surface. This is necessary in order to identify a marriage or a beginning curvature. You can also shake the stroller to check the cushioning of the wheel mounts. It should not be sharp, hard or, conversely, too jumpy. Remember: the smooth rocking, smooth running of the stroller and the absence of squeaks will affect the comfort of movement. And the last thing to check several times is the operation of the brake, which prevents the stroller from rolling. Especially, on a flat asphalt surface in the city. It doesn't matter how many brake systems there are - on all wheels, front, rear. It needs you to install it without problems, and it is not unnecessarily tight or loose.

5. Merchants are quite active in expanding their retail network and this makes it easier for their customers to choose. When choosing a baby stroller, do not be lazy to study information on special sites, get acquainted with products at exhibitions. Test the product in as much detail as possible on the spot and follow the advice of consultants.

Many functions young mothers know by hearsay. But they have absolutely no idea how much they are in demand and will suit them. Feel free to ask again and ask to fully explain certain nuances, so as not to be disappointed later. Also, only by seeing all the models with your own eyes, you can appreciate the latest trends. For example, the novelties of future seasons will become something avant-garde: strollers, to the wheels of which skis are attached for easy maneuvering in winter. Special models in the form of an automobile for boys or a body resembling a carriage for girls. Stroller with a transparent bottom and edges, so that the child is always in sight. Automatic and silent system of raising and lowering the hood. 360-degree swivel stroller, more reminiscent of a chair. Built-in player or radio, for quiet listening to songs for children. Timer, speedometer, thermometer to create the most comfortable conditions. However, decide for yourself whether you and your child need all these "bells and whistles." They significantly increase the cost of the model. But at the same time they provide additional opportunities.

6. Warranty card and phone to contact the seller can help out even in a hopeless situation. Don't lose them! It happens that in the course of using the stroller or after the expiration of its warranty service, a breakdown or other damage is detected, caused. This usually happens suddenly and prevents its further use.

Often there are difficulties with wheels, fastening axles, seat belts, damage to the integrity of tissues and other details. Moms immediately panic, worry about the child’s regimen without walks and are upset that they will need to buy a new product. And only a few dial the number of the stroller seller to explain the essence of the problem and ask for help. Know that even if at this moment the necessary part is not found, you can drive to the place of sale, ask other sellers about a replacement and be sure to solve the problem. There are warehouses of spare parts, interchangeable kits from different models of strollers, but suitable in diameter, width, dimensions, colors and other characteristics. If the breakdown is beyond repair, then you will be offered to sell the stroller for spare parts. Thus, to return at least part of the money for the purchase of a new one. Agree, there are enough options, you just need to ask for help!

Useful tips for choosing the right stroller

If you know for sure that you will mostly walk in the city and rarely get out into nature (out of town, off-road, streets without asphalt or tiles), then a stroller with large wheels will definitely bore you and seem too clumsy. Better - choose walking insulated options with small wheels and light in weight.

Universal models of baby strollers, switching one function of which turns out to be a different option, are bought for a long time and are financially beneficial. However, there are women who get used and tired of the same kind of this vehicle. With the growing up of the baby, they want a new stroller, and a different color, and, in general, diversity.

Is a child born in the cold season not very comfortable in a transforming stroller? It also happens: perhaps the wind blows under the hood. You can additionally cover these places with a blanket, use an envelope or a raincoat. Know that strollers with a rigid frame and transformers are perfect for spring-summer for a newborn. But for autumn and winter, models with solid cradles will be ideal.

If you buy a stroller type stroller, then decide in advance how you will use it. Super lightweight models are designed for quick travel on vacation, short walks, quick folding. Functional options have a set of advantages and allow you to solve a number of tasks on a walk - sleep, wind protection, long travel, and so on. If you need a model for running, rollerblading, brisk walking, then consider three-wheeled models on an aluminum frame. For lovers of active walks, shopping trips and organizers of children's picnics, a functional stroller with a large basket for toys, products and an additional sun visor is suitable.

Buying strollers and their models depends on tastes and financial capabilities. But from practice it is clear that in a year a functional and lightweight stroller is bought for the cradle. To the stroller-transformer - walking cane. To a universal carriage - easy walking.

Any stroller will last longer with proper operation, timely care and careful handling. And it will be easier to sell such a model, even a used one, but in perfect condition.

These are the characteristic trends and signs that mothers and fathers are guided by in choosing the right baby stroller. Smooth roads to you, good sleep for the baby and vivid impressions from every walk!

How to choose a stroller for a newborn? is a question that every new parent must ask. The stroller is deservedly considered one of the most important acquisitions for a little person who has just entered into life. Without this convenient “vehicle”, long walks in the fresh air, necessary for babies from the first days of life, are impossible.

Despite the rich selection in stores filled with models from well-known and emerging manufacturers, deciding how to choose a stroller in practice turns out to be quite difficult.

Searching for "TS" for the crumbs, parents are looking for a model that will fit requirements such as:

  • anatomical correctness;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • convenience.

Our article is devoted to an overview of the main characteristics of a baby stroller.

The answer to the question of how to choose a stroller for a newborn necessarily includes the requirement of comfort - for both parties: both for the child and for his relatives.

A competent solution to the problem of how to choose a stroller for a child involves the purchase of a model with optimal seat protection. The baby must be fully protected from the negative effects of the external environment.

Special balance must be shown when thinking about how to choose a stroller-cane.

The fact is that weather conditions familiar to an adult can carry a certain amount of danger to the well-being of a small passenger.

Orienting in the flow of heterogeneous information on how to choose the right stroller, you must not forget about the following important requirement: the baby must be warm in the cold season and cool in the summer heat.

In the reviews on the question of how to choose the right baby stroller, considerable attention is also paid to such a moment as the protection of the child from the wind, direct sunlight and. The same requirements apply to solving the problem of how to choose a stroller for twins.

The answer to the question of how to choose the right stroller for a newborn implies an emphasis on such an important fact that babies often spend more time walking in a dream.

The upcoming purchase should be made with maximum attention to all the nuances of choice. Regardless of whether the question of how to choose a transforming stroller or buy another model is being decided, you need to pay maximum attention to all components of the structure. It is recommended to take the time and pay due attention to the depreciation of the goods.

Information that helps solve the problem of how to choose a sled-carriage contains an item related to the date of birth of the baby. The fact is that for a child born in winter, it would be more expedient to buy an insulated version, while lighter models are suitable for "summer" children. However, when making a purchase in the winter, you can opt for universal - all-weather - strollers.

In addition to the importance of the time for which the purchase of goods is planned - for winter or for warmer seasons, it is also worth thinking about the conditions in which the product will be used.

If we are talking about smooth asphalt paths, then when buying a stroller, it is better to choose a model without really “bothering” on the main characteristics: wheel size and wheelbase width, depreciation quality, etc. The essence of the presented approach is that for problem-free surfaces all these properties do not play any decisive role.

However, if the surroundings of the place of residence of a family with a newborn are famous for bad sidewalks, then it is worth taking the choice of a stroller for the baby as seriously as possible.

Breakdown of products into popular categories

A competent choice of a stroller in terms of parameters is based on knowledge main subtypes of goods:

  • cradle;
  • transformer;
  • multimodal developments.

The last of the three mentioned subgroups is represented by two types: "2 in 1" and "3 in 1".

In a separate category, models of strollers are distinguished. In an effort to choose a good stroller for pleasant long walks, one must not forget about the strict restriction set for small users: the allowable age of babies is six months and older.

When deciding which stroller to choose, you can opt for the Peg-Perego GT3 Naked Completo model. This version is valid for use from the first days of a child's life. In any case, it is recommended to check the suitability of the purchased stroller for the needs of a child who has not yet begun to sit.

When deciding which stroller to buy for such a crumb, you need to buy a model whose weight varies between 12-15 kilograms. The wheelchair is operated without a toggle handle.

A transformer can also become a successful winter model. The age of the child in this case can be from birth to three years inclusive. However, it is important to pay attention to such a factor as the weight of the child. The weight characteristic of the stroller itself in this case is from fifteen to nineteen kilograms inclusive. The models of the series have a toggle handle.

Deciding to provide a newborn with a comfortable vehicle for the entire infant period, you can purchase a 2 in 1 model. It is also designed for babies up to three years old, with the obligatory consideration of the weight of a rapidly growing child. Product weight: 12-16 kilograms. The design does not include a toggle handle.

When buying a stroller for a child, you should be calm for the entire period from zero to three years in terms of the presence of a children's "TS". The weight of the child is also critical. The minimum weight of the stroller itself is six kg, the maximum bar is twelve kg. Reversible handle available.

What about lack of finance?

An unwritten rule: in no case should you save on a stroller, despite the fact that buying it powerfully hits your pocket. Experts and ordinary parents strongly recommend starting purchases with a stroller, postponing other expensive purchases to a later date.

If, as parents, you choose a modern stroller model, then it can be used as a crib for the first month and a half without any problems.

In addition, it has been observed that children respond better to a small compact stroller than to a more spacious and frightening crib with unlimited space. Having decided to choose a stroller first, you can be sure that the child will feel much more comfortable in it.

What to choose: getting to know each other better - advanced features and options

The Inglesina Sofia Elegance receives one of the highest ratings as a carrycot for newborns.

The development is striking in its simplicity of design: it consists of a removable cradle and a reliable chassis. The product is convenient for placing a child in it due to the wide bed and insulated rigid frame.

The bottom does not have any slope, its location is strictly horizontal. Having bought this model for one child or for twins, parents can always be calm about the harmonious development of children, which will be facilitated by a flat and hard bed for sleeping.

Some cradles, both for one baby and for twins, can be adjusted by changing the angle of the backrest. Number of possible positions: from two to seven.

The selected model attracts adult buyers with a high wheelbase, which gives additional convenience during operation, and excellent cross-country ability. Four large wheels and excellent shock absorption are designed for off-road walking.

When buyers strive to select a transformer for purchase, consultants often recommend choosing Marimex Classic. The version, which provides everything necessary for the baby, fell into a number of economical developments. It is mandatory to comply with such a requirement as a horizontally placed solid flat bottom. Stroller handles can be either hard or soft.

The rich functionality of the stroller for the baby is combined with a relatively heavy weight. However, large inflatable wheels, a reversible handle and the ability to adjust the height of the handle more than compensate for this only minus.

The growing demand in the world market is characterized by multi-module strollers. The vast majority of them are branded offerings.

One of two or three blocks can be installed on the same chassis of the products of this series. These versions successfully combine the advantages of a cradle and a walking option. Removable modules allow you to take this stroller on trips.

TOP 5 best strollers for newborns

Taking into account the above indicators, the five most popular strollers for babies were compiled. Parents can purchase these devices both in specialized departments and in online stores.

We did not include the Inglesina Sofia model (see above), which is an ageless classic, in the list of the most-most. But even without it, there is something to see: all the presented devices are of high quality and comfort.

CAM Cortina Evolution X3 Tris (3in 1)

The multi-module system from Italy is rightfully considered one of the best strollers for babies from 0 months to 3 years. The device can be modified into a carrycot, stroller or car seat.

Children's "vehicle" stands on three inflatable wheels with a diameter of 30 cm with metal ball bearings. This increases maneuverability and provides a sufficiently high cross-country ability when moving on unpaved or snowy roads.


  • The fabric hood is breathable and washable.
  • the set includes a raincoat, a mosquito net, a changing bag, a shopping basket, a bag hook;
  • the walking block is placed both against and in the course of movement;
  • 4 positions for the back;
  • durability;
  • easy change of blocks;
  • good maneuverability.


  • insufficient depreciation;
  • bulkiness;
  • high price.

Universal stroller CAM Cortina Evolution X3 Tris (3 in 1)

Peg-Perego Culla auto

This Italian all-weather carrycot is one of the best "vehicles" for newborns. Statistics show that, despite the rather high price, this model is sold very well.

The stroller is multifunctional and comfortable. Also the device is different. versatility:

  • the insulated box is covered with waterproof material, so the cradle is used in the autumn-winter period, without fear of catching a cold;
  • the available hood and the valve promoting air circulation allow to carry the kid in a carriage and in the summer.

Additionally, the device can be used as a rocking cradle and fastened to transport a newborn in a car.


  • the ability to adjust the headrest without disturbing children's sleep;
  • large wheels provide high maneuverability;
  • eco-friendly and hypoallergenic materials;
  • possibility of use as a cradle;
  • stylish design;
  • windproofness.


  • heavy weight;
  • high price.

Stroller for newborns Peg Perego Culla Auto

Camarelo Sevilla (2 in 1)

This "vehicle" for newborns is considered one of the best in the category "2 in 1" (combines the actual stroller unit and the cradle). A manufacturer from Poland has made a light and maneuverable model that fits into any elevator cabin.

The stroller has an attractive appearance (there are several colors on the market), this allows you to purchase a device for every taste. The kit also includes a handbag, mosquito net, rain cover, shopping basket, mattress, insert, etc.


  • special plastic cradle with temperature control;
  • lightweight aluminum construction;
  • lightness and maneuverability;
  • the cradle and stroller block can be easily interchanged;
  • soft cushioning;
  • front wheels are swivel;
  • the possibility of adjusting the headrest in the cradle.


  • rather tight brake;
  • not very comfortable walking block;
  • inconvenient basket for things.

Universal stroller Camarelo Sevilla 2013 (2 in 1)

BeBe-Mobile Toscana (2 in 1)

Another Polish walking device, which is distinguished by its versatility (combines a cradle and a stroller block), high maneuverability and convenience for the child.

Thanks to the wide bed, this two-module stroller is especially useful in winter, when the child is wrapped in numerous warm overalls. It is not surprising that this "vehicle" is considered the most suitable for winter walks.


  • several upholstery options - fabric coating, eco-friendly leather;
  • new brake system;
  • improved depreciation;
  • spacious and insulated cradle;
  • the kit includes a clutch and curtains;
  • simplified system of fixing the cradle and stroller unit;
  • variety of colors.


  • uncomfortable hood;
  • tight lifting of the backrest in the walking block;
  • somewhat bulky.

BeBe-Mobile Toscana (2 in 1)

A fairly light stroller-cradle for babies from the moment they are born to a year old. The South Korean manufacturer took care of the little passenger and his mother, providing the device with a special observation window, a capacious basket and a nice bag.

The cradle can be adjusted in four positions, which is important for the formation of the correct posture in a growing baby. Inflatable wheels move smoothly both on asphalt and off-road. The model also has other advantages.


  • very good cushioning;
  • capacious cradle;
  • low cost;
  • high permeability;
  • lightweight construction;
  • waterproof coating.


  • wheels are constantly blown away;
  • failed pump;
  • lack of a raincoat;
  • creaking wheels and hood.

Individual approach to problem solving for each family

What is still to stop your choice? As always, the right answer to this question will be a combination of information savvy and buyer intuition, in this case enhanced by parental love.

A cradle stroller is the best option for a baby, however, it is acceptable up to six, maximum eight months.

The models of the "transformer" series are famous for a harmonious combination of quality and economy. A successful purchase of the entire stroller set is the acquisition of a multi-module option.

A well-thought-out solution, attention to all factors will help to acquire a comfortable, reliable and beautiful stroller, which will surely remain in the memory of parents and in numerous pictures about the first years of a little man's life.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Hello friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you!

Responsible parents prepare in advance for the appearance of a peanut in the family. And one of the items that the baby cannot do without is his transport. Therefore, it is natural to wonder how to choose the right stroller for a newborn.

If you immediately come to a children's store, then the number of various models and manufacturers will make your head spin.

Therefore, it’s better for us to sit down calmly and figure out how to find your ideal stroller in all this abundance, and not throw money away for something that is not at all functional and not necessary.

All strollers can be conditionally divided into two types: recumbent and seated. Accordingly, in the recumbent, the child mainly lies, and in the sitting ones, he sits. Lying for very young children, and sedentary - for older children.

Of course, a newborn needs a stroller in which he can lie comfortably. We will look into them.

The name speaks for itself. Actually, the stroller consists of a cradle and wheels.

This is exactly what the child himself needs: a flat hard bottom, high sides, a hood that protects from bad weather or the scorching sun.

In the most inexpensive models, the cradle may not be removed from the wheels at all, which a priori makes it not transportable.

Otherwise, such a model of a stroller, in principle, is devoid of flaws.


It consists of wheels and a block that can be transformed (hence the name) into a cradle or a seated version without being removed from the wheels.

Due to not the simplest design and the need for transformation, the bottom of the stroller is not perfectly flat, as in the cradle, and has joints, which is not good for the baby's spine.

Such models are the most bulky and heavy.

Numerous mechanisms, according to mothers, tend to seize and break.

Only the price can be attributed to the pluses: in this category you can find the most economical options compared to buying a cradle and a stroller separately and compared to modular systems.

Moms who have transformers, write in the comments, do you agree or does this model have advantages that I did not say about?

Modular 2 in 1 or 3 in 1.

It consists of wheels (base) and the actual modules: a separate cradle, which is placed on the base, a separate walking sitting block, a separate car seat.

The 2 in 1 strollers have two modules: a cradle and a sitting stroller.

3 in 1 strollers additionally have an auto-seat module, which is also placed on the base of the wheels.

It differs from a transformer in that the modules of the cradle and the walking block are separated from each other and exist completely autonomously, and are not converted into one another.

The seat is hard, like a bench, I had to constantly put something under my ass.

Lyova also regularly slid forward from the seat as if from a hill, because it is not a bit recessed back.

In the car seat of this stroller, there is also no such luxury as some kind of pillows, pads, holders for softness.

The head of the child constantly falls forward or sideways.

Especially when the pup is very small and does not hold its head at all, this causes anxiety and looks visually strange, because the head practically rests on the shoulder.

Therefore, again, they put diapers on, twisted the rollers under the head, in general, they adapted to the car seat, and did not pick it up according to their requests.

I am sure that similar moments of inconvenience are somehow characteristic of all modular strollers.

That's why they are 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 - a compromise of each model for a better combination with each other, and not for your convenience.

If you do not agree, write to me in the comments which modular stroller you are satisfied with!

At the time of purchase, it seemed to me a great idea to pay once, and then not spend money on a car seat and a stroller.

Now I have completely changed my mind.

The stroller is not cheap and is in excellent condition, so my little Eva is currently riding in it (in the carrycot and car seat).

But then I will definitely get rid of it and buy a separate walking one: more comfortable, soft, light, compact, with all sorts of coasters, pockets.

  1. Consider in advance the length and width of the stroller - for this, measure the doors of the elevator, the grocery store nearby and other places that you will often visit with your child - you should not experience discomfort when moving.
  2. Think about the weight of the stroller - this is an essential point, if, for example, you live on the fifth floor of a five-story building without an elevator or you have a high porch and no ramp - then this point will be the most important when choosing.
  3. Foresee transportability and compactness for the trunk of a car if, for example, you often make trips to a neighboring city by private car, or live in a cottage village and often go to the city by car.
  4. The cradle should not be too low, otherwise your back will get tired of bending over very quickly.
  5. Adjustment of the handle - perhaps your family will have to roll the stroller of different heights, and if the height of the handle is not adjustable, it will be uncomfortable for someone. And we do not need this, let nothing prevent relatives from helping you with the baby, walking with him while you are resting.
  6. If the main season for walking up to six to eight months is in autumn and winter, choose large rubber wheels that will drive through snow, slush and mud. If you will be walking with a newborn mainly in summer and spring, take care in advance of having a special mosquito net for the stroller and a raincoat.
  7. The front wheels should rotate around their axis - this makes the stroller much more maneuverable, you can turn around in one place, just turning around.
  8. It is very convenient to have a bag that hangs on the handle, because you have to constantly carry diapers, diapers, napkins, nipples, bottles, toys, etc. with you. And the bottom basket usually contains products from the store.
  9. Three-wheeled models may look more spectacular, but in fact they can not drive on some rail-shaped ramps.
  10. In no case do not purchase models with inflated wheels - they often go down and pierce, and changing them is incredibly problematic.

If you use a car, you need a good car seat. Even the most inexpensive one will be more convenient than the one included in the 3 in 1 module.

Then, when the baby is thoroughly grown up, you can sell the cradle and car seat without any problems and with the proceeds you will purchase a stroller and a new car seat, again, fully meeting your desires.

I can’t imagine what I would do without this miracle gadget, with it the body temperature of my kids is under control around the clock from the phone screen. In problem situations, I always have time to track the temperature rise and give antipyretics in time.

I hope the information was useful to you, soon there will be the same detailed review with a penchant for strollers, so subscribe to the updates so as not to miss it, and also share the article on social networks.

Lena Zhabinskaya was with you, bye bye!

There are children who are naughty in the crib, but fall asleep easily only in the stroller. Some kids often get colds on walks. Young mothers complain about the inconvenience and heaviness of children's devices. What to look for when choosing a stroller? That's right - learn about the capabilities of devices different types long before the birth of the child. Rethink the information you read in order to spend your money on the best option for you.

How to choose a stroller for a newborn baby? List of important criteria

The market for goods for children is replete with offers to buy a variety of strollers. The starting point is to determine the amount that young parents can allocate from the family budget.

An important factor when choosing is the term of the intended use of the device. If you plan to teach your child to be independent, choose devices designed for walking with children under the age of one year. There are designs designed for a trip with a baby from the moment of birth to three years.

When buying, consider the time the crumbs are born. For children born in the cold season, experts recommend choosing warmer and roomier models. The design features of winter strollers include:

  • deep and wide cradles;
  • bottom of thick plywood;
  • high wheels with rubber tires;
  • thick insulation pads.

The disadvantage of products intended for winter, autumn and spring is a significant weight. Weighted models place high demands on the quality of shock absorbers, mounts and wheels. Pay special attention to these parameters.

When the warm season comes, put the baby in a lightweight baby transport. In May, install a sun visor to protect your baby's delicate skin from UV rays. In summer, a newborn baby feels good in a stroller with ventilation holes.

What size stroller is suitable for a newborn?

  • The determining criterion for the purchase is the dimensions of the children's transport. The device should pass through all the openings that parents meet when preparing, walking and returning home. A person with a load must freely enter and exit the door:
  • elevator, entrance, vestibule, transport;
  • store, pharmacy, baby food outlet;
  • car, when traveling to a clinic or a suburban village.

Taking into account the dimensions of the transport, plan in advance where to store the stroller for a newborn. Consider usability and security. Choose the best option: in the apartment or on the landing. The main thing is that when unfolding and transporting the stroller to the first floor, the mother does not experience difficulties. Recommendation of experienced parents: do not store the product at the front door.

Based on ease of transportation, the best choice is compact and folding models:

  • transformers;
  • walking aids, including strollers.

There are fewer requirements if the path runs along a good roadway: asphalted or concreted. In this case, for walking with a newborn, purchase products with small wheels.

What stroller design is good for a baby?

There are two main quality criteria: the safety of the baby and the convenience of using transport by parents. A well-thought-out design is necessary for the correct development of the child's skeleton. Doctors recommend: the bed of a newborn should be moderately hard. Flexible plastic, cardboard or fabric bottom is the worst choice.

Baby's delicate skin needs protection from bad weather, sunlight and insect bites. Buy products with capes, mosquito nets, raincoats and umbrellas.

In order to dampen the vibrations of the cradle when driving on uneven roads, the vehicle is equipped with shock absorbers. Explore the catalog with models that have multi-level systems or select springs.

To prevent a newborn child from falling out while walking, choose a stroller equipped with seat belts. When the baby learns to walk, the footboard will play an important role. Products with steps insure the child from falling when getting up from the stroller on their own.

What do adults appreciate in a pram?

In addition to the safety of the child, the priority of parents is practicality, the speed of folding the device and the efficiency of use.

The whole household rests on the shoulders of a non-working woman. Therefore, a woman combines going out with a newborn child with purchases. To keep the baby longer in the fresh air, he takes food, drink and toys with him. The choice of practical mothers - designs in which there are:

  • shopping baskets;
  • removable grocery bags.

An important criterion is the presence of brakes and structural stability. These abilities are responsible for events:

  • overcoming steep climbs and ramps;
  • maintaining immobility while parking on flat and sloping terrain.
  • Buy models with large wheels: they provide better off-road flotation.

What is the best stroller to choose: classic, transformer, universal or walking? Find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of strollers

Choosing a classic mode of transport for walking with a newborn

The advantage of a classic stroller is a spacious cradle, a horizontally located solid bottom, reliable protection from bad weather and ultraviolet radiation. Cross chassis with soft suspension allows you to rock the little ones with smooth movements. Choose the classic type of transport and you won't have to lean over your newborn while walking.

  1. The basic model is designed for babies up to 7-8 months. Next, you need to buy a walking stroller. Manufacturers produce improved classic designs: with a removable cradle and an additional unit. This allows you to take a baby who has learned to sit outside.
  2. The device of the vehicle provides two places for storing small items. The mobile version is a removable bag mounted on a handle, the stationary one is a basket placed on a frame between four wheels. When the stroller is not needed, the cradle is removed.
  3. Choose the classic type of stroller if bulky dimensions and heavy weight (15-20 kg) do not matter to you. An important caveat: when walking with older children, you should not be distracted. If neglected, babies often fall from high seating positions and injure themselves.

Pros and cons when choosing strollers-transformers

The superiority of models of this type lies in the maneuverability of products, safety, compactness, economy (with far-sighted planning). Design features - the ability to quickly fold and unfold.

Large wheels help to easily move out and drive onto the parapet, ramp, steps. Rubber tires are not afraid of cracks and potholes in the asphalt. Thanks to adjustable shock absorbers, a newborn child does not experience discomfort when a mother is driving a stroller on a poor-quality roadway.

Choose a transformer if you plan:

  • use a stroller until the child is two or three years old;
  • to carry a newborn in two ways: forward facing and facing the parents (this opportunity is provided by a flip handle);
  • combine two in one: transport for summer and cold periods;
  • do not buy additional accessories: the basic kit includes: a raincoat, a removable bag, a canopy, a carrying envelope.
  • The reverse side of the advantages - disadvantages:
  • lack of a hard bottom;
  • difficulty in managing when the handle is tilted;
  • tightness when it is cold and the newborn child is tightly wrapped up.

Compared to walking options, transformers are heavier and bulkier.

The subtleties of choosing universal strollers: advantages and disadvantages

The value of a modular type of stroller is the versatility of use, a solid bottom, savings in the future. The purpose of the transport device is for children from birth to 2-3 years.

Design feature: different blocks are alternately strengthened on a rigid frame. Like transformers, manufacturers offer two options: 2 in 1 and 3 in 1. In a universal design, the basic package includes:

  • cradle for sleeping a newborn;
  • walking block for sitting.
  • The improved version - 3 in 1 - is distinguished by the presence of an additional module - a car seat designed for a child up to one year old.
  • Depending on the model, the frames are equipped with:
  • three and four wheels;
  • small and large chassis;
  • rigidly reinforced and swivel elements.

Strollers with high wheels have the best maneuverability and maneuverability. No wonder these models are compared with all-terrain vehicles. Wide rubber coverings overcome any obstacles.

A definite plus of the modular design: thanks to the spacious and rigid frame, the baby's body takes an anatomically correct position. Choose a versatile look to keep your baby warm and comfortable in winter.

Strollers and walking stick models

The advantage of strollers is light weight, compactness, adjustable backrest, ease of transformation. Purpose - for walking with children who have learned to sit. Choose a device taking into account the physical data of the child: for a full and tall baby, buy a more spacious design.

For cold weather, walking devices are unsuitable. Three-wheeled models, especially with small slopes, are difficult to roll onto the ramp in the subway, shop, entrance.

Walking sticks are a type of walking device. Buy cane models if compactness and light weight are the main factors of choice. When folded, the width of the transport device is 20-30 cm.

If you focus on the convenience and speed of folding, then "canes" are the best type of device. These qualities are especially important when a mother with a newborn child in her arms enters public transport.

Walking with a newborn is a happy moment of communication for the child and parents. The main thing is that joy should not be overshadowed by disappointment due to the wrong choice of stroller.

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The birth of a child is a miracle, it is happiness, it is the triumph of love. Immediately after his birth, the little man becomes the center of the universe for his mom and dad. And, of course, they want their little one to have all the very best. Not because it is so important for new parents to look more presentable in someone's eyes. But because they are worried about the health and comfort of their beloved child. The convenience and safety of the baby's movement worries mom-dad no less than what to dress the baby in, or how to feed him. How to choose a stroller for a newborn, what to consider and foresee?

What you need to know when choosing a stroller for a baby from birth

Baby carriage This is a vehicle for transporting children. And it is designed for the fact that the baby will be in it during walks in the fresh air and other movements outside the home until he reaches 3 years of age.

Now many parents prefer not to think so far and choose a stroller for a newborn not up to 3 years old “for one winter”, and then they switch to more mobile and light walking options.

The requirements for strollers for newborns and those intended for babies who can already sit and walk are very different. And you need to know this when you buy a stroller for your child.

The fact is that babies are not yet able to hold their back and head on their own. And up to 6 months, they should in no case be in an upright, sitting and even half-sitting position for a long time.

Therefore, a stroller for a newborn is a cradle with a hard and absolutely flat horizontal bottom and high sides, made of environmentally friendly materials and having a ventilation system. When a child can already sit on his own, it will be much more interesting for him to explore the world around him while walking in a stroller .

The designers of baby strollers also took care of the convenience of movement of twin babies.

And here a natural question arises. Do you have to buy two strollers for your little one? Some parents do just that. And this, one might say, is an ideal option. After all, each of the strollers will maximally meet the requirements for a certain type of these children's vehicles.

Manufacturers of baby strollers, as an alternative to buying two - a cradle and a stroller - offer moms and dads a choice of considering a transforming stroller or universal modular systems (2 in 1, 3 in 1). In such strollers, the baby can be transported from birth to 3 years. True, due to the fact that the designers had to solve the problem of combining the properties of several functionally different models in one unit, they have both a number of indisputable advantages and some disadvantages.

To begin with, you need to decide which options in a baby stroller will be the most important for you when choosing and buying it.

When buying a stroller for your baby, you should carefully consider, for example, its weight and dimensions. Especially if you live in an apartment building.

What are the requirements to follow?

Safety, protection from adverse weather conditions

Finding a baby in a stroller, first of all, should be safe, not harm his health.

If it is a bassinet, check that it is supported by a frame, has a ventilation system and is securely fastened to the chassis.

In a stroller, the presence of seat belts is a prerequisite.

The means for transporting a child should be equipped with additional accessories that will protect the baby from snow, rain, wind, and cold.

The materials from which the stroller is made must comply with all sanitary standards applicable to them. Those. be environmentally friendly, natural, or approach natural in their properties.

Stroller weight

Strollers for newborns are quite heavy. They weigh at least 12 kg, and some - much more. If you live in a private house, the problem of the weight of a stroller is not as acute for you as it is for those who live in high-rise buildings. They will also need to think in advance about the options for lifting the baby and his vehicle to their floor. And whatever these options turn out to be, it’s definitely better if the stroller doesn’t weigh a lot.

In winter, the pram must be properly insulated. Pay attention, also, to its stability and patency.


Before you go to the store to buy a stroller for your baby, carefully measure all the doorways that you will have to pass through. And also carefully consider the elevator door, if any.. Most often, wheelchairs do not go into the elevator. This is especially true for transforming strollers and three-wheeled models, which have a wide rear axle. To give them stability, the developers made their rear chassis wider and more powerful than in the four-wheel models.

By the way. If the rear axle of the stroller is 50-55 cm, then it will go into almost any elevator, if 60 cm - not any, and the width is 70 cm - this is a reason to evaluate the pros and cons of the purchase, because through the doors that can be opened (to the store entrance) it will be difficult.


The patency of the stroller will be the higher, the larger and wider its wheels will be. The most passable strollers are with a wide base and fixed (!) Wheels, for example, a classic cradle or a transformer. It is they who will pass through the snow, and through the mud, and over any road topography. These are a kind of tanks that are not afraid of anything. In addition, such models are heavy, which is also important, because it gives the stroller additional stability on the road when driving on an incline.

Transforming strollers are still popular, despite their size, poor maneuverability and weight, precisely because they are practically all-terrain vehicles, and at a reasonable price.

But triangular strollers often fall on their side during a sharp turn or slope of the road, so they are not suitable for everyone.


But more maneuverable strollers, on the contrary, are lighter and with swivel wheels. These are most modern 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 models on an aluminum frame (it is lighter than steel), as well as almost all modern cane and book strollers. They have 360-degree front wheels. Tricycles are also quite maneuverable, the front wheel is almost always swivel. All 4 wheels can also be swivel, but this is rather exotic.

For maneuverability, the stroller must be with swivel wheels

It also simplifies the management of the stroller by its light weight, so many parents buy a stroller not a cradle, but immediately a “walk”, but one that unfolds strictly to the horizontal. Inside the unfolded stroller, a carrier is placed or an envelope with the baby is placed.

Today, such ultra-light maneuverable strollers are at the top of popularity, but they are only suitable for smooth city sidewalks.


Depreciation, which ensures that the baby will not shake on the paving stones and pebbles, is better for children's vehicles with large diameter inflatable wheels (as they cushion themselves) and belt (the best option) or spring (the most common today option) shock absorbers.

Belt cushioning is softer than spring cushioning, but usually more expensive.

Advice! It is better that the shock absorbers are on all 4 wheels, and not just on one front pair.

Appearance and practicality

The color of the baby stroller should not be too bright or light. And this requirement refers, rather, not to the practical side of the issue, but to the convenience of her little passenger. Light materials reflect sunlight and blind the eyes. Too bright colors of the stroller can distract the attention of the baby, preventing him from sleeping or viewing the world around him, developing and improving himself in the process of such contemplation. Strollers in warm pastel colors are just the best fit for these requirements.

A stroller for spring and summer babies is chosen in light colors, from breathable materials and always with a mesh window in the hood

The presence and size of the trunk, bags for mom, pockets on the cradle itself

When going for a walk with a toddler, how many necessary things mom needs to take with her. Yes, and in the supermarket on the way back would not hurt to look. It is very convenient when special trunks are provided in the stroller, as well as all kinds of compartments, pockets and purses. After all, a mother cannot physically carry bags in her hands, since they are busy setting the baby’s vehicle in motion.

Pay special attention to what climate zone you live in. Indeed, under different weather conditions, the requirements for a stroller for a newborn are different. If in winter it should protect the child from snow and frost, then in summer its task is to protect the baby from direct sunlight.

In spring and autumn, you will need to think about additional accessories for the stroller, such as a rain cover and a protective apron.

How to navigate the seasons

in winter

When buying a stroller for winter walks, choose pendants and insulation for it, which can then be removed without any problems when the seasons change. A windproof dark plastic cradle with a good layer of synthetic winterizer is ideal for the winter, but in the summer it will become your big problem. Also pay attention to the size of the cradle, because the child will be in warm clothes and also in an envelope. The extra space in the stroller will not hurt when you want to wrap your baby in an envelope or cover him with a warm blanket in the cold.

  • in winter, passable strollers with large wheels are needed;
  • often a fur envelope comes with a stroller;
  • when driving on snow, the swivel wheels must be fixed so that they only drive straight;
  • strollers with a flip handle or a swivel cradle are best saved from winter winds: you simply turn the baby with its “back” to the wind.


For walks in the summer, choose a stroller with a voluminous hood, under which air will circulate well. Among the additional summer accessories, an important place is occupied by a mosquito net and an umbrella from the sun or rain.

  • wicker cradles “breathe”, but deaf plastic ones do not;
  • the hood should have a mesh window for ventilation;
  • stroller fabrics must be resistant to UV rays;
  • never !

Autumn and spring

In the off-season, take care of a waterproof protective apron and a rain cover for the stroller. As for the types and types of strollers for newborns, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages in the off-season. For example, with a small light stroller, you can easily hide from the rain that has overtaken you in a store or cafe during a walk, compact cradles with large wheels are ideal for autumn trips to nature, and in a large and warm cradle you can easily walk for hours (or get to the clinic) even in rain and wind.

  • cover the stroller with a raincoat not only in the downpour, but also in strong winds;
  • in the mud, as well as in the snow, wheels with a small diameter do not go;
  • remember that a flip handle will help turn the baby with his back to the pressure of wind and rain;
  • if there is no flip handle, the hood should drop almost to the bumper to cover the baby;
  • check that the carrier of the stroller is not too low and that it is easy to clean;
  • the most convenient trunk for bad weather is closed.

Types and types of prams

The more comfortable and modern the model, the more expensive it is. The brand plays a big role in pricing. Strollers from well-known manufacturers are distinguished by their quality, but they are more expensive than those made by lesser-known companies.

As for the aesthetic characteristics, modern strollers for newborns are able to satisfy the taste of even the most demanding customers. Of course, you should evaluate their appearance and choose the model that you like visually. But it is more important, after all, to focus more on the technical side of the issue.

Photo gallery: what are strollers for babies

Classic prams

Perfectly suited for walking with children in the first months of life at any time of the year. In addition, they can also be used as a cradle. They have a hard flat bottom and an adjustable hood. Complete with additional accessories (protective apron, raincoat, winter fur envelope, luggage bag, mosquito net). The wheels of strollers-cradles, usually large inflatable. That provides soft depreciation, stability and passability. But maneuverability is lost from this.

It is bad that when the child grows up, it becomes uncomfortable for him to sit in such a stroller. It is necessary, as an alternative, to look for a walking option.

The carrycot is designed for newborns from the first days of life until the moment when they cannot sit up on their own.

Transforming strollers

They belong to the stroller type. But, due to their design features, transforming strollers can be used from the first days of a child's life. After all, they are easily modified from a sleeping option to a walking one, and vice versa. They are completed in the same way as the cradles, with all the necessary accessories for a more comfortable stay in them for the baby in any weather. And you can change the position of the handle depending on the circumstances (the sun is shining in the baby’s face, the wind is blowing, etc.). They have secure seat belts. Weigh, in comparison with other types of strollers, a little (up to 15 kg).

But the wheels are small. What affects depreciation and patency. And for the price - it's quite a democratic option.

Transforming strollers are great for both newborns and older kids.

Universal modular systems are easy to use, but their prices cannot be called low.


Another modern trend is a three-wheeled stroller. Stylish, functional, comfortable. Patency in sports models is almost one hundred percent. Maneuverability is ensured by the swivel front wheel or, if it is fixed, by the overall frame design and large diameter due to the design features of the chassis. Strollers on a triangular base can be produced both in the format of a spacious universal “walk”, which folds out to the horizontal, and in the format of a modular system with removable blocks. The front wheel can be dual, the rear ones are usually single. A good three-wheeled model is a great option for both city sidewalks and off-road without slopes. The first three-wheeled models had a number of shortcomings, the most significant being that they fell over and overturned on their side when driving on a sideways slope or when the baby was hung over the bumper. Modern options are much more thoughtful, it is worth saying that sports strollers for jogging or driving along a sandy beach are made with one large wheel in front. Patency, stability and depreciation in three-wheeled strollers leave much to be desired.

Important! If the front wheel is smaller in diameter than the rear, then this is not a sports, but a city stroller. If the small wheel is also swivel, then driving on uneven surfaces will be uncomfortable, in addition, there is a risk of tipping over and falling over.

For newborns, strollers with a small front wheel are a risky option.

Climbing up and down curbs and stairs, a stroller with one wheel in front will only rely on your hands, because the moment you transfer weight to the front wheel, it will be unbalanced, like when you roll a wheelbarrow on one wheel. In sports models, this problem is solved due to the fact that the front wheel is pushed forward, made large and - in some cases - fixed.

Jogging stroller - the choice of active parents

You can learn more about how the listed types of strollers differ from each other, as well as about their advantages and disadvantages, from the table.

Table "Pros and cons of strollers of different types"

strollers pros Minuses Application

full protection of the newborn from adverse natural factors
comfortable shape
hard bottom and sides
optimal height
soft cushioning
brake reliability
environmental Safety
no seat for children 2-3 years old
big weight
impressive dimensions
difficulty of transportation
low maneuverability
used for walking with children from birth to one year
convenient transformation
compared to a carrycot stroller – light weight
cradle with hard bottom
small weight and dimensions
presence of seat belts
the ability to change the position of the handle relative to the seat
interchangeable wheels
brake reliability
environmental Safety
small size and small depth of the cradle
poor weather protection
the chair does not have a rigid base
low permeability
hard cushioning
suitable for children from birth to 3 years
Universal stroller (2 in 1 or 3 in 1 modular system)
complete set with a cradle of standard sizes with the possibility of installing a stroller and portable chairs
fastening reliability
high permeability
soft cushioning
massive undercarriage
sale as a complete set of blocks
high price
suitable for newborns and children up to 3 years
complete set of the body part according to the type of stroller-cradle, transformer or modular system
maneuverability on smooth surfaces
the presence of a hand brake
brake reliability
environmental friendliness
the difficulty of descending using ramps
difficulty using the elevator
low traffic in winter

High price

depending on the choice of the body part for children under 3 years old can be used as a universal or stroller
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