How to wash soft toys in a washing machine and by hand? How to wash and clean soft toys How to wash a large soft toy.

When a child is born, parents have many questions. One of them is how to properly wash soft toys. Often a toddler carries a soft friend around with him, tastes it, drops it on the playground, and then tries to put him to bed with him. In the meantime, dust, microorganisms, and mites accumulate on the surface of toys, which can cause allergic reactions in a child. To protect the baby from contact with pollution, it is important to pay special attention to the hygiene of soft toys.

Washing soft toys in the washing machine

If the question arises whether it is possible to wash a soft toy in a washing machine, the first thing to do is to study the tag that is attached to the toy: there are washing recommendations there.

Not all toys can be machine washed. Read the washing instructions on the label before putting the product in the washing machine drum.

You can machine wash those toys that do not contain musical mechanisms and batteries. If there are such elements, try to remove them: carefully open the seam, remove the mechanism and be sure to re-sew the seam before washing. Do not wash soft toys with open seams - you can spoil the filler and harm the washing machine. When the toy is completely dry, the mechanism is returned to its place in the same way.

The toy should be put in a special bag for washing clothes, you can also use a small pillowcase or sew a bag yourself from cotton fabric. Such precautions will not only prevent deformation of the toy, but also protect the washing machine in the event that small parts come off the surface of the product during washing.

Soft toys should be washed with baby powder, mild shampoo or baby bath gel in the delicate wash mode at a temperature not exceeding 30 ℃. In order to get rid of dust mites, the washing temperature can be increased to 60℃, if this is not contrary to the recommendations on the label.

To get rid of mites on toys that cannot be washed in hot water, you can use cold. Small toys are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, put in a bag and placed in the freezer for 2-3 days. Large toys can be taken out into the cold (for example, on the balcony in winter). After cold treatment, the products are washed in cool water in a washing machine or by hand.

When washing the toy in an automatic machine, it is recommended to perform an additional rinse so that no detergent remains inside the filler. You can add a small amount of fabric softener to help keep the toy soft and fresh. But machine spin should be avoided. Wring out the toy by hand with a terry or cotton towel. To prevent loss of shape, this must be done carefully, avoiding excessive twisting.

If the toy that needs to be washed is large and does not fit into the drum as a whole, it is torn into pieces and washed in the washing machine separately, after sewing up all the seams. After drying, the parts are torn apart again and the product is assembled as a whole. There is another way to wash large toys: the filler is removed and then washed separately from the cover, using a bag for washing delicate items. The cover can be washed in the washing machine or by hand.

Hand wash toys

Some toys, such as those filled with balls, sawdust, fluff or buckwheat husks, as well as those with a no-wash mark, are best washed by hand. To do this, warm water is poured into the basin, a mild shampoo is added and the product is lowered there for 10-15 minutes. After soaking, the toy is thoroughly rinsed, squeezed out with a towel and dried in a suspended form in the fresh air.

Knitted toys are also best washed by hand. The water temperature during soaking, washing and rinsing should be no higher than 30℃ to prevent shrinkage of the yarn. Such toys are squeezed out very carefully, without twisting, but gently blotting with a towel. Knitted products are dried in a horizontal position on a flat surface in a well-ventilated place.

They also hand wash products made of fabric with a long pile and with various decors, such as rhinestones, beads or beads.

Dry and wet cleaning of toys

Toys made from natural materials such as linen and wool are best cleaned dry or wet. When washed, such products may shrink and lose their shape. Dry cleaning is suitable for musical soft toys, products with cardboard or small parts.

Soft bears, hares and dolls are placed in a large new plastic bag, then 0.5 cups of baking soda or starch are poured into the same place (this amount is enough for 2-3 medium-sized products). The bag is tied tightly and shaken vigorously for 2-3 minutes, after which the toys are removed and the remnants of the powder are shaken off with a dry brush. Large toys can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner using a special nozzle for upholstered furniture.

Before starting wet cleaning, you should also thoroughly vacuum the toy to rid it of dust. Children's toys made of felt are cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge with baby soap or mild shampoo, gently wiping all contaminated areas. After treatment with soapy water, the product is wiped with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. Dry such toys in a horizontal position.

Toys with balls inside, as well as with glued parts that can come off when washed, are cleaned with soapy foam. To do this, draw water into the basin, add a mild shampoo and beat it until a thick foam forms. Foam is collected on a sponge or brush and they start cleaning the toy, while trying not to wet it. Then the product is wiped with a dry towel and dried in a suspended state in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

How often you need to wash or clean soft toys depends on how much your child uses them. Pets must be cleaned at least once a month or as they get dirty. Those toys that are on the shelf also need to be washed in order to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, germs and dust mites and, as a result, the appearance of allergic reactions. You can do this once every 3-6 months.

Regular washing of toys ensures that they look great and also helps to keep the child healthy.


If you still have questions about how to wash soft toys, we recommend that you watch the video on the topic of this article.

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Do you know that:

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

You need to think about how to wash children's soft toys when buying them, this will facilitate the process of caring for them. If the label indicates that the product can be washed, then there should be no problems in the process, another thing is when toys can only be cleaned. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Is it possible or not?

Toys, especially soft ones, get stuffed with a lot of dust. Microbes and dust mites easily multiply in them, so they have to be washed and cleaned quite often, as children play with them. Can toys be washed or not? The answer to this question can be found on the label or packaging for this product. If there are none, then carefully examine the product, and you will understand whether it is worth washing it in a machine.

Here is a list of soft toys that should not be machine washed:

  • toys with glued parts (buttons, eyes, nose, beads, rhinestones, etc.);
  • large toys that can hardly fit into the drum of the machine;
  • musical products, as they contain batteries and microcircuits;
  • products made from natural fabrics, such as wool or linen, such toys lose their shape and stretch;
  • toys filled with feathers, buckwheat husks or sawdust.

Note! Toys with sewn fittings and details can be washed in a machine, for this you need to use a special laundry bag.

Preparing for washing

Before you put all the toys in the drum of the machine, they must be carefully inspected. Check for loose parts or stuffing sticking out of holes. All holes must be well sewn up.

Take an old pillowcase or a special bag in which to put a soft toy. If there are many toys, separate them into several washes. Conversely, do not wash one small toy in the machine, put a non-shedding towel with it. This will prevent during washing.

To wash toys with musical “stuffing” in the washing machine, you must first open and carefully pull out the batteries and the singing module, and sew up the hole.

Contaminated places can first be lathered with soap or liquid hair shampoo, let it lie down, and if necessary rub it with a brush. After this procedure, the chances that the toy will be washed in the machine are much higher.

We start the machine

Once you have chosen your machine washable toys, load them into the drum. To wash soft toys, take a baby powder with a neutral composition, free of phosphates and other harmful substances, it is better if it is liquid, it rinses out faster.

Next, select the washing mode, in which the water is heated to 30-40 0 C and low speed during the spin cycle. This mode includes "Delicate wash", "Hand wash", "Wool". It is rare to find toys that have a permit sign for washing at a temperature of 70 0 C. After checking the number of revolutions and temperature, do not forget about an extra rinse.

Note! A useful function in the washing machine can be the “Steam Cleaning” function, thanks to which you can dry disinfect toys.

Drying products

Drying soft toys after machine or hand washing is possible only in the open air, machine drying is strictly prohibited. Large toys can be hung, for example, on the balcony. In a suspended state, you can dry toys that are not subject to shrinkage and stretching.

If the toys, in your opinion, can stretch out, then lay them out on a horizontal dryer. Toys after hand washing can be wrapped in a terry towel, which will take some of the moisture onto itself, and then dried on a balcony or in a well-ventilated area.

Hand washing and cleaning methods

Important! It is forbidden to wash or clean a toy for children with chemicals.

Washing a soft toy in a typewriter or by hand is not enough to disinfect the product from germs or mites, since germs die only at high temperatures. This requires more efficient ways.

  • First way. A small toy can be put in a bag, tied up and put in the freezer for several days, at least two. Low temperatures, like high temperatures, are detrimental to ticks. Large toys can be taken out in the cold to the balcony.
  • Method two. Use a special ultraviolet lamp for disinfection, which kills germs.

In addition, toys that cannot be wetted can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. This requires a small nozzle. It is better to reduce the power when cleaning. The second method of cleaning is that the toy is placed in a bag and sprinkled with starch and soda. The package is tightly tied and shaken. Then the toy needs to be taken out and cleaned with a brush from starch dust.

Thus, you can wash or clean any children's toy. There are different ways to do this. The main thing is to do this regularly, at least once a month, if children are prone to allergies, then wash such toys more often. And let "soft" friends bring only joy.

The question of whether how to wash soft toys, you need to pay special attention when buying another soft bear. After all, your little miracle not only makes your “beloved friend” sit next to you to watch cartoons, but also tastes it, plays with it on the street, after which it goes to bed together, in a word, does not part with your plush friend for a minute. Therefore, one should not be surprised why toys get dirty so quickly and collect various microorganisms.

You can wash children's toys both in the washing machine and by hand.

Hand wash toys that have various details, such as eyes and mouth, or those that have organic fillers such as sawdust inside.

On the tag of any toy with filler, various designations must be indicated, among which there is information regarding washing in a typewriter. If it is allowed, then be sure to wash the soft toy on delicate mode.

For washing children's toys use a powder that is free of phosphates and zeolites, take only the one that is intended for children's things, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction, since babies often like to take their favorite animals in their mouths.

Toys should be washed at a water temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. But remember that dust saprophytic mites will not die this way: it is possible to suppress their vital activity only at very high or, conversely, low temperatures. Set the extra rinse cycle and add a little softener to the powder container. This will give a pleasant smell to the soft toy and allow any remaining powder to be washed thoroughly.

Our caring mothers, do not forget that some toys may slightly change color and shape after washing.

If any of the children's toys shed significantly, it means that it contains a lot of low-quality dyes, so hide such an animal from your baby as far as possible.

It is best to dry large toys in a warm and well-ventilated area, always in a suspended position. But you can’t hang “knitted animals”, because the thread can stretch, as a result of which your baby’s favorite bunny will deform and lose its former shape. Therefore, such animals must be dried on a spread out towel, periodically changing it to a dry one.

Not every soft toy can be put in the washing machine, especially if it is larger than your child, so it is better to clean such "huge friends" with a vacuum cleaner, and this should be done regularly.

Hand wash rules

Most soft toys are not machine washable, but don't worry about that, because now I'm going to tell you about the basic rules for hand washing soft toys. And believe me, dear hostesses, that they are not inferior to machine washing, but even vice versa - they will be able to remove any dirt from your baby's closest "friends" as efficiently and delicately as possible.

Soft toys of small size, easily wrung out by hand and not having a large number of small elements, can be perfectly washed by hand, resorting to the following recommendations:

  • Pour into the basin such an amount of warm water that will completely cover the soft toy;
  • lather the toy well with baby soap or powder and leave it to take “bath procedures” for 20 minutes;
  • if the material of the toy allows, you can rub it with a soft brush (it makes sense to do this, provided that the pollution is significant);
  • after washing, thoroughly rinse the "soft pet" with plenty of water, so that there is no powder or soap left;
  • after that, squeeze out the excess water well from the toy and lay it out to dry on a battery, towel or under the sun.

Well, now, having figured out how to properly clean the "soft friends" of your miracle, let's look at the main recommendations that should be followed when washing soft toys with your hands:

And finally, dear mothers, I want to tell you that hand washing is certainly good, but do not forget to treat your child's "soft pets" with a special quartz lamp every few days, because your baby spends time with his " best friend."

Washing in the washing machine

Each owner of a countless collection of "soft zoo" sooner or later puzzles over how to properly wash soft toys in a washing machine. In fact, this type of washing does not require much trouble, but it is necessary to remember the basic rules and safety measures so as not to render the machine unusable and not to destroy your pleasant soft "favorites".

Dear hostesses, now we will consider the basic rules and recommendations for washing toys in a washing machine, adhering to which your indispensable assistant in washing will be in order, and your child’s favorite friends will remain safe and sound after water procedures.

Here we go:

  1. Before putting a toy into the drum of the machine, be sure to study the tag that is on it. Not every soft toy can be machine washed.
  2. Carefully check the presence of batteries and filler in the toy, if there are any, remove them. If in some places the seams of the toy have parted, then be sure to sew them up before washing.
  3. Place the teddy bear or bunny in a special net, in which you usually wash delicate items.
  4. For machine washing children's toys, use only delicate mode.
  5. To wash children's toys, use only the soap or shampoo that you bathe the child with, or a special powder.
  6. To get rid of powder or soap residue, set extra rinse.
  7. The temperature for washing in the machine should not exceed 30 degrees. If you want to destroy dust mites, then choose a temperature above 60 degrees, but first carefully study what temperature is allowed for washing a particular soft toy.
  8. Do not set the spin mode in the washing machine so as not to damage the shape and integrity of the toy. You can get rid of moisture with the power of a terry towel. So the beloved bunny will retain the shape of a hare, and will not turn into an unknown creature with long ears and arms.
  9. We dry a soft toy exclusively in a suspended state in the sun or over a hot battery. But remember that knitted toys should be dried only in a horizontal position, carefully laying them out on a terry towel in a room that is well ventilated.

How to clean toys that cannot be washed?

There are many stuffed toys that cannot be wet cleaned due to their large size or organic materials, so in this article we will share with you some valuable tips to help you clean toys that cannot be washed.

Dear hostesses, let's first consider a method that will help clean small plush toys. So, let's begin:

  • take a large plastic bag;
  • put a toy in it so that there is still free space in the bag;
  • for each small soft toy, pour half a glass of baking soda or starch;
  • tightly tie the bag and shake all its contents well for several minutes;
  • after that, you can take out the toy and use a soft brush to remove the remnants of the soda along with the dirt.

Large toys in a plastic bag with soda cannot be cleaned, so we use a vacuum cleaner for this, choosing a wide brush, which you usually use for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

If you can adjust the power level on your vacuum cleaner, then set it to the minimum so as not to accidentally "absorb" the eyes or mouth of your child's favorite bear.

And now let's look at a few more methods that will effectively help clean soft toys with foam.

Type of soft toys

Description of cleaning

felt toys

  • thoroughly lather a soft sponge with baby soap;
  • squeeze all excess moisture out of it as much as possible and thoroughly wipe all the spots and contaminated areas of the toy;
  • after that, take a new rag or sponge and moisten it with clean water, gently wipe the toy, then rinse the rag well and repeat the process a few more times to completely wash off soap residue;
  • place the soft toy in the sun or lay it on the dryer, sometimes turn it over so that it dries completely.

Toys filled with balls or glued on

  • collect warm water in a small container;
  • add a little baby shampoo to it and beat until a dense foam is formed;
  • collect a sufficient amount of foam on a sponge or soft brush and gently clean the toy from dirt, but try not to soak it with excessive moisture;
  • after that, remove excess foam with a rag or sponge soaked in clean water, and if necessary, repeat this procedure several times until the soap scum completely disappears;
  • dry the soft toy thoroughly with a terry towel, let it absorb excess moisture;
  • put the toy in direct sunlight or place it over a hot battery, or spread it on a terry towel in a well-ventilated room, sometimes turning the wet bunny over;
  • after complete drying, carefully comb the woolen cover of the soft toy.

If yellow spots appear on the soft toy of your miracle, which may appear from old age, then before using the method of cleaning you have chosen, carefully soak the stains with lemon juice and dry in direct sunlight or with a hair dryer. After the stain is gone, you can proceed with the basic cleaning of soft toys that cannot be washed.

Destroying dust mites

Believe that in almost every soft toy there are many saprophytic microorganisms, and your child sleeps and eats with them, so let's quickly figure out how to destroy dust mites in your children's soft toys.

But do not panic and immediately throw toys out the window, because you can perfectly destroy ticks, knowing several options for dealing with them at home:

  • at a temperature of 70 degrees and above, you can wash small toys in a typewriter or by hand;
  • if soft toys cannot be washed at such a high temperature, then put them in a bag and place them in the freezer overnight. Low temperatures, like high temperatures, perfectly suppress the vital activity of ticks.;
  • large toys should be vacuumed and taken to the balcony and left in the cold for several nights. If winter is still far away, then it is better to hide such a toy. It is strictly forbidden for small children to play with a bear in which dust mites are simply teeming!

OK it's all over Now. These are the main methods that will destroy saprophytic mites in your children's soft toys. But I would like to recommend you to regularly clean and wash the toys of the kids in order to keep the clean and well-groomed appearance of the "soft animals", and most importantly, the health of your treasure!

Soft toys accumulate dust, and in the process of active games, in addition, they become stained and may begin to smell unpleasant. Keeping dirty and dusty textiles in a house where there is a child is strictly contraindicated. Firstly, it is an ideal breeding ground for dust mites, and secondly, it is a breeding ground for microbes that can provoke severe infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to regularly clean and disinfect everything your baby comes into contact with. How to clean a soft toy at home - below are simple methods and tips.

1 How to clean soft toys that cannot be washed

Not all types of stuffed animals and dolls are easy to keep clean. For some, there are special care rules, for example, a ban on cleaning in a washing machine. These toys include:

  • bright fur coats that shed heavily;
  • sintepon with a thin filler;
  • with an electronic device inside;
  • with built-in touch mechanism;
  • poor quality, which can break apart from washing.

Soft toys accumulate dust and dirt

This is not a reason to throw away a thing after contamination or not wash it at all. In fact, solving the problem of the prohibition of washing is quite easy. You can use alternative cleaning methods, which are presented below.

Method number 1 - Soda

Baking soda is an excellent cleaner and even disinfectant. Due to this, the product will be not only cleaner, but also safer due to the destruction of pathogenic microflora. The method does not involve the use of water at all. Here's what you need:

  • hard brush;
  • ½ cup soda;
  • plastic bag for garbage;
  • cotton terry towel.

We need to work

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin the process. Step by step action plan.

Important! Complex contaminants are not always amenable to removal the first time in this way. You can repeat several times. You can combine this method with the following for best results.

Method number 2 - Starch

Starch removal of dirt from fabric surfaces is built on the same principle as soda. But it uses a slightly different technique. What is needed to implement the method:

After preparing everything you need, it is better to open the window, as the starch will scatter through the air and can cause bouts of coughing, sneezing and a runny nose. If the weather permits, it is best to do this outdoors. So, step by step process.

Important! In the process of working with starch, there should not be a drop of moisture on the fur. If, for example, a wet brush is used with starch, then it will not only not solve the problem of dirt, but will additionally leave whitish marks.

2 How to clean stains

Favorite fur animals in children are always a reason for the hassle associated with hygiene. If they take their soft friends to the table, to bed, to the sandbox and to the playground, they will have to deal with stains regularly. There are several ways to remove stains from fur products, and all of them are discussed in detail below.

After using household chemicals, you should not give the item to the use of a child without first rinsing it in a huge amount of water. This is fraught with allergic reactions and skin irritation. You can rinse it in a weak solution of vinegar to neutralize the action of alkaline products.

3 How to clean a plush soft toy

Plush Toys

Plush and combined products are cleaned with a simple washing powder or washing liquid. If they are not painted in a bright shade, then they can be washed along with the rest of the things. First you need to check how it reacts to detergents and whether it sheds. Then you can proceed like this.

  1. Take warm water in a bowl.
  2. Add liquid detergent or laundry detergent.
  3. Soak in water for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash by hand and dry.

Plush can lose shape and shape when wet. You can restore it with a stiff brush when it is completely dry.

4 Cleaning soft toys made of felt

felt toys

Felt toys - industrially produced or handmade, are now at the peak of popularity. They are very popular with children and therefore often get dirty. They can be cleaned without damaging or depriving them of their normal appearance. How to do this - below are the basic rules for hygienic care of felt.

  1. You need to wash bright felt products only separately each. This fabric tends to shed frequently.
  2. In order not to lose brightness at the end of washing, you can rinse the felt in water with vinegar.
  3. Felt should not be washed in water with too high a temperature. It will deform and lose its appearance.
  4. Felt should not be rubbed hard - it loses its appearance, becomes covered with spools, and if the fabric is made in China, it will also fall apart.
  5. After washing, the felt should be straightened immediately, while still wet, and laid out on a horizontal surface.
  6. When the felt products are dry, they can be restored to their original appearance by getting rid of the pellets using a special machine or a regular disposable razor.

High-quality dyed felt after the first hand wash can be machine washed if it does not shed. But you need to choose a low-temperature mode and squeeze at minimum speed.

5 Rules for washing

Washing toys in a washing machine

Most high-quality soft animals can be washed, not only by hand, but also in an automatic machine. In order to wash in the machine, you must first prepare them.

  1. You should check if there are any elements on it that may fade in the process. If there are and they are removed, it is better to remove them for the duration of the wash.
  2. Send to the washing machine with things that do not shed.
  3. Wash on a delicate cycle, do not use high temperatures and spin at high speeds.
  4. Take out and dry without hanging. If you hang a wet thing, it may lose its shape.

Important! After washing, it is advisable to beat the toy a little while still wet so that the synthetic winterizer or other type of filler does not get lost inside.

6 How to get back in shape

After the cleansing process, you can face several problems at once - the animal lost its shape, became covered with spools, ceased to be as fluffy as before. For each of these problems, there is a simple and effective solution presented below.

  1. The pellets are easily removed with a regular razor.
  2. If the fur is not as fluffy as before, you can comb it.
  3. If the thing has lost its shape, it is necessary to fluff the synthetic winterizer with your hands, distribute it evenly inside.

Attention! In extreme cases, if the filler is very strayed, you can rip the textile along the seam and add a little new padding polyester, silicone or holofiber.

Using the above tips, it is easy to put things in order in children's things and keep them always clean, which is extremely important for the health of children and maintaining comfort in the house! We hope our article answered the question: "How to clean a soft toy?".

Talking Luntik, soft educational blocks, a whole family of Barboskins, a huge teddy bear and a myriad of hares ... What is there in the toy arsenal of a modern child! Soft toys begin to be given to the baby from birth. It is not surprising that by the age of two or three they no longer fit in the nursery. Moms rightly call them dust collectors, because removing dust from them is much more difficult than wiping it off a shelf.

Meanwhile, cleaning "plush friends" is a must. In order to fully imagine the danger that dusty toys carry in themselves, let's see what dust consists of:

  • dead skin cells;
  • ticks;
  • microorganisms;
  • parts of fluff of animals and birds;
  • mineral part.

It is scary even to imagine what consequences such a neighborhood can lead to.

  1. Ticks, and especially their waste products, provoke asthma and allergies.
  2. Microorganisms can cause diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis.
  3. Mineral components provoke the occurrence of bronchitis.
  4. Dust is a favorable environment for the reproduction of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which, entering the intestine, cause bacterial imbalance and provoke increased gas formation, as well as the occurrence of gastritis, dysbacteriosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The remedy for this problem is systematic cleaning. Allergists advise to carry out cleansing procedures using detergents once a week or two. Also, during the weekly general cleaning, toys can be vacuumed along with the apartment.

Each toy has its own way of cleaning

Before washing a particular toy, you need to analyze which cleaning option is best for it. Let's list the ways:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning;
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • handwash.

Also at home, you can disinfect "soft dust collectors" in one or more of the following ways, choosing the most suitable tool for yourself:

  • steam generator;
  • UV lamp;
  • cold.

Soft toys can be divided into several types, each of which is suitable for one or another method of cleaning. These procedures will be discussed in more detail below.

The following groups of "soft friends" of the child can be distinguished:

  1. large in size;
  2. stuffed with tiny balls (the so-called anti-stress), with glued eyes, nose and other fittings;
  3. musical, battery operated.

Toys that do not fit into any of the above groups can be cleaned and disinfected in any way.

You can vacuum any type of toys. You just need to be careful when processing animals with glued fittings. In places where it is located (usually on the face), it is better to reduce the suction power. You can also disinfect any toys using the methods listed above.

Large-sized “plush animals” (a third of human height and more) cannot be washed in a typewriter, and it will also be difficult to deal with them manually, since, having taken water, they become unbearable. Dry cleaning is possible if there is a dense bag of large size. If the stains on them are dirty, it is better to clean them with a damp sponge using baby detergents. That is, in this case, wet cleaning will be appropriate.

Toys belonging to the second group cannot be washed in a washing machine. As a rule, the fittings fly off and can clog the drain or other parts of the machine. The same applies to ball stuffing antistress. Also, you should not wash “animals” in the washing machine, on the labels of which there is a corresponding prohibitory inscription. For toys from this group, dry, wet cleaning and hand washing are suitable.

Representatives of the third group will be correctly refreshed without the use of water, that is, by dry cleaning. However, if the toy is completely dirty, you can wash it, after removing the batteries and the music block from it. In some toys, the music blocks are located in a separate pocket with Velcro - it is convenient to take them out before washing and easily insert them into place. In others, the music block will have to be torn off before washing, and the ripped place will have to be sewn up. Then again rip open the already clean toy and sew a block into it.

But there are toys in which the wires are stretched inside all over the “body”. Such a music block cannot be removed before washing. However, you can still wash the fluffy. Often singing toys tolerate washing, but you should be prepared that during the drying process they will spontaneously sing songs, meow or recite poems.

Baking soda can help you clean dust off toys without using water.

Step by step description of each washing method

Dry cleaning is easy and safe. The only remedy that is used is baking soda. You will also need a strong plastic bag.

  1. Put children's toys (2-3 pieces) in a bag.
  2. Pour in the soda. On average, 0.5-1 cup is enough, but it all depends on the size of the "animals".
  3. Tie up the bag and shake it vigorously for 3 or 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a vacuum cleaner, removing the baking soda from the surface.

Wet cleaning allows you not to completely wash the "plush animals", but only to wash the resulting stains or refresh the "fur". The product needed for this type of cleaning is baby shampoo or baby bath foam.

  1. Pour water into a basin, dissolve the selected detergent in it, beat it into foam. You can also easily make foam by pouring water into a bowl of shampoo not from the tap, but through a shower head with strong pressure.
  2. Apply foam to a sponge and quickly walk over a soft, fluffy surface.
  3. Take a clean damp (not wet!) sponge and remove the foam with it.
  4. Dry the toy with a terry towel and hang to dry.
  5. When it dries, brush through the nap to give it its original fluffy look.

Washing children's toys in the washing machine is necessary, given the following.

  1. Read the information on the label. Toys should be washed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Remove music blocks, batteries, check that all seams are intact.
  3. Put the "fluffies" in a special bag for delicate washing.
  4. Select the "delicate wash" program from the menu. As a rule, this mode provides for a water temperature of 30 ° C.
  5. Select "extra rinse" from the menu.
  6. Select the item "no spin" in the menu so that the toy does not deform.
  7. Pour automatic baby powder into the powder compartment.
  8. After washing, the toys should be wrung out with a terry towel and hung to dry.

You can wash "plush friends" by hand with soaking. This is necessary in case of severe pollution.

  1. Prepare toys in the same way as you would for machine wash.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin.
  3. Dissolve in it a detergent for washing children's things (soap, powder or shampoo).
  4. Soak toys in water for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse them well.
  6. Wring out the "animals" so that all the water is glass, blot them with a terry towel and hang to dry.

My plastic "friends"

There are no such restrictions in washing for plastic toys as for soft ones. They do not have to be divided into groups, because they can all be cleaned under the same conditions. Separately, it is only worth mentioning toys containing batteries and created using other materials (for example, dolls with hair, horses with manes, etc.). Batteries should be removed before cleaning, and toys with hair should not be washed in the dishwasher, and indeed, hair deteriorates after washing. Therefore, it is better to treat them separately with a soapy sponge, rinse the foam and wipe dry.

Plastic is a fairly common raw material for the production of toys, and a child has no less “friends” from this material than from plush, and sometimes even more. What are some Lego-type constructors worth! Therefore, most often they are washed all together.

Cleaning takes place in the following ways:

  • in the dishwasher;
  • in a bathtub with warm soapy water.

To wash the plastic "friends" of the baby, children's detergents (soap, shampoo) or soda solution are used. As a disinfectant, you can scald them with boiling water. After washing, dry each toy thoroughly before putting them back into the container.

Disinfecting "plush friends"

Just washing children's toys is not enough. They need to be disinfected. You can use any device from the list above for this. You can clean the "fluffies" with a steam generator. This device allows you to safely and effectively treat toys with steam, while exterminating the microbacteria of tuberculosis, influenza A viruses, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and fungus.

Treating "soft dust bags" with an ultraviolet lamp at home helps rid them of dust mites, E. coli, viruses and bacteria. The lamp is turned on for 1 hour in the children's room. The device emits ultraviolet waves that destroy the DNA of organisms and thereby prevent them from multiplying. At this time, there should be no people or pets in the room.

Cold disinfection is the most affordable means of dealing with dust mites for every family. You can carry out the procedure using a freezer or a balcony (in the winter season). Ticks do not tolerate low temperatures, and -10 ºС is already a critical point for them. The freezer can be set between -6°C and -24°C, depending on the model.

Thus, a conventional freezer can effectively deal with dust mites that have settled in children's toys.

  1. Put the toys in a bag.
  2. Put the bag in the freezer.
  3. Leave it there overnight.
  4. Remove the bag in the morning and leave it at room temperature to keep the plush animals warm.

Also, with the help of cold, you can get rid of dust mites at home by leaving a bag of toys overnight on the balcony in frosty weather.

Often soft toys sit on shelves for months, collecting dust. They look like new: clean, with fluffy fur. But dust that is not visible can cause a baby to feel unwell and provoke the appearance of diseases. Learn how to clean toys properly. Let teddy bears and soft hares bring only joy!

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