When a conspiracy on strong love will work. Conspiracies for strong and eternal love

It is not necessary to dutifully wait for reciprocity in order to build a relationship with a man. White magic will help awaken feelings in anyone if a woman decides on a witchcraft act. Ready to act?

When can you make a conspiracy to love a man?

Dissatisfaction with the situation is the main reason to start conjuring. You can make a love spell on a man's love if:

    the object of your affection does not show interest in you; your loved one stares at others; you are not sure about the stability of the feelings of the chosen one; a rival conjures against your relationship; you want to revive your partner's feelings.
Don't be afraid of magic. You only need to order a ceremony from me - and all your problems will be solved, and worries will remain in the past.

Is it worth doing a love spell at home on your own?

I do not dissuade those who wish to achieve results on their own. A well-executed ritual, even at home, will give a good effect. But remember the precautions:

  1. Can't read strong conspiracy to the love of a man in a state of apathy, excitement or excessive stress: this will distort the spell.
  2. You can not tell anyone about the performed magical work: other people's thoughts can bring it down.
  3. You can not use unverified rituals. I advise you to use the rituals presented on my website: they are harmless and effective.
I really want you to be happy. Therefore, I urge:
  • act carefully;
  • take into account that self-induced spells can provoke a worsening of the situation;
  • at the slightest problem, seek professional help (better late than never!)
If you initially strive for an excellent result, write or call me. So you will be sure that the ceremony will be successful, and nothing else will interfere with your relationship with your beloved man.

Conspiracies with the help of white magic

I do not use black witchcraft and do not advise you to use it. Only conspiracies of white magic for the love of a man contribute to the creation of strong and trusting relationships. You will see for yourself:

  • light spells make it so that the couple has real feelings for each other;
  • there is no active suppression of the will, so that rituals do not have negative consequences;
  • The Higher Powers perceive the conspiracy as a prayer, and therefore they favor witchcraft.
Love nurtured by white magic creates the most sincere unions. They often turn out to be more durable than those that appeared without the influence of spells: the powerful support of higher patrons affects.

Long distance love spell

Do not be afraid of kilometers and oceans. White magic easily acts at a distance (even a very significant one).

It is worth considering only the following: if the object of the ritual is far away, then it will not be able to quickly appear in front of you due to physical reasons. Nevertheless, conspiracies for the love of a man at a distance allow you to do this:

  • so that your beloved constantly thinks about you;
  • that he break ties with other women;
  • to call as soon as possible (don't be surprised by calls in the middle of the night!)
There is no such material barrier that the spell could not overcome. Be sure - they will work for sure, wherever your beloved is.

Effective conspiracies from the photo

There is no more powerful magical artifact than a snapshot. The image preserves the energy matrix of a person, due to which the ritual always works. I want to reveal to you a strong conspiracy to attract the love of a man from a photo. Use it carefully and only in cases where you are really interested in a relationship with the bewitched. Light three red candles, arrange them in a triangle. Place the picture in its center. Focus and repeat three times:

There was an icon in the church

Mother of God protected her,

everyone kept it,

everyone took care of her.

And now there is no icon,

now there is soul (name) light,

that the face became incarnate,

that love has taken me.

Love me (name) forever,

so that neither the sorcerer nor the common man resists,

so that love burns with fire,

so that passion for me in the heart (name) rages.

Blow out the candles. Wrap the photo in red cloth and hide it in a secret place. The enchantment will be active while the snapshot is stored. If you want to achieve an eternal result, contact me for help: I ​​will perform an even stronger rite for you.

Is it possible to make a conspiracy to love a married man?

It is no secret that marriage ties are one of the strongest and most stable. Do you have the right to destroy them? I don't call for breaking family relationships, but there are situations where this is acceptable:

  1. The man frankly says that he does not love his wife and wants to leave her.
  2. The wife of the object keeps your beloved close to her by sorcery.
  3. The family is childless and unhappy.
To free a person from an unsuccessful marriage is a boon. If you are striving for this, then read the conspiracy to love a married man. Speak the text on it wedding ring:

The whirlwind of years, the family is your crate.

Get rid of her, lure me with love.

You love me, and forget your wife.

Repeat the plot as often as possible. And very soon your man will become only yours.

If you are not sure of your right to conjure a married man, consult with me!

The most powerful love spells

I have a huge number of love spells at my disposal. And I trust you with some of them - the most powerful, but at the same time safe.

The night luminary is a faithful assistant to women. You can read conspiracies for a man's love to the moon when your chosen one is far away or when his photograph is not available to you. Rituals will cope with the most difficult task.

On a full moon

Go outside at night on a clear day. Look at the full moon and say:

The moon shines with light

fulfills my desire.

That desire is not for the sake of empty gold,

but for the sake of a simple word.

So that (name) confesses his love to me,

so that (name) remains with me until death.

There are even more powerful conspiracies to love a man on a full moon, but they are not allowed to be opened to the uninitiated. If you are looking for maximum effect, then I will cast these spells for you. I'm waiting for an appeal!

To the growing moon

Love rituals during the waxing moon work best. Refer to this rite if you want to maximize your chances of success.

Fill a bowl with clean water. At night, go outside with it and lift it up to the sky. Say:

O Luna Maiden! You are young and beautiful

you are wonderful and happy.

Give me some of your happiness,

so that I know love with (name),

so that I can stand under the crown with (name).

Drink fresh water

let me enjoy with (name) love.

In order for the conspiracy to love a man to the growing moon to fully work, wash yourself with water three times, and then pour it under a healthy birch with the words: “You are a beautiful bride, and I love (name) to the end!”

To the waning moon

The end of the lunar month is not the most favorable for inducing love spells. Rituals work only for those who have true power. But you can try.

Go outside at night, holding a needle in your hands. Pull it up and say:

Lunar spell of the dying moon,

you do not turn to rain,

and turn into love.

So that (name) loves me and does not forget,

so that (name) yearns for me for long nights.

Stick the needle in the joint front door home object. Although I still recommend ordering conspiracies for the waning moon from a professional in order to get exactly what you want.

For salt

Prepare a dish that your chosen one likes. Then say:

Princess-Queen Kashevarila

Yes, she spoke her food.

She spoke not for trouble, but for love,

to make the blood boil.

How (name) treats himself to a delicacy,

so attach your heart to me.

Give the object a taste of the food. One spoonful of treat is enough to activate the spell.

On the water

According to the principle of work, a conspiracy to water resembles rituals with food. The only difference is that the man will not eat, but will drink the spell.

Place a glass of spring water in front of you and say:

Tek fast stream,

sparrow sang.

The stream murmured

sparrow said a word.

To (name) yearn for me,

to let (name) love for me into my heart.

It is necessary that your chosen one take at least a sip of water - and the spell will take effect.

For a thing

For the ceremony, you will need a personal item of a man. Take it in your hands and say:

Nothing to blame

and true lovers

we are with (name) once and for all!

what I have in my hands now.

Put the item back. As long as the man uses it, the spell will work.

For candles

Tie two wax candles with red wool thread and light them. Concentrating, say:

Two souls are burning

two souls are burning

grief-troubles do not know.

That is our love with (name)

reaching up to the sky

The sun is eclipsing

The moon is confusing with bright light.

Blow out the candles, wrap them in your nightgown and keep them under your pillow. How long does this ritual last? With independent work, the effect is achieved in a month, with witchcraft by my forces - in a week.

Is it possible to remove a conspiracy to love a man?

There is no such spell that I could not disable. I will help you remove witchcraft from your partner and remove even the strongest conspiracy to love a man. You can contact me if:

  • a mistress tries to magically take your husband away;
  • an unsuitable girl conjures your son and tries to marry him to herself;
  • your boyfriend, brother or other close person has become a victim of the spell.
I can handle any sorcery done for no good. At the same time, my witchcraft is not amenable to someone else's correction: if I cast a spell, then no one will ever remove them without my permission.

What are the consequences of a love spell?

I carry out magical work as carefully and completely harmlessly as possible. You can be sure that the results will be extremely positive:

  1. The man will love you.
  2. You will be happy in a relationship.
  3. No one can interfere with your well-being.
The negative consequences of conspiracies for love are possible only in one case - if you conjured yourself, and you did not have enough skill.

Don't take unnecessary risks. I am here to help you. Write or call - and before you have time to look back, your beloved man will already be crazy about you.

Need help in Moscow - contact us!

Ask for help

A conspiracy to love a man is in no way inferior in its effectiveness. There are also rituals aimed at calling sympathy and easy love. They belong to white magic and can serve as a reliable foundation in building a serious relationship. White love conspiracies can be practiced at home.

Love conspiracies from the arsenal of light magic have a mild effect, do not suppress the will and consciousness of the object of the ritual, therefore they are considered the safest. Their task is to help the performer achieve sympathy from the desired man. This does not mean that you will receive a guy's love on a silver platter. It will only push the object of your sighing to reciprocal feelings, and the main responsibilities for keeping him close to you and maintaining relationships will lie entirely on your shoulders.

Independent performance of a conspiracy ritual requires the performer to comply with certain conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the ritual and its correct effect. What do you need to know about such love rituals?

  • read the text only during the rise of the moon so that the effect of the ritual intensifies along with the night luminary and the feelings of the desired man for you grow;
  • suitable time of day sunrise or noon;
  • white ritual cannot be done to harm or in retaliation to another person, for this there is black magic;
  • before the ceremony strict fasting recommended(3 days minimum), the text is read only on an empty stomach;
  • the body must be clean: before the ritual, take a bath or take a bath or shower; you can not turn to magic during menstruation;
  • hair should be loosened, also remove all jewelry;
  • fix your nails: remove the varnish, long - cut off;
  • clothes should be clean, as simple as possible, without any fasteners and preferably light in color, made from natural fabrics;
  • you can not do the ritual while intoxicated- there should not be a single gram of alcohol in the blood. It is better to take alcohol at least 3 days ago;
  • strictly follow the instructions of the ritual;
  • choose for these purposes quiet and deserted place; the nearest settlement should be located no closer than 100 km from the selected area; after completing the ritual, leave without turning around;
  • about the ceremony don't tell anyone, do not use it out of curiosity and a desire to test its effect.

Before you start pronouncing a conspiracy, I recommend reading the prayer “”. Speak the words of the prayer in an undertone, clearly and clearly. It will be good if you learn the text by heart - you can’t stray and get confused. It is useful when reading “Our Father” to look at a photograph of your beloved man.

And one more important condition: turn to any magic only if you really love your chosen one. Your feelings should be sincere and coming from the very heart, and your thoughts should be pure, devoid of selfishness and selfishness. Otherwise, you and your loved one may be seriously harmed.

Simple and effective ways

On the tablecloth and candles

It is best to do the ceremony on the growing moon. cook white tablecloth and 3 church candles. Lay a tablecloth on the table, place candles on it (on saucers or on candlesticks). Light them up and start reading:

“O Lord Almighty, I beg you for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, create a prickly fence and lingering mortal anguish. Close it, Lord, slave (name of the chosen one), so that he does not leave me and find another woman for himself. Lock it with a key, and take that key for yourself. Help me, Lord, God's faithful servant (your name) . And until that lock is opened, the slave(name of chosen one) don't fall in love with me. Amen!".

In total, say the conspiracy 3 times, after each time put out one candle. When all 3 candles are extinguished, weave them together and fasten them on a silver platter. Light it up and let it burn out completely. Release the resulting smoke out the window, ventilate the room.

To the dawn

The ritual uses the energy of dawn, the power of nature, so it is considered very effective and quickly leads to the desired result.

Early in the morning, at sunrise, stand facing the luminary (to the east) and say 7 times in a whisper:

“Just as a person does not live without food and water, so the servant of God (name of chosen one) cannot be and live without a servant of God(own name) neither at night nor during the day, without half of my own - me. Amen!"

To improve a chilled relationship

Suitable for cases when you are already in love with a man or married to him, but there is some cooling in your relationship. To perform the ceremony, prepare photograph of the chosen one.

Put the photograph on the floor, stand on it with the heel of your right foot and say:

“As my body presses on you, so your love for me presses. As it is heavy for your body from my heel, so it is heavy for your heart without me.

On the water

A simple conspiracy to love, which the performer must wash. Some people add a little salt to the liquid. Say the text 3 times, then wash yourself with the charmed liquid or take a bath with its addition.

“Voditsa-water, drink the blood of the Great Mother. Earth-Earth, fill the water with your blood. Heaven-father, hear the daughter's request, bless the water with your power. Let the beauty arrive, and whoever sees it will become mine and no longer look at others. May it be so!"

Results appear very quickly (sometimes the next day).

Watch a few more rituals in this video:

Time for the ritual

A strong conspiracy to love a guy is carried out in the first days of the new moon, when the moon begins to grow, building up feelings, energies and desires with it.
Many magicians recommend talking to a young man for love on Monday, which is considered an easy day that does not have much power. Women's days are also ideal for women's conspiracies - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

A conspiracy to love a guy sometimes has to be repeated periodically several times. There is nothing wrong with this, speak to your loved one until obvious results are visible.

Conspiracies for love

Specific examples of conspiracies

At sunrise or at sunset, a girl needs to bite her tongue and say the words:

“I bite myself, I call on God's servant (name). So that he misses me a lot, he didn’t know any sleep or rest - he missed me so much. Not in summer, not in winter, not on a dark night, and not on a bright day.

This plot is read at dawn 7 times during the week. It is necessary to stand facing the east, it is better if the window is open in the room. It is very important to be alone in the room, and so that no one interrupts the reading of the plot:

“A person cannot be without water and food, and the servant of God (the name of the guy) cannot live and be neither day nor night without me, the servant of God (his name) of his other half.”

A strong conspiracy to love a guy from a photo

Using the power of magic

A photograph of a loved one must be spoken late in the evening. Put a photo of a young man between two candles on the table. Candles are desirable to take church, consecrated. The conspiracy is pronounced clearly and unhurriedly:

“In the heart (boyfriend’s name) I call for love, I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love in the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever and ever! With a hot flame, his feelings for me (his name) will flare up, he will stretch and strive for me, wishing to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The plot is read 9 times during the week.

This can still be done in order to win over the feelings of the young man to his side.

Without bargaining during the day, that before the night there is a ritual, buy a red candle. Choose one that burns longer, but do not take change from the merchant at all.

As it gets dark, and everyone who lives in the house with you will go to bed, you can start the ceremony.

Light a candle at the bed, move your hands over it and say this to its flame:

“As a ship in the sea searches for the shore and hopes for the light of the coast in the pitch darkness, so you, slave (name), look for me and stare at the light of my house. Just as a bird cannot live without a nest and does not produce children without a couple, so you, slave (name), do not think about the future without me and do not indulge in joyful dreams. As the flame of a candle is hot and burns the body, so let love and longing for me in your heart, slave (name), bake and flow with hot tar through your body. Amen".

As you read this, you can go to rest. And do not extinguish the candle at the bed, let it burn itself out and entice your beloved. In the morning, the wax that remains after her, bury silently near the house of the one whose heart you want to get.

Conspiracy for water

As midnight begins to look into your window with a dark eye, take a cup of water. Sit near the window and the ring finger on your right hand, dip it into the water and whisper three times:

“In the forest, dark and deaf, a red maiden cried during the day. By evening, her tears did not dry up, at night her cheeks adorned her, in the early morning they fled from her eyes. The girl is crying and languishing, she doesn’t know ringing laughter. I took away the girlish longing and took the slave (name) to the threshold. The forest girl laughs, and the slave (name) yearns and mourns, only smiles beside me. As you, slave (name), will be with me, so your heart will be filled with happiness. Without me, the heart is with you, but with me is eternal joy. Amen".

In the morning, as it begins to get light, go to the house of your dear, and its threshold with water of the spelled sprinkling richly.

As it walks through this water, it will yearn for you.

A conspiracy to love a guy can be read not only at night. But in the hour of the night, many things in a person are revealed, which gives strength and magic power. You just need to be careful: at night, not only your skills can bloom in lush color. At night, all sorts of dirty tricks come to life, and demons, large and small, can get into human affairs.

A welcome ritual for many.

Sometimes you really want to know what will happen, which path to follow in order to meet happiness!

Yes, and many more questions arise in our impatient minds.

  • One give information about.
  • Others “disappear” without love, suffer and want to understand how to lure it.
  • Still others are so passionate about the figure that they don’t care about anything. But, there are no ways to fix it.

Needless to say: all the answers are at arm's length? Only not the one with which they are used to taking objects, but its prototype in another dimension, that is, in the astral plane.

Again, you say, some kind of magic will be discussed! But what about without her?

Are there other ways to find out the unknown, to reveal the mysterious, to bring the incredible closer? Without magical rituals simply can not do.

And the magic in this case lies in the person himself. After all, it is already known: our capabilities generally defy description, in any case.

So far there is no such knowledge to limit the flight of fantasy of someone who believes in himself.

Out of habit, all this is called magic, although it calls, for example, a conspiracy before going to bed, not otherworldly forces, but those that are dormant in the person himself.

There are a lot of them, you can not save.

In this article

By the way, our ancestors, although they did not strive to bring themselves to the state of supermodels, knew about this property of a night's rest and used it, who needed it.

From this ritual there remains a completely “scientific” rule that the last meal from sleep should be separated by three to four hours.

But the doctors and nutritionists considered the “main” part of the ritual a “whim” and tried to forget it.

That is, they try not to bring to the public what they are not able to explain. And this is exactly what affects the figure.

If you use it constantly, then diets become unnecessary, you don’t need to torture yourself. Only go to bed when the food has already been digested. That is, after three or four hours from the last meal.

“In a green forest, in a hole on a mountain, the Gnome-rodent lives, sharpens his teeth, there is no urine. The Dwarf wants to roam the fields and gnaw flesh, sharpen his teeth. Only the burrow is surrounded by a fence. From hunger, the Dwarf is crying, there is no urine, as he suffers. I remove barriers, open the way to my house. Come, Rodent Dwarf, into the night. Sharpen your teeth on my figure. So that the waist becomes thin, the figure is flexible and sonorous. So that the camp was the envy of everyone, so that there was no excess left at all. Just keep the deal. Don't break your teeth on bones. I will spit on the palm, I will shake the hand of the Dwarf. We are glad to see him in my house! Amen!"

  1. Buy.
  2. Take one, the most beautiful, in your hands before going to bed.
  3. Read before going to bed a conspiracy to desire:

“The sun rolls from east to west. While it is running across the sky, life is in full swing in the world. Leaves and blades of grass grow, streams murmur merrily, an ant collects twigs, a bee flies from flower to flower. As the sun hides behind the horizon, the night turns around in the world. The law of darkness reigns in it. He is terrible, to those who are afraid, but open to that, then strive for a dream. I wish and command Darkness. (Describe what you want). May it be fulfilled according to the terms (name). Otherwise, Darkness will not meet with light, do not pass the post, always reign in the world, do not go on vacation! Darkness crawl into my sleep! I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to ask for advice! Show me how to quickly fulfill my command, bring my dream closer! Amen!"

  1. Put an apple at the head.
  2. It should be your breakfast in the morning.

And try to take into account what will come in night visions. In them, most often, advice flashes, it is important to be able to understand and unravel them.

But if the dream is dark, scary, you know that you didn’t want it. You are being warned: for the time being, it is necessary to give up the aspiration! It leads to disaster.

  1. Buy a new thirty-six cards.
  2. Pull the ace of hearts out of it.
  3. Place at the head of the bed and read a love spell before going to bed:
“I call Venus. Come Goddess of love, look into my dreams, determine my fate. I wish love to turn a vision into a real adventure. Let Cupid come to me, the answer will bring where my fate lives! I call Venus. I command love to send me gifts! Amen!"

If you are in love, then you do not need an ace, but a nine of the same suit.

Say words before going to bed:

“The stars in the sky are lit, all their desires are fulfilled. There, among the incorruptible worlds, there is a place for two universes. I name one (my name), the other (the name of a loved one). Let them meet in the night sky, get married and descend to earth! Fate is carried in earthly ways. Me and my beloved go! Stars of the night give advice on how to find the answer to love! Amen!"

Bedtime conspiracy for a loved one

  1. Take a picture of a dear person.
  2. Think about it.
  3. Put under your pillow.
  4. Say these words:

“Through the clouds and clouds there is a ramble. They discuss my love there, they don’t know how to help me. I will fall into a dream, pray and go on my way. I will go to the heavenly worlds. May they be kind to me. Let the soul be led to the heavenly salute. I wish to receive an answer: loves me or not! I wish to know on what path the meeting will take place, where fate will connect us. Amen!"

Bedtime spell for a guy

If you want to understand what the guy thinks about you, how he relates, then such a rite is recommended.

If you managed to get a hair, then weave it with your own.

Say this spell on a guy:

“Hair to hair, voice to voice, soul to soul, fate to fate. Angels show me the thoughts of the Lord servant (name). Let it open, don't worry. Let him show his feelings, show his soul to me! Amen!"

Remember the dream carefully.

  • If this person appears in it, know that you definitely arouse his interest.
  • If the dream as a whole was joyful, you like it very much.
  • If the dream was dark, restless, then the person is angry, it’s unpleasant for him to think about you, but don’t go out of your head.
  • And if you wake up in a fright, that is, there is damage or evil eye between you. Pay attention to this, you need to remove the negative.

Many in this life managed to realize themselves in any field of activity - to achieve success at work, in a career, etc. However, not everyone could meet their soul mate. And this missing component can cloud the whole picture of a successful present. Therefore, for the sake of one such event, people sometimes decide on desperate deeds, including the use of magic. And in order to bring closer the meeting with their soulmate, with whom fate is destined to live days in joy and sorrow, many women read conspiracies and spells for love, as well as slander to remove the crown of celibacy. The most powerful and ardent love plots are read before going to bed for food, as well as on the new moon. We will tell about them today.

Conspiracies and spells of love magic help a person meet the love of his life and live with this person all his life. Such magical texts are distinguished by a strong effect (drying on an apple and other food, Muslim love spells, bedtime spells, etc.), which is very difficult to remove, but those who did such rituals correctly were guaranteed to get a positive result.

For many years, people have been practicing magic, observing the effectiveness of each rite, highlighting the most effective and powerful of them. Therefore, many such spells received good reviews, as they helped in achieving the goal.

In order to achieve your goal yourself, using a conspiracy to love, it is important to correctly follow all the recommendations. As a rule, the main one when using love conspiracies (spells on an apple or other food, conspiracies on the new moon, before going to bed, etc.) is the optimal time for the ritual, when magic words and faith in the fulfillment of the desired will work best.

If a person who wants to quickly meet the person destined for him by fate decides to use magic, he must remember that:

  • the success of the rite, during which you need to read a conspiracy for mutual love, largely depends on the faith of the performer;
  • there are conspiracies with a slight impact that push a person to certain actions, but there is an ardent conspiracy for love and dryness (for food, an apple), which have a more powerful effect, which is very problematic to remove;
  • during the ritual, when the words of a love conspiracy are spoken, it is worth thinking only about your beloved, narrowed in a positive way, avoiding negative thoughts and any fears;
  • no one can be told about the performance of magical actions, neither before the ceremony, nor after;
  • correctly and clearly follow all the instructions of the chosen conspiracy, starting with when it is better to take up the implementation of the plan (on a new moon, with a growing moon, etc.), and ending with what you need to have with you during a magical operation.

As for the features of conducting rituals from the category of love magic, they are indicated in the prescription for each of them. If there are none, when reading the plot and casting the spell, you should remember:

  • rituals performed on the new moon or during the period of the growing moon are considered highly effective;
  • it is better to read a slander during the day while facing the east side, and before going to bed and at night - to the west;
  • a magical text that helps to attract a betrothed man to life is pronounced on "men's days", and a conspiracy to find love in the face of a woman, on "women's days";
  • it is strictly forbidden to perform any magical actions (love spells for food, apple broth, slander before going to bed, etc.) on Sundays and church holidaysif nothing is said about this in the instructions.

A strong slander if a girl cannot get married for a long time

It often happens that girls cannot get married due to induced damage or a crown of celibacy. In the event that personal life does not add up, you can conduct a strong ritual and read an ardent love plot, which has collected very good reviews.

In order for a lonely girl to be able to meet her lover soon, it is better for her to wait for the phase of the waning month (unlike many other rites, when the slander is read on the new moon). Thus, after reading the love plot, she will be able to get rid of the crown of celibacy and meet her betrothed in the near future.

At the right time, before going to bed, a single girl should:

  • fill a small cup with fresh milk;
  • take a lit wax candle;
  • stand in front of a large mirror (preferably full-length) with a cup in one hand and a candle in the other.

Looking at your reflection and crossing yourself, you need to pronounce a love plot. His words should sound like this:

“Maternal strength, the power of the Holy Cross and fresh milk, help me remove the crown of celibacy so that strong and mutual love comes into my life! Holy Virgin, intercessor of all married and unmarried, marry me to my betrothed, reward us with unearthly love, give us a happy life together. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Having pronounced this conspiracy three times to meet the betrothed before going to bed, you need to cross the mirror with a burning candle. Then you need to drink the charmed milk and go to bed. This slander, which helps to remove a celibate crown from a single girl, should work within the next few months. As numerous reviews about this ardent conspiracy show, many women met with their betrothed in a couple of months.

A rite to evoke mutual feelings in a particular man

When a girl meets a man, but he does not reciprocate yet, she can apply another conspiracy to a candle for love. It should also be read at bedtime for seven days in a row. In order for this conspiracy to work, it is better to prepare in advance and get:

  • photo with the image of a beloved man;
  • seven thin wax candles.

For the first time, this conspiracy is read on the new moon. Therefore, it is better to calculate the appropriate day in advance. Those who did such a ceremony used the lunar calendar to correctly determine the right day.

Late in the evening of the planned day, before going to bed, you need to get one candle and a photo of the victim. Putting a candle in a candlestick on the table, light it. Place a photo of your lover behind it. Further, focusing on your desire to kindle mutual feelings in the heart of this man, look at the picture and say a conspiracy on a candle for love:

“Love and passion call-call! With the burning power of the flame of a candle, I evoke strong and mutual love in the heart of the servant of God (name of the man). Go, love and passion, to the servant of God (again the name of the man), settle in his heart, kindle a hot flame, mutual feelings for the servant of God (your name). So that he reaches out to me, strives, wants to meet and unite. Let it be so from now on! So that no one can remove or cancel these words!

Looking at the photograph of your lover, read this plot until the flame goes out. When the stub remains, complete the ritual with three "Amen". Then put the picture under your pillow and go to bed. The same actions must be performed the next day and so on for 6 more days in a row. After that, all seven cinders should be hidden in a secret place in your house and wait for your beloved to come to your house.

Having correctly completed all the steps, a positive result can be expected within the next month.

Evening ritual with an apple

E that ritual refers to very strong conspiracies called prisushki. It is also performed at bedtime and preferably on the new moon (the first day of the new month). Those women who did such a rite and read the dry spell on an apple noted an immediate effect that manifested itself within the first few weeks.

To conduct the ceremony, on the new moon you need to prepare:

  • ripe ruddy apple;
  • red satin ribbon;
  • sharp knife;
  • a small blank sheet of paper;
  • a pen with a red ampoule;
  • wax candle bought in the temple.

Any dryer (for an apple, for food or drink) is considered very powerful, which is quite problematic to remove. Therefore, it is necessary to start the ceremony only if the woman knows for sure that the particular man is her betrothed.

Late in the evening on the new moon, you need to take an apple and cut it into two equal halves with one movement of a sharp knife. Then a piece of paper folded an even number of times is inserted into the middle with the name of the victim written on it with a red pen. Next, the halves of the fruit with a piece of paper inside are connected to make a whole apple again. The fruit is then tied tightly satin ribbon red color and pronounced three times in a row an ardent conspiracy to love. His words should sound like this:

“As the ruddy apple will wither, dry, dry up, so the servant of God (pronounce the name from a piece of paper) will yearn for me, miss, dry. These words cannot be removed, not taken away! From now on, let it be! Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this love plot is uttered, the apple tied with a ribbon should be placed on the window in direct sunlight to dry. In order for the rite to be more effective and the conspiracy to work much faster, it is better to perform magical actions on the full moon in the summer. In other words, the faster the apple dries, the faster the victim, whose name will be indicated on the piece of paper, will feel a strong attraction to the author of the ritual. It is almost impossible to remove such a magical effect aimed at a specific person in order to arouse love in his heart.

Let's take a closer look at the conspiracy to love a man to read on his own - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Magical conspiracies for strong, devoted love

A strong love spell can act with the same force as a love spell. There are rituals with which you can achieve the effect of light love, euphoria, ease of communication, sympathy. Love spells can be done independently.

If you are going to read a conspiracy to love a man, then you should first read the Our Father prayer. Words are pronounced in a low voice, each is clearly pronounced. It is advisable to look at the photo of the chosen one. It is impossible to stray or confuse words. If the ritual belongs to white magic, it cannot be used to harm another person.

A very strong conspiracy

This ritual helps to attract pure, sincere and strong feelings into your life. It helps to start new relationships and life from scratch.

I, the servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into the open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and scatter my anguish-grit from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my sadness to the sweetheart (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and all would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone would walk and fank like a white swan, and would think of me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and expensive as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for love and fidelity

A conspiracy to love a man helps to protect yourself and your loved one from people who envy someone else's, true love. There are such envious people who are trying in every possible way to interfere.

To perform the ritual, do the following:

  • Buy a new tablecloth, only white.
  • Three church candles are placed on it.
  • The words of the conspiracy are read three times in a row. After each reading, one candle is extinguished.

O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

  • When the text is read, all candles are extinguished, they are tied together.
  • Then they light it again and let it burn to the very end.

Conspiracy bewitched heart

Love spells with elements of a love spell are considered quite effective and strong. For the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle. She symbolizes love. Do the following:

  1. Spread a white handkerchief on the table.
  2. A heart shape is dripped onto it with wax from a lit candle. First, the contour is marked, and then the figure is completely filled.
  3. On the finished heart, write the name of a loved one with a pen or pencil.
  4. A needle is stuck into the wax heart, and left.
  5. The figurine with the needle is hidden in the safest place where no one can find it.
  6. From the moment the candle is lit and until the heart is pierced with a needle, the words of the conspiracy are read:

I don’t kindle a flame, but I call on the soul of a loved one, I don’t pour out wax, but I ask the body, I don’t pierce my heart, but I call love into my life. Let the soul and body unite and turn into a servant (s) of God (s) (name). His (her) heart is filled with love, the servant (s) of God (s) turns to me.

Men or guys can use this conspiracy to love a girl if they are sure that this is their soulmate. Particular attention should be paid to one aspect. You can not sit and wait for the object of desire to find you and come to you. After the ritual, it is necessary to catch his eye as often as possible. A person should feel and recognize your energy and strength as much as possible. His heart must know and see the one about whom he begins to dream.

A simple love spell

For a simple rite, it is enough to say the following words:

A person cannot live without water and food, and my beloved (name) cannot live day or night without me (name) - his other half.

You can do a simple ritual on the hair. To do this, you need five of your own hairs and three hairs of the object of love. They are connected together, thrown into a fiery flame, saying:

Lord, burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit our kidneys and our heart. Amen!.

After the ritual, peace and harmony will surely come in the relationship. You can use this conspiracy to love a girl.

Ritual for bad weather

Together with conspiracies to attract love, you can use Orthodox prayers. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that you need to read prayers, ask and ask for what you want, and it will definitely come into your life. True, if we talk about a loved one, then he should be free, his heart should not be occupied by another.

Bad weather, heavy rain can help attract love. The ceremony is performed only during rain, thunderstorms, snowfall, or during a very strong faith. You need to read the text only in a whisper. No one should hear the spoken words.

Went to the church pop. The wheel rolls, spins, rolls under the feet of the ass, clings to the skirts of his clothes. Let the servant of God (name of the guy) rush to me like that, rush at me, spin around me in circles, like a pop on an icon, let him pray for me. Help all the saints, subdue the servant of God (name of the guy) to me. Amen.

Ritual at dawn

Many love plots are read in the morning, at dawn, using her energy. She is able, like the sun, to illuminate your feelings for the object of love. The ritual can be compared with prayers to the forces of nature that came from antiquity. These conspiracies are still used today. They are very effective and quickly make the object of desire pay attention to you.

In the morning, they get up facing the east and read the spoken words to themselves 7 times in a row:

A person does not live without water and food, and a servant of God (the name of a man or woman) cannot live and be without God's servant (his name), day or night, without his half - me.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A photograph in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person. When exposed to it, you can change the behavior of another in the right direction. The photo helps smooth out disagreements in your personal life and eliminate a possible rival. Before the ceremony, it is advisable to read the Our Father prayer.

In magic, there are several rules by which an image is selected for the ritual:

  1. The pupils of the eyes should be clearly visible on it.
  2. The age on the photo must match the real age of the object of desire. (It is acceptable to use a picture from three years ago).
  3. The chosen one must be alone in the photo. Otherwise, magic can affect another person.

The words of the conspiracy in the photo are read three times a day: at dawn, evening and at sunset. You need to look directly into the eyes of the chosen one in the picture for the magic to work and say:

Just as the servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot live and be without his shadow, so the servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot without longing for me, God's servant (pronounce the name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing. As the Sun goes across the sky, you still go along every road to me, God's servant (pronounce the name). My word is strong and stucco. Amen.

After the ceremony, the photos are kept closer to themselves. But outsiders should not see it. You can't bury photos in the ground. The ritual belongs to white magic and carries a positive.

Love spells are powerful. Their effectiveness lies in the power of the words and the faith with which they are spoken. If it is impossible to live without love, and there is a person with whom you want to be close, you need to mentally set yourself up for this. Before the ritual, in your thoughts you need to imagine the chosen one or look at his photo.

Strong faith in the actions performed can work wonders. And conspiracies for love will help set the desired object in the right way. They will push him to the right path. In rituals, it is allowed to invent words on your own. In the texts, you can express the desired attitude towards yourself. But it is better to use words that have been tested for centuries and use the help of the forces of light, nature and magic.

You can enhance the effect of spoken words using prayers. They help to change the existing reality at the energy level. Prayers and conspiracies contribute to the emergence of positive events in life.

Love spells and spells for love. Strong love spells and conspiracies for strong love

The strongest love spell for everlasting love

Eternal love spell made from a photo helps to enhance the effectiveness of a love spell for love and instantly bewitch a loved one very strongly. The lunar phase of the waning moon, like any other, directly affects the psychological and emotional state of a person, and if a woman did love spell using photography beloved man, he will soon love you very much and will begin to actively care for you. Many are interested in whether it is possible to do a love spell on the waning moon. Yes, on the waning moon you can tell fortunes and conduct love rituals. All of them are great for repelling a man from a rival, taking a man away from his family or returning ex-husband after a divorce, even if a man began to live with a lover. The energy of the moon enhances all magical rituals: love spells and spells which are aimed at suppressing, weakening and destroying someone else's will, which means that this strong love spell performed on the waning moon allows you not only to bind your lover to yourself, but also to forever break all his ties with other women and get rid of your rival forever falling in love with a man in myself. When conducting such rituals of love magic on your own, you need to be extremely careful. In love magic there is safe white love spells using love prayers which will not harm either you or him, but can be done strong black spell affecting the will and consciousness of the bewitched person. Should it be said that black spell will not do without consequences . White love spell which will be discussed a strong love spell using a photo of a loved one and church wedding candles. This love spell is in no way inferior to a black love spell, but it is completely safe for both of you and does not carry any negative. About how to bewitch a loved one to yourself: a man or a guy, I will tell you in great detail.

How to make a spell yourself

With the onset of midnight on the waning moon, get ready make a spell on your own. To do this, you must already have the following items:

  • a photo of a loved one on whom you need to make a love spell;
  • 2 clean saucers;
  • 2 wedding candles;
  • Clean towel.

Spread a clean towel on the table and place 2 saucers on it. Light the wedding candles by placing them on different saucers, and in order for them to stand steadily, melt the back of the candles by melting the wax. Now take the photo with both hands and as many times as you read full years love spell for love :

Luna is a girl, dear sister.

You walk in the sky, do not take your eyes off my dear one.

I burn candles, I want to marry a sweetheart.

You moon help me, (name of the beloved) fall in love with me.

The candle burns - orders to be eternal love.

No one can remove the love spell on the moon and our love cannot be taken away.

The candle will burn out, the love of God's servants (names) will strengthen.

Extinguish the candles and disconnect them from the saucer, put them together with the photo in a secluded place at home. You need to keep candles and photos together for a lifetime. This love spell using wedding candles and photos usually starts working the next morning.

Love spell on an apple

Love spell with an apple yourself made for a loved one really works and very quickly acts on the consciousness of a person living at any distance from you. After reading apple conspiracy and doing it yourself apple love spell The effects of this love spell can be seen the very next day. Drying apple it is done to make a man yearn for you very much while being at a distance from you and send love longing to make the sweetheart think only about you. Bewitched by a conspiracy to an apple behind an icon, a person will begin to strongly pull towards you. This is how a conspiracy works on melancholy and love made on an apple. If you need bewitch yourself to yourself a loved one or a person you like, this simple and very effective love spell with apple exactly what needs to be done.

How to make a love spell on an apple

This love spell on an apple is a very simple but powerful rite of passage for love that you can do at home.. To make a love spell, you need to take a knife and cut the apple strictly in the middle. Putting the knife and two halves of the apple aside, write on a white piece of paper the names of yourself and your loved one. Insert a note with the names between the halves of the apple and, connecting them, tie the apple with a red ribbon. After the apple is tied with a ribbon, it must be placed on a white saucer and read the plot - a love spell :

How this apple dries

So let the servant of God (name) dry for me.

Missing me forever

Always fondly remembered.

To finish love spell with apple you need to remove the saucer with an apple behind the icon of the Virgin and read it in front of the icon prayer for marriage. 7 days you can not touch the apple.

Love spell without photos without candles and without things

You can bewitch a person at a distance with words by saying a conspiracy to love on your own. To do this, it is enough to make a simple and very strong love spell that is done without candles, without a photograph and without things of the bewitched. All love spells without photos very interesting rituals and for the simplicity of execution are very common in love magic. A love spell that I will now tell you about in the old days, and even now it is done only independently and strictly on a friend and loved one whose name you know. A love spell on a name is done without a photo and without things. bewitched, and this love spell works at any distance from your loved one. To perform a strong love spell, you need a blank piece of paper. Please note that a checkered or lined sheet does not fit! On one side of a piece of paper, write the name of your loved one, and on the back, rewrite love prayer words :

And having firmly bound us Your faithful servants to You,

Do thy commandments and one another

Create love without hypocrisy,

By the prayers of the Mother of God, the only Lover of mankind.

With a flame of love, our hearts have inflamed to You,

Christ God, let us liquefy with that, heart, thought and soul,

And with all our strength we love Thee,

And sincerely like myself,

And Thy commandments are preserved, we glorify Thee, the Giver of all blessings.

With the servant of God (name) from the evil eye,

From an evil intention, from a cold lapel.

No one can ever finish and remake.

Love spell on a candle

You can attract love and fall in love with a man by reading a love spell on a candle. Now you will learn how to bewitch a person to yourself and make a love spell on your own by performing a simple ritual on church candles. To make your own love spell only 1 church candle is needed, it’s good if the candle is red, but not every church has such a rich color selection of candles, and if this is not possible, buy any of the cheapest candles, it will fit to make a home love spell. Having bought a candle in the church, do not take change - this is a payoff for a love spell. Leave a change in the temple when you give money for a candle by telling the candle saleswoman: (change for a common candle) and taking the purchased candle back home. Love spell of a loved one using a church candle must take place at home.

How to make a love spell on a church candle

After 6 pm you can start love spell on a candle. To make your own candle spell put a mirror on the table and sitting in front of the mirror so that your reflection can be seen, light a church candle by saying love spell kindling love in the heart of a person you love, a man and a husband who has cooled in feelings or a guy who needs to fall in love with himself or beat off a rival:

Strong love and molding like wax,

For me, slave (name), forever.

From love to me, a slave (name) forever and ever.

I turn the love of the slave (name) to myself, I light it with a church candle.

Be with me at daytime and at night,

Turn the candle, the heart of the slave (name) to me alone.

I seal the word with a wax seal,

I conjure with a church candle.

Love spell by photo

Love spell by photo they do to quickly fall in love and bind a person to themselves by reading quick love spell and doing self spell ritual . Strong love spell will act on a man or husband at any distance from him and his presence during the ceremony is not required. For a love spell, you only need a photograph of the person being bewitched, a coin, a piece of red fabric and a red thread. It is ideal if the love spell is made on Friday, but this is not at all a prerequisite and any day, including weekends after 20 pm, is suitable. Powerful love spell on the photo will act on the consciousness of the beloved at the same hour.

How to bewitch a person from a photo

Many magicians choose this love ritual with photography because the consequences of a love spell on fierce love come instantly and the love spell works at any distance from the one to whom the love spell is directed. Having chosen a day suitable for reading the conspiracy, prepare a photo of your loved one. Run love spell you can at home, but in the room where it will be held magic ritual for love there should be no one but you. Put the photo in a piece of red cloth along with any coin. Fold the fabric and photo and wrap it with red thread so that it does not unwind. When the preparation for the love spell ritual is done, barely audibly say love spell - love spell :

searched, searched, but only miscalculated.

Didn't find anything and shook him:

Arms, legs do not bend, bones are shaking.

The veins are naughty, they don’t order to eat or drink.

Let, like grandfather Kulek, be my dear.

Without me - shaking, with me - dancing,

Without me food is quinoa, with me it is sweeter than honey,

Without me - my head hurts, the light is not visible,

With me - the sun is clear, things are wonderful.

Whoever finds the knot will break the words,

a conspiracy to love a man to read independently

A love spell for a husband on food is the easiest way to make sure that the husband does not walk and loves only his wife. To quickly and strongly bewitch a husband, you need read a plot for salt which subsequently should be salted food for her husband. What is this a conspiracy that you need to read yourself on the love of a husband for his wife read on. It's best if the plot will be read on the full moon, in this case, the conspiracy will affect the husband in the morning. Arrange a festive dinner and salt the food with charmed salt, do not be afraid to taste the charmed food yourself, it will only affect your husband. Salt Conspiracy you need to read after 6 pm - not a minute earlier, better a little later! When you wake up, you immediately feel consequences of a conspiracy on salt and husband's love- the husband will begin to show you strong love feelings and increased signs of attention.

A conspiracy so that the husband loves and respects only his wife

This strong conspiracy to love a husband should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life always wanted only her and never cheated on his wife. After the wife reads the conspiracy to love and respect her husband for a glass of water and gives her husband a drink, the beloved man will take his head, stop drinking and walking with friends, and will always rush to his wife. As a result of this love spell made on her husband, he will be strongly drawn home to his family, every day more and more respecting and loving only his wife.

Pour into a glass of drinking water and say over it the words of a conspiracy to love and respect your husband:

Holy week conspiracies for love

You can read conspiracies on your own during Christmas week from January 7 to January 18 for a variety of reasons, and most often they guess and read conspiracies for love at Christmas time. Conspiracies for. today they will tell the oldest and 100% working Christmas rite for love, which is done at home during the Christmas week from January 7 to January 19. With the help of a magical ritual for love on any day of the week, Christmas time will very quickly lure a husband who will love you very much during the new year and will definitely marry. This love conspiracy also works on an existing husband or a man who has cooled down with feelings or even worse started walking to the left - if you read a love conspiracy on him, this situation will improve very quickly and the bewitched man will love only his wife.

Christmas love spell

If you read this love conspiracy for Christmas time, then the person on whom the Christmas love spell is made will never stop loving and cheat on you, it is this conspiracy among magicians that is called an eternal love spell that forever binds two souls together. It is almost impossible to remove a love spell made on Christmas week! If you decide to do this particular Christmas rite for love, once again carefully weigh your love feelings for the bewitched guy or man. By the way, this love plot can also be read for the love of a girl or woman that you love and want her to love only you all her life, replace male words with female ones in the text of the conspiracy and vice versa. For a Christmas love ritual, you need a candle and a mirror, you don’t need a photo and the name of a loved one in a conspiracy for love read at Christmas time. Place a candle in front of a mirror on the windowsill so that the sky can be seen in the mirror. Light a candle standing between the mirror and the window (the sky and the fire of the candle should be reflected in the mirror). When everything is ready for the Christmas ritual for love, read the love plot 3 times:

Conspiracies for the love of a man to read on a candle

You can quickly and effectively bewitch a man to yourself by reading a strong conspiracy to love a man at the window with a lit candle. Immediately after reading, the man you love will begin to experience strong longing and a desire to see you as soon as possible - these are all the consequences of a love plot that you read on your own at home for a man's love. The best time to read a love plot is the growing moon or the full moon, but this is not a rule and you can fall in love with a person with this plot at any phase of the moon. In the evening, after 8 o'clock at home, go to the window and light a candle. Looking at the fire of a candle and freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts seven times, say a quick but very strong conspiracy to love a man who is far from you, the conspiracy will affect his feelings at any distance from you:

Conspiracy for longing. A strong conspiracy to quickly catch up with love longing to read on your own

This is the most powerful and instant love spell to quickly catch up with love longing for any person. You need to make it so that your loved one misses you and yearns and constantly thinks only about you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the conspiracy that makes your loved one sad. An old conspiracy to make a loved one sad is the only and surest way that works and will quickly make a guy or a man yearn and think only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. In order to quickly conjure strong longing for your loved one at home, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind) say text of a conspiracy for love longing to the wind :

Read a conspiracy for melancholy for salt

Do you want your beloved guy or man to yearn for you, read the plot for longing. A conspiracy is read for a pinch of salt, which, after inducing melancholy, must be completely dissolved in a glass of water and poured out the window. Having let out a strong longing for a person with this conspiracy, the guy is unable to restrain himself from loneliness and longing for the girl, he will very quickly come or call on the phone.

A conspiracy for melancholy that you need to read for salt yourself:

A conspiracy on an apple for love. Love spell with the help of a conspiracy on the apple of love

Making a love spell on your own with the help of a red apple by reading at home a conspiracy on an apple of love that you need to put behind an icon is a very old love ritual of white magic that can quickly and forever bewitch a loved one. You can read a love plot for an apple on a guy, on a girl, on a man or on a woman, it is suitable for everyone who needs to bewitch. If you have all of the items listed, then as soon as the moon appears in the sky, you can do a love ritual for a red apple and read a love plot. Write the name of your loved one (oh) in pencil on a piece of paper and fold it in half with the inscription inside. Take a knife and cut the apple into 2 halves between which you should put a note with the name of the bewitched.

A conspiracy to water on a husband's love for his wife to read independently

A conspiracy of love for water in a glass is the most common love ritual for self-conduct at home. You need to read a love plot for a husband’s strong love for his wife on Thursday water (water poured on Thursday), and after the plot, drink the husband with charmed water on the love of his wife. The consequences of this conspiracy are the strong love of the husband and the complete exclusion of his betrayals, the husband will strongly love only his wife, walking everywhere on her heels and in everything to her husband. Pour a glass of water early on Thursday morning, the best time is the full moon, but a love spell can be read on any moon. Tell the water a conspiracy to love a husband for his wife :

New Year's conspiracies for love. Love plots to read independently for the new year

Night on New Year this is the best time of the year when you need to read love spells. New Year's conspiracies for the love of a man and a woman will forever bewitch a husband to his wife from betrayal, scandals in the family. Knowledgeable people have always performed pure white conspiracies and rituals for love at night from 8 pm on December 31 to 4 am on January 1 so that the husband only loves his wife and is always with her. On the eve of the New Year, conspiracies on. they will tell the best home love plot that you need to read on your husband or beloved man so that he gets married during the coming year. This is a quick conspiracy and it does not take much time to conduct and does not require preparation, you just need to buy a church candle in advance and on New Year's Eve choose a couple of minutes to conduct a white love ceremony.

Christmas conspiracies for love in the new year

Christmas is rich in traditions and customs and contains a lot of strong conspiracies and love spells for the love of a man and a woman in the new year. Christmas conspiracies very quickly (during the coming year) allow you to meet your betrothed or fall in love with an existing boyfriend - a gentleman who has not yet shown his strong love feelings for you. A love plot to be read at Christmas will just help you get married quickly and fall in love with your other half forever. It is customary to read Christmas conspiracies at home or in church, kneeling in front of the Icon or the crucifixion of Christ:

A conspiracy to love read on the street

The fastest and very simple love plot can be read when your loved one has not yet left you and you are constantly meeting with him. At home or on the street, approach him under any pretext and with your right hand, taking his left hand, ask a man or a guy to help you in one very important matter. When the person agrees, ask him to wait a bit and move away from him so that he does not see you, saying that you will return now. The main thing is to leave him waiting for the conversation to continue, so that he thinks about you while you are not next to him, keeping the connection and intrigue.

When you go out into the street, stop and bite your tongue, say the words of a conspiracy for love and a constant love affair :

Conspiracy for love during the day. Daily love plot to read in the afternoon

A daytime love plot is suitable for milestones of girls and women who are not married and want to bewitch their beloved boyfriend or unmarried man to themselves during the daytime. To make a love plot on your own during the day, you need to take a new (not worn) wedding ring on a sunny day, you can not gold, but pewter or copper, most importantly without a stone. Wearing a ring on ring finger with your right hand, remember the image of your beloved, thinking how much he loved you so much and how he will marry you. Conspiracies on, they will teach you how to quickly fall in love with someone who you like by yourself by making a simple love spell on your own during the day. Go to the window, or rather go outside and put your right hand under the daytime sunlight so that they are reflected from the ring say the words of a love spell :

A conspiracy to love saliva. Read a love plot on saliva to love and yearn

A conspiracy to saliva in order to love a loved one to yourself is a very common love ritual that can very quickly - sometimes instantly make a person feel very homesick with the help of a conspiracy. Immediately after reading the conspiracy to his saliva, the beloved will feel a strong love attachment and, yearning alone, the first will want to see and talk. You can read the plot at any time of the day. Go to the front door of your apartment and spit on the door frame and looking at the flowing saliva, say a conspiracy to love longing :

Love ring spell. Love spell for husband's engagement ring

A common love spell that a wife can do on her husband's engagement ring. A love plot helps to restore relations in the family and return the husband from his mistress or stop his partying. To speak the ring of a loved one, buy a new handkerchief in the store, which you need to sprinkle with holy water before a love plot. In church, take home seven red church candles.

At night, after 12 o'clock, light all 7 church candles, and thread the handkerchief seven times through the ring of your beloved man, reading the conspiracy to love your wife's husband:

A good reconciliation plot after a strong quarrel

To reconcile, you need to read a conspiracy to reconcile. Reconciliation with a loved one after a strong quarrel with the help of reading a conspiracy will make him the first to ask for forgiveness and make peace, becoming the initiator of peace after a quarrel and any even the strongest scandal. Good way to make peace with the help of magic is to read a conspiracy for peace after a quarrel. So, if you had a big quarrel with someone, and there is almost no hope for reconciliation, you can read a special conspiracy to restore relations after a quarrel that makes a person go to reconciliation and forget about all grievances. To quickly reconcile, you need to read the conspiracy for twelve burning church candles in the morning and evening for three days without interruption, even if you have already reconciled - it’s just that the action of the conspiracy came earlier. Light all the candles and read conspiracy words that make a person reconcile :

Conspiracy to reconcile spouses

After a quarrel with a beloved spouse - a husband or wife, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses will help to reconcile, which must be read immediately after the scandal and, despite any circumstances, the spouses will quickly reconcile. Both the wife and the husband, as well as their parents who are worried about the happiness of their children, can read a conspiracy that will help persuade a person to reconciliation. This is a white conspiracy prayer to St. Irina that will help reconcile the spouses and maintain peace and love in the family after a strong scandal. The words of the conspiracy must be read before the icon of St. Irene:

Conspiracy to reconcile after a quarrel

In order to improve relations and make peace with a loved one after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, friend or girlfriend.) in the old days they read this strong reconciliation conspiracy. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the person to whom the magical effect was directed is the first to realize his guilt and is looking for a reason to quickly make peace. To do this, in the evening, as it gets dark, you need to go outside and move away from the bright light, look at the sky. You need to wait for the first star to appear and look at it three times in a row read a conspiracy forcing a person to be the first to reconcile after a quarrel :

A conspiracy from love longing for a loved one

To chastise yourself from longing for your loved one with whom you broke up, this light white conspiracy will help free you from love longing and strong sadness for your loved one and give peace of mind for the person you broke up with. Read the words of the conspiracy three times in a row from love longing, sadness and sadness over food or drink that you need to sit down and drink at dinner, and then go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you will completely get rid of the feeling of love and attachment to your former love, thus once and for all saving yourself from love anguish. The words of a conspiracy from longing and sadness that need to be read over food and drink are :

A conspiracy on Clean Thursday for love to read on water

A love conspiracy read on a clean Thursday will forever bewitch a loved one. In love magic, there are many love conspiracies that you need to read on your own, many of them act at any distance from the bewitched, forcing him to return to his beloved after a quarrel, but the most powerful conspiracies are those that need to be read in large church holidays such as conspiracy to love on clean thursday about which conspiracies for today will tell. A love plot for a clean Thursday needs to be read into the water, but not a simple one from the tap, but a sacred one in the church, where you also need to buy 1 candle that you bring home for a magical rite of love on Maundy Thursday.

On Thursday, 6 to 8 in the morning, you need to pour holy water into a glass, but not full, but so that the bottom is slightly covered and placing the glass near the icon, light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy:

Love conspiracy for baptism for eternal love

On January 19, at the Epiphany of the Lord, it is customary to read a strong love plot for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom it was read white baptismal plot he will love his other half very much and will forever love and be faithful to her. Many who performed this magical ceremony on the night of baptism and spoke to the bright and strong love of their chosen one have already lived together in love and harmony for many years, without quarreling or cheating on each other. Light a church candle holding it in your left hand with your right hand, pour a sip of holy water into a transparent glass. Without releasing the candle, take the glass in your right hand and say baptismal love spell :

A love plot for Shrovetide to read for love so that the darling loves very much

From March 7 to March 12, Cheese Week is celebrated, or Shrovetide. Shrovetide week conspiracies that need to be read on a loved one so that his love for you becomes even stronger. After reading this love spell for carnival a guy or a man will fall in love with you so much that he will soon make an offer to play a wedding and you will successfully marry your loved one whom you recently read a love spell. A love spell is read on a Shrovetide pancake, which you need to treat the person whom you decided to bewitch. Here are the words of the conspiracy to read:

Read a conspiracy from cheating on a husband for a happy family life

If quarrels with your husband began to occur in your family and you have a feeling that he is cheating, this strong conspiracy on her husband from his betrayals will help correct this situation and restore a happy family life. Immediately after reading the conspiracy from treason, the husband will love only his wife, experiencing an endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. The plot is read on bread, which the husband must eat with any meal. Before you sit down at the table, read this plot over a piece of bread. As soon as the husband eats the bread charmed from betrayal, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and most friendly family.

Conspiracy to quickly make peace

This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read a conspiracy for reconciliation in the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will make peace and will no longer quarrel over trifles, constantly finding compromises that will suit you. Put a candle to her and, after bowing, read a white conspiracy - a prayer to make peace with the person you need:

Conspiracy to make peace with a friend

In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for the quarrel, you need to look at him in the wake to read the reconciliation conspiracy. In fact, immediately after reading, a friend will strongly want to return your friendship and will begin to feel guilty for the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is as follows:

Spell to find love through magic

This magical rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and get married successfully, you just need to perform a simple rite with reading a love plot to meet your loved one. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special conspiracy for love :

Strong conspiracies for love that you can read yourself in the photo

Many are interested in how to independently make a conspiracy for love from a photograph of a loved one. In itself, this is a very light love ritual with reading the words of a magical conspiracy that evokes strong feelings of love in a person. A love plot can be read independently both at home and by choosing more quick black love spell using photo and perform a love ritual in the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of the person being bewitched, his presence when you are read a love spell, not required. Know also that a love plot drawn from a photo will not be possible to remove; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To bewitch a person from a photo, you need any printed photograph, it carries all the energy of a person to which the magical forces of a conspiracy to love are directed. Here are a few ways to do it yourself photo love spell and strongly bewitch your loved one.

Love plot to read in a cemetery, a strong cemetery love plot to read on your own

A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery are called a cemetery love spell for eternal love and belong to black magic. To independently perform a love ceremony on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and love the person for whom you are ready to perform a ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will reveal the great secret of the black wedding and you will know best love spells to read in a graveyard. By choosing and performing any of the rites, you will forever unite your souls and will love each other very much until the end of your life. After a conspiracy to love read in a cemetery You will have to accept your loved one for who he is, with all his cockroaches and oddities. Therefore, you need to get to know him better so that after the conspiracy there is no disappointment. Same way all conspiracies and love spells performed on cemetery land have their consequences, about which we will not remain silent.

Conspiracies for love to read on a candle

Love conspiracies that you can read on your own can be done both day and night. In nighttime the most powerful love plot to be read on a full moon, this time is considered the most suitable for magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person to yourself and read on him strong love spell, can be carried out a ritual for eternal love using his photo and a red church candle doing everything on my own. Another very a good and quick love plot is done with candles and needles and refers to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love spells that need to be read on candles. You can read them all for reference, but use the one that resonates with your heart.

Easter conspiracy for marriage

There is a good white marriage conspiracy after reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is so indecisive that he does not propose to you to marry can do this. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who read on him on Easter week words of an Easter conspiracy for a quick and successful marriage - read for Easter :

Conspiracy to return and admonish a loved one

The action of the conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure means that a loved one cannot resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return a man who had left home after a quarrel with his wife or was done by girls to return the guy and awaken his feelings of love for the one who read the return love spell. But still, before resorting to the help of magic, think ten times, in fact, you love a person so much and want to be with him until the end of your days, or you can still live without him.

Unrequited love often gives a person the most severe pain and takes away all spiritual strength. Quick conspiracies for love will help to achieve reciprocity, find personal happiness and again feel the joy of life.

Conspiracies were used by our ancestors. Of all magical rituals, they are the least simple, but they are very effective. In order to achieve what you want, it is enough to say a few words, concentrating extremely on your goal. A conspiracy to love will help attract the attention of a man and rekindle mutual feelings in him.

Love plot on a string

For a conspiracy, you need a red thread about twenty centimeters long. It has long been believed that the red color accumulates love energy in itself, therefore such a conspiracy is highly effective.

It is necessary to pronounce a love plot immediately after midnight. Apart from the threads, no other attributes are required: just being in silence and solitude is enough. The thread is alternately wound around the index and thumb of the left hand in such a way that visually it becomes like a figure eight - a symbol of infinity. As you tie the thread, say the following words:

I tie the thread - I tie you to me. As two fingers are connected by it, so we will become inseparable. As the thread is strong and red, so your love will be strong and bright. The sun will rise - love for me will flare up in you. Amen.

After that, remove the knotted thread from your hand, but do not unravel it: let it remain in the shape of a figure eight. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. Soon the object of love will begin to show signs of attention.

A quick love spell for a candle

A love plot on a candle is read five minutes before midnight. It is best to use a church candle - it has light energy.

Light a candle and stare at the flame, pronouncing the text of the plot:

I lit a candle - I lit your love. The candle does not burn for long, but your love - all your life. The flame shines brightly, and your love will shine even brighter. To be as midnight comes. Amen.

After reading the plot, put out the candle. Try to meet the next day with a man for whom you have feelings. You will immediately notice a change in his attitude towards you.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A photo for a conspiracy can be taken from social networks. It is not necessary to have a printed version of it: a plot spoken in front of a photograph on the screen will be no less effective. Keep in mind that only the man for whom you are reading the plot should be in the photo. Otherwise, you risk awakening feelings in someone else.

It is necessary to perform the ritual after twelve o'clock at night. Sit in front of the photo so that your face is on the same level with it. Look directly into the eyes of the object of love and say the following text:

I can't take my eyes off you, and you won't take your eyes off me. I am sitting opposite your photo, you will sit opposite me. I give you my love, and you give me yours. As the sun rises, feelings will wake up. Amen.

After that, go to sleep, keeping the image of the person in the photo in your head for some more time. Imagine that a reciprocal feeling has awakened in him, and fall asleep with this thought. After a while, the wish will come true.

They do not require serious skills and abilities, but they have high strength. Before resorting to them, think carefully about whether you need the love of this person, because it will be strong and long. We wish you happiness and reciprocity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:00

If a tragedy happened in your life and a loved one left for another woman, then it is best to seek help from higher ...

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