The most powerful conspiracy from depression on water. Conspiracies from mental anguish, depression, if you feel bad at heart

The human psyche is regularly exposed to various external attacks. Depression is the cause of many diseases. The reasons for it may be different in each case. It is important not to let this condition take its course, but to seek help from specialists. A conspiracy for depression is an excellent addition to the complex therapy of such a disease. But it is important to remember that you can get rid of depression only with the help of treatment, but magical help can only speed up this process, alleviate a person’s condition, return him to his former rhythm of life.

Our ancestors believed that a depressive state is the result of a magical intervention in a person's life. Applying various techniques for mental illness, prayers, conspiracies from despondency and mental pain were used in parallel. You can recognize the presence of depression by the following symptoms:

  • general depletion of the body;
  • causeless tears and frustration;
  • insomnia, refusal to eat;
  • apathetic attitude to everything that happens around;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • aggression, feeling of detachment.

Such signs indicate that something needs to be done immediately, otherwise the condition will worsen. Against the background of it, other mental disorders can also develop (for example, various fears, manic-depressive states).

When getting rid of mental illness with the help of a conspiracy, it is important to remember the following rules and recommendations:

  • carefully prepare all the components for the ritual so that everything you need is at hand;
  • impeccably believe in the power of your word;
  • read strong conspiracy from depression quietly - you are not in a hurry, think about the meaning of each word;
  • it is very important to concentrate when reading a plot from heartache;
  • in order to permanently get rid of the blues, the ritual must be performed on the moon, which is decreasing (at night), which means that the disease will subside.

And remember that the exit from such a state cannot occur only with the help of spells. In parallel, the help of a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is important.

Effective rituals for depression

On the water

Water spells against depression will help get rid of even chronic, protracted depression. And they will help restore lost vitality. The ritual is best done in warm weather and on a waning moon, so the effect will be maximum. It is necessary to come to a natural reservoir, and even better - to a spring. Go into the water or dip your feet or hands. Imagine how with water comes strength and Vital energy. Whisper:

“The water is flowing, running and striving. I will go with the flow of the river, I will gain the strength of life. Lost strength will return, my thoughts will be cleared.

Repeat until you feel relief. When you get home, do what you love or sleep.

In the morning, while washing, say:

“Voditsa - you are my sister, take away my troubles. Heal my wounds. I wash myself, I bow to you, sister. I get rid of the blues and ailments. ”

We perform the ritual every day until we are cured. Standing in a shower under a stream of water:

“I cleanse myself, wash off all the dirt. Thoughts are purified, they dissolve in water.

Over a jug of water we read “Our Father” seven times. Every time we drink, we speak the liquid:

“I drink water - I forget the poor people. Amen".

We do this ritual every day.

For milk and honey

Getting rid of depression can be carried out with the help of attributes such as milk and honey. In this case, the milk must be fresh. The easiest way is to warm up a glass of milk, dip a tablespoon of honey into it, while reading the Our Father prayer. Drink the mixture in small sips, while overshadowing yourself with a cross, saying Amen each time.

There is another option for the ceremony. A magical action is performed at midnight, during the period of the growing moon. Stand near an open window, look at the moonlight, saying:

“Sickness - retreat, vitality - arrive. As the moon rises, the disease goes away.

After that, you need to light a candle, walk with it around the house, saying:

“Go away sorrows, go away from home. I am under the protection of the Holy Spirit. Save and save, I am a servant of the Almighty.

Stop at the door and say:

“I put a lock on the door so that no one could get in. God's gift is my life. Let the blues not enter my house, but pass by by.

“Salt, heal my wounds, milk - soothe my soul. Fear goes away, life energy comes.

And put a teaspoon of honey into a glass, saying:

“Honey sweetness for the soul. Heal my body, rid my mind of bad thoughts, help me heal from mental ailments, from heavy thoughts, heartaches.

Milk in this ritual is a pure, bright energy that fills a person from the inside. Salt is a symbol of cleansing from evil, honey represents the delight and softness of the soul.

After the ritual, pour salted milk under a tree, and drink sweet milk.

For bread

There is also an effective bread ritual that helps get rid of the disease. It is better to take rye bread. After sunset, come to the forest, read the plot of despair:

“Beasts of the forest, taste the bread. Pull my ailment through the forest, trample it with your paws. Birds, sing a song for the soul, peck a rye crust, take my poor things.

Crumble bread under the spruce. Leave the forest without looking back and without talking to anyone.

There is another option for performing magical actions. In each individual case, one of the proposed options to combat the negative state will help. It is necessary to light a candle, cook 7 slices of any bread.

You need to light a candle, cook 7 slices of bread and alternately hold them over the candle flame, reading these words:

“From white smoke, from red fire, I take black power into crumbs, I drive away unclean bitterness. As in a dark forest the sun breaks through, so the rays of light will illuminate the slave (name), they will give fiery forces, black thoughts will burn.

A sick person should eat three pieces, feed the rest to the birds. This ritual promises to give a person relief in the near future.

On the picture

It often happens that a loved one who is currently at a distance needs help. In this case, a slander is read on the photo. Exactly at midnight, light three candles (preferably church ones), put them in a row. Read while looking at the candle flame:

“My blood, I help you, from the servant of God (servant of God) (name) I remove all ailments - both bodily and mental. The first candle burns out longing, the second fire removes all the pain of the soul, and the third candle burns out all sorrows, fears, and nerves. They will burn, and the body and soul of the slave (name) is healed forever. May it be as it is said in the good hour. Amen".

When reading the text, the photo should be rotated counterclockwise over the candle flame. This magical rite is repeated for three days in a row. You can also perform a ritual not only for a blood relative, but also for friends. To do this, light a candle, hold a photograph with your right hand, read:

“The servant of God (name) was tired, strained his nerves, overloaded his head, worried and nervous. With the power of church fire, with a sincere heart, with good thoughts, I will help you heal, wash away the ailment of the soul with holy water, and let your heart calm down. Amen".

Sprinkle the photo with holy water. Read this conspiracy three times a day until the person who is in a depressed state is completely cured.

Conspiracy for peace of mind

Rites with the use of medicinal plants, which can be purchased at any pharmacy chain, are effective. In this case, you will need peppermint, valerian and motherwort. They can be dry or fresh. Pour the mixture of herbs with water (ratio ½), put on a gentle fire. Let it simmer until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the infusion, add three tablespoons of honey, 50 g of vodka or alcohol. Mix while saying:

“Good God, I beg you, I beg you, I ask the higher powers to help. Decoction, give me strength to help the servant of God (name). Yes, he will get rid of ailments, ailments, fears and panic. As these herbs are infused, let the nerves become steel. As a fortress is gained, so my spirit is healed. May all that has been said come true!”

Hide the infusion in a dark place. After a week, drink every day one tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day. Before use, overshadow yourself with a cross.

To get rid of anxiety and mental ailments, you can perform a ritual in the bathroom. For this, such medicinal plants are brewed - chamomile, peppermint, linden. Pour the finished broth into the typed bathroom. Then say the following text over the water:

“I will not bathe in water, but heal with herbs. I will acquire purity of soul and body. As the earth raised its children, so the herbs strengthen my nerves, strength, and add health to me. Peace of mind, a sober mind, and illness from the body, out of my head. Key. Language. Lock".

Take a bath while enjoying aromatic herbs. Imagine how all diseases and negativity go into the water from the body and soul.

Other options

“In the river, clean and transparent, water will arrive; along the river, the bough of the tree floats dry. Fear Strakhovyevich sleeps on this bitch, he doesn’t hear, he doesn’t speak, he doesn’t look. Take away, water, the fear of the servant of God (name), may he not be afraid of anyone, be horrified by anyone. Take away, the river is clean, all fears, ailments, pains. Strength to my words, lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy against depression is far from fiction, they were used in the 9th century, and since that time they have hardly changed. Every year in the country and abroad, more and more people suffer from psychological disorders. The occurrence of depressive states is directly related to the increased psychological stress that comes from various facts. It is possible to be treated using a slander for depression, and you will get the result. But going to a psychologist is also important.

Conspiracies from depression

What to do when a person has brought himself to a nervous breakdown or depression? In this case, strong artillery is used. This text from depression can be read on any food, and even sweets. Conspiracy words:

“With a fiery horse, the ailment of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) trampled. She crushed body and soul with a hoof. The servant of God (servant of God) (name) does not know how to continue to live, to exist. I completely lost interest in life. His (her) soul toils from an illness, the body languishes, and a bad thought swarms in the head.

Illness gnaws at the body, burns with fire, sends the soul to the next world. You run twigs, like that fiery horse on the ground into the dense forest, to the distant swamps. You live there, fill all the toads and frogs with yourself. And leave the body, head and thoughts of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) forever, do not fry, do not frighten and do not remove the soul from the body. Amen (3 times)."

Conspiracy from anxiety

The more you worry and worry, the faster you will find depression.

If you have a serious and responsible stage in your life (preparation for a wedding, admission or exams, etc.) the most effective conspiracy read on the prepared infusion. He prepares himself. Fast and with ingredients that can be found in any pharmacy.

You will need the same amount of peppermint, valerian and motherwort. All plants must be dry or fresh. Pour the herbal mixture so that the water is one phalanx above the mixture and set to languish on fire. Evaporation lasts until half of the liquid remains. Now infusion into a glass container and add 3 tablespoons of linden honey, 50 g of vodka or alcohol (calculation for half a liter of broth).

While we interfere, we pronounce the conspiracy three times:

“I ask the Lord God for mercy, I pray to all the saints and angels. Give a decoction of strength, my (or for whom we prepare a decoction, we indicate the name) servant of God (servants of God) ailments, ailments, fears and panic heal. As the grass is infused, so my nerves become steel. As the fortress is gained, so my spirit is healed. Amen (3 times)."

For seven days we hide the infusion in a dark place. Then use daily 1 tbsp. l. before eating. Cross yourself three times before taking.

words for peace

You will need to brew three plants in the standard way: chamomile, peppermint and linden. Adding to the bathing bath, say a conspiracy:

“I do not bathe in water, but heal with herbs. I acquire purity of spirit and body. As the earth raised its children, so the herbs strengthen my nerves, strength, and add health to me. Peace of mind, a sober mind, and illness from the body, out of my head. Key. Language. Lock".

Conspiracy from a nervous breakdown + Video hypnosis

On water from depression, you can speak and wormwood. Regular tea is brewed, a pinch of herbs is added to the tea leaves. During the addition, the spell is pronounced:

“Wormwood is bitter, the grass is strict. It removes the illness from the body, it will bring me back to life, it doesn’t scold me, but it returns strength to life. ”

Then spit over the left shoulder three times.

Hex acting at a distance

It often happens that you need help for your loved one, who is depressed at a distance. In such cases, you can read the slander in the photo.

It is necessary at exactly 12 o'clock (day or night) to light three candles, put them in a row and read the plot:

“I help my blood, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) I remove the disease. With the first candle I burn out longing, with the second fire - I remove all the pain of my soul, and the third candle is my wife for all sorrows, fears, nerves. She will burn, the body of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) will heal forever. Amen".

While listing, rotate the photo counterclockwise over the candle flame. The ritual is performed three days in a row.

A conspiracy against depression is far from fiction, they were used in the 9th century, and since that time they have hardly changed. Every year in the country and abroad, more and more people suffer from psychological disorders. The occurrence of depressive states is directly related to the increased psychological stress that comes from various facts. It is possible to be treated using a slander for depression, and you will get the result. But going to a psychologist is also important.

Conspiracies from depression

What to do when a person has brought himself to a nervous breakdown or depression? In this case, strong artillery is used. This text from depression can be read on any food, and even sweets. Conspiracy words:

“With a fiery horse, the ailment of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) trampled. She crushed body and soul with a hoof. The servant of God (servant of God) (name) does not know how to continue to live, to exist. I completely lost interest in life. His (her) soul toils from an illness, the body languishes, and a bad thought swarms in the head.

Illness gnaws at the body, burns with fire, sends the soul to the next world. You run twigs, like that fiery horse on the ground into the dense forest, to the distant swamps. You live there, fill all the toads and frogs with yourself. And leave the body, head and thoughts of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) forever, do not fry, do not frighten and do not remove the soul from the body. Amen (3 times)."

Conspiracy from anxiety

The more you worry and worry, the faster you will find depression.

If you have a serious and responsible stage in life (preparation for a wedding, admission or exams, etc.), the most effective conspiracy is read on the prepared infusion. He prepares himself. Fast and with ingredients that can be found in any pharmacy.

You will need the same amount of peppermint, valerian and motherwort. All plants must be dry or fresh. Pour the herbal mixture so that the water is one phalanx above the mixture and set to languish on fire. Evaporation lasts until half of the liquid remains. Now infusion into a glass container and add 3 tablespoons of linden honey, 50 g of vodka or alcohol (calculation for half a liter of broth).

While we interfere, we pronounce the conspiracy three times:

“I ask the Lord God for mercy, I pray to all the saints and angels. Give a decoction of strength, my (or for whom we prepare a decoction, we indicate the name) servant of God (servants of God) ailments, ailments, fears and panic heal. As the grass is infused, so my nerves become steel. As the fortress is gained, so my spirit is healed. Amen (3 times)."

For seven days we hide the infusion in a dark place. Then use daily 1 tbsp. l. before eating. Cross yourself three times before taking.

words for peace

You will need to brew three plants in the standard way: chamomile, peppermint and linden. Adding to the bathing bath, say a conspiracy:

“I do not bathe in water, but heal with herbs. I acquire purity of spirit and body. As the earth raised its children, so the herbs strengthen my nerves, strength, and add health to me. Peace of mind, a sober mind, and illness from the body, out of my head. Key. Language. Lock".

Conspiracy from a nervous breakdown + Video hypnosis

On water from depression, you can speak and wormwood. Regular tea is brewed, a pinch of herbs is added to the tea leaves. During the addition, the spell is pronounced:

“Wormwood is bitter, the grass is strict. It removes the illness from the body, it will bring me back to life, it doesn’t scold me, but it returns strength to life. ”

Then spit over the left shoulder three times.

Hex acting at a distance

It often happens that you need help for your loved one, who is depressed at a distance. In such cases, you can read the slander in the photo.

It is necessary at exactly 12 o'clock (day or night) to light three candles, put them in a row and read the plot:

“I help my blood, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) I remove the disease. With the first candle I burn out longing, with the second fire - I remove all the pain of my soul, and the third candle is my wife for all sorrows, fears, nerves. She will burn, the body of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) will heal forever. Amen".

While listing, rotate the photo counterclockwise over the candle flame. The ritual is performed three days in a row.

The world does not stand still. Everything around is changing, moving and obliges a person to keep up with the changes, otherwise he will join the ranks of outsiders who are lagging behind. And in this everyday carousel, more and more often one hears how people define their condition or the condition of loved ones as depression. What is this mysterious word? Is it really necessary to be afraid of him or is this just another myth? Let's try to figure it out.

Depression is a type of mental disorder

What is induced depression

Depression is one of the types of mental disorder, so it cannot be completely ignored. The disease appeared recently, but it was known in antiquity. Ancient medicine treated depression with warm baths, massages, enemas, recommended support from loved ones, and drinking mineral water. Most doctors of that time believed that such a state could only be induced. That is, to arise as a result of magical manipulations. Some methods still work today. Professional conspiracy for depression able to restore a person not only mood but also a thirst for life. You can read such conspiracies both for yourself and to get rid of the blues of a loved one. But in order to accurately determine that the mood and behavior of the patient is nothing more than an expression of a depressive state, you need to know exactly what this ailment is.

Depression is characterized by the following features:

  • constant bad mood, irritation appears;
  • even favorite things and activities do not bring joy;
  • constant grouchiness;
  • low self-esteem;
  • psychological and physical fatigue;
  • feeling of emptiness inside;
  • sleep and appetite disorders.

If you have found at least three depressive traits in yourself or loved ones, you need to change something in your life so that a depressed state does not turn into a problem. A depressed person does not acknowledge the problem and refuses to go to the doctor and receive treatment. Therefore, first you need to try folk recipes, magical conspiracies. You need to read such slanders with faith in healing and always with the hope of getting rid of the problems that cause such a condition. Their advantage is that they can be used in secret from the patient. Remember that during this period he really needs your love, support, empathy.

How to deal with this condition

There are a number of simple tips that can significantly improve a person's state of mind without resorting to medicine.

Diet changes can help with depression

First of all, you need to reconsider your diet, because the lack of nutrients and some trace elements can also cause a decrease in vital activity, which leads to many diseases. Eliminate fatty foods if possible, eat more fruits and vegetables, especially bright colors (carrots, oranges, tomatoes, wild berries). Consume black tea and coffee in a minimal amount, it is better to replace them with freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.

Herbal tinctures are of great benefit. They will help to raise not only your mood, but also your immunity, for which your body will be grateful to you in the cold season. The advantage of this treatment is that tinctures are not addictive and they have no side effects. The most useful will be lemon balm, St. John's wort, motherwort, it is good to add ginger, cinnamon, cloves.

As trite as it sounds, movement is life. You need to walk, do exercises, yoga helps. Walks in the park, near the reservoir, through the forest are welcome, it is necessary that they bring only positive emotions. Bicycle rides will be useful, in the company of friends or together with the family.

Aromatherapy also helps. Since ancient times, the healing properties of aroma oils have been known and until now they have not lost their relevance. Oil of jasmine, bergamot, rose, tea tree, orange, rosemary will help from blues and fatigue. You can choose according to your taste, as well as make compositions from different oils.

Recently, acupuncture and hirudotherapy are often used along with modern methods of treatment. If you are a supporter of these methods, you can be sure that there are no side effects and other negative consequences.

Conspiracies to help

If, having tried folk methods, the problem still remains, you can resort to conspiracies and prayers. Magic words have always had a significant impact on people. They treated a huge variety of diseases, used in different areas of life.

To treat depression, you can resort to conspiracies and prayers.

Conspiracy for bread

You need to light a candle, cook 7 slices of bread and alternately hold them over the candle flame, reading these words:

“From white smoke, from red fire, I take black power into crumbs, I drive away unclean bitterness. As the sun breaks through the dark forest, so the bright rays of the slave<имя>they will illuminate, they will give fiery strength, black thoughts will burn.

A sick person should eat three pieces, feed the rest to the birds. Relief will come soon.

Conspiracy for water

It is read on water, you can drink it and you need to wash yourself:

“Voditsa-queen, maiden-voditsa, you wash the shores, roots and stones, wash the servant of God (name), saving him from the torment, the evil reason, so that he blossoms and sings, rejoices and eats, does not dry out with grass, forget the bad. Grant, Holy Mother of God. Amen".

Conspiracy for milk

Take a glass of warm milk, add a spoonful of honey. Mix thoroughly and drink in small sips, reading to yourself a prayer, Our Father. It's pretty simple and effective method get rid of anxiety and fear.

All of the above procedures are best performed at the first suspicion of a depressive state, because it is much easier to prevent the disease than to deal with it. In the early stages, the disease recedes immediately, and will not return. Conspiracies are read periodically, without waiting for painful consequences.

To perform such a conspiracy against depression, you need to draw a heart on thick paper, then cut it out. You will have to imagine that this is your heart. You should try to draw on it your bitterness and longing, which do not allow you to live in peace. After that, you need to light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy twice:

“Do not languish, do not let your heart, do not grab, maet, fear, heavy sighs, empty commotion. Do not tear a zealous heart in two. Everything is empty. Go away, sadness, into the unsteady distance. Don't split, don't prick, don't tear your heart, let it go. Everything is empty. To the wind, to the forest, to the dry grass, to the stove chimney, as the smoke disperses in the wind, melts, so let the heart of the maet leave. My word is strong, the key is in my heart, the lock is on my lips. Till the end of time. Amen".

Next, you need to pour yourself some vodka, drink for the repose of your sad and yearning heart. The paper heart will need to be burned over the fire. After these steps, you will need to cut out a new heart of a very beautiful shape and store it in a book with a happy ending.

Conspiracy under the shower

There is another very interesting effective conspiracy for depression. It needs to be read under the shower. The words of this conspiracy are:

"Get away, my illness, go away with water,
In a way unknown to me
Go to the swamp swamp
Forget the path back.
Let the stones take my pain
Will give faith in life dawn,
The winds will carry away troubles,
Over the mountains over the seas.
Let the sun send me
healing beams,
And let them beat in my soul
Magic keys.
And let the moon at the midnight hour
Tells you where to turn.
Let sadness leave me
And the flute will sing
Let all diseases disappear
For distant lands
As I'm afraid of the day, the night is leaving
Giving the sky a blue morning
Get away, all diseases, away
Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy from depression on water

You can use another very effective conspiracy. He is slandered precisely on the water, which is then used for washing and drinking. The words of the conspiracy are:
"Queen-voditsa, mother-voditsa, you wash the banks, roots, stones, wash the servant of God (name), save him from anguish, an evil reason, so that he blooms and sings, laughs, eats, does not dry out like a blade of grass, everything I forgot the bad. Help, Holy Mother of God. Amen."

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