Conspiracies that act instantly. The most effective prayers, sacraments and conspiracies for all occasions Conspiracies and charms for all occasions

Knowledgeable people say that the Slavs who lived on the territory of our country in the past centuries had a mystical connection with nature - they could use its power to change their lives and the whole world around them. Using ancient conspiracies, the very strong impact of which forever changed their lives, they achieved the healing of diseases, deliverance from curses, and even could protect their homes from merciless enemies.

Now such spells and conspiracies are considered lost - most of them have disappeared in time, forever disappearing from the memory of the human race. However, some rituals of the Slavs have survived to this day - they are kept in the families of hereditary sorcerers who have been studying Slavic traditions for decades. Who knows, maybe other secrets of ancient rites will soon be revealed to us?

Slavic magic in terms of conspiracies is one of the most difficult practices in the world - it significantly exceeds Egyptian, European and even Asian in terms of difficulty of execution.

The reason for this is simple - such spells of the Slavs must be chanted, coordinating the rhythm of pronunciation with fluctuations in natural energy. Fragments of eyewitness accounts have come down to us, who claimed that Slavic sorcerers trained for more than twenty years - and only one out of ten had real power for conspiracies, which he received by finding the right rhythm for reading conspiracies.

Therefore, the simplest rites and conspiracies of the Slavs will be given here, which can be performed without significant preparation - and, anyway, try to pronounce the words in a singsong voice, stretching the vowels somewhat, and playing with your voice, constantly changing its tone.

The divination of the Slavs and their conspiracies require even greater concentration than the later inventions of Europeans and Africans. Therefore, before performing the ritual, it is necessary to fast for three days and read prayers at least seven times a day in order to achieve the desired level of concentration.

Also, the conspiracies of the ancients involve the contact of a clear mind with nature - you should not be under the influence of any narcotic and intoxicating substances, including alcohol and tobacco. It is advisable to stop using them also three days before reading conspiracies. Contacts with the opposite sex during conspiracies of the Slavs are not prohibited, but it is recommended to refrain from them, as this adversely affects concentration.

It is very important to know that the Slavs did not have black magic - all conspiracies were aimed only at the benefit of society.

Therefore, when reading them, you should think only about the good - for example, when performing a ceremony that drives away the enemy, you need to be guided not by revenge, but by protecting your loved ones or saving your health to create a family in the future.

Nevertheless, with the help of ancient rites and conspiracies adopted by the Slavs, you can perform such actions that at first glance seem by no means good:

  • cause illness in the offender;
  • look away;
  • put on a crown of celibacy;
  • cause to lose a thing;
  • destroy love.

It is worth remembering that in the case when you decide to use the magic of the Slavs for the evil of other people, no prayers will help protect yourself from the consequences of the conspiracy - the elemental forces of nature will hit you, and there will be nothing left but to endure their anger, which manifests itself much stronger, than ordinary damage.

Therefore, if you really want to read the conspiracies necessary to achieve your goal, but you cannot get the proper concentration, you should pay attention to the traditions of other nations for your own safety. In addition, the magic of the Slavs should not be sold for money - the commercial component can destroy the power of not only one spell, but all the abilities of a sorcerer who does not follow the rules.

Protection from the enemy

Scare off the ill-wisher

As mentioned above, the Slavs knew how to save themselves by conspiracies from enemy invasions. However, they also understood that even among their fellow tribesmen there could be evil people who could harm them by damaging their health or causing them to suffer from various misfortunes. Therefore, the sorcerers read special prayers on the full moon to protect their relatives from the evil eye.

The following conspiracy was very popular among the Slavs:

“In the blue sea, in the deep ocean, there is a high island, and there is a mountain on the island, and in the mountain there is a tower. At the full moon, Mother comes out of the tower, opening windows and doors, and spreading leaves under her feet. Mother comes out on a high rock and looks into the far distance, but takes a wise book.

And Mother reads, and says: save us, Perun, father, from the evil envious, from the dashing enemy, from the evil eye, from the ignorant prankster, but from bitter separation.

Save us and do not let your glorious children die, young and strong children. And if an evil eye and a black one look at us, let it dry up and curl up so that its darkness does not spill over us forever. I will not do dashing, dear Mother Earth, and I myself will not know him.

I conjure you with Perun, Dazhdbog and Semargl! May it be so forever and ever, as long as our glorious race, the race of God, lives.”

It is necessary to read the conspiracy of the ancient Slavs once a month during the full moon - while it does not affect the sorcerer himself. Such plots can be used by mothers to protect children, as well as wives to protect husbands, who often meet with unpleasant people.

The ritual can be performed while a person is sleeping - this does not change his strength. It was also customary for the Slavs to read these words over the things that a person puts on - you need to do such a conspiracy on a full moon, using clothes that evoke the most emotions.

Causing harm to an enemy

However, ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies could not only scare away an evil person, but also strike him if a simple warning was not enough. If your enemy does not heed the voice of reason, you can scare him and discourage him forever from attacking you - for this it is worth brewing a black potion.

Take about a kilogram of black berries - currants, blackberries, blueberries and other forest food of a similar color will do. Take water in a large saucepan and pour these berries into it, trying to ensure that the water covers them by two or three fingers. Next, you need to cook them for a very long time to end up with jelly - Slavic rituals do not involve the addition of starch, so it will not be easy to cope with such a task when conspiring.

When the jelly is ready, cool it and take the pan out into the yard - it is better to do this at night so that there are as few prying eyes around as possible. It was not customary for the Slavs to read prayers before such a ritual, but you can use this method of preparation to avoid the danger of conspiracies.

If everything goes well, then your enemy will be struck by a not dangerous, but very unpleasant disease that will torment him for about a month.

Trying not to think about what the ritual threatens a person with, say slowly and slowly, pouring jelly onto the ground, the following conspiracy of the Slavs:

“Accept, mother of cheese Earth, the blood of your dishonest and immodest son (the name of the enemy),
Yes, punish him as a mother punishes her child.

Let him suffer, ignite with fire,
Yes, he will think about his life and do not encroach on mine.

Drink, Mother Earth, this black blood,
let it pass through your womb and return to your son (the name of the enemy),
having healed him from a heavy ailment, from a bitter illness.

And let him live in goodness, but let him grow his kind,
but does not encroach on another!
May it be so forever and ever!”

Rituals for healing

However, Slavic sorcerers have always been more focused on restoring the natural balance, disturbed by someone else's actions. Therefore, their prayers and conspiracies saved lives, cured serious illnesses and helped to find the missing relatives, who were already considered dead. Unlike the protective spells of the Slavs, which can be read as needed, such conspiracies are used only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is believed that these days all evil spirits are sleeping and cannot interfere with a person in his witchcraft with good intentions.

Help the earth

If you suffer from a severe chronic illness that prevents you from living a full life, you must use the conspiracy ritual of turning to the earth every Monday. She will draw the disease out of you, binding it and absorbing it forever in its thickness. To do this, according to the traditions of the ancient Slavs, sew your own clothes from pure linen without cotton and synthetic additives and go out early in the morning at the very beginning of the week to a small hillock. Lie face down directly on the ground - among the Slavs, such a gesture meant the embrace of mother and son.

Say slowly and in a singsong voice, but as clearly as possible, the conspiracy:

“Early in the morning I went out to the dawn, I pray to the Holy Land for salvation!
I conjure the deep sea, I appeal to the blue sky!
Give me courage, give me courage, give me courage!
Yes, keep me from the evil slander, from the dashing eye
I will pray to you today, I will never get along with an illness!
Deliver me from the fire of fuel, from the terrible darkness, from the misfortune of the lost,
from the sickness of the sick, from the decrepitude of the blind,
from the dream of the unrighteous, and from the haze of gray.
May it be so forever and ever, as long as our race is alive, and glorifies you!

Rites on the altar

It was also customary for the Slavs to build temples where they made sacrifices for the glory of the gods. Similar ancient Slavic cultural monuments are still found on the territory of our country and neighboring states. You can also use a similar place to perform rituals if you want to get rid of ailments, damage or misfortunes that prevent you from leading a normal life.

To do this, you need to find a deserted area with a large number of stones, from which it is worth selecting twelve small ones and one larger one. Slavic temples consisted of an altar presented big stone, around which were placed in a circle at the same distance twelve dolmens - smaller objects.

Having placed all the stones in their places, put the twigs on the altar with a hut and kindle a fire - its surface should be cleansed by fire. Then, on the ashes, you need to leave a victim for the conspiracy of the Slavs - for this you will have to pour a few drops of your blood on him, so those who are afraid of her should abandon such an idea.

After that, place a wooden bowl on the stone, filling it with spring water. If it rains on this day or clouds appear in the sky, you should also refuse to perform the ceremony, because nature will refuse your request.

Then, in the magic of the Slavs, a transition to conspiracies of purification followed. It is worth taking water with two palms folded in a boat, immersing your face in it and trying to hold out as long as possible. The process is repeated until there is no liquid left in the bowl that you can scoop up - it must be poured into the soil behind the altar. Leave the circle without disturbing the location of the stones - they should stand in this form for another three days.

If you built a temple in a crowded area, it can be destroyed - then the mighty, but slow forces of the earth will not hear you and the result of the conspiracy will not be achieved.

From time immemorial, conspiracies and prayers have been used by people in a variety of matters - from love and family affairs to finances and careers. Indeed, situations often arise in life, a way out of which is very difficult or even completely impossible to find on your own, and then the help of higher powers is needed. People turn their prayers and conspiracies to them. And more often than not, help does come. That is why, over the long millennia of human history, many cultures, civilizations and states have gone into oblivion, but the tradition of prayers and conspiracies has not been interrupted for a day, and today people resort to them and receive help just like many centuries ago.

Although conspiracies and prayers are used for the same purpose - to get the help of higher powers in solving our problems, they have a different essence and act in completely different ways. A conspiracy is a magical rite, a prayer is a religious one. A conspiracy can refer to a variety of forces - the forces of light and the forces of darkness, the elements of nature, the living and the inanimate. Often a conspiracy does not use reasonable forces, but the spiritual and natural energy itself, which the magician directs in the direction he needs. Prayer addresses only to God or the saints subordinate to him.

There is another important difference. A conspiracy, like almost any magical rite, although it often looks like a request to one or another supernatural force, is, in fact, an order. When pronouncing a conspiracy, a person does not rely on the mercy and goodwill of the forces to which he addresses, but expects that his very words and actions will force these forces to help him. Therefore, in conspiracies, it is very important to observe the form of the ritual. For the success of the conspiracy, it is important to say the right words at the right time and perform the right actions in the right order.

At the same time, although prayers have a text that has been established over the centuries, praying people hope that the Lord will hear not so much their words as their hopes. The finished text of the prayer simply helps a person express what he feels and what he desires. At the same time, the believer is by no means sure that his prayer will be heard and the request will be fulfilled. After all, this is not an order, but a request, and only God can decide whether a person deserves its execution.

And finally, it should be understood that conspiracies and prayers should not be mixed and resorted to at the same time. And it’s better to make a choice between them forever, since religion and magic contradict each other. From the point of view of religion, any magic is a conspiracy with the forces of evil and Satan himself. Therefore, a true believer will not resort to the help of conspiracies and any other magical rites. He expects help in his troubles and problems only from God.

Rituals that use conspiracies and prayers can be used in a variety of situations with their help, you can solve a variety of life problems.

From damage and evil eye

Prayers from corruption and the evil eye are very popular and effective. If you notice that something is wrong with you, then you should conduct a special ceremony with spring water, which uses a special prayer from corruption and the evil eye. This ritual belongs to the means of white magic, so it can be performed several times until you feel relief. It is necessary to draw spring water into a cup and, secluded in a separate room, read a special conspiracy prayer on it.

It must begin with these words:

“Forgive and save, Lord, a sinner (s), Thy servant (s) (proper name).”

“The Virgin Mary took water from a natural spring, she took it and baptized it with a holy cross, such water helped well from damage and the evil eye. All the unkind glances of men and women, for girls and boys, intended for that water, were eaten away and did not reach their goals. So there will be no corruption and the evil eye in the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), they will not stir up his (her) blood and will not dry up his (her) heart. Amen".

After saying the words, you should rinse your face with charmed water. After the ceremony, you should carefully observe yourself, listening to your own inner feelings and focusing on your own subconscious. Such a ceremony is also allowed to be carried out in order to remove damage or the evil eye from a loved one. In this case, you will need to watch him.

If almost immediately after the ceremony you feel weakness and drowsiness, this means that the ritual was successful and the negative leaves you. All you need in this case is a good rest and gain strength. If, after such a powerful ceremony, nothing happened, then this means that poor health is caused by other health problems, and it is necessary to undergo an examination in a medical institution.

Very often, children, due to natural insecurity, become victims of accidental evil eye or damage. These are very dangerous effects, so they must be removed. If you notice that your child is often naughty, do not rush to punish him. Most likely, he is under the influence of the evil eye or damage, which led to certain health problems.

A special rite will also help get rid of alien negativity, in which a prayer conspiracy from corruption and the evil eye is used. First you need to wipe the baby's face with holy water from the temple and wipe it with the hem of your own clothes, then lick it crosswise. Then you need to read the well-known and very effective prayer “Our Father” three times. After that, you should say the magic words of the prayer-conspiracy.

They sound like this:

“Help me, Servant of God (proper name) Most Holy Theotokos. I gave birth to my baby, the Servant of God (name of the child), so give me the strength to save him from damage and the evil eye and protect him in the future. There will be no more evil flaws on my child, accidental or induced by an enemy. With a prayer to you, the Most Holy Theotokos, and with my strong word I conjure and all the bad things from my child for the dense forests, for the wide fields I drive away. All bad things will go away and will never return, to the Servant of God (name of the child), will never return. It will only be so. Amen".

Protective rite

When you are afraid that you may be spoiled, it is necessary to conduct a special protective rite that uses a conspiracy prayer. You can write the text of such a spell on paper and always carry it with you. In this case, it will serve as a talisman.

The magic words sound like this:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), bow low and trust in You, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to all the Holy Thrones, to all angels and archangels, to all seraphim and cherubim. Forgive me, Lord Almighty, all the sins of the earthly Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), forgive me the sins known and unknown. I confess, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) only to you, my Lord. Hear my request, mighty Heavenly Forces, and deliver me from a fierce death and from a vain death, from an unkind eye, black envy coming from a dashing person, from evil words from unkind hearts. So that I do not wander along deaf roads, but only see the bright path to the Kingdom of God. I trust in you, and I entrust my life. So be it. Amen".

For a conspiracy prayer to be effective, you need to be a believer. In addition, you must also be sure to believe in the power of magic. No less important is your confidence in the effectiveness of any rite that uses a conspiracy prayer.

In this article:

Something that just doesn't happen to us every day. To get out of any situation as a winner without a problem, use conspiracies for all occasions. It is worth learning them by heart. Huge opportunities open up before man. With the help of magic, you can find and win love, get good luck, wealth, preserve beauty. You can take revenge on your enemies or help your friends. All this is available to those who are not afraid to engage in the art of black and white magic. Many conspiracies are short, do not require special rituals. They can be pronounced at work, in public transport. Help yourself with your power. It is not necessary to be a strong practitioner, these words of power are suitable for beginners as well.

How to pronounce a conspiracy correctly

Before you start working with conspiracies, you need to know the rules. After all, these are not just words, but words containing power. You activate energy, send it purposefully. You need to know that magic does not go anywhere, does not dissolve in the air. It remains, and with it - a particle of your energy. This must be kept in mind. Rules for all conspiracies:

  • Neither white nor black conspiracies can be pronounced to a person who is sick. Even a small cold will be a problem. You are wasting personal energy. For a sick person, this is a big loss that will only aggravate the situation;
  • You must be completely sure that the plot will work. Just trying is not an option. It may be dangerous;
  • It is necessary to have protective talismans and amulets against the "rollback" of magic. Everything has a price, it is better to pay it yourself in the form of a sacrifice than to wait until the Forces themselves take something
  • Do not tell friends or family about your practices. Only if one of them is also passionate about magic, conspiracies. Then you can share the experience;
  • An enthusiastic practitioner needs his own Grimoire. This is the book you keep. Like a diary of magic. There you can record your experiences, spells, incantations, descriptions of rituals, effect;
  • You can not change the words of the conspiracy, rearrange. All texts are strictly learned by heart. You can not read on a piece of paper or keep the monitor on. If you want to pronounce the proper effect, take the trouble to learn the plot.

These are the main points to be observed. Each plot contains additional information. Observe the phases of the moon, day, number. If nothing of the kind is needed, then the conspiracy can be pronounced at any time of the day or night.

Do I need a ritual for every conspiracy

Rituals give special power to your words. You understand that your own energy is not enough for energy intervention. Then essences are called from the smallest, to the Universal scale. The ritual helps to establish a connection with them. For simple everyday conspiracies, rituals are not needed. They can be whispered in the subway, pronounced at work, at the institute. It's best to whisper.

If it is indicated that the ritual is required, do not neglect this rule.

The words that you speak will not reach the goal without a special action, objects of power. The ritual must be observed in full - if it requires the head of a chicken or the rib of a pig, then nothing will work without these items. Each item carries a special energy information, and their combination gives the desired vector of force. If you understand that you won’t be able to find this item or you just don’t want to work with it, choose another plot. It is better to start with simple whispers that do not need anything special.

How to protect yourself from someone else's conspiracy

You are fond of magical art. Perhaps you already know how to bewitch, conjure good luck, induce damage to others. Today this is not so uncommon. There are many people who are passionate about the same. Which means they can hurt you too. It is worth thinking about protection before you get an unpleasant evil eye. Protection methods can be different:

  • Protective conspiracies for the house, car;
  • amulets, amulets, talismans. They will need to be activated correctly;
  • embroidered amulets on clothes;
  • runes-amulets that you will sew into your clothes or will always carry with you;
  • tattoo with protective signs.

Using conspiracies for all occasions, remember that the very first and most important thing is protection. Looking through a person through cards, runes, Tarot, you will see a real shield that protects against influences. Be sure to carry out diagnostics before making damage or a love spell. Such a shield will direct your own influence against you.

In modern conditions of life, when there are many different people around, protection is indispensable.

For good luck every day

Life is a zebra. Black stripe, white stripe. During the white streak, everything is fine, but not the most pleasant moments come to replace it. So that this same strip does not fall at an important moment in your life - use simple and short words of power. They will drive away failures, and they will put the right path and the right decisions under your feet.

A conspiracy on agate

Agate is a special stone. It was used by alchemists, magicians and healers. He has one useful property. Agate attracts good luck in all endeavors. Its power cannot be neglected - wearing agate every day is a mistake. You can make a conspiracy on a stone that will last you for many years. Wear it only for the most important events, occasions. You can wear it around your neck, hide it in your pocket, or buy an agate ring.

You will need:

  • 3 church candles;
  • dry lavender;
  • dry clover.

Place the lavender and clover in a sturdy bowl. They will need to be set on fire. When dry leaves flare up, quickly extinguish them. Get a fragrant smoke.
Put your agate into the dry mixture. Place the candles in a triangle, light it. Say:

"Help me, agate, help me, protect me, agate, bring good luck."

Let the candles burn to the end. Leave everything unchanged for 1 day. The next day, wipe the agate and start wearing it. Now he is charged with the energy of good luck. Each of your new luck, luck will feed it. You will have your own lucky stone. You can't give it to anyone. Take care of the stone, do not lose it. It should be kept in a green velvet bag out of direct sunlight.

Herbs have a special power even when dried.

Useful conspiracies for students

Help is needed during exams and tests. Sometimes, there is nowhere to look for it. It remains only to hope for the support of the Higher Forces. Contact them with a request and your day will be very successful. Some interesting conspiracies that help in your studies.

Magic water for passing the exam

Water needs to be spoken in a special way. In general, all energy effects on water are considered to be among the strongest. This liquid stores information for a very long time. You need to buy water with your own money. If there is change, give everything without a trace to the poor.
Pour water into a faceted glass and place it in front of the bed. On the night before the exam, you need to speak water:

“I call for good luck and luck, so that tomorrow brings me good news, I received the mark I needed and was satisfied!”

Say 7 times for good luck. In the morning, drink half a glass on an empty stomach, and wash your face with the other half.
This is a simple but proven way. You will get a lucky ticket, and teachers will be indulgent. Don't tell anyone your personal secret of success - Lady Luck doesn't like to brag.

Conspiracy on the pen

Speak the pen with which you will write the exam. For this you will need:

  • New blue pen;
  • piece of paper in a box.

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

“As the sky is clear and bright, so my thoughts are clear and bright. As my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers pity me! Amen!".

It must be read aloud three times, folded into a triangle. The triangle is hidden in the pocket of the clothes in which you will go to the exam.
Do not give a pen to anyone's hands - it is already set for your luck. Give it to the wrong hands and lose your luck on the exam. After the exam, the pen must be broken in half and thrown away. Prepare a new lucky pen for each exam.

short love spells

You can attract attention, make a challenge, bewitch and push to action without words. Whisper the right words, your lover or loved one can't resist. This is an easy way for those who are shy and can no longer endure separation. Try them and appreciate the powerful effect.

To meet your loved one

If you passionately desire a meeting, but it still does not happen, remind the person about yourself. It will work for those who already communicate. It is a pity, but it will not be possible to inspire thoughts about you to an unfamiliar guy or girl. Communication is very important. The more often you see each other, talk, correspond on social networks, the faster it will work. For some it works in the first few hours.
You need to take a photo of the person you like, a handful of fine salt. Sprinkle the photo with salt, repeating the text 3 times:

“Lie in the void, without wind and rain. There is no thunder here, there is no storm, only calmness around. Everything will go smoothly, smoothly, and without trouble.”

When you say 3 times, you will need to collect all the salt, throw it out the window. The wind will spread the salt all over the world, one grain will get to your beloved - so he will remember about you and will no longer be able to call. This plot works well in the evening.

Call to the wind

The rite is not needed, just wait until the wind starts outside. The stronger it is, the faster your words will reach your loved one. You need to speak loudly

“Pick me up, Lord, on the road. Give the go-ahead to the relationship. Reveal the secret of dating. Provide me with only what I need. Give me confidence in (name) or disappointment. Save me from wasting time. Let me understand perspective. The heart is worried. Sympathy arose and multiplied. God! Don't let me fall into torment. Bring on a date (name). Don't let my chance be missed."

You can say no more than 3 times in one day. Usually, this is not required, because after 1-2 times the call action occurs. One limitation - it can only be read by those who are baptized. Your loved one will appear suddenly or will make itself felt. You can do every day except Sunday.

Whispers of love on a candle

It is made at night. You don't need anything but a candle. One condition: the candle must be melted down. You need to take a whole candle, melt it in some form, melt it down and insert a thread - a wick. On it, write the name of your loved one with a knife on one side, and yours on the other.
Stand at the window at night, light a candle. Bring it to the glass. The flame will reflect on the glass several times - look at this path and say:

Flash, a candle where my beloved walks - remind me of me. Find my beloved, tell me everything about my longing.

Say whatever you want to impress on the person. About your love, longing. If you want me to call, just say so.
You can do every day, but not on Sunday. This whisper is strong, it transmits your thoughts over a long distance, and the effect always comes.

For beauty and health

Say these words every morning or evening. They help you stay irresistible. For girls and women of all ages. Your beauty is the most wonderful, wonderful magic in the world.

Get rid of imperfections

If you are waiting for an important event or holiday, you need to look irresistible. It is difficult if pimples or redness appear on the face. You can quickly get rid of them if you make charmed water.
In the morning, put the water in a jug in a dark place. You need to put in the water silver spoon or a bracelet. Say to the water:

“There were 12 young women, 12 sisters, 12 queens, 12 beauties. From every beauty - in this barrel!

In the evening they wash themselves with this water.
In the morning you will be surprised how good the skin has become. If there were bright spots, they became noticeably paler. Pimples and inflammation go away without a trace. You can do it just like that if you like the effect.

This method is a great opportunity to see a quick result and be pleasantly surprised.

To keep the face fresh and rosy

This plot is done on soap. Buy a new bar of soap. Look for natural, free of additives and flavorings. For those who know how to make soap themselves, this is an ideal conspiracy. Make homemade soap according to all the rules, add healthy oils. Draw your name on it with a new knife.

Wash your face every morning and every evening, saying:

“Water-voditsa, take away all the scars / pimples / wrinkles / spots / cracks (select the right one) from my face. Amen".

You will be surprised how quickly the skin becomes smooth and ruddy. No need for powders and blush if your skin is so wonderful. Russian beauties used this conspiracy and were famous throughout the world for the beauty of their faces.

Try it, this is a simple conspiracy for the beauty and health of the skin.

Conspiracy on a jar of cream

You can talk about the cream for the body, hands, face. This is a universal whisper for beauty and youth. The skin becomes elastic, toned, and you will soon say goodbye to cellulite.
Buy a new cream. Do not be stingy, it must be good. Open the jar and say the plot 10 times:

“As from the first sister I have beauty, from the second - love, from the third - thick hair, from the fourth - gentle hands, from the fifth - a sonorous voice, from the sixth - snow-white teeth, from the seventh - black eyelashes, from the eighth - hot eyes, from the ninth - thin eyebrows, from the tenth - scarlet lips, from the eleventh - the nose is bright, and as the twelfth, let me be all of me!

Now, you have your own beauty secret. Use the cream 1-2 times a day. When the jar runs out, we can make another one. This is an effective tool, because it activates the energy of your skin, its desire to be beautiful, elastic and young. Can be used at any age.

Small damage and evil eye

You can punish the offender quickly. If he hurt you, then the truth is on your side. Power will punish the wrong, and help you. With these evil eyes, you will not cause severe harm to a person, but he will not want to contact you next time.

Damage on 7 pins

Anyone can handle this mess. You will need:

  • Black long candle;
  • 7 pins;
  • black canvas.

On the candle with a knife, you need to write the name of the person who is being spoiled. Insert 7 pins into the candle from top to bottom. Wait for the wick with matches, not a lighter. Think of 7 troubles that should happen to this person. This is not a strong corruption, so it makes no sense to conceive of death - it will not come true. You may wish:

  • layoffs from work;
  • parting with a girl or boyfriend if they are not married in the church;
  • the collapse of an important plan;
  • loss of money;
  • time of property;
  • cold, illness, chiry.

All this can be done on any day of the week on the growing moon. It is done once a month. When another pin falls out, say - so be it! When it burns out, wrap the candle in linen and place it on the crossroads.

The method is proven and effective, it works quickly. You will definitely arrange trouble for your offender. They are also valid for 1 month. Then you can repeat.

Discord in a couple

If you want two people to end the relationship, before the discord is made on the needle. So you can divorce your husband with his mistress, or you can take someone else's man out of the family. The main condition is that these two people are not married in the Church, otherwise nothing will work.

You will need:

  • A photo of a couple or two photos of the people you are breeding;
  • needle;
  • black candle.

At night from Saturday to Sunday, light a black candle. Take two photos and pierce in the area of ​​your lover's heart. Say:

“I read strong words on the needle, I speak it. The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong. I entrust their lives to the dark forces, so that there is no peace and rest for them. May it be so. Amen!"

The ceremony is performed on the waning moon

In the photo of the woman, drip 4 drops of candle wax.
After that, a man will stop loving a woman, he will no longer be able to be with her. After that, you can make calls to it, a love spell or a binding.

Damage to loneliness

For this damage, you do not need a ritual. It can be quickly whispered anywhere. It is important that you touch the person. You can follow him in transport, at work. You need to establish tactile contact, and after that read the damage:

“Love, lapel now does not work on you. You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness is an eternal companion. As your hairs burn out, so my words will gain strength. Do not remove the conspiracy to anyone now. Amen!".

It makes a person lonely. Lovers, relatives and friends turn away. He remains alone and cannot understand how it happened.

Protective spells on yourself

Be sure to learn these conspiracies. They help protect not only from magical influences, but also from physical ones. AT dangerous situation pronounce them. They can protect, and sometimes save lives.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

Very good for those times when your life might be in danger. Returning home late, you can read this plot several times. He will protect you from the views of bad people, take away troubles.

Say 3 times:

“Like spears in a cross, so the enemies are all prone. Who is good - he will pass. Who is with evil - will hook with a cross.

Speak only in a whisper, crossing your index and middle fingers on both hands. This is a gypsy protective conspiracy that always works.

Protection from Hostile Magic

So you can protect your home from magic. You need to buy a kilogram of coarse salt and fresh meat.
Put 1 kilogram of fresh meat in salt and leave overnight. In the morning, the blood from the meat will soak the grains of salt. Take it, separate it from the meat. Say 3 times:

“I salted it with salt, soaked it with water. As salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll back, turn away, turn back! Won gone! I didn't call you!"

After that, the salt is placed in 6 black bags, and the meat will need to be taken to the cemetery and left at the gate. The bags are hung at front door, windows. Put one of them under the bed. Enchanted blood on salt protects against all types of witchcraft. You can carry one pouch with you, but discreetly. Your sacrifice at the gates of the cemetery will protect you from the encroachments of evil spirits, demons. They cannot enter the house. The evil eye, damage, curses will not pass.
All of these are accessible ways of working with the Forces. Everyone can start practicing with them. You can protect yourself from ill-wishers and the harmful effects of magic, speak love and good luck, bring on the energy of beauty. It's easy, you just have to start. Try these amazing home, country and gypsy spells. Every day will be amazing if you make it like this.

For centuries, people believe in the support of otherworldly forces, and use conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. The treatment of certain diseases, giving strength and self-confidence, finding your soulmate, attracting good luck and luck - this is not the whole list, but the most important points for a person.

Grandmothers pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren, but much is considered fiction, and young people forget these simple but effective words. Trying to remember, only fragments of sentences come to mind, but for correct perception, whole sentences are needed, it is the words, composed in the right order, that work wonders.

Prayers and conspiracies for the success of the work begun

It could be:

  • start of a working project;
  • start of repair
  • first day in a new team;
  • starting a business or just a working project.

Important: the thing you ask for in a conspiracy or prayer must be really good.

Prayer for all undertakings

Most Holy Theotokos, most pure, blessed, fall my deeds with your eyes, give me strength and patience. Forgive me my thoughts, and forgive the thoughts of my enemies, guide me along the path of the Lord, but do not leave me on the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to get started

The bird is busy, the spider is busy. For every beast and reptile, the work is built and molded, but it develops from beginning to end. Let the work conceived by me be weaved and glued together, let it not be torn apart, not broken by evil hands and tongues. Century by century, from now to century. Amen.

A conspiracy for a business in which a large amount of money is invested

Seven mountains have seven winds, seven seas have seven deserts, seven mothers have seven sons. The sons start the road through the desert, and through the mountains. The winds are favorable to them, the mountains are high. All forty-nine sons return, and each has seven sons, up to forty-nine grandchildren. So I, the Servant of God (name), will go up the mountain, but I will return with prosperity. My word is strong and stucco. Amen.

Conspiracy at the beginning of the day

The morning sun, the dew of God - light and warm, dry and calm. May God grant me the whole day smoothly and with an increase. Amen.

Conspiracies and prayers for a loved one

These can be prayers for health and conspiracies to draw attention to yourself, to make it clear to a person that he is important to you, dear. You will understand that the conspiracy and prayer for love began to work if:

  • the person you love will begin to call, write, or come to you without your request;
  • offer help you didn't ask for;
  • will ask about you from mutual friends.

Important: if a person is happy with another woman or man, you should not turn him to yourself especially vehemently, because his true feelings will still remain unchanged, even if he begins to be drawn to you.

Prayer for a husband

Blessed Mother of God, by the grace of your fall to my husband, give him a straight path and a sharp look. Guide him on the right track, do not let him go off the spiritual path. I beg you, Blessed Mother Theotokos, protect and show the way home, even in bright, even in night hour. Amen.

Conspiracy for love

I will go out into an open field, there is a white stone in an open field, a white falcon is on the stone. The falcon misses the falcon, the white falcon cannot fly, eat and drink without its falcon. I will ask the white falcon to fly to the good fellow, the servant of God (name) and put my love and longing into his heart, put bright thoughts about me, the servant of God (name) into his head. So that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, he didn’t see the white light without me, servants of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To please the opposite sex

As a white day is dear and loved to everyone, so I, the servant of God (name), will be dear and loved to everyone, as they are waiting for rain in a drought, so they will wait for me, the servant of God (name), as the hungry listen to the crackle of fire, yes frozen, so they will listen to me and honor me. My word is strong and stucco. Amen.

Strong prayers and effective conspiracies for health

  • These words should be said about yourself, or people who are sick, tired, or afraid of getting sick. Because the fear of disease can be the cause of other diseases.
  • In the old days, grandmothers read these prayers and conspiracies over sick grandchildren, over relatives and acquaintances, the nature of whose diseases was not known.
  • Important: conspiracies and prayers should not be the only remedy against the disease. The word helps only the deed, and therefore, these words should be read only in combination with treatment.

Prayer for the sick

Our Heavenly Father, who exists in all living things in heaven, earth and water, bless your servant (name of the sick person). Give him the strength to cope with the disease, fall with your grace, restore his health, put strength in his legs, strengthen his head with faith and love for You. Amen.

Conspiracy over a sick child

Wide rivers, but not deep, high mountains, but not sharp, warm seas, but cooling. So is the servant of God (name of the child), sick, but not broken, weak, but stubborn. The wind is blowing, the trees are rustling, our mother Earth hears my words. Send a messenger to us from early morning - the son of your wind and the son of your rain and snow. Rain and snow will wash away illnesses, and the wind will carry them away and drown them in the warm sea. My word is strong, but sculpted, no one will break it, but will not change it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from female diseases

There is a tree in the forest, and under the tree there is a dog, and the dog has a white bone in its teeth, and a cup of water from a stream. A dog gnaws at a bone, and laps water from a stream. I will go to the forest, find a dog, bring her a new bone - the disease of God's servant (name), and milk from a cow with one horn. I will take a white bone from the dog, bury it by the road, as the dog gnaws a new bone, so the disease will come down from the servant of God (name). (you need to take out a large beef bone and give it to a stray dog).

Conspiracy from male diseases

I will go beyond the blue sea, beyond the high mountains, beyond the dark forests, beyond the wide rivers, I will find a clean field, in it stands a white combustible stone - Alatyr. There is a pit on that stone, and in the pit there is an oak tree, it is a hundred years old. It grew strong and straight through the stone, nothing will break it - neither a thunderstorm, nor a wind, nor a person. So the servant of God (name) cannot be broken by illness or mutilated by a word. Strong and healthy, fast and straight, strong and firm. Amen.

Conspiracies for human honesty

Strong conspiracies for all occasions can help people who rely on the honesty of those people with whom they have to deal. These can be officials, business partners, judges and juries. Before you start any business where you need sincerity and honesty, they will help strong conspiracies. A person cannot lie to you and against you.

Prayer against liars and slanderers

Our Father, hallowed be your name, may your honesty and wisdom be an example for me and my friends, as well as relatives and my enemies. Give them the shame of lying and slander in my direction, let them speak only the truth, in Your Name. Amen.

So that you and about you do not lie

The magpie is white-winged, but loud with its tongue, quick on its feet, and the cat is faster. Magpie tickled, tickled, but did not, promised, promised, but forgot. And the cat came, but the dog came. The cat tore her up, and the dog said: do not lie, forty, be silent forty, your tongue will burn with fire when you in vain raise a servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracies and prayers for leaving the house, the road

  1. For all occasions, when a person leaves the house, prayers and conspiracies on the road will help.
  2. If you got into a car, bus, plane or train, prayer for the road will also be effective.
  3. As soon as you have closed the door behind you, read the prayer three times.

Prayer for the road

We are on our way, the Mother of God is ahead, Jesus is with us, and the Apostles are behind us. Amen.

Conspiracy for a safe road

A snowstorm sweeps the earth, covers the earth of God with a veil, or rain from the sky, waters the earth. So you, Lord, take care of me with your eyes, do not let me turn onto the dashing road, but fall under dashing people. Put your light, warmth and wisdom into my eyes and feet, take misfortunes and sorrows away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Effective prayers and strong protective conspiracies for all occasions can be stored in memory, or kept in a notebook entry. Before starting any business, you can quickly use them. But the most important thing is that you personally must believe in what you say, since words are a kind of chain that must be whole from the beginning of the prayer to the end. And then the power of your word will be complete.

How to protect yourself and your family with the help of a talisman prayer?

Our life is always associated with certain fears and anxieties. How often in life we ​​have to feel defenseless against evil, before enemies or life's troubles. Who or what can protect us?

These are prayers to protect, wonderful conspiracies, time-tested, “working” and just sometimes miraculous. They exist for all occasions, help protect yourself and your family from the evil eye or damage, from evil people and from enemies, from negativity in life. You need to know these prayers and you can apply them always, every day.

Each prayer-amulet is a kind of shield. How it works? You probably know about the power of words. Each word has its own subtle vibrations. So, an evil word can bring misfortune and illness, and a curse spoken in the hearts can break a person's whole life.

Prayers and conspiracies have special vibrations and energy. When you read such a conspiracy, a certain energy field is created that does not allow negative energy to pass through and provides reliable protection from bad energy vibrations. What kind of prayers exist, and for what purposes?

  • Protect from envious and evil people, from enemies and ill-wishers.
  • Conspiracies for the family and protection of the home, from illness, conflict, poverty.
  • Prayers and amulets for the birth of children, for the son and daughter - from the evil eye, from diseases and damage.
  • Conspiracies for every day - for work, good luck, to avert problems.
  • From evil, from a witch, black witchcraft and curses.

There are universal conspiracies - for all occasions, they are good for every day. There are special ones that are used in specific cases. Choose the amulet you need and use it for the benefit of yourself and your family!

magic words

Since ancient times, a large number of prayers have appeared that serve as amulets for people. In order for the amulet to have an effect and benefit, the main thing is to believe in its divine power, and have no doubt that it will help. It is worth reading it aloud, but you can also read it to yourself, if such a situation. It is better to know a few main amulets by heart in order to use them if the need arises.

1. There is a prayer-amulet for every morning, it helps throughout the day, protects from bad people, from evil and various misfortunes. Read three times:

2. If there is some danger suddenly, you feel fear from evil people, enemies or some circumstances, there is a quick defense. Read this short plot three times:

Cross yourself and imagine an invisible shield around you that protects you from any evil.

3. A very powerful defense is the "Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos." This miraculous prayer conspiracy is good for all occasions, it is very powerful, it helps from evil, damage, the evil eye and all negative energy.

4. The famous, ancient prayer conspiracy "Seven Crosses" also needs to be known. The “Seven Crosses” prayer should be read every morning at home, you can also at work, it will protect you and the whole family, daughter and son, your spouse from any evil. Read seven times:

5. If you feel anxiety for yourself or for your son, for your daughter, for your husband, read the “Forty-Handed Amulet” conspiracy and think about who you are sending protection to. This powerful shield will protect you and your loved ones from any evil and misfortune.

For other occasions

What other prayers and amulets exist? There are special ones, designed for specific purposes, or those that are read only once a year.

Prayer from a witch or sorcerer - sometimes it can come in handy, especially when intuition tells you that an ill-wisher is nearby, that someone is plotting evil witchcraft against you or your family. This prayer will help protect yourself from the witch and prevent her evil spells from affecting you.

“Angel of my birth” is one of the most miraculous and powerful prayers. The magical prayer “The Angel of My Birth” gives strength to fight any troubles and evil, protects and protects the whole year! You need to read “The Angel of My Birth” once a year - on your own birthday, early in the morning, just getting out of bed, and without saying a word yet. Read sincerely and with faith, and you will immediately feel the power of this conspiracy!

To protect your son from all troubles and all evil, while he sleeps, stand at his head and read such a request to God in a whisper.

So, arm yourself with miraculous conspiracies, and know that they will definitely help you, and the stronger your sincere faith, the more powerful the protection that these prayers give you.

And the most important advice

  • Prayer-amulet will help protect your loved ones and everything that is dear to you

    Prayer-amulet is the strongest protection that protects us from any troubles, hardships and suffering. Many generations of people are sure that with the help of words addressed to God and the saints, you can save yourself, protect your loved ones from enemies and envious people. Prayer will also help in protecting the house, which is also subject to negative influences.

    Prayer-amulet for the home

    Quite often, not only we, but also our home are under attack. Sometimes black magicians, when they want to inflict damage on a person, cause damage to his house so that the place of residence becomes cursed, draws strength and energy from a person. To do this, however, you need to seriously offend the sorcerer, because damage to the house is a difficult task. The strongest effect will be the curse imposed during its construction. But in this case, you will first have to remove it, and after that put the amulet. A more common problem is the evil eye. Its consequences can also be very unpleasant.

    In order not to become a victim of a negative program aimed at housing, it is necessary to put strong protection on the house. Before proceeding with the creation of magical armor, it is necessary to conduct a rite of purification in order to get rid of already existing negative programs.

    There are many rituals that will help protect the house from magical attacks. Before performing this simple ceremony, you need to arm yourself with a special candle.

    Buy it for Easter. After the purchase, without leaving the church, light a candle and immediately extinguish it with your breath. This can be done in any part of the temple, as long as you are inside it. After that, at any time, you can light this candle at home and go around the whole house (apartment) 12 times clockwise. At the same time, cross each corner and say:

    Father of Hosts, place the Cross of Crosses from heaven to earth. Save my house, close it from the black eye. The house of Christ is the Lord's protection. Here is the Most Pure Mother of God with all her all-powerful guards and guardians, protect us from all enemies, adversaries. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    You can also use the help of St. John to protect the house from curses and black magic. In this case, you will need a church wax candle, with which you need to go around the entire apartment clockwise three times. For each corner, read like this:

    Saint John is a warrior, call your soldiers, yes to my estate, around my house, on windows and doors. Take care of my house and everyone who lives in it. Amen.

    Prayer for family protection

    Often, a black magician not only poisons the life of one person, but also curses his family. There are various reasons why an evil sorcerer might use such a fearsome weapon. But even such a strong curse as damage to the family can be resisted.

    To do this, you will need to read this simple prayer every morning. It is desirable that no one interferes with you during the ritual, and you are alone in the room. When reading a prayer, you can stand in front of the image of the saints or just in front of the window.

    In the sea, in the ocean

    There is a white fish raft.

    Like that fish is sick without water on a dry shore,

    So let my enemy be sick.

    To make my family strong, strong,

    Who will eat that white salmon

    That hour will not sleep, the day will not live.

    in the name of God Christ,

    Nobody will break my family.

    How the scales adhere to the fish

    From head to tail

    So my family be strong and whole.

    seven crosses

    This prayer is considered to be one of the most powerful and is used as a talisman for the whole family. If you are conspiring solely on yourself, then read it three times and say your name, if the amulet is made for all relatives, then the text is read once for each of your relatives.

    To conduct the ceremony, arm yourself with seven candles. It is advisable to purchase them in advance at the church. As soon as the sunrise begins, stand in front of the window, line up the candles in one line, light them and read the text of the prayer.

    I lay the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

    The second cross from the Lord God,

    The third cross from Jesus Christ, the son of God,

    The fourth cross from the Guardian Angel of the servant of God (name),

    Fifth cross from the Mother of the Blessed Virgin,

    Sixth cross from west to rollout,

    The seventh cross of earth to heaven.

    Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.

    The first castle - from the dashing misfortune of any,

    The second - from poverty, poverty,

    The third - from flammable tears,

    Fourth - from theft,

    Fifth - from spending,

    The sixth - from illness-weakness,

    And the seventh is the strongest, closes six, locks it for a century, guards my house.

    Prayer amulet for pregnant women

    It is very important for a pregnant woman to be strong, healthy, to be able to resist any forces that may prevent her from carrying a child. Therefore, be sure to turn to the Lord and the saints during pregnancy so that they help you bear and give birth to a healthy child.

    This can be done using one of the prayer texts. It is read, like most of these prayers, in the morning. But if you feel an inner impulse that pushes you to repeat these words several times a day, do not resist. Light a church wax candle and say the text of the prayer three times:

    The body grows the fruit with the power of the Lord's good, and I ask God to help in the birth of a new life and give me the strength to endure my long-awaited child until the deadline. May the Lord protect him from evil, from the black eye, from dashing thoughts and not give me dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of the forces of life and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord's hand will help me and at the right time bring to the world of that, who is under my heart. Amen.

    Try not to disturb anyone while reading. Turn to God with pure intentions, with good thoughts. You must understand that nothing should interfere with your communication with the Almighty.

    You should not turn to the saints if you are very angry. Better try to calm down, and only after that ask for divine grace. Otherwise, your prayers will not reach God, as they will be said in a fit of anger.

    Conspiracy-prayer to protect the child

    It is very important for every mother that everything is in order with the child. In order to protect your child from negative energy, you can use special amulets, protective rites, or read special prayers daily. There are different conspiracies that can be read at different times of the day. In the morning, as soon as the child woke up, you can read such a prayer conspiracy over him:

    May my Son of God (name), forever and ever in good health, come, pass through all obstacles, O Lord. Amen.

    Before going to bed, over the son’s bed, it is best to read such a conspiracy-prayer:

    Lie down in a soft cradle, then turn on your side, fall asleep and fear nothing. May the Holy Mother of God save you, and all the dashing things will go away.

    This prayer will help both the baby and the adult child. It will protect against nightmares, help you sleep well, gain strength.

    The third text must be read before important moments in your child's life. Prayer is suitable for both small and adult children. Everyone needs divine help and support from a mother, so feel free to use this prayer before any serious trials that await your son.

    Heavenly angel, from birth to his only preservation. Protect with white wings from enemies, all those villains, villains and enemies with fire, and frighten with the Sword, but save my child. Oh Lord. Amen.

    Prayers from Enemies

    Almost every person has to deal with enemies. If you are a successful person, there will always be people who want to cause damage. Special prayers and conspiracies from enemies will create protection both from corruption or curses, and from more material methods of revenge.

    In order to protect yourself from enemies, you can ask for help from the Virgin. She never refuses a praying person a just request. In order to be under the divine protection of the Mother of God, it is necessary to read the following prayer in the morning:

    Mother of God got up early,

    She read a prayer for her son Christ:

    "Be you, my beloved son,

    Under the gaze of the Supreme Creator, Your God the Father,

    Everywhere saved, protected,

    From any misfortune until a certain time is defensive.

    The angels heard the prayer

    All her words were handed over to the Lord God.

    So it would be for me, God's servant (name),

    Know this grace

    To avoid trouble in your home.

    Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

    From enemies, you can also read a prayer to St. John. This method is only suitable for protection against one specific enemy, whose name you know. Remember, if you know exactly who wants to harm you, you should not be angry and do evil to this person, on the contrary, you need to ask God and the saints that love, kindness and harmony appear in his heart. This conspiracy-prayer has nothing to do with damage and conspiracies for revenge, this is an appeal to the saint for protection from the enemy. No need to fear the consequences, they will not.

    In order to ask for help from St. John, you should go to the temple. You will need to buy a candle before the service, defend the service, and then put a candle near the image of St. John with the words:

    Father John, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name).

    After saying the prayer, bow deeply 9 times.

    Protection from evil people

    If, due to circumstances, you are in a team where you may be envied or wish harm, be sure to protect yourself with the help of prayer. Such a talisman against evil people creates a strong defense that no black magic can break through.

    You need to go to the window every morning before work or before going to school, be baptized and read this text:

    Mother, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Three Hands, you protect all the righteous people, pray for me before God. Yes, cover me with your miraculous cover from all enemies and evil adversaries. May it be so from now until the end of time. Amen.

    Prayer amulet is really the strongest protection for all your loved ones. Each person is able to protect himself, his relatives, his home. Therefore, be confident in your own abilities, turn to the saints and the Lord. Pray sincerely, then your prayers will be heard, and you will find yourself under divine protection.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got nicked!”. On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Amulet-prayer. The power of prayer. Protective prayers for all occasions

    The life of every person in the modern world is filled not only with joyful experiences, but also with numerous fears and anxieties. Often a person feels utter helplessness in the face of life's difficulties, negative emotions and unwanted events. What can help overcome difficulties and trials of fate?

    The Power of Protective Prayer

    Prayers, conspiracies and amulets miraculously affect the human lot. Some of them were tested repeatedly, and in all cases confirmation came that they possess colossal power. Prayers-amulets for all occasions saved more than one person from evil fate. The trouble immediately recedes, the negativity dissipates, and the enemies no longer cause concern. The power of such a prayer increases when you read it for your loved ones. In order to avoid another misfortune, it is better to read them daily.

    Protective prayer is a kind of damper or shield. Why is she so powerful? The word has great power. Each has its own vibration. Unkind speeches can easily bring trouble, a curse, even if unconscious, can even break a person’s life.

    But prayer, which protects from evil and troubles, carries a special energy. When a person pronounces prayer words and conspiracies, he creates a protective energy field around him, through which no negativity can pass. This is protection from bad vibrations.

    What are the miraculous prayers and how to pronounce them correctly?

    Types of protective prayers

    • Amulet-prayer against human envy, anger and ill will.
    • Protective to prevent conflict, disease and poverty.
    • Prayers against corruption and the evil eye, for children.
    • Daily conspiracies for all occasions from all problems and hardships.
    • From malice, curses or black magic.

    There are protective prayers that can and should be read daily, and there are those that should be said only in specific cases.

    The power of prayer also depends on the mood in which it is pronounced. It is necessary to fully concentrate on the words and read them with faith and sincerity.

    word magic

    If there is a need for protection from magical influence or an evil person, there is good way, which lasts for a long time. Amulet-prayer is not simple words spoken unconsciously. This is a whole complex of actions by which a person can protect himself and his loved ones from all adversities and misfortunes. He can get rid of problems in family life, at work, with health and in other areas of life.

    Strong prayer-amulet

    The words of the prayer must be said at least once a month. Prayer will be more effective if you read it with lit church candles. You will also need holy water, paper and a pen. It is especially favorable to read on the growing moon. On paper, you can write everything that you are afraid of, such as divorce, illness, or problems at work. It is only necessary to formulate fears clearly, so the power of prayer will only grow. Then the leaf must be sprinkled with holy water and set on fire. While the paper is burning, it is necessary to read the following phrases: “I burn all serious problems. I take them away from me. Let them be accepted by dense forests, deep reservoirs and tree bark. Away from myself I will send all the bitter misfortunes and life problems. From the evil eye, from unkind people, from evil sorcerers and witches. Prayer to the Lord will be my protection, Water and fire will cleanse my fate and strengthen protection. From all evil, the Servant of God (name) is free, He got rid of all evil spirits and drove all misfortunes away, It will be exactly like this and nothing else. Amen".

    The amulet-prayer is read three times. After the leaf burns out, the ashes from it should be scattered in the wind, saying the following words: “I blow away all misfortunes, let them leave me today and in the future!”. Candles after the ritual must be extinguished and no longer used.

    Protective prayer to the Mother of God

    Prayer-amulet from the evil eye and damage is read early in the morning. “I appeal to you, Holy Mother of God! For help and support! As You protected Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, from all evil, So save me, the servant of God (name), from evil intent, bad people and the evil eye, From black magic and curse words. I appeal to you with prayer and repentance. Save me from all evil, Keep my soul and body clean! Thank you for your help and support. I will always praise your name. Amen!" The amulet-prayer is read seven times. After this, it is necessary to wash with the words: "Everything bad is washed off me, the protection is strengthened with water."

    Orthodox prayers from the evil eye

    Any negative impact from the outside can be neutralized by Christian prayers. For example, the amulet-prayer "Our Father" is considered very effective. Of course, it is better to worry about your safety in advance and read prayers daily. It will be difficult for dark forces to penetrate your life. But if there is already damage, then certain conspiracies are needed here, and you need to be clearly aware of what words to pronounce, at what time and in what place. Prayers from corruption are real magical conspiracies with creative energy. The Orthodox Church advises daily to read Christian prayers to all the saints.

    Ritual of Corruption

    In order to carry out the ritual correctly, it is necessary to collect spring water. A vessel with water must be crossed and a prayer said: "Forgive me, Lord, and have mercy." Then three pieces of coal must be placed in a cup of water and the plot read: “The Blessed Mother of God drew water, took it and baptized it, she saved it from an evil fate. All tests for men and women, for girls and lads, the lessons have been rewritten, everything is provided for, everything has been corroded. Do not be evil fate, do not live in the body of a servant of God (name), do not spoil the blood and do not torment the heart. To the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After reading, you need to monitor your well-being. If the condition worsens, overcomes drowsiness, envelops weakness and malaise - this means that the negative leaves your body. In this case, you need to wash your face with holy water. But if you didn’t feel anything at all, it means that there is no damage to you, and the causes of anxiety should not be sought in magic.

    Prayer for the road

    Especially those who go on a long journey need the protection of the Lord. Any trouble can happen on the road, and in order to prevent it, you should humbly turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron saint of travelers. Prayer-amulet on the road is as follows:

    "Oh, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, hear our prayer,

    Ask for us (names) from the Lord our God, to forgive us all sins,

    He was merciful to us and did not shed His wrath on us.

    Save us the trouble on the road

    Let me not drown in the abyss of sins.

    Pray to God for us, Saint Nicholas,

    For our peaceful life and for the salvation of our souls. Amen".

    Archangel Michael - protector of the righteous

    The great protector Archangel Michael gained great fame and reverence in many religions. This is the first Angel, called by the Lord himself to fight evil and negativity. Prayer to Michael the Archangel - the strongest protection and amulet - is inscribed in the Miracle Monastery in the Kremlin. Everyone who turns to St. Michael in this place will surely receive protection and His patronage. It is this prayer that is recommended to be read in danger, even if it has not yet come.

    Ancient prayer to Saint Michael

    The prayer itself has a certain preface, which says that everyone who repeats it will get rid of the devilish influence, corruption, envy of others. And even when a person leaves this world, his soul will not go to hell. The text of the prayer itself is as follows:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, send Your servant - the Angel Michael to ambulance to Your servant (name), deliver from all visible and secret enemies! O defender, Archangel Michael, destroyer of demons, remove all unkind people who fight with me, erase them like sheep, and scatter their ashes in the wind. Oh, the Great Lord, the Archangel of heaven Michael, the first intercessor and governor of all heavenly powers! Awaken in me, a sinner, a great intercessor and helper in troubles and sorrows, insults and sorrows, on a desert land and deep rivers, seas and oceans, a quiet refuge. Deliver me, O great Archangel Michael, from all wickedness, hear me, a sinful slave (name), who prays in you and calls out your name, come to my aid and hear my humble prayer. Defeat all my enemies with the power of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord Christ and the intercessory prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our intercessor, all the holy angels, prophets and apostles, in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew Yurodov, all the greatest martyrs and Divine powers. Oh Holy Angel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name), deliver me from concussions, floods and burning fire, sudden death and other evil, from fierce enemies and deceit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    The fruits of prayer

    This prayer is able to provide reliable protection to the one who prays and all his relatives. It is better to read it every day at any time.

    The person who addresses this prayer to the Archangel Michael is always under the patronage of the saint. No evil, disasters, enemies, witchcraft and temptations, and even the torments of hell are not capable of causing anxiety to the one who prays. Sincere prayer will always be answered.

    Some people do not know how to pray with Orthodox texts. In this case, you can appeal to the saints in your own words, coming from the depths of the heart.

    For example, you can say: “Hear my humble request, help and intercede for me or for my loved ones!”. This phrase is a talisman. But it is better that these short words are first of all addressed to St. Michael.

    You can also pray in your own words any day and at any time. After this appeal, it is not forbidden to voice any specific request of yours - to name what exactly you need the help of St. Michael the Archangel.

    Who can pray to the saints?

    Every person (even an avid atheist) can appeal to holy personalities. For Archangel Michael, it does not matter who addresses him, what gender, nationality and religion. In difficult times, he always comes to the rescue and provides support.

    A strong prayer-amulet to all the saints has great power. It is able to protect not only from external enemies and troubles, but also from internal discord, for example, from confusion, despondency, grief, confusion of thoughts.

    Often, requests for protection to holy personalities are addressed in fear, natural disasters, anxieties, doubts, and troubles. These are strong conspiracies from corruption, evil people, wars and death.

    The Lord hears all souls calling to Him. The main condition is the sincerity of the request and the belief that you will definitely be helped. And it doesn’t even matter what words you pronounce, read or your own, invented. Sometimes a prayer in your own words, coming from the depths of the soul, has a greater effect than phrases from a prayer book read mechanically.

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