Silver spoon on the tooth tradition. Why give a silver spoon for the first tooth

The good old tradition is when they give a silver spoon to a child.

Many heard about it, someone gave, and someone even received such a present.

But when exactly is it customary to give it? Also, who usually does it? And where did this tradition come from? In our article we will try to understand these issues and more.

Usually a silver spoon is given when a baby has its first tooth.

It is believed that this should be done by the person who first noticed him. But often the happy opportunity to observe the first tooth goes to mom or dad.

And of course, such a gift can be presented to a baby by someone to whom he is important, who cares about him and wants to please both parents and the child.

It also happens that everyone was happy with the first tooth, but no one made a gift. In this case, you should not be upset, because relatives and friends simply could not have guessed to do this or did not know at all about such a custom. Therefore, mom and dad can give a silver spoon. Who, if not them, will do it with genuine love and care.

Also, godparents give a spoon after the rite of baptism. This is a great idea for a gift on such an important day in the life of a baby.

At the same time, godparents can give a spoon not only on the day of christening, but also on the anniversary of this event. It should only be borne in mind that children grow quickly, and perhaps not such a small spoon will be required.

Whatever the rules and customs say, it is still not so important who exactly and when gives a silver spoon, but it is appreciated whether it is done with soul and from a pure heart.

Where did such a tradition come from?

The custom of giving a silver spoon at the appearance of the first tooth probably originates in biblical legends. When Jesus was born, the magi gave him gold, because in those days in the East it was considered a sign of wealth, success and dignity.

Therefore, in Russia there was such a sign. It was also customary to give such a thing that would personify wealth and symbolize a future worthy life. That is why the kids were given some kind of silver product: a coin, jewelry or a spoon.

Silver spoon with engraving

Later, in Tsarist Russia, children were traditionally given a small spoon (for dessert) on the first day of school, and a dining room on the last day.

There is a saying in English culture, the meaning of which is that a lucky person is said to be born with a "silver spoon in his mouth."

We usually say that such a person was “born in a shirt”. Therefore, the sign of giving a silver spoon is common not only in Russian-speaking countries.

Why is a spoon given precisely for the appearance of the first tooth?

There is a belief that if you knock three times on a grown tooth with a spoon, the rest will appear soon, and this process will not be so painful and painful.

This is done to ensure that the teeth were healthy and strong.

In addition, there is another point of view - a practical one.

Around this period, children begin to give bait.

Since before that the baby ate only mother's milk, which is extremely healthy and sterile, there is a risk of getting "foreign" bacteria during complementary feeding. That is why when feeding, a silver spoon is used as an additional degree of protection. After all, it is a fact that silver has an antibacterial effect.

Usually, the baby is fed with a silicone spoon, and he just plays with a silver one. Then they move on to feeding with this particular device. And when the child grows up, he independently takes food with a spoon.

Is your baby about 6 months old? This means that soon the baby will learn to sit. - consider the signs of the child's readiness to sit down.

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Methods for teaching a child to read at home are outlined.

Why choose a spoon made of silver for a gift?

Silver is a metal that can disinfect and kill harmful bacteria and microbes.

And this is of great importance when teeth are cut, because the child's immunity is not strong enough.

Moreover, it has long been believed that silver is able to take on all the bad things.

This opinion came from the fact that the silver jewelry worn on the body periodically darkens.

Silver is credited with properties, takes away illnesses and all negativity on itself.

Why is a spoon made of gold not suitable?

It is impossible to say with certainty that a golden spoon is not suitable for a gift. There is a healthy grain in this matter, because gold is a more expensive metal.

In addition, it is believed that the origins of the custom of giving a spoon when the first tooth appears are in biblical legends, when the Magi gave gold, frankincense and myrrh for the birth of Jesus.

Table gold

However, it so happened historically that the spoon should be made of silver. Once in Russia, silver was recognized as the most valuable metal.

Which spoon is best for a gift?

The choice of a silver spoon, like any other gift, should be done carefully if there is a desire to present a really worthwhile thing.

It makes sense when buying a silver spoon to pay attention to the following:

  • the size;
  • quality;
  • is it comfortable to hold it in the pen;
  • aesthetic characteristics.

Given that, as a rule, such a present is presented to a very tiny child, the size of the spoon will matter.

There is no doubt that it should be small, so a tablespoon will definitely not work. When choosing a small spoon, it is recommended to give preference to coffee rather than dessert.

Starting with a small device, there will be an opportunity not to puzzle over the choice of a gift in the future. As the baby grows older, it will be possible to give him a teaspoon, dessert, and then a fork.

It is important to choose a product of proper quality. The goods of a good manufacturer, as a rule, are attached:

  • certificate;
  • legal address of the enterprise;
  • an indication of the composition of the alloy;
  • advice on how to properly care for and clean the product.

You should not purchase the cheapest product, as well as a product with a low sample. This means that a lot of impurities were used in the manufacture of the spoon. Because of this, the spoon can quickly lose its appearance, which will upset both the child and the donor. After all, such a gift is presented for a long memory.

Spoon for christening

It is not recommended to choose a product with gilding, because it is known that gold and silver do not combine well with each other. Gold can block the useful properties of silver, and this is a big minus, since a very small child will use the spoon. Also, although adding gold will look nice, over time it will wear off and the gift will lose its original appearance.

You should also pay attention to whether it will be convenient for the child to hold a spoon, because sooner or later the baby himself will begin to pick it up. For a small palm, a spoon is suitable:

  • with a wide handle;
  • and a deep bucket.

And finally, the gift must be beautiful. After all, a spoon will be kept as a memory of childhood and of the person who gave it. You can add an engraving to the product and write the name of the baby on it.

It is best to buy silver with a breakdown of "925". This means that the proportion of silver is 92.5%, and copper - only 7.5%.

It is believed that a spoon should be given immediately at the moment when the very first tooth of a baby was born. And it should be done by the one who first notices it.

But given that it is difficult to imagine a situation when it is not his mother who sees him first, but his grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, godparents or friends, a gift can be made a little later.

The child and his parents will be pleased if they are presented with such a birthday present.

The tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon is actually very good. Such a gift is pleasant and beautiful, and also speaks of the most tender manifestations in relation to a small child. Attention is always nice.

From the age of 4, a child can quite make simple crafts on his own. can be made from improvised materials - paper, plasticine and even from cotton pads.

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The custom to protect children from dark forces came from ancient times. Ancestors created amulets for a woman in labor, sought to facilitate childbirth through magic. The same was true for babies. "Protective" embroidery was considered the best amulet; diapers and clothes of a child were decorated with it. It was believed that embroidery should be done by the hands of the mother. Later, silver began to be attributed to amulets. The tradition was especially developed during the time of Christianity.

A silver spoon for the first tooth was given not by chance. Silver has always been considered a magical metal, its power was associated with the moon. Once this noble metal was valued much higher than gold, perhaps for magical properties. The Vikings believed that only a silver talisman would help them get rich and protect them in battle.

Another feature of silver was also important - to disinfect objects. Scientists have confirmed that the metal is indeed capable of neutralizing many types of harmful bacteria and microbes. It is not for nothing that water was holy with the help of silver in temples.

A silver spoon for the first tooth is a gift that can be easily explained from several points of view at once.

A spoon made of silver becomes a real amulet. It attracts good luck, health and wealth to a person. This is partly why the silver spoon on the first tooth is one of the best traditions. A jewelry gift becomes a symbol that the baby's teeth will be strong and beautiful, and his life will become prosperous.

The child will use the gift received on the tooth in the future when eating. Silver has an antiseptic effect on the microflora in the oral cavity and on the quality of the dish itself. Finally, the spoon becomes the first object of wealth that a person will create during his life.

Who should give a gift for the first tooth

The question of who buys a spoon for the first tooth is quite common. Of course, anyone invited to a family celebration can do this. However, there are unspoken rules. It is generally accepted that the spoon is acquired by the member of the family who first discovered a baby's erupting tooth. This means that the buyer will most likely be a mother, father or grandmother.

There is another tradition associated with Christian customs. Today, almost every child has godparents, and it is they who present the gift. Moreover, it can be timed not only to the appearance of the first tooth, but also to the christening itself.

Therefore, a silver spoon for christening becomes an excellent present - traditional, inexpensive and stylish.

How to choose a silver spoon

At first glance, this is a rather simple subject. Today, there are enough such goods in jewelry stores, their assortment is large. So, the purchase of a gift spoon for a child is not difficult. However, it is worth knowing about some features of the choice.

After all, you are buying not only a valuable gift, but also a thing intended for a very small person. So a silver spoon for christening or for the first tooth should be purchased taking into account several criteria at once:

  1. The size. Do not buy a large one, pay attention to tea or dessert. Perhaps it is this spoon that the baby will learn to hold in his hands. Therefore, it should be light enough and comfortable to grasp with fingers.
  2. The form. A silver spoon for a tooth cannot have any pointed elements. Sometimes manufacturers try to create an original product, the handle of which is decorated with a spectacular decor. Remember, children put everything in their hands into their mouths, study each thing in as much detail as possible.
  3. A silver spoon for a baby gift should have smooth lines, be optimally rounded and not have holes in the handle. Otherwise, there is a risk that the child's finger will get stuck in the hole.
  4. Quality. Pay attention to the sample: a sample and will be a good choice. The stamp is usually placed on the handle of the product on the reverse side. In no case do not buy from street vendors - there is a high risk of fake. The jewelry store will provide guarantees that the product is really of high quality.
  5. Decor. It is worth thinking about engraving on a spoon on a cross or cross. Often in salons, for a small fee, the name of the child will be engraved on the handle. Such a spoon will become not a simple, but a nominal gift. Also choose a product whose handle will not scratch the baby's skin with sharp elements, but also does not look completely smooth. A pen that does not have a relief on the surface will slip out of the fingers.

There is a custom for happiness to touch the child's first tooth with a spoon. Whether you follow it is up to you. But remember that a silver spoon will bring good luck to the baby anyway.

The tradition of giving silver spoon for first tooth has a very long history in Russia. Where did it come from and what is it connected with? How to choose the right silver spoon for the first tooth? Let's try to figure it out.

Silver spoon for the first tooth in Ancient Russia

Already in Ancient Russia there was a tradition of givingsilver spoons for the first tootha child who had to be tapped to keep his teeth hard. Then silver symbolized prosperity and well-being in the house, a child who receives a silver spoon as a gift should grow up healthy, strong and have material well-being in the house. Also, our ancestors noticed the unique properties of silver, and it is not for nothing that the custom of disinfecting water with a silver coin has been preserved to this day. And now it has been scientifically proven: silver has bactericidal properties and can kill germs. This is a kind of protection against microbes, and as a result, from diseases.

Silver spoon for the first tooth - a useful gift

This tradition was associated with these useful properties silver. As a rule, as soon as the first tooth erupts in the child, they begin to give complementary foods. And if before he received only sterile mother's milk, now he needs to eat food that is far from being so sterile. And here was a silver spoon, which was presented by the godparents or other relatives of the baby. With her, the first feeding of the baby began.

Also, our ancestors believed that there is a gift silver spoon for first tooth and knock on it, all other teeth will erupt painlessly.

Important when choosing a silver spoon for the first tooth

What should you pay attention to when choosing silver spoon for the first tooth baby?

Most importantly, it should be remembered that small children put everything in their mouths, so a silver spoon must be safe, made of high-quality silver, without sharp edges, it should not sharply taper towards the handle.

Also, silver spoons for children must be carefully chosen in size: they should not be too small, coffee. It is hardly possible to feed a child with a coffee spoon, but we think that a teaspoon is quite suitable.

It should also be remembered that soon the baby himself will want to hold it in his hand, try the food himself, and for this it is necessary that the handle of the spoon is not too wide and long, and it is convenient for the baby to hold it. Well, the design of the spoons is completely the choice of his parents or godparents.

In the store, you can buy a silver spoon for the first tooth with the image of the Guardian Angel, an Orthodox cross of various designs, engraved with Christian patterns, as well as the words of Orthodox prayers that can be memorized with children. All silver spoons in our store are packed in a beautiful gift box.

Anyway silver spoon for first tooth will become an expensive memorable gift that will bring obvious benefits to the baby, and will contribute to his familiarization with the basics of the Christian faith.

Let's talk about a silver spoon for the first tooth, why they give it, who buys it and how much such a pleasure costs today. Indeed, sometimes traditions reach us in a distorted or simplified form. And it is not always clear how to relate to this and what really needs to be done.

The appearance of a child in the family and his small achievements are a joy for everyone. And the eruption of the first teeth is accompanied not only by sleepless nights. Often relatives arrange a holiday and give various gifts. Some of them carry a functional load, others are simply a beautiful product.

Why give a silver spoon for the first tooth?

Such a tradition came to us from England, in which various customs are so firmly rooted that they do not disappear even with the modern rhythm of life. The silver spoon there is closely associated with good luck and the favor of fate for the baby. And when they give it, they wish the baby that life goes well. This attribute is not only a memorable gift, but also a kind of amulet.

In our country, there is a sign that when a child is teething, you need to lightly knock on each of them with a silver spoon. Then all the rest will appear soon, they will be healthy and strong and will not cause much trouble to the baby.

Even if you do not believe in the mystical properties of such a gift, you should understand that it is a wonderful reminder of the person who gave it and will remain for life. In addition, this item can be used for its intended purpose. Silver itself has antiseptic properties and all food, and even water, is disinfected upon contact with the valuable metal. Children also love to just play with a spoon.

Who is giving?

If you have decided why to buy such an expensive gift, then the following question may arise - who exactly should do it? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Godparents - according to ancient custom, it is they who are required to observe most of the traditions associated with amulets. But today, very many children are not baptized at all, or they do it much later, at a more mature age. Therefore, not always during the period of teething, the baby has godparents.
  2. Other relatives are grandparents, aunts and uncles, older sisters or brothers. Anyone who is involved in a child's life in any way can follow the custom and donate a silver spoon for the first tooth. Most often, it is the representatives of the older generation who still remember what this means and why such a gift is needed.
  3. The person who first noticed the achievement of the child. Most often, this is a mother and it is she who can choose a spoon for a baby that he likes, and he wants to use it to explore a new world of food in the form of complementary foods.

It doesn't really matter who buys an expensive gift. The main thing is that he stays with a person for life and really brings only pleasant memories.

Today it is not difficult to buy children's silver spoons. Unless the range may be too wide. In jewelry stores and ordinary utensil shops, there is a fairly large variety of such goods. For children, the most beautiful options are offered:

  • small;
  • with or without decorations;
  • with engraving (more often made to order);
  • with additional inserts or stones;
  • multi-colored;
  • with cartoon characters.

You can also find them on the Internet or ask the master to make a personalized spoon with some special inscription, zodiac sign, wish, etc. In any case, follow the basic recommendations when buying:

  1. The spoon should be small. Suitable for tea or dessert, so that the child can easily hold it in his hands and eat comfortably.
  2. The embossed surface will be more practical, since smooth objects tend to slip out.
  3. Pay attention to design. Not only elegance and beauty play a role here, but also safety. Any sharp or protruding edges are undesirable, as the baby will get hurt about them.
  4. It is important to choose silver items for children only with a sample of at least 925, as this indicates the quality of the metal. A spoon with a dubious alloy can be harmful to health.
  5. Various precious coatings in the form of gold, inlays, varnishes are acceptable only if the item will stand on a shelf and perform a decorative function.
  6. Be sure to ask sellers for a quality certificate, which indicates that the metal used is safe when used for its intended purpose.

What is the price?

Such a gift is not cheap. But since they give it once in a lifetime, then you can spend money. The price of a silver spoon largely depends on the quality of the metal and sample, additional decorations, the presence of engraving and other factors.

The minimum cost ranges from 1000-1500 rubles. But it is better to pay attention to slightly better products for 2000-2500 rubles. If you order a personalized engraved spoon or completely think over the design with the help of a specialist, then the price will increase significantly.

Video: silver spoon for the first tooth.


Silver has certain properties - it darkens and tarnishes when it comes into contact with food, water and even air. Therefore, in order to return the product to its brilliant and festive appearance, you need to periodically perform simple manipulations:

  1. When leaving, forget about using various sponges, brushes and other items that can scratch the surface of the spoon. It is allowed to wash and wipe it only with soft cloths and gentle means.
  2. For clarification, a soda solution is used. For 1 tablespoon of baking soda, take a liter of clean water and boil the product in it for several minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add ordinary dishwashing detergent or salt to the liquid.
  3. Keep a clean spoon in a dry place.

The tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon when the first tooth appears has been known for a long time. The English have a phrase about this: "If a person was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, then he is Fortune's favorite." Does cutlery really lure good luck, who and when, according to tradition, can give it to a baby?

Silver spoon for the first tooth - what is this tradition?

The custom of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth has existed in Russia for a long time. The present is given as a sign that the baby has matured and it is time for him to move from mother's milk to other food. Usually the teeth come out by 6 months, which coincides with the start of complementary foods.

Silver in Russia was not available to everyone, so spoons from it were given to wealthy families. According to tradition, it was important to knock on the baby's tooth three times - for good luck. Modern dentists see no reason why this should be done, and do not recommend doing so. The baby's gums are swollen and painful during the eruption period. Don't hurt them further.

Why is there a tradition to give a spoon made of silver, and not gold or other material? For a long time, silver has been considered a metal that protects from the evil eye, promises prosperity and well-being in the house. It is believed that a special, healing energy is hidden in it, and it will help the child grow up healthy and happy, easily overcome difficulties.

To believe in it or not - everyone decides for himself. However, if prosperity allows, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of presenting a similar gift to relatives or friends who have babies. Modern scientists have proven the positive effect of silver on people. It is a natural antiseptic that can overcome up to 700 pathogenic microorganisms. A beautiful spoon will be a pleasant surprise, allowing you to keep the memory of the donor for a long time.

Who gives the spoon?

There are several opinions about who can give a child such a gift for the first tooth. Many parents buy a present for their child themselves, accept a gift from grandparents. Sometimes a useful surprise is presented by distant relatives or friends. However, the origins of the custom have three options for who can be the donor:

When is it customary to give?

According to tradition, it is customary to give a silver spoon with the eruption of the first tooth. However, at present, many neglect this rule. It is not uncommon for cutlery to be presented at christening, or one of the parents buys it as a dowry for a child. Some purchase sets of spoons of different sizes, which will be useful to the crumbs at the stage of growing up.

If no one gave the baby a spoon for the first tooth, the mother can buy it on her own and order an engraving service with the child's name. In addition to a spoon, other practical gifts for the first tooth of a boy or girl will be a teether, a baby monitor, clothes, a light stroller-cane, developing rugs.

How to choose a spoon: silver or gold?

Which spoon is better to give in order to benefit the baby, please parents: silver or gold? Some people choose based on the value of the gift. Gold is more expensive, but it is unlikely that the baby will eat from such a spoon. Silver is much cheaper, which makes it possible to purchase a practical and useful gift.

The choice of the first silver spoon "on the tooth" should be taken carefully. The following factors are taken into account:

  • The form. You should purchase cutlery with rounded edges. Otherwise, the baby may injure himself during the study of the gift.
  • View. It is advisable to give a dessert or teaspoon. A smaller device is impractical, the baby will not be able to use it for its intended purpose. A large tablespoon is not suitable for crumbs by age.
  • Instrument design. The best choice is classic or children's. You can engrave with the name of the child, choose a spoon with flowers, fairy-tale characters on the connecting bar or holder.
  • Handle surface. It is better to choose not smooth, but embossed, so that the spoon does not slip out of small fingers.
  • Try. Only high (925-999), with a silver content of 92%. A silver spoon for the first tooth with a protective rhodium, lacquer or gold coating can perform exclusively decorative functions.
  • Quality certificate. Confirms the safety for the health of the child.

How to store a souvenir spoon?

Silver cutlery needs care, otherwise it will fade and lose its spectacular look. Periodically, the spoon needs to be cleaned:

The main feature of a gift for the first tooth is help in maintaining the health of the child. It is on how strong it will grow that its well-being in the future depends.

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