Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Yakov Drovopilec.

Autumn days continue to delight with the charming beauty of yellow foliage, the last warm moments and festive events. Exciting events dedicated to various significant dates are held all over the world. Today is the 295th day of the Gregorian calendar - the end of the year will occur in 70 days. Fans of useful information will find out from the selection of events what holiday it is today. Let's study together what happened in the world and Kazakhstan on October 22.

International holiday calendar

On this day, Australians pay respect to representatives of the animal world - wombats. People visit local zoos to admire the pets, and someone just wears clothes with the image of this funny animal all day long. Australians even bake pastries using special wombat molds.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, residents celebrate the White Cranes Festival. It is dedicated to the memory of people who died during hostilities and armed conflicts. The initiative to create such an event was made by the poet Rasul Gamzatov. The name of the event was in honor of the writer's popular poem. His lines were combined with music and sung by Mark Bernes. The main objectives of the holiday are to honor the fallen, to strengthen the traditions of Russians, to unite the inhabitants of a large country.

If you don’t know what holiday is today in Kazakhstan, then you can safely celebrate the International Day of the Caps Lock computer key, which turns all lowercase letters into uppercase. The first purpose of the button was to help people who often used the Shift clamp when typing in large characters. In the future, on the Internet, users created a movement against Caps Lock. Disputes about whether this key is needed, even in 2019, are found on different portals, and the button still remains in place.

October 22 is International Stuttering Day. According to statistics, approximately 1% of the world's population suffers from this disease. The idea of ​​organizing the event was born with the support of the International Stuttering Association, which was founded in 1995.

What day is today in history?

The following significant events took place in the world in different time periods:

  • In 1730, the construction of the Ladoga Canal in Russia was completed - a grandiose structure appeared thanks to Peter I and played an important role in the development of the state, ensuring an uninterrupted trade process with European countries.
  • In 1909, a woman named Raymonda De Laroche from France made a solo flight in an airplane.
  • On this day in 1956, Bezymyanny volcano erupted in Kamchatka, which happened as a result of multiple earthquakes in the territory. After the incident, the Society for International Volcanology singled out this case in an independent category and gave the name "Directed explosion".
  • In the fall of 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre, a philosopher and writer from France, refused the Nobel Prize. The cultural figure explained his decision by the fact that he did not consider the award a literary achievement.
  • In 2009, Microsoft officially released the Windows 7 operating system, which received high popularity among users.

And what is noted in the historical calendar of events in Kazakhstan? Let's find out in more detail:

  • In 1993, in the city of Ulan Bator, the rulers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mongolia signed a document on friendly relations and cooperation between the countries.
  • In 2003, during the constituent assembly, academician Murat Zhurinov was elected president of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Nursultan Nazarbayev was awarded the highest state award of Turkey on October 22, 2009. The President of Kazakhstan received a favorable assessment from the head of the Turkish state in the development of bilateral relations and the Turkic world.
  • In 2010 Almaty city hosted the exhibition "History of Kazakhstan sports", which was timed to coincide with 100 days before the start of the 2011 Asian Games. Visitors could look at the personal belongings of famous people: Abai Kunanbaev, Serik Konakbaev, Daulet Turlykhanov, Sergey Kotenko.

Who is celebrating a birthday today?

  • Ivan Bunin. An outstanding writer was born in 1870. A cultural figure in 1933 became the first Russian person to be added to the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • Lev Yashin. The Soviet footballer saw the world in 1929. Yashin was the main goalkeeper of the USSR national team, and after that he became a coach.
  • Roberto Loretti. The Italian famous singer was born in 1947. Already in adolescence, the artist was able to gain popularity at home and in the world. Is the golden voice of Italy.

And which of the Kazakh famous personalities is celebrating the holiday today? Let's take a closer look:

  • Abdizhamil Nurpeisov - writer and public figure was released on October 22, 1924. He became a laureate of the Moscow International Literary Fund under the title "For Honor and Dignity". He was nominated for the M. Sholokhov Prize and the Republican Prize. Zhambyl.
  • Romin Madinov is a politician. He is the owner of the orders "Parasat" and "Kurmet".

What holidays are in the Orthodox calendar today?

On this day, church ministers and believers honor the memory of one of the 12 apostles - Jacob Alfeev, brother of the Evangelist Matthew. He was a preacher in Judea, Edessa, Gaza and Egypt, where he was able to convert many people to the path of salvation. As a result, he was crucified on a cross. And it was on October 22 that the relics of the Monk Confessor Sevastian of Karaganda were found.

According to popular beliefs, if snow falls on thawed ground on this autumn day, then next year there will be a poor harvest, and if it is frozen, life will become easier. Until all the needles disappear from the larch, there will be no snow, and if it falls, it will quickly melt. Autumn will last a long time if icicles begin to hang from the roofs today.

Who celebrates Angel Day?

Name days on October 22 are celebrated by people whose names are Maxim, Peter, Konstantin, Yakov, Abraham and Efim.

Such interesting and significant events took place on this autumn day in the world and the country. Now you can become a participant in various international holidays and tell your loved ones about them in order to celebrate significant moments from history together.

Today, October 22, 2017, we also celebrate the International Day of Stuttering People, Photocopy Birthday and other events.

On October 22, 2017, the Church remembers Jacob Alfeev, who was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and was the brother of the apostle Matthew. The popular name of the holiday is Yakov Drovopilec. He was nicknamed so because on this day the preparation of firewood for the winter began.

Little is known about Jacob Alfeev. The biblical writings do not mention him, but only give his name in the list of 12 apostles. Later, becoming one of the apostles, he preached in the city of Edessa, then on his own in Gaza and South Palestine.

According to one version of his death, he was stoned to death in Marmarik. Another tells that he was crucified on a cross in the city of Ostracina when he went to Egypt. But despite the fact that his Christian path cannot be traced, due to the interweaving of information with other James (Zavedeev and the Brother of the Lord - the apostle from the 70), the memory of this saint remains unshakable.

In Russia, various porridges from new grains and pies were prepared on this day. Be sure to put mushrooms on the table - russula.

By folk omens, if snow falls on this day, then the year will be successful, and if it snows for the first time on Drovolits, then winter will come in 40 days. However, if the snow falls and melts, then the harvest will fail.

The first icicles on Yakov Drovolitsa signify a long autumn.

If the larch has not lost its needles, and the cherry tree has not dropped its leaves, therefore, the snow will not fall, and if it does fall on the ground, it will melt ..

October 22 is traditionally celebrated as International Stuttering Day. It is celebrated by speech therapists, pediatric neurologists and everyone suffering from this disease.

In 1995, the International Stuttering Association (ISA) was founded in Sweden. It was thanks to her activities that this day was established in 1998. Russia joins the international celebration.

On October 22, at the initiative of UNESCO, the International Day of School Libraries is celebrated. The tradition of focusing on general educational literature for schoolchildren has appeared since 1999, when Blanche Woolles, the head of the International Association of School Libraries, suggested celebrating this kind of holiday, but the International Day of School Libraries acquired official status only in 2005.

Three years after the holiday was recognized and celebrated in many countries of the world, UNESCO representatives went further and decided to dedicate a whole month to the school book. Since 2008, the International Day of School Libraries has been transformed into a month. In the period from October 22 to November 22, events dedicated to school libraries are held all over the world, and a monthly collection of books is practiced. In Russia, the most striking event of the Month of Libraries is the large-scale Forum of School Librarians, which is held annually in Mikhailovsky.

On October 22, Russia celebrates the White Cranes Festival, dedicated to the memory of people who fell on the battlefield during wars and armed conflicts. The poet Rasul Gamzatov initiated the annual holding of this day. The purpose of the White Cranes Festival is not only the Christian veneration of the heroes who gave their lives for the glory of the Motherland and patriotic education youth, but also in strengthening the traditions and foundations of the inhabitants of Russia, uniting people of different nationalities living on the territory of a large country. The name of the holiday was due to the popular poem by Ruslan Gamzatov "White Cranes", the lines of which were set to music and performed by Mark Bernes.

In Dagestan, the White Cranes Festival has been celebrated for more than a decade, and only relatively recently has it become All-Russian. The crane is a wise, kind and devoted bird, it is not surprising that it was she who became a symbol of friendship and unity, courage and devotion. In every country of the world, wherever it is, in the East, South or West, White Crane glorified and protected. In Japan, it is a symbol of longevity and prosperity, in China - immortality, in African countries - the messenger of the gods, in Christian countries - it symbolizes patience and humility.

AT Orthodox calendar October 22 is known as the feast of the icon of the Mother of God of Korsun (Ephesus).
The famous icon of the Mother of God of Korsun was painted by the evangelist Luke, many Christians dreamed of praying in front of her, but not everyone had such an opportunity. At the end of the first millennium, the icon, which belonged to the brush of Luke, was brought by Prince Vladimir from Korsun to Kyiv, then she "lived" in Novgorod and Moscow, so that the Slavs had the opportunity to touch the miraculous relic.

There was another image of the Mother of God of Korsun, the appearance of which in Russia in 1162 was due to the Monk Euphrosyne of Polotsk, an outstanding woman exchanged it for rich gifts from the Greek emperor. This icon got its name due to the fact that on the way from Greece it was in the city of Korsun for almost a year.

Abraham is a very active and active person, sociable, he can always find contact with his interlocutor, even if they have almost no common topics for conversation.

Efim is a very gentle and sensitive child, requires a lot of attention, often stutters in childhood and has problems with digestion (as a rule, such phenomena occur from fear or excessive complexes). Yefim is a very reliable person, his work colleagues respect him and never suspect him of a dirty trick. By nature, a person with that name is very artistic, can become a good actor or pop artist. Despite the fact that there are always a lot of people near Yefim, he is conservative and selective in friendship, those close to him are those with whom relations have been tested over the years.

Konstantin is a person for whom the definition of “cautious” is suitable, he often experiences a feeling of anxiety, and, at times, he himself does not know what is the reason for it. He likes to spend time with his family, but at the same time his wife should not relax, because Konstantin is so used to tension that he cannot imagine his life without him. It does not hurt a wife from time to time to warm up her husband’s feelings and cause jealousy in him; without acute feelings, Konstantin can go in search of shelter in the arms of another woman.

Maxim is an independent person from early childhood, he does not cause trouble to his parents. If mom and dad are striving to make their son's life brighter and captivate him with something, there is no better solution than taking the boy to the theater. Maxim's difficulty is that the science of understanding people is quite difficult for him, a person with that name is easy to deceive, he believes too much that only good people can be next to him. A person named Maxim is very purposeful, without much difficulty he can achieve success in almost any activity.

Yakov is a very prudent person, he follows the proverb “Measure seven times, cut one”, recklessness is clearly not his forte. The practicality of Jacob brings results - people with this name are hardworking and successful, often succeeding in commerce.

  • 1702 - Russian troops took the Swedish fortress Noteburg.
  • 1883 - The Metropolitan Opera opens in New York.
  • 1938 - Inventor Chester Carlson made the first photocopy in history.
  • 1962 - the beginning of the Caribbean crisis - the confrontation between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1990 - the historical name of Nizhny Novgorod was returned to the city of Gorky.
  • Franz Liszt 1811 - Hungarian musician.
  • Sarah Bernhardt 1844 - French actress.
  • Ivan Bunin 1870 - Russian writer.
  • Georges Brassens 1921 - French poet.
  • Nikolai Dorizo ​​1923 - Russian poet.
  • Robert Rauschenberg 1925 is an American painter.
  • Spartak Mishulin 1926 - Russian actor.
  • Lev Yashin 1929 - Soviet football player.
  • Catherine Deneuve 1943 - French actress.
  • Robertino Loretti 1947 - Italian singer.

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Partner news

International day of people with stuttering problems
The international association, created in 1995 to address the problems associated with stuttering, initiated the appearance of such a day in the calendar.

A speech defect can affect the choice of a profession, but, as practice shows, it cannot become an obstacle to the realization of a dream. Many well-known public people suffered from stuttering, but were able to either overcome it or accept it and make it their highlight.

On this day, various events of an informational and educational nature are held.

Russian holidays October 22, 2019

Financial and Economic Service Day
This holiday is not for all financiers and economists, but only for those who serve in the Russian Armed Forces. The celebration is very young, it is not even two years old, it appeared in the professional military calendar in 2015, it is associated with the events of 1918, when the Financial Department was created under the Revolutionary Military Council.

Among the main tasks of specialists in this field is the financial support of all military formations and headquarters. Next year, the military financial and economic service of Russia will celebrate its centenary, preparations for the holiday have already begun.

"White Cranes" (Dagestan)
The famous poet and politician Rasul Gamzatov proposed to celebrate the holiday with such a beautiful name in Dagestan. The People's Poet of Dagestan is the author of the patriotic masterpiece "Cranes", so the holiday is a tribute to the memory of those who died on the fronts of World War II, a holiday of poetry and spirituality.

These days, the Dagestan land receives poets, prose writers, artists and composers from different countries, meetings, poetry evenings, literary and musical drawing rooms, readings are held.

Holidays according to the national calendar October 22, 2019

Yakov Drovopilec
On this day, Christians commemorate their brother Matthew (the apostle), who himself was part of the host of the apostles. Until the moment he became a disciple of Jesus Christ, he worked as a publican and preached in different cities.

There are versions that the folk holiday is associated not only with this Jacob (in the Russian tradition, Jacob), but also with other saints who left a bright memory of themselves.

The nickname "Wood Saw" reminded that the cold weather was approaching, the zealous owners were in a hurry to prepare firewood in reserve.

The Orthodox have Jacob (Jacob), Peter, Efim, Konstantin, Abraham, Maxim.

Catholics - Philip, Salome.

Events in the history of this number

1618 - Walter Raleigh is sentenced to death for freethinking.
The English royal court pronounced a verdict on the famous scientist, philosopher and commander.

1702 - Noteburg fortress fell under the onslaught of Russian troops led by Peter I.

1721 - The Russian kingdom becomes an empire.
During his reign, Peter I managed to strengthen the state, expand its borders, take the reign and become emperor.

1842 - opening of a jewelry workshop in the city on the Neva.
St. Petersburg is honored to be the birthplace of many jewelry masterpieces made in the workshop under the guidance of Gustav Faberge. Genuine works of art were produced here, and not just expensive trinkets.

1883 - Opening of the Metropolitan Opera.
On that day, one of the most famous theaters in the world received the first spectators, whose attention was presented to the opera Faust by the composer Gounod.

1964 - the refusal of Jean-Paul Sartre from the Nobel Prize, the reason is the unwillingness to be dependent on institutions and people.

1993 - the record of cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov - nine spacewalks.

Celebrities born on this day

1811 - the brilliant composer Franz Liszt.

1844 - French actress Sarah Bernhardt.

1870 - Ivan Bunin, a writer who received the Nobel Prize in 1933.

1926 - Spartak Mishulin, film actor and Satire Theater.

1929 - the best goalkeeper in the history of Russian football Lev Yashin.

1943 - the most beautiful French actress Catherine Deneuve.

On this date, people all over the planet can celebrate various festive events.

World holidays October 22, 2019

International Stuttering Day

Since 1998, such a holiday has been held annually on October 22. The idea of ​​creating such a date was born with the support of the International Stuttering Association, which was established in 1995.

If you believe the International Classification of Diseases, then stuttering should be called a speech disorder, which is characterized by frequent repetition, or prolongation of sounds, words and syllables. At such moments, people often stop their speech. The organization of an international holiday can be called not the only project of ISA.

Every year in this number, different topics are solved and conferences, meetings and seminars are held. All this is aimed at raising awareness in the wider community about the complexities and problems that people who stutter face every day. Other projects for the same purpose include publishing a newsletter twice a year, fundraising for scholarships for people with problems, and maintaining a dedicated website.

It is worth noting that such a speech defect did not prevent many people from becoming famous in various fields. It can be bards, film directors, speakers, and so on.

Holidays in Russia October 22, 2019

Literary holiday "White Cranes"

Such a literary celebration was created by the national poet of Dagestan named Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov. This celebration is a celebration of spirituality and poetry. Today, the bright memory of the fallen on the battlefields in all wars is honored.

This literary holiday contributes to the strengthening of the centuries-old traditions of the cultures of a multinational country and the friendship of peoples. Initially, the event was celebrated only in Dagestan. But after a while, it became widespread in other regions of Russia.

In the cultures of many peoples, one can find a mention of a beautiful bird - a crane. The crane almost everywhere personifies a positive and bright beginning. For example, in Japan, the image of a crane is a symbol of prosperity and longevity.

Very often in China, the crane is associated with immortality. But among the African peoples, such a bird is the messenger of the gods and a symbol of communication with the gods. On such a holiday, meetings are held between representatives of numerous Dagestan peoples and people from other republics.

What we celebrate according to the folk calendar on October 22, 2019

Yakov Drovopilec

Orthodox on this day celebrate the memory of Jacob Alfeev. He was one of the 12 apostles and the brother of Matthew. Life tells us that before becoming a disciple of Christ, Jacob was a publican, and after that he gave sermons in Judea.

There is very little information about his life. But, some sources say that there is sometimes confusion about different Jacobs. In addition to Jacob Alfeev, one can still meet Jacob Zevedeev in the writings. At such a time in the villages, it was time to harvest firewood for the winter. Russian people did not go to work before such a day.

And all because there were enough other worries in the summer, and the autumn log burns brighter and hotter than anything, because all the juices have left it. The harvesting of firewood was considered a responsible business. After all, the heat of the stove has always depended on how well the owners will try. The Russian people still have a lot of sayings about firewood and a stove. Small hail often fell on Yakov. On this day, cereals appeared on the tables. After all, our ancestors began to peel oats, millet, wheat and barley.

Name day celebration October 22, 2019

Abraham, Efim, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Jacob.

Significant events

  • 1702 - Russian troops took the Swedish fortress Noteburg.
  • 1883 - The Metropolitan Opera opens in New York.
  • 1938 - Inventor Chester Carlson made the first photocopy in history.
  • 1962 - the beginning of the Caribbean crisis - the confrontation between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1990 - the historical name of Nizhny Novgorod was returned to the city of Gorky.

Which people have a birthday

  1. Franz Liszt 1811 - Hungarian musician.
  2. Sarah Bernhardt 1844 - French actress.
  3. Ivan Bunin 1870 - Russian writer.
  4. Georges Brassens 1921 - French poet.
  5. Nikolai Dorizo ​​1923 - Russian poet.
  6. Robert Rauschenberg 1925 is an American painter.
  7. Spartak Mishulin 1926 - Russian actor.
  8. Lev Yashin 1929 - Soviet football player.
  9. Catherine Deneuve 1943 - French actress.
  10. Robertino Loretti 1947 - Italian singer.
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