Skyrim where to find all the stones of barenziah location. Take an Unusual Stone to a Skyrim Appraiser

Stones of Barenziah

Hi all. In this manual told about the location of all the stones of Barenziah.
All of them 24 pieces
So let's go
Map of locations containing the Stones of Barenziah
Detailed description of the location of all the stones of Barenziah

  • Dragonreach . Jarl's chambers, we go up the stairs, behind the door, on the left, there will be a room, on the bedside table
  • Whiterun .Hall of the Dead, go into the catacombs, go down the left stairs and look at the first grave on the left
  • Whiterun . Jorrvaskr, in Kodlak's room, on the bedside table, to the left of the bed
  • blue palace .The Jarl's quarters, the room farthest from the throne, on the bedside table
  • Solitude . "High Spire", our own house, on the third floor in the bedroom Need to purchase a house
  • "Picky Sload" . In the captain's cabin, right on the table Thieves Guild Special Mission in Solitude
  • College of Winterhold . The chambers of the Archmage, to the left of the bed in one of the cabinets After completing the quest "In the Depths of Saarthal"
  • Markarth . Treasury, in the far left room, next to the bed Quest "Conspiracy of Outcasts"
  • Understone Fortress . Dwemer Museum, first room, on the left, on the table Thieves Guild Quest "Hard Answers"
  • old lady rock . Climb to the very top, on the altar near the Wall of Words Quest Daedra "Shards of Past Glory"
  • Windhelm . Clan House Shattered Shield, second floor, first bedroom on the left
  • Royal Palace .Vunfert mage's room, first door to the left at the entrance and then straight to the end of the Quest "Blood on the Snow"
  • Mistveil Fortress Jarl's quarters, door in the middle, on the bedside table
  • Residence "Black Heather" . In the main hall, up the stairs, to the left, in the room on the bedside table Quest "Gave your word - keep it"
  • Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary . In Astrid's room, first room on the left, on the table You must join a guild
  • Ansilvund . Burial chambers, in the room in which you kill Lou "a
    Stone Creek Cave . In the cave we go upstream, the first turn to the right, in the alchemist's room, on the table
  • Abode Rannveig . Go down to the very bottom, on the table
  • Fellglow Fortress. On the second level of the fortress, in the laboratory of the alchemist Quest of the College of Mages of Winterhold "Library Books"
  • Divided Gorge . Next to the Wall of Words, on the table with corpses
  • Ingvild .In the room behind the throne room Arondil's Diaries Quest
  • Hoba cave . In the room with the alchemy table, on the shelf
  • Thalmor Embassy .Elenwen's private quarters, second floor, first bedroom on the left, on the bedside table
  • smoking cave .Next to Necromancer's corpse
  • Pine outpost. There is a door in the room with the tombs of the draugs, behind it on the shelf on the right Special task of the Thieves Guild in Markarth
After collecting all the stones, we return to Vex at the Thieves Guild, she says that only the last detail remains - you need to find the crown of Barenziah itself, and sends us to Tolvald's cave. After returning the crown, you will receive a unique effect "Thieves' Luck", which will increase the chance of finding gems in any chests.

Most recently, Skyrim came out. This game has a lot of new features and, accordingly, a lot of new items. The entire Skyrim game is literally teeming with them. - these are stones that will need to be collected in one of the game quests.

What it is?

Once upon a time, these stones adorned the legendary crown of Barenziah, Queen of Mournhold, but one day they were removed from there.

Over time, of course, they became confused all over Skyrim. In total, 24 stones framed the crown. Only all the items put together will be able to awaken the power of the legendary magic crown in the world of Skyrim. The location of the Barenziah Stones is still unknown. They can be anywhere and anyone! Only a true hero will be able to put them together and comprehend the full power of magic.

When needed

Walking around Skyrim, players can find an "Unusual Stone". Outwardly, this item is a small gold-colored box, inside of which lies. Picking it up, the player will not be able to throw out the box. As it turns out later, the find is the mystical stone of Barenziah.

After the player picks up at least one of these trophies, he will be able to start the quest "Look under every stone". It will need to collect the stones of Barenziah. "Skyrim" will give the player the opportunity to be a real treasure hunter! After all, it is 24 magic stones that are well hidden.

But before the quest starts, one condition must be met. The character of the game must be a member of the Thieves Guild and talk to Vex, who will tell you that the "Unusual Stone" is of no value, but if you collect 24 pieces, then they can be sold for a pretty sum.

After that, the pebble will be renamed "Barenziah's Stone". It is important to note that in Skyrim the stones and Barenziah are not marked on the map in any way, the quest for them is also. Therefore, be careful.

Known bugs

As in any program, bugs exist in the Skyrim game. - this is a favorite subject of all sorts of problems. Now we will tell you how to complete the "Look under every stone" quest so as not to run into certain unpleasant moments (which we will also talk about).

So, in order to start the quest, the character, as mentioned above, must be a member of the Thieves Guild. There are no restrictions on exactly when you step into it. In order to avoid unnecessary problems in the game, we recommend joining the thieves as early as possible. There are several reasons for this. First - second - in some places you will need a high level of theft in order to get the coveted trophy.

During the game, one harmless glitch can happen. Stones will not be placed in the same slot after being picked up. It will bring you nothing but inconvenience. This happens after you talk to Vex, provided that you have a few stones. Therefore, if you have collected a couple of unusual trophies, you can look for them a little more, after which you will talk to Vex.

A very important point is that you do not need to talk to a girl from the Thieves Guild if you already have all 24 stones. In this case, a bug will definitely happen, due to which the quest will not be completed.

If the game lags a lot, then if you have time to press the item pickup key several times, then only one Barenziah stone will be added to the inventory, and several will go to the quest. Completing a Thieves Guild-issued quest will be easier.

If used in relation to a quest, you may run into the fact that after collecting all 24 stones, Vex will not be able to give you the continuation of the chain, in which it will be necessary to get the crown of Barenziah.


Of course, the game works best when there are no problems in it. But if you stumble upon a particular bug, you are given the opportunity to "play" a little with the Skyrim console. Stones of Barenziah can be easily "hacked". In order to do this, you need to know some basics of using the console in the game. But if you don’t want to figure out for a long time what and how to do, how and what works, then just type in the search engine the phrase: “Skyrim. Stones of Barenziah code.” Upon this request, a long console command will open to your attention, which contains the id-number of an item called "Barenziah's Stone" and the function of adding it to inventory. So in a tricky way you can finish the quest without leaving the cash register.

But now let's talk a little about solving game bugs. As mentioned earlier, there may be a problem with the inability to complete the quest if you have 24 Barenziah stones, and you just decided to talk to Vex. To do this, call the console and write two commands in it:

  • setobjectivecompleted TGCrown 20 1
  • setstage TGCrown 30

If you cannot take the task from the girl to continue the quest (search for the crown of Barenziah, which is usually not available after adding all 24 stones "illegally" to the inventory), then it remains only to start it manually with console command: setstage TGCrown 40.

Where to find stones

As already mentioned, in Skyrim, the stones of Barenziah are hidden absolutely all over the map. But where to look for them? Now we will tell you where you can find several stones. We will not open the curtain completely - then the quest will become uninteresting.

1. Whiterun. AT Hall Dead, at the end of the catacombs.

2. In the jarl's room in Dragon's Reach in Whiterun.

3. In Kodlak's room, in Whiterun.

4. In Solitude, in the house "High Spire.

5. In the jarl's room in Solitude.

6. Mistveil Fortress, Jarl's room.

7. In the house of the clan Shattered Shield.

Look for the rest of the stones near the Thalmor Kingdom, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun and in caves. Search every corner of the virtual world and soon you will succeed! On request "Skyrim stones of Barenziah on the map" we found the following picture. She will definitely help you in your search!

The final stage

As a matter of fact, when all 24 stones of Barenziah are in your pocket, you can finish the quest. To do this, go to the Thieves Guild, to Vex. Talk to her again. She will give you a continuation - the search for the crown of Barenziah (well, of course, there are stones, but where to insert them, no). After the decoration is reassembled, it will give you a bonus and decorate the guild building.

Once, while wandering around Skyrim, Dovakin met an unusual faceted ruby, hovering over a golden box. Well, how not to take one? I took it.

And then the trouble began. First, the stone cannot be sold! And who's to say how much it costs? Secondly, it cannot be thrown away - a rather interesting story is clearly connected with it. Nothing to do. You have to complete the quest.

The first thing Dovakin went to was the appraiser. But here's the annoyance, who will tell the truth to a stranger? If you want information, earn trust. And so Dovakin ended up in the Thieves Guild. My son prefers children's electric cars more. And this also has its own meaning, although it will not spoil the eyes behind the monitor ...

In Riften, in an eatery infested with rats, where it is not only embarrassing, but also problematic for a decent person to enter, with his mouth open, he listened to a story that has long become a legend: “There once was a terribly lucky thief in the world. managed to steal the crown of the Queen of Morrowind: Barenziah herself. But since you can’t just sell such booty, he dug out all the stones from the crown, and drove one at a time. So they walk around the world. But I won’t buy it from you - not it's a popular commodity these days. If you collect all 24, then we'll talk. But if not, keep it for yourself, for good luck..."
24? where do you get that much? Dovakin spat on this matter, threw a pebble into his backpack, and went his own way ...

The Dragonborn trampled the Skyrim roads a lot, killed a lot of dragons, people and all sorts of animals, but by some miracle he collected all 12 kilograms of cargo, of dubious value (do not throw away the boxes, besides, all the owners somehow unanimously made absolutely identical packaging for their trinkets).

And so, returning to the thieves guild, with a satisfied smile on all 24 remaining teeth, he laid all this stuff on the table in front of Vex. She, surprised by such a collection, said: “I didn’t think that you would go so far, but since all the stones are here, it’s time for you to find out about the last part of the set: oddly enough, the thief didn’t saw the crown, but drove it entirely. And this the crown, if my sources are right, is now somewhere in the depths of Torvald's cave, to the north of here. And one more thing. This crown is classified as a thieves' paragon: when assembled, it will greatly enhance our thieving abilities ... "

“So, that is, they won’t pay me for the stones anyway,” thought Dovahkiin. The smile faded quickly, and he went into the cave. As it turned out, the crown was carried by a caravan of refugees from Morrowind. They exchanged a glass dagger for a map of the underground passage, which turned out to be littered, and spiders, trolls and Falmer settled in the cave. Waving goodbye to silent ghosts, and no less silent, but fresh corpses, Dovakin, with a crown, returned to the thieves. They quickly collected the crown and hoisted it on a pedestal, which they dragged from nowhere. It only remained to hope that it was not from the temple... "Hey, what about the money?!" - Dovakin was indignant, but no one answered him. What money, to bring the crown is already an honor!

That's all. Now a couple of details. The only reward for this tedious quest is the unique effect "Thieves Luck", which will increase the chance of appearing in jewelry chests (as if there weren't enough of them before). And this despite the fact that the price of red stones is 200 coins, and the crown is made of pure gold. Anyway.

Stones can be found:

  • 1. Winterhold - College of Winterhold - Chambers of the Archmage. Lying on a shelf.
  • 2. Markarth - Understone Fortress - Dwemer Museum. Behind the golden lattice door, lies on the table.
  • 3. Markarth - Treasury - In the bedroom on the nightstand to the right of the bed.
  • 4. Whiterun - Dragon's Reach - Jarl's chambers. In one of the rooms lies on the bedside table.
  • 5. Whiterun - Hall of the Dead - Catacombs. On one of the grave beds at the very end of the hall.
  • 6. Whiterun - Jorrvaskr - Living quarters. The quarters of Kodlak White-Mane.
  • 7. Windhelm - House of the clan Shattered Shield.
  • 8. Windhelm - Royal Palace - top floor. Mage Jarl's room.
  • 9. Fortress of Fellglow - in a room with tables of an alchemist and an enchanter. (A bug is possible when the stone is missing).
  • 10. Fastidious Sload - on the table next to the captain's chest.
  • 11. Ingvild - the room behind the throne of Arondil
  • 12. Solitude - Blue Palace - on the second floor in Jarl's bedroom.
  • 13. Solitude - High Spire Estate.
  • 14. Smoldering Cave near the corpse of a necromancer, on the map as a location is not displayed, 20 steps west of the embassy, ​​under the mountain, turn on the detailed map with the L key. (Before patch 1.4, this stone was in the Thalmor embassy.)
  • 15. Shelter of the Dark Brotherhood - a table next to the table with a map. Close to Falkreath.
  • 16. Riften - Mistveil Fortress. Jarl's quarters - on the cabinet to the left of the bed.
  • 17. Residence "Black Heather" - on the bedside table in the room. Close to Riften.
  • 18. Abode Rannveig - on the table in the room with cages.
  • 19. Cave Stone Stream - near the table of the alchemist.
  • 20. Khob's cave - to the left of the alchemy table.
  • 21. Ansilvund (northeast of Shor's Stone village), Burial Halls, on the table between the coffins according to the quest in this tomb. Not far from Riften.
  • 22. Old Lady's Rock - on a table near the dragon wall. You come here on the quest Shards of Past Glory (the stone may be hard to see because of the blood on the table).
  • 23. Divided Gorge, located northwest of Falkreath - on a table in front of a wall with a word of power.
  • 24. Pine outpost, house northeast of Falkreath, next to Helgen - secret room in the basement - Bandit's hideout.
Known bugs: you cannot continue the quest by collecting 24 stones before meeting with the appraiser.

setobjectivecompleted TGCrown 20 1
setstage TGCrown 30

P.S. Leaving the thieves' den, the Dragonborn glanced at the crown: beauty! But something about her symmetrical beauty seemed strange to him. Looking closely, he realized: there were 25 stones ...

To feel like a king, you just need to find out where to find the stones of Barenziah in Skyrim, namely all 24 pieces, then put them back into the crown, and enjoy the most inaccessible artifact in the entire game! But you can start the quest to collect all the fragments only when you find one of stones of barenziah, and then automatically starts the quest Look under each stone.

The essence of the task is to collect all the stones (24 pieces), find the precious Barenziah's crown and connect them together. These unusual and gems decorated the crown worn by the queen Mournhold. The Stones of Barenziah have been scattered all over Skyrim and finding them without a map is quite difficult and time consuming, so below is a map of where all the lost pieces of the crown can be found so that you can find them easily and without any problems. However, some stones can be found by completing quests, that is, they will lie in locations locked with keys.

Locations where to find stones of Barenziah in Skyrim

In this list you will find out the location of all the stones (24 pcs.) from the task Look under each stone.

  1. One of the most easily accessible stones of Barenziah is the one that lies in dragon limit, it is very easy to find, it is located in the jarl's room.
  2. Another one is again in Whiterun, in chambers of the leader of the saratniks— Kodlak. Again, you can just go and take the stone without any quests.
  3. The next one is in Whiterun, this time in hall of the dead. You just need to go down to the catacombs, kill the skeletons there (not necessary) and pick up the stone that lies on the left, on the grave.
  4. Next up is Solitude, our own home called " high spire". However, in order to pick up this stone, you need to buy a house in the city.
  5. One of the 24 stones of Barenziah is back in Solitude, in blue palace. We must go to the jarl's room and pick up the stone.
  6. Then go to the ship Picky Sload". The stone lies on the table in the captain's room.
  7. After you need to go to Markarth and go to treasury. Go forward and find a room on the left. There will be a Barenziah stone next to the bed.
  8. After we go to chambers of the Archmage. To go there, you must first join the College of Mages of Winterhold and complete a couple of quests, because at the beginning the door that leads to the archmage's chambers is locked with a key and you cannot enter there without a console.
  9. The next stone of Barenziah can be found during the quest Hard Answers, located in Museum of the Dwemer that in Markarth.
  10. Another stone can be found during the quest " Shards of past glory", near the wall of words in the location "Old Lady's Rock".
  11. Then we go to Windhelm, we go into the clan house " Shattered Shield“, we go up to the second floor and pick up the item we need.
  12. Another easily accessible item is waiting for you in court magician's room named Wunferth, which is in Windhelm.
  13. Another stone of Barenziah, which is very easy to get, is located in the fortress Mistveil, in the chambers of the jarl.
  14. Next you need to take the quest " I gave my word - keep it”and go to the Black Heather residence, there are stairs in the main hall, go upstairs and find the stone that lies on the table.
  15. The next stone is in Astrid's room, in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.
  16. To find the next crown shard, you should head to the ruins " Ansilvund". He is in the room where Lu'a dies at your hands.
  17. The next one is in ruins called " Abode Rannveig“, you need to go down to the very bottom and look for a stone there, it lies on the table.
  18. Let's go to the cave stone stream"and go straight to the alchemist's room (located on the left) and take what you need.
  19. Next, we take the quest " library books“, which is issued at the College of Winterhold and sent to Fellglow Fortress, is located in the alchemist's laboratory.
  20. In a location called Divided Gorge» is the next stone of Barenziah, near the wall of words.
  21. Taking the quest called " Diaries of Arondil” you need to go to a place called “Ingvild”. The stone lies in the room, which is located behind the throne room.
  22. AT Khob cave there is another pebble, you need to find a room where there is an alchemical laboratory and find a stone there that lies on a shelf.
  23. In Elenwen's quarters, Thalmor embassy there is another stone. You can get to the embassy during the quest "Diplomatic Immunity".
  24. And the last stone of Barenziah is in Pine Outpost. In the outpost there is a room with draugr, and behind it is a door. Behind the door there is a shelf on which lies your last fragment of the crown.

Skyrim - Map of the location of all the stones of Barenziah

The Crown of Barenziah can easily be called the most unique, or even legendary, in the entire game. Indeed, to complete the quest, which involves collecting all the lost particles of the crown, many players take about 40 game hours. Therefore, this article will focus you as accurately as possible when trying to find all the stones.

Video Skyrim - Places where the stones of Barenziah are on the map

Well, now you know where and how you can quickly find all 24 Barenziah stones in the most iconic game - Skyrim. Luck with searching.

  • Access to the Thalmor Embassy (Main Quest)
  • Started a series of quests for the Dark Brotherhood
  • You have a mansion in Solitude, the one for 25 thousand
  • Access to the premises of the Archmage. Obtained after starting a series of quests for the College.

And now the locations:

#1 Whiterun, go to the Catacombs of the Hall of the Dead. The stone is located if you go to the left side down the stairs, in the first room.

#2 Dragonreach. Whiterun. In Jarl's room.

#3 Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Kodlak's room.

#4 Solitude, Jarl's room in the palace.

#5 Mansion in Solitude. Stone in the master's room.

#6 Mistveil Keep in Riften. In Jarl's room.

#7 Windhelm, stone in Wuunferth's room, Palace of Kings.

#8 Windhelm. A stone in the home of Clan Shatter-Shield.

#9 Markarth. Treasury house. Stone in Thonar's room.

#10 Underston Keep, Markarth. Stone in the museum.

#11 College of Winterhold. A stone in the chambers of the Archmage.

#12 Dead Crone Rock (Southwest of Markarth), stone on the table next to the boss.

#13 Black-Briar Lodge Northeast of Riften, on the second floor.

#14 Ansilvund Burial Chambers, north of Riften.

#15 Stony Creek Cave, South of Imperial Camp in Eastmarch. The stone is on the table in the last room.

#16 Rannveig's Fast Northeast of Rorikstead, Near the Word Wall.

#17 Luminous Rune Tower (Fellglow Keep). You can get there by exploring the Northeast of Whiterun. Move up the stairs, keep to the right side.

#18 On a ship southwest of the Solitude Lighthouse.

#19 Sunderstone Gorge, on the table next to two bodies.

#20 Yngvild, Northeast of Downstar, on an island. At the very end of the cave.

#21 Thalmor's Embassy, ​​second floor. Stone in the first room on the left side.

#22 Pinewatch, in the bandits' hideout. In the room with the empty Drow tomb, there will be a closed door on the right side. The stone in this room is on the bookshelf.

#23 Temple of the Dark Brotherhood, Astrid's room.

#24 Between Downstar and Winterhold, on the northern shore there is a cave (Hob's Fall Cave). Search her.

Here is a video of the location: https://www.

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