Making a "Corner for Parents" in kindergarten according to the seasons with your own hands. Making a corner for parents in dow groups Design features of the parent corner

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them even about the minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of the classes, gives advice and recommendations on education. Helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, provides an opportunity to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children and reveals the value of their own work.



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Often the parents of an autistic child face great difficulties due to his extreme selectivity in food. It happens that the child refuses everything except milk and cookies. Sometimes the reason lies in the reluctance or fear to try a new product, or in an unpleasant experience (taste, smell, packaging, etc.) that turned out to be associated with an already familiar food. In these cases, it may be possible to mix the new food discreetly with the child's favorite food, and gradually introduce the new food into the diet.

Girl L. drank only cranberry juice and water, refusing any other liquid. However, at some point, the parents noticed L.'s desire to try the red liquid. It turned out to be possible to give other types of red juice, and thus slightly expand the diet.

In some cases autistic child recognizes the presence of an unwanted product even in a very disguised form and refuses to eat. When a child's diet is extremely limited and such selectivity can harm his health, it is important to decide what foods you really need to try to add to his diet. For example, if a child does not eat dairy products and fruits, but drinks fruit juice, then first of all, it is advisable to add something dairy to his diet, and temporarily not focus on the rest.
At first, the child is rewarded with a favorite treat every time he eats just a little bit of a new food, even just licking a spoon. One girl who was very fond of potato chips was taught to drink kefir in the following way. At the sight of chips, she opened her mouth and at that moment managed to give her a spoonful of kefir and almost simultaneously - a piece of chips.

Although during the first attempts, at first she screamed and tried to spit out kefir, but after a few spoons she began to swallow. Gradually, it became possible to give chips after 2-3 spoons, and then do without them.
It is interesting that the same girl, despite the proposed chips, flatly refused to eat cottage cheese. The protest in this case was expressed more strongly, at the sight of a spoonful of cottage cheese, she instantly clenched her teeth, and even the deprivation of the promised chips did not affect her determination. Forcing a child to eat in such a situation is most often impossible. Therefore, having taught a child, as in the above example, to eat kefir and yogurt, you can not insist on another additional dairy product.
The food preferred by the child should be given to him at the table, clearly indicating the time of the meal, limiting its availability at other times. The habit of biting can take hold and develop into a serious problem at an older age, when many children gain excess weight.

Sometimes a successful attempt by a child to try something new may be preceded by multiple encounters with this product in play activities. When an adult draws or plays with a child, he begins to fantasize about “how we will treat grandmother, what we will buy for our brother, what berries we will grow in the garden”, trying to infect him with the experience of his feelings: “oh, what strawberries are sweet and juicy.” In this way, we make other food more attractive for the time being in an imaginary way.

Developing and starting to actively explore the world around him, the child gradually begins to try new foods. The problem of selectivity in food is extremely difficult and requires a lot of patience from parents, but over time, the child's diet can be expanded.
Children who have the problem of selectivity in food are not so acute, it is necessary to begin to teach the rules of behavior at the table. To do this, you first need to properly organize the place. A chair that is comfortable in height should be selected. Only a plate of food is placed in front of the child and a spoon or fork is placed, and all foreign objects, as well as common dishes with food attractive to the child, are removed. It is important to monitor the correct position of the spoon in the hand, providing the child with the necessary assistance, preferably from behind. In the left hand (if the child is right-handed), you can put a piece of bread, which is good to help pick up food in a spoon.

If the child jumps up from the table with a piece in his hand, calmly but firmly put him in his place, or make sure that he leaves the food on the table before leaving. Don't forget to praise him when he sits properly at the table, this can cost him a lot of effort, which should be rewarded.

Boy I., 5 years old, when he went to the kindergarten, did not eat there on his own. After about a month and a half, very gradually they taught him (a teacher and a nanny) to eat on his own: first they fed him, then they held his hand with their hand and so they fed him, then they held him under his elbow, then they only put a finger under his elbow, then they stood next to him and, finally, complete independence.

Such a gradual easing of assistance requires a lot of patience from parents and educators. They are faced with the task, on the one hand, not to rush to complicate the task, and on the other hand, not to get stuck at an already mastered stage.
Often the child has difficulty eating because of his increased squeamishness. Even a drop of soup on the cheek or on clothes can become a source of discomfort. This problem can be alleviated by teaching the child how to use a napkin.
The ability to eat neatly, to sit at a table with other people facilitates the further socialization of an autistic child, his participation in the life of his family and peers.


Personal hygiene skills: brushing teeth.

It is not uncommon for an autistic child to protest strongly against attempts to brush his teeth and refuse to take a toothbrush in his mouth because of his hypersensitivity to touch, food selectivity, unwillingness to stand in one place.

Therefore, parents of autistic children often hesitate to start teaching them how to brush their teeth for a long time, not wanting to provoke additional conflict.
At the same time, for many autistic children, teeth begin to deteriorate quickly, and since going to the dentist is often an even more difficult problem, it is better to teach a child to brush his teeth as early as possible.
It is very important to make this procedure as attractive as possible for the child - to buy children's paste and a small comfortable toothbrush, which they can wash and feel. It is good if the child could watch how you brush your teeth and enjoy it.
Some of the children may immediately like the paste, which will make brushing their teeth more attractive, while another may find it easier to start using an empty brush and add paste to it as they get used to it.

It is better for the child to hold the brush from the very beginning, with the adult's hand on top of his hand. However, there may be individual solutions depending on what kind of help he can more easily tolerate.
The touch of the brush at first should be very light. It is very important not to make the child negative about this situation. As you get used to it, you can begin to increase the duration of the process, brush your teeth more thoroughly and let go of your hand.
Many children do not know how to rinse their mouth and spit water. It helps some if an adult, at the same time as a child, takes water into his mouth and spit demonstratively. Sometimes it is necessary to tilt the child's head down and touch the chin. It often takes a long time before he learns to spit out water, and you need to be prepared that a lot of pasta will be swallowed before that.

Therefore, it is better to squeeze quite a bit of paste onto the brush.
As with learning other skills, you need to think of a clear sequence of actions and stick to it until the child learns this activity. Below we offer a variant of such a scheme.

1. Turn on the water
2. Open the paste
3. Take a toothbrush and moisten it
4. Squeeze out the paste and put the tube on the edge of the sink
5. Brush your teeth on the left
6. Brush your teeth on the right
7. Brush your teeth in front
8. Put the brush
9. Take a glass of water and rinse your mouth
10. Put the glass back
11. Wash the brush and put it in a glass
12. Close the toothpaste and put it away
13. Wash up
14. Close the faucet
15. Wipe face and hands
16. Hang the towel in place

I would like to point out that it is necessary early age to teach an autistic child to monitor their appearance, to be neat and clean. In this case, it will be easier for him later to adapt in society, to find an acceptable social niche for himself, despite the remaining difficulties of behavior.


Big "toilet training - how to solve this problem in autism?

Many children in preschool and adolescence have difficulty with bowel movements in the toilet. Such a sensitive topic often becomes a serious problem for the child himself and those around him.
Some parents try various means to solve this problem on their own and may not seek professional help. The child may develop phobias and fears of the toilet, or may develop highly undesirable behaviors such as smearing feces, playing with feces, etc. Surrounding the child - peers, educators and teachers cannot build social and pleasant relationships with the child if he goes "big" in his pants, "and this problem often becomes a serious obstacle to the socialization and inclusion of the child.

As with correcting any other behavioral problem, it should not be seen as a symptom of autism or mental retardation, but as problematic behavior. Hence, the first steps in solving this problem will be the collection and analysis of data.

Initially, data should be recorded for at least two weeks, on a daily basis. Should be recorded:
1. The date and exact time of all bowel movements (as well as the time of all meals).
2. The place where the child defecated
3. What the child was wearing.
4. Stool consistency.

After the data has been collected, an analysis should be carried out to determine for which of the reasons this problem occurs:

  1. 1. Medical reasons
  2. 2. Lack of skill (or lack of generalization of the already learned skill of urinating in the toilet)
  3. 3. Non-cooperation
  4. 4. The presence of rituals and stereotypes associated with defecation.

In children who have medical problems with defecation in the toilet, atypical signs are usually present - too frequent and loose stools, or vice versa, too rare and hard. In this case, you should contact the pediatrician, and if there really is a problem, then the pediatrician will give a referral to the appropriate specialist. In this case, you should consistently follow the recommendations that a specialist in this field will provide.

If the child "goes" big "in pants" because the skill to defecate in the toilet is missing, it will be apparent from the analysis of the data that there are no specific characteristics or stereotypes associated with this process. In this case, a correction procedure based on proactive and reactive methods should be applied.

First of all, you should make sure that the child can sit for a long time on the toilet. If the child does not sit on the toilet, or sits very tense, just for a few seconds - in this case there is no possibility that the child can defecate in the toilet. In this case, you should build the training of sitting on the toilet - as a separate exercise. For training, you can use physical cues and rewards or tokens.

In addition to learning to sit on the toilet, you should build a schedule for visiting the toilet. Based on the initial data, you should choose the time that is closest to the time when the child usually defecates. You should take the child to the toilet at this time and help him sit on the toilet for 5 minutes. If nothing happened - the child can leave the toilet, but after that you will take the child to the toilet every 10 minutes.

If the child manages to go "in a big way" in the toilet - you need to give him the most desirable and motivational prize.

If the child still managed to get his pants dirty, a reactive procedure is recommended here - either "Over-correction" (for example, clean and wash his clothes), or "Reaction cost" (deprivation of any privileges, for example, a ban on watching cartoons for a evenings).

Sometimes motivational encouragement alone is enough, but since bowel movements do not occur as often as urination, additional reactive procedures are sometimes required to bring the learning process forward.

If incidents occur because the child refuses to cooperate- this will become noticeable when the child begins to pinch and actively hold the “chair” at your request to go to the toilet. This behavior usually characterizes the child not only in what is connected with the toilet, but also in other areas of daily requirements too.
In such cases effective tool often it turns out to be the use of medical products, like glycerin suppositories or enemas. But it is advisable to resort to them
as helper methods, while behavioral correction procedure will be the main. In this case, the reward for a successful defecation in the toilet should be very significant. A technique that can sometimes be used is to prevent access to all significant incentives for two weeks prior to the introduction of this program. This will increase the motivational value of the reward, and condition the receipt of this reward on defecation in the toilet.

When avoiding bowel movements in the toilet is associated with routines and stereotypes(for example, a child defecates only at home, and only in a diaper, and only standing at the sofa) - this routine is very difficult to stop or interrupt. In this case, more effective method will begradual and slow formation of a new routine, which will be close to the behavior of defecation in the toilet. In the formation of this routine, the encouragement of each new approximate form of reaction is required. It is important not to rush or move too fast, otherwise this can lead to constipation and additional difficulties.
Provided that the child always defecates in a diaper, standing behind the sofa, you can build the following steps:

  1. 1. Help the child to stand in front of the sofa, and if he manages to go "big" in the diaper, but in front of the sofa - he gets a reward.
  2. 2. Help the child to stand in the corridor in front of the toilet, and if he manages to go "big" in the diaper, but in the corridor in front of the toilet - he gets a reward.
  3. 3. Help the child to stand in the toilet, and if he manages to go "big" in the diaper, but in the toilet - he is rewarded.
  4. 4. Help the child go "big" in the diaper while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, and if he can go "big" in the diaper, but sitting on the toilet in the toilet - he gets a reward.
  5. 5. Help the child to go "big" sitting on the toilet in the toilet with the diaper lowered to the knees, and if he can go "big" while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but with the diaper lowered to the knees, he is rewarded.
  6. 6. Help the child to go "big" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, holding the diaper in his hands, and if he manages to go "big" while sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but holding the diaper in his hands - he is rewarded.
  7. 7. Help the child to go "big" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, without a diaper, and if he can go "big" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but without a diaper - he gets a reward.

It should be remembered that choosing the stages and steps for teaching a child to defecate in the toilet should bebased on his individual abilities and needs. For some babies, a more gradual process or other way to stop using the diaper will be needed (for example, skipping the diaper, but leaving the diaper on the baby, but cutting a hole in it beforehand, and gradually increasing it until the diaper is no longer needed).

For the successful implementation of the "big" toilet training procedure, you need:

1. Strengthening the skills of "small" toilet training- i.e. the child should already be able to urinate in the toilet.

2. Permanent data recording. Do not stop taking notes until the child has fully mastered this skill.

3. Consistent application of procedures for learning- requires at least 3 weeks of consecutive application of the procedure to evaluate its effectiveness. Children who go "big" in their pants for years cannot wean themselves from this within two to three days.

Consequently, the process of learning and consolidating an alternative skill, i.e. bowel movements in the toilet can occur for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to apply the procedure consistently and keep records so that the dynamics of the process can be tracked.



This “Memo” is not only a kind of monologue of a child defending his rights, but also an open invitation to adults for dialogue and mutual understanding.

Let's listen to the advice of our children!

"Than listening to a sermon, I'd rather take a look,
And it is better to guide me than to show me the way.
Eyes are smarter than hearing - they will understand everything without difficulty.
The words are sometimes confused, but the example is never.
That is the best preacher who has led faith in life.
Welcome to see in action - that's the best school.
And if you tell me everything, I will learn a lesson.
But the movement of hands is clearer to me than a stream of fast words.
It must be possible to believe in clever words,
But I'd rather see what you're doing yourself.
What if I misunderstand your beautiful advice,
But I will understand how you live: in truth or not.

Eternal children's wisdom

  1. Don't spoil me, you spoil me with it. I know very well that it is not necessary to provide me with everything I request. I'm just testing you.
  2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to define my place.
  3. Don't let my bad habits get me too much of your attention. This will only inspire me to continue them.
  4. Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I will recoup you for this by becoming a "crybaby" and a "whiner."
  5. Do not do for me and for me what I can do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant.
  6. Do not demand from me immediate explanations why I did this or that. Sometimes I myself don’t know why I act this way and not otherwise.
  7. Don't test my honesty too much. Being intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  8. Don't be inconsistent. This confuses me and makes me try harder in all cases to have the last word.
  9. Don't pick on me and don't yell at me. If you do this, I will be forced to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.
  10. Don't try to lecture me and lecture me. You will be surprised to discover how perfectly I know what is good and what is bad.
  11. Do not forget that I cannot develop successfully without understanding and approval, but praise, when it is honestly deserved, is sometimes forgotten. And catch up, it seems, never.
  12. Do not rely on force in dealing with me. This will teach me that it is necessary to reckon only with force. I will respond more readily to your initiatives.
  13. Treat me the same way you treat your friends. Then I will be your friend. Remember that I learn by imitating examples rather than being criticized.
  14. It is important for me to know from you what is right and what is not. But most of all, it is important for me to see in your actions a confirmation of whether you yourself understand what is right and what is not.

Every family that has a child needs knowledge on raising children. Improving the pedagogical culture and educating parents are important tasks of the kindergarten. A visual means of interaction between educators and the family is the design parent corner in kindergarten. The stand for parents in kindergarten is obligatory for any group.

The parent's corner in the kindergarten should contain the daily routine of the group, the schedule and themes of the classes, the daily menu. In it, teachers introduce parents to the methods of education, help them with advice and consultations, and provide other important information. Information in the parent's corner should be carefully selected and designed in such a way that it attracts attention and becomes really useful for parents of preschoolers.

We place a parent's corner in kindergarten

A corner for parents in kindergarten should be located in the reception of each group. Take one of the walls, a special stand or shelf for him. In order for such an information stand in kindergarten to be noticeable and attract the attention of moms and dads, it is best to place it in the changing room of the group, for example, above the children's lockers for clothes or opposite the entrance to the group.

Think over the design of the corner in accordance with the name of the group and the style of its design.

Most often, do-it-yourself stands for parents in kindergarten are made of plywood. A collapsible version of the stand is very convenient, which can be reduced or enlarged (depending on the amount of information placed on it). Of course, if possible, it is better to purchase ready-made version stand or order an individual, suitable for the interior of the group.

How should the information for parents on the stand look like?

  1. Select materials in the parent's corner according to the age group and season.
  2. Arrange information colorfully, aesthetically, illustrating with thematic pictures and photographs.
  3. The font of the text should be such that it is possible to read the words from a distance of a meter (at least 14 point size, spacing 1.5).
  4. Highlight headings and titles of messages in a contrasting color.
  5. Break the text into small paragraphs.
  6. Submit the material of the articles concisely.
  7. Information in the Parents' Corner should be written in clear, understandable language, so there is no need to use complex scientific terms.

Corners for parents in kindergarten should have constant information and one that is regularly updated.

Parental corners in kindergarten (pictures - design examples)

Permanent materials for the parent corner

Materials that should be in the parent corner for the entire school year:

  • characteristics of the age characteristics of children attending the group;
  • daily regime;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • internal rules of the kindergarten;
  • information about the program according to which the pedagogical process is carried out;
  • introductory data on employees: name and patronymic of the educator, assistant educator, head of the kindergarten, methodologist.

Temporary materials for parents

Bulletin board

Ad text can be framed with tape or strips of paper to draw attention. beautiful design. If the announcement invites to a holiday, it is placed with a picture, for example, with a picture of a mimosa bouquet on March 8th.

Specialist Corner

It should contain materials of a medical worker, educational psychologist and speech therapist:

  • names and patronymics of specialists, as well as the hours of their reception;
  • notes on disease prevention and health improvement of children;
  • tables of recent height and weight measurements of children;
  • exercises in articulation gymnastics;
  • development tips fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Acquaintance with nature

The material must be updated every month. Visualization is prepared in accordance with the age of the children. Such information in the parental corner in the younger group should be significantly different from the older group. It can use nursery rhymes and jokescorresponding to the time of year.

Setting up a parent's corner middle group may include exhibitions of children's books, poems by Russian poets, tasks for observing wildlife and inanimate nature, which children can complete with their parents.

In accordance with the season, reminders are posted on how best to dress girls and boys, depending on the temperature outside and inside.

Box of Lost Items

It is made in the form of a toy with a basket, a box or a pocket on the stomach. A harmless inscription is placed on the box, prompting you to look for lost things here.

Who lost a sock?

Who didn't take the handkerchief?

You don't search in vain

And take it in your pocket!

Additional headings for the parent corner

In addition to constant information, the parent's corner in kindergarten may contain necessary and interesting information that helps educators cover various aspects of raising children and answer questions that are relevant to parents.

Advice for parents in mobile folders

To attract the attention of parents, topics should be updated regularly. Not bad if it is original, creatively presented information for parents.

For example, in the parent corner in the older group, you can offer the following topics:

  • "Family in the drawings of the baby";
  • "Modern fairy tales and the child";
  • "Experiments and experiments in the bathroom."

Exhibitions of crafts of children with parents

The design of a corner for parents in the form of a beautiful shelf suitable for accommodating a large number of children's crafts is best suited here.

To attract parents to joint creative activities with children, thematic creative competitions should be regularly announced:

  • "Lumberjack made of natural material";
  • "Magic bell for the Christmas tree";
  • "My favorite fairy-tale hero from plasticine";
  • exhibitions for the holidays - New Year, Cosmonautics Day, February 23 under interesting names.

Thematic photo exhibitions

A corner for parents in a preschool educational institution can also be decorated with photo exhibitions. For example, a selection of photographs from the life of a kindergarten: from a lesson, a holiday, an excursion.

Children are always interested in thematic expositions collected from vivid episodes of friends spending time outside the kindergarten, for example:

  • "Our summer vacation";
  • "Winter fun with dad";
  • "Weekend in the woods".

Photos should be supplemented with short stories and interesting captions.

Certificate of Appreciation for Parents

A trifle, but nice, so you can say about a beautifully designed text with words of gratitude to dads and moms who helped the group: they watered the hill, sewed hats for lightning, took part in preparing the holiday.

We are in class

In this section, educators introduce parents to the program content of the classes, offer to consolidate the material at home: repeat the riddle, rhyme, proverb. Lists of literature on the topic of the lesson for reading to children are also attached here.

Happy Birthday!

Photos of birthdays, congratulations and postcards to pupils are placed here. The heading helps to find out in time which baby needs to be congratulated, and adds joy to the hero of the occasion.

Making a parent's corner in kindergarten is a multifaceted activity. Its content must be constantly updated and changed. When filling the corner, one should take into account the inadmissibility of its sensory overload. Otherwise, parents will quickly lose interest in him.

Parent Corner Contest - video

Maya Cetina

There is a box for speech therapist information.

I place my information in the tips of Znayka.

For children's drawings, I use a rack with clothespins.

Related publications:

No one teaches a small person: "Be indifferent to people, break trees, trample on beauty, put your personal above all else." It's all about.

Consultation for parent corner "Don't miss scoliosis" Consultation in the parental corner "Do not miss scoliosis" Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine - one of the most common.

I bring to your attention the design of the Kuban corner in our group, which was created thanks to the joint work of parents and teachers.

The formation of the correct speech of the child is one of the most important tasks. preschool education. However, dynamic analysis is practical.

As a theater begins with a hanger, so a kindergarten begins with a locker room, so having gathered a group of kids, the first thing I thought about was its design.

In the corner of safe behavior on the road, children consolidate theoretical knowledge in game form. Here are the main modes of transport:

I want to decorate the group, make it cozy, original, warm, unlike others. I drew a tree in a corner of nature. Gave volume.

We had a review of "Patriotic Corners" in kindergarten. It coincided with the week of tolerance. Our group represented the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Menu. Change daily.

  • Information placed on the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.
  • When placing any printed material on the stand (medical advice, psychologist, etc.) reference to the publication. Including authorship and year of publication, required.
  • The stand should be colorful. When designing a stand, you should use not only drawings and handwritten inscriptions, but posters and photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, you should not abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys.

The ratio of text and illustrations in folders should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations) they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them

  • A reserve should be created for the exchange of information between groups.

The parent corner should contain:

1. Characteristics of the age of children. Changes once a year.

2. Level of skills (what a child of this age should be able to do). Changes once a year.

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family. Changes once a year.

4. Grid of classes. Changes once a year.

5. Anthropometric data (for average and senior group dow: standard and examination result). Changes 2 times a year (September, May).

6. Menu. Change daily.

7. Learn with us. Change daily.

8. Rules for parents. Change once a year.

9. What did we do today. Change daily.

11. Advertisements. Change as needed.

The design should be no more than two colors. The material is located at the level of the eyes of the parents.

You can purchase stands for decorating the parent corner by clicking on the link

Making a "Corner for Parents" according to the seasons with your own hands. Seasonal design "Corner for parents"

Proshina Vera Ivanovna - teacher of MADOU CRR No. 60 "Fairy Tale", Likino-Dulyovo, Moscow region.
"Corner for Parents" carries important information that must be communicated to the mothers and fathers of our pupils. This information is located in the reception room or in the locker room. I believe that parents and children need to be interested, as they say, right from the door. Therefore, I decided to decorate one of the walls with a bright fairy-tale plot, the theme of which will change according to the seasons. Thus, it is possible to solve several problems at once:
1. Beautifully arrange the reception.
2. Give parents the information they need.
3. Introduce children to the change of seasons.
4. Create a positive emotional mood in children and adults.
5. To develop in children the desire to help decorate their premises with their own work.
6. Bring up artistic and aesthetic qualities in a child.
7. Use a minimum of costs for registration.

This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, parents and anyone who is interested in the proposed material.
Target: do-it-yourself aesthetic design of the "Corner for Parents".
1. Show the design options for the "Corner for Parents" in accordance with the seasons.
2. To develop thinking, fantasy, artistic and aesthetic taste.
3. Encourage the desire to decorate your group beautifully on your own and at low cost.
I started decorating the “Corner for Parents” in the fall, so I reflected this colorful season in a forest clearing, where fairy-tale characters settled among birch and maple trees: a fox, a hare, an owl, a sparrow and a titmouse. And here's what I got.

All birds and animals are painted on the ceiling tiles.

Grass is a decorative lawn that is sold by the meter. I needed only 30 cm in height. I stuck it on with double tape.

For the maple tree, I bought ready-made maple branches.

I made branches for a birch from an unnecessary branch of a rose: I separated the leaves and glued them to the stem. You can use dry branches from birch.

Cranberries, greens and mushrooms purchased at the Fix Price store
I cut pockets for information from ceiling tiles and a transparent sheet from the folder, pasting them around the edges with adhesive wallpaper (self-adhesive wallpaper).

I combined the prepared material into the desired composition and placed it on the entire wall.

When winter came, snow appeared: I cut a light synthetic winterizer into pieces and formed snowdrifts on top of the grass.

The branches of the birch were covered with hoarfrost: the decorative, flexible, fleecy, silvery sticks turned into winter twigs.

Maple branches are icy from the cold: I cut out pointed round sticks of different sizes from the insulation and glued them to each other with ceiling glue. Here's what happened.

Snow attacked the branches: calafiber or decorating snow.
Winter bushes: silvery branches.

Came New Year and this was reflected in the New Year's composition with Santa Claus and the Snowman.

And here comes the long-awaited Spring! The sun came out. White clouds floated across the sky. Making clouds and clouds can be seen here: /blogs/proshina-vera/master-klas-oblaka-i-tuchki.html

The snow melted and snowdrops bloomed: I cut them out of the magazines of the Magnit store. Older children will be able to draw their own primroses or make them with their own hands.

The trees began to bud.

For the manufacture of branches, you can also use a vine with leaves: I took off the leaves and made them from corrugated paper blossoming leaves on a birch.

I made the same buds on maple branches.

Green grass. Purchased lawn looked dark. To lighten the dark tones of the grass, I had to repaint the lawn. To achieve the desired result, I used a light green paint (for indoor use). Hillocks appeared.

Hello long-awaited spring!

This composition can be supplemented with various drawings, crafts, appliqués made by children. The wall is constantly updated. It attracts attention and pleases not only children, but also adults. Snowdrops will be replaced by other flowers. While my kids are small, I hang out some purchased attributes. And when they grow up, it will be a great scope for a riot of fantasy, the fruits of which will be seen by their parents.
Snowdrops will soon fade, the leaves on the trees will blossom, and lilies of the valley, forest carnation and other plants will appear in our clearing. So with new additions and changes, we will wait for the summer. Our fabulous glade will sparkle with bright colors of summer.
I would like to bring to your attention other stands made with my own hands on ceiling tiles for the "Corner for Parents". They are convenient in that they are very light and can be hung on adhesive tape anywhere and changed as far as possible and desired.
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