Summary of the GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world for the senior group: Theme “Journey into the past of a vacuum cleaner. The history of the creation of a vacuum cleaner "From a mop to a robot vacuum cleaner" - presentation Summary of the lesson journey into the past of a vacuum cleaner

Software content. Arouse in children an interest in the past of objects around us; lead to the understanding that a person invents and creates various objects to facilitate his work. Teach children to navigate past and present objects.
Material. Vacuum cleaner, subject pictures.
Guys this morning when I came to the group I found an envelope
And in it is a message for you from Dunno. Do you know who the Dunno is?
(children's answers). Well done, let's read what Dunno sent us. “Dear friends, we decided to write to you because we ourselves don’t know what to do, we bought carpets in our flower town, but we don’t know how to clean dirt from them. And we ask you to help us find out the best way to remove dust and dirt from carpets.
The guys will help the residents of the flower town.
Educator: Guys, do you have carpets at home. Children's answers.
And how are you at home and how do you remove dust and dirt from carpets. Children's answers.
(vacuum cleaner)
And you know that a long time ago there were no vacuum cleaners. How do you think they removed the dirt from the carpets. children's assumptions. (broom, brush).
When there was no vacuum cleaner, people took the carpets out into the street and knocked out the reality with a simple stick (do you think it was convenient. Children's answers.
People came up with a broom, and what is a broom and what is it made of.
Broom - a bunch of twigs or branches, mostly used for sweeping rooms.
Do you think it has become easier for people, more comfortable with a broom than with a stick (children's assumptions).
But the man did not stop there, then he came up with a beater, it is more convenient than a stick. It has a very comfortable flat shape, even now many people use it. They also invented a brush with a handle for cleaning carpets. How are you
think it was convenient. Children's answers. What is the brush made of. Children's answers.
He willingly swallows the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing ... (vacuum cleaner)

And finally, a man came up with a vacuum cleaner in 1860. But they don’t look at all like they do now. In one museum, an exhibit of a 1900 vacuum cleaner is kept, its size is the same as a person’s height is 170 centimeters, and they definitely had to vacuum together together: one twisted the handle, and the other collected dust with a broom on a long handle.
The vacuum cleaner, designed by the Englishman S. Booth in 1901, was even more solid. It was delivered to the client's house on two horses - it was so bulky, and the length of the hose was 250 meters. Imagine what a roar and howl accompanied the operation of this unit!
But a lot of time has passed and now, in addition to his main duty - to swallow dust, he whitens and paints ceilings, varnishes furniture, cars, sprays plants and even ... washes the floor. Here is such a wonderful assistant lives in your home.
Having made friends with him, you will quickly bring cleanliness and order in your room, in the whole house, which will indescribably please your parents.
. Fizkultminutka.
Elephant on wheels
The carpet will be cleaned with a spout (tilts forward)
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around. (turns left and right)
What gets under the trunk
All fly into his stomach. (arms up, sipping)

Guys, let's look at our vacuum cleaner what it consists of
Vacuum cleaners are different: by name, appearance (showing
drawings of vacuum cleaners), by size. But the principle of the device and their action
one. Consider the main parts of the vacuum cleaner (I name and show on
drawing and on a natural object, the students pronounce the names after
for the teacher)
1) Body
2) Electric cord with plug
3) Switch
4) Handle (for carrying)
5) Wheels (for movement)
6) Suction hose
7) Tubes
8) Brushes for different types works
9) Outlet
10) Dust collector (I show on the vacuum cleaner)
- When the vacuum cleaner is turned on, the fan inside the vacuum cleaner starts
rotate quickly. Through the hole in the brush through the tubes and hose to the vacuum cleaner
air is sucked in along with dust and debris. They remain in the dust container, which is located inside the vacuum cleaner body. Clean air exits through the outlet.

Didactic game "what is missing?" Children look at pictures with household appliances, find the missing part, name it, explain whether the item can be used without it.
Conclusion. Everything that is created by human labor and for the good of man must be treated with care. And what can we advise the unknowing about, of course, the vacuum cleaner, because it is very convenient and can be used not only to collect dust from the carpet, but also for many other things for which the answers of children.

Description: This summary of the GCD is intended for pupils of senior preschool groups. It will be interesting for educators, teachers of additional education and parents.
Target- arouse interest in the past of objects, lead to the fact that a person creates various objects of adaptation to facilitate labor.
Learning tasks:

- to expand and enrich the ideas of preschoolers about household appliances, in particular about a vacuum cleaner (history of creation, types);
- improve the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.
Development tasks:
- develop communication skills;
- develop the ability to analyze.
Educational tasks:
- educate the desire for knowledge of the world around;
- develop respect for the work of others.
Planned result:
- acquire knowledge about the history of the vacuum cleaner;
- be able to listen carefully and answer questions;
- be able to complete assigned tasks.
Form of joint activity: playful, communicative.
Form of organization: collective.
Integration of educational areas: « cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”.
Educational and methodical set:

- visual- illustrations of various models of vacuum cleaners;
- equipment- magnetic board.

Lesson progress

Updating children's knowledge

The teacher attracts the attention of children and places a picture with images of a broom, a broom, a beater, a brush, rags and a vacuum cleaner.

Educator. Guys, look at the picture. Consider all of these items. What do these items have in common?
Children's answers.
Educator. Correctly. All these items are needed for cleaning dust. And about which of these items is this riddle?
He is an employee anywhere!
Only dust is his food!
Suck in your stomach
And return to the street.
This room pump
They call ... (Vacuum cleaner)

Children's answers.
Educator. That's right, it's a vacuum cleaner. Guys, do you know where the vacuum cleaner came from? Has he always been with a person?
Children's answers.
Educator. Well, indeed, people did not always have a vacuum cleaner. Let's take a trip into the past to find out how this item was invented. Guys, how can we go back many years, because time goes forward?
children's assumptions.
Educator. Guys, we really can’t really go back 150 or 200 years ago, but you and I can fantasize and we can imagine it. And I know one game that will help us to do this.

Physical education minute

Children stand in a circle and perform movements under the poem.
On the track, on the track
We jump on the right leg,
And along the same path
We jump on the left leg.
Let's run along the path
Let's run to the lawn.
On the lawn, on the lawn
We jump like bunnies.
Let's rest on the stump
Let's get up, let's go to the past.

Communicative activity, obtaining new knowledge

Educator. Guys, look, we are already in the past and have returned 130 years ago. But we are not in our country! We are in England. Look where we have wandered!
Children look at a picture of the first vacuum cleaner invented by Hubert Cecil Booth.

Educator. Guys, look, this is the man who invented the first vacuum cleaner. And next to his own invention. Look, the first vacuum cleaner was almost like a car, and it ran on gasoline. It was quite bulky and made a lot of noise, and therefore the vacuum cleaner, as a rule, remained outside during operation, only a hose was supplied through the window, which was supposed to suck up dust. Tell me, do you think it was convenient to use such a vacuum cleaner?
Children's answers.
Educator. That's right, it was quite inconvenient. It was necessary to call a brigade to the house, open windows at any time of the year, and one cannot cope with such a device at all. We needed the help of several people.
The teacher shows a picture of the first vacuum cleaner at work.

Educator. Look how big the vacuum cleaner was. It was impossible to keep it in the house, it would take up an entire room. Therefore, a few years later, new inventors came up with a more compact vacuum cleaner model. Let's look at her.
The teacher places an illustration of the following vacuum cleaner models on the board.

Educator. Look, these vacuum cleaners are already more like the ones we use now, but each of them weighed about 20 kg, that is, about the same as you are now! These vacuum cleaners were invented 20 years after the invention of the first one, but have become more popular with people. Why do you think?
Children's answers.
Educator. That's right, because they're smaller, lighter, and more comfortable to use. And now we will turn into vacuum cleaners!

motor activity

Children stand in a circle and make movements to the poem.
Elephant on wheels
The carpet will be cleaned with a spout, (forward bends)
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around. (Turns left and right)
What gets under the trunk
Everything flies into his stomach. (Hands up, sipping)

Game activity

Children sit on chairs.
Educator. Well done boys! And now we will solve riddles!

Beard: shu-shu-shu,
Wow, I can't stand rubbish!
Rustled a little
And the path is clean! Broom

From the carpet, the clean robot pulls dust and dirt into its trunk. A vacuum cleaner

Twisted, tied, girded with a bast. I rustle under the window, circle around the yard, shuffle, shuffle while working hot! Broom

Flip the "T"
and dip into the water.
And now she is
should dance with me.
Let's dance with her
the floors will shine, what a gloss! Mop

Communicative activity

The teacher places an illustration of modern vacuum cleaner models on the board.

Educator. Guys, we didn’t even notice how we returned to our time! Look, modern vacuum cleaners have already appeared. Who knows what else these vacuum cleaners are used for?
Children's answers.
Educator. Modern vacuum cleaners can not only remove dust, but also wash floors, they can be used both for cleaning inside a car and for cleaning upholstered furniture. And they can whitewash and paint the walls!
The teacher places an illustration of a robot vacuum cleaner on the board.

Educator. And who knows what it is?
Answers and guesses of children.
Educator. Guys, it's a robot vacuum cleaner! He himself goes around the house and cleans the dust! Really, great?


Educator. So, today we got acquainted with the history of the creation and development of the vacuum cleaner. What did you learn new today?
Which vacuum cleaner do you like best?

Soltanova Olesya Adamovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "VOLOSHKA"
Locality: YNAO Noyabrsk
Material name: summary of the lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world
Topic:"Journey to the Past of the Vacuum Cleaner"
Publication date: 21.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Date: 04/12/2017

GCD No. 18

Topic:"Journey into the Past of the Vacuum Cleaner".

Tasks of the priority educational area:

Cognitive development: To acquaint children with the history of the vacuum cleaner, to bring to the fact that a person invents and creates various devices for

facilitation of labor; introduce the purpose and functions of the vacuum cleaner, recall objects that previously performed the same functions; lead to

understanding that a person has always improved objects-assistants.

Tasks of OO in integration:

Social and communicative development: Tell about the rules for using a vacuum cleaner, about safety when handling an electrical object -

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Prerequisites for learning activities: the formation of the ability to listen and hear, follow the instructions of an adult, follow the rules.

Equipment for the teacher: A broom, a brush, a vacuum cleaner (real), a letter from Dunno. Riddles about the vacuum cleaner, coloring pages, presentation "The past vacuum cleaner -

Equipment for children: Game set "Cleaning", vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, iron, sewing machine (toys).

Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage)

Forms of work



in children



Children, I came to the group this morning and found an envelope. This letter was sent by Dunno. "Expensive

friends! We bought carpets for our flower town. And we don't know how to clean the dirt from them. Help

Give us a call, tell us how and with what you can clean the carpets.

Guys, can we help the residents of the flower city?

How do you remove dust and dirt from your carpets at home? Children's answers.

Walks, wanders on carpets,

Runs nose around corners.

Where passed - there is no dust,

Dust and rubbish is his dinner.

Introduce children to

vacuum cleaner, hanging

to the fact that a person

invents and creates

various devices

to make work easier.

Main part (content, activity stage)

Forms of work



in children



To help Dunno and his friends, we first need to learn how a vacuum cleaner works. How are you

Where do you think we can look for answers? (In books, on the Internet, look, observe). We each

Get to know the appointment

nium and functions of dust-

This day we watch how Afag Dzhamilovna cleans the carpet in the group.


Has there always been a vacuum cleaner? (Answers). How did people clean their apartments before? What did they clean

carpets, rugs, sofas? (Broom or brush.) And how did you fight dust before? (wiped it

with a damp cloth.) And how did you clean the carpets? (They knocked out the dust with special beaters, chi-

styles with snow on the street.) Do you think these methods are used now? (Yes, if there is no vacuum cleaner

sa.) Why is the broom uncomfortable? (Dust rises from it, which then settles on furniture and on all

things in the room.) What can you say about the brush? (Dust also rises from it.)

comfortable? (It collects both dust and debris at once).

Correctly! And now there are vacuum cleaners that not only “swallow” dust and debris, but also wash

personal items. How many of you have seen such vacuum cleaners? Who has such a vacuum cleaner at home? (Answers).

Vacuum cleaner electrical appliance. How can you use a vacuum cleaner? (Answers.) That's right,

only with adults. And do not forget to unplug the vacuum cleaner from the outlet at the end of work.

bots to avoid a fire.

Let's come closer and consider a miracle machine that helps a person. I casually said

la, what a miracle machine. Look! What magic happens when this car drives through

carpet? What do you see? (The carpet is being cleaned.) Why do you think? (Answers.) That's right,

all garbage and dust is “swallowed” by this miracle machine. Do you think it's easy to vacuum? (Answer-

you.) That's right, a person only needs to walk behind a vacuum cleaner and manage it, and all the garbage and dust he

collects himself. Let's look at a vacuum cleaner. Is it an electrical appliance or not? (Electric.)

Why? (It is connected to the mains.) That's right. What are the parts of a vacuum cleaner?

Children examine the vacuum cleaner and say that it consists of the main box, cord, pipes

ki, to which various brushes and nozzles are attached. They are needed in order to collect dust from

different objects in the room (hard and soft); the dust is collected in a bag which is in

vacuum cleaner box.

The game "What is missing?". Children examine the object (vacuum cleaner and its main parts), find

the missing part, name it, explain whether the item can be used without it. So about -

at once, they begin to realize that the absence of any part of the subject makes it difficult or even

makes it impossible to use. (The last child names all parts of the vacuum cleaner). Under-

I lead to the conclusion: everything that is created by the labor of man and for the good of man must be treated without

Do you know that science has reached the point where man has invented a vacuum cleaner that works without help?

cabbage soup and observations. Let's see video clip about the robot vacuum cleaner.


Children, let's play with the word "vacuum cleaner". What parts do you think it consists of?

word? From the words "ardor" and "sus". What does it mean? Please think of words made up of 2

words. (Microwave, meat grinder, juicer, steamer).

Guys, what other miracle machines did man come up with? Please come to the table. look,

What helpers do we have? How do you think we should treat them? (carefully, ak -


forest, remember

items that are

it was performed by the same

functions; lead to

understanding that

man is always perfect

swindled objects -

assistants; tell

about the terms of use

vacuum cleaner, about technology

safety when

with electropre-

metami; game with complex

in other words.

Final part (reflexive stage)

Forms of work



in children



Game "Choose the word". Children choose words that characterize the vacuum cleaner: smart car, good

cleans, swallows dust, a metal object, an electric machine, etc. Depending on your character, you

we take emoticons and glue them on whatman paper. Conclusion: is it convenient to have a vacuum cleaner at home and why.

Guys, now we know how to use a vacuum cleaner correctly. Help Dunno and his friends

zyam? And what can we do to answer Dunno faster? Children's answers: (Let's write a letter). BUT

maybe send us an email? Here is the letter I sent.

SMS sound. Guys, here is the answer from Dunno. He thanks you for your help. And Dunno to us

gave coloring pages with pictures of a vacuum cleaner. Now we will go to the group and color them.

Children, what did you like today? What have you learned? What are you going to tell your parents?

day? What were you interested in?

With the help of the game, fix

drink the knowledge of children

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world, senior group.

Theme: "Vacuum cleaner".

Target : Introducing children to the purpose of a vacuum cleaner.

Tasks: Explain to the children that a person creates different objects to facilitate work in everyday life. Form the correct conversational speech. Develop thinking, speech, memory.

Material used : Broom, brushes, vacuum cleaner, dustpan, stick.

OOD progress:

1. Organizational moment:

caregiver :

Guys today we will continue to get acquainted with electrical equipment.

Listen to the poem:



I took the broom

The yard was swept.

Everywhere the broom stuck its nose,

But I didn't fall behind

From barn to porch

Sweeping endlessly.

Come take a look

At least find a bitch. (E. Blaginina).

What is the poem about?

What is a broom for?

What else is used to sweep the paths?

Do you have a device in your home that removes dust almost instantly?

Robot loves cleanliness

And it buzzes like a TU liner.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing.

2. The main part.

Guys in front of you is a vacuum cleaner.

What are the parts of a vacuum cleaner? (body, hose with brush, plug with cord). On the side of the vacuum cleaner there is a special mug in which dust is collected, under it there is a sponge. During the operation of the vacuum cleaner, dust is collected with a brush, the dust enters the mug through the hose.

Why is the button needed?

Why do you need a pen?

What is the cord for the vacuum cleaner?

Guys, have you always had a vacuum cleaner?

How long ago did people clean up garbage and dust? (brush, broom).

1.Once upon a time, when there was novacuum cleaner, people knocked out the dust with the most ordinary stick.

Was it convenient(children's answers)

2. And so people came up with a broom. What is more convenient(children answer questions)

3. Then people came up with a beater. It is, of course, more convenient than a stick. It has a very comfortable flat shape, even now people use beaters.

4.People also came up with a brush with a handle.

Why is a brush more convenient than a broom?

You don't have to bend over.

What is the brush made of?(children's answers) .

5. Then people inventeda vacuum cleaner. How is it arranged? What is it made of? The more convenient a broom(children answer questions)

Now there is vacuum cleaners that not only "swallow" dust, but also wash various objects.

You see, children, what a man has thought of in our time.


How much do we need guys

For our skillful hands?

Draw two squares

And behind them is a circle

And then a circle

Triangular cap.

So it came out very, very

Cheerful weirdo.

What needs to be done to make the vacuum cleaner work?

Correctly it must be plugged into an outlet, it works on electricity.

The teacher conductsbriefing : tells children about the dangers of electrical appliances and reminds them to turn on a vacuum cleaner by no means is it possible.

We are with you vacuumed the rug, but where did the garbage get? Would you like to see(children's answers)

Now I'll show you where the garbage got.

Now, guys, you know where the garbage went - in this mug, which is on the side vacuum cleaner .

them to the body.


Who has a vacuum cleaner at home?

What is it called?

Why do we need a vacuum cleaner?

What is not convenient brush and broom.

Software content. To arouse in children an interest in the past of objects; lead to an understanding that a person invents and creates various devices to facilitate labor.

Material. Vacuum cleaner, subject pictures.

Lesson progress

The teacher informs the children: “Today we will observe how and with what our Natalya Anatolyevna (assistant teacher) cleans the carpet in the group. Come closer and consider the miracle machine that helps her. I didn't just say it was a miracle machine. See what magic happens after the car passes over the mat. What's happening? (The carpet becomes clean.) Why do you think? Well, of course, this miracle machine “swallows” all the garbage and dust. But what is it called? (A vacuum cleaner.) Do you think it's easy to vacuum? (Easily.) Why do you think so? (Because a person only needs to walk behind the vacuum cleaner and operate it, and the vacuum cleaner swallows all the garbage and dust itself.) Let's look at a vacuum cleaner. Is it an electrical appliance? (Yes!) Why? (It is connected to the mains.) Correctly. What parts does a vacuum cleaner consist of?

Children examine the vacuum cleaner and say that it consists of a body, a cord, a tube to which various brushes are attached, brushes and nozzles are needed in order to collect dust from various objects in the room (hard and soft), dust is collected in a bag, etc. d.

Educator. Guys, has there always been a vacuum cleaner? (Not.) How did people clean their apartments before, how did they clean carpets, rugs and other things from dust? (The trash was swept with a broom or a brush.) How do you deal with dust? (Wiped the dust with a damp cloth.) How were the carpets cleaned? (They knocked out the dust with special beaters, cleaned the street with snow.)

Here are the items you are talking about. (The teacher shows brooms, brushes, carpet beaters.) Do you think they are being used now? (Yes, if there is no vacuum cleaner.) Why is the broom uncomfortable? (Dust rises from it, and then settles on furniture and everything in the room.) What can you say about the brush? (It also raises dust.) Is the vacuum cleaner comfortable? (Yes. It collects both dust and debris at once.)

Correctly. And now there are vacuum cleaners that not only “swallow” dust and debris, but also wash various objects. Have you seen such vacuum cleaners? Who has such a vacuum cleaner at home?

Then the game "What is missing?" is played. Children examine an object (household appliance), find the missing part, name it, explain whether the object can be used without it. Thus, they become aware that the absence of any part of the item makes it difficult or even impossible to use it. The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: everything that is created by human labor and for the good of a person must be treated with care.

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