The location of the altar of the ancient priests in Skyrim. Dragon priests in Skyrim: location of priest masks, mods and quests

All TES fans know about these artifacts - if you wish, you can collect the entire collection of masks, each of which has its own properties and effects. And the design of the masks is very good. It's time to take them all apart (with a slight pinch of spoilers), which is the purpose of this article.

There are 14 masks in total, including the Wooden Mask (more details below) + 4 masks from dragonborn add-ons. To get any mask, you will have to fight with the dragon priest - the masks are named after their owners. These are quite strong opponents, you need to be ready to conquer the artifact.

one. . Increases carry weight by 20 units, allows you to breathe underwater and prices are 20% cheaper. This charm is located in the ancient Nordic ruins of Volskigge - this is between the Lost Echo Cave and the Forest Hold, not far from the Dragon Bridge, it is mined without a quest. Enemies are waiting for Dovakin already at the entrance to the ruins - it will not be difficult to fight them. Next come marauders, traps, chests with useful items (better stock up on master keys); a riddle that must be solved in order to open the grate; word of power, draugr, spiders - a classic, in general. At the end, of course, a dragon priest awaits, from whose body you can then take 250 coins and, in fact, the mask.

2. - a valuable gift for magicians. Mana regeneration is increased by 100%. This mask is located in Labyrinthian - it is south of Morthal, easily accessible by road. But you won’t be able to enter there if you don’t have the “Labyrinthian Door Ring” with you. To get the ring, you need to complete the main quest of the College of Mages - but the mask is worth it. It is impossible not to notice that the quest and the location itself are interesting, exciting and the Labyrinthian is a unique complex of ruins, just teeming with adventure. At the very entrance to the ruins, a lot of enemies await the player, and many of them are unusual… Okay, no spoilers. So, at the end of the location is the owner of the mask himself + the staff of Magnus for further passage.

3. . But this "bun" is good for thieves. Shooting skill increased by 20%, hacking and alchemy skills increased by the same amount. Its habitat is the Two-Headed Peak. This location is in the mountains, but it is not difficult to get to it. The wall of words is guarded by a dragon, but if the quest “Dragon in the Sky” is not completed, then it will not be here. Now, to take the mask, you do not need to roam the ancient ruins, solve charades and breathe rotten draugr - just go to the wall of words, defeat the dragon and the priest. The player takes the mask, learns 3 words of power at once (Voice Throw) and leaves without further torment.

4. The mask increases your stamina by 70. Ownership - Rift, dungeon - Forelhost, very close to the city. Near the entrance to the ruins, there is a camp of the Storm Brothers or the Empire - it depends on which side the GG chose. Then the player himself will find out everything. A little note - in the captain's pocket there is one interesting note that reveals his real face. The ruin is full of traps and dead bodies. In general, I don’t want to spoil the impression of the quest (it is quite interesting), so the player learns everything from his own experience. To note - in the refectory of Forelhost lie hordes of draugrs - when was it easy to pick up valuable artifacts in the ruins? And in the battle with the stranger, Ragoth will be assisted by high-level draugrs. On the body of the priest, the entire reward is a mask and a powerful staff that creates a fiery wall. At the exit, the GG is met by a wall of words and the camp captain himself, sending another naive soldier to certain death in ruins. Only the captain's uniform is now not the same as at the beginning of the quest - he was dressed as a Stormcloak, but became an Imperial ... Why would that be?

5. - provides full resistance to diseases and poisons, which is very good for a mask. Priest Hevnorak - speaks to the player in the same way as Morokei (he is not inferior in strength either). And his “base” is in the tomb of Valtum (a lot of spiders, a lot of coffins, a lot of dangerous draugrs) - the possession of the Limit. Going to Hevnorak, you can contemplate the picturesque, mountainous landscapes of the Limit. The player who enters the ruins receives a quest that will have to be completed in any case. In addition to the mask, the priest carries a named staff that builds a thunderstorm wall with 50 HP. electricity damage per second.

6. increases resistance to three elements at once - electricity, cold and fire - by 30%. The burial place of the priest is Rangvald, the possession of the Limit, not far from the Lover's Stone. The interesting structure and magical beauty of the tomb distinguishes it from other ruins. To release the priest, you need to remove the iron brackets - for this there are two skull keys guarded by strong draugr. Otar is a fairly strong opponent. As with Hevnorak, you can take the Staff of the Storm Wall from it.

7. - this little thing adds 50 units to the player. mana, restoration and destruction spells cost 20% less magicka. The mask is waiting for the player in Skuldafn (where it is impossible to get to without going through the main storyline). Yes, there are some unpleasant moments here - draugrs and dragons, but Dovahkin is probably already used to them. There are even more draugrs inside Skuldafn, to put it bluntly - there are just a ton of them! Behind the door, opened with a claw, there is another wall with thu'um (Storm's call). And at the top of Skuldafn, right in front of the portal to Sovngarde, Nakrin himself with open arms flies with his staff.

8. also helps magicians. Thanks to her, the spells of the school of illusion, change and sorcery save more magic power. You can find her in the High Gate Ruins (east of Solitude and west of Dawnstar). The most primitive Nordic tomb with puzzles and draugrs, with the exception of the companion girl that the GG will meet at the entrance to the ruins. The priest has the same thing - a mask and a staff of fireballs. To be honest, it is not difficult to get to it, to compare at least with Nakrin. And the properties of the mask are quite useful to the magician.

9. Very, very cool mask -. That's what its feature is - at a low level of health, the mask heals the wearer (+250 hit points), and at the second decrease in health per battle, it additionally envelops the player in a fiery aura, which deals 8 (with pumped destruction - 25) units. damage per second to all surrounding enemies for one minute. There is a 2% chance that the mask will summon a strong dragon priest to protect Dovahkiin.

ten. . Without other masks, it is completely useless, but nevertheless, only with its help you can get Konarik. She lies in the location of Labyrinthian, in the Sanctuary of Bromunar, quietly buzzing. Yes, it just lies. This item transports the wearer back in time to the Shrine of the Dragon Priests. To get Konarik, you need to put all 9 masks on the altar in order to start the mechanism. In this case, not a single mask will disappear, everything can be taken back. If the wooden mask is lost, you can return it using console command.

And now 4 masks from Solstheim Island.

11. - increases the supply of mana. The amount of increased magic depends on the level of the player. You can get an artifact during the main storyline Solstheim by defeating the formidable foe Miraak.

The remaining 3 masks help the mages of the school of destruction.

12. - resistance to frost spells by 50 units. + Cold magic deals 25% more damage to enemies. Location - mound of the White Ridge. The mask can be obtained by completing the quest "Lost Knowledge" or "Secret of the Black Book (Sickly Regent)". Everything is according to the rules - draugrs, albino spiders, a priest and his mask.

13. - resistance to fire by 50 units. + Flame spells deal 25% more damage to enemies. Additionally, you can collect a set of Ahzidal equipment on the way to the priest - such a big "bun" for the magician. Given with the Dragon Priest during the quest "The Excavations", in which the player is pulled into by the Dunmer Ralis Sedaris at Kolbjorn Barrow.

14. - resistance to electricity by 50 units. + electricity magic is stronger by 25%. It is located in the small barrow of Bloodskal, from where there is also an exit to Raven Rock Mine. The mask quest itself is taken either from the miner Crestius Karellius “The Last Descent”, or he can get caught in the tavern, that is, “Reward for the leader of the bandits”.

A collection of dragon masks will decorate any inventory, any mannequin, any showcase. If you also download a mod on a special stand in the Dovakin's estate, designed for dragon masks, then they will look great and remind you of past adventures. Still, Skyrim is truly a great game!

Hello dear gamers. In this post I will talk about the unique elements of the character's armor - masks dragon priests Skyrim a!

Experienced Nords may not be interested in this post

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Let's start with the story elements.

In ancient times, when dragons ruled Nirn and people bowed to them, Alduin chose some people from the crowd, bestowed on them masks that give their owners great power, making them Dragon Priests.

They guarded sanctuaries, ancient burial mounds and fortresses. And so, the dragons managed to disappear and reappear, but the dragon priests did not go anywhere. They slept in ancient graves, doomed to eternal life, though in a dead body.

surface information.
So, in Skyrim you can meet only 8 dragon priests. Each of them has a special power, each wears a magical mask.

You can meet them in ancient temples / ruins, ancient Nordic burials, or in the mountains - near the walls with the words of Power.

Location, description of effects.
Total in the game 10 masks, but at first we can only find 9 of them.

Let's start with the simplest mask.

Wooden mask.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

This mask does not give the player special bonuses, it is needed to perform the ritual of obtaining the 10th mask in the temple of Labyrinthian. We will find in the sanctuary of Bromunar, in Libyrinthiana.

Mask of the priest Nakrin.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

We will find this mask in the course of the main quest, searching the body of the murdered priest Nakrin in Skuldafn. Gives bonuses to magic.

In the language of dragons, "Nahkriin" means "Revenge".

Priest Krosis mask.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Located on the Two-Headed Peak, between Whiterun and Windhelm.

This mask will come in handy for thieves.

In the language of dragons, "Krosis" means sadness.

Draugr can be heard saying "Unslaad Krosis" - "Eternal Sorrow".

Paarthurnax expresses his regret with the word "Krosis".

Mask of the priest Hevnorak.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Hevnorak is the boss in the quest Evil Slumbers. Located in Valthoom.

In the language of dragons, "Hevno" means "cruel".

Morokea Priest Mask.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

A whole story can be written about this priest. Found in the Labyrinthian, and only during the quest "The Staff of Magnus"

commissioned by Colleagues of Winterhold.

"Morokei" in the language you know who means "Glorious".

He is the owner of the Staff of Magnus.

Ghostly images from the past found in the Labyrinthian show how Savos Aren encountered Morokei before Dovahkiin. In desperation, he sacrificed the lives of two College students in order to keep him sealed in the Labyrinthian for the good of Skyrim.

As you progress through the Labyrinthian, Morokei speaks to the player - first in dragon language, then in human, mistaking him for Savos. His disembodied voice, often accompanied by a blue wind that drains magic, follows the player all the way to the end of the dungeon, where the player finds two ex-colleges holding back the Morokei.

Mask of the priest of Otar.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Otar the Mad is the final boss in Ragnvald. He is in a closed coffin near the Wall of Words, but you can get close to it only after killing Otar. To get to him, you must defeat two of his guards - Thorsten and Sirek - and take their skull keys.

Mask of the priest Ragot.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Ragoth is a high-ranking dragon priest located in a sarcophagus in Forelhost, on a mountaintop south-southeast of Riften.

Volsung Priest Mask.

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

Face of the Damned. Dragon priest masks

It can be found at the end of the Volskigge dungeon, or by climbing up the hill above the main entrance.

The name "Volsung" (Volsung) can mean - Terror of the Air or Air Terror, as it can be divided into two separate words: Vol, meaning Horror, and Su, meaning Air.

Priest Wokun mask.

Staff of Magnus, you will visit the ancient ruins of "Labyrinthian".
In one of the destroyed buildings, there will be a skeleton in the very center. And next to it is a note, and most importantly - wooden mask. Put it on - and hop! - you find yourself in a secret room called the Sanctuary of Bromunar! There is an altar with places for eight masks of dragon priests. To go back, take off the mask.


I also plotted their location on the map:

Eight masks can be obtained by killing their owner, a powerful lich dragon priest who sleeps peacefully in their crypts. As long as you don't disturb them. Masks come in both heavy and light (in terms of armor wearing skills), and each is endowed with special magical properties.

In details:

As already mentioned in the table, the dragon priest could be found in the quest "The House of the World Eater". This creature had to be killed in order to open a portal to Sovngarde, and this same mask can be taken from the body.


The location of the Two-Headed Peak is indicated on the map. No quest, just kill the dragon priest and take the mask.


During the mission "The Staff of Magnus" you need to defeat the dragon priest Morokei. From his body and you can take the mask.
Read about the quest itself and how to get to it in the College of Winterhold quest thread.

The ruins of Ragnvald can be reached by leaving Markarth. From the Temple you can get to the Crypts. There, on a pedestal, lies an interesting Sarek Skull Key. Kill Sentinel Sirek and the draugr that have arrived. Return to the Temple through another door. Go to the Channel. Pull the lever near the trap door to lower the bridge. Find Thorsten's Skull Key here and fight his guard. Return to the Temple. Place both Skull Keys on the altar. A Lich Priest named Otar the Mad will rise from the dead, only to be slain again at your hand. Of course, he has an Otar mask with him. Well, if you go through the opened passage, you can learn a new word of power from the cry - the World of Kyne.


Hunt for the dragon cult

Near Riften, in the southeast, on top of a mountain, are the ruins of Forelhost. At the entrance in front of the camp is the captain of the army (legionary or rebel, depending on the events in your game). He is tasked with obtaining the mask of the dragon cult that is located there.

Once inside, you will immediately encounter the ghost of a dragon minion. Contrary to expectations, the armor and weapons on it are real. Along the way, you will find the same diary on the table. In addition to ghosts, fully corporeal draugrs will also appear. Go to Forelhost - Crypt. The number of draugrs is increasing significantly. In the chest, in the same place where you will meet the chief commander, there is a key to the well. For him, you will do all this detour if you cannot pick the Master's lock. There will be a small series of swims. Finally, the entrance to Forelhost is the Refectory. Don't miss the Glass Claw on the pedestal. You will need it to open the door. Wolf, owl, snake. You have to kill Ragoth and his last draugrs. Take the mask from the body, as well as the key to the door to the balcony.

Here you will learn the Storm Call Shout. Get down. You will find a scene with a fake soldier, whom you met at the beginning. Kill him. So you've been working for the Thalmor all this time. But now no one will have to give the mask.


Scroll for Anska

Inside the High Gate Ruins, you will meet Anska. You can also get there during the "Change Ritual Spell" quest, although no one forbids going in just like that. Anska will ask you to help her get to the dragon priest Vokun and pick up some kind of scroll. You will get everything else.

Puzzle with levers. The order of their activation is shown above. The order is: bird, fish, wolf, snake. Go to the catacombs. Through them, enter the Vokun Throne Room. You will have to fight him. You can take the Vokun Mask from the body. Take the scroll from the table. As a reward, you will receive a unique Fire Pet spell. And the cry written on the wall is the Thunder Call.

I ended up in Volskigg on a, I don't remember where I got it from, small task "to find a source of power in Volskigg".
Puzzle with four levers. On the pedestal is a hint book "Four Totems of Volskigge". If you pull the wrong lever, draugrs will spawn. If correct, no one will appear, and at the end a passage will open further. Correct sequence: the most shy - Serpent, the most daring Bear, hunting snakes - Fox, and the lonely one is afraid of the bear - Wolf.
We pass in Volskigg - corridors. Through them we go to Volskigge Peak. We study the word of the power of the cry - Swift jerk. Then Volsung will rise from the grave, from whose body you can take the mask.

Evil slumbers
The ruins of Valthum are most quickly reached by the road from the orc fortress of Dushnik Yal, and to it from Markarth.
Inside, in the Threshold, you will be greeted by the ghost of Valdar. He says that he is holding back Hevnorak from resurrection. You need to find three vessels inside the tomb, which are guarded by the servants of Hevnorak. Continue on to Valtum. After the fire rat trap, there will be the first Dark Vessel. Then we go down to the Catacombs, there is a second vessel. Between you and the third vessel is a round door, the Iron Claw to open which is located right there on the pedestal. We expose the dragon, eagle and wolf. On the wall you can learn a new shout word - Aura Whisper. We take the last Dark Vessel and return to the ghost of Valdar to perform the ritual. Talk to him. Use the mount, pour three vessels of blood into it, and then sit on the throne. Defeat Hevnorak and take his mask. Finally, talk to the ghost of Valdar.


When you have all the above masks, return to the ruins of Labyrinthian, to the ruined building in which the Wooden Mask was found. Put it on and you will find yourself in a room with an altar. Place each mask in its place, the last mask will open as a reward in the center. You can freely take any mask from the altar.

They were among the first people to arrive from Atmora and worshiped certain animals as incarnations of the gods - primarily dragons. And for the bloody sacrifices, the dragons granted their priests unprecedented powers. But their cruelty was unbearable for people, and they rebelled. A battle began, later called the War of the Dragons, and the Cult was wiped off the face of the earth.

What I want to say is that Priests of the Cult of the Dragon are really incredibly powerful opponents, much more powerful than dragons, so collecting all 10 masks really means becoming the coolest hero in the game in some way, because in order to collect them all, you have to go through (or reach the final stages) storyline, complete almost the entire main line of the College of Winterhold, and some dungeons have their own terrible quests and conditions, where you will get stuck for half an hour to find three vessels, or two skulls, and so on ...
So get ready, because the search will be difficult and dangerous, and the reward, to put it mildly, is weak. Well, except for the ability to take a screenshot of your character against the background of the pedestals with all the masks inserted. Well, to show the boys a screenshot, it's generally mandatory.

First you need to visit the location labyrinthian- without going inside, there will be a round mound on the street, in it there will be a skeleton in the center, next to the skeleton there will be a Wooden Mask. You can also read the note, although it is of little use.
Without leaving there (the mask only works there), we put on the mask and teleport to the Bromunar Sanctuary. There will be many empty chests and, in fact, the pedestals themselves are empty so far. You need to poke masks into them, and at the end we will open the dragon's mouth and from there it will be possible to remove the last super-mask. The rest of the masks are also removable, so don't be afraid.

Well, now - where and how to look for the masks of the priests of the Cult of the Dragon in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim. Map and descriptions are attached. Go:

Wooden Mask
The wooden mask hums softly, filled with unfamiliar energy..
The level of protection, as you can see, is useless, you need it only happy to move to the Sanctuary, then you can forget about it forever.

Lockpicking, archery and alchemy skills increased by 20%
The only open location, and the most easily accessible mask is the Two-Headed Peak, kill the dragon, open the coffin, kill the Priest.

Magicka regenerates 100% faster.
Located in the Labyrinthian, the final boss, so we join the College of Mages, and go through the quests. In the end, you will find out where to look for the Staff of Magnus. Here is the owner of the Staff just wears this same mask.

+50 Magicka, Destruction and Restoration spells cost 20% less Magicka.
Located in the location Skuldafn - to visit it you need to go to the very end of the storyline.

Otar Kushinashvili
Increased resistance to fire, cold and electricity.
Found in the Ragnvald Dungeon north of Morkarth.

Increases stamina by 70 points.
Lives in the Forelhost location in the Riften area.

Affliction, Illusion and Alteration spells cost 20% less Magicka
The ruins of the High Gate - exactly between Solitude and Dawnstar.

20% better price, 20 more weight capacity, mask wearer can breathe underwater.
Definitely the coolest mask and one of the most powerful items in the game.
Volskigge location west of Solitude - on top of a mountain (you need to go through the entire dungeon, and then you will go out on the street in the right place).

When loading locations, everyone must have seen this picture. This is a pedestal with images of the eight main dragon priests who worshiped dragons. They are now guarding the dragon graves. Each of these priests wore a magical mask, each named after its own priest. The priests are strong, so at low levels without a supply of potions, it will be difficult to deal with them. But if someone has already managed to find one or more of these masks, then you already know what you are dealing with.
All masks are unique, there are ten of them. But to find them all, you need to collect the first eight, then use the ninth, which will help you find the last tenth mask. Confusing? Then let's talk about everything in order.
To find the location of the masks, use . It is better to save the map on your desktop and open it on a large scale. The map post has all the locations and the approximate location on the map.

1) Ragot. +70 Stamina.
The ruins of Forelholst near Riften.

2) Otar. +30% resistance to fire, cold and electricity.
The ruins of Ragnvald near Markarth.

3) Nakrin. +50 Magicka, Destruction and Restoration spells cost 20% less Magicka.
This mask can only be obtained in the process of completing the main storyline, the "House of the World Eater" quest.

4) Morokei. +100% magicka regeneration.
Labyrinthian near Morthal.
Mages Guild Quest "Discovery of the Invisible".

5) Krosis. +20% to hacking, archery and alchemy skills.
Double-headed peak west of Windhelm.

6) Wokun. Witchcraft, Illusion, and Alteration spells cost 20% less Magicka.
Highgate ruins, not north of Morthal.

7) Volsung. Prices are 20% cheaper, carrying capacity +20, breathing underwater.
Volskigge, west of Solitude.

8) Khevnorak. Immunity to diseases and poisons.
Valtum, east of Markarth.

After these masks are collected and in inventory, you need to go to the Labyrinthian. In the middle of the ruins there is a small round mound, you need to go inside and find the ninth mask and diary. The diary is worth reading.

9) Wooden mask.

Putting on the Wooden Mask. If you read the diary found on the spot, then you understand what happened. Next, you need to put all the masks on the images of the priests on the pedestal, as in the first picture, and the dragon's mouth will open in the middle, in which there will be the last tenth mask.

10) Konarik.

I was the first to meet Vokun in the game, it was immediately clear that the mask was unique. The second was Morokei, and then the thought comes to mind that most likely there are more. According to the magical properties, I didn’t like any, I didn’t wear one.
Masks can be upgraded at the forge.
There are still many dragon priests in Skyrim. So if all the tasks in the story and organizations are completed, this is not the end))

Finally, an interesting video.

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