Where to find the dragon priest mask. Dragon priest masks skyrim walkthrough

They were among the first people to arrive from Atmora and worshiped certain animals as incarnations of the gods - primarily dragons. And for the bloody sacrifices, the dragons granted their priests unprecedented powers. But their cruelty was unbearable for people, and they rebelled. A battle began, later called the War of the Dragons, and the Cult was wiped off the face of the earth.

What I want to say is that Priests of the Cult of the Dragon are really incredibly powerful opponents, much more powerful than dragons, so collecting all 10 masks really means becoming the coolest hero in the game in some way, because in order to collect them all, you have to go through (or reach the final stages) storyline, complete almost the entire main line of the College of Winterhold, and some dungeons have their own terrible quests and conditions, where you will get stuck for half an hour to find three vessels, or two skulls, and so on ...
So get ready, because the search will be difficult and dangerous, and the reward, to put it mildly, is weak. Well, except for the ability to take a screenshot of your character against the background of the pedestals with all the masks inserted. Well, to show the boys a screenshot, it's generally mandatory.

First you need to visit the location labyrinthian- without going inside, there will be a round mound on the street, in it there will be a skeleton in the center, next to the skeleton there will be a Wooden Mask. You can also read the note, although it is of little use.
Without leaving there (the mask only works there), we put on the mask and teleport to the Bromunar Sanctuary. There will be many empty chests and, in fact, the pedestals themselves are empty so far. You need to poke masks into them, and at the end we will open the dragon's mouth and from there it will be possible to remove the last super-mask. The rest of the masks are also removable, so don't be afraid.

Well, now - where and how to look for the masks of the priests of the Cult of the Dragon in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim. Map and descriptions are attached. Go:

Wooden Mask
The wooden mask hums softly, filled with unfamiliar energy..
The level of protection, as you can see, is useless, you need it only happy to move to the Sanctuary, then you can forget about it forever.

Lockpicking, archery and alchemy skills increased by 20%
The only open location, and the most easily accessible mask is the Two-Headed Peak, kill the dragon, open the coffin, kill the Priest.

Magicka regenerates 100% faster.
Located in the Labyrinthian, the final boss, so we join the College of Mages, and go through the quests. In the end, you will find out where to look for the Staff of Magnus. Here is the owner of the Staff just wears this same mask.

+50 Magicka, Destruction and Restoration spells cost 20% less Magicka.
Located in the location Skuldafn - to visit it you need to go to the very end of the storyline.

Otar Kushinashvili
Increased resistance to fire, cold and electricity.
Found in the Ragnvald Dungeon north of Morkarth.

Increases stamina by 70 points.
Lives in the Forelhost location in the Riften area.

Affliction, Illusion and Alteration spells cost 20% less Magicka
The ruins of the High Gate - exactly between Solitude and Dawnstar.

20% better price, 20 more weight capacity, mask wearer can breathe underwater.
Definitely the coolest mask and one of the most powerful items in the game.
Volskigge location west of Solitude - on top of a mountain (you need to go through the entire dungeon, and then you will go out on the street in the right place).

Dragon Cult appeared on the lands of Tamriel in the Merethic Era, along with the arrival of Ysgramor. His people brought with them a faith that honored the animal gods: the hawk, the wolf, the snake, the moth, the owl, the whale, the bear, the fox, and the dragon. Chief among all animals was the dragon. In the ancient language of the Nords, he was called "dra-gkon" or "dov-ra". No one was allowed to pronounce these names except dragon priests. Great temples were erected to honor and appease the dragons. The dragons willingly assumed the role of human god-kings, and the dragon priests received a small fraction of their power in exchange for absolute obedience. In Atmora, whence Ysgramor came, the dragon priests collected tribute, established laws and determined the foundations of life, thanks to which peace was maintained between dragons and people. In Tamriel, they became much less merciful and began to rule with an iron fist, reducing the rest of the population to the level of slaves. Their cruelty was unbearable for people, and at the end of the First Era erupted dragon war which was long and bloody. The dragon priests were overthrown and the dragons massacred. The surviving dragons went on the run and chose the life of outcasts away from people. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. The adepts built dragon mounds, in which they buried the remains of the dragons who died during the war. According to their beliefs, the day will come when the dragons will rise again and reward the faithful.

With the return of dragons in TES5, high priests will also awaken from their centuries-old sleep, who, as in the old days, will try to please their masters. Each of them has a magical mask - a strange relic that violates the laws of time and gives unprecedented power. High priests dwell in ancient tombs scattered throughout Skyrim, and the ominous and gloomy labyrinthian, located in the mountains southeast of Morthal, serves as the place where the main reward will be received. When all eight masks are collected, you need to appear in Shrine of Bromunar(a low round building in the center of the temple complex, not marked on the map with a marker, next to the entrance to Shalidor's labyrinth), pick up the wooden mask next to the altar and put it on through inventory. The wooden mask acts as a time machine, it takes its owner to the distant past, to the altar with the busts of the priests of the Dragon Cult. By placing the masks on the named cells, the dragon's skull will rise, and in his mouth he will have the last, golden mask. Once the hoisting ritual is completed, all the masks can be collected from the busts and returned to reality by removing the wooden mask, which only works within the Sanctuary. Chests in the Sanctuary can be used for their intended purpose, storing things in them that no one but the owner of the wooden mask can get to.

If any of the masks was sold or lost during your travels in Skyrim in TES5, you can return it using the console. To do this, press the [~] (tilde) key, enter the player.additem [number of items] command in the line. For example, you need to return the mask of the high priest Vokun: in the console we write - player.additem 00061CC9 1 (letter case is not important), press the key, after which the specified item will appear in the inventory. TES5 Dragon Priest Mask IDs: Hevnorak - 00061CC1, Krosis - 00061CB9, Morokei - 00061C8B, Nakrin - 00061CA5, Otar - 00061CC2, Ragot - 00061CC0, Wokun - 00061CC9, Volsung - 00061CAB, wooden mask - CA0061C.

Dragon Priest Mask Locations in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  1. Volsung(Volsung) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located on the top of Mount Volskigge (Volskygge), next to the Forest Stronghold (Deepwood Redoubt) and the Witch's Nest (Hag's End), west of Solitude (Solitude).
    • The effect of the Volsung mask: prices at merchants become 20% more profitable, the character's carrying capacity is increased by 20, it becomes possible to breathe underwater.
  2. Krosis(Krosis) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located on the plateau of Mount Shearpoint, near the entrance to the Dwemer city of Irkngthand, west of Windhelm. You can learn about the location of the location from the guards in the cities.
    • Krosis mask effect: Lockpicking, archery and alchemy skills are increased by 20%.
  3. Wokun(Vokun) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located in the throne room in the High Gate Ruins, on the coast between Dawnstar and Solitude. The mask is associated with the side quest "A Scroll for Anska", which is activated after talking with Anska at the entrance to the ruins.
    • Wokun's mask effect: spells of the schools of witchcraft, illusion and change cost 20% less magicka.
  4. Morokei(Morokei) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located on the lower level of the Labyrinthian, in the mountains between Morthal and Whiterun. The mask is associated with the plot task of the College of Mages of Winterhold "The Staff of Magnus".
    • Morokea mask effect: Magicka recovery is 100% faster.
  5. Otar(Otar) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located in the temple inside Ragnvald (Ragnvald), in the mountains north of Markarth (Markarth).
    • Otar mask effect: Fire, cold, and electricity resistances are increased by 30%.
  6. Ragot(Rahgot) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located in the southern part of the refectory in Forelhost (Forelhost), in the mountains south of Riften (Riften). The mask is associated with the side quest "Hunting the Cult of Dragons", which is given by Captain Valmir before entering the ruins.
    • Ragot's mask effect: Stamina is increased by 70 points.
  7. Khevnorak(Hevnoraak) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located in Valthume, southeast of Markarth, towards Falkreath. The side quest "Evil Slumbers" is associated with the mask, which becomes active after talking with the spirit at the entrance to the ruins.
    • The effect of the Hevnorak's mask: there is immunity to diseases and poisons.
  8. Nakrin(Nahkriin) - the sarcophagus with the priest is located at the portal to Sovngarde in Skuldafn (Skuldafn). The mask of Nakrin can only be obtained once during the story mission "House of the World Eater", where the dragon Odahviing delivers Dovahkiin astride himself. You cannot return to the location.
    • Nakrin mask effect: +50 to magic, spells of the schools of destruction and restoration consume 20% less magic.
  9. Konarik(Konahrik) - taken from the Sanctuary of Bromunaar in Labyrinthian after installing eight masks on the busts of the priests on the altar.
    • Konarik's mask effect: when health is low, healing occurs, enemies take fire damage, occasionally a dragon priest comes to the rescue.
  10. wooden mask(Wooden Mask) - lies in the Sanctuary of Bromunar in Labyrinthian and serves to send to the past.
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Traveling through the ancient ruins in Skyrim or completing story missions, you have probably come across dragon priests more than once. They represent strong opponents that have awakened from their tombs along with dragons. If you manage to kill one of these priests, then you will receive a mask that has the original name and charm.

There are ten such masks in total. and one of them can be obtained only after you collect the rest.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows where to find them, and therefore in this article we will tell about the exact location of the Skyrim dragon priest masks.

Volsung mask:

Find one of the eight masks called Volsung can be found in the ruins of Volskigge. These ruins are located in the southwestern side of Fort Hragstad and north of the Forest Stronghold.

To get mask you must complete all the ruin complexes, defeat the main draugr and reach the Peak, the highest section of the mountain.

After studying the word of power "Swift Dash", the priest Volsung will wake up behind the wall, getting out of a small tomb. At low levels, defeating Volsung is quite difficult, so try to hide behind the pillars while shooting at him with your bow.

After the victory, approach the ashes and take his mask. Wearing a Volsung mask will increase your carrying capacity by 20 units, and the cost of goods in the store will become 20% cheaper. Also, you will be able to breathe underwater and thus easily explore any depth.

Wokun mask:

Vokun's mask is located in the High Gate Ruins. and again with the dragon priest of the same name. To find the ruins, travel to Morthal and follow the coast to the north. Almost on the very edge of Skyrim near the ocean there will be a huge complex of Nordic ruins, which is the High Gate Ruins.

After going inside, you will meet a girl named Anska, who is looking for a scroll in these ruins. By agreeing to help, the Scroll for Anska quest will begin, at the end of which you will fight with the priest Vokun.

The Mask of Wokun will cost you 20% less mana to cast Alteration, Illusion, and Affliction spells.

Krosis mask:

A priest named Krosis resides in a dragon lair called Two-Headed Peak. Finding this lair will be difficult, so it's best to take one of the quests with a mark to your place.

There are two quests leading to Double-Headed Peak, these are "Dragon Reward" and "In Search of the Dragon".

Your best bet is to choose the Dragon Bounty quest, which you can get from any jarl, innkeeper, or guard.

One of these tasks will lead you to the peak, it is located on the top of the southern mountain between Whiterun and Windhelm.

When you get to the right place, you will have to fight the dragon and the priest at the same time, and without good preparation it will be difficult to do this. As a result, defeating Krosis, you can take the mask, which increases Alchemy, Lockpicking, and Archery by 20 percent.

Otar mask:

To search for the mask, head to the city of Markarth, and from there go north until you find the Nordic ruins of Ragnvald. At the end, you must fight Otar the Mad, from whose body you can pick up the mask we need. Wearing the Otar mask will increase your resistance to electricity, fire, and cold by 30 percent.

Mask Valtum:

After taking Otar, do not go far from Markarth, as next to him you can find another mask called Hevnorak. To do this, head east from Markarth until you reach the Nordic Tomb of Valthum.

Upon entering Valthoom, you will encounter a spirit named Valdar who will give you the secondary quest "Evil Slumbers". After completing all the instructions of Valdar, you can awaken Hevnorak and fight him for the staff and the mask we need.

The resulting mask of Hevnorak gives you complete immunity to any poisons and diseases.

Ragot mask:

To get the mask of Ragoth you will have to go through the long caverns of Forelhost and fight the priest. But before that, you must find Forelhost located on a mountain southeast of the Riften settlement. Just before entering Forelhost, you will meet Captain Valmir, who will ask you to find Ragot's mask.

As a result, the mask will remain with you, and after reading the letter taken from the body of Valmir, it turns out that he was a Thalmor spy. Wearing a Ragot mask increases your stamina by 70 points.

Nakrin mask:

But to get a mask Nakrin you will have to go through a significant amount of the main story. In the mission "House of the World Eater", right in front of the entrance to the portal to Sovngarde, the Dragon Priest Nakrin will block your path. After killing him, be sure to take the mask, otherwise you will never be able to return to it.

When equipped, the Nakrin mask grants +50 points to magicka, and also reduces the mana cost of using destruction and restoration spells by 50%.

Morokea mask:

You need to look for the Morokea mask only after you have collected all the possible masks in Skyrim (with the exception of the wooden mask).

To get this mask, go to the College of Winterhold and start completing their key tasks, joining the organization along the way. Almost at the very end of the College story, you will receive the Staff of Magnus quest, in which you need to go to the ruins of Labyrinthian.

At the very end of the location, you will encounter the Dragon Priest Morokei. To defeat Morokei, you must kill two enslaved magicians and thereby break the protective barrier. After defeating Morokei, take away the mask of the same name from him, which increases the speed of magicka regeneration by 100%.

Wooden mask and Konarik:

At the very end you must find the wooden mask, which will take you to the past for the last one. There is a wooden mask opposite the entrance to the outer courtyard of the Labyrinthian in the Sanctuary of Bromunar. Right in the hands of the slain orc lies a wooden mask, wearing which you will be transported to the past.

Next you will see the altar, in which you need to put all eight masks (wooden mask is not needed). After that, a ninth mask called Konarik will appear, restoring health in a critical situation and occasionally summoning a dragon priest.

Don't forget to pick up all the other masks, otherwise you will lose them forever.

Summing up:

Now you know skyrim dragon priest masks location. Also, if you have the official dragonborn add-on, then you can find four more masks: Miraak, Zakrisosh, Dukan, Azidal.

Good luck finding the dragon priest masks.!

    There are 10 masks in total. I'll tell you about them:
  • 1. Wooden mask - Needed to get the "Konarik" mask
  • 2. Volsung - Prices are 20% more profitable, carrying capacity is increased by 20, the wearer can breathe underwater.
  • 3. Morokei- Magicka regenerates 100% faster.
  • 4. Wokun- Spells of the schools of witchcraft, illusions and changes consume 20% less magic.
  • 5. Krosis - Hacking, archery and alchemy skills increased by 20%.
  • 6. Otar- Increased resistance to fire, cold and electricity by 30%.
  • 7. Hevnorak - Complete immunity to diseases and poisons.
  • 8. Ragot - Increases stamina by 70 points.
  • 9. Nakrin - +50 to magic, spells of destruction and restoration consume 20% less magic.
  • 10. Konarik - When health is low, it has a chance to heal the wearer and deal damage to nearby enemies. Occasionally summons a ghostly dragon priest to aid the wearer.

1. Wooden mask

2.Volsung mask

The mask is located in the location "Volskigge" You need to get to the "Peak", there will be a mask.
To get it, you need to kill the dragon priest Volsung. After killing, remove it from his body.

3. Morokea mask

honest way
This mask can be obtained ONLY on the quest "The Staff of Magnus", That is, you need to go through the College of Winterhold.
The mask is located in the location "Labyrinthian"

The essence of the quest
You need to find the Staff of Magnus in order to defeat Ancano
At the end of the location, you will enter a huge hall. You will see that the dragon priest Morokei is strongly protected by two magicians who constantly maintain this protection.

Quest hints

First we kill the magicians, then Morokei.

  • 1.Against Mages:
  • 1.1 Bow - mage's scourge (taken from one of the ghostly Draugr earlier) - quite effective against mages holding Morokei;
  • 1.2 Mages can be killed directly from the corridor leading to the hall with Morokei, thus allowing you to save your resources before the battle;
  • 1.3 The magician on the highest platform takes a comfortable position from which the whole cave is viewed; you may want to take his place;
  • 2Against Morokei:
  • 2.1 Morokei can summon a Storm Atronach, but it seems he won't be able to summon it again if you kill him;
  • 2.2 Morokei can use the Daedra Command, which turns the atronachs you have summoned against you;
  • 2.3 Morokei sticks to ranged and magical attacks, avoiding close combat; in general, during the check, it was proved that he is powerless (does not attack you at all) if you are very close to him and inflict physical damage on him;
  • 2.4 Platforms around the walls of the room provide secure positions that will give you a significant advantage in combat;
  • 2.5 It turns out that if you drive him into the pool, he will not be able to get out of the water, and he will also not be able to fight back;
  • 2.6 You can use the door to the hall where Morokei is located as a defense and in order to attract his attention. In addition, you can move away from the door when he attacks, or simply close it: Morokei will remain in the hall, giving you the opportunity to reload spells and aim.
After the kill, take the "Morekey" mask and the Staff of Magnus. When you leave the location, Estormo will interfere with you, he will want to kill you.
Effective against him to use "Lightning"

dishonest way
Go to the console and write "player.additem 00061C8B 1"
(The console button is most likely "ё" or look in the control)

4. Wokun mask

The mask is located in the location "Ruins of the High Gate"

Going inside and going further, you will meet Anska. After talking with her, the quest "A Scroll for Anska" will begin. She will become a companion for you.

The quest says "Defeat Wokun"
After the victory, take away the mask from him and going further we take the scroll.
We return the scroll and get Gold.

5. Mask Krosis

6. Mask Otar

The mask is located in the location "Rangwald"
The quest "Reveal the secrets of Rangwald" is also available.

Essence of the quest:

Arriving in Ragnvald, you will see a tomb in the main hall. To open it, you need to find 2 skull keys: Sarek's skull key and Thorsten's skull key. When both skulls are mined and inserted into the sockets in the tomb, the dragon priest Otar the Mad will awaken. After defeating him, you will be able to collect your reward - the mask of Otar.

7. Hevnorak mask

The mask is located in the location "Valtum"

You get the mask after killing the Dragon Priest Hevnorak. Hevnorak.

9. Mask Nakrin

Be in the location "Skuldafan"
Be in front of the portal to Sovongard. On Dragon Priest Nakrin. Must be collected after death. You can get to this location only during the Story Quest.

10. Mask Konarik

After you have collected all the masks, we go to the Shrine of Bromunar.
Where the Wooden Mask lay, we dress it. The mask takes you to the past. We have an altar in front of us and on this altar we need to place all the masks (except for the wooden one, because if we remove it, we will go back) on the altar. After that, you will receive a Konarik mask. You can also pick up other dragon priest masks.

DLC masks

In add. Dragonborn for Skyrim has 4 masks.

Description of masks

  • 1. Mirak - Increases the supply of magic. The strength of the spell depends on your level.
  • 2.Zakrisosh - Resistance to electricity 50 units. Increase electricity damage by 25%
  • 3.Dukan- Cold resistance 50 units. Increase Cold Damage by 25%
  • 4.Azidal - enhances fire spells by 25%, and also protects the owner from attacks by spells based on this element by 50%.

Dragon Priests or Dragon Priests are hideous creatures found in most of the dragon caves in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Not only are they ugly, but they are also one of the most powerful adversaries in Skyrim. Often the Priests guard the Word Walls, where one can learn new words to form cries.

After killing the Priest, each of them drops a special mask that has very strong magical properties. Wearing a mask, these properties will pass into you.

Collecting these masks is important not only to get magic boosts, but they are also part of the quest, the reward for which will be the last, most powerful mask - Wooden. To obtain this mask, you need to collect 8 Dragon Priest masks, one from each. Thus, there are 9 masks in the game.

So you don't have any other options. Either cheating or killing eight Priests. After collecting all the masks, head to the temple next to the Labyrinth. The temple will be destroyed. Wooden Mask must be taken from the skeleton next to the temple and after that... spoiler! You will travel in time. Here we set the masks on a pedestal, and the dragon's head will open the ninth mask - Konarik, which has the ability to protect and sorcery.

Location of the Dragon Priest Masks

Wooden mask (Wooden Mask)

In the pavilion, which is located opposite the entrance to the outer courtyard of the Labyrinthian.

Takes you to the past.

Krosis (Krosis)
Located in The Pale - Shearpoint - Top of the Southern Mountains.
Once equipped, Lockpicking, Alchemy and Bow handling will increase by 20%.

Moroki (Morokei)
Labyrinthian in Hjaalmarch during The Staff of Magnus quest.
Mana regeneration is increased by +100%.

Narkiin (Nahkriin)

Skuldafn, Other Realm can only be obtained during The World-Eater's Eyrie quest
Mana, Destruction and Recovery are increased by 20%.

Otar (Otar)
Ragnvald, North of Markarth.
Immunities to Fire, Cold and Shock are increased by 30%.

Ragot (Rahgot)
Forelhost (Forelhost) South-South-East from Riften.
+70 Stamina

High Gate Ruins, Pale. You will be there during the quest A Scroll for Anska, located in the same place.
20% to Affliction, Illusion and Alteration.

Volsung (Volsung)
Volskygge in Haafingar. Far west of Solitude.
Carried weight and breath underwater by 20 points, Barter is better by 20%.

Hevnorak (Hevnoraak)
Valthum (Southwest of Rorikstead), during the quest Evil in Waiting.
+40 to Heavy Armor skill.

Konarik (Konahrik)

When health is low, it has a chance to heal the wearer and deal damage to nearby enemies. Occasionally summons a ghostly dragon priest to aid the wearer.

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