How and where to adopt children in skyrim with the addition of dragonborn? How children develop.


In the game Skyrim, you can find children only of human races: Bretons, Nords, Imperials and Redguards. You won't find Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orc, Argonian, or Khajiit children anywhere.

Children have neither spells nor any abilities. But they are absolutely invulnerable and never participate in battles, running away at the first sounds of battle. Yes, in Skyrim you can talk and interact with children through quests and various games (for example, play tag or hide and seek), but it is impossible to kill. And yet there is no way to commit pickpocketing, although you can see, sneaking up, what things the child has with him. This is done so that the developers cannot be accused of creating a "simulation of killing children." For the same reason, mods that make it possible to kill children are not accepted on the Steam Workshop. However, there is a "death scream" sound in the game that the game plays if a child is killed using a mod. And no matter how the “fans of realism” ask, the developers will never introduce the murder of children, if only because there are countries where legal showdowns are a sport that brings a lot of fines to those game developers who follow their clients’ lead.

Also, the game does not provide the ability to create a child character, although of course with the help of console commands or mods is feasible.


You can go to the "Noble Orphanage" in Riften, and contact Constance Michel at the orphanage. The latter, if anyone does not remember, as a result of completing the Innocence Lost quest - to help orphans get rid of the despot-educator - becomes the "manager" of the orphanage. If the quest has not yet been completed, or you have decided to win back the “good” Dovakin and abandoned the dark brotherly line, then you will not succeed in adopting children from the orphanage, since the mischievous old woman Grelod the Kind does not even want to discuss the issue of adoption.

In addition to the children who were previously in the orphanage, after installing the Hearthfire add-on, children who were orphaned during the passage of the game (i.e., whose parents were killed) are placed there, but only after the death of Grelod. From where and can be adopted/adopted by the player character.

Aventus Aretino cannot be adopted as he will never return to the orphanage.

The add-on also introduces individual orphans, whom you can meet in different cities and villages.

Below I will list all the children, both from the shelter and the vagrants and hard workers that you can adopt, as well as known bugs and how to fix them.


- Alisan, Redguard, Dawnstar.

Alysan is the only child that can be found in Dawnstar. His father was a sailor, and on his last voyage to Skyrim he took him with him. On the way, the father fell ill, and the captain ordered to land him ashore with his son. A few days later, his father died, and Alisan was left alone in a cold land. He earns his living by delivering food to miners from the Mercury and Iron mines. You can meet him at work cleaning baskets, while working in the garden for the Peak of the Wind Tavern, or in the city when he runs past you.

Advice against bugs: do not settle Alysan in the Warm Winds house in Whiterun. Otherwise, Lydia, who is your Whiterun housecarl, will loop Alysan with her auto-actions, which will endlessly enter and exit through the front doors. This can be fixed by contacting the boy and telling him to take care of him, or by eliminating Lydia, but it's better not to settle him in Whiterun at all.

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

- Blaise, Breton, Cattle's farm near Solitude.

Blaze's parents served in the Imperial military and were killed in an ambush by the Stormcloaks. Kattla, the owner of a farm near Solitude, said she would feed him if he was useful to her, so the boy takes care of horses and runs errands. He sleeps outside in a pile of hay in a stable and says he is “tired of sleeping outside next to horses. I wish I had a real home, real parents.” After finding out these details, you can adopt him, and the child will run on his own to the house you specified with a nursery and a chest.

- François Beaufort, Imperial, "Noble Orphanage" in Riften.

His parents left him at the orphanage about a year ago, and the boy believes that they will return and take him away, as promised. However, apparently, he was simply abandoned. After Grelod the Good is killed, he, along with other orphans, will rejoice and triumph. Like many children of Skyrim, the boy has a set of food and toys and a small amount of gold with him. His daily routine is no different from all children, and he can always be found inside the shelter.

- Samuel, Imperial, "Noble Orphanage" in Riften.

Nothing is known about his history. After Grelod the Good is killed, he, along with other orphans, will rejoice and triumph.

No bugs were noticed during adoption.

- Hroar, Nord, "Noble Orphanage" in Riften.

Nothing is known about his parents. He prides himself on the fact that his name is like a lion's roar. He is unhappy that Grelod the Good is preventing his adoption, although he says that he would be the "best son" in a new family. He approves of the plans of Aventus Aretino, and when Grelod the Good is killed, he triumphs along with the other orphans of the orphanage.

No bugs were noticed during adoption.


- Lucia, Imperial, Whiterun.

Lucia can be found after installing the DLC in Whiterun, most often near the Temple of Kynareth, under the Goldenleaf tree, where she sits on one of the benches.

You can find her from 8.00 to 20.00 near Zlatolista, from 20.00 to 00 in the Prancing Mare tavern, at midnight she goes to the backyard of the hotel and sleeps on the ground until 8.00.

She has a Beggar's Quest associated with her, meaning you can give her a gold coin and get a Gift of Mercy.

No bugs were noticed.

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)
- Sophie, Nord, Windhelm.

A girl wanders the streets of Windhelm selling flowers in flower baskets. She is an orphan, her mother died when she was very young, and her father disappeared for civil war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. From 8 am to 5 pm, she will sell flowers at the back gate of Windhelm. After 5:00 p.m., she can usually be found sitting at the New Gnisis Club. At 8:00 pm, she heads to the room at the back of the Niraniya House and sleeps until 8:00 am.

With Sophie, as with all Windhelm, there are many bugs connected.

If you do not buy from her hands all the items that she sells before adoption, you will not be able to give her gifts and change clothes later, as all her flower baskets will remain in the inventory.

If all the other children, after the adoption dialogue, run on their own to your house, which has a children's room, then Sophie will remain standing even if you approach her many times. However, she will be considered adopted, and you will not be able to take another child instead.

If you adopted Sophie before the capture of Windhelm for the Imperials, then after the capture, she may disappear from your home. In this case, you need to select the option "let's move to another house" in a conversation with another child or spouse. After the move, Sophie should appear in a new place.

If you have lost Sophie, then you have the opportunity to call her through the console. To do this, type prid xx004031 (where xx is the sequence number in which you installed the Hearthfire DLC), then moveto player to move it to the estate.

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)
- Runa Strong Shield (eng. "Runa Fair-Shield"), nord, "Noble Orphanage" in Riften.

Nothing is known about her parents. At the orphanage, when you first meet, she tells you in detail about a boy named Aventus Aretino, who ran away from the orphanage. After the murder of Grelod the Good, she rejoices along with other children, and says to the hero: “By killing one person, you immediately solved so many problems for others. It’s very interesting what awaits you ahead”, as if hinting at the “dark brotherly” future of the hero.

Unfortunately, the skins of children are very monotonous, and it is impossible to find any individuality in them, except that the Bretons and Imperials are brunettes, and the Nord girls are blondes. Even Retgard Alisan is a copy of any Imperial boy.


Once Hearthfire is installed, a messenger may send you an adoption letter.

To adopt a child, you must, firstly, have your own house, and, secondly, this house must have a children's room. If this is a house you built, then you cannot move the child into it until a chest appears in the nursery in which the child will store his things.

The easiest way, in my opinion, is to create a nursery in your house in Solitude: after contacting the Jarl's assistant, the door to the new room simply appears on the third floor next to your bedroom. In most other houses, you are offered to replace the alchemy laboratory with a nursery.

It is not necessary to be married.

If you decide to adopt a child from an orphanage, then you need to contact Constance Michel. She will be delighted and will answer: “Yes, of course! What a wonderful surprise!” If you ask her what needs to be done for this, she will ask the name and occupation of the character. Interestingly, if you call yourself an assassin or a thief, then she will be outraged by "such jokes", and if you are an adventurer or a mercenary, then she will only say "Hmm ...". Obviously, the title of Archmage of Winterhold, Harbinger of the Companions or Dragonborn will inspire more confidence in you.

If you have houses equipped with a children's room, then a list of these houses will appear during the conversation. The same option will appear on the first adoption dialogue with any orphan in Skyrim. After you select one of the houses, there will be no choice, and the second child will automatically be sent there. However, later you can move your family to any house with an equipped children's room.

After that, Constance Michele will congratulate you and send you to choose a child: “Go meet the children and choose the one you would like to adopt. After you make a decision, I will pack their things and make sure they are in your house.”

However, if you don't have a suitable accommodation, she will say: “... Let's be objective... You are an adventurer. This is not the safest and most reliable profession. I need to be sure that the child will grow up in a safe and secure home. Show me that you can take care of a child. Buy a house. Furnish it with furniture. Then come back and we'll talk."

After her consent, you can talk to the orphans living in the orphanage and ask them to tell about themselves, or offer them adoption. If you don't have your own home, then the adoption dialog for foster children won't even appear. If you talk to an orphan from the street, then the dialogue will take the form: "I have a house, but there is no room for you" - "Oh, okay ... Thanks anyway, I'll think about it."


Present. When the child settles in your house, you will have the opportunity to give him gifts and play with him. You can give him "boy/girl clothes" and then he will change into it. You can give him sweets like honey, sweet roll or cakes. Girls can be given a doll, boys - a wooden sword.

Magic. If you use magic next to a child, he will ask you to make him invisible, but since there is no way in the game to impose invisibility on another character, you cannot do this, and the child will be upset.

Games. In the dialogue with the child, the options “let's play” appear (then you can play hide and seek or tag) and “go play outside”. If it is dark outside, then the child will come out through front door, but will not appear on the street, and may disappear until the morning. In Solitude, he never joins children running down the street to play tag or hide and seek with them.

You can ask the child to "get busy".

Pets. Foster children can bring into your home and keep as pets different creatures. It can be rabbits, foxes, mud crabs, skeevers and even frost spiders. If you want to kill a pet, the child will try to stop you and say “Leave me / him alone!”, And if you kill him, he will be offended and say “I will not talk to you anymore!”.

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

When you sleep in your house, where there is a nursery and adopted children live, then in the morning instead of the blessing "good rest", you get two new ones:

Embrace of Love: Your skills grow 15% faster for 8 hours (similar to Lover's Stone, but with a time limit).

Mother's Love: Healing spells and potions restore 25% more health for 8 hours.

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)
When you give a child any gift, you receive the blessing "Gift of Mercy" (+10 to Speech for 1 hour).


When you adopt your first child, you get the achievement:

Proud Parent

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

Heartfire. How to adopt a child in Skyrim (guide)

If you like to play Skyrim, then most likely you have noticed more than once on the streets of cities, as well as those who walk with their parents. The theme of the child is touched upon in many games, and each project offers its own perspective on this issue. However, it cannot be said that there is an impressive number of games where a child would have a lot of space. The same can be said about Skyrim - there are, of course, quite a few children here, but they are in the last roles, and if you wish, you can ignore them at all. However, if you want a small child to always be with you, you will need to put in a little effort. But the most important thing is that you can still have an offspring. And with that, in "Skyrim", you can easily figure it out.

The world of Skyrim and children

As you know, "Skyrim" is a role-playing game that takes place in a fictional fantasy world. At the same time, it should be noted that this world is open, that is, no one leads you by the hand in the story, you yourself choose what to do, how to spend time and how quickly to complete. Given the fact that there are plenty of activities here, you should not rush through the game - it is better to figure out how to have children in Skyrim, how to create your own farm, how to grow vegetables and take care of livestock, and so on. This game offers a huge number of options from which you have to choose what you like the most. And, of course, hardly anyone will miss the opportunity to have their own child, if he has the appropriate opportunity. Skyrim invites you to become a caring parent, but for this you first need to learn how to have children in Skyrim. This cannot be done in the standard way, so you will have to look for workarounds.

Special modification

Unfortunately, if you are trying to learn how to have children in Skyrim without installing any special add-ons, then you will be seriously disappointed. The original game does not provide this function, so you will not succeed. To have a child, you will need to download a special modification, which is called Hearthfire, which means "hearth" in translation. Everything is quite logical - if you want to create your own family, then, of course, you will need a hearth for this. This is what will be discussed further, because if you want to know how to adopt a child in Skyrim, then you will need to acquire living space.

Buying a house

As long as you are a wandering hero who sleeps in the open when and where necessary, then it makes no sense for you to think about children. Why do you need to know about how to adopt a child in Skyrim if you only think about yourself? Therefore, if you want to create a full-fledged family with children, you will need to purchase real estate. At the same time, it makes no difference whether it will be a small house or a real palace - your children will be happy in any home. Therefore, if you do not want to spend too much money on buying a home, you can choose an inexpensive house in which you will continue to live. As soon as you have housing, and the necessary modification is installed on the game client, you can go in search of a child that you like. As mentioned earlier, you will not be able to have children in the standard way. Therefore, you have to learn how to adopt a child in Skyrim. After all, this is the only existing method of obtaining children.

Adoption of children

So, you have your own house, so if you find a new family member, you will have somewhere to take him in a dangerous world called Skyrim. You also have the kids mod installed, so now when talking with a child you have a chance to get a new line with which you can invite him to live with you. For some children, this cue can be opened quite quickly, for others the process is a little more complicated and takes longer. But with due desire to adopt anyone is easy. This is the process of receiving the child directly, but there is another way that is similar in many ways. In the game of children - this is something incomprehensible to an adult. Therefore, if you do not want to communicate with young children, you have an alternative - to persuade an adult.

Get married to have a baby

In the Skyrim game, the child adoption mod affects not only conversations with them, but also the lines that you can choose when communicating with adults. So you can get the child in a workaround. Go in search of a man or a woman (depending on which gender you have chosen for your character). Your future life partner must have a child - otherwise it makes no sense for you to start courtship. If there is a baby, then you can proceed to a difficult process. Most often, in order to please a Sim, you need to give him expensive gifts, so do not skimp on various jewelry, beads, earrings and rings. Remember that you have already spent a decent amount on the purchase of a house, so do not be stingy now. As a result, a replica will open for you that invites your partner to marry you or marry you. It remains only to go to the nearest church and discuss the terms of the wedding. After that, a day of game time must pass, after which your husband or wife will move into your house and take the child with them. Naturally, this item must be discussed in advance, because by default your new family may stay at home, and this will not be very convenient. However, do not think that there are more children in the Skyrim game - it's better. In fact, these are certain concerns. You will need to entertain them, give them gifts, but at the same time, you will have the opportunity to play with them or let them go outside with other kids. You can also force the child to benefit the family, for example, to clean the house.

Quantity limit

Who are the flowers of life? That's right, kids. Skyrim also invites you to get your own flower garden, but it sets very strict limits. To prevent gamers from making themselves a real shelter, you cannot adopt more than two babies with one character. This means that you are completely limited in this aspect. But don't be discouraged, because kids don't really have much of an impact on the game itself, so two is enough for you to have fun.

How do children develop?

It has already been said earlier that in Skyrim children are not given much attention. Therefore, if you decide to have a child, you should not expect any miracles, deep thoughtfulness and interactivity. You should immediately understand that children do not grow up here, they remain forever as a child, so do not have empty illusions - you will not be able to raise your heir, who will take your place after your death.

Children's behavior during the battle

Naturally, every parent has a duty to protect their children. Therefore, you must try to avoid such situations in which your child will be in close proximity to danger. But at the same time, you should not worry too much, since there are two aspects in the game that will not allow tragedy. Children are programmed with a special line of behavior when danger is near. They immediately run away to their home, that is, you do not have to fight a strong opponent and at the same time think about how to protect the child as well. This is a great relief, but the next aspect brings even more peace of mind.

Immortality of children

In fact, it makes no sense to protect the child from danger, because realism in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe game does not even smell. The fact is that the child in Skyrim does not receive damage. Accordingly, he cannot die, which means that he does not need to be protected. Firstly, he himself will run away to the shelter, and secondly, even if he does not have time to do this, he still cannot die. Thus, children are a welcome addition to the world of Skyrim. They will brighten up your receiving them as excitingly as you would later communicate with them. They do not create unnecessary trouble, but at the same time they do not bring any benefit. That is, it is worth recognizing that children are something that every Skyrim fan can do without. But if you have a desire to acquire them, then it will not be so difficult and in the future will not bring you any discomfort at all. Therefore, parenting in this game is very common among fans of the series, since in previous versions of the game such an opportunity was not implemented. Children are a great way to take your mind off heavy battles and intricate quests.

how and where to adopt children in skyrim with the addition of dragonborn?

  1. Once I was led by an adventure road... And then they shot me in the knee
  2. Some of the children on this list have parents, but if both die in the game, then the child can be adopted.

    Alysan RedguardTavern Windpeak Dawnstar
    Aeta NordOslaf's HouseSkaal Village
    Braith RedguardAmren's HouseWhiterun
    Blaise BretonKatla FarmSolitude
    Britta NordLemkila HouseRorikstead
    Gralnach NordForest VillageRift
    Dorthy NordAlvor and Sigrid's houseRiverwood
    Clinton Lilvive BretonLilvive family homeDragon Bridge
    Knut NordKatla FarmSolitude
    Minnetia VinniaNordThe Laughing Rat InnSolitude
    Lucia ImperialNear GoldenleafWhiterun
    Rune Strong Shield NordNoble OrphanageRiften
    Samuel the ImperialNoble OrphanageRiften
    Swarri NordAddvar's HouseSolitude
    Cecile NordLemkila HouseRorikstead
    Skali NordTavern Old Hroldan Reach
    Sophie NordNear the gate to the docksWindhelm
    François BeaufortImperialNoble OrphanageRiften
    Frodnar NordHouse of Hod and GerdurRiverwood
    Frothar NordDragonreachWhiterun
    Hrefna NordMine Golden RockRift
    Hroar ​​NordNoble OrphanageRiften
    Eirid NordTavern Frozen Hearth Winterhold
    Erith BretonMine Left HandMarkarth

  3. Look for homeless children in the city.
  4. I found homeless children only in whiterun and solitude in whiterun near a big tree with benches and in solitude in the port
  5. In the Dragonborn expansion, you can't adopt children in Hearthfire only.
  6. I do not agree with the author of the top answer, because you can keep two children in Windhelm.
  7. In the dark brotherhood? Quest? damn this is the main one in the dark brotherhood when i woke up i ended up in some house she told me to kill 1 of 3 victims but i didn't agree and killed her what to do how to adopt plz help!
  8. So, everyone calm down. Here are all the lines and chains:
    First of all, children can only be adopted (adopted) in the Hearthfire DLC. (others don't affect it)

    0) you can ask the guards (just pressing E (English) by default)
    1) Come to Windhelm and go to the house of Aventus Arentino (you can open the location map and find it there)
    2) Talk to him until the dialogue ends.
    (The quest "Lost Innocence" begins
    3) Come to Riften, and walk to the "Noble Orphanage of Riften"
    4) Kill Grelod the Good (Not Constance Michelle)
    5) Return to Aventus Arentino in Windhelm.
    6) Talk to him until the end of the dialogue.
    Added: Arentino Family Heirloom.
    7)wait from 12 to 36 hours of playing time.
    8) When you receive a note from the Messenger with the inscription "We know", then go to bed. (you can sleep 1 hour more, no difference)
    You wake up in the "Abandoned Hut" location.
    9) Talk to Astrid until the end of the dialogue.
    Beginning of the quest "With such friends..."
    And then the juice begins.
    There are 2 chains of actions:
    1) You kill Astrid. (And possibly freeing the Prisoners)
    2) You kill 1 of 3 Prisoners (You can do all 3 or 2)
    In case you kill Astrid:
    The quest "With such friends..." fails.
    The quest "Farewell Dark Brotherhood" begins.
    You must come to the "Dragon Bridge"
    And come to the Post Penitus Oculatus.
    Go to a character named Commander Maron.
    And talk to him.
    He will give you the task to kill everyone in the Sanctuary of the "Dark Brotherhood"
    And he will tell you the password from the Dark door "Silence, my brother"
    Kill everyone at the hideout!
    Then go to the Penitus Okulatus Headquarters and talk to Commander Maron again.
    He will reward you with 3000 septims and increase the reputation of the guards in all skareem.
    In case you kill the prisoners:
    Astrid will invite you to join the Dark Brotherhood.
    And he will tell you the password from the Dark door "Silence my brother."
    And then a LONG QUEST CHAIN ​​will begin.
    End: Killing Astrid doesn't affect anything.
    A messenger should come running to you with a letter about the change of leadership in the Riften Noble Orphanage.
    And after that you can adopt and adopt children (Without mods max. 2) In my experience in HOUSES (like Whiterun, Windhelm, Markarth) you can only adopt or adopt 1 child
    And in the built houses (like Falkreath, Dawnstar) 2.
    Children can be found not only in the Noble Orphanage of Riften, but also throughout Skyrim in the domains, However, the rule is max. 2 or 1 child is saved.
    Thanks for reading this comment.

  9. First you buy or build a house. Then you need to furnish it with furniture, then you need to complete the quest in the Dark Brotherhood to kill the owners of the shelter in Riften. After a while, you receive a letter. After that, you go to Riften to the same orphanage, talk to the new mistress and adopt a child.
  10. Build a house or buy it, equipping one of the rooms for a nursery. There is an orphanage in Riften, there are several children to choose from. There is a street child in every city, adopt up to two of them, to choose from. The Dragonborn add-on has nothing to do with this, the children in the DLC Heartfire
  11. need to equip a children's room in the house
    then you can adopt 2 children
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