Reversal of the cube for gluing. How to make volumetric geometric shapes out of paper (diagrams, templates)? simple paper cube

How to make a paper cube? There are two ways to quickly and easily create this equilateral paper hexagon.

The first method is to first draw and cut out the unfolded cube, and then glue it together.

If this method suits you, you need to prepare necessary tools and fixtures. In order to make a sweep, you will need paper, a pencil, a ruler, as well as scissors and glue. This set of stationery, no doubt, will be found by everyone who needs to make a cube out of paper.

The scheme of the volumetric hexagon is very simple. Initially, you need to draw a figure in the shape of a cross and divide it into six squares of the same size so that one side of the cross is twice as long as any other. It should be noted that there should be narrow stripes on the outer sides of each square.

With the help of these strips, it will be easy to carefully glue the figure. This is one of the ways to make a paper cube.

The second method does not require the use of any special devices. The technique by which this polygon can be created is called origami. How to make a paper cube using origami? It is by no means difficult. It is necessary to start folding the hexagon from a square piece of paper. First of all, you should fold the sheet into a standard origami figure - a double triangle. Such a figure will turn out if you fold the paper in half, making a rectangular sheet out of a square, and then fold it again, again getting a square. After that, we open the resulting figure in such a way that a triangle is obtained on both sides. This is the first of the answers to the question of how to make a paper cube using origami.

Then you need to make a few more manipulations with the double triangle.
Its edges on both sides must be bent to the top. Again we get a square, the opposite corners of which are folded to the center. So we've made a hexagon that has two pockets on each side. In them it is necessary to bend two halves of paper at the top of the figure. Next, we take a needle and make a small hole in the top of the hexagon, and then blow hard into it. This is how the desired volumetric body is obtained.

There is another technology for making a cube using origami. But it requires six sheets of paper, which are folded into a certain shape, and then assembled into a cube. Accordingly, the more materials are used, the less rational is the volumetric body, so we do not describe this origami method. The two options discussed above are less time consuming and therefore ideal.

Now you know two convenient ways to make a paper cube very quickly and effortlessly. But your theoretical skills can only be worked out in practice, so take a square piece of paper, the necessary tools, and make this beautiful hexagon, which can be used not only as a visual aid, but also as an interior decoration!

Large selection of sweeps of simple geometric shapes.

Children's first exposure to paper modeling always starts with simple geometric shapes such as the cube and pyramid. Not many succeed in gluing a cube the first time, sometimes it takes several days to make a truly even and flawless cube. More complex cylinder and cone shapes require several times more effort than a simple cube. If you do not know how to carefully glue geometric figures, which means that it is too early for you to take on complex models. Take care of yourself and teach your children to crate these “elements” of modeling from ready-made scans.

To begin with, I, of course, suggest learning how to glue an ordinary cube. Reamers are made for two cubes, large and small. A more complex figure is a small cube because it is more difficult to glue it than a large one.

So, let's begin! Download the development of all the figures on five sheets and print on thick paper. Before you print and glue geometric shapes, be sure to read the article on how to choose paper and how to cut, bend and glue paper in general.

For better printing, I advise you to use the AutoCAD program, and I give you a sweep for this program, and also read how to print from AutoCAD. Cut out the development of the cubes from the first sheet, along the fold lines, be sure to draw a compass needle under the iron ruler so that the paper folds well. Now you can start gluing the cubes.

To save paper and for every firefighter, I made several scans of a small cube, you never know if you want to glue more than one cube or something will not work the first time. Another simple figure is a pyramid, you will find its sweeps on the second sheet. Similar pyramids cost the ancient Egyptians, though not made of paper and not so small :)

And this is also a pyramid, only unlike the previous one, it has not four, but three sides.

Development of a trihedral pyramid on the first sheet for printing.

And another funny pyramid of five faces, its development on the 4th sheet in the form of an asterisk in two copies.

A more complex figure is the pentahedron, although the pentahedron is more difficult to draw than to glue.

Reamers of the pentahedron on the second sheet.

So we got to complex figures. Now you have to tighten up, gluing such figures is not easy! To begin with, a regular cylinder, its development on the second sheet.

And this is a more complex figure compared to a cylinder, because at its base is not a circle, but an oval.

The development of this figure is on the second sheet, two spare parts were made for the oval base.

To accurately assemble the cylinder, its parts must be glued end-to-end. On the one hand, the bottom can be glued without problems, just put a pre-glued tube on the table, put a circle on the bottom and fill it with glue from the inside. Make sure that the diameter of the pipe and the round bottom fit snugly together, without gaps, otherwise the glue will leak and everything will stick to the table. The second circle will be more difficult to glue, so glue auxiliary rectangles inside at a paper thickness distance from the edge of the pipe. These rectangles will not let the base fall inward, now you can glue the circle on top without any problems.

A cylinder with an oval base can be glued in the same way as a regular cylinder, but it has a lower height, so it’s easier to insert a paper accordion inside, and put the second base on top and glue it along the edge.

Now a very complex figure - a cone. Its details are on the third sheet, a spare circle for the bottom on the 4th sheet. The whole difficulty of gluing the cone is in its sharp top, and then it will be very difficult to glue the bottom.

A complex and at the same time simple figure is a ball. The ball consists of 12 pentahedrons, the development of the ball is on the 4th sheet. First, the two halves of the ball are glued, and then both are glued together.

A rather interesting figure is a rhombus, its details are on the third sheet.

And now two very similar, but completely different figures, their difference is only in the base.

When you glue these two figures, you will not immediately understand what it is at all, they turned out to be some kind of completely unreceptive.

Another interesting figurine is the torus, only we have it very simplified, its details are on the 5th sheet.

And finally, the last figure from equilateral triangles, I don’t even know what to call it, but the figure looks like a star. Development of this figure on the fifth sheet.

That's all for today! I wish you success in this difficult work!

A person never knows what he may need at one time or another. Today he thinks that the creation of a paper cube is useless, but tomorrow it may be useful to him, for example, for work purposes. So for all those in need and just those who love to create with their own hands and want to make paper crafts, there are several options for creating a paper cube.

Quick Cube Creation

There is a way to quickly glue a paper cube. This scheme includes only five steps:

This is a simple and convenient scheme. By analogy, you can make a paper cube a playing one, if suddenly the plastic ones are lost somewhere. Just draw dots with a marker! True, this miracle is not too jumpy, but for the first time it can fit.

Assembling a cube from paper modules

There is another option for creating a paper cube. If you use sheets of paper of different colors, the edges will turn out to be multi-colored. So, the following is to be done:

Thus, a cube will be obtained, which in structure will be somewhat more complicated than the previous one..

Origami cube

The finished model turns out to be slightly unusual in appearance and beautiful. For this version of the paper cube, you need 6 paper squares. They can all be the same, and multicolored. The creation scheme is as follows:

Additional materials
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Geometry and cube

The cube is a figure that we meet not only in the lessons of geometry and fine arts, but also in our everyday life. Another name for a cube is a regular hexahedron. A cube is a regular polyhedron, each face of which is a square. A cube can be called three-dimensional, three-dimensional or even a 3D square. A cube has 8 vertices, 6 faces, 12 edges. The cube is an amazing geometric figure in which you can hide or inscribe other shapes, such as the following: octahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron and others.

Amazing figure "cube"

The cube or hexahedron is also called the Necker cube, named after the Swiss crystallographer Louis Albert Necker. In 1832, Necker proposed the illusion that when you look into a cube with edges, you can see that a small black dot appears either in the foreground, in the background, or in the corner or in the center. She moves from one place to another, as if moving. Another feature of the Necker cube is that its parallel side edges appear to diverge. You can recolor one of the faces in a different color, and see how this colored face moves in a fantastic way.

Another unusual cube is that of the artist Maurits Escher. This is a cube that is impossible.

Another interesting discovery related to the cube was made in 1966 by photographer Charles F. Cochran. He took a photo that was dubbed the "crazy box". What is "crazy language"? This is the frame of a hexahedron (cube) figure turned inside out. The "crazy box" is based on incorrect connections that were made when drawing the figure.

Necker cube "Crazy Box"

The list of the most amazing and strange shapes includes: an integral cube, an expanding cube (it can also be called an infinity cube), repeating cubes, a cubic snowflake, floating cubes, a two-story cube, and many, many others. All these figures are fascinating, it is not possible to take your eyes off them. Everyone who sees them wants to understand how they work.

The cube has always been fraught with many mysteries - a surprisingly complex and at the same time surprisingly simple geometric figure that helps to look into the depths of consciousness. Even in ancient times, Plato called it a sacred figure and attributed it to the sign of the Earth, because it is the most stable figure of all others. The cube is a sacred geometry figure. Back in the 16th century, the German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler compiled a model of the solar system, in which he inscribed a cube.

Where can you find a cube? Buildings are most often cube-shaped, so you can just look out the window and you will immediately see a cube. The most famous puzzle toy that every child held in their hands at least once in their life, and some even managed to solve it, is the Rubik's Cube. The name speaks for itself. In 1975, the Hungarian architect Erne Rubik created a puzzle toy that became popular all over the world. The Rubik's Cube is a cube made of plastic, which in turn consists of 26 cubes. And when the "Rubik's Cube" is completed, each of its faces is painted in one specific color.

Various substances crystallize in the form of a cube, such as table salt, the mineral fluorite, and others.

Tools and materials to make a paper cube

To work comfortably and conveniently with paper or cardboard, in our case, cut and glue geometric shapes, you will need the following tools:
- scissors (or a clerical knife with an iron ruler and a hard surface that you don’t mind spoiling);
- thick paper or cardboard (white or color), A4 format;
- glue.
You also need a computer with a printer, preferably a color printer, in order to print the diagram you like for further gluing the figure.

Paper crafts - a passion for life

Doing something with your hands is always interesting and useful, especially if it turns out beautifully. Manual simple work helps to calm the nerves after a hard day's work and develops imagination (especially in children). In China this species creativity is known as origami, and has long been successfully helping to treat mentally ill people and children suffering from nervous diseases. Such classes are widely used in labor lessons in schools or in senior groups in kindergartens, which allows you to develop perseverance, imagination and fine motor skills, which in turn develops mental activity. Often children's magazines offer diagrams of various animals, figures for adults to work together with children. We offer paper or cardboard cube schemes with various picture options. Such crafts will be of interest to both kids and schoolchildren, they can be presented as a handmade gift. Adults can also use cubes made according to our scans, for example, a calendar cube.

Step by step instructions: how to make a cardboard cube

1. Print the required number of templates, for example, for a calendar cube - both options are needed, and for alphabet cubes - print as many as you need to add words.
2. Carefully cut out the cube outline. It is more convenient to cut with scissors, but you can also use a clerical knife.
3. Bend the cut out cube template along the lines, the more carefully you bend the cube diagram, the better your product will look.
4. Lubricate the darkened areas with glue and, side by side, assemble the entire cube.

simple cube
(edge ​​5 cm)
Cube sweep
with Arabic numerals
(edge ​​- 5 cm)
Cube sweep
with Arabic numerals
(edge ​​- 5 cm)

I, X, L, C, V, D (edge ​​- 5 cm)
Cube sweep with roman numerals
I, M, V, X, ↁ, ↂ (face - 5 cm)
Cube with formulas
(edge ​​- 5 cm)

A, B, C, D, E, F
(edge ​​6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the English alphabet
G, H, I, J, K, L
(edge ​​6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the English alphabet
M, N, O, P, R, Q
(edge ​​6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the English alphabet
S, T, U, R, V, W
(edge ​​6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the English alphabet
X, Y, Z, A, B, C (6.5 cm edge)
Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet
A, B, C, D, D, E (edge ​​6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet Zh, Z, I, Y, K, L (face 6.5 cm) Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet M, N, O, P, R, S (face 6.5 cm) Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet U, F, X, C, Ch, T (face 6.5 cm)
Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet Sh, E, b, Y, b, U (face 6.5 cm) Scheme of a cube with the Russian alphabet Yu, Z, A, B, C, D (face 6.5 cm) Scheme of a cube with continents (face 6.5 cm)

And a little more about paper cubes

Now children's stores are full of all sorts of toys, including educational ones. You can find almost everything for any age and budget. But sometimes it is difficult to find the cubes that we have known since childhood. Cubes are a kind of constructors with which kids play with pleasure.
According to the recommendations of teachers, psychologists and pediatricians, babies under 1 year old can already be given cube toys. They perfectly develop not only coordination, imagination, but at the same time involve almost all the muscles of the hands, which perfectly develops the fine motor skills of the baby. From what material the cubes are not made - and from plastic, from wood, from glass, we suggest you make cubes from paper.
Cubes with pictures depicting numbers or letters will be a great help for parents and caregivers in the process of preparing a child for school. Moreover, the game with a cube will give the kid an idea about geometric shapes, in particular about the cube, about its properties. If you print out other three-dimensional geometric shapes (pyramids, tetrahedron, etc.), this will greatly expand the horizons of the child and help in the learning process at school. Joint activities of adults and children are very close and strengthen the family.

Now almost every house has a computer and a printer; your cost is the cost of A4 paper. The cube templates listed on this page can be edited, i.e. taking a clean scan of the cube, you can safely insert your pictures and print new version. As pictures, you can take drawings or photographs of animals, animals, cars, as well as photographs of celebrities or their relatives, the flight of fantasy is unlimited. Good luck in your work and education!

Scan and diagram of a paper cube

Multi-colored cube 1 (face 6.5 cm) Multi-colored cube 2 (face 6.5 cm) Playing cube (face 5 cm)

Grigory Andreev

    For the manufacture of three-dimensional geometric shapes, the main thing is to have templates that can be cut out and then glued.

    Can be made from white or colored paper. Can be cut out of paper with any drawings or numbers.

    I propose to make a not quite ordinary three-dimensional figure using the origami technique. Watch video:

    So that children better remember what geometric shapes are, and know what they are called, you can make thick paper or cardboard three-dimensional geometric shapes. By the way, on the basis of them you can make a beautiful gift wrapping.

    You will need:

    • thick paper or cardboard (preferably colored);
    • ruler;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • glue (preferably PVA).

    The most difficult thing is to develop and draw layouts, you need at least basic drawing knowledge. You can also take ready-made drawings and print them out on a printer.

    To make the fold line even and sharp, you can use a blunt needle and a metal ruler. When drawing a line, the needle must be strongly bent in the direction of movement, practically laying it on its side.

    This is a triangular pyramid

    This is a cube scan.

    This is a scan of an octahedron (a four-sided pyramid)

    This is a dodecahedron sweep

    This is the unfolding of the icosahedron

    Here you can find templates for more complex shapes (Platonic solids, Archimedean solids, polyhedra, polyhedra, different types pyramids and prisms, simple and oblique paper models).

    Volumetric geometric shapes are the best way the child's exploration of the world around him. Excellent teaching material/excellent tutorial for the study of geometric shapes - these are, just, three-dimensional figures. In this way, geometric shapes are better remembered.

    The best material for making such three-dimensional figures is thick paper (you can use colored paper) or cardboard.

    For the manufacture, in addition to paper, you will also need a pencil with a ruler, as well as scissors and glue (cut and glue the reamers).

    You need to draw a sweep in a similar way and cut them out:

    Then they need to be glued edge to edge.

    You should get the following three-dimensional geometric shapes:

    Here are a few schemes by which you can make three-dimensional geometric shapes.

    The simplest one is tetrahedron.

    A little harder to make octahedron.

    And here is this large figure - dodecahedron.

    One more - icosahedron.

    More information about the manufacture of volumetric figures can be found here.

    This is what the unassembled volumetric figures look like:

    And this is what it looks like ready made:

    From volumetric geometric shapes you can do a lot original crafts including gift wrapping.

    Before you start making volumetric geometric shapes, you need to imagine (or know what it looks like) a figure in 3D: how many faces a particular figure has.

    First you need to correctly draw a figure on paper along the edges, which should be connected to each other. Each shape has a certain shape: square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, hexagon, circle, etc.

    It is very important that the length of the edges of the figure that will be connected to each other have the same length so that there are no problems during the connection. If the figure consists of the same faces, I would suggest making a template while drawing to use this template. You can also download ready-made templates from the Internet, print them, bend along the lines and connect (glue).

    Cone Pattern:

    Pyramid Template:

    You will need to make three-dimensional geometric shapes both in school classes and for studying figures with kids. This process can be turned into a game by making dense volumetric geometric shapes out of cardboard.

    For the manufacture of figures we need - a pencil, a ruler, colored cardboard, glue.

    You can print diagrams from the Internet, then apply them to thick paper, not forgetting the fold lines that will stick together.

    And you can use the following schemes:

    And here they are in finished form.

    So you can have fun and usefully spend time with your baby, studying geometric shapes.

    Having made three-dimensional figures out of paper on your own, you can not only use them for entertainment, but also for learning.

    For example, you can visually show the child what this or that figure looks like, let him hold it in his hands.

    Or, for the purpose of training, you can print diagrams with special symbols.

    So I propose to read the seme below dodecahedron, both simple and with small drawings that will only attract the attention of the baby and make learning more fun and entertaining.

    Also a diagram Cuba can be used to teach numbers.

    Scheme pyramids can help to learn the formulas that apply to this figure.

    In addition, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scheme octahedron.

    Scheme tetrahedron among other things, it will help to study colors.

    As you understand, the above templates must be printed, cut, bent along the lines, glued along special narrow strips adjacent to the selected sides.

    Volumetric geometric figures are simply necessary for learning: they provide students with the opportunity to hold them in their hands, consider what is an important part of the educational process, they are simply necessary as a guide when studying the famous Euler theorem - clearly demonstrating that even with deformations, curvature, the number of faces of a polyhedron , and hence the Euler relation, remains unchanged:

    In addition, solid figures can be a great tool to help students understand how to find the surface area of ​​a polyhedron.

    So, with the help of the templates below, you can easily make the following shapes:

    triangular prism

    N-angle prism


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