What is mesotherapy for? Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment method that is widely used in medicine. The word "mesotherapy" comes from the Greek words mesos, which means "medium" and therapeia - "to treat with medical". The essence of mesotherapy is the repeated use of injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic preparations, plant extracts, vitamins and other ingredients into the area of ​​subcutaneous fat.

From the history of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a technique developed in 1952 by the famous French physician Michel Pistor. Dr. Pistor was awarded the Legion of Honor, the highest award given to national heroes for significant achievements. The term "mesotherapy" was first published in a local medical journal in 1958, in a publication dedicated to this procedure. Pistor founded the French Society for Mesotherapy in 1964. During this period, the mesotherapy technique was expanded and was used in medicine, and in veterinary medicine, and in the field of cosmetology. In 1987, the French National Academy of Medical Sciences officially recognized mesotherapy as a medical specialty. At the same time, mesotherapy has become popular in most of Europe, South America, and more recently in the US and Asian countries. Currently, mesotherapy is practiced by about 18 thousand doctors around the world.

The creator of this procedure himself defined mesatherapy as a process that is rarely carried out, namely, carrying out the procedure once for seven days, using a small amount of the drug and administering the drug directly to the organ (or the focus of inflammation), or to the closest area.

Modern classification of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Depth of injection. There are mixed, epidermal, deep dermal, superficial dermal and some other types.
  2. According to the medicines that are used. There are homeopathic mesotherapy, phytomesotherapy, biomesotherapy, dry mesotherapy (non-injection mesotherapy).
  3. By impact. General effect on the body, local, systemic or regional.
  4. According to the equipment used. Distinguish between hardware and manual procedures.
  5. Scope of mesotherapy. Aesthetic mesotherapy (mesotherapy of the face, body and other types) and medical (or clinical).

Indications for the use of mesotherapy

  1. Mesotherapy is used in the treatment of all types of pain, including acute and chronic.
  2. For the treatment of all types of inflammation at any stage (for example, hemorrhagic and purulent).
  3. For the treatment of diseases of the immune system, treatment of ENT organs, treatment in the field of gynecology and abdominal cavity.
  4. For the treatment of varicose veins, rosacea, atherosclerosis and any microcirculation disorders.

The use of mesotherapy in cosmetology

In recent years, the use of mesotherapy in cosmetology has become increasingly popular all over the world.

Mesotherapy can "cope" with skin diseases such as:

  • cellulite;
  • Baldness (alopecia) and hair loss;
  • Pathological scars;
  • Stretch marks (striae);
  • pigment disorders.

Facial mesotherapy “works” on problems:

  • acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • Age changes.

Mesotherapy contraindications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Personal intolerance to certain drugs or their components;
  • Renal and liver failure;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Neoplasms in the injection area;
  • Fear of the needle;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncological diseases.

Precautionary measures

Since mesotherapy is an invasive technique using injections, this procedure can cause a number of complications of a different nature.

  • The incompetence of a doctor who can violate the rules, methods and techniques for administering a cocktail of drugs, as well as the wrong choice of drugs, can lead to undesirable complications (swelling, bruising, allergies). Therefore, you need to choose a doctor very responsibly.
  • Use, during the procedure, of substances that are not approved for use. Any medicine that can be used in medicine must have state registration. In addition, the medicinal product must have a user manual that includes a description, mechanisms of action, dosages, complications and side effects, interactions with other drugs, in a language that you can understand.
    Very often, practitioners make injections individually. In this case, the patient should ask about the composition of the cocktail and be sure of the qualifications of the chosen specialist. Most often, these cocktails include vasodilators, elastin, vitamin B and hyaluronic acid. Each patient should be aware that the use of drugs not approved for use in medicine is a violation of the law in many countries of the world, which entails various types of punishments.
  • Violations of the rules of personal hygiene, antiseptics and asepsis, can lead to a number of complications. During the procedure, the doctor must clean and disinfect the skin in the affected area, it is also necessary to strictly follow the rules of antisepsis and asepsis. After the session, each patient should receive advice on appropriate skin care at home.
  • Self-medication is often the cause of various complications and adverse events.

It should be understood that mesotherapy, with a certain number of procedures, can reduce unwanted manifestations. However, to achieve a 100% result, mesotherapy is most often combined with other cosmetic procedures.

The undoubted advantages of mesotherapy include the absence of age restrictions, the shallow administration of the drug, and the combination with other procedures. The results are usually stored for a period of about a year. A second course is recommended in a year - a year and a half. Depending on the problem, each procedure is carried out after 7 to 10 days, for 8 or 10 sens.

After the mesotherapy procedure, it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun and visit the solarium. Within two days, you should refuse to visit the sauna, bath and sports activities. After the procedure, during the day, do not use decorative cosmetics in the treatment area.

In the approach to rejuvenation, cosmetology has recently experienced a real revolution. Among the most effective methods is facial mesotherapy - what is it and who is shown the method, read the article prepared by our experts.

Mesotherapy involves the introduction of active substances into the deep layers of the epidermis using intradermal injections to eliminate age-related changes or cosmetic defects.

In the people, the mesotherapeutic effect is called "beauty injections", which is quite understandable.

According to cosmetologists, even one such procedure can provide a more powerful and lasting effect than long-term use of a good cream.

The fact is that even the best cosmetic product is not able to penetrate into those layers of the skin, the condition of which determines its appearance. The impact of the cream is always superficial, while the true causes of skin aging lie in the deep layers.

That is why mesotherapy sessions are so effective - small injections in problem areas allow you to deliver medicines directly to those areas that need medical care and cosmetic correction.

Benefits of "beauty injections" for rejuvenation:

  • the procedure is painless;
  • the injected drugs are not only non-toxic, but also significantly improve overall well-being;
  • there are no age restrictions for sessions;
  • ultra-thin needles do not cause damage to the skin;
  • the number of contraindications to mesotherapy is minimal.

After the procedure, the skin condition magically changes - elasticity, freshness and a healthy color appear. Not surprisingly, mesotherapy remains popular even against the backdrop of more modern alternative procedures.

The effect of the procedure

The result of mesotherapy is achieved not only due to the action of biologically active substances. Despite the use of ultra-fine injection needles, a trace of mechanical impact still remains. Microdamages of the subcutaneous fat stimulate the resumption of regenerative processes, simultaneously improving both cellular respiration and blood circulation.

Thus, the procedure prevents skin aging, eliminates most wrinkles, improves the tone of the epidermis and allows you to remove defects: age spots and freckles, acne and rosacea, enlarged pores, accumulations of fat, spider veins and even dark circles under the eyes.

Mesotherapy is considered successful, with the help of which the following results were obtained:

  1. The pharmacological effect is the achievement of the main goal of the procedure by means of correctly selected drugs, an accurately calculated dose and the introduction of a syringe needle to the desired depth. For example, the elimination of wrinkles is provided by biological cocktails that stimulate the production of collagen by the skin. And to remove the "second chin" use drugs that promote the breakdown of fats.
  2. Increasing the intensity of blood microcirculation. The better the blood circulation, the greater the effect of the procedure.
  3. Cellular renewal of the skin, starting the processes of healing and restoring the structure of all layers of the epidermis. Stimulation of new cell growth.
  4. Acupuncture effect. The correct impact of the needle on the acupuncture points increases the vitality of the skin and its physiological potential.

The achieved results of mesotherapy can last from six months to a year. For a complete solution of skin problems, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures, which includes from 4 to 10 sessions.

Indications for the procedure

The concept of mesotherapy is more extensive than it seems at first glance. Because the essence of the procedure is not just the injection of drugs, but also the effect on nerve receptors, through which all layers of the skin are activated, as well as the nervous and immune systems.

Therefore, the range of indications for mesotherapy is quite wide:

  • any intensity of wrinkles;
  • age-related changes in the skin of the face (flabbiness, lethargy);
  • porosity;
  • dark spots;
  • scars, scars and other consequences of pathological processes: wounds, burns, acne, smallpox;
  • acne disease;
  • bags and dark spots under the eyes;
  • change in the facial contour, due to sagging tissues or "double chin";
  • dilated capillaries (rosacea) and spider veins.

Mesotherapy procedures are also indicated as preparatory measures to improve the effectiveness of peeling and laser resurfacing.

How is the procedure carried out?

During injection mesotherapy, preparations with biologically active substances are injected into problem areas of the skin that improve the quality of physiological processes in the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat.

The diameter of the needle used for procedures is 0.3 mm. In this case, the depth of needle insertion does not exceed 2 mm.

  1. Before mesotherapy, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary to determine the potential for the development of allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the administered drugs by the patient. In addition, during the preliminary examination, the cosmetologist evaluates the condition of the skin and determines the types of drugs administered, their dosage and the required number of sessions.
  2. To eliminate the pain caused by the introduction of the needle, the skin is pre-treated with an anesthetic cream.
  3. At the end of the procedure, a soothing cream or mask is applied to the skin.

Experienced cosmetologists prefer to perform mesotherapy manually - this is The best way fully control the situation and provide a process that meets the needs and characteristics of the skin. Its duration depends on the number and total area of ​​problem areas. On average, mesotherapy takes about half an hour.

Features of fractional mesotherapy

Fractional mesotherapy of the skin of the face is considered one of the varieties of injection exposure. This type of procedure is characterized by the simultaneous administration of several injections.

The procedure is performed using a special apparatus equipped with several needles. The distance between the needles is 0.5 mm, and the estimated puncture depth can be up to 4 mm.

Acupressure on the skin can be combined with other cosmetic procedures.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Despite the general harmlessness of mesotherapy, the injection effect may leave unwanted marks - bruises or swelling. In addition, the result of the procedure depends entirely on the competence of the doctor.

An inexperienced cosmetologist can harm the skin - cause damage that entails soreness and even infection.

Variety of drugs for injection

Preparations used for injection are available in ampoules and are designed specifically for performing cosmetic procedures.

The choice of the type of product is determined by the needs of the skin and the task:

  • hyaluronic acid provides skin hydration and improves its tone;
  • phospholipids restore the elasticity of cell membranes;
  • polypactonic acid stimulates the production of collagen;
  • lipolytics break down fat cells;
  • vitamin complexes help eliminate pigmentation and acne;
  • enzymes accelerate the resorption of scars and scars;
  • minerals are needed to strengthen cells and improve metabolic processes;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs stop the pathological processes inside the skin, prevent the formation of acne.

In addition, cosmetologists use amino acids, antioxidants and herbal products.

Non-injection mesotherapy

An alternative to the injection effect on the skin is non-injection facial mesotherapy, in which the introduction of active biological substances occurs without the use of a needle.

This type of mesotherapy involves several sequential procedures:

  • skin preparation - cleansing, anesthesia;
  • applying a medicinal product directly to the skin;
  • treatment of the epidermis with a device that emits magnetic waves or electrical impulses.

Hardware exposure provides intensive penetration of active substances deep into the dermis, creating an effect similar to injection intervention.

The duration of such a rejuvenating event is 30 minutes, while the number of sessions is determined by the beautician, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

Facial mesotherapy at home

Non-injection mesotherapy is available for performing at home. The use of a mesoscooter - a special device - allows you to independently improve the condition of the skin of the face.

The device is a handle equipped with a roller with spikes. For the manufacture of spikes, surgical steel and gold plating are used. The length of each spike is not more than 1 mm.

  1. To perform the procedure, a medicinal preparation is applied to the cleansed skin and then, using the device, massage movements are performed in the direction from the center of the face to the sides, to the temples and ears.
  2. At the end of the procedure, a soothing mask and protective cream are applied to the skin.
  3. The mesoscooter is used after preliminary disinfection with medical alcohol.

Features of facial skin care after the procedure

Skin care after each mesotherapy session is not difficult. The main condition is to avoid using cosmetics on the first day after the procedure. If mesotherapy has caused redness, swelling or edema, it is necessary to provide the skin with restorative measures.

Anti-inflammatory masks using jojoba oil, calendula extract and pharmacy chamomile are considered the best means of influencing the skin. The mask is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied.

  • sunbathing;
  • use skin tonics;
  • intense physical activity;
  • visits to saunas, baths or solariums;
  • depilation.

It is also undesirable to massage the skin - this contributes to the rapid withdrawal of medicinal substances.

If you experience allergic manifestations, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Contraindications and possible complications

In order for mesotherapy sessions to be successful, it is necessary to foresee the possibility of undesirable consequences.

Among the main contraindications to the procedure:

  • infections and inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  • herpes;
  • tendency to epilepsy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • therapy with fluoroquinolones and tetracycline;
  • pregnancy;
  • fear of the needle.

In addition, the procedure is possible only a month after laser peeling - this period is necessary for the complete restoration of the epidermis.

Mesotherapy today is one of the most effective ways to quickly and permanently eliminate skin defects and restore youth and health to it.

Facial mesotherapy for women and men is considered a popular procedure for rejuvenation and skin transformation. During injection manipulation with a needle, preparations with a vitamin cocktail are injected into the dermis. There are also non-injection methods. The effect of the classic procedure is almost equivalent to plastic surgery. Moreover, the manipulation takes place without pain, and the result comes instantly.

Let's talk about the technique in more detail: what drugs are used, their effect, indications and contraindications, cost, course. And if you have already experienced the effect of mesotherapy, leave a review in the comments. Your opinion is very important to us.

What is the procedure

Mesotherapy was invented by the French doctor Michel Pistor in 1958. The name comes from the first part of the term: "mesoderm". This is the middle layer of the dermis, the place where the blood vessels are located. Thus, the word means the treatment of the skin by injecting drugs.

Initially, the method was used as a therapeutic method: to stabilize metabolic processes. However, later it turned out that after injections, the skin becomes elastic, moisturized and smooth. Therefore, facial mesotherapy has been used to correct defects or age-related changes. To eliminate complex problems, you just need to choose the right combination of components.

Cosmetic creams are not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. While mesotherapy injections, beneficial substances are delivered to a depth of 5 mm.

Indications for injections

Beauty injections will help to cope with the following problems:

  • Wrinkles on the forehead, in the eye area or between the eyebrows.
  • Bags, bruises, swelling, drooping or sunken eyelids.
  • Nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the lips.
  • The second chin, flew, fat deposits on the face.
  • Ptosis or deformation of the oval of the face, loss of elasticity, sagging.
  • Couperosis or spider veins, hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  • Deprivation femininity of the skin, dryness, peeling, irritation.
  • Enlarged pores of inflammation, pimples, blackheads, post-acne marks.
  • Uneven relief and complexion, dullness, scars, scars.

The effectiveness of facial mesotherapy: the skin after the procedure acquires a healthy tone, moisture, acne, unevenness and scars are eliminated, age spots, spider veins and wrinkles are eliminated.

It is important to know how old facial mesotherapy is performed. Restriction is age up to 18 years. For young girls, injections will help to cope with excessive oily skin. Women aged 25–35 years to carry out the prevention of age-related changes. And for ladies over 40 - fight wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Read also:

Facial mesotherapy has contraindications

  • Allergic reactions or drug intolerance.
  • Internal pathologies of the liver, kidneys, oncology.
  • Autoimmune and infectious diseases.
  • Chronic forms in the acute stage.
  • The period of pregnancy or lactation.
  • Damage to the cover, abrasions, scratches.
  • Skin diseases: herpes, dermatitis.

The course of the classical procedure

Before the session, a consultation is held with the client. In the absence of contraindications, the dermatocosmetologist selects the composition, the method of administering drugs, and also takes an allergy test.

An allergy test is required prior to the procedure.

The procedure includes several steps:

  1. Training. 4 days before the injection, the patient should not take analgesics, aspirin, and should also refrain from alcohol.
  2. Cleansing. The cosmetologist removes dirt from the skin with a cotton compress. It is worth noting that on the day of the visit it is better not to use decorative cosmetics.
  3. Markup. The doctor mixes the composition and prepares the problem area for chipping by applying points along the vessels along the arcades.
  4. Injections. The face mesotherapy itself takes 30 minutes. Injections are performed manually using a syringe with a long needle or a special meso-injector.

Women who decide on the procedure for the first time often ask themselves: “Will it hurt?” Mesotherapy, of course, causes discomfort associated with subcutaneous administration. However, thanks to lidocaine or novocaine, which is part of the composition, the sensations are similar to therapeutic massage.

What drugs are used

The composition for anti-aging injections is called mesococktails. Most often, hyaluronic acid is taken as the basis. Cosmetic products have many manufacturers and distributors offering various combinations of components. Vitamin cocktail is selected based on the individual needs of the skin.

Preparations for face mesotherapy

The basis of injectable preparations for face mesotherapy includes:

  • Elastin and collagen are youth proteins that form the frame of the face, tissue density, and elasticity.
  • Hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid is a human skin molecule responsible for renewal and restoration.
  • Fibroblasts are connective cells that produce collagen, affecting the structure and complexion of the face.
  • Enzymes are catalysts for biochemical processes that regulate metabolism and break down fats.
  • Plant extracts - help in the treatment of rashes, rosacea, pigmentation, give tone.
  • Organic acids: pyruvic, polylactone, glycolic - fight against photoaging and hyperpigmentation.
  • Vitamin complex: calcium, silicon, magnesium, biotin, retinol, ascorbic acid. Substances increase the protective functions of the skin.

The most suitable composition is selected by the beautician after consultation. The client always has the right to ask for a certificate and learn more about the products.

  • Japanese complex Sakura;
  • Korean Dermaheal SR;
  • American Meso-Xanthin;
  • Italian Foto age Elasthase;
  • Spanish Lightening Xtra;
  • French Embrioblast Filorga.

The production of mesotherapy cocktails in Russia is not as common as abroad. Of the worthy analogues, the domestic brand Skinasil can be noted. According to reviews, the drug has a less pronounced effect, but it has an affordable price.

How much does face mesotherapy cost

The price for the procedure depends on the drugs used, as well as the area of ​​​​application. In addition, in the medical salons of the capital, you will have to pay more money for such rejuvenation than in the provinces.

More about prices in the table:

City The average cost of one procedure, p.
Moscow 5 000
SPB (St. Petersburg) 4 500
Yekaterinburg 4 000
Nizhny Novgorod 3 700
Rostov 3 500
Samara 3 400
Astrakhan 3 000
Voronezh 4 200
Krasnodar 4 200
Minsk 3 000
Orenburg 3 000
Kazan 4 000
Ufa 4 300

The method of rejuvenation is in demand not only among women. Modern men also make injections of vitamins for the face.

How many procedures are needed

To achieve the desired result, you need to complete a full course of mesotherapy. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin. On average, 3-7 visits per course will be required. With deep problems, the number may increase to 10. Further prophylaxis is carried out every 6 months. For girls aged 25-30, one injection every 6-12 months is enough to maintain youthful skin.

In the photo, the face after 3 and 5 procedures

It is important to understand that by the age of 30, collagen, the protein responsible for youth, ceases to be produced in the right amount. Therefore, the skin begins to lose shape. If at this age you do not take up the prevention of aging, then at the age of 40 it will be more difficult to cope with pronounced wrinkles.

Rehabilitation and possible complications

Proper care after mesotherapy during the rehabilitation period is no less important than the implementation of injection technologies. If the patient does not follow the recommendations of the beautician, the result will come to naught.

What not to do after facial mesotherapy

  • Go to the bath, sauna.
  • Sunbathe in the solarium.
  • Take a bath or hot shower.
  • Go in for sports and hard physical labor.
  • Apply decorative cosmetics to the face.
  • Perform massage, mask, peeling.
  • Swim in the river, sea, pool.
  • Touch the injection sites.
  • Drink alcohol and coffee.

You need to limit yourself in everyday things only temporarily: 1-2 weeks. But the skin will become younger for at least 5 years, and it will not be a pity for the money spent.

After the injection, cosmetologists advise drinking more fluids so that the swelling comes down faster. A balanced diet will help speed up regeneration. Be sure to include fruits and dairy products. The first day you can not wash your face with water, the next time you need to use filtered water. To speed up the recovery of the skin, apply Bepanthen or Panthenol ointment, and sunscreen before going outside.

Consequences of mesotherapy

The first half hour after the injection manipulations, there is redness of the face and discomfort. Papules are possible - seals from injections that persist for a day. If the permissible manifestations do not go away, but only intensify, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Possible consequences and complications after facial mesotherapy: photo

Possible complications:

  • Hematomas. Bruises after mesotherapy are caused by deep injection of the drug or close location of the capillaries.
  • Erythema. If the face remains red for more than a day, inflammatory processes are possible.
  • Necrosis. Manifested by non-descending subcutaneous bumps, turning into purulent inflammation. In this case, an infection has been introduced.
  • Allergy. It presents with swelling and itchy blisters. There may be a delayed response to drugs. In this case, after mesotherapy, a rash appears, the skin begins to get wet, and after a while, severe swelling appears.

The conclusion is as follows: when consulting with a cosmetologist, it is necessary to give reliable information about the reactions of your body. Be sure to take an allergy test. And most importantly, choose a qualified doctor.

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

As with any cosmetic procedure, mesotherapy reviews are both positive and negative. Let's consider the main points.


  • Painless procedure.
  • Precise, local action on the tissue.
  • The ability to choose the composition depending on the condition of the skin.
  • Can be combined with other cosmetic therapies.
  • Low probability of negative consequences.


  • Concern about the effects on the skin of injections.
  • The effect is temporary, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

The correct approach to the rejuvenation procedure will bring only positive results. Negative reviews appear due to cosmetologist's mistakes or non-compliance with post-injection care recommendations.

Flaws are found by those who want to find them

Other types of mesotherapy

Often women are afraid to give injections on the face and consider them dangerous. Therefore, they are looking for other ways of rejuvenation. In addition to the classic injection facial mesotherapy based on hyaluronic acid, there are alternative methods of dermal treatment.

Non-injection facial mesotherapy

What it is? The principle of operation is similar to the classical procedure. However, needle-free facial mesotherapy does not involve piercing the epidermis. With this technique, a special composition is applied to the skin that can penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Thus, the tissues are saturated with nutrients that slow down aging. And most importantly for cowards, such mesotherapy takes place without the use of a needle.

Fractional mesotherapy of facial skin

What it is? It is considered a hardware type of facial mesotherapy. The anti-aging technique, as well as conventional injections, is based on skin piercing. However, with the fractional method, the meso-cocktail is introduced with an equipped maniple, at the end of which there are needles coated with nanosilver.

The effectiveness of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin: photos before and after the procedure

Similarly, fractional mesotherapy is carried out using the Dermapen apparatus. A small device is equipped with microneedles that deliver a useful composition to a depth of 2 mm. Reviews of the effectiveness of the fractional method indicate a pronounced rejuvenating effect, a minimum of damage and the absence of a rehabilitation period.

Facial mesotherapy has been used in cosmetology for more than half a century.

The popularity of this procedure can be explained by the fact that it allows you to solve a number of problems with the skin of the face without resorting to surgical intervention.

Everything you need to know if you decide on injections of youth - how often and from what age you can do mesotherapy for the face, what it is, the pros and cons that this technique gives - you will learn further.

First you need to understand what this procedure is. Facial mesotherapy refers to therapeutic injections in the form of individually selected cocktails that are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Such cocktails may include minerals and vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and other substances.

For injection, a very thin needle is used, penetrating to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm. Injection mesotherapy can effectively solve many problems associated with the face.

In each case, its action is individual, but the result is always there. The procedure allows you to increase microcirculation in the bloodstream, improve the elasticity and tone of the skin in the area of ​​injection.

While topical products that are applied to the integument cannot penetrate other layers of the skin other than the superficial one, mesotherapy cocktails reach the middle layer of the dermis. This makes it possible to activate metabolic processes and speed them up, improve blood circulation and start cell renewal processes.

Benefits and indications

Among the positive aspects, the following points stand out:

  • Mesotherapy (including) provides a long-term result that does not need to be updated regularly.
  • The procedure is suitable for ladies of any age. It is especially effective as a method of combating wrinkles.
  • There are practically no contraindications. But before the procedure, a small test is recommended, which excludes the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Carrying out mesotherapy on an outpatient basis helps to achieve efficiency.
  • Almost always, skin cells take drugs very well.

Another advantage of the technique is its wide range of action.

"Beauty injections" help to solve such problems:

  • worsened skin condition due to the action of an unfavorable climate;
  • the need for rehabilitation of skin tissues as a result of surgery;
  • loss of facial muscle tone;
  • flaccid skin, characteristic signs of aging, including wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • acne, pimples, acne;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • the presence of fatty deposits under the skin, nasolabial folds;
  • swelling and dark circles around the eyes;
  • creases on the skin;
  • too pale coloration of the skin, excessive pigmentation;
  • the presence of scars and scars,.


The procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

Session progress, video

During preparation for facial mesotherapy, the beautician should talk with you, learn about diseases and allergies, if any. He will clarify if you have taken any medications and what you expect from mesotherapy. During the conversation, the specialist will be able to choose the best drugs for you, which will be injected under the skin.

All that is needed from the patient is to sit in a comfortable chair. The beautician will do the rest. First, an allergy test is carried out, since if a negative reaction to one of the components occurs, the effect will be spoiled. As such a test, a specialist introduces a minimum dose of a substance into the wrist area and analyzes the reaction.

If a cocktail is planned, no more than three components are usually used for it, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. Many are concerned about the question of whether anesthesia is required for mesotherapy. This is determined by the client's sensitivity threshold. For some clients, mesotherapy does not cause any discomfort, and it feels like a kind of subcutaneous massage.

If the pain scares you, immediately talk about it with a beautician. Previously, the face can be treated with a special cream, which will include lidocaine, which protects against pain. Fine needles are used for injections. A specialist can carry out the procedure manually or with the help of an injector - a device that doses the introduction of a component.

For real specialists, manual equipment is usually no worse than hardware. The depth of drug administration and the number of injections is determined by the master. It all depends on the characteristics of the skin and the desires of the patient.

Watch a video on how facial mesotherapy is done:

Before the procedure, you should refrain from taking drugs, alcoholic beverages. Also try to avoid strong sunlight.

If you have any allergies, be sure to tell the specialist about it.

It is also important to follow certain rules after the procedure. What can not be done after facial mesotherapy, so that its effect is only positive:

  • On the day of mesotherapy, other procedures are contraindicated.
  • On the first day, do not use any cosmetics - this can greatly harm the result.
  • Also, over the next few days, try to avoid overheating and hypothermia, direct exposure to sunlight. It is also forbidden to visit baths and saunas, a solarium, a swimming pool. Massage and physical activity for some time will also have to be postponed.

Effect and results

Despite the fact that this procedure delivers sensations almost the same as surface exposure techniques, it is much more effective, since biological substances enter directly into the epidermis. This allows the skin to recover from the inside and ensures the durability of the result.

You can compare injections with reflexology, however, it is special - one that acts on the points and zones responsible for youth and beauty. A noticeable effect will not come immediately. This usually takes about 2-4 weeks.

But even immediately after the salon is placed, you will also find noticeable changes, which will be as follows:

  • pharmacological action, which will be determined by the direction of the drug used;
  • improvement of blood supply to capillaries and blood circulation;
  • acceleration of cell renewal processes, activation of metabolic processes in skin cells;
  • reflexogenic effect, mesotherapy can be compared with acupressure or acupuncture.

Here you can see what results can be achieved using this technique:

Used drugs

In mesotherapy, different groups of drugs are used, differing in their composition, level of action and features of origin. The most popular among them are:

  • synthesized drugs. These funds are created artificially. The most popular representative of facial mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid. Preparations based on it are used to moisturize the skin, since this acid perfectly retains moisture.
  • Extracts of herbs and plants. These products are very effective and completely safe.
  • Preparations based on animal products. These are collagen and elastin, which allow you to achieve youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Vitamins. The use of vitamins A, C, E, P, group B is popular. All of them have strong antioxidant properties, which helps to improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Minerals. Chemical salts of micro- and macroelements are often used, in particular, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and others. They act selectively, so in each case they are selected depending on the problems that need to be solved.
  • organic acids. In most cases, these are pyruvic and glycolic acids, which provide a peeling effect and accelerate cell regeneration.
  • Medications. These are separate medicines that can be used only in accordance with individual indicators.

There are a number of factors involved in drug selection. All the features of the skin play a role - age spots (which are also removed and), wrinkles, photoaging, skin type and much more.

There are enough preparations to make the most effective individual cocktail in each case.

At the same time, do not forget that the specialist conducting the procedure is responsible for the result obtained, so it is better to contact a real specialist.

How many procedures need to be done, average prices

Many people are interested in the question of how often do mesotherapy procedures for the face and how much does this type of solution to many cosmetic problems cost?

The number of salon visits required will depend on the age of the patient and the problems they want to address. On average, it is necessary to undergo a course of 5-7 mesotherapy procedures for the face, which will help achieve beauty, health and youthful skin.

The cost of facial mesotherapy will depend on the level of the institution and the master you have chosen, on average it is 2000-6000 rubles per procedure.

This technique gives good results in combination with LPG massage, RF lifting, body wraps,

At that moment, when a woman notices a new wrinkle in the mirror, it seems to her that the whole world around is collapsing, because others notice how she inevitably grows old. In psychology, this is called complexes, which can lead to depression. In search of salvation, someone buys creams, some resign themselves, and still others go to a beauty salon.

And one of the miraculous procedures is mesotherapy - today's mega-popular rejuvenation technique, which incorporates the most innovative developments in cosmetology in order to delay the aging process at least for some time.

Mechanism of action

Before you go to sign up for a procedure that is still quite cardinal, you need to study as much information as possible about it, find out what it is, and understand whether this rejuvenation technique is right for you. After all, she has features that are not acceptable to everyone.

  1. According to medical and cosmetic terminology, mesotherapy is the subcutaneous injection of active drugs that have a powerful effect on cellular processes.
  2. The effectiveness is very high, but it is by no means instantaneous: a magical transformation after one injection will not work: you will have to go through a full course of rejuvenation, which includes more than one session. The dosage of one injection is too small for aging to truly recede.
  3. A huge number of innovative techniques within the framework of facial mesotherapy allows you to solve any cosmetic problem. For the most timid there is even.

Based on these features, one can imagine at least superficially what this rejuvenating procedure is. Someone will immediately be scared away by the word “needle”, someone will understand that all this requires a lot of financial resources. One way or another, but still, almost 15% of women after 35 years of age overcome their disgust for injections and fall on beauty injections, as the fear of imminent aging turns out to be stronger. If you are one of them, it is worth considering the features of this technique in more detail.

through the pages of history. Mesotherapy was first used by the French physician Michel Pistor in the middle of the 20th century (1958). At first, it was used exclusively for medical purposes as an anesthetic.


First of all, it is worth finding out what effect mesotherapy has on the skin of the face, so that expectations do not diverge too much from reality. The result obtained depends on many circumstances. In particular, from the individual characteristics of the body, the method, as well as the skill of the cosmetologist. If the procedure was carried out in accordance with all the rules, many cosmetic defects that previously prevented you from living in peace will finally sink into oblivion. Clinics, offering this rejuvenation technique, emphasize its amazing effectiveness:

  • age and mimic wrinkles are gradually smoothed out;
  • dry skin is moisturized, oily - ceases to suffer from excess subcutaneous fat;
  • noticeably narrow;
  • saves from post-acne, gradually dissolving them;
  • the skin becomes firm and elastic again, as in youth;
  • the oval of the face becomes clear, embossed;
  • the second chin disappears after a full course of mesotherapy;
  • spider veins go "deeper" and become almost invisible;
  • passes completely or its foci are significantly reduced in volume, including facial mesotherapy can be prescribed for acne;
  • complexion freshens, becomes more natural;
  • bright and large are bleached to match the tone of the face;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks on the face turn pale and cease to be evident;
  • With the help of mesotherapy, the skin can be prepared or, conversely, restored after surgical operations, laser resurfacing, chemical or mechanical peeling.

As you can see from this impressive list, the anti-aging effect is just one of the many benefits of this unique treatment. In fact, none of your cosmetic flaws can withstand the pressure of such active ingredients that are contained in magical meso-cocktails. By the way, they get under the skin in different ways. It is the method of penetration of drugs into the dermis that underlies the classification of facial mesotherapy.

Curious fact. Mesotherapy even has its own motto, formulated by its pioneer Michel Pistor: "Peu, rarement au bon endroit". A French phrase that translates as "Seldom, few and in the right place." Decryption is extremely simple. “Rarely” because the procedure is carried out no more than once a week; "little" - the injection is calculated in tenths and hundredths of a milliliter, "in the right place" - the drug is injected into the problem area.


Oxygen mesotherapy of the face - a type of non-injection technique

Mesotherapy in cosmetology is represented by different methods of rejuvenation, which depend on how exactly the prescribed drug enters the layers of the dermis. There are several classifications.

Depending on the application of the needle

  • injection / invasive

In its pure form, such mesococktails are used very rarely. As a rule, depending on individual indicators, they are mixed with each other. And mesotherapy with lipolytics is generally used extremely rarely for the face, since it is most often prescribed for weight loss of problem parts of the body.

  • Homeopathic mesotherapy

Homeopathic preparations are also selected purely individually, but their composition is exclusively herbal. On the one hand, today all cosmetology is slowly but trying to move towards the naturalness of its components - and this pleases. On the other hand, a homeopathic meso-cocktail may not always suit the patient. In addition, plant extracts in its composition often cause allergies.

Sometimes cosmetics for mesotherapy are divided into other groups, depending on the effect it has on the skin:

— cosmetics of vascular action - improvement of the general appearance and health of the epidermis;

- vitamin - skin nutrition;

- lipolytics - face slimming;

- eutrophic action - lifting.

Mesotherapy products on the modern market are presented in a huge assortment, among which it is easy to get lost, but this will not be allowed by a cosmetologist. He should be well versed in them and after a certain examination he will prescribe the necessary drug - on an individual basis, taking into account the age, state of health and the depth of the cosmetic problem of his patient. And, of course, you need to know when facial mesotherapy is indicated for use, and in which cases I do not recommend doing it.

We help you choose. Do you suffer from a double chin, which gives out not only age, but also the desire to eat heartily in the evenings? In this case, be sure to agree to mesotherapy with such lipolytics as Dermastabilon, Revital Celluform, Aqualix, MPX - they have proven themselves in this market.


Since facial mesotherapy is designed to solve certain problems that have arisen with the skin, it is necessary to follow the indications that will achieve the desired result. Before going to the clinic, carefully look at your reflection in the mirror and make a list of the shortcomings that you would like to correct. If they match the ones below, beauty injections will definitely come in handy for you:

  • and (not quite neglected) wrinkles;
  • dry and oily skin type;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • loose, fuzzy oval of the face;
  • acne;
  • often prescribed for rosacea as the most effective method get rid of spider veins;
  • used for scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • gentle preparation and restoration of the skin after facial surgery, laser resurfacing, chemical or mechanical peeling.

All those who dream of using mesotherapy for facial rejuvenation are interested in the question of at what age it is indicated. If you need a lifting effect, then after the first signs of aging appear (crow's feet, ptosis of the eyelids). For some, they appear at 25, and some experience them only after 35. If they appear too clearly and cannot be eliminated with conventional creams, it's time to go to the clinic. And the first thing that awaits you there is a check for contraindications.

Useful advice.- one of the most capricious skin diseases, which greatly spoils the appearance of the face with capillary nets and asterisks. Not every procedure can cope with it. So, cosmetologists say that during its treatment, it is impossible to do without mesotherapy with vasoconstrictive drugs.


There are several diseases and health conditions that can get worse or cause side effects after beauty injections. In a good clinic, the procedure begins with finding out if the patient has contraindications for it. To do this, the cosmetologist carefully studies the history of her illness, prescribes several tests, can take a skin scraping, and conducts a survey.

This is a very serious issue that needs to be taken seriously. Facial mesotherapy is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the meso-cocktail;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • feverish state;
  • simultaneous administration of drugs;
  • reduced immunity;
  • uneven skin relief, which can interfere with the point injection of a cocktail: large, papillomas, abscesses, open wounds;
  • severe skin diseases that require complex treatment: psoriasis, eczema;
  • any problems with the circulatory system, especially hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of a pacemaker.

One of the most controversial issues is whether mesotherapy is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. There is evidence that specific laboratory tests have not been conducted in this regard. However, cosmetologists strongly do not recommend beauty injections during these periods.

No one will give accurate information on how deeply the active ingredients penetrate and in what processes of the body they can participate. Any foreign substance in the placenta or mother's breast milk can adversely affect the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse the procedure in these months. If no contraindications have been identified, you can safely go to the clinic.

According to statistics. 85% of negative reviews about facial mesotherapy and complications after it are due to non-compliance with contraindications. Do not let yourself be driven into this percentage - be sure to undergo a preliminary examination.

Stages of the salon procedure

So that the procedure does not cause fear of injections, you can preview a video where the masters make beauty injections right in front of the camera. Sensitive ladies who cannot look at this can be advised to simply study the information in advance, what stages they will have to go through in order to become a few years younger.

I. Preparatory stage

  1. Questioning the patient, studying the history of her illness, laboratory analysis of tests. Identification of contraindications.
  2. Studying the features of the skin, scraping the epidermis (not always). Identification of indications.
  3. In accordance with the identified indications, the selection of a mesococktail.
  4. Allergic test.
  5. Cancellation of all drugs for oral administration.

II. injection stage

  1. Makeup removal.
  2. Deep pore cleansing.
  3. Disinfection.
  4. Local anesthesia.
  5. Marking for punctures.
  6. Injecting / applying a cocktail to the face and exposing the skin to ultrasound / magnetic waves / current, etc. - it all depends on which technique was chosen.
  7. Soothing mask.
  8. Evaluation of the first results.

III. Recovery stage

  1. Acquaintance with the rules of rehabilitation after facial mesotherapy.
  2. Their implementation.
  3. Constant medical monitoring of the patient's skin during the week.
  4. The next series of sessions to complete the course. Usually the question of how many procedures are needed in total is decided on an individual basis. The average number is from 5 to 10, depending on the complexity of the problem and the characteristics of the skin.

If everything went well, do not forget to ask the cosmetologist after the last session how often to do face mesotherapy at your age. It will also depend on the type of procedure. Non-injection, for example, acts quickly, but not for long, so that in six months a new course of rejuvenation may be required. The results of the invasive are more stable and can last up to a year, or even more. If, nevertheless, salon procedures of this type scare you, you can trust your own hand and do something similar at home.

For your information. As an anesthetic, anesthetic creams "Emla", "Lighn Dep", "Deep Numb", "Dr. Numb".

Features of the home procedure


Not trusting clinics and doctors, women tend to be independent cosmetologists. The most daring people take an insulin syringe with a very thin needle, buy a pharmaceutical meso-cocktail and inject the drug themselves under their skin. Such mesotherapy is unlikely to be useful: rather, on the contrary, the wrong puncture site, unprofessional dosage of the drug can cause many side effects and complications. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a special device - a mesoscooter.

Brands of mesoscooters

The mesoscooter is a nozzle with a roller at the end, which is studded with short needles. They massage the problem area. The result is mini-fractional facial mesotherapy. The cost of such muscle stimulators starts from 3,000 rubles, and it is very difficult to name the highest bar - to infinity.

The most popular today are:

  • Perfect Photo Poration (Japan);
  • Beauty Iris Gezatone m708 (France);
  • Gezatone m9900 (USA);
  • Micro Needle Roller System, Mesoderm Eyes E008, tianDe (South Korea).

Before you walk with a mesoscooter over the problem area of ​​​​the face, a meso-cocktail is applied to the skin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Pharmacy cocktails

Find out in advance about the effect of the drug that you are going to use for home mesotherapy. Each of them is aimed at eliminating a single cosmetic defect. And only after that, buy the product you like. The range of offered serums allows you to choose the best option for almost any skin type.

  1. Concentrated meso cocktails
  • hyaluronic acid (lifting, rejuvenation);
  • vitamin C (whitening);
  • or (elasticity);
  • minerals, vitamins (nutrition);
  • acids (peeling, recovery);
  • plant extracts (healing, regeneration);
  • drugs: dihydroergotamine, L-carnitine, thioctic acid (treatment of skin diseases);
  • extracts of animal origin (restoration of damaged tissues);
  • peptides (rejuvenation);
  • placentex (cell regeneration).
  1. Ready-made meso-cocktails
  • Blessie Anti-Aging - lifting mesococktail;
  • EGF-AFGF 3 - a drug for scars and scars.

When choosing a cocktail for home mesotherapy, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist which of these drugs is suitable to eliminate your problem as much as possible.

Step by step instructions

Home mesotherapy with a mesoscooter is a simple procedure. Absolutely everyone can handle it. Even if there is a fear of this needle roller, discomfort can always be eliminated with the help of anesthetic analgesic external solutions.

  1. Clear face.
  2. Disinfection of the roller in the mesoscooter with medical alcohol.
  3. Treatment of the face with an anesthetic (you can take lidocaine, benzocaine, dikain).
  4. Applying a mesococktail to the problem area.
  5. Massage with a mesoscooter (3-5 minutes, depending on the sensations and volume of the area).
  6. Repeated disinfection of the mesoscooter.
  7. Applying a soothing mask (it can also be purchased at the pharmacy).
  8. After half an hour - applying a nourishing cream.
  9. It will be possible to repeat mesotherapy not earlier than in a week. Better yet, two.

To independently carry out facial mesotherapy at home, you need determination and self-confidence. You need to understand that this is not just a relaxing procedure: the needle roller will not give you pleasure. However, the effectiveness after a while should please. If, of course, everything was done correctly. Of great importance is the rehabilitation period, when after some time after the injection, you need to follow certain rules for skin care.

Cosmetological educational program. The Blessie Anti-Aging ready-made pharmacy cocktail includes highly concentrated hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10 - both substances are famous for their ability to quickly rejuvenate the skin. The cost of a 10 ml bottle is from 620 to 700 rubles.

rehabilitation period

Women should understand two things: firstly, the meso-cocktail makes a real revolution at the cellular level; and secondly, the epidermis is damaged during injections. Accordingly, the skin experiences tremendous stress after such loads, and it needs help to recover from all this. The rehabilitation period is usually 2-3 days, but its rules apply to 1 week after the session. According to medical recommendations, after mesotherapy it is impossible to:

  • visit places with high air temperature and ultraviolet radiation: baths, solariums, saunas, beaches;
  • go to the pool and swim in public places;
  • excessively actively engage in sports and in general any physical activity;
  • abuse nicotine;
  • drink alcohol after mesotherapy (it can react chemically with the meso-cocktail and cause multiple side effects);
  • use a generous layer of make-up, especially at the injection sites.

All care for renewed skin comes down to these simple rules. You can also add permanent facial cleansing (washing with a light, PH-neutral film) and. But all this can be done only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist who performed mesotherapy. Otherwise, side effects and complications cannot be avoided.

Curious fact. Women who lead a bohemian lifestyle often state that after facial mesotherapy the next day they do not limit themselves either in smoking or in alcohol - and this does not give any side effects. Such statements do not need to be heard. Firstly, they were very lucky that the case went without complications. Secondly, after 3-4 months after the full course of procedures, they will again have to go to the clinic for repeated procedures. Alcohol and nicotine significantly reduce the effectiveness of mesopreparations.


In some cases, the consequences of mesotherapy do not justify the hopes of clients, but they are very disappointed. The causes of complications can be very different:

  • the most common side effect is bruising after mesotherapy, which indicates the rupture of blood vessels under the skin due to the penetration of the needle; after a couple of days, everything usually goes away, if not, you need to consult a specialist;
  • it happens that bruises indicate the lack of professionalism of the doctor;
  • hyperemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • often occurs: such a reaction is usually caused by hyaluronic acid: if it does not go away within 2-3 days, it may be an allergic reaction to the injected drug;
  • the spread of an infectious or inflammatory focus;
  • about 60% of women after the procedure feel papules on their faces after mesotherapy - a kind of seals under the skin, the reasons for their formations are non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period or an incorrectly chosen puncture technique;
  • exacerbation of certain chronic diseases;
  • skin infections: necrosis, staphyloderma, streptoderma, abscesses;
  • scars - also quite frequent traces of mesotherapy, if the needles entered inaccurately, and the skin was restored too slowly;
  • atrophy of the facial muscles;
  • post-traumatic lymphostasis;
  • lupus erythematosus, .

These complications are not encouraging and make you go to the clinic again and again. To avoid such a prolonged rehabilitation period, you must follow all medical recommendations. Do not think that all of the above consequences haunt everyone who agrees to this procedure. These are isolated exceptions, but you need to be aware of them and warn them. Side effects are one of the significant disadvantages of facial mesotherapy, but do not forget about its advantages.


Mesotherapy in action - "before" and "after" the procedure

There are a number of factors that force women to turn to clinics for beauty injections again and again, no matter how painful and dangerous it may be. The advantages of the procedure are obvious:

  • small needle sizes that do not injure the skin too much (and the non-injection technique does not sin at all with this);
  • minimum doses of active drugs;
  • non-toxicity of injected mesococktails;
  • no age restrictions;
  • long-term result (from six months to 5 years).

But every medal has two sides. And before the procedure, do not forget to look at its shortcomings.


There are some downsides that outweigh the upsides. These include:

  • discomfort and pain during needle insertion: after anesthesia, the skin will still have to move away from punctures;
  • unpleasant side effects in the form of bruising and swelling in the first 2-3 days after mesotherapy;
  • the risk of complications;
  • the course includes several sessions, so you will have to visit the clinic again and again;
  • and each procedure "flies a pretty penny", as they say;
  • Not everyone sees results after a session.

Facial mesotherapy does not harm the female body. However, all these shortcomings force women to turn to other methods of rejuvenation.


Is there a worthy alternative to mesotherapy today, which would be no less effective?


The question often arises which is better - mesotherapy or botox, which are similar in terms of rejuvenation technique. An American drug injected locally with Botox perfectly smoothes wrinkles of any depth. However, it is toxic, according to recent studies. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend introducing more natural meso-cocktails under the skin.

Mesotherapy is a great opportunity to restore the skin of the face to its former freshness, elasticity, beauty, slowing down the inevitable aging processes for some time. You can contact her starting from the age of 25-26, if the treacherous rays of “crow's feet” have already gone from the corners of the eyes (, in more detail, she will talk about the features of processing the skin around the eyes). This procedure is so multifunctional that it has an effective and powerful weapon against almost any cosmetic problem in the form of meso-cocktails and serums that restore youth. Looking for a rejuvenating remedy to look stunning at your age (no matter how many there are)? In this case, do not be afraid of "beauty injections" and be sure to experience their amazing effect on yourself.

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