Marriage ring on which hand. On which finger is a wedding ring worn?

And a wedding ring. That is why newlyweds try to find out in advance which hand they wear wedding ring in their homeland. A ring is more than just a beautiful piece of jewelry. First of all, it will talk about your status to people around you who meet you for the first time. A person who wants to get to know you will definitely appreciate whether there is a ring on your finger. It would be indecent to get acquainted with a married girl, so the ring is a signal that will warn a person whether to start a dialogue with you. Also, the presence of a ring is paid attention to in the circle of relatives and friends, and even when hiring. That is why you should know on which finger and on which hand the wedding ring is worn, so that people around you can read information important to them from your hands, and you feel more confident in your new status.

On the wedding portal site, you will find out which finger an engagement ring is worn on in different countries and what signs are associated with the choice of hand and finger for wedding jewelry, which young people present to each other as a sign of love and fidelity.

Wedding ring: why the ring finger?

When young people buy wedding rings, they think about why the wedding ring is worn on the right hand in some countries and on the left in others. A logical question also arises as to why the ring finger is chosen for the ringlet. There is a rather simple and beautiful explanation for this. Put your palms together as shown in the picture. The thumbs symbolize your father and mother, the index fingers - sisters and brothers, the middle finger - you, the little fingers - children, and the ring fingers - your union with a partner. The thumbs can be easily separated, because we always leave the parental home. You can also separate the index fingers of the hand from each other, because your brothers and sisters will build their lives and their families. The little fingers also detach from each other - since your children will someday leave your house. And only the ring fingers, which symbolize a strong union, cannot be opened, no matter how hard you try.

Why did the ring, and not another piece of jewelry, become the symbol of marriage? The round shape means infinity, stability and eternity, which should be inherent in the newly married couple. If you don't know how to choose an engagement ring, look for the most even, smooth and round piece of jewelry.

Which hand wears a wedding ring in different countries

Each nation has its own traditions and signs regarding the wearing of a wedding ring, as well as with regard to holding a wedding celebration. On which hand is a wedding ring traditionally worn?

Wedding rings - traditions in different countries

Wedding rings on different hands

In some cases, newlyweds may wear a wedding ring on different hands. In Christian countries, it is customary to change the ring to the other hand in case of loss of a spouse or after a divorce. Everyone will immediately understand your difficult situation, and you can avoid uncomfortable questions. Jews change the jewelry on the left hand after the betrothal ceremony. The people of the Middle East do the same. If a couple of young people have different religions and traditions regarding wedding rings, it is best to come to a common decision on which hand to wear the ring.

According to some statements, wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt, according to others - in ancient Greece and Rome.

It is known that Christians adopted the tradition of wearing rings in the 13th century, when Pope Innocent III issued a law requiring a mandatory waiting period between betrothal and marriage.

But not always and not everywhere, it was the rings that were a symbol of marriage ties. For example, in the 1800s, some American men gave brides thimbles; after the wedding, the tip of the thimble was cut off, and a ring was obtained.

One English custom told the bride and groom to cut a piece of gold or silver into two parts and each keep a half.


Why are rings worn on the ring finger of the left hand in many countries? Plutarch wrote that the anatomists of antiquity found either the thinnest nerve, or the wreath leading from this finger straight to the heart, and therefore the rings are worn on it as a sign of eternal love.

In general, the choice of the hand on which the ring is worn depends on the faith and on local traditions. Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on their right hand.

Countries where rings are worn on the left hand:

Australia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cuba, Brazil, France, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, USA, UK, Italy, Japan, Korea, Syria and Israel.

Countries where rings are worn on the right hand:

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Poland, Georgia, Chile, Norway, Germany, Austria, Greece, Spain (except Catalonia), India, Venezuela.

It is known that in the West there is a tradition to give one ring for an engagement, and the second for a wedding. In Russia, it was the same: first an engagement ring was given, and then a wedding ring. But in 1755, the Holy Synod combined the ceremony of betrothal with the wedding, and only one ring remained.

The Western tradition of decorating wedding rings with diamonds is quite new, and it took root thanks to massive advertising campaigns in the first half of the 20th century. And, of course, not without the help of the famous song of the great Marilyn Monroe "Girls' best friends are diamonds."

In many countries there is a wonderful custom - to wear a gold ring on your finger after the wedding. This is not just a tribute to fashion, a beautiful decoration is considered a powerful protective sign. It has a long, interesting history.

The birthplace of the tradition is mysterious Egypt. Initially, only the pharaohs wore rings, with their help they chose their heirs. Chinese men gave such an accessory to pregnant women - it was believed that if they put it on, it means that the baby will have strong protection.

Only in the 3rd-4th century AD. this sign became a well-known symbol of marriage, but then the lovers exchanged silver jewelry, which symbolized the purity of thoughts, the innocence of the soul. Silver kept spouses from quarrels and separations.

The history of wearing the symbol of marriage

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? This custom was given to the world by ancient Egypt. Egyptian healers believed that it was from the left side of the palm that an important artery began, reaching the heart - the “love nerve”, as it was called.

And in many ancient Egyptian and Israeli regions, it was considered correct to wear a wedding attribute after the wedding not on the ring finger, but on the third finger of the right limb. This is exactly what the legendary Joseph and Mary did.

However, in distant, gloomy times, all laws depended on the mood of the rulers. Unpredictable rulers issued various decrees, where they said on which finger you can wear wedding rings after the wedding. There were ten wearing options - according to the number of fingers, sometimes the marriage attribute solemnly adorned the thumb.

Left or right?

On which hand do representatives of various countries wear a wedding ring? The oldest tradition of Protestant and Catholic states allowed to wear a wedding attribute on the left hand. This is what couples in love do after marriage in Canada, England, Spain, Mexico, Australia and Brazil.

Why? Catholic theologians explain this principle by the close location of the heart (on the left side of the body).

The inhabitants of Turkey, Japan, America and France agree with them - they also believe that it is possible to wear marital attributes on the left hand, but because there is a “love vein” that keeps the family and marital feelings.


And why do some couples wear wedding rings exclusively on their right hand? This is the tradition of the Orthodox (after all, they make the sign of the cross over themselves from right to left). “The right hand carriers” of wedding jewelry are residents of Georgia, Poland, Norway, Austria, India, Israel and Greece.

In these countries, there is also a theory according to which a guardian angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, the patron of marriage bonds and a protector from adversity. But behind the left side perched a demon-tempter, sending all sorts of temptations.

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand can bring themselves trouble, terrible troubles. Only widows have the right to wear the symbol of matrimony on their left hand.


On which hand do Muslims wear wedding rings according to their laws? Muslims have completely abandoned such wedding symbols. Why? Men of the faith of Allah consider this a bad sign - after all, the Koran says that gold destroys, destroys spiritual development. It is not forbidden to wear jewelry there, you can give lovers a narrowed ring - but only it will not be considered a wedding, but will become an ordinary decoration.

Slavic world

In ancient, before Orthodox Russia, it was customary to exchange rings after a wedding as a sign of love. Our ancestors preferred the right hand at the same time - why? The hand that feeds, waters, works, greets, was associated with honesty, work, truthfulness, and the other vice versa. “The right is from God, the left is from the evil one,” as the ancient Rus used to say.

The hand on which the Slavic men wore the wedding ring spoke of their faith. Wearing a marital sign on the right side also testified to the firmness of the intention to start a family, and the presence of a ring on the ring finger said whether the girl’s heart was free or not.

On which ring finger the ring was worn, spoke about the situation of the family; in Orthodoxy, only widows could wear the family symbol on the left side.

Modern Russians

We adhere to the traditions of our ancestors and the opinion of Orthodoxy - after the wedding, family people wear wedding symbols on the ring finger on the right side. However, there is a curious opinion that wedding signs should “kiss”, that is, touch.

Adherents of such views can wear them in different ways (for example, the wife on the right side, and the husband on the left). When lovers hold hands, their rings “kiss”.


Can we wear wedding rings long before the wedding? Why not. This is resolved by a beautiful tradition - engagement. The ring that is given at the ceremony is also worn on the second finger of the right hand until the wedding itself. At the celebration, the engagement sign should “give way” to the engagement sign, but many brides leave such a memory on their pen, and both gifts turn into a beautiful, harmonious ensemble.

  • Newlyweds need to have only their own wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • The loss of an engagement jewelry after the wedding is considered a bad sign - this entails parting, strife between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • You can not wear a wedding symbol over a glove - only on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person remarries, a new wedding decoration must also be worn to the right of ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But the wedding paraphernalia of happy marriages can be passed on to your children by inheritance - this should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can adhere to the traditions of your native country or be original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that is embedded in this beautiful symbol of marriage, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.

The tradition of exchanging wedding rings, a symbol of inseparability, infinity of marriage bonds, has deep roots. The historical beginning was laid by the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks brought the rite to the European continent. In our country, this custom appeared with the advent of Christianity. Different nations and religions have their own rules.

Russia is a multinational country with a large number of different religions. However, 75% of the population consider themselves Orthodox Christians.

In the Orthodox tradition, men and women wear a wedding ring on their right hand..

Which finger is worn on a wedding ring in Russia

A wedding or wedding is a very reverent event in the life of a guy and a girl. And then came the long-awaited moment of the exchange of wedding rings, it happened! Trembling in the knees, excitement, you forgot everything in the world: on which hand, on which finger, and where did those rings go. Read a few times and try to remember: the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger (next to the little finger) of the right hand. Unless, of course, you belong to the Orthodox majority.

  • It is interesting:

Why is a wedding ring worn on the left hand?

Infrequently, but still there are cases when the symbol of marriage is worn on the left hand. There are a lot of options for why this happens, consider the main ones.

About one percent of the population of Russia are adherents of the Catholic Church, approximately 150 thousand people. According to their rules, wedding rings are worn and worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

The second, probably more common case is widowers, widows. As a memory of the lost spouse, many continue to wear the symbol of marriage, putting it on the other hand. For some reason, women and men do this more often, and in everyday life they often refuse to wear it.

An important part of the whole pre-wedding fuss is the choice of jewelry. Here are the main criteria to pay attention to.

  • Form (classic or unusual)
  • The presence of stones
  • Weight, cost
  • Material and workmanship
  • The size

Recently, it is not uncommon to see two rings on the ring finger. One of them is an engagement one, many continue to wear it along with an engagement ring, as symbols of the most unforgettable moments of married life.

  • It is important:

A wedding is a milestone event for both men and women. It should be fun, easy, relaxed, in order to remain in memory forever. After all, this is the first, very small step of a long, happy journey together. Don't tense up even if you mix up your hand or finger - it's just another reason for everyone to have fun, an opportunity to remember this funny moment in the future. Laugh at your mistakes, enjoy every second of this wonderful, unique day of your life.

Wedding rings from time immemorial are a true symbol of love and unconditional fidelity. Often they are credited with magical abilities and many traditions are associated with them. The solemn exchange of rings during the wedding ceremony takes place in thousands of countries and nationalities, but a natural question arises on which finger women and men wear a wedding ring.

The meaning of the marriage ring

There are several versions of what a wedding ring means, this is primarily determined by the culture of a particular people. . In ancient times, the young bridegroom brought expensive jewelry his beloved, thereby making it clear to her family that he could well provide for her.

Another version says that during the exchange of rings, the spouses swore in sincere and immortal love. The ring was a symbol of infinity.

Also, according to one version, the rings were considered the personification of the links of the chain, which forever connected the union of husband and wife.

Rules for wearing marital jewelry

Historians and archaeologists have found the first wedding decorations during the next excavations in Egypt. The nobility wore rich accessories made of precious and very expensive metals, and ordinary people used iron rings.

The ancient sages insisted that the marriage ring should be worn exclusively on the left hand. This is due to the fact that there is a nerve in the ring finger that leads directly to the heart. Therefore, this particular finger has been ringed since ancient times.

Previously, there were even countries in which the ring was worn on the thumb. Of course, it all depends on the people and their culture. The hand on which the jewelry is put on is also strictly defined by religion person.

Ringing of Orthodox Christians

Orthodox Christians are sure that everything related to the right side of the body is correct. In Christian countries it is customary to wear wedding rings exclusively on the ring finger right hand. This is about:

  • Ukraine,
  • Belarus,
  • Greece,
  • Russia.

At the same time, widows and widowers must change the ring on their left hand.

Rules for wearing a ring among Muslims

According to the traditions of Muslims, marital jewelry is supposed to be worn on the left hand. But this only applies to women. It is not customary for Eastern men to wear gold jewelry. Moreover, they consider it a manifestation of bad taste. A Muslim man either does not wear a ring at all, or puts on silver jewelry.

Native Traditions of the Catholic Faith

Protestants and Catholics wear wedding bands on their left hands. They explain this by her close disposition to the heart. They firmly believe that the energy of love will help a married couple live for many years in peace, harmony and sincere love.

How and where else to wear a ring

Residents of many countries and cities wear a marital jewel on the ring finger of their left hand. In other countries, everything is different. For example, European women like to put a ring on their index finger, gypsies hang it on a chain.

The question may arise as to which hand the ring is worn by married women and Armenian men, because they do not apply only to the Christian faith or exclusively to Catholics. It is customary for this people, after all, to wear an important accessory for a spouse on the left hand, because supposedly the energy of love flows through it, which is able to save the family in difficult moments.

Oddly enough, but not all married and married Catholics wear a ring on the left. For example, married Spaniards and Norwegians, as well as Jews, wear it on their right hand.

In Russia, traditions say to wear a ring on the right hand. This is supported by Georgians, Greeks, Poles and other nations. By the way, the engagement ring in Russia is put on any hand. Some the fair sex wear it on the left, and many people prefer to wear it with a marital ring.

If you are interested in which hand an engagement ring is worn in a particular country, you can read this information on the net.

Wearing a ring on special occasions

The ringed ring finger on the hand is not only evidence of marriage. The ring can be worn during the divorce of a couple, and even during widowhood. But this is done according to certain rules.

Divorce of a married couple

It happens that a couple comes to the decision to divorce. How to wear a ring in such a situation, and is it worth doing it at all? Usually spouses simply stop wearing their wedding jewelry.

Where to put your ring after a divorce is everyone's decision. Many take it to a pawnshop, and many regret it and keep it. But in any case, you should not give away such an accessory, and even more so ring your next spouse with it.

Women very often after a divorce simply transfer the ring to the opposite hand and it serves them as a decoration. But there are many signs for which this is not recommended. First of all, this accessory will constantly remind a woman of her past life and prevent her from starting from scratch.

There is also a certain opinion about wearing someone else's ring. It is believed that any decoration, like clothing, carries some kind of human energy and conveys trouble. If it did not remain on a person’s finger and did not bring him happiness, then it is unlikely to make another person happy. That's why it is not recommended to give and accept as a gift someone else's engagement ring.

Death of a husband or wife

After the death of a spouse, it is customary for any people to change the marital jewelry on the opposite hand. So people show their loyalty to their loved one, even despite his death. Sometimes one of the spouses wears both jewelry, thereby talking about their eternal connection.

Undoubtedly, each person decides for himself whether it is worth continuing to wear an engagement ring.

Wedding rings and signs

Marriage rings for many are the magical personification of marriage bonds. Of course, there are many beliefs and folk signs associated with them:

Engagement ring for the bride

For a couple in love, after the matchmaking, there is the most beautiful ceremony - the engagement. A man asks for the hand of his beloved from her parents. At the same time, it is customary for the groom to give his chosen one a beautiful ring, which is called an engagement ring.

Some girls wear it on the right hand, others on the left hand. Most of the time it's on the right. After marriage, it is either put on the opposite hand, or together with the wedding band. It is good when they are combined in material and texture.

In Western countries, after the wedding, they no longer wear it and keep it as family heirloom, passing on to their children or grandchildren. The Germans put the engagement jewelry on the finger of the left hand and after the wedding ceremony they change clothes on the right hand.

Engagement jewelry should be worn at all times and protected until the wedding day. It represents a symbol of happiness, love and family. There is a belief that his loss will lead to the breakup of the couple.

In fact, an engagement ring after marriage can be worn absolutely on any finger of any hand, because this is not a wedding ring. On which finger to wear an engagement ring is a matter of national traditions and faith.

Wedding traditions should be followed, because No wonder they are passed down from generation to generation.. After all, in any case, family happiness is only in the hands of the spouses. Family happiness can only be built on mutual love, loyalty and respect.

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