Crochet children's knee socks patterns and descriptions. Openwork crochet knee socks from Drops Design: description and diagram for free

Knitted knee socks have been at the peak of the trend for more than the first winter; fashionistas will not soon forget about them. Therefore, it’s not too late to pick up knitting needles or a crochet hook and knit a warm pair for yourself.

Yarn selection

The choice of yarn for hosiery always requires a special approach, and knitted knee socks are no exception. This is due to the fact that the heels are often rubbed, so the threads must be very strong. Take a delicate, thin fiber - and the product will quickly become unusable. Although there is a way out of this situation. You can choose yarn that is similar in color and texture. Knit the foot from the harder one, and put the soft one on the boot. This way it will be possible to maintain the necessary strength, and at the same time the soft yarn will look more elegant.

The choice also depends on the time of year when you are going to wear your knee socks. For winter, of course, the choice falls on warm wool. The threads can be quite thick, but too much density is also useless. In very thick knee socks, the leg will look sloppy; only very thin girls can make such a choice. Yarn with a small addition of elastin or other stretchy components is excellent for golf socks. This recommendation is especially important if you are going to knit a product that fits tightly around the legs. Otherwise it will be very difficult to calculate all the additions and decreases. In addition, the problem of shrinkage often arises, and the knee socks become impossible to tighten.

Knitting with knitting needles

To make knee socks with knitting needles, you need to choose the yarn you like, suitable for all parameters, and a corresponding set of 5 knitting needles. Usually socks and knee socks are knitted in the round. But you can cheat a little and knit the foot as a footprint, and the boot with a separate fabric. Then carefully sew everything together with a special needle. Needles for sewing knitted items are made of plastic; the blunt end easily fits into the knitting holes, but does not damage the thread.

When knitting in the round, beginning knitters should pay great attention to the joints between the knitting needles. If the tension is weak, too large holes often form in these places. The simplest pattern for knitted knee socks is elastic. Even a beginner can handle this work, and the elastic band will give the product the necessary elasticity, and the item will fit perfectly.

Another popular pattern is various braids. Making them is also easy, but you will need special pins or clips to remove the loops. More complex patterns need to be carefully calculated, and this cannot be done without knitting a sample.

Take the hook

Crocheted knee socks are perfect. A hook is more versatile than knitting needles; it can be used to knit both warm winter and openwork summer knee socks. In addition, it is easy to crochet a variety of ruffles and overlays. The product is knitted in the round, starting from the top. To make the work easier, you can knit in a spiral rather than in a circle. This is only possible if you do not use complex patterns.

One way to expand the knitting is to change the hook instead of adding loops. A wider hook produces larger loops, but at the same time the density decreases. For example, the toe and heel can be knitted more tightly to make these areas more durable. The same technique is used to make flounces on knitted knee socks.

Openwork knitting

Do you like beautiful knitted knee socks? Schemes and descriptions of developed models for every taste can be found in specialized publications. Considering that vintage is in fashion now, old books are of particular interest, where you can find many interesting patterns.

For summer socks, it is better to choose mercerized cotton or thin synthetic thread. They turn out to be breathable and dense enough to serve their owner for a long time. It is more difficult to knit with thin yarn; such work is not recommended for beginning needlewomen. If you decide to take on this work, it is best to use ready-made diagrams. Don't forget to practice the pattern so that it looks perfect in the finished work.

DIY knitted knee socks will help fashionistas save money. They are not cheap in stores, especially for natural fibers. Buying several skeins of yarn is much cheaper. In addition, independent work will help you create an original style. You won’t have to run around looking for a suitable pair and end up buying what you have and not what you want.

Oatmeal powder, prepared at home, is not only a storehouse of vitamins for the skin, but also an excellent shine control product. The powder applies easily, absorbs, is hypoallergenic and transparent. If you are a supporter of natural and organic cosmetics, be sure to try making this product at home! Just 24 hours - and healthy oatmeal powder will be ready!

You will need:

10 tablespoons oatmeal
3-4 liters of water


Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting mixture into a jar with 1 liter of water and mix well. When the large pieces settle a little, drain the water. Do the procedure 3-4 times until you have washed out as much starch as possible.

Leave the jar until sediment appears.

Strain the sediment through 3 layers of unscented paper towels.

Dry the sediment on a napkin for about 24 hours.

After drying, carefully remove the sediment and grind it in a mortar, transfer it to a container and apply it to your face with a powder brush.

This powder applies easily to the face and does not clog pores, which is especially important in winter skin care.

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Lace miracle. Women's socks with scalloped hem. Spokes
Size: 38-39

You will need: 100 g of 4-FAEDIG yarn from Regia (75% wool, 25% polyamide; 50 g/210 m) No. 02143 linen color; stocking needles No. 2.5; thin stocking auxiliary needles.

Knitting technique:

Basic pattern: the number of stitches is a multiple of 18. Knit according to pattern 1, where all the circular stitches are given. Repeat 1-20th r. throughout the entire work.
Pattern with scallops: the number of stitches is a multiple of 20. Knit according to pattern 2, where all the circular rows are given. Repeat 1-7th r. 1 time.


Cast on 80 sts, evenly distributing them on 4 knitting needles, joining a circular p. should be centered at the back. For the lace edge, knit 4 circular rows. persons reception, then 1 circular r. with holes (= alternate yarn over with 2 knit stitches together), then knit 4 circular rows. persons reception. Remove p. on thin auxiliary knitting needles, fold the parts together purlwise. side and knit faces. taking the first st of the front knitting needle together with the 1st st of the rear knitting needle to the end of the r. Continue with the scalloped pattern according to the diagram, repeat the motif of 20 stitches 4 times. After the 7th roundabout. there should be 72 sts on the needles. Continue with the main pattern, repeat the motif of 18 sts 4 times. At a height of 9 cm from the scalloped pattern, start knitting the heel as follows: knit. receiving 18 sts on the 1st knitting needle, evenly decreasing 3 sts (= 2 sts together each time) = 15 sts. Then continue knitting with the main pattern on 18 sts on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles. Transfer 1 stitch of the 4th needle to the third needle. Knit these 37 stitches on the top of the foot in the main pattern. Knit faces. pick up the remaining 17 sts on the 4th needle, evenly decreasing 2 sts = 15 sts. Knit the next stitch in stockinette stitch. 4 circular r. on 30 sts of the 1st and 4th knitting needles, knit the remaining 37 sts with the main pattern. Then knit short r. heel 30 sts. 1st and 4th needles, as indicated in the instructions “How to knit socks” (see below). Continue in circular stitches, as was done to the heel, i.e., with stockinette stitch on stitches of the 1st and 4th needles, the remaining stitches of the 2nd and 3rd needles - with the main pattern. At a foot height of 20 cm, continue all stitches with stockinette stitch. In the 1st circular district 2 persons sts together on the top of the foot or sts on the 2nd and 3rd needles a total of 7 times = 15 sts on each needle. Then knit the toes as given in the instructions “How to knit socks.” Knit the second sock in the same way.

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White socks with an openwork pattern with tulips. Spokes
Size: 38-39

You will need: 100 g of 4-FAEDIG yarn (75% wool, 25% polyamide; 50 g/210 m) No. 02080 white; stocking needles No. 2.5.

Knitting technique:
Rib 1x1: knit 1 alternately. p., 1 p. P.
Facial surface: faces. R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.
Openwork pattern with tulips: knit according to the pattern where all the circular patterns are given. Repeat 1-20th r. throughout the entire work.

Knitting density, stockinette stitch: 30 stitches x 42 circular rows. = 10 x 10 cm.


Right sock. Cast on 60 sts (= 16 sts on 1st needle, 13 sts on 2nd needle, 15 sts on 3rd needle, 16 sts on 4th needle), perform 6 circular rows with 1x1 rib, in the last circular row of elastic, add 1 p. catching behind the back wall after the 1st st. 2nd knitting needle = 14 sts. Total 61 sts. Continue with the main pattern according to the diagram. At a height of 13 cm, knit the heel in short rows as follows: knit stitches to the end of the 3rd needle, then transfer knits. taking the first stitch of the 4th needle onto the third needle. Next, knit the remaining 15 sts on the 4th needle, knit. taking 16 sts of the 1st knitting needle, knitting 2 sts together 1 time. Knit the heel in short rows for 30 sts of the 1st and 4th knitting needles, following the instructions “How to knit socks” (see below), then knit the foot in the round in rows as follows: stockinette stitch on the 1st and 4th needles and an openwork pattern with tulips on the 2nd and 3rd needles, as before. Knit the last stitch of the 3rd needle in stockinette stitch. At a foot height of 20 cm, continue all stitches with stockinette stitch. In the 1st circular row, remove 1 stitch from the 3rd needle onto the second needle = 15 stitches on each needle. Then knit the toe as given in the instructions “How to knit socks.”

Left sock. Knit symmetrically to the right sock, starting from 16 sts on the 4th needle (= sts on the 1st needle), then knit sts on the 1st-3rd needles (= sts on the 2nd-4th needles).

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Soft openwork socks for ladies' feet. Spokes
Size: 38-39
You will need: 4-faedig yarn from Regia (75% wool, 25% polyamide; 50 g/210 m): 100 g No. 02143 ecru and 50 g No. 02080 white; stocking needles No. 2-3; hook No. 2.5.

Knitting technique:
Facial surface: faces. R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.
Openwork pattern: knit according to pattern 1.
Border pattern: number of sts is a multiple of 8.
1st circular row: *Knit 1. p., 1 yarn over, 2 persons. p., 3 persons together, 2 persons. p., 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to * until the end of the p.
2nd round: knit all sts and yarn overs. reception. Next, repeat the 1st - 2nd circular rows.

Knitting density, stockinette stitch: 30 stitches x 42 circular rows. = 10 x 10 cm.


Using ecru thread, cast on 80 stitches on double needles, distribute evenly across 4 needles and knit in circular stitches, starting from the middle of the back side. Knit 1 p. purl p., then knit 2 p. with a border pattern. ecru thread and white thread.
Using an ecru thread, knit the 1st row. border pattern, excluding yarn over, = 60 p. Knit 1 r. purl p., then to pull the cord, perform 1 openwork p. as follows: knit alternately 1 yarn over and knit 2 together. In the next r. knit all sts and yarn overs. reception.
Continue working with an openwork pattern according to scheme 1, repeat the repeat of 12 stitches 5 times.
At a total height of 12 cm, begin shaping the heel. To do this, knit in an openwork pattern according to pattern 1 with regular rows. as follows: mark 14 sts on both sides from the beginning of the r. = 28 sts (= remove the remaining 32 sts on one needle) and knit 14 sts according to the pattern, then cast on 1 chrome. p., turn the work, knit 28 sts according to the pattern, cast on the 2nd edge. p. = 30 p.
Knit 28 rows, then knit the heel using stockinette stitch according to the general rules for knitting socks.
Continue knitting in circular r., the top of the foot - with an openwork pattern according to pattern 1 by 32 p. (= 3-12th p. according to the pattern), knit rapport of 12 p. 1 time, knit 1-10th p. of rapport; knit the remaining sts in stockinette stitch = 62 sts.
When the length of the foot is 20 cm, continue knitting on all stitches in stockinette stitch; in the 1st circular district On the top of the foot, knit 2 stitches together. 2 times = 15 stitches on each needle.
Make the toe according to the general rules for knitting socks.
Foot length = 24-26 cm.

Cord (2 pcs.): Using a white thread, crochet a chain of 110 air. P.; turn work, 1 air. p. lifting and to decorate the edge of the lace, knit 2 tbsp. s/n in each of the first 35 air. p., then 1 tbsp. s/n in next 75 air P.
Pull the cord through the openwork r. sock, extending the ends to the outer side; tie the 2nd end of the cord (last 35 sts), performing 2 tbsp. s/n in each of the last 35 air. P.

Booties for baby.
cast on 22 loops on the knitting needles and knit as follows

9 stitches in garter stitch (knit both on the face and on the back)

8 knit stitches

5 stitches in garter stitch.

Purl rows according to the pattern.

I twisted the tourniquet every 10 rows.

I knitted 7 strands. Close the knitting.

Cast on 36 stitches along the edge, take the central 10 stitches and

Knit 14 rows in stockinette stitch (this is the tongue), but it should be on the wrong side. And on the front side there should be a purl stitch.

In the 11th and 13th rows, decrease 1 loop from each edge so that there are 6 loops on the knitting needle.

We knit 46 loops 12 rows in garter stitch.

We knit the sole until there are 6 loops left on the knitting needles on the right and left. We begin to reduce the loops of the sole to 6 loops.

We close 6 loops of the sole, and bind the remaining loops on the knitting needles to the sole.

We cast on loops from the braid for the welt along the edge of the sole, I cast on 4 knitting needles and knit 6 rows in stockinette stitch.

We close all the loops, but at the beginning I added 1 loop from the broach to each knitting needle so that the welt does not pull. Close the loops loosely.

Twist the welt. I didn’t sew it on, it seems to fit well.

On the wrong side, from the side of 5 loops, I cast on 36 loops along the edge and knitted 3 rows with knit stitches, closed them and sewed them along the edge of the harness.

You will get a fold where you will stretch the string.
Author of the description: inna57 from the site Country of Mothers

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The knee socks, the model of which was proposed by Drops studio specialists, are designed for the female leg. To live up to the motto “Walk on the Sun,” the yarn chosen is a hot orange color with an ocher twist.

There are 3 model options, for foot length 22 - 24 - 27 cm and boot height, respectively, 32 - 35 - 37 cm.

The material for knitting golf socks is Drops Fabel (50 g/205 m), a sock yarn containing wool (75%) reinforced with polyamide (25%). The thread, as we can see, is quite thin; you will need a hook 2 mm thick. Yarn consumption will be 3 skeins for any option.

The knitting density must be maintained as specified. With it, a square of 10x10 cm will be obtained if you knit 16 rows with double crochets (dc).

The knitting patterns are quite complex, like “Spiders”, but the knee socks will turn out to be very interesting.

Pattern Schemes

Features of the technique

1. Decreasing stitches (pt) is achieved by knitting two stitches with a common vertex in front of the marker (M).

2. Heel shaping

We will form the heel with shortened rows (prr), as follows.

1st LR (front row): 19-22-22 sc/bn; remains until the end of prr 8-9-9 sc/bn; subtract 1 pt; turn.

2nd prr: 12-14-14 sc/bn; remains until the end of prr 8-9-9 sc/bn; subtract 1 pt; turn.

3rd prr: 12-14-14 st/bn; subtract 1 pt; turn.

Repeat the last prr, 3rd, until we get a total of 12-14-14 sc/bc.

Crochet knee socks

Let's start from the top of the boot and knit in the round. The heel must be tight and knitted with single crochets (dc). The remaining parts of the golf course are covered with different patterns.

We knit a chain of 98-105-112 ch (chain stitches). We close them in a circle using s/st (connecting post).

- * we knit 1 dc in the first 6 ch; skip 1 ch *; repeat *-* around = 84-90-96 dc.

Next lap:

12-15-18 dc; perform A.1A 1 time; repeat A.1B at 40 pt; perform A.2C 1 time; 12-15-18 dc.

We begin to decrease 1 pt at the ends of the circle (start and end). We perform the circle with decreases another 9-10-11 times, skipping 2 cm between adjacent decreases.

We get 64-68-72 dc.

Having knitted up to 25-27-29 cm from the edge, we proceed to the formation of the heel. To ensure rise, we work short rows on the last 13-15-15 dc and the first 14-16-16 sts of adjacent circles.

We knit this way, 1 dc in each stitch, for 5-5½-6 cm, and then we carry out the formation of the heel, as described above, in point 2.

We knit 1 dc in each of the heel 13-15-15 dc;

Along the edge of the heel lift we perform 14-15-16 tc/dc;

We carry out, as before, the top of the golf course;

We finish the circle symmetrically.

We get 78-82-88 dc on the needles and can again work in the circle.

We knit the upper part, leg lift, according to A.2, and on the sides of this upper section we even out the number of stitches in each circle by decreasing them until we reach 54-58-62 sts/dc.

Moving away from M by 19-21-23 cm, we divide the pt into 2 equal halves - the sole and the top of the foot.

We do:

1 circle only sc/bn;

1 round only dc, and in this last round we decrease 1 pt in each half, at the beginning and at the end, until we reach 14 pts.

This means that in each circular row 4 points were decreased.

Rounding out, we now decrease in each circle, on all points. We cut the thread, tighten it and fasten it from the inside out.

We trim the top of the golf course, piping along the edge. For this purpose, the appendix contains diagram A.3.

To crochet knee socks you just need to follow the description consistently. We offer an excellent model of beautiful crocheted openwork knee socks “Walking on Sunshine” from Drops Design.

Size: 35/37 - 38/40 - 41/43

Foot approx. 22 - 24 - 27 cm

Height approx. 32 - 35 - 37 cm

Yarn with wool and polyamide FABEL from Drops (205g/50m) 3 skeins, No. 111 mustard.

Hook 2 mm.

Sample: 28 wide X 16 vertically and 35 wide x 35 height = 10x10 cm.

Knitting tip:

Replace the first table 1nk for lifting 3 air.ptl. Finish the circle by knitting a joint stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the circle.

Reductions on the heel:

R 1 (= l / s): we knit 19-22-22 stol.bk, 8-9-9 stol.bk remains until the end of the row, reduce 1 stitch Turn.

R 2 (= i/s): we knit 12-14-14 dc, 8-9-9 db remains until the end of the row, decrease 1 stitch = 13-15-15 db, Turn.

R 3: knit 12-14-14 sc, turn.

Repeat row 3 12-14-14 hips in total, i.e. until there are 13-15-15 tables left in the center.

Knitting Openwork knee socks Walking on Sunshine (“Walk on the sun”) from Drops crochet:

Let's dial 98-105-112 air stitches and connect them in a circle by knitting a connecting column into the 1st air stitch. Next round: * Knit 1 chain stitch in the first 6 chain stitches, skip 1 chain stitch*, repeat from *-* = 84-90-96 chain stitch.

Next round: 12-15-18 st. 1nk, repeat A.1A (= 5 st. 1nk), repeat A.1B at 40 pt (= 2 repeats wide), knit repeat A.2C (= 15 st. 1nk), 12-15-18 table 1nk. Continue with the pattern, when pattern A.1 is completed once vertically, continue rapport A.1 X. AT THE SAME TIME, when it is 5-5-5 cm, decrease 1 stitch at the beginning and at the end of the row. Repeat decreases every 2 cm - 9-10-11 more times = 64-68-72 stol.1nc. We knit up to 25-27-29 cm. Now we will continue to work only on the heel in rows on the first 13-15-15 stol.1nc and on the last 14-16-16 stol.1nc in a circle. We knit 1 tbsp in each loop until approx. 5-5½-6 cm. Insert a marker - now measure from there!

Now you need to perform decreases for the heel.

After decreases, knit like this: 1 st. 1nk in each of the 13-15-15 st. bn on the heel, 14-15-16 st. 1nk along the edge of the heel, 1 st. st. 1nc on top of leg and work 14-15-16 st. 1nc along second edge of heel = 78-82-88 st. 1nc in round. Insert 1 marker on each side of the center 33-37-41 stol.1nk at the top of the foot. We knit in circles a st. 11-11-12 times (12-12-13 decreases in total) = 54-58-62 table 1nk. We knit up to 19-21-23 cm from the marker on the heel (= approx. 3-3-4 cm remains to the end). Insert a marker on each side of the sock so that there are 27-29-31 stitches at the top and bottom.

Finish like this: 1 round row, 1 tbsp in each loop AT THE SAME TIME, decrease 1 tbsp on each side of the mark, repeat these decreases in each round. row another 9-10-11 times (10-11-12 decreases total) = 14 left. In the next round, knit all the stitches together in 2 rows. Cut the thread and pull it through the remaining stitches, pull and fasten.

On warm spring days, slender women's legs will be decorated with crocheted knee socks. In combination with a light chiffon dress or a fashionable miniskirt, high socks will create the image of a real princess.

To create such beauty you will need some natural yarn mixed with nylon and hooks No. 2.25-2.75. Knitting begins from the toe, a chain of 5 air loops is cast on, which are closed in a circle. The first row (r.) is knitted with regular b/n stitches, and then the work switches to the openwork “Grid” pattern. In every next r. one extra arch of 3 air loops is added until the volume of the part reaches the width of the foot.

For a sock, depending on the size, 18 to 30 circular rows are knitted. In the heel area, 5 shortened rows are performed, and then the work smoothly moves to the openwork “Pineapples” pattern. 5 or 6 motifs are knitted in height in the circle, ending with a dense elastic band made of embossed columns.

Advice! To prevent the knee socks from slipping when walking and stretching over time, it is advisable to run an elastic band on the wrong side.

Knitted elegant crochet knee socks with patterns and descriptions

These white knee socks will decorate the legs of young fashionistas and create the image of a stylish schoolgirl-graduate. Even novice craftswomen can knit such high socks as in the photo.

Cotton threads mixed with lycra and a hook No. 2-2.5 will be used. The work begins from the toe, an Amigurumi ring or a chain of 5 air loops is formed, which are closed in a circle. 10-12 stitches of s/n are knitted into a ring and then circular rows are made with even loops added to the width of the foot.

Thanks to the circular rows, the toe is formed, and in the heel area the work switches to shortened rows in the forward and reverse directions. A neat seam is closed behind the heel and then an openwork pattern is knitted to the desired height, which can be selected from the proposed patterns.

Winter warm crochet knee socks

Almost any craftswoman can knit such simple and functional knee socks. They warm the feet perfectly and do not fold like an accordion inside the boot. Stylish fashionistas wear original knee-high socks without heels over boots, threading thin or thick heels through the hole.

Knitting such an unusual accessory is easy and simple! It is enough to stock up on thick woolen yarn and a No. 3 crochet hook.

The craftswoman’s algorithm of actions will fit into several step-by-step points:

  1. A chain of air loops is drawn up, equal in length to the volume of the foot.
  2. 10 circular rows are knitted using non-woven columns. to the heel, then one shortened row is performed, and a chain of air loops is cast over the unattached loops.
  3. Next, a cuff is knitted around the ankle with a height of 3-4 cm in circular rows and non-woven columns.
  4. The next step is to switch to an openwork pattern. According to a given pattern, a beautiful canvas is made to a certain height, to the knee or higher. Last 4-5 r. knitted with simple non-woven stitches or with a relief elastic band.

Note to needlewomen! Such high socks can be worn under boots, or put on top, or you can collect a long boot with a cute, fashionable accordion.

Crochet summer socks

To crochet openwork knee socks for the summer, it is important to choose the right yarn. And with diagrams and descriptions this will be easy and simple!

In hot weather, knee socks knitted from wool or mohair are not suitable, and acrylic is also not suitable, it will be stuffy and hot. For a light summer product, flax or cotton wool is ideal, and mixed yarn should contain at least 30-40% natural fiber.

For knitting women's golf, there is a universal cx. No. 1. To form a toe, a chain of 14 air loops + 3 instep stitches is cast. Next, the first circular row of s/n columns is performed on both sides of the air chain. The following rows are knitted in the same way in the round with small increases to the volume of the foot.

At 7 p.m. the canvas is divided in half: the lower s/n posts will form the sole, and the upper loops will become the basis for a beautiful openwork fabric.

A difficult moment in knitting is the reduction of the heel. At 20 p.m. From the beginning of knitting, the sole columns are divided into three parts and only the central loops are knitted in straight and reverse rows. At the end of each row, grab the last and first remaining stitch and knit 2 together. This continues until a rectangular heel is formed to the desired height of the canvas.

Next, the columns of the front and back of the sock go into circular rows for knitting an openwork boot. Cx. No. 1 offers beginner needlewomen an easy, beautiful pattern, and according to cx. No. 2 you can make a perfect tight cuff.

Crochet knee socks for children

For home creativity, caring mothers and skilled needlewomen are offered magnificent models. Cute crocheted knee socks will complement a neat school look or create a new unusual style for a child.

The patterns are taken from a Japanese knitting magazine and show in detail the sequential progress of the work. For white socks, thick cotton yarn in 2 folds and a hook No. 2.5 are used. The toe was first knitted using an oval pattern, and then a simple children's product was made using an openwork pattern and a simple heel pattern.

To create colored golf socks, we used multi-colored yarn and an easy-to-knit round motif. First, the toe was knitted using an oval pattern, and then bright colored motifs were connected sequentially according to a given algorithm.

Note to needlewomen! A children's golf shoe, according to the volume of the foot, is made up of 4 identical fragments. Only 8 motifs were used for the lower part, then the heel was made according to the original pattern, and then the boot was formed from 12 multi-colored motifs. If desired, you can increase the length by adding another 4-8-12 motifs to the top of the cuff.

Crochet golf socks for boys and girls

Creative needlewomen can show their creative imagination while knitting for kids. Here it is advisable to use leftover yarn and choose an unusual openwork pattern to decorate high girly socks.

Work, as usual, starts from the toe. A small circle is knitted with simple s/n stitches, which then turns into a foot using circular rows. In the heel area, short rows are made with contrasting threads, which are folded into a rectangle. And the upper part is knitted with a relief elastic band, where concave and convex columns of s/n alternate.

It is important to decorate the sock cuff with an openwork pattern according to cx. No. 1, then it will be clear that knee socks are knitted for a fashionable girl, and boys can leave a raised elastic band and a small contrasting lapel.

Knee socks for adults: crochet

French fashion designers have created original mesh socks for adults. The model turned out to be truly stylish, summery and very attractive!

Any craftswoman can create such knee-high socks if she masters the technique of crocheting classic leaves.

In a short video there is a master class on making fragments that can be included in the overall design, and the rest of the space between the motifs can be filled with a mesh based on the principle of Irish lace.

The finished model of mesh knee socks delights all the girls! They are distinguished by elegance, exclusivity and true French chic.

Video: How to crochet leaves

Knee socks for men and women: universal scheme

Warm knee socks with an ethnic jacquard pattern are suitable for girls, women, and respectable stylish men.

The work uses natural yarn of 6 colors from sheep and alpaca wool, and, of course, a working tool - hook No. 4. On сх. No. 1 and No. 2 represent an alternation of shades, and each cell of the pattern corresponds to one loop of the canvas.

The work begins with knitting the toe. A chain of 4 air loops is cast on and closed in a circle, then circular rows are made using single stitches with the addition of: 1p – 6 tbsp. b/n, 2p – 12 tbsp. b/n, 3p - without additions, 4p - 18 tbsp. b/n, etc. There should be a total of 36 stitches in the 10th round.

On a note! For men's sizes 41/43, 12 rows are made with increases of up to 42 columns.

Next, knitting moves to cx. No. 1 and colored threads are included in the fabric. Yarn that is not in use is passed through from the wrong side and hidden between the non-woven stitches. Thanks to this technique, the fabric of the product is dense, double and very warm.

When the foot is ready, you need to knit the heel. To do this, central loops are highlighted on the sole, which are knitted in straight and reverse rows to form a rectangular part. During the knitting process, the side loops are reduced and the heel sits in place.

The final part of the work is the most interesting and easy. According to cx. No. 2 the boot is knitted with changing yarn colors. In circular rows, it is advisable to make unnoticeable additions of loops so that the winter sock fits perfectly on the leg.

Unusual Japanese scheme

And another exclusive knitting pattern from a popular Japanese magazine.

Even beginner needlewomen will understand everything from the drawing! First, the toe is made according to the lower round pattern, then the work smoothly moves to a larger pattern, which shows how to knit a neat heel. And then the work includes an openwork pattern, which, when stretched, looks great on a slender girl’s leg.

Striped knee socks: knitting with sectional dyeing threads

In order to knit fashionable striped knee socks, it is not necessary to change the color of the yarn.

You can take into account the lesson of a handicraft mom who, from one ball of sectional dyeing thread, knitted both chic leg warmers and a magnificent hat. To begin with, the craftswoman made the upper elastic for the volume of the leg, and after joining the part with a neat seam, she moved on to knitting a long boot. I decorated the finished knee socks with flirty bows, and pleased my daughter with fashionable new clothes.

In conclusion, for skillful and diligent needlewomen, an unusual video tutorial, where an experienced craftswoman will tell you how to knit knee-high boots from bright square motifs.

Video: Crochet golf boots

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Knitting panda toys
Panda keychainSize: standing - 7 cm Materials: yarn - 100% cotton Hands and legs move Head (white yarn) 2nd row: 6 inc (12) 4th row: (2 sc, inc) × 6 times (24) 5th row: ( 3 sc, inc) × 6 times (30) 6th row: (4 sc, inc) × 6 times (36) 7-13 rows: 7 rows without change
Openwork crochet knee socks from Drops Design: description and diagram for free
Knitted knee socks have been at the peak of the trend for more than the first winter; fashionistas will not soon forget about them. Therefore, it’s not too late to pick up knitting needles or a crochet hook and knit a warm pair for yourself. Selection of yarn The choice of yarn for hosiery always requires a special
All poems by Agnia Barto.  Poems by A. Barto Everything for everyone
Agniya Barto. Poems for children Agnia Barto began writing from childhood in elementary school. Most of Agnia Barto's poems are written for children - preschoolers or primary schoolchildren. Her poems are easy to read and memorize for children. Barto began writing poems for children when
Oxidizers for hair dye: selection and proportions Dye and activator how to mix correctly
Hair coloring is based on a scientific basis - knowledge of color and chemical laws, the skill of a hairdresser-colorist. Coloring is divided into several varieties, the main ones of which are considered: bronzing; highlighting; balayage; ombre. When blonde