How to remove paint from a paint brush. Every nail artist wants to know how to clean gel polish from a brush. How to wash brushes.

Makeup brushes collect a lot cosmetics, dirt and bacteria, which can cause acne and other skin problems. In order not to spoil your beauty, you should regularly clean your makeup brushes, and most importantly, clean them properly.

How often should you wash your makeup brushes?

Cosmetic sponges need to be washed before applying makeup and immediately after, otherwise foundation will remain in them forever and become the basis of a new life. With brushes it’s a little different. It all depends on the purpose of a particular brush. For example, foundation, concealer, bronzer, powder or blush brushes should be washed at least once a week. But brushes and applicators for shadows or eyebrows - every 3 days, but only if you use them daily. The liquid eyeliner brush should be washed after each use to avoid infection of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which are very sensitive in this regard.

How to do surface cleaning

If you are concerned about the health of your skin or have sensitive skin, you can superficially clean your brushes at least every day. To do this, you will need dry wipes and any spray cleaner for brushes. Antiseptics are also suitable, but they will make the bristles of the brushes a little tougher. Simply spray onto your brush and then wipe until there are no traces of makeup left on the cloth.

How to deep clean

It is impossible to clean the brushes well with napkins, so once a week you need to do a deep cleaning with water. It is important to remember that brushes are fragile, so you should not place the tool under running water with the bristles up, only down, so that the bristles do not fray and fall out. When washing, it is better not to wet the base where the bristles are attached, otherwise the bristles may come off. It is also important to use only slightly warm water so that oily makeup dissolves easily, but the glue that holds the bristles does not.

Gently wet the brush with warm water, pour a little detergent into your palm and lightly spread it over the bristles. Lightly massage the hair and then rinse off.

How to wash makeup brushes

You should always use the correct cleaning product. In professional cosmetics stores you can buy special products for cleaning brushes. If it is not possible to purchase them, then use a foaming facial gel, or, as a last resort, a mild hair shampoo. And in order not to kill germs and bacteria, add 2-3 drops of tea tree, orange or lavender essential oil to the gel while washing. Can also be applied to a brush Coconut oil(this only applies to foundation brushes), it is known for its antibacterial properties. But after this, the brush needs to be rinsed twice with gel.

How to wash your makeup brushes

You can wash your brushes the old fashioned way - with your hands, or you can use special tools. Nowadays there are a huge number of gadgets for cleaning brushes. Moreover, the choice is really huge - from silicone mats, gloves and brushes to special “washes” like Luxe Makeup Brush Cleaner.

Not a single make-up artist can do without them, because gadgets cope with the procedure in 1-2 minutes, while you spend a long and tedious time rubbing a special solution into the fibers.

Dry your brushes on a soft towel; it is advisable to have a separate one for these tools, since you will have to wash your brushes regularly.

A professional is distinguished by refined technique, confident movements and reliable, high-quality tools that are carefully cleaned after work and carefully stored. From surgeon to nail artist. Don't believe me?

A frayed “oak” brush, like a dull scalpel, can ruin the intended design operation and negate all manicure efforts. How to properly clean a working brush from gel polish residue? A practical guide at your service!

Brussels manicurius

The look is simple, the class is creative. Consists of three parts: bristles, clip and handle.

  1. Bristle . Hair can be natural or synthetic. Choose the one that your wallet allows you to take. Artificial bristles are in no way inferior in quality to natural bristles if the brush is made to last. New generation synthetics sometimes cope better with the tasks and are characterized by good durability and strength. The bristles should be soft and elastic; hard and rough bristles will not allow you to apply the polish evenly on the nail and create patterns.
  2. Clip. A funny name for the metal clamp that connects the bristles to the handle. It should be strong and tightly compressed, which will protect the hairs from falling out during work and will not allow the brush to fluff up.
  3. Pen . Doesn't affect anything other than price. Wood or plastic. Status or economy.

The arsenal of a real pro includes a variety of brushes:

  • Wide and medium with an oval tip for base and finish.
  • Thin “needle-shaped” for painting.
  • With a beveled tip to create a French manicure.
  • Fan, flat and many others for Chinese painting, creating a gradient and other whims of fantasy.

Of course, these are general recommendations. Each master decides for himself which form to choose for work. Convenience comes first. Regardless of shape, size or material, brushes must be thoroughly cleaned every time. A real pro knows how to carefully clean any gel polish brush so that it serves faithfully for a long time. Especially if it's expensive.

Washed, washed the chimney sweep clean, clean

A properly selected “brush detergent” is 50% of the success of the cleaning operation. Here is a list of products that can reliably rinse brushes after working with gel polishes and not harm the structure of the pile:

Brush cleaner

Special cleaner for brushes. You can buy it in stores that sell nail art products. Wide range of applications at an excellent price. The cleaner will carefully remove remnants of acrylic, modeling gel, gel polish and will easily help clean nail polish off your brushes. Liquids for washing brushes are offered by Severina, Patrisa Nail, Irisk, Opi, In’Garden, Kinetics, EzFlow, IBD, RuNail and others at prices starting from 100 rubles. for 100 ml. As the volume of the bottle increases, the price decreases. For example, Severina 500 ml will cost only 250 rubles.

2 in 1 products

For example, Brush Cleaner 2 in 1 liquid from Domix 500 ml will remove varnish and acrylic from natural surfaces and brushes for 400 rubles.


A product for degreasing and removing the sticky layer, simply a degreaser, is quite capable of washing off gel paint from a brush. Costs from 50 rubles. for 100 ml.


Many craftsmen use alcohol as a degreaser, which is also suitable for cleaning bristles. The question is what is easier for you to get, alcohol or clinser.

Four optimal options for brush painting. In case of war and the absence of such, the remnants of gel polish can be removed by washing with soap or treating with another detergent. As a one-time event, it’s not terrible, but not on a regular basis.

If you periodically use regular nail polish, then to work with it it is better to buy a set of inexpensive brushes and use regular acetone. The affordable price will allow you to regularly change them without any special expenses.

What you absolutely cannot clean brushes with after gel polish, if they are dear to you as a tool, is acetone. A few applications of acetone and your natural bristles will go in the trash. Never use boiling water for rinsing. After scalding, artificial hairs will “stand on end” and you will have to come up with a new use for them.

Brush SPA program

Whatever cleaning product you choose, the “washing” technique is the same and requires gentleness and accuracy. This is the second 50% of success. Clean your gel polish brushes in a few simple steps:

  1. Pour a small amount of cleaning liquid into a glass container, preferably a flat one.
  2. Using light pressure on the handle, press the brush to the bottom with different sides, washing away the remaining gel polish.
  3. Rinse your brush with water.
  4. Gently blot any remaining moisture between paper towels.
  5. Use your fingers to give the tip its original shape.
  6. Dry the instrument completely and only then store it.

It is better to store brushes in a special case, fixing them in a horizontal position. In this case, the likelihood of moisture getting into the clip is minimal, which is guaranteed to protect against softening of the glue and premature hair loss. When transporting, craftsmen recommend wearing additional caps with air holes.

Before using a new brush, you need to clean it of any remnants of the special factory glue that gives it the desired shape. Beat the lint on a clean paper towel until it softens. If necessary, rinse the bristles with warm running water. The tool is now ready for use.

The mouse ran and waved its tail...

The brush with gel polish rolled and fell directly under the rays of the curing lamp. It hardened and upset the owner. Don't be upset, all is not lost yet. The patient can be resuscitated:

  1. Soak the brush in the cleaner for 15 minutes, keeping it in a vertical position.
  2. Place the bristles on a flat surface and, using a little pressure, give it a fan shape.
  3. Armed with an orange stick, gradually remove the softened particles of gel polish.
  4. Then do the same - rinse with water, blot, shape, dry and hide.

Have an educational conversation with the mouse on the topic of running in the wrong place.

No no and one more time no!

If a tool is expensive and you want to extend its service life as long as possible, then never:

  • Take your time when cleaning.
  • Don't press too hard on the brush.
  • Don't curl your hair.
  • Do not immerse the brush in a bottle of cleaner; use a separate container.
  • Do not leave it floating freely in the glass, the bristles may become deformed. If you need to soak, be sure to fix the vertical position, in which the bristles do not reach the bottom.
  • Do not soak the instrument for more than 15 minutes. Soaking too long and too often will make your hair brittle.
  • Do not rub the lint on the napkin, just blot it.
  • Do not put the cap on wet bristles, there is a high risk of damage.
  • Do not use “blind” caps without air access.
  • Do not cut the pile at the root, otherwise the brush will begin to crumble. If you want to trim a few fibers, then leave a couple of millimeters at the base.
  • Do not use a rough surface as a palette, this will cause the lint to wear out.
  • Do not leave brushes in the sun or bright light.

Watch also the video about brush care:

Perhaps that's all. For creating beautiful manicure It is important not only the master’s ability to hold the instrument in his hands, but also the condition of the instrument itself. Now you know how to properly clean your gel polish brush to maximize its service life. A high-quality, soft, elastic brush will work properly for many years. Handle the instrument with care and precision, like a man in love with the lady of his heart. Take care of your brushes! Gorgeous patterns to everyone!

Inspect the brush. If you used a brush to apply oil-based cosmetics, then a soap solution will not be enough to clean such a brush. You will first need to use a small amount of oil to dissolve any remaining makeup residue (especially if it has been on the brush for a long time).

Drop a little oil onto a paper towel. Fold a paper towel in several layers and drip oil onto it. You can use refined olive or almond oil. Dip the bristles of the brush into the oil and spread it around. Do not soak your brush in oil. Using gentle strokes back and forth across the towel, remove any oil-dissolved dirt from the brush.

Wet the bristles of the brush with water at room temperature. Make sure that the tip of the brush is facing downwards in the direction of the water flow. Try not to get the bristles wet near the metal band that secures them to the handle. This can cause the metal to rust and the glue inside the bandage to dissolve. Hold the bristles under running water until you have removed most of the remaining makeup from the brush.

  • Do not use hot water as it may damage the bristles.
  • Squeeze some baby shampoo into your palm. If you don't have baby shampoo on hand, you can use liquid Castile soap instead.

    • Do not put the soap away, as you may still need it. Often the brush needs to be washed several times in a row.
  • Using a brush, spread the soap onto your palm. Dip the bristles into the shampoo in your palm. Begin to gently smear it with the brush in a circular motion. The bristles should constantly touch your skin. Soon you will notice how dirty the shampoo becomes. This is due to the fact that old cosmetics begin to move away from the bristles of the brush.

    Rinse the brush with lukewarm water. When rinsing, use your fingers to gently knead the bristles to rinse out any shampoo. Again, be careful not to get the area where the bristles join the brush handle wet. Continue rinsing the brush until the water running off the brush runs clear.

    • If the brush is very dirty, it may need to be washed several times. If you notice that the water dripping from the brush is cloudy, rub the soap into it a second time and rinse again. Continue lathering and rinsing the brush until the water running off the brush runs clear.
  • Blot excess water from the bristles and adjust their shape (if necessary). Once the water runs clear, stop rinsing your brush and gently wrap a towel around the bristles. Use your fingers to squeeze out excess water using a towel. Remove the brush from the towel and adjust the bristles if necessary. To do this, squeeze, pull it, or fan it out. Try to recreate the original shape of the brush as accurately as possible.

    There are not many people in our country who can boast that they have never renovated a house or apartment on their own. And, although now it is possible to hire a team of specialists for this, most still prefer to do the repairs themselves.

    At the final stage of repair, the time comes for finishing work, among which painting work is an important and crucial stage.
    But today we are not talking about them, but about the tool with which they are produced - brushes.

    Some people leave the brush in a jar of water or solvent, but this leads to the fact that, under the influence of its own gravity, the brush sinks deeper, while the bristles bend and the brush loses its original shape. This, of course, leads to a loss of its functionality, because it will no longer be possible to straighten the stubble later.

    Therefore, there are no options - the brush must be thoroughly cleaned. For this you will need:

    • solvent;
    • rag or paper towel;
    • soap (preferably laundry soap);
    • a container into which you can immerse the brush deeply enough.

    Cleaning occurs in the following order:

    Pour the solvent into the container, lower the brush into it and thoroughly “soak” the pile.

    1. Then take out the brush and wipe it thoroughly with a rag or towel.
    2. Next, you need to thoroughly lather the bristles with soap and rinse under running warm water.

    Repeat all these operations until the brush is completely clean.

    Please note that each paint requires its own solvent. If, for example, they are adhesive or water-soluble, then oil solvents require mineral solvents. Information about them can be found on the label of the paint can.

    Solvents usually have a very pungent odor, so it is better to wash the brush outdoors or at least on the balcony.
    After cleaning is completed, the brush should be left to dry with the bristles up or hung loosely on a nail with the bristles down (usually there is always a hole on the handle of the brush).

    Other ways to clean brushes

    There are other methods for cleaning brushes that are not used as often, but also lead to good results.

    Washing the brush with fabric softener is used when the paint has not yet completely dried. To do this you need:

    1. Wipe off excess paint from the brush using paper or a rag.
    2. Mix warm water with a small amount of conditioner - this solution loosens the stubble.
    3. Rinse the brush in the solution until you see that the paint begins to slide off it.
    4. Then you can rinse the brush with warm water and evaluate how well it has cleaned.
    5. If necessary, repeat the steps until the result is achieved.
    6. Then rinse the brush with water and set to dry.

    There is a way to clean old dried paint from brushes. To use it you will need regular table vinegar:

    1. Vinegar is poured into a container and the brush is placed in it for about an hour. Check to see if the paint has softened. If not, then leave the brush in vinegar for another hour.
    2. Then pour the vinegar into an old saucepan, place a brush in it and bring to a boil on the stove. Boil for a few minutes.
    3. Then take out the brush, cool slightly and comb with a steel brush or an old fine comb.
    4. We repeat the steps until all the paint comes off the bristles and is removed with a comb.
    5. We wash the brush in running water and set it to dry.

    If the brush is stained with oil paint, then to clean it for washing dishes:

    1. Wipe the brush with a cloth or paper.
    2. Pour some into your palm.
    3. Then turn on the warm water and, placing your palm with the product under the tap, twirl the brush on it.
    4. Rinse the brush and, if there is still paint on it, repeat all steps until the desired result is achieved.

    It is clear that you cannot wash a large brush this way; this method is good for small brushes on which the paint has not yet completely dried.

    What else can you use to wash your brushes?

    To clean brushes from oil paint, you can use not only solvents, but turpentine, white spirit, kerosene, acetone. When using all of these substances, gloves must be used to protect the skin of your hands.

    In order to wash acrylic, use a special product – paint remover. Removers can be both universal and intended for use with a specific paint. You can buy them at a hardware store. When using a wash, it is necessary to protect not only your hands, but also your respiratory organs, and preferably your eyes.

    There is another one in the arsenal of cleaning products for brushes - “Universal Cleaner”. It can be purchased in departments that sell radio components.

    It is intended for degreasing surfaces, but also with acrylic paints, since it contains alcohol and gasoline.

    After the brushes are washed, it is necessary to soften the bristles. Various cosmetic lotions or hair conditioners are used for this. They are simply applied to your fingers and gently rubbed into the hairs of your brush. After this, the brushes are almost like new and ready for use again.

    - the first rule of a makeup artist. And brushes (regardless of brand and price range) only work well if they are cleaned regularly. And this is the second rule of a makeup artist, which for some reason we often forget.

    We hope you wash your brushes at least once a month (and if not, you'll probably want to wash them right now). But this can and should be done with skill. Byrdie asked five famous names to talk about brush techniques and ways to extend their life, and we present you with a brief summary of the topic.

    “I clean my makeup brushes with a special spray after each use. In addition to this, I deep clean them every 1-2 weeks, depending on how often I use them. I do this right in the sink: fill it with warm water, I add conditioner and leave it for five minutes to let the bristles soak. Then you need to take a dark towel and thoroughly wipe each brush.

    The towel is ideal for cleaning as it is slightly textured, which allows you to get rid of even stubborn stains. It's best to dry brushes on a clean surface in a dry place - for example, right on your bedside table."

    Florrie White, Clinique Color Expert

    “I take my brushes home after work and wash them with Fairy in warm running water. Moreover, it should be Fairy Platinum detergent - only it can cope with stubborn makeup and ensure the proper degree of cleaning. If I need to clean my brushes during shooting , I use an express product in spray format.

    After the “big wash”, I lay out the brushes on a dry cloth, but so that the wet tips do not lie on it, but hang in the air. If the room is cold enough, they can be placed on a radiator or heater to speed up the process. Important point: If you dry your brushes upright, be sure to dry them before placing them in the jar. This is necessary so that the water does not gradually dissolve the glue, which presses the brush itself to the handle."

    Nick Chapman, co-founder of Real Techniques

    “I always apply a deep cleansing gel to my brushes, then massage each brush under running warm water for a few seconds. The bristles should be pointing down during this time so that the water does not destroy the glue that holds it to the wooden or plastic handle.

    After this, the brush must be rinsed, blotted with a towel and sent to dry. On another towel, regular or paper. When it comes to cleaning sponges, the principle is the same: except that I usually lather the sponge well and squeeze it hard several times to remove dirt and excess water.

    Here's another pro life hack: if the shade just won't come out of your brush or sponge, use a small amount of makeup oil to get a perfect finish."

    Sarah-Jane Froome, International Makeup Artist, BareMinerals

    "I always use a small amount of shampoo-conditioner, which I thoroughly but gently lather into the fibers of the brush. Don't rub too vigorously - this can shorten the life of the brushes. Then you need to rinse the brush under warm water to remove any remaining shampoo, and gently squeeze it out, being careful not to damage the shape.

    If we're talking about a film set, I always carry a cleaning spray with me and use it after each model so that dirt does not accumulate and is easier to remove. I also make sure to shampoo these brushes, but only in the evening when I get home.”

    Sarah Brock, Hollywood makeup artist

    “I first spray my brushes with a cleansing product and then wipe them with a cloth to remove any excess makeup. The next step is a full cleaning with a special product that you add to a bowl of water and place any brushes that need washing in there.

    Finally, I rinse them in warm water using Tea Tree Oil Makeup Remover from Australian brand Bodycare. It has an antibacterial effect and makes the brushes softer, so I can safely leave them on the table or windowsill to dry overnight. That's the whole secret."

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